Classification of economic means by sources of education and purpose. Economic assets of the enterprise and their classification Types of economic assets of the enterprise


The composition of the economic assets of the enterprise is determined by the content of its activities. But for each enterprise to carry out effective economic activity, it is necessary labor resources, real estate, equipment, materials, cash, etc. In accounting, the economic assets that an enterprise has are called assets .

Depending on what economic assets the enterprise has and how they participate in the production cycle of the enterprise, they are classified according to their composition and location.

According to the composition, the assets of the enterprise are divided into current and non-current assets (Fig. 1.6).

current assets - these are funds that are constantly in the current process of circulation of funds and move from the sphere of production to the sphere of circulation.

By placement, current assets are divided into assets that are used:

  • in the sphere of production, these are objects of labor: materials, raw materials, components, spare parts, fuel, inventory, tools, etc. These funds, as a rule, are used in one production cycle and fully transfer their value to the cost of manufactured products;
  • sphere of circulation - goods, finished products in warehouses and shipped to the buyer, cash, securities, funds in settlements, etc.

Non-current assets - these are expensive means of labor that are used not in one, but in several production cycles, and also have a long period of use (more than one year). Non-current assets include fixed assets and intangible assets.

fixed assets - these are the means of labor associated with the production of products, the performance of works and services that serve for a long time and have a value of more than 10 thousand rubles. for a unit. Fixed assets include buildings, structures, working and power machines, equipment, measuring and control instruments and devices, tools, vehicles, computers, etc. Fixed assets gradually, as they wear out, transfer their value to the cost of finished products in the process of depreciation , they, as a rule, do not change their material form during operation.

Rice. 1.6. The composition of the economic assets of the enterprise

Intangible assets - these are funds that do not have a material form and physical properties, but can be used for a long time and bring income to the enterprise. Intangible assets include intellectual property copyrights, rights to use computer programs, databases, patents for inventions and know-how,

industrial designs, trademarks and signs, business reputation of the company, etc. Intangible assets, like fixed assets, gradually transfer their value to the cost of production in the form of depreciation charges.

Fixed assets and intangible assets, as well as current assets, can be used:

  • in the field of production - workshop buildings, machine tools, computers, industrial designs, etc.;
  • sphere of circulation - warehouse buildings, vehicles, warehouse accounting programs, etc.

Fixed assets and intangible assets make up the production base of the enterprise.

Classification of sources of formation of economic assets

All economic assets that the company already has or is about to acquire have been or can be obtained from any sources, own or borrowed funds, such as bank loans. Therefore, depending on what are the sources of receipt of economic funds, they are divided into own and attracted, i.e. borrowed (Fig. 1.7). By analogy with economic means, which are called assets, the sources of formation of these funds are called liabilities.

To own sources formation of economic assets include all types of capital, profits and reserves.

Three types of capital can be formed at the enterprise: authorized, reserve and additional.

Authorized capital is mandatory for all businesses. It is formed at the expense of the contributions of the founders who create this enterprise, and for budgetary organizations - at the expense of funds allocated from the budget. Contributions of the founders can be made not only in the form of Money but also in the form of any property. The authorized capital is the initial start-up capital of the enterprise.

Reserve capital usually generated from the company's own profits. It is a kind of enterprise reserve and is necessary for various kinds of unforeseen circumstances, for example, to cover losses due to accidents, natural disasters, etc.

Additional capital is formed due to the increase in the value of the enterprise's property during operations not related to production activities. Additional capital funds are used to increase the authorized capital or can be directed to settlements with the founders.

Rice. 1.7. The composition of the sources of formation of economic assets

Profit - the main source of formation of own economic means of the enterprise. The profit that remains at the disposal of the enterprise after the payment of taxes is directed to the replenishment of economic assets, the development of production, settlements with the founders and other purposes.

reserves are created at the enterprise at the expense of profit or the inclusion of costs in the cost of finished products. Reserves are intended to cover losses, for example, in the event of depreciation of securities, as well as to repair fixed assets, etc.

Borrowed or, as they are also called, involved sources economic assets are, first of all, short-term and long-term loans provided to the enterprise by banks, or loans received from legal entities, as well as the obligations of the enterprise to other organizations or individuals, for example, to suppliers, the budget, employees of the enterprise, etc.

For the implementation of economic activities, each organization must have certain funds. The amount of funds, the nature of the use depends on the type, scope of the organization's activities.

Accounting considers the economic means of any organization from two points of view; on the one hand, you need to know what types these funds consist of, in what area they are located (production, trade, etc.), on the other hand, you need to know from what sources this property was acquired or formed. For example, to start entrepreneurial activity, capital is required, own or borrowed.

Economic means of the organization - commodity- material values and funds, both belonging to the organization, and temporarily or permanently outside its ownership. They are an asset of the organization and are classified by composition: non-current and current assets.

  • materials (raw materials, materials, fuel, spare parts, inventory, containers, etc.);
  • animals for growing and fattening (young animals, adult animals, birds; rabbits, families of bees, etc.);
  • reserves for depreciation of material assets;
  • procurement and acquisition of material assets;
  • deviation in the value of material assets;

2. Production costs - expenses for the ordinary activities of the organization (except for sales expenses):

  • main production - production costs, the products of which were the purpose of creating this organization;
  • semi-finished products of own production;
  • auxiliary production - the costs of production, which are auxiliary (auxiliary) for the main production of the organization;
  • overhead costs - expenses for servicing the main and auxiliary production of the organization;
  • general business expenses - expenses for management needs that are not directly related to the production process;
  • marriage in production;
  • service industries and farms - costs associated with the release of products, performance of work and provision of services by service industries and farms of the organization.
  • output of products (works, services);
  • goods - inventory items purchased as goods for sale;
  • trade margin;
  • finished products;
  • sales expenses associated with the sale of products, goods, works and services;
  • goods shipped - shipped products, the proceeds from the sale of which for a certain time cannot be recognized in accounting, as well as finished products transferred to other organizations for sale on a commission basis;
  • completed milestones for work in progress.
  • cash register;
  • settlement accounts - funds in the currency of the Russian Federation on the settlement accounts of the organization opened in credit institutions;
  • currency accounts - funds in foreign currency on the organization's currency accounts opened with credit institutions in the territory Russian Federation and beyond;
  • special accounts in banks - cash in the currency of the Russian Federation and foreign currencies located on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad in letters of credit, check books, other payment documents, on current, special and other special accounts;
  • transfers on the way sums of money paid to the cash desks of credit organizations, cash desks of post offices for crediting to the settlement or other account of the organization, but not yet credited for the intended purpose;
  • financial investments - investments of the organization in government securities, shares, bonds, as well as loans provided to other organizations;
  • provisions for depreciation of investments in securities.

An economic transaction (from the Latin operatio - action) characterizes individual economic actions that cause changes in the composition, location and sources of formation of property. At the same time, economic transactions may affect only the property of the organization or only the sources of its formation, or at the same time both property and the sources of its formation.

Property (raw materials, fixed assets, etc.), liabilities and business transactions are expressed in monetary terms by summing up the actual expenses incurred. The property of an economic entity, its obligations, the sources of formation of this property (own, borrowed, etc.), business transactions are objects accounting. Non-current and current assets basically consist of movable and immovable property and various types of receivables.

The current activity of an organization is possible if it has a certain amount of own and borrowed funds, the ratio of which depends both on the type of its activity and financial stability. The cost and natural-material composition of economic assets is determined by the specifics of the production activity of the organization, which is based on three economic processes:

procurement (supply) - the acquisition of various types of inventory items necessary for production and economic needs and the sale of goods;

production - the fulfillment of the main task of the organization - the manufacture of products, the provision of services;

sale - the implementation of contractual obligations to customers and buyers, and the proceeds from the sale of products, work performed and services rendered are credited to the current account.

As a result of accounting for the procurement and production process, by comparing planned and reporting indicators, savings or overruns are revealed, and in sales accounting - profits or losses. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure control over the presence and movement of property, the use of material, labor and financial resources; provide complete and accurate information; identify intra-production reserves and use them effectively.

Characteristics of the accounting method

The totality of all the techniques and methods by which the accounting reflects the movement and condition of economic assets and sources of their formation. It includes the following techniques and methods, which are commonly called elements of the accounting method: documentation and inventory, valuation and costing, accounts and double entry, balance sheet and reporting.

Documentation- a written certificate of the completed business transaction or the right to perform it. Every business transaction is documented. The document serves not only as a basis for recording transactions, but also as a way of primary observation and registration of them. Documentation serves the purposes of control, allows for documentary checks, and ensures the safety of property.

Inventory- a way to check the compliance of the actual availability of economic funds in kind with accounting data.

Grade- the way in which economic assets receive monetary value. The assessment of the economic assets of each economic entity is based on their actual cost, due to which its reality is achieved.

To manage an organization, it is necessary to take into account all the costs of its maintenance, and not only the amount of each type of cost, but also their total amount related to a particular object, i.e. the cost of accounting objects is calculated. The cost of accounting objects is calculated using the calculation used to control the amount of costs.

For constant monitoring of the economic processes of the organization, the state of the funds and sources of their formation, it is necessary to continuously take into account all business transactions at individual stages, as well as in the context of individual groups and types of economic assets. In accounting, such a reflection of economic means and processes is carried out by monitoring the changes that occur with various types of property and sources of its formation, for all the costs incurred in a particular economic process.

The economic grouping of accounting objects, which makes it possible to obtain the indicators necessary for the current monitoring of economic activity, is provided by the system of accounts, since the information available in the documents gives only a fragmented description of the accounting objects. Accounts in accounting allow you to group and obtain generalized characteristics of accounting objects.

The reflection of business transactions in the system of accounts is carried out using a double entry, the essence of which lies in the interconnected reflection of various phenomena caused by business transactions. This method of records reveals their economic content, allowing a deeper study of the economic activity of the organization.

Control over the entire set of objects in accounting is carried out by comparing economic assets with the sources of their formation, the so-called balance generalization.

The balance generalization is characterized by the equality of the total amount of types of funds and the sum of the sources of their formation, which remains constant. Balance generalization allows to carry out strict control over the availability and use of funds of any economic entity.

The results of economic activity, as well as the specification of individual balance indicators are contained in the reporting. Accounting reporting - a unified system of information about financial position business entity for a certain period of time. There are a number of requirements for reporting as an element of the accounting method:

  • reliability - reporting must contain reliable data on the property and financial situation;
  • integrity, which should cover all business transactions without exception, including those in its branches, representative offices;
  • comparability, i.e. maintaining consistency in the content and forms of reporting;
  • sequence - comparison of the data of the reporting period with the previous ones:
  • reporting period - the period for which the reporting should be prepared;
  • registration - reporting must be drawn up in Russian and in the currency of the Russian Federation, signed by the head of the organization and the chief accountant.

Business assets of the enterprise is a complex of fixed, current and cash assets, including cash on hand, as well as funds in settlements, diverted funds and other receivables. The sources of the listed economic assets are the authorized capital of the enterprise, the net profit remaining after taxes, credits and loans, debts to suppliers and other accounts payable.

Depending on the composition and location (nature of use), economic assets are divided into:

  • non-current (fixed capital)
  • current assets (working capital).

Non-current assets of the organization

Fixed assets include:

  • intangible assets,
  • fixed assets,
  • Construction in progress,
  • profitable investments in material assets,
  • long-term financial investments,
  • Deferred tax assets,
  • Other noncurrent assets.

Intangible assets- these are objects of long-term use that do not have a physical basis, but have valuation and income-generating: objects of intellectual property ( exclusive rights inventions, industrial design, utility model, computer programs, databases, trademark and service mark, appellation of origin, breeding achievements, etc.), as well as business reputation and organizational expenses. Like fixed assets, intangible assets do not transfer their value to the created product immediately, but gradually, as they are depreciated.

fixed assets- these are the means of labor used in the production of products, the performance of work and the provision of services for more than one year. They are used in various areas of application of social labor (material production, commodity circulation and non-productive sphere). Fixed assets are involved in the production process for a long time, while maintaining their natural form. Their cost is transferred to the created products not immediately, but gradually, in parts, as they are depreciated.

Construction in progress- these are the costs of the organization for construction and installation work, the purchase of buildings, equipment, vehicles, tools, inventory; expenses for design and survey, exploration and drilling, etc.).

Profitable investments in material values- these are investments of the organization in a part of property, buildings, premises, equipment and other valuables that have a material form, provided by the organization for a fee for temporary use in order to generate income.

Long-term financial investments- all types of financial investments of an organization for a period of more than one year: investments in subsidiaries and affiliates, in the authorized (share) capital of other organizations, in government securities, as well as in loans granted to other organizations.

Deferred tax assets- that part of deferred income tax, which should lead to a decrease in income tax payable to the budget in the next reporting period or in subsequent reporting periods. A deferred tax asset arises when the moment of recognition of expenses (income) in accounting and tax accounting does not coincide.

Current assets of the organization

current assets(working capital) consist of:

  • material working capital,
  • Money,
  • short-term financial investments,
  • funds in accounts.

Inventory- these are raw materials and materials, special clothing, fuel, containers, purchased semi-finished products, components, spare parts, work in progress, animals for growing and fattening, deferred expenses, value added tax on acquired values, finished products and goods for resale, goods shipped to buyers.

Cash are formed from cash balances in the cash desk of the organization, on the current account and other bank accounts.

Funds in settlements include various types of receivables, which are understood as debts of other organizations or persons of this organization.

Debtors are called debtors. Accounts receivable consists of the debt of buyers for products purchased from this organization, the debt of accountable persons for the amounts of money issued to them under the report, etc.

Current assets are reflected in the second section of the asset balance.

Topic 1.2. Classification of economic assets by composition and location and by sources of their formation.

When studying this topic, students need to study how economic assets are classified according to their composition and location, and according to the sources of their formation.


1. Classification of economic assets by composition and placement.

2. Classification of economic assets according to the sources of their formation.

Question 1. Classification of economic assets by composition and placement

To carry out any type of activity, the enterprise must have the appropriate funds. For example, buildings, structures, equipment, materials, money, etc. These funds, which are in the enterprise during the implementation of a particular type of activity, change all the time. They either increase (funds are received, produced) or decrease (funds are spent, sold, shipped).

business transaction- an action or event that causes a change in the structure of assets or liabilities, equity enterprises.

The subject of accounting is economic activity enterprise, consisting of individual business operations.

Accounting object is primarily the economic means of the enterprise and the sources of formation of these funds. In this case, the source of the formation of economic means is understood as a method of obtaining one or another means.

When understanding the method of accounting, it is necessary to clearly understand the difference between the sources of the formation of funds and the funds themselves.

The enterprise for work must have economic means (assets).

Assets Resources controlled by the entity as a result of past events, the use of which is expected to result in future economic benefits.

All economic assets are divided into 2 groups:

1. Non-current assets

2. Current assets

Part not current assets include primarily:

v intangible assets (IA). These are non-monetary assets that do not have a material form, can be identified (separated from the enterprise) and are held by the enterprise for the purpose of being used for a period of more than one year (or one operating cycle if it exceeds one year) for production, trade, administrative purposes, leasing to others. Intangible assets include rights to use natural and water resources, trademarks, trademarks, licenses, rights to use industrial and intellectual property.

v Fixed assets (OS) tangible assets that an entity holds for the purpose of being used in the production or supply of goods, providing services, leasing to others, or for the performance of administrative and socio-cultural functions, the expected useful life of which is more than one year (or operating cycle, if it is longer than one year) and worth more than 40,000 rubles.

Property worth less than 40,000 rubles. refers to inventories.

Attention: From January 1, 2016, fixed assets will include property worth more than 100,000 rubles.

OS includes: buildings, structures, transmission devices, machinery and equipment, vehicles, working and productive livestock, perennial plantings.

v Profitable investments in material values . In order to generate income, an organization may acquire property, buildings, premises, equipment and other valuables that have a material form and provide other organizations for a fee for temporary use (temporary possession and use).

v Long-term financial investments (investments).

Financial investments: state and municipal securities, securities of other organizations, including debt securities, in which the date and cost of redemption is determined (bonds, bills); contributions to the authorized (share) capital of other organizations (including subsidiaries and affiliates); loans granted to other organizations, deposits in credit organizations, accounts receivable acquired on the basis of the assignment of the right to claim, etc.

Long term investments are those, which are purchased for a period of more than 1 year, as well as all investments that cannot be freely realized at any time.

v Long-term accounts receivable.

Accounts receivable- These are the obligations of buyers or other counterparties of the business to the enterprise.

To long-term includes debt with a maturity of more than 1 year from the balance sheet date.

current assets include cash and cash equivalents that are not restricted in use, as well as other assets intended for sale or consumption during the operating cycle or within 12 months from the balance sheet date.

Current assets include:

v Stocks , which include raw materials and materials, components, purchased semi-finished products, fuel, work in progress (WIP), finished products, goods.

v Current (short-term) accounts receivable with a maturity of up to 12 months from the balance sheet date.

v Cash - this is cash in the bank, including foreign currency accounts on demand deposits, as well as cash on hand.

Cash equivalents are financial investments that are freely convertible and are not subject to changes in their value (letters of credit, checks).

v Short-term (current) financial investments are included on the condition that they are not marketable and are expected to be realized within a period not exceeding 12 months.

Assets are also Future expenses . These are expenses that occurred in the current reporting periods, but relate to future periods. (subscription to periodicals, rent paid in advance, etc.).

Conclusion: This classification underlies the construction of the balance sheet and is its asset.

Task 1. Make a grouping of accounting objects according to their composition and location, and according to the sources of education.

Table 1 - assets (property) and liabilities of the organization as of 01.01.200 (rub.)

Name of funds and sources

Amount, thousand rubles


1. Company office

2. Main materials

3. Production equipment

4. Finished products in stock

5. Workshop buildings

6. Cash on hand

7. Authorized capital

8. Long-term bank loans

9. Patents

10. Work in progress

11. Money in the current account

12. Reserve capital

13. Advances from accountable persons

15. Buildings and equipment of warehouses

16. Social Fund

17. Short term loans banks

18. Other debtors

19. Debt to the budget for taxes

21. Other creditors

22 Fuel

23. VAT on acquired valuables

24. Payroll arrears

25. Equipment for installation

27. Other materials

29. Purchased components

table 2

Grouping assets by composition and location

Asset group

No. according to Table 1

1. Non-current assets

Fixed assets, including:

Company office

Production equipment

Workshop buildings

Warehouse building and equipment

Intangible assets

Construction in progress and equipment to be installed

Capital investments in progress

Equipment for installation



II. current assets

Reserves, incl.

Basic materials

Finished products in stock

Unfinished production

Other materials

Purchased accessories

Cash, incl.

Cash on hand

Money in current account

Accounts receivable, incl.

Advances from accountable persons

Other debtors

Buyers' debt for shipped products

VAT on purchased assets





Table 3

Grouping of assets by sources of formation (liabilities)

Asset group

No. according to Table 1

Subgroup or individual types of assets

1. Own

Capital and reserves, including:

Authorized capital

Reserve capital

Social Sphere Fund

Retained earnings of the reporting period



long term duties

Long-term bank loans

Short-term liabilities

Short-term bank loans

Short-term liabilities, incl.

II. Borrowed

Indebtedness on deductions for social insurance and ensuring

Other creditors

Payroll debt

Debts to suppliers for acquired material assets




2. Identify the types of changes in articles in the balance sheet for business transactions shown in table 4.


1) change in active accounts: decrease and increase in active accounts

2) change in the asset and liabilities of the balance sheet: decrease in assets and decrease in liabilities;

3) change in the asset and liability of the balance sheet: an increase in assets and an increase in liabilities;

4) change in passive accounts: a decrease in liabilities and an increase in liabilities.

Table 4

Item change type in the balance sheet

Workshop building put into operation

Accepted invoices of suppliers for material assets received at the warehouse

Accounted for VAT on supplier invoices

Paid from the current account of the organization invoices of suppliers and contractors

Received cash from the bank and credited to the cashier

Wages paid from the cash desk, temporary disability benefits

Unpaid wages deposited

Accrued wages to the organization's staff for January

Disability benefits accrued

From accrued wages withheld by personal income tax

3. Compose balance sheet and identify the overall change in the balance sheet total

01 Fixed assets

08 investments in non-current assets

10 Materials

19 "VAT on acquired valuables"

20 "Main production"

50 Cashier

51 "Settlement accounts"

60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors"

68 "Calculations for taxes and fees"

69 "Calculations for social insurance and security"

70 "Settlements with personnel for wages"



Operation number


Operation number


76 "Settlements with different debtors and creditors"

Table 5

Reduced balance sheet of the organization

Jan. Changes (+-)

I. Fixed assets

fixed assets

Intangible assets

Capital investments in progress

Equipment for installation

Section 1 Total

II. current assets


Finished products in stock

Unfinished production

Cash, incl.

Cash on hand

Money in current account

Accounts receivable, incl.

Advances from accountable persons

Other debtors

Buyers' debt for shipped products

VAT on purchased assets





III / Capital and reserves, incl.:

Authorized capital

Reserve capital

Social Sphere Fund

Retained earnings of the reporting period

Total for Section III

IV. long term duties

Long-term bank loans

V. Current liabilities

Short-term bank loans

Short-term liabilities, incl.

Tax debt to the budget

Debt on contributions to social insurance and security

Other creditors

Payroll debt

Debts to suppliers for acquired material assets




The change in the balance sheet total for January is a decrease of 619,600 rubles.

Kondrakov N.P. Accounting: Tutorial. - M.: INFRA-M, 2007.

Tags: Grouping of economic assetsaccounting objects
Type of work: Control work