Federal pension fund number. Contacts and addresses. The main tasks that the Fund solves



Issues related to pensions are of concern to many. And regardless of whether the person has retired or is still working. Taking into account the fact that legislation tends to change, it is not always possible to keep track of all innovations on your own, which reduces confidence in the future. However, getting all the information of interest is actually simple, because there is a hotline that allows you to call the pension fund directly, thanks to which everyone can talk with specialists on questions of interest without leaving home. In addition, this authorized body has developed other methods of communication that are aimed at providing information support to the population.

What will the hotline phone tell you about the pension fund?

Personal appeal to the offices of the Pension Fund require time and effort, which is not always convenient not only for working people, but also for pensioners. However, from time to time there is a need to get professional help. Now you can do it at no extra cost in the comfort of your own home. For this it serves hotline the pension fund of the Russian Federation, the telephone number of which is the same for the whole country:

Contact center specialists will answer all questions related to pension provision, obtaining SNILS, payment maternity capital and many others. Please note that information about the personal data of a citizen is confidential information and can only be obtained at the district office at the place of residence.

It should be noted that the telephone hotline that allows contacting the pension fund is free of charge for all subscribers.

Official website of the Pension Fund

In today's world, the vast majority of people developed countries actively use the Internet. Therefore, any organization that wants to keep up with the times should have its own website, no matter what area its activities belong to. Such government agency how Pension Fund not left out. It is the developed and smoothly functioning site www.pfrf.ru that allows it to promptly inform citizens about the changed legislative acts. The current information that is published on the official website clearly sets out the basic information that everyone should know. The created database of materials explains many points, which eliminates the need to contact the institution once again, thereby facilitating the work of its employees. Users emphasize that the site is constantly being improved and becomes even more convenient for finding information in a short time, and even the most inexperienced user can figure it out. Turning to an electronic resource eliminates the need to waste time in queues in order to get to a specialist.

Opportunities offered by e-services

In addition, the Pension Fund has developed a number of remote services. In order to use them, just visit the special tab " Electronic Services". They offer users the following options:

  • make an appointment for a personal appointment;
  • send a formal request;
  • order the execution of the necessary documents.

For organizations, it is of interest to be able to download the necessary software products that are required to generate the required reporting and to make contributions to the Pension Fund. Also here you can find programs aimed at ensuring the legal rights of workers. A detailed directory allows you to quickly find contact information for any department of the fund.

It is generally accepted that the Pension Fund was created for pensioners, works only with pensioners and manages pensions. This is not true. Every citizen of our country who has worked at least one day and who received insurance premiums falls into the scope of the PF. Insurance premiums credited to a personal retirement account.

This document collects materials on hours worked, wages, insurance premiums. The data is needed by the pension authorities to assign a pension.

According to the latest data, we have more than 42 million pensioners in the country and millions receiving social benefits. And all of them are also clients of the FIU. The statement that the FIU employees “sit there and wipe their pants” is unfair. Each of us, when it comes to hard-earned money, believes that something was missed and something was not given to him. Many simply did not understand and. And during the period of indexation of pensions, employees are simply not up to working with documents. Each of us got into a situation where a PF employee, sorting through your documents, simultaneously answers questions on the phone.

Call center "hot line"

In order to relieve the employees of the Pension Fund, not to distract them from answering general questions, a “hot” telephone line was created.

The line promptly accepts any number of incoming phone calls and sms, processes these calls around the clock and provides customers with the information they are interested in.

All incoming calls are answered by call center operators. They will listen to your question, provide advice and, if necessary, connect you with an FIU specialist. The hotline allows you to exclude situations where the client cannot get through to the PF due to the line being busy. As practice has shown, after the launch of the project, this is one of the most popular ways to get a prompt answer to a pressing question.

For example, more than 3,000 calls from citizens are received daily by the hotline in Moscow and the Moscow Region. Call center specialists process over 450 calls daily from residents of the Belgorod region. The phone is not silent in other regions.

True, not all questions asked within the "hot" line are within the competence of the call center employees. They are limited by the Federal Law "On State Social Assistance" dated July 17, 1999 N 178-FZ.

They cannot answer a question containing personal data (about the amount of pension paid, the amount of indexation of your pension, etc.). Such questions should be addressed to the client service of the district office of the PFR at the place of residence. Your personal question will be answered with an article of the law or explanations of how your problem can be solved.

Questions and answers on the "hot line"

All questions can be divided into the following topics:

  1. Calculation and indexation of pensions. Sample questions: Documents for the recalculation of the childcare pension. Recalculation of pensions for working pensioners. Increase in pension for children born before 1990
  2. Formation of a pension. Examples of questions: Which survivor's pension is greater - social or labor. Waiver for the period of child care. .
  3. Benefits and social payments. Sample questions: Documents for retirement care allowance. Retirement supplement for dependents. Receipt non-working pensioners- "Northerners" compensation for expenses in connection with moving to a new place of residence.
  4. . Sample questions: How to get and what to spend. Is it possible to issue to the father. Is it possible to apply for guardianship.
  5. The procedure for obtaining the insurance number of an individual personal account in the system of compulsory pension insurance. Sample questions: Whether to issue SNILS for a child. .
  6. Transfer to a private management company or. Sample questions: List of non-state PFs. Phones of organizations. Documents on transition. What to do if transferred pension savings without your consent to another PF.
  7. Indexation of the insurance pension in 2019.

Call center employees

Behind the term "hot line" is the work of the employees of the Department who are responsible for multi-channel lines. All specialists, as a rule, with higher education, have passed the compulsory training program. Psychologists state that not everyone can withstand this kind of work. Communication with people requires emotional stability, restraint, and sometimes patience, so all candidates undergo preliminary psychological testing and selection.

AT official duties these professionals include: listen to the appeal, answer questions in detail and in an accessible language, if necessary, dictate information under the record, since older people call more often.

Close contact between citizens and the FIU

The hotline specialists not only answer calls, unloading employees of other divisions of the Pension Fund, but also maintain close contact between citizens and the Pension Fund.

It is from them that the management of the Pension Fund first of all learns about the claims of clients to the work of the entire structure. They call here with complaints if there is a delay in payment social benefit or it was not paid in full. Many such calls from guardians and large families. It is possible to report violations committed by territorial PFs, negligence, facts of bribery. As a rule, the PF responds quickly to such complaints and quickly resolves the most difficult problems. Close contact with the population makes it possible to make the necessary adjustments to the operation of the system and improve the pension reform.

Management is answering the phone

Now there is a practice when, through the "hot" line, answers to questions from citizens are given by the head of the territorial branches of the Pension Fund, and even the central office. Most recently, in mid-March, for example, Maria Yuryan, head of the Center for the Payment of Pensions, answered the questions of the residents of Karelia for two hours.

The main issue: indexation of pensions for working pensioners after they stop labor activity. The answer was given: in accordance with the law that came into force in 2019, after the pensioner stops working, the full amount of the pension, taking into account all indexation, will be paid for the period from the 1st day of the month after the dismissal, but not immediately, but three months after the termination labor activity.

Similar meetings of the leadership of the Pension Fund and the population by telephones of the "hot" line were repeatedly held by the leaders of other regions.

Keep in touch with the Pension Fund!

You can get in touch with the Pension Fund through the official website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, where you can learn a lot of interesting things about the current pension reform, download samples of the forms you need. On the same site you will also find the hotline number: 8 800 302 2 302 .

The call is free for citizens residing in the territory Russian Federation, persons residing outside its borders will have to pay for the call according to the established international billing.

An Advisory Center has been created on the website of the RF PR, in which the most common questions are collected and answered, and it is possible to fill out and send your request using a special form online. But this is for those who are used to using the Internet.

We must always remember that the Pension Fund works for us, serves our money, and we have the right to apply there with any problems, and they are obliged to solve them.

Often there is a situation in which you need to quickly contact the support service of the organization or leave a complaint and feedback, in this case you need to call the hotline. In this article you will find out the free telephone number of the Moscow Pension Fund hotline.

About company

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is a state institution dealing with compulsory social security. It was founded on December 22, 1990 by the Decree of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR No. 442-1 “On the organization of the Pension Fund of the RSFSR”.

As a state non-budgetary fund of the Russian Federation, the PFR was created for the state management of the funds of the pension system and ensuring the rights of citizens of the Russian Federation to pensions. The PFR budget is approved by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation separate law along with the adoption federal budget RF. PFR budget share in Russian GDP is 10.8% - for income, and 10.2% - for expenses. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation pays pensions to over 40 million pensioners and social benefits for 20 million beneficiaries, maintains personalized records of the pension rights of insured persons - for over 128 million Russian citizens.