How to find out your UIN for paying taxes. What is UIN: UIN details on the receipt. When UIN is not used


When transferring financial contributions to the tax office or to another budget structure, it is mandatory to register the UIN. His should be displayed in accompanying payment .

The formation of this indicator is carried out exclusively by payment administrators - budget companies that are direct recipients of funds.

Thanks to the UIN can be fully determined any type of payment to the domestic budget. As for the need to use this value, it arose not so long ago.

The official law regarding the mandatory display of a universal identifier in payment documentation entered into legal force on February 4, 2014.

The UIN was originally provided for the field displaying the purpose of the payment. However, after a while, this position was adjusted and, starting from the end of March 2014, the universal identifier must be displayed in the “Code” field of payment documentation.

Additionally, it is worth remembering that the presence of a universal identifier in budget payment documents is mandatory.

To be able to more clearly understand the UIN, you should first understand the decoding of the abbreviation.

The definition of “UIN” means a kind of unique identificator, according to which the calculation is carried out. In other words, the indicator in question is something like a standard serial number for various types of payments to a budget company.

You can understand the terminology in more detail by considering the contents of the identifier details.

In particular, it includes:

  1. First three digits are intended exclusively for the direct payment administrator. It is also called the code of the head of the executive authority, in other words, the specific recipient of the payment.
  2. Fourth digit implies an identifier. Today it is not used, so the indicator is standard and displayed as “0”.
  3. From the fifth to the twelfth digits This means a personal payment number or, in other words, the index of the document itself. It is formed according to the principle of the so-called information connection in the role of an index of a document of the previous version.
  4. twentieth digit is nothing more than a control block, which is determined by a specially developed algorithm.

It is worth additionally noting that a UIN index can only be identical if it includes 20 digits.

To be able to separate the UIN numbers, it is used sign "///", which is displayed exclusively after the numeric code.

Despite the need to indicate the UIN, this does not mean that it should always be displayed. It is binding only during the process of assigning it to the payee.

Where and in what cases to indicate

The need for mandatory display of UIN in payment documentation concerns exclusively full-format payment orders.

In other words, when a separate order is intended exclusively for the transfer of only one payment and at the same time all necessary documentation details are indicated without exception.

Generally speaking, the standards for displaying UIN in payment orders directly depend on the nature of the funds transfer. This means a voluntary order or upon request.

If there is a voluntary fact of transfer, the “Code” field in the documentation in question displays the value “0”. Moreover, the “Code” field in question cannot remain empty.

In turn, banking software includes special settings that prevent payments from being missed in the absence of the appropriate code.

If the payer makes all the necessary contributions at the request of certain government bodies, then the identifier will be automatically assigned by representatives of this body when generating a payment request. For this reason, if financial resources are transferred to the fund or to the tax office, then a unique code is indicated in the request sent by officials.

If for some reason the unique code is not included in the payment, “0” must be entered, as in the case of a voluntary payment.

Where exactly should it be displayed?

As noted earlier, financial institutions established the need to display a unique accrual identifier back in 2013. Moreover, they often referred to the general Letter of the Ministry of Finance dated March 2013.

Despite the fact that this was intended exclusively for participants in the state payment system, that is, financial institutions, and not the clients themselves, most legal entities still preferred to display the UIN to minimize the risks of various inconsistencies with banking representatives.

In turn, payers displayed its presence in the appropriate field "Purpose of payment".

It is worth noting that the code was displayed immediately after the text block, which was approved by Regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 383-P of June 2012. If the UIN was not known, then “0” was entered. Moreover, in the period from January to March 31, 2014, the UIN was displayed in the field relatively first.

Concerning "Code" fields, then this indicator was not displayed in it. Starting from March 31, 2014, Bank of Russia Directive No. 3025-U regarding the rules for filling out the “Code” field has gained legal force.

From this period, the concept of “UIN” was formed. In other words, it should be entered in the “Code” field if the indicator was assigned directly by the payee himself.

However, in parallel with this, Appendix No. 2, in particular paragraph 12, and Appendix No. 4, paragraph 7 to Order No. 107, clearly indicate the fact that in the “Code” field UIN must be displayed.

Based on this, we can conclude that UIN and UIP have the same indicators.

What code must be specified?

There is no need to search for UIN in any lists of classifiers, since they do not exist in principle. It is important to understand that the UIN is a unique code, which automatically entails the absence of repetitions.

Regularly, in the process of any cash payments to the budget, the recipient of the profit must assign a unique value. Where can I get it during the process of generating a payment order?

If representatives of the tax inspectorate or the fund have formed a requirement for the need for payment, then you can see if this documentation contains 20 digits unique code number or not. If it is available, it becomes necessary to indicate the indicator in the “Code” field; otherwise, “0” is entered.

In the process of forming a tax payment from an individual, he himself compiles this type of documentation on the official portal of the tax service. Moreover, the UIN is assigned automatically.

You can create it using a special service, which is located on the official portal of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation

In such a situation, the document index is assigned automatically by the software. The specified service on the official portal is called “Fill out a payment order”.

You can find it on the right side of the main page of the portal of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation. Its main purpose is to assist individuals in creating a payment order for the transfer of funds to the country's budget.

When generating the payment in question using the software, the following information must be provided.

Tax service code of the Russian Federation, municipalityIf the payer remains unaware of which municipal institution he is on the balance sheet of (more precisely, his legal address), then the corresponding field does not need to be filled out. If it is known, after entering the address, the OKATO code is generated automatically
Type of paymentThis means cash or non-cash payment
What type of payment?If payment is made in cash, then “0” should be indicated, otherwise “NS” should be indicated.
Payer statusYou should select the most suitable one from the proposed list
On what basis is the future payment formed?For payments of the current calendar year, you should enter “TP” (current payments); for the tax period, “GD” is displayed (meaning the annual reporting period)

After all the main fields have been generated, the payer will be able to activate an additional (next) function with the name “Fill in payment identification”.

Moreover, it will be necessary to provide information regarding:

  • full initials of the payer;
  • full address;
  • banking institution and the payer's account number, including the BIC of the financial institution (if we are talking about a non-cash form of payment);
  • the amount of funds to be transferred.

Upon completion of specifying all the necessary information, payment documentation will be automatically generated in Form N PD. You will need to print it out and then make a payment.

It is mandatory to enter the UIN only when the payment is made at the request of directly the representatives of the tax inspectorate themselves or the funds.

In the process of voluntary transfer of funds, the payer’s UIN is absent. In such a situation, the payment will be identified by checkpoint and TIN. Moreover The “Code” field remains blank.

Additionally, it is important to remember that the UIN must be displayed exclusively in payment documentation intended for government agencies. In payments for other companies, the fact of its mandatory display is not provided.

The UIN in 2018 for an individual is simply transferred from the tax notice received at the registration address or to the personal account on the Federal Tax Service website


Using the UIN number, you can automatic accounting paid taxes, insurance premiums and other payments to the country's budget.

All necessary information regarding payments is transferred directly to the GIS GMP. The terminology hides the Information System of State and Municipal Payments.

If an incorrect UIN is entered, the system has every reason not to identify the payment. In other words, the obligation to make a payment will be considered as unfulfilled.

This can lead to such consequences, How:

  • formation of debt obligations of the company to the budget and various funds;
  • continuation of accrual of penalties;
  • the emergence of a need for and determination of its future fate;
  • receipt of funds to the budget or other funds with a significant delay, which may automatically entail penalties.

Based on this, we can conclude that the presence of any errors in the process of generating a payment order is unacceptable, since it is likely that not only additional capital will be spent, but also time.

Current payments

When paying current tax bills and insurance payments, which are calculated independently, there is no need to display the UIN. Based on this, there is no need to display information about it in field 22.

Representatives of the tax office will identify such received money transfers by TIN, KPP and other types of payment details. In other words, a UIN is not required.

Additionally, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the UIN should not be displayed in the process of paying arrears (this means a fine and other monetary sanctions), which was calculated independently. In other words, if there is no requirement from representatives of the tax service, the Pension Fund or social insurance.

In the process of making all current payments without exception, in the corresponding field 22 “Code” it will be enough to enter the value “0” (based on the Letter of the Social Insurance Fund of February 2014). Moreover, quotes are not used, only the value 0 is sufficient.

If, during the process of transferring funds, “0” is displayed in the corresponding field, then financial institutions must necessarily execute such payment orders without any additional requirements regarding filling out the “Code”, and if information regarding the payer’s TIN is provided.

However, it is important to remember that It is unacceptable to leave the field empty, since in this case the payment order will not be accepted by financial institutions.

Companies are allowed to display both a universal identifier and an INN at the same time in payment documentation. If the universal identifier is unknown, then it is possible to enter information exclusively using the TIN. However, in this case they should also display the value “0” in field 22.

For individual entrepreneurs

Persons who belong to the category of individual entrepreneurs, lawyers, notaries, and so on, in the process of generating payment documentation without fail must display information regarding the TIN or universal identifier.

If both of the specified details are not displayed, the financial institution will refuse to transfer funds.

In other words, the principle is this:

  1. If an individual entrepreneur displays a personal INN in the payment documentation, then “0” is entered in the corresponding field 22 “Code” instead of the universal identifier.
  2. If, on the contrary, information regarding the identifier (UIN) is indicated, then there is no need to compulsorily enter personal TIN information.

On practice rarely when there are situations where misunderstandings arise regarding payment documentation, in particular regarding the issue of displaying information regarding the universal identifier. This is largely due to the fact that representatives of the banking institution always thoroughly check the payment, thereby minimizing the risks of payment for the wrong purpose.

A webinar on how to correctly draw up a payment order to the tax office is presented below.

Filling out the receipt is a responsible matter. Due to one error, typo, or typo, the payment may not go through or the funds may be sent to another address. Fixing this is long and tedious. Therefore, when filling out, all points of the form must be immediately clear to the payer. One of the incomprehensible moments for many is the UIN on the receipt. What is this? We will answer this question and a number of equally important others below.

What is this - UIN on the receipt?

The abbreviation UIN stands for: unique accrual identifier. Usually this is a digital combination of 20-25 numbers. It became mandatory not so long ago - in 2014. After the Decree of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the UIN became a mandatory component of receipts of form 0504510.

What is it for? Both for accurate and fast sending of the payment itself, and identification of the payer. UIN significantly simplifies the money transfer system. After its introduction, the number of unexplained payments significantly decreased: fines, customs, tax fees, etc.

The UIN is used only by institutions that receive a large number of money items of various types. These are the traffic police, the Federal Tax Service, large educational institutions, etc. For example, in universities and schools, it determines each student.

The UIN is intended more for shipments by private individuals. Individual entrepreneurs and LLCs do not need to look for or indicate this number when transferring tax payments to the state budget.

Identifier structure

What is this UIN on the receipt? The identifier is not a random set of numbers - each character (or group of characters) in it performs a specific role.

As an example, let’s look at the structure of the UIN for a common payment - a traffic police fine:

  • The first three digits are the code assigned to the manager. For the traffic police, for example, this number is 188.
  • The fourth character identifies the organization accepting the payment. In the case of the road inspection - 1.
  • The fifth digit is the purpose of payment. For example, the penalty will be indicated by one.
  • The sixth to seventh characters are the number when the protocol was issued.
  • The remaining numbers are the serial number of the issued protocol or resolution.
  • The last character is a check number.

Thus, the whole combination allows you to learn a lot about the payment and direct it to the desired flow.

Where is it required and where is it not?

We all know what UIN is on a payment receipt. Now let's find out when it should be indicated and when it shouldn't.

There are a number of exceptions from the table. Let's consider them further.

Exceptions and particulars

Having learned that this is the UIN on the receipt, let’s move on to discussing specific points:

Document index

If you pay a state fee, then the UIN will be equivalent to the “Document Index” section of the receipt - both in the number of characters and in meaning.

The formation of an index combination follows the same principle as a unique identifier:

Where to find the ID

UIN receipt number - where can I find it? Usually this information is immediately indicated in the document that is provided to the payer for payment. As for the receipt, this is a special section - “Document Index”. You should look for it at the very top of the standard payment form.

Let's consider special cases:

  • For those who pay a fine from the traffic police, the digital UIN combination is indicated in the resolution. Check - it's always a 20-digit code.
  • Budget organizations indicate it strictly in column 22 of their payment documents.

If you have any doubts about the UIN in the receipt for kindergarten or “payment” for medical services, then the best thing to do is contact the recipient organization itself to clarify the unclear point. In particular, the accounting department will definitely give you the answer.

But employees of banks and other credit institutions where payments with UIN are accepted do not have any information about the accrual identifier. After all, it is formed only in the institutions themselves where you are going to transfer the payment. So we should go to the cashier already armed with this information.

Where to indicate this number

If you enter the UIN in a tax receipt or payment order, then the identifier must be indicated in the “Purpose of payment” column. However, not only numbers are written. First, the abbreviation UIN, followed by a 20-digit number combination without spaces.

If you don't know the ID number combination, don't leave it blank! In this case, your payment may simply get lost and not reach the addressee. Therefore, if the UIN is unknown to you or you doubt its correctness, it would be most correct to put 0 (zero) in the line for the identifier.

If something is wrong...

Let's consider cases when there are some problems associated with the UIN number on the receipt:

  • The document with payment data has been lost. If you do not have a form with information about the UIN on hand, then when filling out the payment order in the “Code” line, enter “0” (zero) yourself or ask the cashier about it.
  • The number specified is incorrect. In this case, you need to write a letter, a statement indicating the correct details, which should be sent to the organization that accepted your payment. If it really did not reach the addressee (and a check will be carried out regarding this), then there is only one solution - to return the money to you. However, in the case of state duty, you will have to transfer this amount again. Only after this will the erroneous shipment be returned to you.
  • The code is not identified by the system when sending a payment. In this case, you should check the correctness of the entered UIN. If everything is correct, then contact the organization that provided you with the details for the receipt for an explanation of the problem that has arisen.

UIN is a specific digital combination for quickly identifying a payment. Such numbers are used by organizations that receive a large number of a wide variety of money transfers. These institutions are obliged to provide UIN to their payers.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

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Using the UIN, payments are made to both business enterprises and individuals. Having a unique accrual identifier when paying taxes ensures that they are immediately sent to exactly the right place.

What is UIN

A unique accrual identifier is required when taxpayers make payments. The Russian Treasury approved the UIN by Order No. 19n on November 30, 2012.

Since its introduction into the everyday life of taxpayers in 2014, the UIN had to be used every time payments were made. Why was an individual digital payment code entered in a special column of the taxpayer’s declaration?

Who assigns UIN to organizations

An identifier is assigned for each individual operation by the budget administrator. According to the original idea of ​​the Treasury, all payments recorded in the GIS should have a UIN, but not all budget recipients have so far been concerned about this.

The tax service indicates the identifier on the request for repayment of debt, fine or penalty. The code consists of 20-25 characters and is the UIN of the corresponding payment. This ID should be transferred to the payment details.

If the payer fills out a document for payment at a Sberbank branch, the identifier is not indicated. Only standard data for an individual is entered: last name, first name, patronymic, identification code, registration address or actual place of residence.

When the question arises about where to get a UIN, the most logical answer that comes to mind first is the tax service. Indeed, it is the Federal Tax Service that is responsible for creating a unique accrual identifier. True, simply coming to the branch and asking for the required code will still not work, since the need to have it does not exist for every payment transfer and not to all organizations.

As was briefly mentioned earlier, today a unique accrual identifier for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities is indicated only when paying penalties and interest. So, if you are wondering: where to get a UIN, just look at the requirement for the need to pay off fines.

Individuals also receive a unique accrual identifier along with a notification to make a payment.

When filling out a payment order, enter the code (that you received in the payment request) in the designated field No. 22. Since the code is quite long, you should try to enter it as compactly as possible, reducing the size of the characters you enter. Not everyone is able to do this, so if your unique accrual identifier does not fit into one cell, the Bank of the Russian Federation has allowed you to use the adjacent one so that all characters are entered legibly.

Don’t waste your time trying to find an identifier in reference books or on the Internet, the code is unique for each individual payment document and you can get a UIN only if the tax service generated it and gave it to you in the form of 20-25 digits on a payment order.

Which organizations assign UIN to pay payments?

Currently, it is considered mandatory to indicate the UIN in payment orders of the Federal Tax Service (FTS), the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR), the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation (FSS), and the State Road Safety Inspectorate (STSI).

However, the use of the identifier is not limited to the above organizations. Increasingly, you can find UIN in payments from kindergartens, schools, higher educational institutions and medical institutions. If the code is not indicated in the payment order from the organization, you can ask the company’s accounting department about the possibility of obtaining it.

If you need to make a payment that should be sent to a commercial organization, then the problem called “how to obtain a UIN” does not exist for you in this situation. Since the code was created exclusively for payments sent to the Russian budget.

Who needs to know the UIN when making payments?

Most often, individuals pay their payments using a unique identifier. For complete peace of mind and confidence, they wait for notifications and pay the required amounts “for sure.” In the case of individuals, you can also generate and print the required receipt on the Federal Tax Service website. We remind you that this only applies to payments intended to budget organizations.

The situation is somewhat different with individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. Since they generate and calculate most of their payments independently, they are not assigned a UIN. Identification of such payments is made using other details.

In their case, the UIN is used only when paying fines, debts, state duties, etc.

If the UIN is not available, but you need to make a payment, you still cannot leave cell No. 22 empty. In this case, instead of a unique identifier, the number “0” is entered there (without quotes, of course).

Entering the UIN into a payment order should be taken very seriously and carefully. Otherwise, this may result in:

  • the payment will not go to the right place and the taxpayer will have a new debt to the state budget;
  • Failure to receive a payment at the required time using the required details will result in new penalties;
  • in order to return the paid funds, you will have to spend time and nerves to find where they went;
  • the legal deadlines for receipt of payment will be violated.

Final provisions

The requirements of the law, especially when it comes to paying taxes, should be fulfilled on time and very carefully. After all, the consequences of the most minimal violation can be very unpleasant.

Entering the UIN into a payment order should be taken very seriously and carefully.

Finally, a few nuances that are worth considering when working with UIN:

  1. Be sure to note that the UIN is assigned individually to each individual payment, which is why it is “unique”. Therefore, even if you are going to make several payments at the same time, indicate its personal code for each.
  2. The unique accrual identifier code is not necessarily numbers; it often also contains Latin characters.
  3. Of course, a UIN is not just a random set of characters, so if you don’t know it, under no circumstances enter the characters “out of your head.” Just put “0” in the cell.


The UIN (unique accrual identifier) ​​in the payment order has been indicated since February 4, 2014. The UIN is formed by budgetary institutions themselves and is used to unambiguously determine each receipt and payment to the budget of the Russian Federation. Used when transferring funds to tax, customs and other budget authorities.

The requirement to indicate the UIN attribute in a payment order was put into effect by Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 107n dated November 12, 2013 (registered on December 30, 2013).
Order 107n comes into force 10 days after official publication. On January 24, 2014, Order 107n was officially published in the Russian newspaper.
Accordingly: from February 4, 2014, the requirement to indicate the UIN in the payment order in the payment purpose field comes into force;
from March 31, 2014.

Please note that the requirement to indicate the UIN in the payment order applies to separate, full-format payments. In simple words - when one payment is made for one payment order, all the necessary attributes of the payment order are filled in. For consolidated payment orders, the method of transmitting the UIN in the information message ED108 is defined. In the ED108 registry format, a special “code” field is allocated for transmitting the UIN, which allows you to transfer data to the GIS GMP system.
The UIN in the payment order is indicated at the beginning of the “Purpose of payment” detail. The keyword “UIN” comes in front, followed by the meaning of the UIN itself without spaces. The UIN itself consists of 20 characters. In total, the keyword “UIN” and its meaning make up 23 characters: the first three characters in capital Russian letters are the label “UIN”, from 4 to 23 the meaning is UIN.
In order to separate the UIN from the rest of the information placed in the payment purpose field, three slashes “///” are placed after the UIN.
The figure below shows a sample UIN indication in a payment order, where “UIN188104N71CA213934ZZ1///” is entered in the payment purpose field

UIN of tax authorities

The UIN for tax authorities is equal to the document index. You can consider the index of the Federal Tax Service document and the UIN as one concept. When you receive a receipt from the Federal Tax Service, issued in a regular manner by the tax office itself or generated independently on the tax point ru website, the document index can be seen on the receipt. When drawing up a payment order to the Federal Tax Service, the tax payment requirement is also indicated by the UIN.
For example, the UIN in the Federal Tax Service payment order will look like: “UIN12345678901234567899///”.

UIN traffic police

The traffic police UIN is formed on the basis of two attributes of the protocol number (resolution) and the date the protocol was issued, and the value of the UIN itself is calculated using a certain algorithm. Since 2013, traffic police departments began to produce receipts that print the already calculated UIN of the traffic police. The traffic police UIN may contain alphabetic characters of the English and Russian alphabet. Because of this, problems may arise when entering this attribute, because The spelling of some letters of the Russian and English alphabet is the same. In order to highlight English letters, they began to be underlined.
An example of a traffic police receipt with UIN in the figure below

Based on this example of a receipt, the UIN in the payment order addressed to the traffic police will look like this: UIN18810TE2160754866///.

UIN of other budget recipients

The UIN for many budget recipients has not yet been determined. In the event that the UIN value is not known. In the payment purpose field until March 31, 2014, and then a zero value is entered in field 22 “Code” of the payment order.
For example: for a zero UIN in a payment order, the purpose of payment field should be indicated as follows:

Below is an online service that allows you to indicate the UIN in a payment order and generate a document indicating this code. The advantage of this service is checking the validity of the UIN value. By calculating the check digit, it is determined whether the UIN has the correct value or not. In case of an error, a message will appear on the screen that the check digit does not match, in which case it is necessary to clarify the value of the UIN. This service is also convenient in that each field is equipped with an interactive hint for filling out. After you press the Prepare button, a link to download the payment order with UIN in pdf format will appear.

When accepting payments, bank employees ask you to indicate your UIN. Lack of value may prevent payment from being processed and funds will be returned to the applicant.

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What are the features of the UIN number on a payment receipt in 2020? When paying various payments through a bank, it is sometimes necessary to indicate a unique identifier in the payment order.

At the same time, many payers do not know what and how to write in the document, leaving the corresponding field empty. What features of the UIN on a receipt in 2020 do you need to know about?

What you need to know

When paying taxes, state duties, fines and other similar payments, you must indicate the UIN.

As a rule, banks refuse to accept payment documents without this value, and the terminal requires you to specify the value when entering data.

According to the legislator, the details should help in determining the purpose of the payment. Since 02/04/2014, rules have been in effect requiring that when transferring payments to the budget, it is necessary to indicate the UIN.

The UIN looks like a digital code, but for each individual payment the value will be unique. There are no tables where you can see the necessary details.

You can only obtain the required value from the direct recipient of the payment. At the same time, the UIN can be called differently. It is for this reason that problems often arise when payers do not know what to indicate.

Basic Concepts

UIN stands for unique accrual identifier. The value is 20 digits separated from other information by “///”.

Each code symbol has its own interpretation:

The code is set by the body that acts as the recipient of the payment. Moreover, the formation of the UIN occurs automatically and the value will be unique for each individual payment.

Therefore, you cannot invent a code and indicate any numbers in order for it to be accepted. In this case, the payment simply will not reach the addressee and will be considered not completed.

In some cases, if you don’t know the code, you can specify the value “0”. Sometimes the UIN may contain letters of the Russian or Latin alphabet.

In this case, English letters are highlighted or underlined so as not to confuse them with Russian letters.

What is his role

The need to indicate the UIN is due to the need for the correct distribution of payments.

Bank and treasury employees, based on the specified value, determine for whom the payment is intended and to whom it should be transferred.

This is why the code is unique for each operation. But the need to indicate the UIN does not mean that a code is required for any payment through the bank.

This detail applies only to payments administered by government agencies and budgetary organizations. That is, the code is needed to pay municipal and state bills.

Specifying the UIN simplifies the system of budget charges and fees. By using the identifier, the number of unidentified budget revenues is reduced to a minimum.

That is, by correctly indicating the UIN value, the payer can be sure that the payment will arrive exactly as intended.

Legal basis

For the first time, the UIN code was approved as a payment information. At that time, the abbreviation stood for “universal accrual identifier.”

The order came into force on January 24, 2014. As the requisites were applied, amendments were made to the legislative norms.

So, from February 4, 2014, the UIN was indicated in the “Purpose of payment” field, and from March 31, 2014, the value is entered in the “22” field. Since March 31, 2014, UIN stands for “unique accrual identifier.”

The need for mandatory indication of UIN arose after the formation of the GIS GMP system.

When paying tax

When you need to indicate the UIN when paying tax, the required value must be looked at in the document index.

But for identification, the payer must indicate the TIN. The bank does not have the right to require the indication of the UIN, provided that it is filled in with the symbol “0” when the TIN () is indicated.

Organizations can indicate both UIN and Taxpayer Identification Number. If an individual entrepreneur indicates a TIN, then the UIN is not required.

Payment of state duty

Payment of the state duty depends on the presence/absence of a receipt. If the payer received a document for payment at the place of application, then the UIN is indicated in it as “Document Index”.

It is enough to duplicate the value in the payment order. But more often the fee is paid before contacting the authorized bodies and before submitting documents.

In this case, there is nowhere to get the required code. When paying independently, as well as when paying current payments, “0” is written in field 22.

If you leave the “Code” field completely empty, the payment will not be accepted. Sometimes, when paying through a terminal, it is not possible to pay the state duty by specifying the UIN equal to “0”.

In such a case, the field is left completely empty and then the “enter” key is pressed. The system accepts this input option as an indication of “0”.

For kindergarten

When paying for the services of a preschool educational institution, you also cannot do without a UIN. The bank will refuse to accept the payment, and if they do, it will be returned later due to the impossibility of identifying the recipient.

The peculiarity of payment for kindergarten is that payment requirements are usually not set. Parents only know the date by which payment must be made and the amount of payment.

To obtain a UIN when paying for, you should contact the institution’s accounting department. Here the payer is given a unique number.

In this case, the content of the code also includes the serial number of a particular child. This means that you do not need to obtain a UIN for each payment.

Once you know the code, you can use it to pay all subsequent payments. When a payment arrives at the institution's account, the accountant will immediately see it. Which child was paid for?

Payment for a child’s education in a paid school is carried out in the same way. A unique code is assigned to each student for whom payment is made.

Payment for housing and communal services

When paying for housing and communal services, you also need to correctly indicate the purpose of the payment. However, payments are accepted from management companies, that is, the funds are not intended to be included in the budget.

The management company distributes the payments received to pay suppliers, house needs and other expense items.

Identification of payments for housing and communal services is carried out on the basis of the subscriber’s personal data and a unique barcode.

If payment is made through terminals equipped with a scanner (Sberbank), then it is enough to bring the receipt to the reading device.

Video: barcode on a receipt

If payment is made through a bank, the personal account assigned by the settlement center and indicated on the receipt must be indicated as an identifier.

Traffic police fines

When paying traffic fines, you can find out the UIN from the document on the basis of which the fine was imposed. A unique identifier is generated from the following parameters:

  1. Protocol serial number.
  2. Date of execution of the protocol or order.

In this case, each digit of the resulting value has its own meaning:

Thus, based on the code, you can accurately determine for which fine the payment is being made.

And given the procedure for forming the value, the payer does not need to know the UIN when paying a traffic fine.

If there is a resolution, the payer himself or a bank employee can generate the required number.

In what cases is the code not needed?

It is not always necessary to indicate the UIN. It is described above that a code is not required when paying current payments.

Thus, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities independently calculate the amounts of tax payments based on tax returns.

For example, legal entities are paid. The budget classification code (BCC) is used as an identifier, which is written in field 104 of the payment order.

When individuals pay the amount of property tax on the basis of a tax notice generated by the Federal Tax Service, the index of the document in the tax receipt is the UIN.

Basic rules that you need to remember regarding UIN when making payments to the budget:

  • the “Code” field cannot be empty and if there is no UIN, “0” is entered;
  • You can find out the UIN from the payment request or directly from the payee;
  • when indicating the INN and/or KBK, the digital value of the UIN is not required for payment.

The general purpose of the UIN code is to identify the payment. But at the same time, an accidental error in the digital value will not lead to arrears.

Authorized bodies identify the payment using other details - TIN, KBK, treasury account. The absence of a UIN if other details are available will not interfere with the payment.

But by specifying a unique identifier, you can be sure that the payment will go through as quickly as possible and will not fall into the category of unknown payments.