Multi-storey residential building relevance of the topic. Course work: Multi-storey residential building. Reliable construction of apartment buildings


Sheet 1: façade 1-9.

Sheet 2: first floor plan.

Sheet 3: typical floor plan.

Sheet 4: section A-D.

Sheet 5: floor plan.

Sheet 6: roof plan.

Sheet 7: node A, canopy above the entrance.


The large-panel building system has advantages in efficiency and speed of construction. The disadvantages were the low possibility of redevelopment and the architectural inexpressiveness of the residential development.

Currently, most panel buildings no longer meet the requirements of building heating engineering, in particular, regarding the resistance of the outer wall to heat transfer. In order to save money, many tasks underwent reconstruction in order to increase the value of the heat transfer resistance coefficient, which consisted of insulating the external walls of the building with effective materials, as well as replacing windows and balcony doors, which helped reduce the heat loss of the building. This project examines a method for reconstructing a building in order to increase the coefficient of resistance to heat transfer.

1. Initial data for design

The project is a reconstruction project for a two-section, 5-story, 36-apartment residential building in Irkutsk. The project is being developed on the basis of an assignment issued by the TIArch department.

1.1 Brief description of the natural and climatic conditions of the construction site

Place of construction - Irkutsk

Construction climatic region - 1B

Temperature of the coldest day (probability 0.92) - 24.3°C

Temperature of the coldest five-day period (probability 0.92) - 36°С

Period with average daily temperature< 8°С: продолжительность 240 суток

Wed temperature - 8.5°C

Snow region - V

Predominant wind direction: December-February - SW

June-August - W

Standard soil freezing depth -

The terrain is flat, groundwater levels up to 10 m are not found

1.2 Brief description of the building

Building class - II

Durability degree - II

Fire resistance degree - II

Functional fire hazard class - F1.3

Estimated temperature and humidity in the premises.

Living rooms - 21 °C

Kitchens - 18 °C

Bathrooms - 25 °C

Bathrooms - 18 °C

Staircases - 16 °C

2. Space-planning solution

A 9-storey 36-apartment residential building with a basement and a cold attic. The building is rectangular in plan and distance in axes: 1-8 - 27 m, A-E - 12 m. This building is one-section. The total height of the building is 29.66 m, the height of the floor is 3 m, the height of the basement is 2.9 m. The orientation of the building is meridional. The entrance to the building is through a double vestibule. Communication between floors is carried out using a flight of stairs and an elevator.

The entrance to the basement is from the staircase. Entrance to the apartments is from the landing through the corridor.

The layout of the apartment is made taking into account the principle of functional zoning of premises: living rooms are separated from the kitchen and bathroom in the hallway.

In 2-room apartments, the common and individual areas are combined, in 3-4-room apartments they are separated from each other. The summer premises area is represented by balconies. Balconies and loggias are located from the 1st to 9th floors.

2.1 Calculation of TEP

Construction volume: 42x14.4x19.4 = 11733.12 m3;

Construction area: 14.4x42 = 460.8 m2

Apartment area:

2-room: 13.06 + 3.68 + 7.30 + 19.58 + 3.16 + 4, 20 = 50.98 m2;

2-room: 9.71 + 4.20 + 4.20 + 3.68 + 4.74 + 9.60 + 23.40 = 59.53 m2;

3-room: 17.57 + 4.20 + 8.26 + 9.71 + 3.68 + 10.65 + 4.20 + 4.94 + 2.96 = 66.17 m2;

4-room: 17.57 + 8.26 + 8.43 + 10.13 + 9.60 + 3.68 + 4.20 + 5.87 + 4.20 = 71.94 m2.

Building area: ((50.98 + 59.53 + 66.17 + 71.94 + 24.85 (landing)) x2) x5 = 2734.7 m2

3. Design solution

3.1 Design and system

The structural design of the building is a wall design with load-bearing longitudinal and transverse walls and supporting floor slabs on four sides. The spatial stability of the building is achieved by connections between vertical and horizontal elements.

3.2 Foundation

The building has a pile-free foundation. The floor slabs rest on reinforced concrete piles through the caps. The space above ground level up to the ceiling of the first floor is covered with basement panels.

To protect against precipitation, a blind area 1100 mm wide is constructed around the perimeter of the building, made of asphalt concrete using crushed stone preparation.

3.3 External walls

Three-layer panels 300 mm thick are used as the outer wall. The outside of the panel is finished with a layer of waterproof concrete 25 mm thick, and the inside is

a layer of cement-sand plaster 15 mm thick. During the reconstruction, insulation was carried out with semi-rigid mineral wool slabs, 230 mm thick, followed by the installation of a ventilated facade. The final wall thus looks like:

The horizontal joint of the panels is platform. The vertical joint is closed. When joining panels, connections of the “loop-bracket” type are used. Such joint designs ensure tightness and heat resistance of the joint.

3.4 Internal walls and partitions

Reinforced concrete panels with a thickness of 160 mm are used as internal walls. The joints of the internal panels are fastened with ties and sealed. The panels are made of lightweight concrete grade no less than 100 and 180 mm thick. The load-bearing capacity of panels in the area adjacent to vertical joints is increased due to structural reinforcement. Sound insulation of panels is ensured by their thickness, sound insulation of the joint area is ensured by inserting panels and slabs into the joints by at least 50 mm and installing concrete or mortar dowels. Elastic gaskets are inserted into the mouth of the joint.

The partitions are made of gypsum concrete slabs of room size: single-layer inside the apartment and double-layer with a soundproof air layer between the apartments.

3.5 Floors

For the flooring in this project, flat reinforced concrete slabs 160 mm thick made of concrete grade of at least 200 are used. To form the spatial rigidity of the building, the floor slabs are connected to each other and to the load-bearing walls by steel ties, which are welded to sling loops and reinforcement outlets. The slabs have horizontal channels with a diameter of 25 mm for hidden electrical wiring, as well as openings for ventilation units measuring 840x270 mm

The attic floor is similar to the interfloor floor with the exception of the floor structure.

3.6 Roof

This project provides for a warm attic roof without rolls with a slope of i = 0.053. Insulated roofing reinforced concrete panels with a thickness of 360 mm are used as covering slabs.

Waterproofing of the coating is carried out by factory applying a layer of waterproofing mastic to the upper surface of the slab.

Tray panels are used to drain water from the coating. The drainage of the building is internal and organized, carried out by collecting moisture from the coating into tray panels, then through drainage funnels through pipes into the sewer system. Funnels are located one per section in the middle tray panel.

3.7 Stairs and elevators

For communication between the floors of the building and for evacuation purposes, the building is provided with a staircase with U-shaped solid flights with frieze steps. The size of the flight of stairs is 1200x2400mm. The landings rest on transverse walls and have dimensions of 3000x1500 mm.

The staircase has natural lighting through window openings 1510x1510 mm, located in the external walls. The elevator cabin has dimensions of 1900x1900 mm; it is not connected to other structures.

3.8 Windows and doors

Windows in the building are taken according to thermal engineering calculations; for the obtained value of the required heat transfer resistance, windows and balcony doors with double-glazed windows made of glass with a hard selective coating are recommended.

Specification of windows and balcony doors:



First floor

Typical floor

BRSP 21-7.5L

Door Specification:



First floor

Typical floor

The window frame is fastened to the slopes with screws screwed into antiseptic wooden plugs (2 per slope). From the outside, the lower edge of the window opening is covered with a drain.

The sealing of the door ledges is carried out with elastic gaskets, which are glued in the quarters of the frame. Door leaves are hung on 2 hinges.

The entrance to the building is located in the middle of the main facade of the building and serves as the entrance to the residential part of the building. According to the requirements of building heating engineering, a double vestibule is installed at the entrance, preventing the penetration of cold street air into the premises during the cold season. The vestibule depth is 2000mm. Above the vestibule there is a canopy made of a cantilever reinforced concrete slab. The plate fastening details are shown on sheet 7 of the graphic part.

According to SNiP II-3-79, the value of the heat transfer resistance of the wall Rtr0 should be taken not less than the required value of the heat transfer resistance R0, determined from the conditions of energy saving and sanitary conditions.

Determination of Rtr0 from sanitary and hygienic conditions:

n - coefficient taken depending on the position of the outer wall in relation to the outside air;

tн - estimated winter outside air temperature;

Δtн - standard difference between the temperature of the internal air and the temperature of the internal surface of the enclosing structure;

αв is the heat transfer coefficient of the inner surface of the enclosing structure.

Determination of Rtr0 from energy saving conditions:

tв - design temperature of internal air;

from. lane - average temperature of the heating period;

zfrom. lane - duration of the period with an average daily temperature below or equal to 8°C

GSOP = (19 - (-5.6)) 222 = 5461

Using Table 1b, we determine Rtr0 using the interpolation method: Rtr0= 3.31 m2 °C / W. In the future, the highest value of the required heat transfer resistance Rtr0 = 3.31 m2 °C / W is accepted

Determination of thermal resistance to heat transfer:

We use three-layer panels with a thickness of 300 mm as the outer wall.

Operating conditions of the building:

Humidity zone - dry;

Humidity of indoor air at a temperature of 21°C - 55%

Depending on the humidity zone and the humidity of the internal air according to Appendix 2, we accept operating conditions A.

R0= 2.083 m2 °C / W

Because R0< Rтр0, то при реконструкции здания необходимо утепление наружных стен.

The walls are insulated with rigid mineral wool slabs, followed by the installation of a ventilated façade. Density of mineral wool insulation γth = 100 kg/m3, thermal conductivity coefficient λut = 0.06 W/ (m °C)

Since the design of a ventilated façade has been adopted, it is necessary to recalculate the value of R0 at αн = 12.

δut = (Rtr0 - R0) λut, δut = (3.31 - 1.867) 0.06 = 0.071 m

According to the insulation nomenclature, we accept an insulation thickness of 8 cm - four slabs 2 cm thick.

Determination of Rtr0 filling light openings:

GSOP = (tv - tot. lane) zot. lane

GSOP = (21 - (-8.5)) 240 = 7080

We determine Rtr0 using the interpolation method:

Rtr0= 0.65 m2 °C / W

Based on this value of Rtr0, we select the filling of the openings so that their heat transfer resistance is greater than Rtr0.

For this value of Rtr0, windows and balcony doors with double-glazed windows made of

glass with soft selective coating with R0= 0.68 m2 °C / W.

External walls after insulation are finished with facade slabs.

Internal walls are plastered and finished in accordance with the type of room.

The ceilings in the premises are leveled with cement-sand mortar and a layer of whitewash is applied.

Floor designs:

staircases and other non-apartment premises - floor tiles;

rank units and bathrooms - tiles;

kitchens - linoleum;

the rest of the rooms have wooden floors with joists.

The designed residential building is provided with the following engineering equipment:

water supply: utility and drinking from an external network;

sewerage: domestic with release to the city network;

heating: boiler room using gas and solid fuel;

ventilation: natural and supply and exhaust;

power supply: from an external network with a voltage of 380/220 V;

lighting: incandescent and fluorescent lamps;

communication devices: TV antenna, telephone line;

bathroom equipment: washbasin, bathtub and toilet.

kitchen equipment: electric stove, sink.


1. Architecture of civil and industrial buildings: Textbook in 5 volumes, T.3. Residential buildings/edited by K. K. Shevtsova/.2nd ed. M.: Stroyizdat, 1983. - 239 p.

2. Maklakova T.G., Nanasova S.M., Sharapenko V.G. Design of residential and public buildings: textbook. manual for universities/Ed. T.G. Maklakova. - M.: ASV Publishing House, 2000. - 280 p.

3. Shereshevsky I.A. Construction of civil buildings. - L.: Stroyizdat, 2005, -176 p.

4. SNiP II-3-79 Construction heating engineering.

5. SNiP 23-01-99 Construction climatology.

6. SNiP 2.01.07-85 Loads and impacts.

7. SNiP 21-01-97 Fire safety of buildings and structures.

8. SNiP 2.08.01-89 Residential buildings.

9. GOST 6619-88 Wooden internal doors for residential and public buildings. Types and designs.

10. GOST 24698-81 External wooden doors for residential and public buildings. Types and designs.

In the conditions of modern large cities, the relevance of the construction of multi-storey residential buildings has acquired enormous proportions. As cities grow, so do residents’ needs for new, modern and comfortable housing.

The creation of a competent living environment for comfortable living of people is inextricably linked with the urban planning situation, the presence of the necessary infrastructure and social and cultural facilities in the housing microdistrict.

The main issue with which the design of multi-storey residential buildings begins is the ability to balance the economic interests of the developer and the social needs of residents, while not forgetting about compliance with the norms and rules of housing design.

This confronts designers with a number of obstacles and difficulties on the way to creating a project, forcing them to take into account with particular scrupulousness not only the totality of existing conditions, norms and requirements, but also the presence of economic factors in the process of developing reliable, comfortable, and at the same time inexpensive housing.

The design of apartment buildings is steadily subject to the main modern trends in construction, the emergence of new materials, technologies and methods that make it possible to create the most comfortable and favorable living conditions for all groups of the population, as well as improve the aesthetic perception of the living environment.

Designing residential apartment buildings is not an easy task, the solution of which begins with determining their role and significance in the structure of the microdistrict. It involves, first of all, the competent placement of buildings in the city structure, taking into account the existing buildings, transport and engineering networks, the presence of schools, kindergartens, clinics, retail facilities and other integral components of people’s lives. As a rule, the available infrastructure facilities are not enough to meet the needs of all residents of the microdistrict.

To assess the current situation, existing factors and environmental parameters, as well as calculate project needs, first of all, a project for planning the territory of the site on which the development will be located is developed.

It is the planning organization of the territory of a land plot that largely sets such important parameters as the number of storeys, geometric dimensions, configuration of the building, its orientation in space and, of course, influences architectural, planning, engineering, technological and constructive solutions.

Designing multi-storey buildings is impossible without drawing up technical specifications for design, which sets the basic requirements for design solutions, such as: number of storeys, composition of premises, area and number of rooms in apartments, height of premises, presence of balconies and loggias, materials used, engineering and technical support , completion date and composition of project documentation. All this helps to find mutual understanding between the customer and the contractor, eliminates controversial issues, and allows for successful implementation of the project within the agreed time frame.

The space-planning solution for an apartment building begins with the development and agreement with the customer of the architectural concept of the residential complex, which lays out the key points of the project as a whole: the number and spatial arrangement of buildings, parking lots, engineering structures, the set of apartments and their areas, the main stylistic techniques are approved and color solutions.

To obtain a visual representation of the designed houses and their role in the surrounding development and natural environment, a three-dimensional model of the project is created, which makes it possible to see the residential complex from different viewpoints, which makes it possible to demonstrate the plans and decisions of the designers in the most realistic and accessible way.

It is not without reason that the most common type of multi-storey residential buildings in our country are sectional houses, because the possibility of using standard sections allows you to reduce design and construction costs, reduce the time required for completing work, which directly affects the cost of housing for buyers, and undoubtedly leads to an increase in demand for him.

Design of multi-storey residential buildings is one of the services provided by FIRM KROKI LLC. By contacting us, you will achieve the necessary results, appreciate a competent approach, high-quality execution of work, and, most importantly, save your time and money thanks to a competent dialogue and a flexible pricing system for this type of design work.

You can see examples of our already completed work.

In the context of the developing crisis, it is low-rise construction that will help maintain the volume of activity in the construction industry. This was discussed at the round table “Relevance of using new energy and resource-saving technologies for low-rise construction in times of crisis,” held as part of the 3rd Moscow Forum of Real Estate Market Leaders MREF 2008. The event was organized by the National Agency for Low-Rise and Cottage Construction (NAMIX).

“Now, with stagnation and recession in the construction industry, it is low-rise housing construction, with all the wealth of choice of technologies, that will help maintain the pace and volume of construction,” noted the moderator of the Round Table, Deputy Executive Director of NAMICS Petr Kazmin.

According to a statement by Sergei Tsygamenko, president of the Ecopan Association, in the near future, the organization, based on its low-rise housing construction technology, will launch a pilot project to create economical, energy-intensive and environmentally friendly “autonomous houses” based on wireless heating and electricity supply systems using solar energy. In addition, the Ecopan association plans, along with the production of SIP panels, to build 3-4 plants for the production of OSB, which will halve the cost of one square meter of housing.

President of the NESST Association Yuri Shershnev presented a new element of the technology of monolithic low-rise housing construction - a specially shaped metal mesh as permanent formwork. “With this type of wall production, lightweight concrete takes on a specific shape, as a result of which the entire

the structure of the house becomes several times more earthquake-resistant than with conventional structures, and, in addition, the load on the foundation is reduced by 6 times.”

“The main task now, in the conditions of financial instability of the construction market, is to show innovation and efficiency of low-rise buildings, to clearly prove that even in the economy class you can make a high-quality and comfortable product,” emphasized Sergei Zhuravlev, Deputy Chairman of the Expert Council of the Russian House of the Future project "

Space-planning solution

This residential building is a two-story, two-section building with parking in the basement level. The building is rectangular in plan, with dimensions in axes 1-9 - 49.2 m, in axes A-E - 19.8 m. The height of the ground and first floors is 3.3 m, the height of the second floor is 3 meters. The number of apartments in one residential section on the ground floor is 5 in section A and 6 in section B.

The cladding of the building's façade is made of ceramic hollow bricks on a cement-sand mortar 120 mm thick; According to technical and economic parameters, the designer (me) chose expanded polystyrene as insulation. Load-bearing walls made of ordinary clay brick, masonry thickness 380 mm.

The layout of all rooms on the second floor is similar to the layout of the first floor. The symmetry of the premises of the two sections is not complete - the sections between axes 1-2 and 8-9 are not symmetrical, as they have an individual layout in accordance with the requirements of investors and the customer.

The building has a living area of ​​980.50 m2, an auxiliary area of ​​740.20 m2, spacious rooms, mostly rectangular in shape, ranging from 14 to 24 m2. The interior decoration of the rooms is made with plaster on a cement-sand base.

Kitchens have an area of ​​10.5 to 17 m2 and are adjacent to load-bearing walls with ventilation shafts along the external axes.

In two corner rooms on the facade from the courtyard side there are two light openings, in the remaining living rooms and kitchens there is one window each. The windows are plastic with double glazing in single sash.

There are spaces for wardrobes, closets, household and utility rooms in all apartments, as well as rooms for managing communications of end users in the staircases (water supply, electrical wiring, communication cables, measuring equipment, shut-off valves, etc.). The bathrooms are separate, except for two symmetrical relative to the axis of 5 one-room apartments.

In the right wing, the three-room apartment has two bathrooms. The doors of all bathrooms open outward; the finishing of floors and walls with tiles or other materials is carried out by apartment owners independently in accordance with the requirements of established regulatory documents.

In section A there are four one-room, one two-room and one three-room apartments. The area of ​​these apartments is, respectively, 32, 32, 37, 37 m2 for one-room apartments, 50 m2 for a two-room apartment and 72 m2 for a three-room apartment. In section B of the building there are two one-room, one two-room and two three-room apartments with an area of ​​37 and 37 m2 for one-room apartments, 65 m2 for two-room apartments, 76 and 70 m2 for three-room apartments, respectively.

In all three-room apartments, with the exception of the corner apartment in wing B, there are “living rooms” adjacent to the “common rooms”, which can be equipped for an office or other needs without disturbing the convenience of the general functioning of the premises. The area of ​​each staircase is 26 m2; apartment owners can, in accordance with the procedure established by law, independently install partitions on the staircases to create a common vestibule. The entrance unit of the building consists of an external door, a vestibule and an internal door; the distance from the stairs to the internal door of the entrance unit is 890 mm. The canopies of the two front doors rest on load-bearing walls along the D axis and along the 2 and 8 axes. In front of the entrance to the entrance there are decorative side fences made of brickwork measuring 2100 / 240 / 750 mm (L/W/H).

The project provides for all necessary measures to ensure explosion and fire safety of the building, thermal protection and protection of building structures from corrosion. In addition, conditions have been met to ensure the required comfort in the premises.

low-rise construction self-fixing block


In the last six months, the Russian Government has been paying great attention to low-rise construction, considering it as a real way to create housing for the middle class.

Dmitry Medvedev, as the person responsible for the implementation of the national project “Affordable Housing,” suggested to the president to expand the project by introducing the law on low-rise construction, since its cost in most cases is comparable, and sometimes even lower, compared to “regular” high-rise buildings. Now we are talking not so much about a separate law, but about introducing an additional chapter into the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. According to the authorities, the construction of such villages will be carried out by cooperatives of citizens, who will be provided with various benefits.

New scales of capital construction require rapid development and technical improvement of the construction industry, a significant expansion of production volume, improvement of the quality of building materials and maximum acceleration of construction work.

1. Affordable comfortable housing

Providing the population with comfortable and affordable housing is a priority activity of the construction complex. In the current economic conditions, the profitability of the industry can be achieved through the maximum use of funds from specific customers - both legal entities and individuals.

But the severity of the housing problem is aggravated by the lack of financial resources among the majority of the population in need of living space.

This factor, as well as the relevance and importance of the task at hand, has at the present stage intensified the activity of construction scientists in finding effective ways to construct low-rise buildings. Thus, a technology has been created and patented for the production of self-fixing wall building blocks, which are fundamentally new for domestic practice, and on their basis - a technological process for constructing a residential building, providing the necessary strength, architectural, thermal qualities, speed and ease of assembly of structures.

The construction of low-rise buildings from self-fixing wall building blocks is, first of all, intended for the most widespread, middle-income group of the population, which is not subject to social protection and is forced to invest its own funds.

Residential buildings with one or two floors can be built in villages, small and medium-sized cities, as well as in suburban areas of large and large cities.

The proposed technology involves the construction of all buildings on the estate plot. Depending on their purpose, the design of the block for constructing walls varies: warm is used for a residential building; semi-warm - for buildings that house livestock; cold - for garage, shed.

Thanks to the maximum unification of self-fixing wall products, simplicity and convenience of erecting walls without the use of mortar in the generally accepted way and high labor productivity are ensured. In this case, no special training of operating personnel is required.

The construction of facilities can be carried out by a person of almost any profession. The fact is that the building blocks have a special design that facilitates their forced and correct installation

. Relevance of low-rise construction

In the context of the developing crisis, it is low-rise construction that will help maintain the volume of activity in the construction industry. This was discussed at the round table “Relevance of using new energy and resource-saving technologies for low-rise construction in times of crisis,” held as part of the 3rd Moscow Forum of Real Estate Market Leaders MREF 2008. The event was organized by the National Agency for Low-Rise and Cottage Construction (NAMIX).

“Now, with stagnation and recession in the construction industry, it is low-rise housing construction, with all the wealth of choice of technologies, that will help maintain the pace and volume of construction,” noted the moderator of the Round Table, Deputy Executive Director of NAMICS Petr Kazmin.

According to a statement by Sergei Tsygamenko, president of the Ecopan Association, in the near future, the organization, based on its low-rise housing construction technology, will launch a pilot project to create economical, energy-intensive and environmentally friendly “autonomous houses” based on wireless heating and electricity supply systems using solar energy. In addition, the Ecopan association plans, along with the production of SIP panels, to build 3-4 plants for the production of OSB, which will halve the cost of one square meter of housing.

President of the NESST Association Yuri Shershnev presented a new element of the technology of monolithic low-rise housing construction - a specially shaped metal mesh as permanent formwork. “With this type of wall production, lightweight concrete takes on a specific shape, as a result of which the entire structure of the house becomes several times more earthquake-resistant than with conventional structures, and, in addition, the load on the foundation is reduced by 6 times.”

“The main task now, in the conditions of financial instability of the construction market, is to show innovation and efficiency of low-rise buildings, to clearly prove that even in the economy class you can make a high-quality and comfortable product,” emphasized Sergei Zhuravlev, Deputy Chairman of the Expert Council of the Russian House of the Future project "

3. Space-planning solution

This residential building is a two-story, two-section building with parking in the basement level. The building is rectangular in plan, with dimensions in axes 1-9 - 49.2 m, in axes A-E - 19.8 m. The height of the ground and first floors is 3.3 m, the height of the second floor is 3 meters. The number of apartments in one residential section on the ground floor is 5 in section A and 6 in section B.

The cladding of the building's façade is made of ceramic hollow bricks on a cement-sand mortar 120 mm thick; According to technical and economic parameters, the designer (me) chose expanded polystyrene as insulation. Load-bearing walls made of ordinary clay brick, masonry thickness 380 mm.

The layout of all rooms on the second floor is similar to the layout of the first floor. The symmetry of the premises of the two sections is not complete - the sections between axes 1-2 and 8-9 are not symmetrical, as they have an individual layout in accordance with the requirements of investors and the customer.

The building has a living area of ​​980.50 m2, an auxiliary area of ​​740.20 m2, spacious rooms, mostly rectangular in shape, ranging from 14 to 24 m2. The interior decoration of the rooms is made with plaster on a cement-sand base.

Kitchens have an area of ​​10.5 to 17 m2 and are adjacent to load-bearing walls with ventilation shafts along the external axes.

In two corner rooms on the facade from the courtyard side there are two light openings, in the remaining living rooms and kitchens there is one window each. The windows are plastic with double glazing in single sash.

There are spaces for wardrobes, closets, household and utility rooms in all apartments, as well as rooms for managing communications of end users in the staircases (water supply, electrical wiring, communication cables, measuring equipment, shut-off valves, etc.). The bathrooms are separate, except for two symmetrical relative to the axis of 5 one-room apartments.

In the right wing, the three-room apartment has two bathrooms. The doors of all bathrooms open outward; the finishing of floors and walls with tiles or other materials is carried out by apartment owners independently in accordance with the requirements of established regulatory documents.

In section A there are four one-room, one two-room and one three-room apartments. The area of ​​these apartments is, respectively, 32, 32, 37, 37 m2 for one-room apartments, 50 m2 for a two-room apartment and 72 m2 for a three-room apartment. In section B of the building there are two one-room, one two-room and two three-room apartments with an area of ​​37 and 37 m2 for one-room apartments, 65 m2 for two-room apartments, 76 and 70 m2 for three-room apartments, respectively.

In all three-room apartments, with the exception of the corner apartment in wing B, there are “living rooms” adjacent to the “common rooms”, which can be equipped for an office or other needs without disturbing the convenience of the general functioning of the premises. The area of ​​each staircase is 26 m2; apartment owners can, in accordance with the procedure established by law, independently install partitions on the staircases to create a common vestibule. The entrance unit of the building consists of an external door, a vestibule and an internal door; the distance from the stairs to the internal door of the entrance unit is 890 mm. The canopies of the two front doors rest on load-bearing walls along the D axis and along the 2 and 8 axes. In front of the entrance to the entrance there are decorative side fences made of brickwork measuring 2100 / 240 / 750 mm (L/W/H).

The project provides for all necessary measures to ensure explosion and fire safety of the building, thermal protection and protection of building structures from corrosion. In addition, conditions have been met to ensure the required comfort in the premises.

building design planning

4. Designs

The foundation is prefabricated reinforced concrete strip. The frame of the building (outer walls) is made of ordinary clay brick masonry with cement-sand mortar, insulation is polystyrene foam. The cladding is made of ceramic hollow bricks, the insulation and facing layer are fastened with anchors. Plastering with cement-sand mortar δ = 10 mm.

The 200 mm thick precast concrete floor slabs are positioned perpendicular to the main façade. The supporting structures along axes 2, 3, 7, 8 are made of brickwork 240 mm thick and additionally reinforced with steel frame

Since ancient times, the construction of low-rise buildings in Rus' has been taken as an axiom. The first high-rise buildings appeared only in the era of communism. In the 40-50s, 7 famous Stalinist skyscrapers were built.


In the conditions of modern large cities, the relevance of the construction of multi-storey residential buildings has acquired enormous proportions. As cities grow, so do residents’ needs for new, modern and comfortable housing.

Relevance of monolithic construction

The competition for the height and design of buildings is becoming increasingly widespread. Many developed countries are on the rise, showcasing the prestige and innovation of engineering. Monolithic construction occupies a leading place in the choice of method for constructing high-rise buildings with various architectural solutions. The purpose of buildings and structures can be high-rise residential, administrative, or industrial.

It has a long history and durability proven over decades.

Krasnoyarsk is growing in height

1745January 28, 2015 City projects Over the past five years, more and more high-rise residential buildings are being built in the capital of the region, and such massive previously ten-story buildings are losing relevance. This trend is demonstrated by statistics on the commissioning of residential properties.

History of the Kazakhstan Hotel

Hotel "Kazakhstan" is the main attraction of the city of Almaty and all of Kazakhstan as a whole. Built during the times of the former Soviet Union, the unique 25-story building is to this day the tallest structure erected in a seismically dangerous zone. At the same time, it has a high rate of seismic resistance and has already survived more than one earthquake. A very favorable location in the cultural and business center of the city offers a picturesque view from the window directly to the peaks of the Trans-Ili Alatau.

Having a height of more than one hundred meters, Hotel "Kazakhstan" is a unique architectural ensemble, without which it is difficult to imagine the city of Almaty.

Construction of shopping complexes: “smart” investments

The retail real estate market has formed in Russia over the past 12-15 years, but despite the visible number of shopping and entertainment centers, it is still far from saturated. The growing standard of living and consumption volumes dictate their own rules, so the construction of new shopping centers is still relevant.