What's wrong with the Krylov bank? Executive Director of the Krylov State Research Center Mikhail Zagorodnikov: “The main problem of Russian shipbuilding is organizational. Financial condition of the bank


Full name JSC Joint Stock Commercial Bank Krylovsky City of Krasnodar License number 456 | Information on the Central Bank website Reason for license revocation Date 08/02/2017 Reason for license revocation By Order of the Bank of Russia dated 08/02/2017 N OD-2190, from 08/02/2017 the license for banking operations was revoked from the credit organization Joint Stock Commercial Bank "Krylovsky" (joint stock company) AKB " Krylovsky" (JSC) (reg. No. 456, Krasnodar). According to reporting data, in terms of assets, as of July 1, 2017, the credit institution occupied 360th place in the banking system of the Russian Federation.

The basis of the credit organization's resource base was the funds raised from the population. In 2017, the bank pursued an aggressive policy of attracting funds from individuals. The Bank of Russia has repeatedly applied supervisory measures against JSCB Krylovsky (JSC), including twice introducing restrictions and once a ban on attracting household deposits.

During an audit of the cash registers of a number of divisions of JSCB Krylovsky (JSC) carried out by the Bank of Russia on July 26, 2017, a large shortage of funds was identified. The formation of the necessary reserves for possible losses on actually missing assets revealed a complete loss of the credit institution's own funds (capital).

The managers and owners of the bank did not take effective measures to normalize its activities. Moreover, their actions showed signs of dishonest behavior, expressed in the submission of unreliable reports to the Bank of Russia and the withdrawal of assets to the detriment of the interests of creditors and depositors. Information about these facts will be sent by the Bank of Russia to law enforcement agencies. In the current circumstances, the Bank of Russia, on the basis of Article 20 of the Federal Law “On Banks and Banking Activities,” fulfilled the obligation to revoke the license to carry out banking operations from JSCB Krylovsky (JSC).

The decision to apply an extreme measure of influence - the revocation of the license to carry out banking operations - was made by the Bank of Russia in connection with the credit organization’s failure to comply with federal laws regulating banking activities, as well as regulations of the Bank of Russia, the value of all equity (capital) adequacy standards is below two percent, a decrease in the amount of equity (capital) below the minimum value of the authorized capital established on the date of state registration of the credit organization, taking into account the repeated application within one year of the measures provided for by the Federal Law “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)”.

In accordance with the order of the Bank of Russia dated 02.08.2017 N OD-2191, a temporary administration was appointed to JSCB Krylovsky (JSC) for a period until the appointment of a bankruptcy trustee in accordance with the Federal Law “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)” or appointment in accordance with Article 23.1 of the Federal Law “On Banks and Banking Activities” of the liquidator. The powers of the executive bodies of the credit organization have been suspended in accordance with federal laws.

JSCB Krylovsky (JSC) is a participant in the deposit insurance system. Revocation of a license to carry out banking operations is an insured event provided for by Federal Law No. 177-FZ “On insurance of deposits of individuals in banks of the Russian Federation” in relation to the bank’s obligations on household deposits determined in the manner prescribed by law. The said Federal Law provides for the payment of insurance compensation to bank depositors, including individual entrepreneurs, in the amount of 100% of the balance of funds, but not more than 1.4 million rubles in total per depositor.

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The bank was established in October 1990 on the basis of the Krylov branch of Agroprombank of the USSR (Krasnodar Territory) in the form of a LLP. In November 1999, it was corporatized by enterprises and organizations of the agro-industrial complex of the Krylovsky district. In September 2003, the bank opened a branch in Moscow. Since March 2005, it has been included in the deposit insurance system. In 2006, the head office of Bank Krylovsky was transferred from the village of Krylovskaya to the city of Krasnodar.

According to the disclosed information, the bank is currently under the control of Mikhail Ruzin, who owns 72.73% of the shares. Other shareholders of the credit institution include Leonid Mostovoy (8.28%), Alexander Vacca (6.58%), Larisa Fedyanina (4.87%), Tatyana Peter (3.13%), Georgy Kurin (3.06% ) and minority shareholders (1.37%).

In 2013, information appeared in a number of Internet media that Mikhail Ruzin is known for his connections with the former Minister of Finance of the Moscow Region, Alexei Kuznetsov, who served as First Vice President of Inkombank in 1994-1998, and the former head of the Pushkinsky district, Vladimir Bashkirtsev. In 2000-2001, Mikhail Ruzin served as a bankruptcy trustee during the liquidation of Inkombank. Currently, Mikhail Ruzin, together with Alexander Vacca, owns Mozhaisky Les LLC, which is engaged in logging, the Rassvet gardening partnership in the Dmitrovsky district of the Moscow region, as well as a number of other organizations and enterprises in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Alexander Vacca's activities are also related to bankruptcy management: he was the bankruptcy manager of OJSC Promstroybank of Russia in 2000-2001, as well as OJSC State Experimental Design Bureau Amethyst.

The head of the board of directors of the Krylovsky bank, Georgy Kurin, is a former minister of the RSFSR, a former plenipotentiary representative of the Russian government in the Chechen Republic and an assistant to the bankruptcy manager of Promstroibank.

Mikhail Ruzin, Alexander Vacca and Georgy Kurin are associated with NP SRO Paritet, which has been involved in bankruptcy management since 2003. At different times they headed this company. At the moment, its president and co-founder is Georgy Kurin, Alexander Vacca is also listed among the founders of the company.

In addition to the head office, the bank has 23 additional offices in the Krasnodar Territory, Moscow and the Moscow Region, as well as seven operational cash desks outside the cash desk. The bank's only branch is located in Moscow. The number of personnel as of October 1, 2016 was 472 employees. The company's own ATM network is represented by two devices.

The list of services and products of the financial institution for individuals includes deposits, consumer lending and lending to pensioners, issuing MasterCard and Visa plastic cards, making utility payments and transfers (including through the Zolotaya Korona, UNIStream, Western Union, Leader systems ", Contact), foreign exchange transactions, rental of safe deposit boxes, sale of commemorative and investment coins. The bank also provides services for obtaining pensions. Back in September 2008, the bank entered into agreements in the Moscow region with branches of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, USZN, Municipal Administrations, Housing and Communal Services Departments and Municipal Unitary Enterprises for the delivery and crediting of pensions, benefits and other social payments to individuals’ accounts. Operations for delivering pensions and home benefits to pensioners are carried out only in the Moscow region.

Legal entities have access to various types of loans, overdraft, bank guarantees, cash settlement services (including remote banking services), currency transactions, deposits, rental of individual bank safes, etc. The bank’s clients at various periods included the following organizations: Empire LLC, LLC "League Realty", LLC "Medical trading and production company "Kvantum-Satis", LLC "Poligraph Service", LLC "TEZHK "Transport Center", MUP "Teploenerget", Administration of the municipal formation Krylovsky district.

Since the beginning of 2016, the volume of net assets of the credit institution decreased by 18.5% (0.9 billion rubles) and as of February 1, 2017 amounted to 4.0 billion rubles. In the passive part, the main reason for the decrease in the balance sheet currency was the outflow of funds from enterprises and organizations (-12.8%, or 46.1 million rubles) and funds from individuals (-11.6%, or 310.4 million rubles). At the same time, there is a slight increase in the bank’s own funds (+1.6%, or 7.4 million rubles). In the active part of the balance sheet, the bank significantly reduced the volume of investments in highly liquid assets (-47.2%, or 1.5 billion rubles), as well as in the securities portfolio (-26.5%, or 135.8 million rubles). At the same time, the released funds were mainly placed on deposit with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (+640.0 million rubles) and invested in a portfolio of other assets (+108.7%, or 74.3 million rubles).

The structure of the credit institution's liabilities is poorly diversified by sources of attraction and is characterized by an extremely high dependence on funds from individuals: as of February 1, 2017, their share in liabilities reached 59.8% (at the beginning of 2016 - 55.1%). The bulk of individuals' funds is represented by household deposits with maturities from one to three years (77% of the total volume of individuals' funds). Funds of enterprises and organizations (mainly balances on demand accounts) form 7.9% of net liabilities. The financial institution's client base is moderately active, with turnover on client accounts amounting to 1.7-2.6 billion rubles monthly. In turn, more than 60% of the funds of corporate clients in the bank are represented by the balances of state and public organizations. According to IFRS reporting for 2015, the bank demonstrates a low concentration of client funds: the four largest clients account for 3% of the total amount of client funds. The Bank does not issue its own securities.

Own funds - 11.6% of net liabilities; since the beginning of 2016, the volume has increased by 1.6% and as of February 1, 2017 amounted to 459.9 million rubles. It is worth noting that the capital includes a subordinated loan raised from Welstead Investments Capital S.A. (Canada) in the amount of 2 million euros with a maturity until April 2038, as well as a subordinated deposit attracted from Inertek Insurance Company LLC in the amount 25 million rubles with a maturity until March 2044. In April 2016, all rights of claim of Welstead Investments Capital S.A. under the assignment agreement were transferred to JSC Russian Land. The share of subordinated funds in the capital structure as of February 1, 2017 was approximately 18.5%. The bank's equity capital reserve is quite comfortable and leaves room for increasing assets and absorbing losses: the N1.0 standard was 15.55% as of the reporting date, with a minimum of 8% (+0.33% since the beginning of 2016).

In the asset structure, the leading position is occupied by the volume of highly liquid funds (42.1%), formed by balances in the cash register, on a correspondent account with the Bank of Russia and on nostro accounts in Russian banks. Turnovers in the cash register account in recent months have been at the level of 4.5-6.3 billion rubles monthly, while turnover in the correspondent account with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation reaches 5.6-8.9 billion rubles. Another 21.5% and 16.2% form the loan portfolio and interbank loans, respectively. Investments in securities and fixed assets in total account for about 16% of the credit institution's net assets.

During the period under review, the loan portfolio, more than 63.0% formed by corporate loans, decreased by 4.3%, or by 38.1 million rubles in absolute terms, amounting to 852.4 million rubles as of February 1, 2017. At the same time, during the analyzed period the bank increased its share of retail lending. The loan portfolio is predominantly long-term: the share of loans issued for a period of more than one year is 90.9%. The level of overdue debt significantly decreased in volume and as of February 1, 2017 amounted to 0.62% (at the beginning of 2016 - 5.57%). The reserve level for the portfolio is 10.71% (at the beginning of the period - 8.79%). The loan portfolio is secured by property in the amount of 1.5 billion rubles (178.73% of the total loan portfolio), which is a sufficient level of collateral. According to the bank’s reporting for the three quarters of 2016 under RAS, the main volume of loans came from the following types of activities (as a percentage of the total loan portfolio): real estate transactions (54.9%), wholesale and retail trade (9.1%) and construction (5.5%). It is worth noting the relatively high concentration of the bank’s credit risks: as of January 1, 2016, the six largest borrowers accounted for 36.1% of the total volume of loans.

The property of the Krasnodar bank was put up for auction.

The Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) put up real estate and movable property of the Krasnodar Krylovsky Bank for open auction at a starting price of 167.6 million rubles. In August last year, the Central Bank revoked the license of the credit institution due to an aggressive policy of attracting funds from individuals and the almost complete loss of its own assets. As a result, liabilities to creditors who fell on the shoulders of the DIA amounted to 8.7 billion rubles. First-priority creditors have been paid 183.3 million rubles; the agency is awaiting the next proceeds to the debtor's bankruptcy estate from the sale of its property. Experts are confident that the Krylovsky real estate put up for auction will be in demand by buyers.

The Deposit Insurance Agency, which is the bankruptcy manager of the Krasnodar-based JSCB Krylovsky, which was deprived of its license, announced an open auction for the sale of the bank’s property on August 28. Information about the auction was published on the DIA Internet resource. Eight lots were put up for auction with a total amount of 167.6 million rubles. The first lot with an initial cost of 4 million rubles. is a non-residential premises on the corner of Mira and Kirov streets in Krasnodar (68.5 sq. m.). The second lot with an initial cost of 29.8 million rubles. — non-residential premises (521.9 sq. m.) in the Sochi village of Dagomys. The lot also includes a CCTV system, ATM, automatic fire alarm and other equipment in a former bank office. The third lot is an apartment (29.6 sq. m) in Sochi and is offered at a starting price of 2 million rubles, the fourth is a non-residential building (483.2 sq. m) and a land plot (2493 sq. m) in the village of Krylovskaya for RUB 38.2 million The fifth lot is a non-residential building (1133.3 sq. m) and a land plot (1047 sq. m) in the village of Tomilino, Moscow region, a prefabricated armored operating cash desk, land in settlements for an administrative office building and a bank branch. The starting price of the lot is 62 million rubles. The sixth lot is a non-residential premises (126.4 sq. m) in the city of Vidnoye, Moscow region with a starting price of 25 million rubles, the seventh and eighth are a black Lexus LS600H and a silver trailer with a starting price of 6.6 million rubles. and 21 thousand rubles. respectively.

General Director of the consulting company MACON Realty Group Ilya Volodko believes that real estate properties previously used by the bank are more attractive at auction than warehouse or industrial premises. First of all, according to him, this is due to the fact that banks always choose good locations for their offices: the city center, busy streets, good visualization and the main entrance. “In this case, the objects are liquid due to their small areas and adequate market price per square meter,” said the expert.

According to the SPARK-Interfax system, the authorized capital of Krylovsky Bank, registered in 1999 in Krasnodar, is 160 million rubles. The bank is 66.4% owned by Mikhail Ruzin, who also 100% owns Capital Holding LLC, which has a 6.2% share of the bank. Krylovsky's profit after taxes for 2015 amounted to 2.1 million rubles. The total volume of bank deposits amounted to 2.59 billion rubles. As of July 1 last year, the organization was in 360th place in the Russian banking system.

Earlier, Kommersant-Kuban reported that the Bank of Russia revoked the license of the Krylovsky Bank in early August 2017. According to the regulator, in 2017 the bank pursued an aggressive policy of attracting funds from individuals. “The formation of the necessary reserves for possible losses on actually missing assets revealed a complete loss of the credit institution’s own funds,” the Central Bank of the Russian Federation reported. In September of the same year, the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee in the region opened a criminal case on falsification of financial accounting documents and reporting in the Krylovsky JSCB in order to hide signs of bankruptcy. A case has also been opened regarding the theft of funds and property of the organization. Currently, preliminary investigations are underway in criminal cases.

In October 2017, the Arbitration Court of the Krasnodar Territory declared JSC AKB Krylovsky bankrupt and introduced bankruptcy proceedings against it. As Kommersant wrote, shortly before this the bank returned about 6 billion rubles. off-balance sheet deposits, and also prepared the necessary documents, as a result of which almost 100% of depositors were able to claim insurance compensation, and this, according to the DIA, is about 21.2 thousand people. The Central Bank noted that the amount of liabilities to Krylovsky’s creditors amounted to 8.7 billion rubles. According to the DIA, as of June 1, 2018, 183.3 million rubles were allocated for settlements with creditors.

According to senior analyst at Freedom Finance Investment Company Bogdan Zvarich, citing the reporting of the provisional administration at the time of revocation of the bank's license, out of 8.7 billion rubles. 8.5 billion of funds of clients who are not credit institutions located in Krylovsky belong to individuals and individual entrepreneurs and only about 200 million rubles. — legal entities (about 2.3%). “The likelihood of legal entities receiving funds is low, since they are the last in the queue of creditors,” the expert believes.

Icebreaker construction is actively developing in Russia, and offshore and Arctic fields are being developed. The executive director of the Krylov State Scientific Center, Mikhail Zagorodnikov, spoke about existing projects of new powerful icebreakers, the development of the Arctic, problems in domestic shipbuilding, the development of bunkering with alternative fuels, development plans and other pressing issues in an interview with IAA PortNews.

— Mikhail Alexandrovich, active development of the Arctic is currently underway. In this regard, the possibility of building a leading icebreaker capable of overcoming almost any ice was announced. What role does the Krylov Center play in the creation of such a vessel?

— Indeed, the leading icebreaker will provide year-round navigation along the entire Northern Sea Route, both on low- and high-latitude routes, overcoming ice up to 4.3 m thick. Ice of such thickness is quite rare. Those icebreakers that are currently under construction (with a capacity of 60 MW, LK-60) are not capable of crossing four-meter ice - their icebreaking capacity is just over 3 m.

It is also important that the channel width of the leading icebreaker will be up to 55 m, which will allow it to carry large caravans behind it and lead (hence the name). For comparison, the channel width of the LK-60 is 34-36 m and the transport vessels in the convoy must have a high ice class.

In addition, there is the task of ensuring commercial speed during ice navigation. It is about 10 knots. The leading icebreaker will be able to provide this speed in ice up to 2.5 m thick. The LK-60 icebreakers are not able to do this with such ice thickness.

I note that this vessel will be able to perform a fairly wide range of tasks. For example, it has an enclosed hangar and a large cargo platform. That is, this icebreaker can itself also be a transport vessel.

Currently, the Krylov Center has completed a preliminary design of the leading icebreaker, conducted tests in an ice basin, drawn up a technical design assignment, and now the final hearing on this issue is being held at the ministry. After approval from the ministry, we will begin design, which will take about 3 years.

The estimated cost of building the icebreaker is about 75-80 billion rubles. These are very serious costs associated with the high power of the icebreaker. Therefore, the Krylov Center proposed another version of the icebreaker, which provides a channel width of 62 m and at the same time has a power of 60 MW. For this vessel, which has a multi-hull design, almost all the equipment that is installed on the LK-60 can be suitable. These two projects (leader icebreaker and multihull icebreaker) are not mutually exclusive, but are simply intended to perform different tasks. A multi-hull icebreaker will be more effective when guiding caravans in the Arctic, taking into account the development of the hydrometeorological service, the use of drones, satellites, etc. Thanks to this, it is possible to bypass hummocks in advance, since the ship will not be able to overcome four-meter ice. But at the same time, this icebreaker will also be able to provide a commercial speed of 10 knots with an ice thickness of 2.5 m. The cost of building such an icebreaker will be 50-55 billion rubles. (for comparison, the cost of the LK-60 is about 43 billion rubles). Currently, we have prepared a preliminary design of a multi-hull icebreaker. This project is of great interest to Rosatom.

— Are you developing any other icebreaker projects?

— Yes, this is a project of a multifunctional shallow-draft nuclear icebreaker with a capacity of 40 MW, Project 10570. Its draft will be 8 m (for leading icebreakers it is 10-12 m). The icebreakers of this project will be able to operate at the mouth of the rivers (Lena, Yenisei, Ob) and are intended to replace the icebreakers Vaygach and Taimyr. Although LK-60 are double-draft, their draft is still slightly larger, and the construction cost is higher. An icebreaker can perform different functions through the equipment of various cargo platforms on it. Thus, it can play the role of anchor handler, transport vessel, supply vessel, maintenance vessel and seismic survey vessel. We have completed a preliminary design and carried out modeling in ice.

— Will such a number of icebreakers be in demand?

— Of course, the country will not be able to build so many innovative icebreakers at the same time. Let's start with the leader icebreaker. But I am sure that the continuation of the construction of the icebreaker fleet is inevitable. Soon, in 2017-18, massive supplies of liquefied natural gas from the Yamal LNG project will begin; by 2020, cargo traffic will amount to 20 million tons. Oil shipments from the Novoportovskoye field have also already begun, and we participated in the design of the corresponding terminal.

It is important to note that gas from Yamal LNG will flow mainly in the eastern direction, where ice conditions are more difficult than in the western part of the Northern Sea Route.

There are also plans for the development of transportation through Arctic ports of various cargoes, taking into account the implementation of railway projects for approaches to them (Belkomur, Northern Latitudinal Railway).

The existing icebreaker fleet, even taking into account the icebreakers under construction, will not provide this increasing cargo flow, even if we are talking only about our export cargo, without taking into account plans for the development of transit.

— Is the Krylov Center involved in any way in the Yamal LNG project you mentioned?

— In November-December 2016, the first gas tanker should arrive in Sabetta. In this regard, we, together with the Ministry of Transport, conducted thematic classes, simulated traffic in the port of Sabetta, and practiced the passage of tankers along the main canal. As a result of this work, methods were defined and patterns were identified. Today we are busy finalizing the simulators that will be used to train operations in the port of Sabetta.

— What other offshore projects is the Krylov Center involved in?

— A contract has been concluded for participation in the modernization of Prirazlomnaya, where we have our own scope of work related to ice resistance. We are also negotiating with Novatek on participation in the second stage of the Yamal LNG project. There it is planned to use a different scheme to create a liquefied natural gas plant - it will be located in the water area on concrete pontoons. The platforms will be formed at a plant in the Murmansk region. We expect to participate in the development of transport operations for the delivery of these platforms, in their installation, and issues of ice resistance.

Also, together with DAMEN we are designing several ice support vessels for Rosneft.

— How do you assess the cooperation of the Russian shipbuilding industry with foreign companies and the prospects for localizing production necessary for the industry?

— There are isolated cases of joint technological projects with foreigners, but there is no mass exchange of technologies. Rather, we buy individual finished products from them, for example, electric propulsion systems, diesel generators, steering columns, and individual power electronics elements. But gradually in Russia this is being replaced. In any case, the production of mechanical rudder propellers has already been mastered (at the Zvezdochka enterprise). By the end of 2016, we expect orders to develop electric rudder propellers.

— Does the Krylov Center participate in the development of projects to provide ships with alternative fuels (LNG, etc.)?

— As is known, engines using alternative fuels have already been developed and are successfully operating around the world. We, for our part, propose to create liquefied gas bunkering vessels for the Baltic. We have relevant developments. We consult interested companies. But so far there are no specific projects with funding for them.

— What, in your opinion, are the main problems of domestic shipbuilding, what measures need to be taken to solve them?

— The main problem is organizational. I don’t see any other insoluble problem, not even a financial one. For example, if we continue the topic of the same bunkering ships, we know that new standards for emissions of harmful substances from ships in the Baltic are beginning to be applied. In my opinion, our companies and organizations needed to meet and develop a plan to enter the alternative fuels market. There are factories in Russia, there is a resource, and a sufficient number of ships connected with Russia sail in the Baltic. As a result, many shipowners could become our clients. But to do this, you need to draw up a program, come to an agreement with the main players, provide funding and resolve this issue. It is also impossible to do without the state; certain preferences are needed. The situation is similar in the shipbuilding industry itself. This is a control system problem.

Another problem is low labor productivity. How many years have we been talking about the need to build a dock in St. Petersburg for the construction of ships from saturated blocks? We build from sections on an inclined slipway, in the rain and snow. What kind of labor productivity can there be?

But I should also note that the face of the shipbuilding industry in Russia is changing - competition is growing, independent shipbuilding enterprises and holdings are developing.

— If we talk about shipbuilding projects, the largest today is the Center for Large-Tonnage Shipbuilding based at the Zvezda plant. Is the Krylov Center involved in this project?

— We are participating in the creation of a line of ships for construction at this shipyard, conducting modeling and testing.

— What are the priority directions for the development of the Krylov Center in the coming years?

— First of all, we need to complete the formation of the Arctic Center as a world-class center of competence.

Another task is to fulfill the government’s instructions to change the organizational and legal form of the enterprise, since federal state unitary enterprises should cease to exist in 2018. Most likely, the Krylov Center will become a Federal Autonomous Institution (FAI). This will allow us to provide our testing facilities to all interested market participants at pre-agreed prices.

During an inspection at the end of July, the Central Bank discovered a large shortage of funds in the bank. An analysis of the formation of reserves for possible losses also showed a complete loss of the bank’s own funds, the Central Bank indicates.

The managers and owners of the bank provided the Central Bank with unreliable reports, and also withdrew assets from the bank to the detriment of creditors and depositors.

The regulator draws attention to the fact that in 2017 the bank pursued an aggressive policy of attracting funds from individuals. The Bank of Russia twice introduced restrictions and once a ban on the attraction of household deposits by the Krylovsky Bank.

A temporary administration has been appointed to JSCB Krylovsky. The powers of the executive bodies of the credit organization have been suspended.

According to reports, as of July 1, in terms of assets, the credit institution occupied 360th place in the Russian banking system.

Payment on deposits

Krylovsky is a participant in the deposit insurance system. The Deposit Insurance Agency will begin paying depositors no later than August 16, 2017. Each depositor, including an individual entrepreneur (IP), has the right to receive insurance compensation as soon as possible.

Insurance compensation is paid to the depositor in the amount of 100% of the amount of all his accounts (deposits) with the bank, including those opened for business activities, but not more than 1.4 million rubles in total.

The amount not compensated by insurance will be repaid during the liquidation of the bank as part of the claims of creditors of the first priority (for individual entrepreneur accounts opened for business activities - as part of the third priority).

Date of revocation of the bank's license (joint-stock Commercial Bank "Krylovsky" (joint-stock company), license number of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation 456): August 2, 2017.

Reason for license revocation:

By Order of the Bank of Russia dated 02.08.2017 No. OD-2190, from 02.08.2017 the license to carry out banking operations was revoked from the credit organization Joint Stock Commercial Bank "Krylovsky" (joint stock company) JSCB "Krylovsky" (JSC) (reg. No. 456, Krasnodar ). According to reporting data, in terms of assets, as of July 1, 2017, the credit institution occupied 360th place in the banking system of the Russian Federation. The basis of the credit organization's resource base was the funds raised from the population. In 2017, the bank pursued an aggressive policy of attracting funds from individuals. The Bank of Russia has repeatedly applied supervisory measures against JSCB Krylovsky (JSC), including twice introducing restrictions and once a ban on attracting household deposits. During an audit of the cash registers of a number of divisions of JSCB Krylovsky (JSC) carried out by the Bank of Russia on July 26, 2017, a large shortage of funds was identified. The formation of the necessary reserves for possible losses on actually missing assets revealed a complete loss of the credit institution's own funds (capital). The managers and owners of the bank did not take effective measures to normalize its activities. Moreover, their actions showed signs of dishonest behavior, expressed in the submission of unreliable reports to the Bank of Russia and the withdrawal of assets to the detriment of the interests of creditors and depositors. Information about these facts will be sent by the Bank of Russia to law enforcement agencies. In the current circumstances, the Bank of Russia, on the basis of Article 20 of the Federal Law “On Banks and Banking Activities,” fulfilled the obligation to revoke the license to carry out banking operations from JSCB Krylovsky (JSC). The decision to apply an extreme measure of influence - the revocation of the license to carry out banking operations - was made by the Bank of Russia in connection with the credit organization's failure to comply with federal laws regulating banking activities, as well as regulations of the Bank of Russia, the value of all equity (capital) adequacy standards is below two percent, a decrease in the amount of equity (capital) below the minimum value of the authorized capital established on the date of state registration of the credit organization, taking into account the repeated application within one year of the measures provided for by the Federal Law “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)”.

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The decision to apply an extreme measure of influence - the revocation of the license to carry out banking operations - was made by the Bank of Russia in relation to the following credit institutions.