Index of educational infrastructure of regions of the Russian Federation. The Russian Textbook Corporation presented the results of the study “Index of Educational Infrastructure of Regions” at SPIEF. Information about the company


Today at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum there will be a presentation of a large-scale study by the Higher School of Economics and the Russian Textbook Corporation, “Index of the educational infrastructure of Russian regions.” Experts from the National Research University Higher School of Economics analyzed the condition of school and kindergarten buildings, the composition of teaching staff and the conditions for teaching people with disabilities. It turned out that the highest level of staffing is in vocational education (1.5 times higher than in preschool and school). But the material and technical support of schools and kindergartens, on the contrary, is better than in technical schools and colleges.

According to the study, which took almost a year and a half to complete, the average educational infrastructure index of the subjects for 2015 was 0.48 (on a scale from 0 to 1). This is 0.02 higher than in 2014. This indicator is made up of a study of personnel, school and technical college buildings, information resources and much more. The index is in the middle zone - experts have not identified either critically weak or positively advanced regions.

By level of education (preschool, school, additional and vocational) in the country as a whole, the indices also turned out to be average: from 0.43 for preschool to 0.56 for secondary vocational.

Deputy General Director of the Russian Textbook Corporation Maxim Lozovsky explained to Izvestia that the situation varies in the regions.

This is the principle we incorporated into the index. It should become a signal for local authorities, educational authorities and a basis for the exchange of experience. The authorities will be able to study the situation in their region in detail and compare it with other entities,” he said.

The most uneven in 2015 were the indicators of the quality of regional educational infrastructure. The values ​​of regional indices ranged from 0.21 to 0.75, with the Russian average value of 0.46.

Experts from the National Research University Higher School of Economics found that the best school education is in the Kaliningrad region (2nd and 3rd places - Krasnodar Territory and Leningrad Region). The best preschool is in the Kamchatka Territory (2nd and 3rd places - Kursk and Magadan regions).

The staffing index turned out to be the highest in vocational education (0.67). This is 1.5 times higher than similar indicators for preschool (0.40) and school (0.45) education.

According to the people's teacher of Russia, director of the capital's Education Center No. 548 "Tsaritsyno" Efim Rachevsky, the personnel issue remains one of the most pressing today.

Of all the resources, the most expensive is personnel. Everything else is secondary. Today there are problems with studying mathematics, physics, and chemistry. These subjects have not been trends in higher education in the last 20 years. New universities taught designers, psychologists, economists, lawyers and journalists, explained Efim Rachevsky.

Therefore, there is now a high demand for natural science specialties.

The index of material and technical equipment of vocational and additional education remains relatively low (0.53 and 0.52). In school and preschool education, the situation with computers and repairs is noticeably better (0.63 and 0.61).

The scientific director of the Center for Monitoring the Quality of Education at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Viktor Bolotov, noted that the infrastructure, including the personnel of the educational institution, is the minimum “gentleman’s set” of the region. Its presence can potentially guarantee the quality and accessibility of education, “but how it is used is a matter of study.”

The inclusion index was at its lowest point. On average in Russia it was 0.23–0.33.

This is due to the fact that attention to inclusive education began to be paid relatively recently. Just a few years ago, new requirements and standards began to appear, and the existing infrastructure of general education and the regional network of educational institutions began to be used in a new way,” noted Maxim Lozovsky.

According to him, positive dynamics in the country are already visible. He called this the low-start effect.

Alexey Mayorov, deputy head of the apparatus of the Russian State Duma Committee on Education and Science, told Izvestia that the education system is not yet ready to educate children with special needs in regular schools. This is also due to the fact that there are still specialized institutions for children with disabilities in the country.

June 7, 2017 08:08

The authors of the study announced the leading regions of the country with the highest index values. Only the educational infrastructure was assessed, and not the level of education as a whole. In terms of the level of general education, Moscow's leadership is undeniable, whose index is much higher than other regions. These results once again show the high potential created by the Russian capital for schoolchildren to receive a quality education at the level of world leaders.

Experts named other leaders in general education, including the Tyumen, Yaroslavl and Novgorod regions.

In the field of preschool education, the leader is the Murmansk region, in the field of additional education - the Tyumen region, in the field of secondary vocational education - the Chuvash Republic.

“Index of educational infrastructure of Russian regions” is a new analytical tool for regional administrations and education authorities. It allows us to solve two pressing problems - increasing the efficiency of investment decisions of education authorities and increasing the attractiveness of the education sector for extra-budgetary investments.

For objective comparison, regions with similar socio-economic indicators are combined into clusters. The index serves as the basis for determining priorities and adjusting regional education development programs.

According to the authors of the study, the high level of development of educational infrastructure significantly increases the attractiveness of the territory for qualified specialists, who are critically important in which schools their children will study.

The developed infrastructure attracts the best teachers from other regions. In other words, it contributes to an increase in the quality of life in the territory. Ultimately, all these factors influence the attractiveness of the region for private investors and the possibility of realizing the economic potential of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. In addition, the use of the proposed approaches makes it possible to increase the efficiency of government investments in education in the region.

The high level of development of educational infrastructure significantly increases the attractiveness of the territory for qualified specialists, the authors of the study believe

SAINT PETERSBURG, June 1. /TASS/. The National Research University Higher School of Economics and the Russian Textbook Corporation will present on June 1 in the presentation area of ​​the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) the results of the study “Index of Educational Infrastructure of Russian Regions.” The organizers of the event reported this.

"Index of educational infrastructure of Russian regions" is a new analytical tool for regional administrations and education authorities. It allows us to solve two pressing problems - increasing the efficiency of investment decisions of education authorities and increasing the attractiveness of the education sector for extra-budgetary investments.

For objective comparison, regions with similar socio-economic indicators are combined into clusters. The index serves as the basis for determining priorities and adjusting regional education development programs.

According to the authors of the study, the high level of development of educational infrastructure significantly increases the attractiveness of the territory for qualified specialists, who are critically important in which schools their children will study.

The developed infrastructure attracts the best teachers from other regions. In other words, it contributes to an increase in the quality of life in the territory. Ultimately, all this affects the attractiveness of the region for private investors and the possibility of realizing the economic potential of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. In addition, the use of the proposed approaches makes it possible to increase the efficiency of government investments in education in the region.

As part of the presentation of the study, there will be a discussion on the topic “How to invest in education to make your region successful?”


SPIEF runs from June 1 to 3. The forum events are united by the motto “In search of a new balance in the global economy.” TASS acts as the general media partner and official photo host agency of SPIEF. In addition, the agency is the operator of the forum presentation area with the support of EY.

The high level of development of educational infrastructure significantly increases the attractiveness of the territory for qualified specialists, the authors of the study believe.

Primary general education

Basic general education

Secondary general education

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On June 1, 2017, the National Research University Higher School of Economics and the Russian Textbook Corporation presented the results of the study “Index of Educational Infrastructure of Russian Regions” at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF).

The authors of the study announced the leading regions of the country with the highest values ​​of the Educational Infrastructure Index. Only the educational infrastructure was assessed, and not the level of education as a whole. In terms of the level of general education, Moscow's leadership is undeniable, whose index is much higher than other regions. This once again shows the high potential created by the Russian capital for schoolchildren to receive a quality education at the level of world leaders.

Experts named Tyumen, Yaroslavl and Novgorod regions as other leaders in general education.

In the field of preschool education, the leader is the Murmansk region, in the field of additional education - the Tyumen region, in the field of secondary vocational education - the Chuvash Republic.

“Index of educational infrastructure of Russian regions” is a new analytical tool for regional administrations and education authorities. It allows us to solve two pressing problems - increasing the efficiency of investment decisions of education authorities and increasing the attractiveness of the education sector for extra-budgetary investments.

For objectivity, regions with similar socio-economic indicators are combined into clusters. The index serves as the basis for determining priorities and adjusting regional education development programs.

According to the authors of the study, the high level of development of educational infrastructure significantly increases the attractiveness of the territory for qualified specialists, who are critically important in which schools their children will study.

The developed infrastructure attracts the best teachers from other regions. In other words, it contributes to an increase in the quality of life in the territory. Ultimately, all these factors influence the attractiveness of the region for private investors and the possibility of realizing the economic potential of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. In addition, the use of the proposed approaches makes it possible to increase the efficiency of government investments in education in the region.

As part of the presentation of the study, there was a discussion on the topic “How to invest money in education to make your region successful?”


  • Viktor Alexandrovich Bolotov, President of the Eurasian Association for Assessment of the Quality of Education, scientific director of the Center for Monitoring the Quality of Education of the Institute of Education of the National Research University Higher School of Economics;
  • Tigran Hamletovich Shmis, Senior Education Specialist, World Bank
  • Sergey Gennadievich Kosaretsky, Director of the Center for Socio-Economic Development of the School Institute of Education of the National Research University Higher School of Economics;
  • Maxim Borisovich Lozovsky, Deputy General Director for Strategic Planning of the Eksmo-AST Publishing Group.

About company
The Russian Textbook Corporation was founded in 2017. It included the publishing houses “Drofa”, “Astrel”, “Ventana-Graf”, as well as the digital educational platform LECTA. Today, the Russian Textbook Publishing Corporation has the largest number of textbooks included in the Federal List - 485 titles (about 38% of the market). The corporation's portfolio consists of textbooks and manuals for primary school, which are traditionally in high demand among Russian teachers, awarded the Presidential Prize in the field of education, as well as popular lines of educational and methodological kits in physics, chemistry, biology, geography, technology, drawing, astronomy.

The corporation cooperates with institutes for advanced training of education workers in 80 regions of the Russian Federation, which makes it possible to annually provide methodological support to over 220 thousand teachers. The digital educational platform LECTA is popular among teachers for distributing and using textbooks in electronic form in the educational process, the requirement for the creation of which was formulated by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in 2014.