Ust-Manych hydroelectric complex of the "Manych lock system". Ust-Manych hydroelectric complex of the “Manych lock system” What will local residents get from construction

Object address: Russia, Rostov region, Manychskaya village

Object type: Transport object (Airports, train stations, ports.)

The automatic installation of a fire alarm is designed to detect a fire and notify personnel of protected premises about a fire, as well as to transmit the corresponding notification to a 24-hour security post equipped with a telephone connection.
To detect fire in protected premises, fire detectors (PI) IPD-3.1M, IP 105-1G, IPDL-D-II/4P are used. The PIs are connected to the “S2000-4” or “Signal-10” fire and security control panel via two-wire alarm loops (AL). Emergency exits are equipped with “Exit” light warning devices. When warning premises, sound warning devices “Ivolga PKI-1” are used. Light and sound warning devices “Mayak-12K” are installed on the street façade of the building.
Fire alarm elements provide automatic self-testing of operability and transmission of information confirming their serviceability to the security post on the S2000-M control panel via Nevod-5 radio channel transmitters.
The premises of the waterworks buildings are equipped with automatic fire alarms and a system for alerting people about fires of the 2nd and 3rd types. Notifying people about a type 2 fire is carried out locally on each building using light displays and the Ivolga PKI-1 siren; the type 3 warning system is carried out by installing a “Rupor-200” voice warning control device and “HS-” loud-speaking horns on each bank 50T". When an alarm is triggered at a local facility, a type 2 warning system is launched locally inside the building and a type 3 warning system is launched with information about the triggered local facility on the territory of the left and right banks of the hydroelectric complex.
The project provides for the installation of fire risers along the lock chamber in the amount of 3 pieces. On risers with a diameter of 50x3 mm, fire hydrants with a diameter of 50 mm with a quick-closing nut are provided. Each riser is equipped with a cabinet complete with a fire hose 2x20 m long, 50 mm in diameter, Ru = 1.0 MPa with a tie-down head - a Bogdanov nut and a barrel with a diameter of 19 mm.
Water intake for fire extinguishing is carried out from the side of the control station building “1” by a submersible pump Calpeda series 6 // SDX from Calpeda, with a capacity of 36 m3/hour, a pressure of 30 m and a power of 7.5 kW, the diameter of the suction pipeline is 89x3 mm. Nominal diameter of the supply socket G3 (DN80 mm). A check valve with a diameter of 80 mm is installed on the pressure pipeline.
The fire risers are united by a distribution pipeline with a diameter of 89x3mm, 76x3 m, a total length of 145 m, installed along the fence of the airlock chamber on the ground. During the winter period, the fire water supply system is emptied through a drain valve.
The pumping unit for fire-fighting purposes is designed with manual and remote control. The pump is turned on using buttons installed on the switchboard panel and automatically using shkp-10 IP-54.

The following products were used to implement the project

Fire extinguishing automation

Network Controller


Repeater, interface converter

On October 15, 2018, a joint meeting of the Public Council under Rosvodresursy and the Coordination Council under the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation on environmental safety of citizens of the Russian Federation was held at the Public Chamber of Russia, dedicated to solving environmental problems of the Don River. This meeting left me with an ambivalent feeling. On the one hand, it is very good that they raised the issue of protecting the great Russian River Don. We wrote a lot about this in the Society and Ecology newspaper. On the other hand, the information sounded one-sided. It seemed that transport workers wanted to deceive environmentalists, local residents, social activists, as well as Russian President Vladimir Putin and justify the construction of a dam - the Bagaevsky hydroelectric complex. They wanted to convince those gathered that there was little water on the Don and that a dam needed to be built at a cost of 22 billion rubles. For what?

To increase the water level by 2 meters to increase the workload and traffic capacity of ships. At the same time, the question was kept silent about what will happen to the people and nature? On April 23, the President of Russia gave a clear instruction to carry out an objective examination of the project. But she's still not there. Why are they ignoring Putin’s instructions? It is obvious that there has been no low water on the Don for a long time. On the contrary, there is a flood! It should be especially noted that the Chairman of the RF OP Valery Fadeev said about the need to objectively discuss the “pros” and “cons” of the project and what the construction of the Bagaevsky hydroelectric complex will threaten for the nature of the region and local residents. The lobbyists for the project do not fully understand that its implementation will lead to an environmental disaster on the Don. The video of the meeting was published on the website of the RF OP -

The editors of the St. Petersburg newspaper “Society and Ecology” decided to publish a recent article by the Rostov journalist of the newspaper “Our Time” Natalya Narseeva “Bagaevsky hydroelectric complex”: dress rehearsal”

“Bagaevsky hydroelectric complex”: dress rehearsal

This has not happened on the Don for almost a quarter of a century. For the first time after a long period of low water, the peak of which occurred in 2015, when a small island was exposed in the alignment of the Voroshilovsky Bridge in Rostov-on-Don, large water came. Part of the coastal areas in the villages of Manychskaya, Razdorskaya, and in the villages of Kalinin and Arpachin were flooded. Excited readers called the editorial office with the question: “What will happen to the water level after the Bagaevsky hydroelectric complex is built?”

Don Venice

Today, on the right bank of the Don - opposite the village of Bagaevskaya, right in the ferry crossing area - a real Don Venice has formed: the tourist centers have been flooded. People sail boats through the coastal forests and are very happy: it’s a new entertainment for them, and the fish have plenty of freedom to spawn. Coastal areas were flooded in the Kalinin farmsteads of the Oktyabrsky district and in the Pukhlyakovsky-Ust-Donetsk district. But many residents there are not particularly worried about this: more water means more fish. And as for the flooded camp sites, they are slightly gloating - there was nothing to the very shore!

The mood is completely different on the left bank - in the Arpachin farmstead and the villages of Manychskaya and Bagaevskaya. There people correlate the current “mood” of the river, the flow of which has become very strong in those places, with the impending construction of the Bagaevskaya dam.

In the village of Bagaevskaya itself, the water came straight to the crossing and flooded the house standing on the shore. And it is impossible to cross the old riverbed using the bridge - the bridge is under water.

In the village of Manycheskaya, the crossing through which the equipment of the Manych-Agro enterprise was transported is not working - it also went under water.

Opposite the Arpachin farm, a small island - the same one in which the body of the future dam is planned to be located - has almost completely gone under water. Through the tops of the trees from the high bank one can see the smooth surface of the main channel of the Don, which the old-timers have not observed for a very long time. On the high left bank, the water “ate” the distance to the road itself, which runs above the houses. It appears that she rose above two and a half meters. This is more than the limit indicated in the project of the Bagaevsky hydroelectric complex.

- What will happen during such a flood if a dam stands in the way of the water? - this question is asked here by both local residents and visitors - lovers of fishing, recreation in their native side and the unique Don nature, where the Arpachin Islands are a real pearl.


It is not difficult to imagine a future dam on the site of the island - a beautiful picture fits easily into the area. But all the beauty was overshadowed by reality: the unexpectedly rapid flow of the river. So if the Bagaevsky hydroelectric complex were already standing today, the situation with flooding would be more serious. Experts must calculate this accurately, taking as a basis the current water level marks, as well as the expected maximum ones. After all, a future dam cannot be placed at the bottom to ensure 100% water flow, like the same Manycheskaya Poirot dam. There are only sandors in it. And this means there is still a traffic jam, which under certain conditions can lead to disaster. The river can be blocked, but you cannot order nature and the weather to maintain a certain level. There was low water, now there is high water.

... At the pumping station near the Arpachin farm we met a caring man who had worked all his life in the system of hydraulic structures.

— Do you see how much water is behind the shaft? This is groundwater that has risen, which will have to be pumped out when the dam is built. I'm wondering, at whose expense? If at the expense of the district, then our entire budget will be spent on this!

… While crossing the Don in Bagaevka on the eve of May 9, I heard a conversation between two business travelers. They discussed some reference points, and lamented about how much land and forests would go under water after the construction of the dam if there was so much water every spring.

The don needs to be cleaned!

I had a conversation about the fate of the river with a family of old-timers from the Arpachin Chizhov farm, who remember these places from early childhood - from the early forties. Alexandra Sergeevna was born in 1935, and Ivan Dmitrievich is three years older than her. They remembered about floods and floods, about fish that they almost caught with their hands during floods, and about the fact that twenty years ago the river was constantly being cleaned - special watercraft were simply an eyesore, walking back and forth along the river, clearing the bottom of silt. And there were no problems with shipping and depths. And now it won’t happen if you do the same thing, assures Ivan Dmitrievich.

“Before, the banks of the Don were hard—sandy; we used to run around here barefoot. And now we only go to the river in boots; there are reeds and silt everywhere. “They clean the Don only in words,” Alexandra Sergeevna confirmed the words to her husband.

I met some vacationers on the shore, and they also started talking about the dam. Experienced people who have seen many countries complained that in Europe they don’t treat rivers like that, they are protected.

— There is a lot of water now, it will carry away some of the bottom sediments - the current is very strong. In summer the picture is different: there is less water. And when the loaded barge goes up the Don, the bottom almost catches, behind it a terrible turbidity rises, and fish, beaten by the screws, float up - carp, catfish, bream. Disorder for both shipping and fishing. The river must be cleaned before a dam is built! - the people repeat with one soul. “Then maybe it will turn out that it’s not needed at all!”

And Tsimlu – first of all!

A resident of the village of Manychskaya is very sorry: “With such a flood, how much water could be stored in Tsimla if it was cleaned up! So much water was wasted.”

Nikolai Lukyanov, a resident of the city of Tsimlyansk, wrote practically the same thing in his letter to the editors of Our Time: “The Bagaevsky hydroelectric complex is presented to us as a means of saving water from the Tsimlyansk reservoir to ensure navigable depths below the Kochetovsky hydroelectric complex. But when the reservoir was filled to the design level with a probability of up to 90%, navigable depths were ensured through regular releases of water through the Tsimlyanskaya hydroelectric station. But for this, it is not necessary to build a dam on the Lower Don, but to find all the resources to fill Tsimlya! Water can be “obtained” only by clearing the beds of small rivers in the Tsimla and Don basins.”

Letter from the President

Now an initiative group of residents of the village of Manychskaya and the village of Arpachin are preparing for public hearings, which are to be held on behalf of President Vladimir Putin.

“We hope that everything will be organized differently from last year, when the organizers simply tried not to let us into the hall, and for statistics they brought a whole bus of young people in suits and ties,” recalls Elena Usova, chairman of the initiative group opposing the construction Bagaevsky hydroelectric complex.

On May 8, Elena Nikolaevna personally received a letter marked “Presidential.”

“It’s a very good letter for us,” she smiled. - In it, to the appeal of one and a half thousand residents of the Don, a simple and laconic answer is given: “Your appeal has been transferred to the Russian Academy of Sciences.” This means we can sleep peacefully – we trust independent academic scientists. They will say their word in defense of Don.

And “Our Time” will monitor developments.


h. Arpachin – st. Bagaevskaya

The well-being of the sailor of the Russian Navy, the harvest of cucumbers in the Bagaevsky district of the Rostov region, and whether young people will remain in the village of Manychskaya depend on whether a waterworks complex is built in the Arpachin farmstead. We talked about this grandiose project with the chairman of the Navy Veterans Club at the Proletarsky District Council of Veterans, Nikolai Ignatievich Chepov.

Nikolai Ignatievich, why did they plan to build a waterworks in the Bagaevsky district today?

To maintain the required water level in the Don in the area from the Kochetovsky hydroelectric complex to the Arpachin farm. Due to climate change, rivers today are much shallower than, say, 15 years ago. In order for a large-tonnage vessel to pass along the river, the water level must be at least 4 meters, as throughout the Unified Deep-Water System of the Russian Federation. Lately this figure has been significantly lower. Because of this, the fleet is idle or ships are not fully loaded. The resulting losses are colossal. Just imagine, 75 percent of the ships traveling along the Volga-Don route are large-tonnage. With a shipping channel depth of 340 cm, cargo losses amount to 2557.74 thousand tons per year.

The need to build a system of low-pressure locks on the Lower Don, which would guarantee the proper depth before entering the Sea of ​​Azov, was spoken about at the beginning of the last century by the outstanding hydraulic engineer Professor Nestor Platonovich Puzyrevsky. But this issue became acute precisely with the beginning of the construction of river vessels with a carrying capacity of five thousand tons. Then the reconstruction of the Kochetovsky hydroelectric complex was carried out, in 1974 the construction of the Nikolaevsky hydroelectric complex was completed, protective dams were built near the village of Manychskaya and the Arpachin farm, where they planned to build the Bagaevsky hydroelectric complex, but construction never began.

But won’t it turn out that the construction of hydraulic structures will lead to siltation of the riverbed? Now on small rivers where there are dams, this is one of the main problems.

No. What happened to the ponds? At one time, their resources were used in agriculture for watering, irrigation, etc. For this, dams and dams were built, which today are mostly not maintained. Hence the deplorable result - small bodies of water have become shallow. The Bagaevsky hydroelectric complex will form part of a system that primarily ensures the passage of water transport. Special attention has always been paid to maintaining waterways, and similar problems did not arise at hydraulic structures built for these purposes even decades ago.

Nevertheless, the construction and operation of a new facility will still have a negative impact on the surrounding environment. Is not it?

Here I can also answer in the negative. The hydraulic system will be installed in the area where the Don diverges into two branches. The construction itself will be carried out on land. When one of the sleeves has to be closed to install objects, the other will still remain free, so that the fish can swim freely along it. When the hydroelectric complex is opened, it will have a fish passage sluice and a fish passage/spawning channel, which will allow everything to return to normal. In addition, the design of the waterworks will be such that the new reservoir, having been filled to the required level, will not be filled further. It will discharge all the “extra” water coming from the Tsimlyansk Sea. This is of great importance for the animal world. Look what's happening today.

When the dam of the Ust-Manych hydroelectric complex is raised in the spring, the reservoir overflows. Water floods checks and estuaries. Fish rush to “new” bodies of water. In quickly warming dams, fry grow especially well. But when the water is released for the winter, the estuaries freeze to the ground, and the fish die. Now, with a constant water level in the reservoir, this will not happen.

However, when constructing a reservoir, part of the land will still have to be flooded. When the Tsimlyansky hydroelectric complex was built, entire settlements went under water. What will happen this time?

Tragedy will not happen. Wetlands in the Bagaevsky, Oktyabrsky, Semikarokorsky and Ust-Donetsk districts will mostly be flooded. Of course, it's not that simple. They have owners. And in some areas even cottages were built. However, as far as I know, funds are provided for compensation for all those who suffer losses in connection with the construction of the hydroelectric complex.

What will local residents get from the construction?

The first thing I should note is that all residents of Manychskaya know about the upcoming changes. Discussions on the action plan are ongoing and should be conducted as openly as possible in the future. Of course, not all village residents have an unambiguous view of such prospects for the development of their region. But their criticism is taken into account. By the way, it was on the basis of comments from local residents that the construction of a road bridge was included in the hydroelectric complex. In general, people can expect that with the start of construction, life in the settlement will improve. Firstly, the project plans to include funds for road repairs and water supply replacement. Secondly, new jobs will appear for those who will maintain the hydraulic structure. Finally, it is planned to build housing for young professionals. But even those who are not directly involved in maintaining the hydraulic structure will benefit. The groundwater level in the area will rise, so that it will again be possible to irrigate from wells. In theory, Bagaev’s cucumbers will be everywhere again.

If a decision is made to build the Bagaevsky hydroelectric complex, a detailed design will be developed and construction will begin. Experience shows that the construction of such facilities can take from three to five years. So, if circumstances go well, the waterworks will begin operating by 2020.