What's in accounting? Accounting. The concept of accounting entry


Accounting is a rather complex procedure, and therefore it is quite difficult for beginners to understand it, especially if they have not previously received the appropriate education.

In this regard, many are starting to study the basic elements of reporting in modern organizations in order to try to deal with all the documents on their own, without hiring outside specialists, in order to save money on additional specialists, and at the same time draw up all the necessary documents in full accordance with the rules .

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At the same time, legislation is constantly changing, so most people have to re-understand how to properly conduct accounting in 2020.

What it is

A balance sheet is a special document that is used to keep a company’s records of the work it has done over the past year. This document reflects the financial condition of this entity as of the specified date, and all the information it includes is for informational purposes only for all employees of the accounting department, management of the organization, as well as shareholders and other responsible persons.

Where to start

You should start understanding the correct preparation of financial statements with the basic concepts and rules that will help you avoid the most common mistakes that many make when filing documents.

How to select information

In order to find the information you need, you should do the following:

  • gain a clear understanding of the main tasks of accounting and the subject area in which it is used;
  • understand what constitutes a financial result and the taxation system;
  • understand and remember what basic elements include accounting;
  • understand exactly how each of the obtained features affects the financial result;
  • learn how the collection and adjustment of information is recorded using accounting tools, as well as the features of information classification;
  • learn to read reports correctly and analyze the data contained in them;
  • conduct several end-to-end practical tasks to collect all the information and try to use it in practice.

Using this approach, one can learn practical accounting while gaining the necessary theory and future perspective.


If a person decides to engage in private entrepreneurial activity, it is better for him to learn how to do accounting in advance, since often the start-up capital is not enough to hire a qualified specialist.

Thus, for self-study it is worth highlighting several useful steps:

  • if you do not have any knowledge in the field of reporting, it is best to start reading the relevant literature while simultaneously performing training exercises;
  • try to find the necessary basics of accounting on the Internet, receiving free lessons in a variety of areas of accounting, and also study online the text of any legal act that regulates accounting;
  • study the textbooks that are provided during the training process at universities, finding relevant publications that provide a deeper understanding of maintaining and preparing reports;
  • attend paid official courses, which are often taught by professionals at institutes and colleges;
  • application of skills in real life (for example, changing the recording system).

Once accounting has been studied well enough to work professionally in this position, you can consider possible options on how to start your career in this direction. For example, you can get a job working under the wing of a more experienced specialist or try yourself as an assistant.

Documentation and experience

In order to learn the theory, it is worth studying several basic regulations:

  • Federal Law No. 402-FZ;
  • Tax code;
  • provisions adopted on accounting;
  • chart of accounts;
  • Federal Law No. 212-FZ.

Of course, it makes no sense to study the Tax Code in full, but you need to at least find out how taxes on value added, profit and income of individuals are calculated. It is best to study all these regulations on specialized websites, since the wording of legislative acts is quite difficult for beginners to understand.

Step-by-step lesson on accounting for dummies

Step-by-step instructions for entrepreneurs include all the necessary information that allows you to understand all the features of reporting in the shortest possible time. Today, you can always get the necessary information about reporting, and in addition to this, you can also attend specialized courses.

By choosing this option, the entrepreneur significantly saves his own money, but at the same time he will need much more time to conduct this activity. Before you start understanding the reporting rules, it is best to study the basic concepts of the system, and in particular, this directly concerns the very definition of accounting and all the special modes used today.

Without understanding such elements, it is simply impossible to maintain the necessary registers, calculate expenses and income, pay salaries to your employees, and also prepare documentation for reporting. It is all these operations that make up the entire accounting department of any commercial organization.

To begin with, it is worth noting the general regime according to which an entrepreneur must take into account any business transactions in the Book of Expenses and Income. At the end of each year, a declaration is drawn up in form 3-NDFL, and a tax of 13% is paid, which is paid until April 30 of the following year. In this case, all incoming and outgoing invoices are taken into account, as well as all purchases and sales made, after which a quarterly declaration is generated and the amount of tax is calculated in accordance with the accepted rate of 18%.

With a simplified system, you need to fill out a book of information about income with a base of 6%, as well as all expenses and income, the tariff for which is set at 15%. The deadline for filing a declaration is similar to the general one, and the reporting and personnel contributions are exactly the same. The main feature is the absence of income and property taxes.

Another preferential regime is UTII, but here accounting is quite complicated, since the entrepreneur must clearly record all the physical characteristics of his activities, including the area of ​​the premises, the total number of units of property in the transport fleet and many other indicators.

All changes in such indicators for the entire year must be reported in the tax calculation process from the month in which they occurred, and the mandatory payment will be calculated on the basic profitability for a particular type of activity established by local legislative authorities. Also, in the process of preparing such reporting, it will be useful to know deflator coefficients.

A standard course for beginners who are just beginning to understand the peculiarities of accounting, includes important information that any business operator will need, regardless of his field of activity.

There are a few key themes worth noting in particular:

  • maintaining accounting records in public companies;
  • history of development of budget reporting;
  • a plan according to which accounting accounts should be prepared in public companies;
  • reporting forms used by budget companies;
  • features of cash accounting.

The most difficult moments in the process

After studying the basic elements of accounting, an entrepreneur will need to understand what difficulties can be encountered in the reporting process and what needs to be prepared for when interacting with the tax authorities.

Clarifications about VAT

At the end of the reporting period, any company registered with the tax authorities must submit a VAT return, and in Russia this reporting is submitted every quarter. Within 20 days following the last day of the reporting period, the declaration must be submitted to the relevant authorities, and in the same way it will be necessary to pay the corresponding deductions within 20 days.

In Russia, starting from January 1, 2020, a VAT return can, if desired, be submitted exclusively electronically using telecommunication channels. In order to select an electronic document management operator, you can use the information provided on the regional websites of the Federal Tax Service.

With this resource, you will need to draw up an appropriate agreement, obtain the appropriate cryptographic protection tools, including a specialized electronic signature, with which you will need to certify declarations and invoices.

Features for foreign economic activity

It is worth noting several features characteristic of foreign economic activity:

  • keeping records of amounts expressed or received in foreign currency, simultaneously in rubles and foreign currency;
  • constant analysis of the dates when ownership of exported or imported property is transferred in accordance with the terms of Incoterms specified in the contract;
  • the need to indicate the value of property purchased outside of Russia, with the obligatory indication of customs duties;
  • reflection of the costs required to provide foreign business trips in accordance with the rules of current legislation;
  • inclusion in the financial result as of the reporting date of all the results of the revaluation of foreign currency balances of funds, as well as all kinds of settlements with counterparties that are expressed in foreign currency;
  • the need to form a separate analysis on reporting accounts and other registers in order to ensure reporting of all types of information that relates to foreign economic activity;
  • control over the full receipt of funds required for payment under foreign exchange contracts with foreign consumers;
  • reflection of taxes that are charged additionally due to the introduction of foreign economic activity;
  • compliance with certain rules and regulations that govern the deduction of VAT on various expenses directly related to imports and exports;
  • correct completion of all reporting information on taxes paid.

Best books to download

It is worth noting several basic literary works that any aspiring entrepreneur or accountant should definitely read:

Author Name
Krutyakova "VAT. Practice of calculation and payment"
Gartwich "1C: Accounting 8 at a Glance"
Gartwich “Accounting from scratch. Self-instruction manual"
Gartwich "Accounting in 10 days"
Zinko, Veshunova “Repo operations. Legal regulation, accounting, taxation and audit"
Wiseman, Kasyanov "Accounting in the public sector"
Wiseman, Kasyanov "Accounting in banks"
Morozova “About simplification over a glass of tea”
Kirillova, Bogachenko "Accounting. Workshop"
Dirkova “Incubator for an accountant: from zero to balance”

Some of these books are also used in the training of professional accountants in various higher educational institutions, so those people who are trying to study on their own, learning the basics of accounting without outside help, should definitely familiarize themselves with them.

Accounting is the formation of documented, systematized information in accordance with established requirements and the preparation of accounting (financial) statements on its basis. This definition of accounting is given in Part 2 of Art. 1 of the Federal Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ “On Accounting”. We will tell you about the essence, goals and content of accounting, who conducts it and how, in our consultation.

The essence, goals and objectives of accounting

The essence of accounting is largely revealed in the definition of accounting. After all, what is accounting in your own words? Accounting in short is the process of reflecting all business facts in accounting registers and subsequent preparation of reports.

We talked about the goals and objectives of financial accounting in and said that accounting is, among other things, a mechanism aimed at preventing negative results of an organization’s activities and identifying internal reserves that would ensure its financial stability.

The accounting concept given above shows the importance of . The concept of accounting confirms the need not only for the primary registration of facts of economic activity, but also for their systematization. in accounting theory are in a close and inextricable relationship.

Setting up accounting records and maintaining them

In resolving issues of accounting and practical accounting work, it is necessary to be guided by the 4-level. Moreover, in cases where a particular accounting issue is not resolved at the regulatory level, the accounting instructions for the organization will be its. An accounting policy for an organization is not a general “theorized” document; it does not need to disclose the essence and main objectives of accounting or give a general description of accounting. It is rather a guide to action in specific business conditions, a set of practical instructions.

When maintaining accounting records, the facts of economic life are reflected on interconnected synthetic accounts using. The list of synthetic accounts was approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated October 31, 2000 No. 94n. A working accounting plan, taking into account the specifics of conducting activities in a particular organization, must be attached to the one approved by such organization.

We provided typical accounting entries for various sections of accounting in ours.

The following accounting issues, among others, were also disclosed.

What does the Federal Law on Accounting regulate? What basics and principles does accounting law include? How to organize accounting?

Greetings, dear friends! Alla Prosyukova, a professional accountant and financier, is in touch.

I am a practicing accountant and banking specialist with more than 25 years of experience, so I will try to simply and clearly talk about the most important components of accounting and illustrate what has been said with examples from practice.

So, let's begin to review and study the basics of accounting.

1. What is accounting, who needs it and why?

Although I am not a supporter of a long and sometimes tedious theory, knowledge of its main points is sometimes necessary.

- a system built in a certain way that takes into account in monetary terms all the information of a company about its property, capital, income, expenses and their changes through documentary recording of business transactions.

Step 6. Ensure timely submission of reports

In order not to miss deadlines for submitting reports, I recommend that you make a calendar for this very submission and keep it always before your eyes. It can be done on paper or electronically.

The taxpayer’s calendar is very often published on the website of the tax department or on other specialized resources. You can see an example of this

Important! For violation of deadlines for submitting reports, fines are expected: per organization in the amount of 200 rubles. for each form not submitted, and for officials - from 300 to 500 rubles.

If you keep your records in an accounting service, for example, in “My Business”, then you do not need to make a calendar and monitor reporting deadlines; the service itself will remind you via SMS or email about the deadlines.

5. Professional assistance in accounting - review of the TOP-3 companies providing services

If you are not an accountant, and all these “debits” and “credits” are an empty phrase for you, or you do not have enough time to do accounting, we recommend that in this case you use the help of professionals by ordering them for your business.

Today we offer you 3 companies providing professional services in the field of accounting.

1) My business

Internet accounting “My Business” is an ideal service for companies using the simplified tax system, UTII, OSNO and Patent. Keeping accounting records in this service will not be difficult even for clients who do not have an accounting education.

For those who do not have enough time to independently conduct accounting for their company, “My Business” offers an accounting outsourcing service.

If you have not yet registered your company, then using the “My Business” service you can easily prepare the necessary documents, and completely free of charge.

Fragment of tariffs of the “My Business” service:

By choosing the appropriate tariff, you can easily:

  • submit reports online;
  • Calculate taxes, contributions and salaries without any problems;
  • prepare the necessary documents;
  • issue invoices directly from the service.

You can try working with the “” service for free for a month.

2) Smart+

Smart+ is a leading Russian accounting company, included in the TOP-30. The company provides comprehensive accounting support in Moscow and the Moscow region.

The Smart+ company consists of 24 accountants, 4 tax consultants and 3 lawyers.

When ordering the company’s services, the client additionally receives free of charge:

  • construction of management accounting;
  • selection of one employee for the client’s company;
  • consultation on business scaling.

The company's accounting department specialists are certified as professional accountants.

3) Olsa

"Olsa" is a center of professional accounting services for small and medium-sized businesses in Moscow. The company cooperates with the largest Russian banks, which allows its clients to receive discounts and bonuses from partner banks. On the Olsa website you can make a preliminary calculation of services based on the needs of your organization.

Company advantages:

  • guaranteed quality of services;
  • clear terms of the contract;
  • transparent pricing;
  • liability is insured by Rosgosstrakh;
  • included in the list of the largest consulting companies.

I would like to note that all these companies will be able to offer not only, but will be happy to undertake also.

6. What errors occur when maintaining accounting records - TOP 4 most common errors

Organizations submit reports of various forms: tax (declarations, calculations, etc.), accounting (profit and loss statements, capital flows, cash flows, etc.). The number of forms depends on the company’s taxation system.

With such a variety of reporting forms, errors often occur. Let's look at some of them.

Error 1. Violation of the procedure for preparing for the generation and submission of reports

Formation and submission of reports requires certain preparation. Inventory is one of the activities of the preparatory process, which allows you to avoid many mistakes.

If the inventory procedure is violated, there is a high probability of ending up with unreliable data in the reports.

During preparation, the data in the accounting registers may remain unverified, which can also contribute to the occurrence of errors in accounting. In such a situation, a partial one may sometimes be required (for more information about this, read a separate article on our website).

Error 2. Distortion of the original cost of fixed assets

Accounting for fixed assets (FA) is a very complex issue; checks very often reveal various types of errors. Perhaps the most common is the distortion of the original cost of OS objects.

Other common mistakes when determining the cost of OS objects:

  • one inventory item is counted as several (or vice versa);
  • the costs of purchasing or manufacturing the OS are not included in the initial cost;
  • the cost of operating systems purchased for foreign currency was incorrectly assessed;
  • expenses for reconstruction and modernization are included in current expenses.

When correcting such shortcomings, it is almost always necessary to recalculate the accrued depreciation, which in itself is troublesome and fraught with additional errors.

Error 3. Poor preparation and conduct of annual inventory

Inventory is the most important event in the financial and economic activities of any organization. Even the Ministry of Finance issued special guidelines for its implementation.

Despite the importance of the process and its methodological support, in practice there are a huge number of errors in this matter.

Cash flow statement
Statement of retained earnings
Statement of changes in equity
Consolidated Combined Areas of accounting

Cost accounting Financial accounting Forensic accounting
Fund accounting Management accounting Tax accounting
Budget accounting Bank accounting

Audit Financial control

Accounting- an orderly system for collecting, registering and summarizing information in monetary terms about the state of property, obligations of the organization and their changes (cash flow) through continuous, continuous and documentary accounting of all business transactions.

The objects of accounting are the property of organizations, their obligations and business transactions carried out by organizations in the course of their activities.

Accounting in accordance with the law on accounting can be carried out by: the chief accountant hired by the enterprise under an employment contract, the general director in the absence of an accountant, an accountant who is not the chief accountant, or a third-party organization (accounting support).

The main task of accounting is the formation of complete and reliable information (accounting statements) about the activities of the organization and its property status, on the basis of which it becomes possible:

  • prevention of negative results of the organization’s economic activities;
  • identification of internal reserves to ensure the financial stability of the organization;
  • monitoring compliance with legislation when the organization carries out business operations;
  • control of the feasibility of business operations;
  • control of the availability and movement of property and liabilities;
  • control over the use of material, labor and financial resources;
  • monitoring compliance of activities with approved norms, standards and estimates.

Internal users of financial statements are managers, founders, participants and owners of the organization’s property.

External users of financial statements are investors, creditors, and the state.

Accounting is closely related to tax and management accounting.


The Incas

Accounting was widely used in the Central Andes (Peru, Bolivia) for state and public purposes in the 1st millennium AD. e. based on the Inca knotted writing - quipu, which consisted of both numeric entries in the decimal system and non-numeric entries in the binary coding system. The stack used primary and secondary keys, positional numbers, color coding and series formation repeating data. For the first time in human history, qipu was used to apply such a method of accounting as double entry.

New time

Accounting method

The set of all techniques and methods by which the movement and state of economic assets and their sources are reflected in Accounting, it includes the following main elements:

  • documentation
  • grade
  • preparation of balance sheets and reporting.

Subjects of accounting

Accounting can be maintained:

  • accounting department included in the enterprise;
  • head of the organization;

Accounting Principles

Accounting principles are the basic, initial, basic provisions of accounting as a science, which predetermine all subsequent statements arising from them. The basic principles of accounting can be considered the following:

  • The principle of autonomy assumes that this or that organization exists as a single independent legal entity; its property is strictly separated from the property of its co-owners, employees and other organizations. Accounting data represents a unified system that meets the objectives of property management, obligations and business transactions carried out by the organization in the process of its operation. Accounting elements that do not have an impact on business processes are removed from the accounting system as unnecessary. Accounting and balance sheets reflect only property that is recognized as the property of this particular organization.
  • Double entry principle- a double continuous reflection of economic phenomena, facts and transactions, predetermined by the use of double entries in the accounts, that is, simultaneously and for the same amount in the debit of one account and the credit of another account.
  • Operating organization principle assumes that the organization is functioning normally and will maintain its position in the market in the foreseeable future, paying off obligations to suppliers and consumers and other partners in the prescribed manner. This principle necessitates the need to link the organization's assets with its future profits, which can be obtained with the help of these assets. This principle acquires particular importance when assessing the property and liabilities of an organization.
  • Principle of objectivity is that all business transactions must be reflected in accounting records, be registered throughout all stages of accounting, and be confirmed by supporting documents on the basis of which accounting records are kept.
  • Principle of prudence implies a certain degree of caution in the process of forming judgments necessary in calculations made under conditions of uncertainty, allowing to avoid overstatement of assets or income and understatement of liabilities or expenses. Compliance with the principle of prudence prevents the occurrence of hidden reserves and excessive inventories, the deliberate understatement of assets or income, or the deliberate overstatement of liabilities or expenses. Neglect of this principle will lead to the fact that financial statements will cease to be neutral and, therefore, lose reliability.
  • Accrual principle- all transactions are recorded as they occur, and not at the time of payment, and relate to the reporting period when the transaction was completed. This principle can be roughly divided into:
    • principle of recording income (revenue)- income is reflected in the period when it is received, and not when payment is made. In Russia, the moment of sale of products is determined by shipment and payment. International standards allow recording of sales by shipment, delivery, receipt of money by the seller or agent;
    • principle of correspondence- income of the reporting period must be correlated with the expenses through which these incomes were received. Of course, expenses (income) related to the corresponding income (expenses) recognized in another reporting period are accounted for separately.
  • Periodicity principle is aimed at regular, periodically repeated balance sheet summarization - drawing up a balance sheet and reporting for the year, half a year, quarter, month. This principle ensures the comparability of reporting data and allows the calculation of financial results after certain periods of time.
  • Principle of confidentiality. The content of internal accounting information is a trade secret of the organization; for disclosure and damage to its interests, liability is established by law.
  • The principle of monetary measurement, that is, quantitative measurement and calculation of facts of economic activity and production processes; The unit of measurement is the country's currency.
  • Principle of continuity presupposes a reasonable commitment to national traditions, achievements of domestic science and practice.

Protective function of accounting

The protective function of accounting is understood as ensuring the protection of the property interests of participants in economic activity, namely:

  • owners (participants, shareholders) of the enterprise;
  • employees of the enterprise;
  • states.

There are two components of the protective function of accounting:

  • precautionary (preventive),
  • protective (trace-forming).

Warning (preventive) function is aimed at making it difficult for one person or another to commit violations by implementing ongoing control. That is, the accounting system itself is built in such a way that all actions of persons involved in business transactions are as transparent as possible; known to a large circle of people; subject to immediate control; interconnected with the actions of other persons.

Protective (trace-forming) function triggered after a violation has been committed. It is ensured by the ability of the accounting system to adequately reflect the facts of destructive deviations in economic activities against the will of attackers. That is, despite the efforts of persons interested in hiding information about the violations being committed, with competent accounting, traces remain in the accounting documents that make it possible to identify such facts.

The protective function is implemented through a system of subsequent financial control:

Accounting in banks

Legal regulation of accounting in the Russian Federation

Currently, in accordance with the resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation, national accounting rules are approaching international financial reporting standards (IFRS).

Accountant profession

In order to master the profession of an accountant, you need to know the theory of accounting - the theoretical, methodological and practical foundations of its organization.

Of greater importance is an understanding of the functions of accounting - control, information and analytical. Achieving success in the accounting profession also requires mastery of accounting techniques.


see also

  • Subconto


  • Kamordzhanova Natalia Aleksandrovna, Kartashova Irina Valerievna. Accounting. Short course. - 6th. - Peter, 2009. - 320 p. - ISBN 978-5-91180-661-3
  • Pacioli, Luca Treatise on accounts and records. - FiS, 1994. - 320 p. - ISBN 5-279-01215-7
  • Jane Gleeson-White= Double Entry: How the Merchants of Venice Created Modern Finance. - Allen & Unwin, 2012. - P. 294. - ISBN 978-1743311431


  • Official website of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, accounting section

Wikimedia Foundation.


    Accounting- Accounting ACCOUNTING, document-based continuous, interconnected reflection of funds and business transactions in monetary form. The chapters of the final accounting document are the balance sheet. ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    ACCOUNTING, document-based continuous, interconnected reflection of funds and business transactions in monetary form. Heads of the final accounting document balance sheet... Modern encyclopedia

What is accounting, why is it needed and how is it carried out? What is Accounting and Posting? How to distinguish an asset from a liability and what is an accounting policy

How to organize accounting at an enterprise

In order to competently keep records at an enterprise, draw up transactions, draw up primary documents, and calculate taxes, you need to understand how accounting is organized in an enterprise.

First of all, it should be noted that the main legislative projects that regulate the accounting process are the Federal Law “On Accounting” No. 402-FZ and the Regulations on Accounting and Financial Reporting in the Russian Federation.

The fundamental law is No. 402-FZ, and the Regulations complement and specify it. The Law “On Accounting” was last amended on July 19, 2017. In the new edition, many points of the law are presented in a new form, and various clarifications have been made.

The above documents define the basic principles of accounting.

Basic accounting rules

  1. The collection and processing of information at the enterprise occurs continuously.
  2. From the approved Chart of Accounts, a work plan is formed on which accounting will be carried out at the enterprise.
  3. Accounting is carried out in monetary terms in rubles and in Russian.
  4. For each business transaction at the enterprise, accounting entries are made using the double entry principle.
  5. For each business transaction, a primary document is drawn up, which must be drawn up at the time of the transaction or immediately after its completion. Posting for each operation should be carried out only if there is a supporting document.
  6. To prepare primary documents, standard forms are used (if they are developed and approved). If there is no unified form for the document, then it is drawn up in any form, but containing all the required details.
  7. Information from accounting documents is collected and systematized in accounting registers. The register forms have an approved form.
  8. Periodically, an inventory of the enterprise's assets and liabilities (property and liabilities) is mandatory. The frequency of the inventory is approved by the head of the organization.
  9. To properly organize accounting at an enterprise, an accounting policy is developed and a corresponding order from the manager is drawn up.

These basic accounting principles are fundamental; it is on them that accounting in an enterprise is based. By following the specified accounting rules, you can be confident in the competent organization of accounting in the accounting department.

How is accounting carried out in a company?

All accounting is built on a very important principle - its continuity.

Every day, an accountant or other employee responsible for accounting records business transactions. Day after day, he reflects transactions using postings, generates documents, and fills out accounting registers. It is important to understand that this process is continuous, from the moment the company is opened until the end of its existence, the accountant must keep accounts, fill out and submit accounting and tax reports.

At the initial stage of formation of the company, it develops a working chart of accounts; for this, the necessary accounts are selected from the Chart of Accounts approved by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, on which all transactions will be recorded. Depending on the size of the organization, as well as the characteristics of its activities, the set of accounts may vary.

Also, when opening an enterprise, an accounting policy is approved, on the basis of which accounting will be conducted.

Then, every day, the enterprise will carry out many operations: purchase of materials, fixed assets, sale of goods, production of products, payment of goods to the supplier and receipt of payment from the buyer, etc. For each such operation, the accountant fills out the corresponding primary documents, on the basis of which he makes an entry in the accounts from the approved plan.

At the end of each month, the turnover for the month and the final balance are calculated on each account. At the beginning of the next month, all accounts are opened again, the ending balance from the previous one is transferred to the next month.

During the month, every day all business transactions are recorded on open accounts using postings; at the end of the month, the accounts are closed again, balances are calculated and transferred to the next month.

This process is endless; the same actions will be performed month after month. This will be the fundamental principle of continuity in accounting.

In order to competently organize accounting in the accounting department, you need to be able to do three things:

  • know your working chart of accounts
  • be able to make transactions
  • be able to draw up documents and fill out accounting registers

A little about the Accounting Law (No. 402-FZ)

In November 2011, the Plan for the development of accounting and reporting of enterprises in the Russian Federation was approved. Its goal was to achieve greater accessibility of information in the field of accounting, improve the quality of reporting and bring it to international standards. The most important step in the implementation of this plan was the adoption of Federal Law No. 402-FZ “On Accounting,” which came into force on January 1, 2013.

The new legal act replaced the previously in force Law No. 129-FZ. In general, the document introduces detailed clarifications to the rules of accounting and financial reporting, clarifications are given to many concepts, and some provisions of the old edition are completely changed. Thus, the scope of application of the Accounting Law was expanded. Now entrepreneurs, private practice lawyers and notaries (except for those who pay taxes under the simplified scheme) must also keep records. State and local government bodies, various funds and branches of international organizations are also required to maintain accounting records. Another innovation is related to the definition of accounting objects. Now they are also called assets, as well as income and expenses of the enterprise.

The Federal Law “On Accounting” consists of four main sections. Let's take a brief look at each one, and also highlight the main changes compared to the old edition.

Structure of the Accounting Law

It is determined here that the main purpose of the Law is to establish uniform requirements for accounting. A definition of accounting is given as a system for generating information about economic entities taking into account the requirements and creating financial statements based on this information. Article 2 describes the scope of this Federal Law. As already mentioned, it has been expanded, and now everyone to whom the Federal Accounting Law applies is called not “organizations,” but “economic entities.”

2. General requirements for accounting.

This chapter describes in detail the procedure and rules for accounting. The responsibility of the enterprise manager to properly organize this work is noted. An important innovation is the prohibition on the head of the enterprise personally maintaining accounting records. This provision does not apply to small and medium-sized businesses. All other enterprises must have a chief accountant on staff or have an agreement for the provision of relevant services. At the same time, the minimum requirements for applicants for this position are listed.

Article 8 emphasizes that each economic entity can choose its own accounting policy.

Article 9 regulates the preparation of primary documents. Instead of the previously used unified forms, primary forms are being introduced, approved by the head of the enterprise. In this case, a mandatory list of items is provided. This article also talks about the possibility of creating documents in digital form, certified by an electronic digital signature.

Article 10 deals with the maintenance of accounting registers. The authority of the manager in terms of approving document forms has also been expanded. In addition, these documents no longer constitute a trade secret.

Articles 13–18 regulate the creation of financial statements as a source of reliable data on the position of the entity, the result of its work, and the movement of financial assets for the reporting period. Here there was a requirement to submit one copy of financial statements to the statistical authorities within a period of no more than three months from the end of the period. Reporting documents are also prohibited from being given the status of a trade secret. Federal Law 402 on Accounting, unlike its predecessor, does not regulate methods for providing financial statements to users.

3. Regulation of accounting.

This chapter talks about regulatory documents in the field of accounting, bodies authorized to carry out regulation and their functions. Law No. 402-FZ introduces a number of fundamentally new provisions in this part.

A requirement is introduced for accounting reporting to comply with federal and industry standards, as well as compliance with accepted international requirements. Such standards establish the classification of accounting objects, the content and form of the information provided and other provisions. The standards will be developed by the Ministry of Finance, the Central Bank, as well as subjects of non-state regulation: unions of entrepreneurs, auditors and other interested organizations.

Articles 26–28 discuss the procedure for creating accounting standards. At the same time, the great importance of publishing drafts of such documents in print media and on the Internet is pointed out for the purpose of their public discussion.

4. Conclusion.

The final chapter talks about the procedure for storing accounting documents and the specifics of applying the Law. The storage of accounting documents must occur in accordance with the rules of archiving. In this case, the storage period cannot be less than five years.

To summarize, we can say that Federal Law No. 402-FZ, making accounting more open and democratic, requires compliance with uniform standards in this work.

Primary accounting documents - getting to know each other

All business transactions occurring daily at the enterprise must be documented. The purchase of materials, goods, fixed assets, the sale and shipment of goods to the buyer, all movements of funds, the production process, payment of wages and transfer of taxes - all these and many other operations are displayed in primary accounting documents.

The paper in question is a written certificate of business processes that have taken place, having legally approved force and not requiring any further clarifications or amendments.

Unified forms

Primary accounting documents may have a standard form, for which Goskomstat develops and approves unified forms of primary documents, which are contained in albums of unified forms of production documentation.

In accordance with the affixing of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 835 of 07/08/1997, all powers regarding the design development and approval of albums of unified forms and their digital versions have been transferred to the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation. All details of the content and regulatory composition of the albums are necessarily agreed upon by a special committee with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation.

If a standard form of primary accounting documents has not been developed, then the organization independently prepares for itself the necessary forms that it will use in its activities. At the same time, the forms developed independently must contain the mandatory details of the primary documentation.

List of mandatory details in primary accounting documents:

  • A name that fully reflects the financial and economic content of the production process. A document that has an incorrect, hard to read or unclear title has no legal force.
  • Name, in correct cases, addresses and current accounts in banking institutions of the parties entering into the agreement (legal entities and individuals). If the necessary requirements are missing, the document automatically loses its addressability and cannot be used in any operations.
  • Date of compilation. If the date is missing or unclear, the agreement has no legal force.
  • The general content of the operation performed, which reveals the essence of the name in a general form and contains a brief description of the production aspects.
  • Measuring instruments of a completed business transaction. In their absence, the form remains without an accounting and settlement base, without which further operation of the agreement is not carried out.
  • Signatures of persons (legal and physical) responsible for the agreement. They are the director of a particular organization and the chief accountant.

Processing of primary documents

When receiving an accounting document, you must check that it is correctly formatted and that all required details are present. All necessary lines must be filled out, the information must be readable, signatures of responsible persons must be present, and a stamp must be applied if necessary. When processing accounting papers, you need to pay attention to the seal; the information on it should be clearly readable, you can see the name, details, etc.

After the document has been checked for correctness, it must be registered in a book or journal intended for this purpose. For example, travel certificates are registered in the journal of travel certificates, cash orders in the journal of registration of incoming and outgoing cash orders KO-3.

Storage and destruction

The storage periods for primary accounting documentation and the procedure for their destruction are fully specified in List No. 41.

How to fix

No one is immune from mistakes. What to do if there are errors in the primary documents? If errors are identified at the registration stage, then everything is simple, you can simply take a new form and fill it out again. How can you correct an error in a document if it is discovered later?

In general, there are three ways to correct errors in primary accounting documents:

  • A corrective method, which is allowed to be used only if errors were identified before the balance sheet was drawn up, or if they were made in the accounting registers, the errors should not affect the correspondence of accounts. The essence of this method is to carefully cross out with a thin line the erroneous value of the amount, the wrong word, etc. The required text or number is written next to or on top. In addition, you must write a disclaimer next to the error, with the corresponding date and signature of the person responsible. For example, “1000 rubles crossed out, corrected to 1200, believe corrected, date, signature”
  • The method of additional entries is made when the amount of a business transaction is erroneously understated. This rule occurs in two cases: if the accounting register does not contain the necessary data from the primary document, and also when an erroneously underestimated amount is displayed in the register.
  • The reversal method consists in the fact that an incorrectly made entry, usually a numeric one, is deleted by the negative value of the erroneous amount. In this case, incorrect correspondence and the value of the amount are repeated in red ink. At the same time, the required number is written using ordinary ink. This method is used when errors are made in correspondence or when the amount is exaggerated.

The right to sign primary documents

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the director of the organization and the chief accountant can sign primary accounting papers. Also, the deputy chief accountant has the right to sign primary accounting documents, but in this case all responsibility for the executed agreement passes to him. The right to sign by an employee other than the manager and chief accountant must be formalized using a power of attorney for the right to sign.

To summarize the above, we can say that primary documents are one of the important components of the correct organization of accounting at an enterprise. Moreover, only if they are available is it possible to conduct accounting; it is on the basis of documents that accounting entries are made. Therefore, it is very important to fill out forms and forms correctly and check the accuracy of the format when receiving them from contractors.

Let's understand the assets and liabilities of the enterprise

In accounting, there are special concepts “assets” and “liabilities”. Both are an important component of the balance sheet and represent the most convenient way to summarize information about the activities and financial position of an organization.

Everything that an enterprise has is divided into assets that generate profit and liabilities that participate in the formation of the former. It is important to learn to distinguish between them, to understand what this or that enterprise object is.

Asset and liability balance

The concepts under consideration are the main components of the balance sheet - the main report, which is drawn up in the accounting process at the enterprise. The balance sheet is depicted in the form of a table in which assets are located on the left side and liabilities on the right. The sum of all positions on the left side is equal to the sum of all positions on the right side. That is, the left side of the balance is always equal to its right side.

Equality of assets and liabilities on the balance sheet is an important rule that must be followed at any time.

If equality is not met when drawing up the balance sheet, it means that there is an error in the accounting that needs to be found.

In order to correctly draw up a balance sheet, you need to understand what belongs to assets and what to liabilities.

Assets as an element of accounting

These are the resources of an organization that it uses in the process of economic activity, the use of which in the future implies profit.

Assets always display the value of all tangible, intangible and monetary assets of the company, as well as property powers, their content, placement and investment.

Examples of business assets:

  • Fixed assets
  • Securities
  • Raw materials, materials, semi-finished products
  • Goods
  • Finished products

All this is property that the enterprise will use in the course of its operation in order to generate economic profit.

Asset classification

According to the form of the functional composition, they are divided into material, intangible and financial.

  • Material refers to objects that are in material form (they can be touched and felt). These include company buildings and structures, technical equipment and materials.
  • By intangible we usually mean that part of the production of an enterprise that does not have a material embodiment. This can be a trademark or a patent, which also take part in the organization’s office work.
  • Financial - imply various financial instruments of the company, be it cash accounts in any currency, accounts receivable or other economic investments with different terms.

According to the nature of participation in the production activities of the enterprise, assets are divided into current (current) and non-current.

  • Current assets - used to carry out the company’s operational processes and are completely consumed in one full production cycle (no more than 1 year)
  • Non-negotiable - they take part in office work repeatedly, and are used exactly until the moment when all resources are transferred into the form of products

According to the type of capital used, assets are:

  • Gross, that is, formed on the basis of own and borrowed capital.
  • Net, which implies the formation of assets only from the company’s own capital.

According to the right of ownership of assets, they are divided into leased and owned.

They are also classified by liquidity, that is, the speed of their transformation into a financial equivalent. In accordance with such a system, the following resources are distinguished:

  • Assets with absolute liquidity
  • With high liquidity
  • Medium liquid
  • Low liquidity
  • Illiquid

Long-term assets include land plots, various types of transport, technical equipment, household and industrial equipment, and other company supplies. Assets of this type are reflected at their cost of acquisition less accrued depreciation, or, in the case of land and buildings, at a price determined by a professional expert.

Liabilities of the enterprise and their participation in production activities

The liabilities of an enterprise mean the obligations that the company has undertaken and its sources of financing (including its own and borrowed capital, as well as funds attracted to the organization for some reason).

The equity capital of an enterprise with any form of ownership, except for state ownership, contains in its structure the authorized capital, shares, shares in various business companies and partnerships, proceeds from the sale of company shares (primary and additional), accumulated reserves, public finances in the organization.

For state-owned enterprises, the structure includes public financial resources and deferred deductions from revenues.

Borrowed capital

The structure of funds borrowed consists of capital for which this or that property is pledged, regardless of whether the mortgage is issued or not, loans received from banking institutions, bills of various types.


What refers to the assets of the enterprise:

  • Fixed and production assets
  • Movable and immovable property
  • Cash
  • Inventory
  • Securities
  • Accounts receivable

What refers to the company's liabilities:

  • Authorized capital
  • Credits and borrowings from other individuals and legal entities
  • retained earnings
  • Reserves
  • Taxes
  • Accounts payable

Difference between liability and asset

The difference is their different functions; Each of these elements of the balance sheet illuminates its own aspect of office work. However, they are closely interrelated.

When an asset increases, the liability necessarily increases by the same amount, that is, the debt obligation of the enterprise increases. The same principle also applies to liabilities.

For example, if a new loan agreement is concluded with a bank, assets automatically increase, as new finances are received by the organization, and at the same time the company has a liability - debt to the bank. At the moment when the organization repays this loan, there will be a decrease in assets, since the amount of funds in the enterprise’s account will decrease, and at the same time, liabilities will also decrease, since the debt to the bank will disappear.

It is from this principle that the equality of liabilities and assets of an enterprise follows. Any change in the former entails a change in the latter by the same amount and vice versa.

Getting to know accounting accounts

What are business accounts? This concept comes up all the time in accounting. And this is not surprising, because this is the basic concept of accounting; it is on the accounts that all business transactions occurring in the enterprise are recorded.

An accounting account is depicted as a two-sided table, the left side is called debit, the right side is credit. Each separate account is used to record certain business transactions, which are grouped according to homogeneous characteristics. For example, materials are accounted for on the account. 10 “Materials”, accounting of fixed assets – 01 “Fixed assets”, calculation and payment of wages to employees – 70 “Settlements with personnel for wages”.

There are 99 accounts in total; their list is given in a special book called the Chart of Accounts. An organization may not use them all. In the process of forming an accounting policy, it is determined which accounts will be needed to record transactions occurring at this enterprise. Next, they are selected from the standard Plan, their list is approved in the order on accounting policies. Thus, the organization forms its working chart of accounts – that is, a list that will be used in accounting, taking into account the specifics of the organization’s activities.

Each enterprise develops its own work plan, fixing it in its accounting policies.

What is a Chart of Accounts?

This is a list of all available accounting accounts. This document is being developed by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

All accounts in a single Plan are divided into sections. For each, subaccounts for it are indicated and brief information about what it is intended for and what operations are taken into account on it.

Each account in the standard Plan is assigned a two-digit code and name. For example, cash is kept in an account. 50 "Cashier".

In addition, the standard Plan also contains so-called off-balance sheet accounting accounts, which are intended to account for property that does not belong to a given enterprise. They are assigned three-digit codes. For example, accounting for fixed assets leased is kept on an off-balance sheet account. 001 “Leased fixed assets.”

Plan Structure

There are 8 sections in total in a single Plan. The first 5 sections are accounts on which property, finished products, goods, materials, and the production process are recorded. For example:

  • Section 1 - non-current assets - provides a list of accounts related to non-current assets (01 “Fixed assets”, 02 “Depreciation”, 04 “Intangible assets”, etc.).
  • Section 2 - production inventories - a list of accounts intended to account for the production process (20 “Main production”, 23 “Auxiliary production”, etc.).

Section 6 shows the accounting accounts on which the company's liabilities are kept.

In sections 7 and 8 - where capital and financial results are recorded.

How does accounting work using accounts?

In accounting accounts, information is presented in monetary terms.

When performing any operation, a primary accounting document is required to be drawn up, on the basis of which this operation is recorded in the accounts.

This entry is made using the double entry principle and is called an accounting entry. In short, when performing any transaction, the transaction amount is simultaneously recorded as a debit to one account and a credit to another; this will be a posting.

For example, the cash desk of an enterprise received money from a buyer. The accountant must draw up a primary document, a cash receipt order, which indicates the amount of cash received at the cash desk. Based on this order, a posting will be made to the account. 50 “Cashier” and 62 “Settlements with customers” - the amount received must be simultaneously recorded as debit 50 and credit 62.

Each business transaction is subject to mandatory recording in accounting accounts, in the debit of one and in the credit of the other.

Every day for a month, the accountant records all transactions using postings.

At the end of the month, debit turnover and credit turnover are calculated for each account.

The initial debit balance, if any, is added to the debit turnover for the month (Snd). From the resulting value, the sum of the loan turnover for the month and the initial loan balance, if there was one, is subtracted (Snk)).

Formula for calculation:

Sk = (Snd + Od) – (Snk + Ok)

If the resulting balance is a positive value, then we have a debit final account balance, if it is negative, we have a credit balance.

At the beginning of the next month, each account is opened anew, the ending balance from the previous month is transferred to the current month, the debit ending balance is transferred to debit, and the credit balance is transferred to credit. This will be the opening balance.

This process is continuous, this is the main principle of organizing accounting in an enterprise - accounting continuity.

Thus, accounts are the main tool used in the accounting process.

An example of accounting for transactions on an accounting account

Let's take the account. 10 "Materials". At the beginning of the month (February), the company has materials worth 100,000 rubles in its warehouses. During February, the company purchased more materials in the amount of 20,000 and 30,000. During February, materials worth 70,000 were released into production. What will the invoice look like? 10?

Account 10 is active, which means that the company’s assets (materials) are accounted for on it. All receipts are reflected on a debit basis, disposals (release into production) - on a credit basis.


  1. At the beginning of February we have materials worth 100,000 - this will be the initial debit balance (Snd = 100,000).
  2. During February, materials were received for 20,000 and 30,000. These amounts should be entered in the debit of account 10.
  3. 70,000 worth of materials were released into production, this amount is credited to account 10.

February is over, we close account 10:

  • We calculate debit turnover and credit turnover:

Od = 20000+30000 = 50000
Ok = 70000

  • We calculate the final balance:

Sk = Snd + Od – Ok = 100000 + 50000 – 70000 = 80000.


  1. We transfer the ending balance from February to March. We enter in the debit account 10 the debit balance Sk = 80000, this will be the initial debit balance for the current March.
  2. We record all current operations regarding the receipt of materials and their release into production.
  3. We close account 10 at the end of the month (we count turnover and final balance)


  1. We transfer the ending balance from last month to the current one.
  2. etc.

The process continues ad infinitum.

Types of accounting accounts, description and application

Let's look at the types of accounting accounts. Let's get acquainted with active, passive and active-passive accounts, as well as synthetic and analytical.

Based on the type of relationship with the economic balance, accounting accounts are divided into active and passive, as well as active-passive. Let us consider these types in more detail, since they are the main elements in the classification of the financial balance sheet.

The concept of an active accounting account

Necessary for displaying all processes directly related to the presence and use of property assets of the enterprise. This implies reflection not only of property in tangible form, but also of the company’s intangible assets (trademarks, patents, etc.). In this case, the number of the active accounting account can tell with approximate accuracy what type of property is owned by the owner of the organization - the owner of the financial balance sheet.

In simpler terms, active accounts keep records of the company's assets. In order to understand whether an account is active or not, you need to know their distinctive features:

  • The opening balance is always a debit
  • The ending balance is also a debit
  • The debit reflects the increase in the asset, the credit - the decrease


Active accounts include - 50 “Cash”, 10 “Materials”, 01 “Fixed assets”, 04 “Intangible assets”, etc.

Let's take account as an example. 10 “Materials”, all three characteristics indicated above are met for it. It keeps records of assets – materials. When materials arrive (an increase in an asset), a debit entry is made, and when materials are disposed of (an asset decrease), a credit entry is made. The balance is always in debit, because it is not possible to release more materials into production than are in stock. This means that the debit will always be greater than the credit. That is, count. 10 – active in all respects.

The concept of passive account in accounting

Aimed at recording and monitoring information about all sources of financing of the enterprise, which are divided into own and attracted (borrowed). The company's own capital contains in its structure all the profit that the organization received without financial assistance from outside. Attracted sources consist of all loans and credits involved in the company's office work, which the enterprise has issued.

Thus, passive accounts keep track of the company's liabilities. Passive ones are characterized by:

  • Credit opening balance;
  • Credit ending balance;
  • An increase in a liability is reflected in a credit, and a decrease in a debit.

Examples passive accounts:

80 “Authorized capital”, 83 “Additional capital”, 66 “Settlements for short-term loans and borrowings”, 67 “Settlements for long-term loans and borrowings”, etc.

Let's take account as an example. 67, it is intended for accounting for loans issued to an enterprise for a period of more than 1 year, that is, it keeps track of liabilities.

The appearance of a loan (increase in liability) is reflected in credit account 67, its payment (decrease in liability) is reflected in debit. The balance will remain in credit until the loan is repaid and the account is closed.

Active-passive accounts

Usually you can immediately determine it by the names of the accounting documentation. As a rule, with this type of accounting accounts, the name of the document begins with the word “calculation” (for example, “settlements with personnel”, “settlements with the budget”, etc.). They also serve to display all settlements with different types of counterparties (active and passive), to report information about receivables and payables, to monitor the results of the enterprise’s office work, its profits or losses.

That is, active-passive accounts take into account both the assets and liabilities of the enterprise. They are characterized by features of both active and passive accounting accounts.

Examples active-passive:

60 “Settlements with suppliers”, 62 “Settlements with customers”, 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors”, 90 “Sales”, 91 “Other income and expenses”, 99 “Profits and losses”, etc.

Example - is count 62 active or passive?

When selling goods to a buyer, a receivable from the buyer arises to the organization, which is an asset, its occurrence is reflected in the debit of account 62, when the buyer repays the debt, we will enter the repayment amount in the credit of account 62. We see that the appearance of an asset is reflected in debit, and its decrease in credit, it turns out that for the account. 62 the characteristics of active accounts are fulfilled.

Let's take another situation: the buyer makes an advance payment to the organization, until the organization ships the goods against this payment, and it will have accounts payable to the buyer. We will reflect the appearance of this debt (that is, receipt of an advance) on the credit account. 62. At the time the goods are shipped to the buyer, accounts payable will decrease, and an entry will be made in debit 62. That is, the appearance of a liability (debt) will be reflected in the credit, and its decrease in the debit. It turns out that account 62 is subject to the rules characteristic of passive accounts.

Based on this, we can conclude that account 62 is active-passive, since it is characterized by the features of both active and passive accounts; it records both assets and liabilities.

Synthetic and analytical

According to the degree to which all accounting information is detailed, they are divided into synthetic and analytical.

Synthetic Accounting accounts imply a generalized description of data in which all information is presented concisely and without clarification. Subaccounts are used to enter any additional information into the document. A subaccount is a component of a synthetic account. Accounting is carried out in monetary terms.

For the highest level of detail use analytical invoices in which the required data is displayed in detail, including all the necessary elements and nuances. In analytical accounts, accounting can be kept in other equivalents: in kilograms, meters, liters, pieces, etc., as is convenient for the accountant.

For example, an organization has an account. 41, which takes into account goods (various types of cereals) in a general form in rubles. To the synthetic count. 41, for convenience, analytical accounts “Millet groats”, “Semolina groats”, etc. have been opened, in which records are kept in kilograms.

What other types of accounting accounts are there?

In accordance with the economic content, they are divided into accounts of assets, sources of formation of assets and business transactions. They display all types of active funds, as well as those capitals that are intended for subsequent sale. Accounts showing sources of assets formation, contain information about all the ways where funds come from, including own income and borrowed capital. Business accounts include in their structure all data on the financial profit of the enterprise, as well as information on the enterprise's expenses for various purposes.

According to the sequence of indications in the accounts, the accounts are divided into nominal And off-balance sheet.

According to their purpose and structure, they can be basic, regulatory, budgetary and distribution, operational, financial and performance, etc.

Features of the use of off-balance sheet accounts

Often, in the process of work, enterprises have to carry out operations to record the movement and storage of property that does not belong to them. In addition, it is necessary to keep records of transactions related to the fulfillment of requirements and obligations to partners. For these purposes, off-balance sheet (off-balance sheet) accounts are used.

Off-balance sheet accounts are intended for recording and entering information about material assets that do not belong to an economic entity and are at its disposal temporarily. Off-balance sheet accounts are also used to control certain types of financial transactions. Their name emphasizes that they are outside the balance sheet and are not taken into account in it.

The need for separate accounting of values ​​that do not belong to an economic entity is explained by the fact that only own funds and the sources that form them should be taken into account in the main balance sheet. If assets that do not belong to it are reflected on the balance sheet of an enterprise, it turns out that they are taken into account twice: by the owner and by the temporary owner. This will contradict the law and distort the real financial position of enterprises.

The main purpose of off-balance sheet accounts

  • control of the use and safety of material assets that are owned by the enterprise on lease, safekeeping, transferred for installation, processing and other similar purposes
  • accounting for contingent rights or obligations of a business entity
  • control of relevant types of business transactions
  • providing comprehensive information on funds outside the balance sheet for management purposes, as well as the ability to assess the financial position of the enterprise.

The off-balance sheet account has a traditional, albeit slightly simplified structure. It reflects the opening balance, receipts and write-offs of material assets during the month, and the ending balance.

Types of off-balance sheet accounts

In accordance with the Chart of Accounts, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance dated October 31, 2000 N 94n (as amended on November 8, 2010), several main types of off-balance sheet accounts are used for organizations and enterprises of the Russian Federation, which are listed below.

Off-balance sheet accounts include:

001 “Leased fixed assets.” Required to enter information about leased fixed assets. Such funds are accounted for in accordance with the valuation adopted in existing leases.

002 “Inventory assets accepted for safekeeping.” This off-balance sheet account is used to enter information about material assets for which, for one reason or another, payment has not been made, or which have been temporarily accepted onto the balance sheet.

003 “Materials accepted for processing.” Intended to display the availability and movement of raw materials or materials taken for processing and not paid for by the manufacturer. Accounting is carried out in prices reflected in the relevant contracts.

004 “Goods accepted for commission.” Used by organizations that accept goods on commission in accordance with the contract. Accounting is carried out at prices determined by acceptance certificates.

005 “Equipment accepted for installation.” An off-balance sheet account is used by contractor organizations to reflect information about all types of installation equipment that was provided by the customer.

006 “Strict reporting forms.” Displays available and issued reporting forms for certificates, diplomas, subscriptions, tickets, receipts and other similar reporting forms. The account is kept in conditional prices. Each type of form is counted separately.

007 “Debt of insolvent debtors written off at a loss.” This contains information about written off debts. Such accounts are maintained for five years after the debts have been written off, in order to monitor the possibility of repayment if the borrowers' solvency changes.

008 “Securities for obligations and payments received.” Contains information about the availability and movement of funds received as guarantees for securing obligations, as well as security that were received for goods transferred to other organizations. The amount of the guarantee to be accounted for is determined by the terms of the contract.

009 “Securities for obligations and payments issued.” Reflects funds issued as guarantees to secure obligations.

010 “Depreciation of fixed assets.” This off-balance sheet account is intended to summarize data on the movement of amounts reflecting the depreciation of housing facilities, landscaping, road facilities and the like, as well as fixed assets (in the case of non-profit organizations). Depreciation is calculated at the end of the year according to depreciation rates.

011 “Fixed assets leased out.” Serves to display data on objects classified as fixed assets and leased. It is used in cases where, according to the terms of the contract, the property must be reflected on the balance sheet of the lessee. Accounting is carried out at the prices specified in the lease agreement.

In addition to those listed, the list of off-balance sheet accounts can be supplemented by the organization itself, in accordance with the specifics of its activities. This should be reflected in the accounting policies.

For some types of economic entities, slightly different off-balance sheet accounts are used. Thus, Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 157n determines the chart of accounts for state and local authorities, extra-budgetary funds, scientific and educational institutions, and government agencies. This plan identifies twenty-six types of off-balance sheet accounts that can be used by these organizations as needed.

Learning to make accounting entries

In every enterprise, during the course of its activities, many business transactions arise that must be taken into account in accounting. To record them, there are accounting accounts. Transactions are recorded in accounting accounts using postings. What is this wiring? How to prepare accounting entries? What is the principle of double entry in accounting?

The essence of double entry

At the time of any transaction, a change occurs in the funds and sources of the enterprise, which are recorded in the accounting accounts. Each operation affects two accounts, the transaction amount is simultaneously reflected in the debit of one and in the credit of the other. This is the double entry method.


Let us explain the principle of double entry using a simple example. Let's take any operation, for example, the receipt of cash from a buyer to the cash register. In this case, there is a simultaneous increase in cash on hand and a decrease in the buyer’s debt. Cash accounting is carried out on the account. 50 “Cashier”, all settlements with customers are reflected in the account. 62.

According to the principle of double entry, we must reflect this event on two accounts: 50 “Cash” and 62 “Settlements with customers”. The amount of cash received must be reflected as a debit for one and a credit for the other.

Cash is an asset of the enterprise, an increase in the asset is reflected in the debit of the account, that is, the amount received must be reflected in the debit of the account. 50.

The buyer's debt is also an asset; the reduction in debt is reflected in the credit account. 62.

That is, a business transaction - the receipt of cash from the buyer in the accounting department is reflected using a simultaneous double entry for debit 50 and credit 62. The entry is made for the same amount in the amount of cash received.

The concept of accounting entry

Double entry in accounting is a posting, or rather an indication of the accounts in whose debit and credit an entry was made for the amount of the transaction.

Let's take the example above, we made a simultaneous entry for debit 50 and credit 62, an entry of the form Debit 50 Credit 62 will be a posting. For convenience, it is reduced to the form D50 K62.

The two accounts that participate in the accounting entry are called corresponding accounts. And the relationship between these accounts is called correspondence of accounting accounts.


Here are some more examples of accounting entries:

D10 K60 – materials from the supplier are accepted for accounting.

D70 K50 – wages were paid to the employee.

D71 K50 – cash was issued on account to the employee.

D20 K10 – materials released for production.

How to wire - three simple steps

Every day the enterprise carries out many business transactions, for each of which the corresponding primary documents are drawn up. Based on these documents, posting will already be made. In order to correctly account for transaction amounts, you need to be able to correctly prepare transactions.

For a novice accountant, preparing accounting entries often causes a lot of difficulties and is in vain. Making wiring is quite simple, how to make wiring correctly?

You need to follow three simple steps:

  • Step 1 - Determine which accounting accounts are involved in the transaction by taking a working chart of accounts and selecting suitable accounts from it
  • Step 2 - Determine which account the transaction amount should be debited and which account should be credited
  • Step 3 - Perform simultaneous double entry on these accounts

Let's look at these steps with an example.

Example of preparing accounting entries

So, some event occurred at the enterprise, for example, goods arrived from the buyer. How to make a posting?

We are analyzing the operation - the goods have arrived from the buyer, which means that there are more goods in the warehouses, and the organization began to have a debt to the supplier. Moreover, the amount of debt is equal to the cost of the goods delivered.

  1. Step 1- You need to select 2 accounts that are involved here:
    - the goods are taken into account on the account. 41 "Products";
    - all relationships with suppliers are conducted on the account. 60 “Settlements with suppliers.”
    Thus, the transaction amount must be reflected in two accounts: 41 and 60.
  2. Step 2- A product is an asset of an enterprise. The receipt of goods is an increase in the asset. On the active account. 41 increase in assets is reflected in debit.
    Debt to the supplier is accounts payable (liability); the appearance of debt means an increase in liability. On active-passive account 60, we will reflect the increase in liabilities on the loan.
  3. Step 3- We carry out the posting according to the double entry principle - we enter the amount in debit 41 and credit 60 - we get posting of the type D41 K60.

The concept of an enterprise's accounting policy

Organizations, enterprises and other economic entities differ in their form of ownership, asset structure, number of employees and other characteristics. In such a situation, it is impossible to apply strict uniform accounting standards to all participants in economic activity. Therefore, there was a need to differentiate accounting methods for different types of enterprises. This is where the concept of the accounting policy of an economic entity emerged.

Accounting policy is a set of methods for organizing accounting by an economic entity. In other words, federal standards allow for various types of forms of accounting documents and organization of accounting, from which each entity chooses the most suitable methods for its activities. These methods include various options for grouping and assessing the activities of an enterprise, repaying the value of its assets, ensuring the circulation of documents, conducting an inventory, using accounts, accounting registers, and others.

The accounting policy is approved by order of the manager, which can be drawn up according to the following model:

Who forms the accounting policy of the organization

The accounting policy of the enterprise is regulated by Federal Law No. 402-FZ of December 6, 2011 (Article 8) as amended on July 18, 2017 and the Accounting Regulations “Accounting Policy of the Organization” (PBU 1/2008). In accordance with these regulations, the accounting policy must be developed by the chief accountant (or another person authorized to conduct accounting) and approved by its head.

Law No. 402-FZ abolishes the previously used standard forms of primary documentation; now such documentation is also approved by the head of the enterprise. A list of required items is provided. Paragraph 4 of Article 8 clarifies that in the absence of accounting methods adopted by federal standards for a specific type of object, the latter can independently develop such methods in accordance with the requirements of the law and existing standards.

Development of an enterprise's accounting policy

Regulation PBU 1/2008 explains the organization of accounting policies in more detail. Thus, in paragraph 5, implied assumptions are introduced:

  • the assets and liabilities of the enterprise are separated from the assets and liabilities of its owners (and assets of other organizations)
  • the organization will carry out continuous activities on a long-term basis and the fulfillment of its obligations will be guaranteed
  • consistent annual accounting policies will be ensured
  • the facts of the organization’s economic activities correspond to the reporting period in which they occurred, regardless of the time of receipt of funds.

Paragraph 6 of the PBU specifies the general principles of accounting policies, which should ensure:

  • comprehensive display of all facts of economic activity
  • timely entry of these facts into accounting documents
  • priority of recognition of all expenses and liabilities over possible income and value of assets
  • priority of the economic component of economic activity over its legal form
  • compliance of analytical accounting results with synthetic accounting accounts on the last day of the period
  • rationality of accounting in accordance with the type of activity and size of the organization.

Clause 4 of the Regulations introduces the main sections of accounting policies that make up the structure of accounting activities. The head of the organization must approve:

  • accounting chart of accounts (synthetic and analytical accounts).
  • forms of primary documentation, accounting registers and internal reporting
  • methodology for inventorying an organization's assets and liabilities
  • options for valuing these assets and liabilities
  • procedure for document flow and information processing
  • methods of control of economic activities
  • other documents regulating accounting at a specific enterprise.

The third section of the Regulations PBU 1/2008 is devoted to changes in accounting policies. It is valid in three cases:

  • changes in federal legislation and regulations on accounting
  • the organization's development of more advanced and efficient accounting methods
  • significant reorganization, change in the scope of activity of the enterprise.

The introduction of a new accounting policy must be carried out mainly from the beginning of the reporting period. It is mandatory to approve the new accounting structure by relevant orders of the head of the enterprise. The possible financial consequences of such a change must be reflected in the financial statements.

Managers of many organizations underestimate the importance of the connection between accounting policies and the results of the enterprise's activities. Correct accounting policies have a positive impact on the cost of production, gross profit, and other indicators of the financial position of the organization. In the absence of an effective accounting policy, it is impossible to make a comparative analysis of the enterprise’s activities in different periods, as well as compare the results obtained with the indicators of other similar enterprises.

Download sample

Accounting policy for 2017 sample free download for OSNO - link.

Small businesses

Organizations and individual entrepreneurs can be classified as small businesses if they meet the criteria established by Article 4 of Federal Law No. 209-FZ of July 24, 2007. This article, first of all, says that small enterprises include commercial organizations, individual entrepreneurs, farms and consumer cooperatives if they meet the criteria established by this article.

On June 30, 2015, Federal Law No. 156-FZ of June 29, 2015 came into force, which introduced some changes to the criteria for determining a small business entity. The criteria existing today, as well as the changes introduced by the new law, will be discussed below.

Small businesses can maintain simplified accounting, submit simplified financial statements, and apply a simplified cash discipline procedure.

Criteria for small businesses in 2015

Criterion 1 - Average number of employees

Enterprises does not exceed 15 people, then the enterprise belongs to microenterprises (a type of small business entity).

If the average number of employees does not exceed 100 people, then the organization or individual entrepreneur can be classified as a small enterprise.

If the average number of employees over 100, but does not exceed 250 people, then the enterprise belongs to medium-sized businesses.

The average number is taken for the past calendar year.

Change 2015: According to the new law, an enterprise can be classified as a small business if this condition is met for three years in a row (previously 2 years was enough). An organization or individual entrepreneur will cease to be small if the average number exceeds 100 people for 3 years in a row.

Criterion 2 - Revenue from sales of goods or services

There is a limit on revenue from the sale of goods and services, which distinguishes between small and medium-sized enterprises.

If the revenue for a calendar year is excluding value added tax does not exceed 60 million rubles., the enterprise is considered a micro-enterprise.

If revenue does not exceed 400 million rubles. per year, then this is a small enterprise.

If revenue does not exceed 1 billion rubles., then the enterprise is considered medium-sized.

Revenue limits are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Change 2015: To classify an organization or individual entrepreneur as a small enterprise, it is necessary that this criterion be met for at least three years in a row (previously it was 2 years). An organization or individual entrepreneur can lose the status of a small enterprise only if its revenue exceeds the limit for three years in a row.

Criterion 3 - share of participation in the authorized capital

An organization or individual entrepreneur can be classified as a small business entity if in the authorized capital of the organization:

  • share of the state, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities, charitable and other foundations, public and religious organizations no more than 25%
  • the share of other organizations that are not small, no more than 49%(previously it was 25%)
  • share of foreign organizations no more than 49%(previously it was 25%)

Based on materials from: buhs0.ru