Banks with high deposit rates: how to choose the most profitable deposits. How banks earn money and where they invest it Subjective factors of choice


A bank deposit (or bank deposit) is money deposited with a credit institution (bank) in order to receive income in the form of interest at the end of the deposit’s validity period.

There are many types and conditions of deposits. There are time deposits and demand deposits. In the first case, the deposit is made for a certain period and can be withdrawn in full without loss of interest only after the expiration of this period. Demand deposits do not have a shelf life and are returned upon the depositor’s first request, but the interest on them is significantly lower.

The deposit is an understandable and relatively reliable investment.

Opening a deposit is easy. You don’t even have to leave home to do this: many banks allow you to open deposits through mobile app or your website. Of course, to do this, you first need to become a client of this bank.

The main advantage of a deposit as a type of investment of available funds is insurance cover Deposit Insurance Agency in the amount of 1.4 million rubles. Within this amount, you can confidently place your deposit in any bank that has a license from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. If the bank fails, the state will return the money along with interest on the day the license is revoked. By the way, since 2014, more than 300 banks in Russia have had their licenses revoked, and their depositors certainly suffered.

The disadvantage of the deposit is that, compared to an individual investment account, it provides rather modest opportunities for increasing funds.

Individual investment account

Individual investment account(IIS) - a type of brokerage account or trust account of an individual, opened directly with a broker or with a trustee (for example, in a bank), for which there are two types of tax benefits to choose from and certain restrictions apply.

The concept of “individual investment account” was legislated on January 1, 2015. IIS can be opened by both individuals - citizens of Russia, and people who are not citizens of the Russian Federation, but live on its territory for more than six months a year.

The maximum amount that can initially be deposited into an IIS is 400,000 rubles. During the year, the account can be replenished with an amount not exceeding 1 million rubles.

The big advantage of IIS is the possibility of obtaining a tax deduction.

It is paid in the amount of 13% of the amount invested for the year, but not more than 52,000 rubles. That is, with both 400,000 rubles and 1 million rubles, you can return no more than this amount. This option is suitable for you if you have a permanent job and your employer pays taxes for you. There is another option - to choose tax exemption.

The main disadvantage of IIS is that, unlike a deposit, it is not insured by anyone. However, if you open it in reliable bank(it has been operating in the market for a long time, is in the top 20 rating of Russian banks, there is no reorganization against it) and choose the right investment strategy, you can earn significantly more. In addition, to take advantage of tax deductions, an investment account must be opened for at least three years, during which you cannot withdraw funds.

How much can you earn on a deposit and IIS?

Let’s compare how much you can earn if you make a deposit of 100,000 rubles and open an individual investment account for the same amount.

Return on investment

The weighted average interest rate on deposits for a period of one to three years in Russia as of September 2017 was 6.83% per annum. If you calculate income based on this interest rate, then in a year it will be 106,830 rubles. By reinvesting this amount, after two years you will receive 114,126.5 rubles, and after three years - 121,921.3 rubles. Net income - 21,921.3 rubles.

Profitability of IIS

Strategy 1: investing in government bonds

By opening an IIS, you can invest in such a reliable instrument as bonds federal loan(OFZ), the issuer of which is the Russian Federation represented by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. The yield to maturity of OFZ-26205 at the end of November 2017 was about 7.3%. Taking into account a tax deduction of 13%, the return on investment will be 20.3% in the first year. And over three years (the account is opened for a period of at least three years), the average return will be about 11.6%. As a result, in three years you can get 138,504 rubles. Net income - 38,504 rubles.

Strategy 2: investing in corporate bonds

Another reliable and quite profitable strategy is investing in corporate bonds, the yield on which is slightly higher than on OFZ bonds.

For example, these could be bonds of Gazprom Capital and Rosneft. The average yield on the bond portfolio of these companies at the time of writing is 7.97%. If you deposit 100,000 rubles into an IIS and, as a result, receive tax deduction for one year, then after three years we will get an average figure of 12.3% per annum. By the end of the third year, the account will already have 141,020 rubles. Net income - 41,020 rubles.

By the way, for individual bond issues of these issuers, coupon income will not be taxed starting from 2018.

Strategy 3: Investing in stocks

The biggest income can come from investing in stocks. However, this is also the most risky instrument for investment, because even if the shares of a company have shown growth over the past periods, this does not mean that this trend will continue in the future. Experienced investors are advised to invest money in several types of shares at once, so that the fall in the shares of one company can be compensated by the growth in the shares of another company. This is called portfolio diversification.

The most proven investment is blue chip stocks - securities the largest, most liquid and reliable corporations. Among Russian companies, these include shares of Gazprom, Sberbank, Alrosa and others.

If at the beginning of 2016 you had invested 100,000 rubles in equal shares in ordinary shares of the three largest Russian corporations- Gazprom, Sberbank and Lukoil, the average return on shares of which at the end of 2016 was 43.93%, then in just one year you would earn 43,930 rubles. To this amount add a tax deduction of 13,000 rubles. It turns out that in just a year you would earn 56,930 rubles. However, growth over three years is much more difficult to predict.

Bottom line

The deposit is suitable for more conservative and cautious people, probably of the older generation. Opening investment accounts- for more risky people. This is not just a fashion trend, but good opportunity earn money.

Hello everyone, friends! Today we will imagine such a pleasant situation - you have become a little rich and want to increase your capital even more.

Where to invest free money to make it work and generate income? If you are not ready to start investing professionally, but want to receive a stable passive income, then the most popular option is still to invest them in a bank.

Undoubtedly, when considering different offers, the first thing everyone chooses is banks with high stakes by deposits. But it is worth noting that although this is a very weighty argument, it is far from the only one that should be paid attention to.

Additional conditions such as the possibility of replenishment, capitalization of interest or penalties for early termination are no less important.

High deposit rates - should you be afraid of them?

When discussing the topic of investment in bank deposits There is often a debate about how dangerous it is to “chase” high interest rates. The topic of deposits worries many, since they are the most popular investment instrument in the post-Soviet space.

In general, deposits, like any investment, are subject to the rule of dependence of risks on profitability: higher profitability means higher risk. However, not everything is so simple. Not always low percentage on a deposit indicates the reliability of the deposit, and a high one indicates a high probability of non-payment. Today I will help you understand this topic in more detail by looking at specific examples.

Domestic banks with a large portfolio of expensive loans

In each country, depending on market conditions and economic situation, the “price of money” is formed - the average interest rates at which banks issue loans or attract deposits.

This indicator has much in common with discount rate The country's central bank and is quite dependent on it. But the “price of money” in most cases is very different from the Central Bank rate. You can view the rating of deposit rates on the BANKI.RU website:

So, each bank sets its own rates, which differ from the “price of money” up or down. What are low or high interest rates? In some cases, banks attract deposits for more than favorable conditions due to lack of own resources. That is, sometimes a large deposit interest is a consequence of the distress of a financial institution. I will not dispute this statement. I will only note that this happens “in isolated cases.”

But there are other reasons. Bank money is divided into two types: assets and liabilities. The first type is the forms of placement of money (for example, issued loans), the second is the sources of their origin (for example, deposits). The key source of bank income is the difference in prices of issued and attracted funds.

I would like to note that the prices of issued funds always have a greater spread than those of attracted funds. The spread of interest on deposits usually does not exceed 50% (for example, from 8% to 12%), while lending rates may differ by half or more, depending on the term, security and intended purpose loan Here it is worth adding commissions for loans that bring additional income bank, increasing the price of credit money.

What do we see? If a bank is successful in issuing high-interest loans en masse, it can afford high deposit rates without sacrificing profits. At the same time, he can attract more resources than competitors and, accordingly, issue even more loans that are profitable for him.

In this case, there is no point in talking about any special problems for a bank that pays high rates on deposits. However, there is a certain risk here. The problem is that the size of the loan rate affects the likelihood of its repayment. The more expensive the loan, the greater the risk that it will not be repaid. Under normal conditions, banks compensate for this by building risks into the price of loans.

In essence, conscientious lenders pay for themselves and those who do not repay their loans. But as soon as the economic situation in the country begins to “shake,” borrowers massively lose stable incomes and stop paying off their debts. In this case, the bank may not be able to withstand the avalanche of loan defaults.

Deposits in banks with foreign capital

This is a special category of banks whose founders or parent companies are located in countries where the price of money is much lower. They do not need to raise expensive borrowed capital in the CIS countries, so foreign banks usually have the lowest deposit rates. At the same time, low rates do not indicate the reliability of the bank. Typically, such banks are reliable, but this is true only in cases where they are established and financed by reliable financial institutions working in Western countries.

But there is another category of banks that are also established with foreign capital. These are banks whose owners are domestic businessmen who managed to withdraw money to the accounts of their offshore companies. I would not talk about the reliability of such institutions. In addition, some Western corporations are now going through hard times. Therefore, there is no clear connection between “cheap deposit and reliable bank”.

Expensive deposits and new developing banks

High interest rates on deposits are usually offered by young banks that have adopted an aggressive market expansion strategy. One should not talk about their low or high reliability just because of their short period of work in the financial market. Here I advise you to pay attention to other indicators:

  1. asset growth dynamics;
  2. capitalization;
  3. development of a network of branches;
  4. positions in bank ratings;
  5. profitability.

This data can be obtained from open sources, and it says much more about the bank than its founding date or interest rate on deposits.

High deposit rates for banks that are part of corporations

These banks are focused on attracting borrowed capital for the needs of enterprises of “their corporation.” Therefore, they always offer higher interest rates on deposits than their competitors. This is quite reasonable, because such a solution is still cheaper for the founding corporations than taking out loans from other banking institutions.

The task of such banks is not to make money by issuing loans, but to provide resources to their founders at low prices. The reliability of such a bank depends on the reliability of the corporation, which is quite high for any large company. We see that the link “expensive deposit - unreliable bank” does not work here either.

The conclusion here is simple: expensive deposits cannot serve as a marker of a bank’s reliability. If you are going to invest in bank deposits, you don't have to necessarily avoid offers that are too lucrative. Approach the issue comprehensively, analyze other, more significant indicators of bank stability.

Bank ratings are published on a variety of Internet resources, for example, on SRAVNI.RU: Other data, such as profit, amount of assets, attracted funds, and so on, are published annually by banks in the media. Analyze, compare, decide. And never make decisions based on minimal data. Especially if, of all other data, you only know the deposit rate.

Source: ""

Banks with high deposit rates - list

In Russia, a deposit is perhaps the only means of storing and increasing money. The main advantage of the deposit is its high availability and simplicity. He took the money, took it to the bank and made a deposit. At the same time, any person is looking for a bank with the highest interest rates on deposits. Let's consider the question of where to find such a bank, where is the maximum rate and how to correctly approach the issue of choosing the term and amount of the proposed investment.

In pursuit of the rate, we often forget that there are deposits with and without capitalization, i.e. the rate of 15% on a deposit with capitalization turns out to be more than 16 percent without capitalization. 15% > 16% - sometimes this is true! This must be kept in mind when choosing a deposit.

Unfortunately, high interest rates on a deposit are not a guarantee of the greatest profitability. This should be taken into account when choosing a deposit with the maximum interest rate. You need to calculate the effective rate. You can do this manually in Excel, but when you go to the bank you won’t have Excel. A mobile deposit calculator will help you. He easily calculates the effective interest rate.

We do not recommend making deposits in a bank that does not insure them. We do not recommend investing money in a little-known bank from which the Central Bank may take away its license tomorrow. Therefore, it is incorrect to list 5 banks with the highest rates. You also need to look at the reliability of the bank and the minimum deposit amount. Below is a list of reliable banks with the highest deposit rates.

Deposit Otkrit PJSC Bank FC Otkritie:

  • Minimum amount—RUB 100,000
  • Rate,% — 9.4
  • Duration, months - 12
  • With capitalization

Deposit Open Term PJSC Bank FC Otkritie:

  1. Minimum amount—RUB 100,000
  2. Rate,% — 8.8
  3. Duration, months - 3
  4. Accrual of % - Monthly on the date of investment
  5. With capitalization

Deposit Growing percentage online Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development:

  • Minimum amount - 10,000 ₽
  • Rate,% — 8.25
  • Duration, months - 7
  • Accrual of % - Monthly on the date of investment
  • With replenishment
  • With capitalization

Deposit Profitable Online LLC KB Renaissance Credit:

  1. Minimum amount - 5,000 ₽
  2. Rate,% – 8
  3. Duration, months - 12
  4. Accrual of % - At the end of the term
  5. With capitalization

Deposit Profitable LLC KB Renaissance Credit:

  • Minimum amount - 30,000 ₽
  • Rate,% — 7.8
  • Duration, months - 12
  • Accrual of % - At the end of the term
  • With capitalization

Deposit of MTS XXL PJSC MTS-Bank:

  1. Minimum amount - 50,000 ₽
  2. Rate,% — 7.8
  3. Duration, months - 12
  4. Accrual of % - At the end of the term
  5. With replenishment
  6. With capitalization

Deposit of TKB-Rentier PJSC Transcapitalbank:

  • Minimum amount - 50,000 ₽
  • Rate,% — 7.7
  • Duration, months - 12
  • Accrual of % - Monthly on the last day
  • With replenishment
  • With capitalization

Yes, perhaps other banks have higher rates. But! The risk of investing in these banks is noticeably higher. There is a possibility that the Central Bank will take away the license from this bank.

You don’t know the bank’s internal kitchen and it’s difficult to understand what the bank’s position is. The conclusion is not to invest money in such banks.

When choosing a deposit with the highest rate, you need to look at the effective rate. For example, if we take a deposit of 100 thousand at 14% with and without capitalization, we have the following comparison result:

Those. the highest rate on a deposit in this case is on a deposit with capitalization. As a result, the income on the deposit with capitalization is greater:

14960.84 - 14023.45 =927.39

But there is a small nuance here. The fact is that deposits at a rate above 18.25 are taxed.

Look for deposits with cashback when replenishing

There are deposits that allow you to immediately add a percentage of the deposit. They increase the effective rate. This contribution is Tinkoff contribution. When replenishing at least 3 months in advance, you can receive 1% of the replenishment amount. For example, if you opened a Tinkoff deposit and transferred 1 million rubles there from another bank, we will receive the following additional deposits into our account:

1 million * 1% = 10 thousand rubles

It is worth understanding that banks different ways They are trying to lure you into making a deposit. Carefully study the bank's tariffs. Very often, high stakes hide bad bank with high replenishment rates. Gifts when opening a deposit also affect the effective rate. Don't chase gifts.

Very often you come to the bank, make a deposit and ask: “Where is my gift?” And you get the answer - sorry, the gifts are over. Do not open deposits in banks that hold drawings for apartments and cars among depositors. There is always not the highest rate on deposits. Believe me, you will not receive a prize, and your income will be less. Gifts are just a marketing ploy that allows you to attract you and does not bring profit for you.

Source: ""

10 most profitable deposits in reliable banks

The most profitable deposits for individuals in reliable banks in Russia: compare and select the best deposit for today at high interest rates in rubles. The review presents offers from the top 10 banks by volume of deposits in February-March 2019. The calculator will help you calculate your profitability.

Even in a difficult economic situation in 2019, there is an opportunity to invest money in such a way as to make money. One way is to arrange a profitable deposit for individuals. But which of the most reliable banks in Russia today has the highest interest rate on deposits? Experts analyzed the offers of the country's largest banks, compiling a review of deposits in rubles with favorable interest rates.

There are many ways to invest money to earn passive income. You can buy a currency and wait for it to rise in price, you can make money on Forex, invest in a PAMM account, try to earn income by trading binary options and much more. All these ways of making money bring quite high profits, but are also associated with a certain risk. Bank deposits of individuals today remain the most reliable and traditional way of investing savings in Russia.

When choosing a bank to entrust money to, depositors usually pay attention to at least two parameters:

  1. the interest rate, which allows you to choose a deposit with the maximum income;
  2. reliability of the bank, which allows you not to worry about the safety of your savings even during a banking crisis.

It can be quite difficult to combine a high interest rate and sufficient bank reliability. Analysts tried to do this by studying the conditions of deposits in Russian rubles for individuals in reliable banks.

Each bank has its own line of profitable deposits for individuals with unique conditions. In order to somehow bring the parameters of contributions to “a common denominator” different banks, let’s find out what the highest interest rates in rubles are offered to those who intend to open a deposit today, in 2019.

For the purity of the experiment, let’s compare the rates in the largest Russian banks for deposits for a period of 12 months, since this is the most popular investment period. As a result, the following list was obtained (check with banks for exact conditions and interest rates on deposits).

Sovcombank "Record Percent"

  • Interest rate - 7.8%, when paying with the Halva card - 8.8%
  • Amount - from 50,000 rubles;
  • Duration - 365 days
  • Replenishment is not provided;
  • Partial withdrawal is not provided;
  • Capitalization - not provided;
  • Payment of interest - upon expiration of the deposit term on the Halva card;
  • Early termination - at the deposit rate “On demand”.

Moscow Credit Bank "MEGA Online"

  1. Interest rate - 7.75%
  2. Amount - from 1,000 rubles.
  3. Duration - 365 days
  4. Replenishment / Without partial withdrawal/ Interest is calculated monthly.

Rosselkhozbank "Profitable (online)"

  • Interest rate - 7.55%
  • Amount - from 1.5 million rubles.
  • Duration - 395 days
  • No replenishment / No partial withdrawal / Prolongation / Interest accrual at the end of the term.

Sberbank of Russia “Catch the Benefit”

  1. Interest rate - 7.50%
  2. Amount - from 50,000 rubles.
  3. Duration - 12 months.

Promsvyazbank "My Income"

  • Interest rate - 7.50%
  • Amount - from 10,000 rubles.
  • Duration - 397-731 days.
  • No replenishment / No partial withdrawal / Preferential termination / Interest accrual at the end of the term.

FC Otkritie "Nadezhny"

  1. Interest rate - 7.44%
  2. Amount - from 1.25 million rubles.
  3. Duration - 367 days

Post Bank "Capital (online)"

  • Interest rate - 7.4%
  • Amount - from 50,000 rubles.
  • Duration - 367 days
  • No replenishment / No partial withdrawal / Interest accrual at the end of the term.

Gazprombank "Savings (online)"

  1. Interest rate - 7.35%
  2. Amount - from 1 million rubles.
  3. Duration - 367-1097 days
  4. No replenishment / No partial withdrawal / Capitalization / Interest accrual at the end of the term.

Alfa-Bank “Pobeda+ (Premium package)”

  • Interest rate - 7.0%
  • Amount - from 5 million rubles.
  • Duration - 365 days
  • No replenishment / No partial withdrawal / Capitalization / Interest accrued monthly.

VTB Bank "Vygodny (online)"

  1. Interest rate - 6.4%
  2. Amount - from 30,000 rubles.
  3. Duration - 395-545 days
  4. No replenishment / No partial withdrawal / Capitalization / Interest accrued monthly.

The best interest rates on deposits of individuals

Today, banks offer a large number of different types of profitable deposits for individuals. But all of them can be divided into several groups:

  • time deposits at the highest interest rates. By opening such a deposit, you give the bank your money for a certain period (3-6 months, 1 year or 3 years), and during this time you cannot take it back without losing interest or replenishing the account.
  • replenished deposits of individuals. By opening such a deposit, the investor can save money by replenishing the account, and at the same time the interest increases. However, it is impossible to withdraw funds from the account without losing profitability.
  • deposits with partial withdrawal of funds without loss of interest. Such deposits usually have the lowest interest rates. But they give you the opportunity to withdraw part of the funds up to a pre-agreed minimum balance, on the amount of which interest will be charged.
Of course, in any unforeseen situation, if you need money before the end of the deposit, you can always get it, but you will be sorry for the lost profits. So, when planning to make a deposit in a bank, it is better to decide in advance when you will withdraw the money so as not to lose income.

By choosing deposits with the highest interest rates, we most likely cut off replenishable deposits and those that involve partial withdrawal of money. Stops at deposits of individuals placed for a certain period: a month, three months, six months, a year, etc. Today, the highest interest rate on a deposit in rubles cannot be obtained if you make a deposit for a long period, for example, 3 years or even 5 years.

The most profitable are time bank deposits for six months or a year. You can make a deposit for this period in order to get a higher rate, and then withdraw the money and put it again, perhaps in another bank in Moscow, which at that time will offer a more favorable interest rate.

Source: ""

Deposits with the highest interest rates today

A bank deposit for individuals today is one of the most accessible tools for investing savings.

By opening a bank deposit, you keep your money in a safe place, receive a small income on it, and also have quick access to it if necessary. When choosing a deposit, everyone, of course, first of all looks at the interest on deposits that the bank offers. But there are other important criteria for choosing a deposit.

Important parameters for selecting deposits for individuals, in addition to the interest rate and bank reliability, are:

  1. Possibility of replenishing a deposit (useful if you intend to save money);
  2. Possibility of partial withdrawal of money without loss of interest (useful if you plan to use money lying in the bank);
  3. Frequency of interest accrual (pay attention if you intend to live on interest).

Thinking about where to invest money in 2019 so that it works, many are wondering: which bank has the highest interest rate on deposits today. But when opening a deposit account in a bank, you should pay attention not only to the interest rate, but also to the conditions of this deposit, such as the minimum amount and deposit term.

Profitable deposits for 1 year in systemically important banks of Russia

Moscow Credit Bank- “Dream” contribution:

  • Rate - 8.00%
  • Amount - from 50,000 rubles.
  • Duration, days - 380

Rosbank - Deposit “150 years of reliability”:

  1. Rate - 7.70%
  2. Amount - from 500,000 rubles.
  3. Duration, days - 365

Alfa-Bank - “Big jackpot”:

  • Rate - 7.34%
  • Amount - from 50,000 rubles.
  • Duration, days - 365

Bank Otkritie - Deposit “Reliable”:

  1. Rate - 7.52%
  2. Amount - from 50,000 rubles.
  3. Duration, days - 367

Rosselkhozbank - Deposit “Profitable”:

  • Rate - 7.45%
  • Amount - from 3,000 rubles.
  • Duration, days - 395

Promsvyazbank - Deposit “My Income”:

  1. Rate - 7.4%
  2. Amount - from 10,000 rubles.
  3. Duration, days - 367

VTB Bank - “Maximum” deposit:

  • Rate - 7.31%
  • Amount - from 30,000 rubles.
  • Duration, days - 380

Raiffeisenbank - “Welcome” deposit:

  1. Rate - 7.27%
  2. Amount - from 100,000 rubles.
  3. Duration, days - 380

Gazprombank - Savings deposit:

  • Rate - 7.25%
  • Amount - from 15,000 rubles.
  • Duration, days - 367

UniCredit Bank - Deposit “New Level”:

  1. Rate - 7.25%
  2. Amount - from 1 million rubles.
  3. Duration, days - 368

Sberbank - Deposit “Without Passport”:

  • Rate - 7.0%
  • Amount - from 50,000 rubles.
  • Duration, days - 365

Deposits at maximum interest for 1 month

Fora-Bank "Fora-hit":

  1. Rate - 8.00%
  2. No replenishment
  3. No partial withdrawal
  4. % at the end of the term

Alfa-Bank Alfa-Account “Premium”:

  • Rate - 8.00%
  • With replenishment
  • No partial withdrawal
  • % monthly

Almazergienbank "Profitable online":

  1. Rate - 7.45%
  2. No replenishment
  3. No partial withdrawal
  4. % at the end of the term

Sovcombank "Maximum income with Halva":

  • Rate - 7.10%
  • No replenishment
  • No partial withdrawal
  • % at the end of the term

Inbank "Maximum SIMPLE":

  1. Rate - 6.90%
  2. No replenishment
  3. No partial withdrawal
  4. % monthly

Vneshfinbank "Nadezhny":

  • Rate - 6.75%
  • With replenishment
  • With partial removal
  • % at the end of the term

Bank Moscow "Urgent":

  1. Rate - 6.75%
  2. No replenishment
  3. No partial withdrawal
  4. % at the end of the term

ProBank "Rantier":

  • Rate - 6.60%
  • No replenishment
  • No partial withdrawal
  • % monthly

Novikombank "Capital-online":

  1. Rate - 6.55%
  2. No replenishment
  3. No partial withdrawal
  4. % at the end of the term

What is the safest amount to open deposits for?

According to Russian legislation, deposits up to 1,400,000 rubles are insured if the bank participates in the deposit insurance system. If the license of such a bank is revoked, the Deposit Insurance Agency, through agent banks, fulfills obligations to its depositors within the established limit. This is the meaning of guaranteeing the safety of savings, entrusted to the bank.

In short, if you invest less than 1,400,000 rubles, then you can choose the highest percentage on bank deposits - if the license is revoked, of course, you will have to be nervous, but the money will still come back.

Repayment of funds above the specified amount is not guaranteed, so if you keep more than 1,400,000 rubles in the bank, then you are taking on increased risk.

Most Russians consider bank deposits the most reliable type of investment. Many people generally do not consider other types of investments. Since Soviet times, it has been customary in our country to keep money in a bank. If they exist, of course. Thus, investments in a bank are the main type of private investment in Russia.

At the same time, many people don’t even think about how profitable investment savings. Naturally, banking investments have their own nuances, which we will discuss below.

At the same time, investment deposits in banks today are Russian Federation are among the most reliable or least risky of all existing types investing. Of course, for now we are talking about a monetary amount within the range of 1 million 400 thousand Russian rubles.

Every successful investor will tell you that savings must constantly work, earning new money for its owner. Those people who in the 21st century believe that money can quietly lie in a bedside table are seriously outdated.

Today, the simplest and most accessible way for every person to invest money is a bank investment deposit or deposit.

A deposit (deposit) in a bank is an amount of money that is transferred by an individual to a selected financial institution with the goal of receiving a fixed, predetermined and agreed upon income. It is formed by interest, which is generated in the course of financial and monetary transactions carried out with the deposit made. The bank and the person placing the money (depositor) enter into a standard agreement. In accordance with its terms, the financial institution undertakes to pay the depositor an agreed percentage, calculated on the deposited amount, within a certain period of time.

Of course, such investments have both their pros and cons. Let's take a closer look at them. The advantages are:

  • It is very easy to deposit money at interest in a bank. A depositor spends about 10–15 minutes opening an account using Internet banking. The offline option takes a little longer, but also does not differ in any difficulties;
  • in order to invest money in a bank, it is enough to have a small amount (as a rule, we are talking about a thousand rubles);
  • the agreed interest is consistently credited to the client’s account. In fact, we should be talking about monthly income;
  • There are a huge number of bank deposits with very different conditions. Among them, any client can easily choose the most convenient option for him;
  • Thanks to the Deposit Insurance Agency, currently every depositor who has invested no more than 1.4 million rubles in the bank does not have to worry at all about the safety of his own savings. Even if a bank goes bankrupt or its license is revoked, the state guarantees the return of funds invested in it. Moreover, the client will be returned not only the deposit amount itself, but also all accrued interest.

At the same time, not everything is so rosy. Today in Russia there is a banking environment that makes investors doubt the profitability of placing their savings in financial institutions. It's time to talk about the existing disadvantages of investing in banks:

  • low interest rates that characterize existing investment products of banks. Relatively high interest rates on deposits remained in pre-crisis 2014. Currently, the interest rate rarely exceeds the 10% mark. This is when current level inflation in the country is 5-7%. Some banks (for example, Sberbank) maintain deposit returns at inflation levels;
  • As soon as a depositor leaves his contact information at the chosen bank, he is subject to quite annoying attacks from bank employees with enviable consistency. They offer him to use other financial products. For example, get a credit card. And it is not possible to get rid of such excessively intrusive attention;
  • In pursuit of higher interest rates on deposits, depositors are considering investment programs from small banks that are not reliable. In the last few years Central bank The Russian Federation shows such financial and credit organizations increased attention. In particular, in 2016 he revoked the licenses of 97 commercial banks. The depositor's money in the CER, of course, was returned. But let's not forget about the wasted time and nerves.

Despite these disadvantages, the majority of Russians still continue to prefer bank deposits. However, it should be noted that today such deposits are increasingly reminiscent of a means of ordinary safe storage of savings. It is almost impossible to accumulate any significant amount with their help.

What are the types of bank deposits?

As mentioned above, bank deposits are extremely diverse. Let's look at the main investment products currently present in this market.

Demand deposits.

In accordance with Civil Code In the Russian Federation, such deposits do not have any restrictions related to storage periods. An agreement for this type of deposit is concluded on the condition that the invested funds are released upon the first request received from the client. Anyone can receive money from a demand deposit individual– bearer. The main disadvantage of this investment product was and remains the extremely low interest on the deposit.

Time deposits.

They mean a sum of money placed in the selected bank for a period specified in the agreement, which is aimed at making a profit. Time deposits have many features. It is their combination that determines the final benefit. The depositor of this deposit also has the right to withdraw money before the agreed date. However, in this case he will lose a significant part of the interest. Time deposits are precisely those banking investment products that offer the highest returns. Eat general rule, according to which the longer a given deposit is, the higher the interest accrued on it.

Savings deposits.

They are deposits that are intended for the constant and continuous accumulation of money. The peculiarity of such investments is that the investor does not have the right to replenish the deposit or withdraw funds from it throughout the entire term of the signed agreement.

Savings deposits.

This is a special type of bank investment deposit, which gives the depositor the opportunity to replenish his account without having to close it. It differs from a fixed-term deposit in that it has a lower interest rate and, therefore, a lower return.

What is the best way to invest money in a bank?

First of all, we remember that today bank deposits in Russia in the amount of up to 1 million 400 thousand are completely safe. This is ensured by the fact that at the legislative level everyone commercial Bank is required to participate in the deposit insurance system.

Therefore, every deposit is insured. If you want to invest a large sum of money, we recommend using the universal principle of investment diversification. In other words, make several deposits in different banks.

You must select the currency in which you will hold own funds in the bank. As a general rule, it is recommended to save money in the currency that is current in your country or in which you receive payment. Today this advice is more than relevant. The fact is that the current interest rates on foreign currency deposits do not stand up to criticism. In such a situation, it’s hard to call them investments.

Choose an investment deposit that is right for you. To do this, it is necessary to analyze the currently existing offers on the market. banking services. With the advent of the Internet, this has become easier than ever. There are a huge number of sites that actually offer comparative characteristics of current deposits. In our opinion, the best portal in this regard is now If you are planning to select a deposit for yourself, visit the specified site.

After you choose a deposit, you need to visit the bank’s website offering this investment asset. Carefully analyze the terms of the deposit. You should check:

  • time of interest accrual: monthly, annually or at the end of the contract term;
  • the ability to replenish your account;
  • availability of interest capitalization;
  • possibility of early partial and full withdrawal of money.

Often, to attract more customers, banks prepare a variety of gifts and bonuses for all people who have made a deposit with them. Only by carrying out such an analysis can you provide yourself maximum income on investments.

Now the matter remains small. You need to decide which bank to invest money in. There are certain rules for selecting a suitable financial institution.

So where is it profitable to invest your money to make it work? In this article we will look at 5 popular time-tested ways to invest funds

Hello, friends! With you is Alexander Berezhnov, entrepreneur and one of the founders of the site “”

When writing this article, I relied on my experience, the experience of my friends, and also studied a huge amount of material and talked with major millionaire investors in order to give the most competent and detailed answer.

With this post I begin a series of articles on the topic “Where to invest money.”

Here we will look at both popular ways of investing money and “exotic” ones. I will highlight the advantages and disadvantages of each of them, and at the very end I will summarize our review.

At the end of the article, I will tell you where you should NOT invest money so as not to burn out. So, let's go!

1. Principles of smart investing or what experienced investors look at

Here we will look at the principles that you should follow in order to get a higher percentage of your investments than the bank with almost the same reliability.

Why do I say that it’s almost the same? Remember the golden rule of investing?

Profit is always proportional to the risks that the investor takes on!

It may seem trivial to some, but the first place to start investing is to acquire the necessary knowledge. This means that it is best to invest your first money not in stocks, not in gold, not in a bank, but make an investment in yourself - it will pay off many times over. It is recommended to do two richest person in the world - Bill Gates and Warren Buffett.

Once you have the necessary knowledge and understanding of different financial instruments, the principles of their operation, expected profits and risks, you can move on to practice.

Principles of competent investment from the world's leading investors

Principle 1. Create a financial cushion

This means that without a certain financial base, it is STRICTLY PROHIBITED to invest. The only exception is a bank deposit, since it is more likely not an investment, but a savings instrument.

What is a financial cushion and how to create it?

Financial cushion- this is a six-month supply of money on which you and your family can live while maintaining your usual standard of living, without having other sources of income.

You can create such a cushion by regularly postponing financial income (salary) or by selling your existing property.

For example, if your family is used to living on 50,000 rubles a month, then you must have at least 300,000 rubles to start investing.

The exception when you can start investing money at interest without having a financial cushion is if you have passive income.

Passive income- a stream of money coming to you that does not depend on your daily efforts, such as renting out real estate, stock dividends, or profits from an existing business.

Principle 2: Diversify your investments

To ensure that your money works correctly, think about where to invest it in order to comply with the principle of diversification, that is, dividing funds among different investment instruments.

If you have become interested in the topic of investing, then this concept is probably familiar to you. In other words, this means " don't put all your eggs in one basket" If you have a basket of eggs and it falls, all the eggs in it will break and you will be left with nothing.

This will happen with your savings (savings) if you invest them all in one business (project) or investment instrument.

By the way, diversification involves not only investing in different financial instruments, but also in different sectors of the economy.

For example, if you invest money in the stock market, then try to form your investment portfolio* so that your money works in companies in different sectors.

Investment portfolio- the totality of all the investor’s assets. For example, if you have a bank deposit, stocks, real estate, business - all these instruments for making a profit from an investment point of view will be called your investment portfolio.

To make your investment portfolio as resistant to market changes as possible, invest 20% of your available funds in banking sector, 20% in oil and gas, 20% in manufacturing, and 20% in agricultural or food.

So, if one company (industry) begins to suffer losses, then the rest will “pull” your funds upward and will not allow your portfolio to sink.

Principle 3: Control risks

Risks- this is the main “problem” that absolutely all investors face.

Remember, before you invest money anywhere, think about how much you can lose and only then how much you can earn.

Unfortunately, beginners make the same mistake - their eyes light up, dollar signs appear instead of pupils, and now they are rubbing their hands in anticipation of millions.

How do things work in practice?

But in practice, everything is different! Overestimating their strengths and experience, many people immediately try to engage in aggressive investing and lose money, instead of investing in more conservative instruments. So it turns out in the end that the greed of the friar ruined...

Investments are the same science as any other professional business, which means you need to evolve in this direction gradually, going from simple to complex.

Start with 100 or with 1000 dollars, and God forbid you invest large sums at once, especially in something you don’t understand!

The height of illiteracy here is to borrow money at interest and try to quickly “turn over” it in some “super profitable” way.

In 99% of 100, this ends in the loss of the entire amount and a credit burden that hangs over you like a sword of Damocles.

Don’t rush, because if you become an investment specialist, your future millions will not run away from you. On the contrary, if you rush and try to get rich instantly, then there is a high chance that you will never earn big money.

Principle 4. Attract co-investors

As you gain experience as an investor, you can invest money together to form investment pools. This way you can get more opportunities - where to invest your money so that it works with maximum efficiency.

For example, you have found a project or instrument that you think is attractive for investment, you have available funds, but they are not enough. Then find those who are ready to support your investment idea and invest money on an equal basis with you.

IN last years has become a fairly common topic PAMM accounts. In this case, investors transfer to trust management* your funds to a professional financial asset manager.

Trust asset management- a type of financial and business relationship where one person or company transfers its money (property) to another person - a trustee.

At the same time, the manager cannot dispose of these funds or property on the right of ownership, but only has the right to use it to make a profit, a percentage of which he receives as a reward for successful management.

So several investors can create such PAMM account pool and transfer this amount to trust management, while investors assume all risks of losses in proportion to the invested funds.

Investors can agree with the manager of such an account (trader) that he stop working on the account if he receives losses in a certain percentage of the account value.

If we briefly summarize this investment scheme, we see that investors are ready to sacrifice, for example, 15% your money to potentially get 30% income.

Principle 5: Create Passive Income

Increasing your capital is very good, but an equally important point here is the creation of passive income from your investment activities.

Why is this so important?

If you understand my train of thought, you are guaranteed to take a fresh look at investing your money.

A good example

You invested 100,000 rubles and received 130,000 rubles a year later, that is, you earned 30% on the invested funds.

However, next time you cannot give a 100% guarantee that you will earn another 30% or more in a year. Considering that such profitability is much higher than banking, it means that the risks of this method are much greater.

You may even lose most or all of the amount if something goes wrong next time.

On the other hand, if for 100,000 rubles you could create passive income for yourself, for example the same 2,500 rubles per month, which also amounts to 30,000 rubles per year, then in this case, you can easily take out the same 100,000 on credit rubles and invest them more conservatively, so your asset with passive income of 2,500 rubles is a guarantee of the return of the new amount of 100,000 rubles borrowed.

In order to better understand how to create passive income and then create assets with its help, I recommend playing the game “ Cash flow» famous investor, entrepreneur and business coach Robert Kiyosaki.

By the way, here's what Robert Kiyosaki says about the importance of passive income:

2. What amounts can you start investing with?

You can start investing with any amount. If you have chosen a bank deposit or shares as an investment instrument, then here you can start with literally 100 rubles.

If you have no money at all, then just start saving at least 10% from any of your income. This way you will form the habit of creating a financial reserve for yourself and as your income grows, your savings will increase proportionally. Money will work for you while you relax.

All famous people who teach success and proper handling of personal finances say that you need to save money: Bodo Schaeffer, Robert Kiyosaki, Warren Buffett.

The fact is that many people, as their income increases, begin to spend even more and even take out loans, since they always lack money. It is called "We got to the good life".

Always control your balance between income and expenses, live within your means!

One of the most reliable and profitable ways to invest is opening a franchise business.

Do you want a reliable investment option? Take advantage of the offer from our website partners: become co-owners of a chain of Japanese restaurants.

The project is being led by Alex Yanovsky, a businessman with 20 years of experience who has launched many successful startups from scratch. At the time of writing, the Sushi Master franchise has 125 restaurants open in 80 cities and 8 countries around the world.

My friend Sergei opened a Sushi Master outlet in the island format in Maykop, investing 1.5 million rubles and after six months he had already recouped his investment. So the scheme works not only in theory, but also in practice.

In section No. 4, I will describe in detail how to competently open a business under this franchise by investing a very moderate amount in a promising area Catering.

Here's what Alex says about the benefits of starting a franchise business:

3. Where to invest money to make it work - 5 profitable ways to invest

Nowadays, many people are confused by various offers on where to invest their money. If you open the Internet and read articles on this topic, then someone offers to buy such and such a super course, after completing which you will become a millionaire in a week.

But in most cases, all these “magic pills” are nothing more than a good way to steal your savings.

Now we will look classic methods, which allow you to invest money in understandable instruments with predictable returns and moderate risks.

Method 1.

This is the most popular way to save money, but its returns are barely comparable to the country's inflation rate. So if you put money in a bank and keep it there year after year, then best case scenario You just won’t lose them; there’s no talk of more or less tangible earnings here.

Russia has now adopted a law that guarantees payments on deposits in 1,400,000 rubles in case the bank goes bankrupt. This applies to all banks that have an official license to conduct banking activities.

Previously sum insured amounted to 700,000 rubles. That is, if you deposited your money in a bank and for some reason it ceased to exist, then the state will compensate you for your money if the deposit amount does not exceed the insurance amount.

Now in our country there are hundreds of banks with interest rates ranging from 5% before 12% .

Historically, the most popular bank among our citizens is Sberbank, although here the interest rate on deposits is one of the lowest, but high branch network and the high reliability of the bank itself allow it to remain a leader in terms of deposit volume.

Pros and cons of investing money in a bank deposit


  • high reliability (low risks);
  • high liquidity (the ability to return money at any time);
  • minimum threshold for investment (you can start with 1000 rubles);
  • simplicity and clarity of the investment instrument.


  • low interest on deposits;
  • loss of interest on early withdrawal of money.

Method 2. Stock market and mutual funds

A part of the financial market where people or companies can purchase stocks, bonds, futures, and other securities.

If you have free funds and want to get more income than in the bank, but take on relatively large risks, then the stock market will be a good tool for you.

To start investing in securities, you just need to contact a bank or specialized brokerage company, which deals with stock market operations.

Personally, I recommend two well-known brokerage companies for this: the Aton Investment Company and the Otkritie Brokerage House. You can safely invest your money in these companies so that they work and not be afraid of losing it.

They have offices in many cities.

By the way, speaking about the stock market, it is worth noting that there are different types of investors based on the duration of investment. There are short-term investors, they are also called speculators. These are people who buy and sell securities over a short period of time: from a few minutes to a few weeks.

There are medium-term investors, they buy shares for several weeks or months. There are also long-term investors, usually they act on the “buy and forget” principle - they invest their money in securities for several years, assessing the potential of the company and the industry in which it operates.

The last type of investor is investment guru Warren Buffett. Once he was asked when he should sell the shares he bought, and then Buffett replied that he would never! This is his concept of long-term investing.

You can manage your investments yourself or entrust this matter to a professional manager (trader).

There are also special funds where you can invest - mutual funds.

mutual fund- share investment fund. This is a financial organization that independently forms its investment portfolio from various financial instruments (stocks, bonds, bank deposits) and sells shares in this portfolio - shares.

Based on the results of a certain management period, you are accrued interest according to the size of your share.

But if at the end of the year you definitely receive more from the bank than you invested, then your profitability here may be negative, that is, the fund may work at a loss.

Pros and cons of investing money in the stock market and mutual funds


  • a small initial amount for investment (from 1000 rubles or even less);
  • interest at the end of the reporting period is usually higher than in a bank;
  • a large selection of investment instruments (stocks, bonds, futures, options);
  • the opportunity to receive dividends;
  • the opportunity to independently create an investment portfolio, choosing a flexible balance of risks and expected returns.


  • the relatively greater complexity of the investment process compared to a bank deposit;
  • relatively large risks (you can get a loss);
  • in certain cases, special knowledge is required (when independently managing an investment portfolio).

Method 3. Forex (foreign exchange market)

Global world currency exchange market. Here you can exchange (convert) almost all known currencies, that is, buy some monetary units for others, for example dollars for euros.

Speculative traders make money on Forex, most of them carry out intraday trading operations.

After all, we want to find out all the ways where to invest money so that it works, and Forex will help us with this. After all, here you can quickly increase your capital several times in a couple of months. In a popular article on our website, I already talked about my experience of trading on the stock exchange and how.

Indeed, you can make a lot of money on Forex. However, this comes with huge risks and you can lose your investment capital in a matter of minutes.

Now a large number of companies offer Forex trading services. Such companies are called Forex brokers.

Be careful when choosing a Forex broker. Since there are now many companies that do not bring your trading transactions to real currency market and you simply play on your computer in a trading program like in a casino (losing your money, of course).

Before you start engaging in this method of investing, read customer reviews, go to the company’s office, make sure it is reliable and serious.

Pros and cons of investing money in Forex


  • low entry threshold (usually from $100);
  • the opportunity to earn a lot quickly and a lot;
  • large selection of investment instruments ( currency pairs for trade).


  • requires special technical skills and knowledge to invest;
  • very high risks.

Method 4. Bitcoin (Cryptocurrency)

You can make a lot of money here, but you can also lose money if you don’t follow the market. The most famous cryptocurrency is Bitcoin. Its main advantages: decentralization, anonymity, security, limitations. This means that Bitcoin is not controlled by any state and, thanks to limited emission and growing demand for cryptocurrency, its price will only increase in the future. You can buy Bitcoin at a favorable rate at - this service is not only an exchanger, but also a crypto-wallet where you can safely store cryptocurrency.

Method 5. Real estate

One of the classic investment tools when a person with money wonders where to invest his money.

You can purchase both residential and commercial stealth. It is natural that commercial real estate provides more income than residential property, however, and requires more knowledge to purchase it correctly.

In addition to buildings, real estate also includes land plots, water bodies, ships, aircraft and spacecraft in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Real estate has a number of great advantages, but this method of investment is also not without its disadvantages.

Pros and cons of investing in real estate


  • the opportunity to rent out real estate and receive passive income;
  • the opportunity to sell real estate and make money on the difference between the purchase and sale prices;
  • a reliable way to save money (real estate in most cases protects money from inflation - depreciation);
  • Due to the fact that real estate is a material (tangible) asset, it can be used for one’s own commercial or non-commercial needs, for example, one can open a business in the premises, or one can live in residential real estate.


  • high entry threshold (usually from several hundred thousand);
  • low liquidity (cannot be sold quickly without a significant loss of market value);
  • subject to mechanical damage - damage by tenants, natural disasters, force majeure - gas explosion, fire, and so on (insure your property to avoid losing money if it is damaged or lost).

Method 6. Own business

If you have an entrepreneurial spirit and some commercial experience, then one of the best solutions for you to invest money in your own business.

Simple example:

Resale of Chinese goods with a large markup (300-800%).

You can buy goods in bulk from China or from a wholesale supplier in a major city and start selling them online. Often this scheme is also called “Business with China” - a very profitable and promising direction in RuNet.

Our site team is personally acquainted with a successful entrepreneur in this topic. Zhenya not only has been running her business successfully for a long time, but also teaches others how to do it.

If you want to launch your own startup in the near future and start earning 100-200 or even 500 thousand rubles in a few months, contact Evgeniy and he will guide you by the hand on all issues of creating a successful business selling Chinese goods.

Be sure to check out the reviews from the married students to get inspired by their success stories:

Yes, there are also certain risks here, but you can manage them flexibly, because in this case you decide for yourself where to allocate certain funds in order to get the maximum return from them.

It is especially effective to invest money in your own business if it is already operating, and your new investments will help the business generate even greater profits.

Pros and cons of investing money in your business


  • you manage your money yourself, building and optimizing business processes (as a business owner);
  • for business projects it is quite easy to find co-investors, which helps to attract larger sums than if investments were made alone;
  • It is easier to get a loan for a business than for other investment instruments.


  • high risks of losing money;
  • low liquidity of most assets (it is impossible to quickly sell equipment, goods, etc. without a significant loss of value);
  • loss of a share in a business project (in case of attracting co-investors).

4. Sushi Master franchise business - invest money profitably

Owning your own business from scratch is a rather risky undertaking. This requires a solid start-up capital, an original idea and well-thought-out business technology. But there is an alternative option - to use a ready-made commercial model with a predetermined payback period and guaranteed profitability.

The chain of Japanese restaurants has its representative offices in Russia, China, Ukraine, Lithuania, Hungary, Kazakhstan and other countries. The main share of business comes from the Russian market.

Franchising is one of the leading activities of the Sushi Master company. The company's promoted product is a predictable business with a proven and effective structure.

The owners hand over the finished model to their partners; the latter can only comply with established standards in cooking and marketing, as well as maintain an appropriate level of service.

Franchise payback period: 5-18 months depending on the region of location, the chosen format and other objective factors.

The algorithm for opening a Sushi Master franchise branch is as follows:

  1. Submit an application on the official website of the company.
  2. You pay a lump sum fee - at the time of writing this amount is equal to 400,000 rubles.
  3. Take a training course at a training center in Krasnodar.
  4. You receive the right to open a point under the SUSHI MASTER brand, an official contract, production technologies, original recipes.
  5. Together with the franchise owners, you choose a location for the restaurant, calculate the return on investment, and receive support from the start-up team.
  6. You open a restaurant.
  7. Together with your team, bring the project to a stable profit.

You and your team will calculate the total starting investment individually. Cost range: from 1.3 to 4.5 million rubles. The opening period of the restaurant is from 3 months.

The advantage of this model is that it is guaranteed to work. All possible problems and obstacles that may arise at the launch stage have a proven elimination algorithm. You do not work alone, but become a participant in a successful business, which has already paid off more than 100 times, brought and still brings profit to its owners.

Co-owner of the company Alex Yanovsky is the founder of his own School “Business Behind Glass”, a successful entrepreneur whom I know personally. I have not the slightest doubt about his honesty, as well as about the profitability of the franchise.

The risks are minimal, and the support of the training center under the leadership of Alex Yanovsky is continuous and constant. At your disposal is the experience of successful businessmen, professional equipment, and proven marketing technologies.

The market niche that you will occupy is now on the rise: there is an outflow of visitors from expensive restaurants to cheaper ones. Catering establishments in street format or “island” format are in demand and popular - these are the options we offer to our partners.

5. Where you shouldn’t invest money so as not to burn out

You should not invest money in obviously losing enterprises - casinos, illegal and morally unacceptable projects.

These include criminal types of business: trafficking in drugs, weapons, contract goods, the organization of brothels, front companies that launder money, as well as fraudulent schemes in the real estate sector (corruption in construction, eviction of lonely old people and re-registration of housing).

To live in peace, engage in honest and socially acceptable ways of earning money, then you will gain not only financial freedom, but also spiritual harmony.

6. Conclusion

In this article we reviewed the fundamental principles of investing, recommendations from best investors and specialists in business and finance, and also got acquainted with the most popular ways to invest free money.

In the next part of the article “Where to invest money,” I will talk about less common and at first glance not obvious ways to increase your capital.

And if oh bank deposits Almost everyone knows about the stock market and real estate, but for example, few know how to create good passive income for themselves by investing money in their own Internet projects.

Dear friends, I hope that now you have figured out where to invest your money so that it works and brings you profit. After all, you are the one who can become rich and earn millions.

I wish you successful investments!

Where is it more profitable to invest rubles in a crisis so as not to lose your savings - recommendations from experts + TOP 5 most profitable investment directions today

If you are looking for a way to invest your savings and the main criterion is reliability, then you should pay attention to bank deposits. But there is no absolute guarantee here. Therefore, it is better to choose prestigious and reputable banks, despite the fact that their interest rates are sometimes lower than those of small commercial banks.

There are several options for investing money in banking company- registration of compulsory medical insurance, savings certificate, investing money in investment companies, mutual funds, etc. But the simplest and most reliable way of investing was and remains a regular deposit.

How to choose a bank to open a deposit?

To make the most profitable deposit, you need to take into account several parameters.

  1. The first parameter is reliability. There is no point in investing in dubious banks, even if the interest rates there are several times higher than others. When choosing reputable banks, clients receive a guarantee of the return of their funds with interest. The largest banks in the country are now Sberbank, Rosselkhozbank, AlfaBank, VTB 24 and others. They have large client bases and offices in major cities
  2. The second parameter is the percentage value. Large banks usually offer very small interest rates, and lesser-known and newly established banks try to offer as much profit as possible to customers. Also, the amount of interest is affected by the parameters of deposits, their duration, as well as special terms of contracts
  3. The third parameter is controllability. There are deposits without replenishment and partial withdrawal; the entire amount with interest is issued only at the end of the contract. There are options with withdrawal and replenishment that allow you to manage your funds. There are also options with capitalization, read about it on this page
  4. Also, be sure to ask the employee - will your savings be insured, and does the company cooperate with the DIA? We talk in detail about insurance of deposits up to 1.4 million rubles on this page.

To choose the right place to open a deposit, you must first make a list of the banks that you trust most and which you find most convenient. Then you need to visit their official websites and see their offers.

Usually, the websites list all the detailed conditions of the programs, tariffs and interest. You need to pay special attention to text in small font, because this method is used not only in business documents, but also on the Internet.

The most reliable banks for opening a deposit according to the Central Bank rating

If you choose large government institutions to save your savings, then in this case you will receive low interest rates. This is explained by the fact that these companies have huge multi-million dollar customer bases, and they do not need to additionally attract investors with promises of high returns.

Why do people come here? Because the branches of these banks are the most common in the country, they can be found in almost every locality, the conditions are transparent, and although the rates are not high, you will not need to fear for your savings.

What is offered in the most popular institutions:

  • For example, in Sberbank of Russia the highest income that they can offer you is 6% per annum, we talk about its offers.
  • In a bank, the highest profit rate will be up to 7.8%.
  • Rosselkhozbank has a promotional offer with a yield of up to 7.65%; you can read more in this article.
  • There are several investment complex products for which you can get an income of up to 8%.

Why is it better to choose state banks? In their capital, most of the shares belong to the state, which means that such companies will be provided with all possible support, and there is very little chance that they will go bankrupt and you will lose your savings. Full list can be studied in this article.

TOP 10 most reliable banks in Russia for 2019:

NumberName of the bank Assets
1 23923567371
2 12072943598
3 6073790112
4 3158641358
5 3007397735
6 2646159899
7 2321983153
8 1984123615
9 1216956605
10 1216661311

Which banks have the highest interest rates on deposits?

Of course, the interest rate is exactly what investors pay attention to first. And this is not surprising, because the higher the %, the greater your final profit will be.

In this case, you need to pay attention to all the details of the contract. Very often, advertising tools only talk about the maximum rate that can be received, but there is also a minimum. And the final value will depend on many factors:

  • what program did you choose,
  • Do you want to replenish your account/withdraw money from it,
  • what time period did you choose?
  • how often do you want to receive income - monthly or at the end of the term,
  • are you a privileged client in this bank, do you receive a salary here, a pension, etc.

We have studied the offer market and compiled a list of the most attractive offers from Moscow banks: there is a “VIP Deposit” product with a large sum for opening - from 1,500,000 rubles for a period of 31 to 1097 days. You will have access to a yield of up to 8.45% per annum, payments occur at the end of the term. You can partially withdraw funds;

  • you can open a classic “Profitable” deposit with payment at the end of the term. You will need to invest at least 3,000 rubles. for 4 years. If you open through a branch, the interest will be up to 8.35% per year, and if through Personal Area- then up to 8.5%;
  • — to register a deposit “Renaissance Profitable” you need to deposit at least 30,000 rubles for 1.5 years, maximum percentage equal to 8.30% per year. In this case, preferential early termination of the contract is permitted. Important: if you open it via the Internet, you will need to deposit at least 5,000 rubles;
  • Tavrichesky Bank has prepared a “Tavrichesky Maximum” product for its clients, which will require a contribution of 50 thousand rubles. The contract period is from 91 to 730 days, the rate varies from 7.2% to 8.3% per annum.
  • Want to get even more income? Then consider opening investment deposit, where the placement of funds on deposit occurs simultaneously with an investment in an ILI or an ILI. At the same time, an increased rate will be available to you, for example, they offer up to 9.2% per year.

    To calculate your profit, you can use an online calculator