The most profitable car loan purchase. Where is the best place to get a car loan for a new or used car. Different banks - different requirements


As a rule, a car loan is issued for several years, so it is very important at this time to cooperate with a reliable financial institution that will not let you down.

There are five main criteria that you should pay attention to when choosing a financial institution:

1. Profitable offer. If you borrow money, then it is logical to assume that you want to overpay less for a loan, so the main thing when choosing a bank is the full cost of the loan - this interest rate plus all fees and surcharges. This indicator must be specified in the contract. If you want to calculate the rate even before visiting the bank, you can use, which will rank the best offers, focusing on the final price of the loan.

2. Down payment. If you have money for an initial fee then choose the bank with the appropriate offer. The higher the installment, the lower the overpayment on the loan. There is no money for the first payment - go to the bank where it is available.

3. Insurance. There is a difficult choice to be made here. Most banks require you to purchase a policy, the cost of which can be 7-10% of the price of the car, which leads to a significant increase in costs. On the other hand, some banks offer car loans without necessarily buying insurance, but you will have to pay a few extra interest for this. Carefully calculate the overpayment for the first and second options - choose the bank where the overpayment will be less.

4. Availability of car loan repayment. A very important factor that is usually not thought about when obtaining a loan. The borrowed money will have to be returned monthly. You can get a cheap loan from a little-known bank, but then suffer from paying off the debt, because the bank's offices can be closed on weekends, far from home or work. We advise you to choose a bank that is located near the route of your movement, has the ability to pay the debt through the terminal (ATM) or using.

5. Find out reviews about the bank. Often, the inconvenience of cooperation with a credit institution can cross out its attractive conditions: incompetent employees may work in the bank, threats may arise in the event of delays in payments, or there may always be time-consuming queues in the bank. Ask friends, colleagues or look for reviews about the bank on - make a choice based on the information received. advice: Any consumer may have a conflict of interest with the seller of the car. As a rule, car dealers cooperate with several banks at once, so they offer to get a loan from one of the recommended credit institutions. Here you risk getting into a situation where you will not be imposed profitable loan with higher interest rates. Do not succumb to the persuasion of the seller, you have the right to make a choice yourself: if you are offered good conditions- agree, doubt it - find another bank.

Deciding which bank to get a car loan from can be quite difficult and often takes a lot of time.

As with many other loans, you have to take into account a number of factors, and finding the best option for all parameters at the same time is very difficult.

Where is it better to get a loan for a car - the choice of bank

For example, the bank that offers the best interest rate may charge high down payments or not deal with used cars.

And those banks that lend to the purchase of used cars often set harsh requirements for their customers, which is why it turns out quite low interest approvals.

In part, in this situation, it only remains to come to terms with the fact that "not two peas per spoon."

However, in this article we have comparative analysis based on the criteria that matter most to potential borrowers.

How to get a car loan for the unemployed

Individuals who do not have an official job and a permanent income may also need a car loan. For example, a man fired from his previous job may want to buy an inexpensive, budget car on credit and get a job as a taxi driver, gradually paying off the debt for him.

And sometimes just a passport and a borrower's profile are enough. Of course, you will also need documents for the car, but this should not cause problems.

According to two documents, you can apply for a loan "Freedom of Choice" from VTB - up to 3 million rubles at a rate of 9.9% to 14.9%, depending on the availability of insurance.

It is noteworthy that a loan for foreign cars can be issued without a down payment, but this is subject to the provision of a complete package of documents.

If the client provides only 2 documents, you will have to pay 20-30% of the amount as a down payment.

You should also pay attention to lending under the Prime program from UniCredit Bank.

In fact, the client "buys" for himself the opportunity not to provide a full package of documents if he makes a sufficient amount as an initial payment.

The proportions of the down payment are as follows:

  • if the loan amount is up to 1.5 million rubles, you need to pay from 15%;
  • if up to 4 million rubles, you need to pay from 30%;
  • if up to 4.8 million rubles, then you need to pay from 40%;
  • if from 6.5 million rubles, then you need to pay at least half of the amount.

In this regard, VTB is more profitable, because. does not request such large amounts, but at the same time, it may be more difficult for the borrower to get approval from VTB, since this big bank paying attention credit history. And UniCredit can approve the one who was refused by VTB.

Where is the best place to get a car loan at a favorable rate

In a relationship favorable rate co-branded loans of RusFinance Bank are indisputably in the lead. Co-branded loans are loans that are issued for the purchase of a particular brand of car, and usually from partner dealers.

For individual car brands, you can find offers for as little as 1-4%, depending on the brand and availability of insurance.

If you look at universal car loans, VTB and Uralsib stand out among other offers. They lend to the purchase of cars at a rate below 10% per annum.

Of course, this is just the lower threshold of the rate, and it is not a fact that a loan to a particular borrower will be approved at such a rate, but nevertheless, it is clearly more profitable than loans at 17-20% per annum offered by Rusfinance for all other car brands .

Where to get a loan for a used car

Buying a used car is a great way to save money for many, but you still need to find a bank that will agree to issue a car loan for such a purchase. Sberbank and Gazprombank, for example, do not work with such transactions at all.

Therefore, for a car loan for a used car, you need to contact VTB, Uralsib, Rusfinance.

Against the general background, VTB stands out again, which even agrees to lend a deal between the two individuals, and not just between the borrower and the car dealership.

How to get a car loan without insurance

Insurance for a credit car is a mandatory thing in most cases, since there is a high risk of getting into an accident and losing the object of the loan itself. However, some borrowers are trying to find an opportunity where to get a car loan without CASCO.

This really allows you to save on the sum insured, although it often leads to an increase in the annual rate.

Nevertheless, you can try to get a loan for a car without CASCO in Uralsib and Rusfinance.

VTB also lends to cars without insurance, but only in certain cases, and this will lead to an increase in the rate and the need for a down payment.

Can I get a car loan without a down payment?

Unfortunately, a car loan without a down payment is a rarity. This is dictated by several considerations:

  1. The ability to make a down payment confirms the solvency of the borrower, indirectly confirms his ability to repay the loan.
  2. Financial well-being also confirms the ability to bear the cost of maintaining and servicing the car throughout the entire term of the car loan, which means that the car will remain in good condition, suitable for sale.
  3. Making a down payment reduces the amount of borrowed money, which is important, since a car loan refers to short-term loans of only 5-7 years or even less.

Therefore, it is quite difficult to get a loan for a car without a down payment.

Such a service is available at VTB and Home Credit Bank, as well as a number of small regional credit institutions, which are not represented in every region.

What to do if you can't get a car loan

In Moscow a large number of banks, but this does not mean that you can get a car loan on every corner.

If you need to buy a car, but a car loan is not approved, the borrower can be advised the following:

  • improve your credit history by obtaining a small non-purpose loan and paying it off on time;
  • check if everything in your credit history is normal - perhaps some bank in which you previously received loans did not send data on debt repayment;
  • accumulate more money and offer the bank a large down payment;
  • bring a wealthy guarantor;
  • apply not to such big banks such as VTB or Sberbank, and smaller, regional ones - there the likelihood of approval is higher, and they will not find fault with it;
  • consider buying a cheaper car - then the size of the loan will decrease, and the bank is more likely to give money.

In any case, before contacting a credit institution, it is better to initially familiarize yourself with all the information on the official website of a banking institution.

Today, not each of us can find money for a car of the brand that we want. In this regard, most banks offer car loan programs with different interest rates and lending conditions.

Among the wide choice, it is difficult for a potential borrower to navigate and apply for a loan for favorable conditions. An overview of the most profitable car loans in 2019 will help you figure out which bank to get a car loan from.

What to look out for

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Each of the banks will assure that it has the most favorable loan terms for purchasing a car. Since competition among banking institutions is quite high, this forces them to regularly update loan programs and supplement them with different conditions.

To choose the most profitable proposition To buy a car on credit, you should pay attention to the following aspects:

income statement Making a loan without it is convenient for citizens who work informally, but has the other side of the coin - a high interest rate.
Interest rate The lower it is, the less the client pays for using the car loan program (the lowest interest rate is 8-12% ).
Initial payment
  • Part of the cost of the car, paying which advances the loan. In rare cases banking institutions offer to buy a vehicle without a down payment. But keep in mind that the lower the down payment, the higher the interest rate.
  • Partial payment of the cost of the car confirms the solvency of the client to the credit institution. Some credit institutions have certain conditions - when buying a car without a down payment, the minimum cost vehicle must be at least 0.5 million rubles.
Vehicle condition Some banking institutions give loans only for new cars, others - for used ones. But banks rarely issue loans for used cars. The main condition for car loans is that the purchase of a vehicle must be carried out only in a car dealership.
Car insurance (CASCO or other) Most advertisements for car loans indicate the interest rate applicable when ordering a full insurance package. Naturally, this increases the cost of the loan. Of course, you can refuse insurance, but then the interest rate increases by 0.5-1.5 percent.
Documentation Many credit organizations offer car loans based on just two documents - a passport and any other identity document (for example, a driver's license).

These documents do not confirm the solvency of the borrower, which significantly increases the risk of this lending, therefore, in this case, banks increase the loan rate and down payment.

Installment plan from the car manufacturer provided by foreign car companies Sometimes they run short-term promotions with low interest rates and discounts on the full value of the vehicle. Thanks to such programs, you can significantly save on buying a car for cash or on credit.

Broker option

On financial market brokers (intermediaries) work. With their help, you can get a loan on favorable terms and without hidden conditions.

Using a broker has the following benefits:

  • the choice of car loans that best suits the needs of the borrower;
  • obtaining a loan for a short or long term;
  • the possibility of obtaining an installment plan for a period of one year;
  • assistance in preparing the necessary documentation;
  • legal advice.

Payment for the services of a credit broker is carried out only after the loan is issued. The services of a broker have an acceptable price and can significantly save money.

In addition, the borrower receives full legal support for the loan application, which will simplify the collection of documents.

The important point is that brokerage companies have good ties with banks, so applications from them are satisfied in the first place

The most profitable car loans

Each credit institution offers its own conditions and benefits of car loans. An overview of the main offers allows you to figure out which is cheaper and save time.


This financial institution offers lending programs for both new and used cars. The manufacturer of the car - domestic or foreign - does not matter for obtaining a loan.

To receive a positive response to the application, the borrower does not have to confirm his solvency and employment. The bank issues a loan 5 million rubles for up to five years.

At the same time, it operates credit rate from 14,5% , and the amount of the initial payment is more than 15% . These two parameters depend on the loan term and additional conditions.

Below are the current loan rates:

Sberbank allocates preferential categories of borrowers who receive additional discount in 1%:

  • individuals who have salary card this bank;
  • pensioners receiving pension payments on the bank's social card;
  • Sberbank depositors.

VTB 24

Bank VTB 24 issues from domestic and foreign manufacturers. To apply for a loan, it is not necessary to present a certificate of employment and a certificate of income.

The loan amount is up to 5 million rubles, the loan term is up to five years. The bank has an interest rate on the loan from 12% and 20% initial payment.


The bank offers credit programs for the purchase of domestic and foreign cars, both new and used. A prerequisite receiving a positive response to a loan application is a confirmation of solvency.

Lending is carried out for a period up to 4 years. The maximum loan amount is 4 million rubles or an equivalent amount in a foreign currency.

The credit rate in this financial organization depends on the term of the loan and the amount of the down payment and is 11,5-13% .

Absolut Bank

Offers a wide selection credit programs to buy a car.

The bank lends for up to 5 years and offers to borrow from 100 thousand before 4 million rubles. The initial deposit is at least 15% and depends on total cost car.

The bank satisfies loan applications if the borrower meets the following criteria:

  • age 21-60 years;
  • has a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • the length of service in the last holding position is not less than three months;
  • general seniority is no less than 12 months.


The bank cooperates with a large number of car dealerships in Moscow, so there are a wide range of such brands: Mazda, Mitsubishi, Ford, Audi, Chevrolet and others.

A credit institution gives a loan for up to seven years for a new car and up to three years for a used one. Sum minimum loan is 0.9 million rubles, maximum - 4.5 million rubles.

When applying for a loan, the borrower must pay a down payment of 15% from the total cost of the car

For a positive response to credit request at Gazprombank, the borrower must submit the following documents:

  • Russian passport;
  • driver license;
  • certificate from the place of work indicating the salary;
  • loan application.

In addition, a number of requirements must be met:

  • Borrower's age must be within 20-60 years old;
  • the borrower must have a permanent residence permit;
  • the length of service in the position held must be at least three months.

CASCO and contributions

Clients treat CASCO insurance differently - some believe that it is relevant today, others consider the purchase of insurance a waste of money.

Naturally, a loan without CASCO will cost less, but there are some nuances that you should be aware of:

  • increased credit rate;
  • the minimum down payment is increased up to 50%;
  • one-time loan repayment in case of vehicle theft (this condition is not valid in all credit institutions);
  • in the event of an accident, the borrower himself pays for the repair of his car and the vehicle of the injured party;
  • Without auto insurance, you can't get a loan for a used car.

Failure cases

In some cases, banks refuse loan applications.

This can happen for the following reasons:

  • income level does not allow you to get a car loan, in such cases it is better to apply for a consumer loan;
  • when buying a used foreign car that was released more than ten years ago;
  • when buying a used domestic car produced earlier than five years ago;
  • when buying a vehicle is cheaper 0.2 million rubles;
  • refusal to issue CASCO.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any financial service, car loans have their pros and cons. The main advantage is that with the help of a car loan, you can buy a car immediately, paying not the full cost.

The borrower pays the down payment, and the bank pays the rest of the amount. Gradually, the borrower is obliged to return this amount to the bank, taking into account the interest rate.

The benefit of car loans exists when borrowing a large amount. If you save the right amount of money for a long time, then inflationary losses may occur.

Of the minuses, it can be noted that the borrower will have to return a fixed amount of money for many months. As a result, the amount paid, including interest, will greatly exceed the original cost of the vehicle.

Also, over time, a credit institution can lower the interest rate, and the borrower can gently repay the loan at the old loan rate.

Domestic banks have high interest rates on car loans, so it is more profitable to take a car loan abroad.

The undoubted disadvantage of auto insurance is the confirmation of solvency. Majority credit organizations will not satisfy the request of the borrower if it wage less 12 thousand rubles.

Most car loan programs are designed for high-income people who can afford to buy a new car without a loan.

But for people with a stable income, even a small one, car loans are also beneficial, as they will save a person from the problem of accumulation. required amount money in cash and tedious waiting to buy the desired item.

Only by visiting many credit institutions and having studied a huge number of their offers, you can answer the question of which is the most profitable car loan and which bank is the best in this matter.

For those who have decided to get a four-wheeled friend, the question is relevant: where and how profitable to get a car loan? Maintaining a car involves expenses, and no one would like to overpay too much on a loan.

Today we will consider options - where is it better to take a loan for a car and determine which bank has the most profitable car loan in 2016.

The answer to the task in the first place depends on what kind of car you are planning to buy - new or used. The second important condition is whether the loan will be targeted.

The best loan for a used car

When buying a used car, there are 2 options for obtaining a loan:

  • Non-purpose cash loan
  • Car loan for a used car

It's no secret that the first option is much, because a targeted loan for a car from the secondary market implies many conditions and additional costs: the same CASCO insurance "eats" about 10% of the cost of the car, plus life insurance, restrictions on the age of the car and the need for bail.

For example, let's show several used car lending programs:

Rusfinance Bank, the "What You Need" program for domestic used cars

  • Rate: 26-27% per annum
  • Amount: up to 350,000 rubles
  • Loan term: up to 60 months
  • Deposit: required
  • Car age: up to 10 years

VTB24, Autostandard program

  • Rate: from 20.9% per annum
  • Amount: up to 3 million rubles
  • Loan term: up to 7 years
  • First installment: from 20%
  • Deposit: required
  • Vehicle age: up to 9 years at the end of the loan
  • Rate: 26.4-29.4% per annum
  • Amount: up to 3 million rubles
  • Down payment: 20%
  • Loan term: up to 60 months
  • Deposit: required
  • Car age: up to 10 years

Do not forget to add to all these conditions the cost of CASCO insurance, life insurance, the cost of car valuation.

For comparison, a few conventional consumer loans:

Sberbank, consumer without collateral

  • Rate: 15.5-27.5% per annum
  • Amount: up to 1.5 million rubles
  • First installment: not provided
  • Loan term: up to 60 months
  • Deposit: not required

OTP Bank, Privilege Corporation

  • Rate: from 15.9% per annum
  • Amount: up to 750,000 rubles
  • First installment: not provided
  • Loan term: up to 60 months
  • Deposit: not required

VTB24, Large Credit

  • Rate: from 17% per annum
  • Amount: up to 3 million rubles
  • First installment: not provided
  • Loan term: up to 60 months
  • Deposit: not required

As you yourself could see from the examples, the most profitable loan for the purchase of a used car is a non-targeted cash loan. The interest rate is lower, no insurance costs, the car is not pledged. The benefit is obvious.

New cars

For those who look after themselves new car inside, there are 3 options:

  • Apply for a targeted car loan
  • Take a consumer loan in cash
  • take advantage special offer official dealer

To show you clearly what is the most profitable car loan for new cars, let's look at real examples again. To begin with, let's evaluate the targeted car loan.

VTB24, Autostandard program for new cars

  • Rate: from 19.9% ​​per annum
  • Amount: up to 5 million rubles
  • Loan term: up to 7 years
  • First installment: from 20%
  • Deposit: required

Alfa bank, car loan

  • Rate: from 17.9% to 21.49% per annum
  • Rate without CASCO: 22.49% - 25.49% per annum
  • Amount: up to 5.6 million rubles
  • Loan term: up to 5 years
  • First installment: from 10%
  • Deposit: required

MKB, "New and used foreign cars"

  • Rate: from 16% to 32% per annum
  • Amount: up to 4 million rubles
  • Loan term: up to 7 years
  • First installment: from 15%
  • Deposit: required
And now let's compare the conditions with the offers of dealers, at an interest rate:
  • Skoda - from 9.9%
  • Kia - from 12.67%
  • Lifan - from 10%
  • Mazda - 15.9%
  • Renault - from 7.9%
  • Toyota - from 7.5%

Dealer offers, at first glance, seem cheaper. This is true when compared to targeted auto loans. When you calculate the overpayment (with insurance) in comparison with a standard consumer loan, the difference will be small. Here it is up to you to choose - what is more important for you: a dealer car loan offers Better conditions, but the car will be pledged and it cannot be, and the consumer “eats” with interest the benefit that you receive from the CASCO policy.

In our opinion, best bank for a car loan, this is the bank that offers a joint promotion with the manufacturer: for example, now programs really sound tempting - 7.5% per annum for a new Corolla or 7.9% for Logan. Yes, you will overpay about 10% for CASCO, and in the end you will receive the same 17.5-17.9% as for a consumer loan, but at the same time you will know that you are not overpaying the bank, but getting yourself a certain benefit and protection .

For those who are interested in new domestic cars, it is worth mentioning government subsidies. In 2016, this program sounds very interesting.

State subsidy for car loans

The purpose of this program is to stimulate demand for domestic producers. It was launched back in 2009, but since then has undergone many positive changes. In particular, the list of car models that can be purchased under the program has been expanded - now it includes not only Lada, UAZ and GAZ, but as many as 50 items, including foreign cars,

  • Skoda Octavia, Fabia
  • Chevrolet Cruze, Niva, Aveo, Cobalt, C4
  • Daewoo Nexia, Matiz
  • Ford Focus
  • Kia Rio, Sid
  • Mitsubishi Lancer
  • Mazda 3
  • Toyota Corolla
  • Renault Duster, Logan, Sandero
  • Volkswagen Polo
  • Opel Astra
  • Peugeot 408, 301
  • Nissan Note, Tiada, Almera
  • Hyundai Solaris
  • And also all Lada
  • All models ZAZ, UAZ, GAZ

Please note that some configurations of these cars do not fall under the program due to the cost exceeding 1 million rubles.

Main conditions of the program:

  • The cost of the car does not exceed 1,000,000 rubles
  • Vehicle weight not more than 3.5 tons
  • Machine age - no more than 1 year from the date of production
  • The car was not previously registered in Russia
  • Down payment - at least 20%
  • Loan term – up to 3 years

The meaning of the program is to compensate for part of the interest so that a loan for a new car costs you 8-9% per annum. Here is the formula that is used to calculate:

Rate=bank percentage-(*2/3)

That is, if the bank offers the usual interest of 20%, then with the current key rate 11%, the formula will look like this: 20-(11 * 2/3) = 12.67% per annum - your program rate.

Forces manufacturers to look for new ways to stimulate sales of cars. One of them is credit programs, of which there are many on the market. Let's start with the most recent.


From July 12, Ford dealers began selling cars on credit without a down payment. The program allows you to purchase a car, the maximum cost of which is 1,450,000 rubles. Such machines are subject to. Looking ahead, we note that most of the loan programs of automakers are based on this state program, because it allows you to give a client a loan at a reduced interest rate.

The Ford Credit program was developed by Ford Sollers jointly with the bank "Cetelem", a subsidiary of the Savings Bank of Russia.

Let's make a reservation here. Not everything can be taken in this way. Let's say a sedan with a two-liter engine with a capacity of 199 hp, an automatic transmission and pre-top Titanium equipment costs 1,581,000 rubles. And this is taking into account all discounts and special programs. So he does not fall under the state program.

Loan term - from one to three years, interest rate - 10.8%.


Hyundai has a similar program - "Start with a zero down payment", which the company has developed jointly with Rusfinance Bank LLC. On it you can buy both a sedan and a Creta crossover.

The loan agreement fixes the residual value of the car - 45%. It is not included in monthly payments, which allows you to make them less.

Let's say the Solaris we want to buy costs 849,900 rubles (1.6, 123 hp, automatic, Comfort package plus the optional Winter package). We take a loan for three years. Then the interest rate on a car loan will be 10.8%. The residual value of the car is 382,455 rubles. It turns out that within 35 months we have to pay 18,702 rubles each. And in the last, 36th month, we extinguish not only this payment, but also the residual value of the car. That is, you need to fork out 401,157 rubles at a time. After that, the bank gives you the TCP, and the car is yours.

The overpayment on the loan will amount to 205,795 rubles. It is also desirable to include life and health insurance in the loan. After all, if there is such insurance, then in the event of an injury or illness, no one will remove the debt obligations from the car owner, and if payments are delayed or the debt is not paid, penalties and fines will apply. But if life and health are insured, then the problem will be solved Insurance Company. But if you still decide to take a chance and save money, then you should know: in this example, when applying for a loan, life insurance is not imposed. At least that's what Hyundai assured us.

Remember to include in the calculation mandatory policy Casco. And this is an additional and by no means a small item of expenditure. Please note that the Casco policy for Solaris, including when buying under the program with a zero down payment, is offered as a gift.

All programs with a zero down payment have an obvious disadvantage: due to greater amount debt, the overpayment on such loans is the most significant.

For the same Solaris, which was written about above, under the Start program with an initial payment (say, 30%), you need to pay 10,085 rubles a month (the interest rate on the loan is 10.10%). The last payment is 396,371 rubles, the overpayment is 166,688.97 rubles. For the Creta crossover, the conditions are the same.

The loan can be repaid ahead of schedule by regularly depositing more than the minimum amount. Then, according to the contributions, the last (residual) payment will decrease. And do not forget about the Casco policy, which is not included in the calculation. Under the Start program, Hyundai car owners receive discounts on spare parts and bonus points, which can be exchanged for gifts from partners.


Renault's program is similar to those offered by Hyundai and Ford. Only the residual value of the car, fixed in the contract, in this case is 40%. The basic principle of all programs: the higher the down payment, the lower the overpayment on the loan.

Consider a purchase (1.6, manual gearbox, front-wheel drive, Life equipment) for 879,000 rubles. The first installment is 440,151 rubles (50% of the cost of the car). Deferred payment - 351,600 rubles (40%). Monthly payments - 5900 rubles. In this case, the overpayment on the loan will be 125,151 rubles.

Under this program, you can also purchase Duster and Sandero Stepway lifted hatchback.

Logan can be bought on credit under another program offered by RN Bank. Let's say the cost of a car (1.6 l, M5, Access equipment) is 499,000 rubles. We take a loan for three years. Having made an advance payment of 250,000 rubles, you will have to pay 8,446 rubles a month. Overpayment - 55,056 rubles. The cost of the loan already includes a comprehensive insurance policy, but only for a year. So in the next two years you need to renew the insurance, paying extra for it.

The principles of the programs "Start" and "Let's go!" are similar, but slightly differ in the options that a car owner can use in last month when he needs to pay off a large residual payment. If he is unable to do so, the bank will offer to extend loan agreement for another two years. It is possible to exchange the car for a new one by selling it under the trade-in scheme. In the program "Let's go!" Renault offers options such as Smart Casco and Budget Protection, which offer car insurance at special rates.