Renaissance medicine without borders insurance rules. "Renaissance Life" offers a program, "Medicine without borders", which will allow everyone to receive treatment abroad. Main exclusions from insurance coverage


But do you know that already today you can, as they say, lay a straw for yourself and provide any, even very expensive treatment in the best foreign medical institutions, if you suddenly become seriously ill?

Often, requests are placed in the media to help with money for expensive treatment in foreign medical institutions. Someone is lucky at the same time, and he receives the necessary amount on time, but someone is not lucky. Today, it is possible to receive any kind of medical assistance abroad, even in cases of deadly dangerous diseases recognized in Russia, which are successfully treated in foreign clinics. It is enough to join the program "Medicine without borders" offered by the Russian insurance company "Renaissance Life". The "Medicine Without Borders" program was developed in partnership with the international service company Best Doctors and the highly rated reinsurance company Partner Re, which just guarantees the receipt of medical care abroad in any economic and other situations in Russia.

It is very important that the health insurance program "Medicine without Borders" of the Renaissance Life insurance company and its international partners helps not only with money, but also takes care of all organizational issues, and therefore the client does not have to worry about anything if he suddenly needs it. be treated outside of Russia. After all, the program includes the organization of a flight to the location of the clinic, the accommodation of the client and one of his companions, the services of an interpreter, the provision of medicines, the payment of expenses for the donor, if he is suddenly needed, and, of course, the best treatment from the most suitable specialized specialist. Renewing the program annually, it can be used until the age of 85 years.

In case of a serious illness, a person hopes that he will be lucky and there will be a professional doctor who will help defeat the disease. Thanks to the "Medicine Without Borders" program, hope becomes confidence, and luck becomes the norm of life.

You and your health are the main capital. What if a disease occurs that turns out to be serious and the treatment is expensive? We are the Renaissance Life company, the national leader in the field of life and health insurance, and we are helping to solve this. We will find the best doctors and pay for quality treatment abroad.

When concluding a contract:

  • We fix the amount for which treatment will be provided in case of serious illnesses *, and sign the contract.
  • By renewing the program annually, you will use this service until the age of 85.

We wish you good health and prosperity. Now it is in our interests too. We do everything so that you have confidence in every coming day, as well as 30 million people who have access to Best Doctors in more than 40 countries around the world.

In case of possible risks, Medicine Without Borders protects you in case of serious illnesses:

  • Malignant tumors (cancer);
  • Heart valve transplant or repair;
  • Coronary artery bypass grafting;
  • Transplantation of vital organs from a living donor.

When planning treatment:

  • Full medical review of the case by the best world-class specialists.
  • Selection of a medical institution abroad.
  • Full visa support.

What does “Medicine without Borders” give you***:

  • Organization of flights abroad. Accommodation for you and one accompanying person.
  • Carrier services in the provision of medical services.
  • The best treatment from the most suitable specialist.
  • Providing medicines.
  • Pay expenses for the donor.

Russian insurance company. Founded in 2004. A+ reliability rating. More than 70 representative offices and about 6 million insured persons throughout Russia. The total amount of payments for 10 years is over 600 million rubles. National leader in life insurance, winner of a number of industry awards.

” in the insurance company Reso Guarantee

Difficult moments in life that require serious financial investments most often come suddenly, when we are not ready for it. Especially when it comes to health - the main capital of a person, we recommend that you read: all life insurance programs.

"Contacts" or book a consultation with a specialist right now!

Loss of health is accompanied by a number of issues:

  • Have you been correctly diagnosed?
  • How to find an experienced medical specialist?
  • How will the treatment be organized?
  • Are there enough funds?

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Faced with a health problem, we are ready to give any money for effective treatment. But will it be worth it? Will the chosen specialist help?

Not only high-quality and timely diagnosis of the disease, but also the search for a narrow-profile specialist in a particular disease is a rather serious problem for a person who is faced with a similar situation.

Insurance program "Health without borders" offers:

Insurance risks:

  • Treatment of oncological diseases, including leukemia, sarcomas and lymphomas (excluding cutaneous lymphoma), characterized by uncontrolled growth and spread of malignant cells and cell invasion.
  • Coronary artery bypass surgery.
  • Transplantation or repair of a heart valve (one or more).
  • Organ transplant from a living donor / bone marrow transplant.

The main exclusions from insurance coverage:

  • previous conditions or their consequences within 10 years before the date of entry into force of the insurance contract;
  • conditions already diagnosed, or the first symptoms of which were recorded in medical documents within the first 180 days from the date of commencement of the insurance contract (only in the first year);
  • experimental treatment or alternative medicine;
  • diseases associated with HIV / AIDS or in its presence;
  • any disease caused by an organ transplant, unless the disease in question is identified as a covered disease or medical procedure.

If you have any questions about insurance, we are always happy to answer them! To calculate the insurance program, receive advice or issue a Policy, please contact us via

Our life is a fast paced, stressful situation. We make plans for years to come, set goals, wish to achieve success and prosperity. In the daily cycle of events, we often do not pay due attention to our health. But this is the greatest value that we have and must preserve for ourselves and our loved ones. Unfavorable environmental conditions, hereditary factors and much more - all this can cause deadly diseases (POPs). It must be remembered that their timely diagnosis and treatment can save lives.

The statistics for today are as follows:

  • Oncological diseases are the second cause of death of the population (every year 300,000 people die from cancer in the Russian Federation - this figure is 10 times more than the number of victims of road accidents).
  • Almost every Russian family faces the problems of patients with POPs.
  • More than 500,000 new cases of malignant neoplasms are registered annually in the country.
  • Today, the patient buys every third package of a drug for the treatment of POPs at his own expense and often prefers cheap, not quite effective drugs. The percentage of cure for POPs in the early stages is 95% It is very important in such a situation not to be left alone with the disease, to have enough money for treatment , do not lose precious time and prevent the development of a severe form of the disease.

By choosing the SUPERDOC program, the Insured person and his children, when diagnosed with a deadly disease, are guaranteed to receive serious financial support, in the form of paid treatment in the Russian Federation or in the form of payment of the sum insured. Thus, the Client has the opportunity to count on timely treatment and use modern drugs, which, as a rule, are expensive.

The SUPERDOC program is the tool by which most people around the world cope with such diseases. Program "SUPERDOC" allows clients, if necessary, to undergo treatment without using their own funds.

Payment for treatment in specialized European clinics. Additionally, the treatment of a number of dangerous diseases is included.

Program features

The Medicine Without Borders program is supported by specialists from the international medical company Best Doctors, founded by graduates of Harvard Medical School. The essence of the program is that if the Insured is diagnosed with a disease during the term of the policy or a surgical operation is required, then Best Doctors provides a second opinion by the world's leading experts, and also organizes treatment in one of the foreign clinics specializing in the treatment of the disease or performing a specific operation. The exclusivity of the program lies in the fact that in addition to the treatment of cancer, the program provides for payment for the treatment of a number of other deadly diseases. The provider in Russia of this program is the Renaissance Life insurance company.

  • Policy coverage of 500,000 euros (250,000 euros within one year);
  • The international reinsurance company Best Doctors acts as a financial guarantor;
  • The contract is concluded for a period of 1 year with the right to extend up to 85 years;
  • The age of the insured person can be from 18 to 64 years;
  • Annual contributions for adults from 18 to 64 years old are 10,000 rubles;
  • Waiting period (date of entry into force of the contract after signing) - 6 months;
  • Insurance is available for individuals and legal entities.

The scheme of the program Best Doctors (Best Doctors) in a visual video clip

Review of the program Best Doctors in Russia

This case is not covered by the Renaissance Life Medicine Without Borders insurance program

Policy cost

The table shows the annual fees at the conclusion of an annual contract with the right to extend for ten years.

The cost of renewing the policy is 13,300 rubles.

Payment under the program

With a low cost of the policy, the coverage is 250,000 euros for the first year and 500,000 euros for the entire insurance period.

Cancer treatment

Treatment of any malignant tumor, including leukemia, sarcoma or lymphoma (excluding skin lymphoma), characterized by uncontrolled growth, spread of cancer cells and tissue damage, as well as treatment of precancerous conditions and Cancer in situ, the area of ​​damage of which is limited to the epithelium on which it originated, provided that the stroma and surrounding tissues were not affected.

Operation of coronary artery bypass grafting.

Coronary artery bypass grafting (myocardial revascularization), a surgical procedure recommended by a consultant cardiologist to relieve narrowing or blockage of one or more coronary arteries using a vascular bypass graft.

Operation prosthetics or plastic heart valve. Organ/tissue transplantation from a living donor.

A surgical operation during which the Insured Person receives a kidney, part of the liver, a lobe of the lung, part of the pancreas or bone marrow (autologous or allogeneic) from a living suitable donor.

Program “Medicine without borders. Best Doctors. in fact, it is a premium insurance against oncological diseases, as it provides for payment for treatment, as well as travel and accommodation costs in modern European clinics using advanced methods at no additional cost to the client. A feature of this program is that it covers not only cancer, but also a number of other very significant critical diseases.

Buy the policy “Medicine without borders. Best Doctors. can both a private person and a legal entity for its employees.

* The information provided is for reference only and is not the legal terms of the insurance contract.

In October 2016, in the Oktyabrsky subsidiary of Otkritie Bank, I concluded two insurance contracts with the Renaissance Life company; The first - "Heritage", for a period of 20 years and the second - "Medicine without Borders", for a period of 1 year. These insurance products were offered to me along with the opening of a deposit in Otkritie Bank. Information about the insurance product of Nasledie Bank was provided personally by the manager of this subsidiary, Ms. K-va Sevich. The information was found to be incomplete and misleading. This became clear when trying to terminate the contract ahead of schedule. In particular, this concerned an important part of the agreement on the procedure for changing / terminating the agreement:

1. The manager of Oktyabrsky, K-va Sevich, assured me that under the terms of this agreement, after two years of its validity, I would be able to reduce the insurance premium rate to the minimum level (30,000 rubles). She also assured me that I could change the term of the contract from 20 to 10 years without any loss to the insured (me).
2. Artem, an employee of the bank of P-s Artem, who directly signed the contract with me, to my direct question - "Will I be able to return my contributions for early termination of the contract?" I replied that I can return the money in full, but without interest.
3. At the stage of signing the contract for the Heritage product, I was misled by imposing another insurance product - Medicine without Borders, saying that this is a necessary condition for concluding a contract for the Heritage product for the first year of service.
4. As it turned out later, there are medical restrictions for the sale of such products. Bank employees did not have the right to sign this contract with me without specifying the medical indicators of the insured. I am hypertensive and this circumstance is a limitation for the provision of insurance services for these products.
5. None of the above employees has ever mentioned that in case of early termination of the contract, the amount of paid insurance premiums is not refundable (!).
6. No information was provided about the existence of a table of guaranteed buyouts in case of early termination of the contract, and the table itself, which is part of the contract, was not attached to it

Negotiations with employees of the bank branch that I signed these contracts on the basis of deliberately false information on the contracts were not successful. Ms. K-va, when asked why no up-to-date information was provided on the procedure for early termination of the contract, replied that she was not obliged to provide such information and recommended that I contact the Renaissance Life insurance company directly.

On 07/04/2017 I visited this company and explained the current situation, an employee of the insurance company explained to me the essence of this contract, and also pointed out the mistakes made by the bank's employees when presenting this product and drawing up the contract.

1. The amount of insurance premiums under this agreement cannot be changed downward even after two years have passed since the conclusion of the agreement.
2. The term of the contract cannot be changed either.
3. The bank was not allowed to offer this insurance product if I have medical restrictions such as hypertension.
4. The contract was drawn up with errors, the “Beneficiary” column was not filled in, although I submitted information that the beneficiary is my son.
5. The agreement does not contain an appendix "Table of Guaranteed Redemption Amounts", which is an integral part of the agreement.
6. The contract "Medicine without borders" is not a necessary condition for the conclusion of the contract "Heritage" for the first year of service.

An employee of the insurance company was offered to apply again to the bank to write a claim and the possibility of resolving the situation amicably, which I did. Unfortunately, the current manager of Oktyabrsky subsidiary of Otkritie bank, Mr. P-rev Alexander V-vich, in a conversation with me, referred to the incompetence of Anna, a former employee of the bank, who was fired some time ago, and who, allegedly, could mislead me under the terms of this agreement. I negotiated on this issue not with her, but with the office manager - K-voi Sevich, and I prepared the contract, commented and signed it - P-ov Artem, so draw a conclusion - who is not competent in this case. Also, they offered to write an application for early termination of the contract, under the condition of which the amount of the first insurance premium would not be returned to me.

I hope that the bank's employees will take responsibility for the current situation and the contract for the provision of insurance services for the Heritage product will be terminated with the return of funds to the bank's client.

PS: More than two weeks ago, when I applied for the first time with a request to terminate this agreement, I also needed to reissue a bank debit card. They accepted the application for re-issuance, they said that the card would be ready in a few days, I would be notified of its readiness. More than two weeks have passed, and none of the bank employees have contacted me, although the card was reissued long ago and was in their office. This is the “quality” of service offered by DO Oktyabrsky, OTKRITIE Bank.