Which bank should you trust your savings in Russia? Banks you can trust and are there any honest banks? The most stable banks in Russia


Cashback - a return to the card of part of the money spent (in cash or in the form of bonuses, points, air miles) for the purchase of goods or payment for services - was a rarity in Russia some time ago. Now many credit institutions offer it to their clients.

Basically, banks pay cashback to popularize their products and encourage their active use, as well as to provide customers with an incentive to make more purchases at partner stores as part of joint loyalty programs. "There is a fierce struggle among banks for each client. To attract attention and interest in their services, they offer various additional bonuses, including cashback,” notes Andrey Lyushin, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Loko-Bank.

Cashback cards can be either credit or debit. It is worth considering that according to debit cards Returns are almost always less profitable than on credit. Although in the case of the latter, cashback is not always real money. Sometimes, instead of them, points or, for example, air miles are awarded, which can be used to partially pay when purchasing a plane ticket. When choosing a card with cashback, you should look not only at the return percentage, but also at what it is given for.

The card may have high percent deductions for purchases in certain categories (usually not particularly popular) and low for all other purchases or average, but in almost all categories. So before you choose, you need to at least general outline represent the nature of your own spending: what the money is spent on and in what proportions. In this case, it will be easier to get the maximum benefit from the cashback. “Now you can find more than a hundred offers for credit cards with cashback with a lower limit of 0.3 and an upper limit of 40 percent,” says Sergei Leonidov, CEO of the financial aggregator Sravni.ru. Large refunds are available in certain banks or categories (for example, payments in cafes and restaurants, at gas stations, in online stores) and during a certain period (special bank promotions). There is also an increased cashback on all purchases during the initial period of using the card, usually 1-3 months. In all other cases, cardholders can expect a refund of no more than one percent of the purchase price. Banks offer approximately the same conditions for debit cards with cashback.

When choosing a card with cashback, you should evaluate not only the return percentage, but also the terms of service

Cashback can be credited to the card balance, but does not work when withdrawing cash or transferring from card to card. There are other operations for which the client’s money is not returned. Each bank has its own list of such categories. Among the most common: payment of housing and communal services and replenishment of the telephone balance.

The same gas station employees (who, having a card with a 10-15 percent return when buying gasoline, can take payments from customers in cash and instead pay with plastic) are prevented from making full money from cashback by the same gas station employees because of the limit on the amount that can be received back. It can be 5 thousand rubles, or no more than a thousand - it depends on the specific bank. Although, to get around this barrier, it is quite possible to get a second card for one of your relatives, so that the cashback will also “drip” there.

The cards themselves can be paid or free. In some cases, a service fee (annual or monthly) is charged without any reservations. On average, it varies from 800 to 1400 rubles, if you take the whole year. It also happens that payment is included only in case of violation established by the bank conditions. Usually we're talking about about the need to maintain a minimum account balance (15-30 thousand rubles) or spend a certain amount per month (3-30 thousand rubles). Meet and completely free cards, for informing transactions with which the bank also does not take money. But it won't necessarily be the most profitable. As a rule, you can get a very small cashback with it, and often not in the form real money, but in the form of "candy wrappers". If a cashback card has a fee, but the refund covers the cost of service, this may be a viable option.

Where do banks get funds for cashback? The budget for such payments is formed from various sources. So, for example, a credit institution can enter into an agreement with stores, being their acquiring bank, and partially pay the cashback a store, explains Andrey Lyushin. In other cases, when the card consistently pays increased cashback in a certain category without reference to specific partner stores, the bank, while losing on paying cashback to its customers, earns on the annual maintenance of the card (many cards with increased cashback actually have a fairly high cost annual maintenance). Banks also make money on paid options required to participate in the loyalty program, on the requirement to spend certain amounts in non-bonus or weakly bonused (1 percent cashback) categories, on the requirement to maintain a certain minimum account balance (under low percentage or no interest at all on the balance). In case of accrual of increased cashback for salary card the bank may not make special demands on the holder, but will fully recoup the paid cashback, making money on the salary project itself.

The peak of the crisis has already passed, and our country seems to have been spared massive problems with returns deposits, as it was, for example, in Ukraine.
Which banks do you think can be trusted with money these days? I'm not asking you to analyze interest rates and deposit programs, just name the banks you trust and explain why.
I am still a supporter of Sberbank of Russia. Regarding deposits, I think that you need to choose a bank with the highest interest rate due to the fact that all deposits in our country are insured, so for a ruble deposit I would choose Tinkoff Credit Systems.
well and foreign currency deposits I would keep it in a bank with foreign capital - Raiffeisen, Alfa Bank, VTB.

What difference does it make which bank? Are deposits up to 700 thousand rubles still insured by the state?
As that same Tinkov said, clearly hinting at his TKS, invest your money in the bank that offers the highest interest rate.

In general, do you often hear about cans bursting?

Which banks can you trust with money in Russia?

But I wouldn’t take it to TKS anyway.

What's confusing? Lack of offices? Cards? Something else? Now this is the most profitable proposition, well, maybe not anymore, but until recently they had the highest interest rate on deposits.

Which banks can you trust with money in Russia?

And now, it seems, too.

Which banks can you trust with money in Russia?

I generally distrust banks, but if you trust it, then probably Sberbank!

Which banks can you trust with money in Russia?

I keep 500 thousand rubles on deposit at Sberbank, which is replenished. 10-15 thousand every month.
Now it is an initial fee for a mortgage, but maybe I’ll continue collecting.
I have no complaints about Sberbank - neither in terms of conditions nor in terms of service!

Which banks can you trust with money in Russia?

ande wrote: I generally distrust banks, but if you trust, then probably Sberbank!
But not the Russian standard!

Don't confuse loans and deposits. These are completely different things. If a bank has high interest rates on loans, then it will probably also have high interest rates on deposits. If he aggressively deals with defaulters, it means he reduces the non-refund rate.
I would not draw any parallels between these concepts.
And if the Russian Standard scares you in some way, then trust Sberbank - you’re doing the right thing

Which banks can you trust with money in Russia?

If I don’t like the service at a bank, I won’t invest money there, even if they have a good interest rate.
If people are rude to those who are late on their loan payment by one day, it turns me off.
Money needs to work, but this must be accompanied by service.

Today I will add a little more information about which banks can you trust And where is the best place to keep deposits?. I have already written and discussed in more detail how to evaluate. Therefore, here I will once again repeat the most important thought that answers the question “Where to keep deposits?”:

The main criterion for choosing a bank to place a deposit is its reliability. All other parameters (size of rates, convenience of location, level of service, technology, etc.) are secondary.

But today we’ll talk about something else: which banks to trust – large or small from the point of view of falling under government guarantees. In the article about I wrote that you shouldn’t count on them unconditionally. In the same way, it should be understood that the Central Bank can easily revoke licenses from small banks in which an insignificant deposit portfolio is concentrated, but before bankrupting a large or largest bank, it will think a hundred times, because in this case the state will have to spend a colossal amount of funds on payment of compensation to depositors.

For this reason, as practice shows, when problems arise in a small bank, its license is revoked, and when a large one, a temporary administration is introduced and a reorganization procedure is carried out ( financial recovery). That is, the bank, although it cannot fulfill its obligations, continues to operate, while deposits there are “frozen”, constantly extended or issued in very small amounts, but there is no possibility of withdrawing them completely. This situation can continue for quite a long time, for example, until the bank is bought out by another structure that is ready to invest substantial capital in it and assume all the obligations assumed, or until the obligations are gradually reimbursed to all depositors in small installments. When thinking about which banks to trust, it is necessary to take this possibility into account.

The reorganization procedure, in comparison with payment from the Deposit Insurance Agency (Deposit Guarantee Fund, etc., depending on the country), also has its advantages. For example, what if the healing procedure the bank will pass successfully, or it will be resold or nationalized, the depositor will receive, firstly, the full amount of the deposit, even if it exceeds the legally established level of compensation for deposits, and secondly, the funds will be issued in the currency in which the deposit was made, and not in terms of national currency at the rate Central Bank(which often compares unfavorably with the commercial rate).

Then where to keep deposits? IN large bank which looks more reliable, but in the event of problems with solvency, it will probably not be declared bankrupt (at least immediately), and, accordingly, the deposit will not be subject to guarantees? Or small, in the hope that if problems arise, the Central Bank will close it and the deposit will be compensated by the state?

First of all, it depends on whether your deposit is covered by guarantees at all. For example, if you make a deposit as an entrepreneur, buy or open, your deposit will not be guaranteed by the state, and if the bank’s license is revoked, you will have to claim your money through the court. In this case, it seems to me that the choice should definitely be made in favor of large and largest banks with a high degree of reliability.

If we are talking about traditional private deposits, everything is not so simple. Some serious political or economic shocks and the resulting panic among investors can shake even the most reliable bank Moreover, the rule “big bank – big liabilities – big problems” will apply here. And it is far from a fact that the state will happily rush to compensate the depositors of a bank whose deposit portfolio is, well, let’s say, more than 5-10% of all deposits in the state. Imagine what money that is! Does the guarantee fund have them? Especially if the state is not in the best financial condition. In such a situation, a reorganization procedure will most likely be introduced at the bank, and depositors may lose access to their money for a period of months, and maybe even years, until the situation normalizes.

Thus, which banks to trust and where to keep deposits - everyone must decide for themselves. Take this information into account and decide for yourself what is more priority: to have more confidence in the bank or in the state? This question is especially relevant during periods of economic and political instability, for example, if you think...

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“Which bank should I entrust my savings to? Which of them is considered the most reliable today? — these are questions users ask every day.
To answer these and many other questions, you need to know what types of banks there are? What level of reliability do they have? What are the ratings? And what is the basis of each of them?

When studying information about a particular bank, you will notice that each description of a financial institution is supplemented by its rating.

In order to compile a rating of a credit organization, financial analysts study the results of its activities, calculate assets, loans issued, and also take into account the indicators of the deposit portfolio and the dynamics of profit growth. The data obtained is considered to be the official rating of the bank.

Determining the level of bank reliability is determined by specialists who analyze a huge amount of data and compare various financial reports.

Based on these indicators, the prospective client can judge the degree of reliability of the banking institution, and will be able to decide to cooperate with it or not.

Criteria by which one can judge the reliability of a bank.

Banking institutions treat the rating results with special attention. This behavior is dictated by the fact that the presence of a high rating means improving the image of the bank, strengthening its position in the banking environment, as well as trust from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the population.

There is no doubt that the reliability rating of Russian banks for deposits is of great importance. After all, it is important for each client that the bank he has chosen can return all invested savings in full, and with the interest due. Therefore, before making a choice in favor of a particular financial institution, the client studies the history of creation, reviews, etc. The fact of the presence of the state in the life of the bank does not go unnoticed.

However, there are criteria by which the degree of reliability of a financial institution is determined. These include:

  1. Return on Equity;
  2. Instant liquidity ratio;
  3. Capital adequacy;
  4. Public deposits.
Criterion Characteristic Note
Return on Equity This indicator shows how efficient the bank is
uses his own money, what is the profit, and what is his
profitability If this indicator is above the average level -
this means that the bank invests significant funds in
risky speculative transactions. The result of such a policy
may result in the loss of a significant customer base, which
will lead the bank to a rapid and sharp deterioration in its financial
This indicator is most interesting to investors.
Instant liquidity ratio Shows the bank’s ability to make payments not only in
within one working day, but also in the near future.
Calculated as the ratio of bank assets to its
obligations. Moreover, the calculation is limited to one
calendar day.
The value of this indicator is established by the Central Bank.
The minimum indicator is 15%.
Capital adequacy An indicator characterizing the stability of the bank. Thanks to
to him the bank can carry out its activities as usual
mode, despite any crisis situations.
The most dangerous situation is considered to be in which the bank
there is low capital adequacy and low
Public deposits. Deposits are the bank's source of borrowed liquid funds.
Increasing quantity open deposits depends
what policies are pursued by the bank's management?
Profitability and financial stability bank depends on how
from both the loan and deposit portfolios.

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The presence of high indicators according to the above criteria may indicate that the banking institution has a high level of solvency.

However, as practice shows, both for applying for a loan and for a deposit, users tend to trust more the bank that is considered state-owned.

Can the government influence bank ratings?

The instability of the global economy led to the government deciding to intervene in banking activities. To avoid bankruptcy of large financial institutions, their controlling interest shares

Today in Russia about 50 banks are under state control. It manages some directly, others through various companies. But whatever this guidance, the fact remains unchanged that when making decisions, these financial institutions take into account, first of all, the interests of the state. Prominent representatives of such banks are Sberbank, VTB, Rosselkhozbank and Gazprombank.

By supporting the bank, the state directly influences its rating. After all, it automatically becomes more stable and more reliable. He will always be able to answer for his obligations. Such a financial institution is trusted not only by the Central Bank, but also by depositors.

Of course, the bank state participation can offer a relatively low interest rate on a deposit and a high interest rate on a loan. But as statistics show, most people tend to make a choice not in favor of making more profit, but in favor of opportunities to return your savings.

Which banks does the government support?

As noted earlier, the state is interested in supporting banking sector. Its participation has a positive effect not only on the country’s economy, but also on the work of the financial institution itself. As a result of such activities authorized body makes ratings.

The reliability rating in 2018 underwent some changes. This is primarily due to the revocation of licenses in many banks. However, there are a number of names that the state will provide support if necessary. This list includes those banks whose assets amounted to 60% of the total volume of all banking assets in the country.

More detailed information presented in the table:

Name of the bank Short description
Sberbank Ranks first in reliability rating. Is different
harsh attitude towards clients, but despite this
is different increased reliability, in particular for
deposits. The total amount of financial capital is 22
billion rubles.
VTB In 2016, the Bank of Moscow joined the bank, which
had a positive impact on the financial
institutions. The amount of financial capital was 9.5
billion rubles.
Gazprombank A bank that mainly focuses on oil companies
clients. Assets amounted to 5.2 billion rubles.
VTB 24 About more than 60% of the total number of shares are in
“in the hands” of the state, which allowed the bank’s assets to grow
to 3.14 billion rubles.
FC Otkritie This is one of the largest holdings in the country. Own
capital amounted to 2.8 billion rubles
Rosselkhozbank The sole and full shareholder of the bank is
Rosimushchestvo. The bank's capital is 2.8 billion
Alfa Bank The bank is different in that it is completely
non-state, but is considered one of the most significant
for the country's economy. The capital volume is 2.5 billion
National Clearing Center A subsidiary of the Moscow Exchange. Only at the beginning
2018 was able to get into the list of significant financial
institutions of the country. Operates on the market
securities, works with currency, precious metals And
other. The total capital is 2.3 billion rubles.
Credit Bank of Moscow Based on its performance results, the bank is included in the list of key
financial institutions of the country. The amount of capital is –
1.45 billion rubles.
Promsvyazbank Despite the fact that the bank's lending policy
population leaves much to be desired, the bank enters the third year
in the top ten key banks. Hold such positions for the bank
his deposit portfolio helps. The amount of capital is
– 1.33 billion rubles.

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The activities of the above banks are of great importance for the Russian economy, therefore the state is interested in their support and will provide it, despite any circumstances. The presence of this fact allows banks to enlist the support of their clients.

List of reliable banks for 2018 and their characteristics.

Taking into account the above information, you can make a list of banks that are recognized Central Bank RF in 2017 the most reliable.

Rating of banks by reliability according to the Central Bank for 2018

Name of the bank Return on equity, % Instant liquidity ratio, % Capital adequacy, % Share of Deposits in liabilities, % Capital volume, billion rubles
Sberbank 20,2 218 13,7 39,6 22 336
VTB Bank of Moscow 5,6 34,5 11,1 5 9,5
Gazprombank 17,2 82,61 13,15 10,8 5,2
VTB 24 16,3 67,20 10,69 55 13,4
FC Otkritie 5,8 144,1 13,4 19,7 2,8
Rosselkhozbank 1,5 92,3 16,4 2,8
Alfa Bank 3,6 150 14,4 11,3 2,5
Credit Bank of Moscow 2,9 60 12,6 16,2 1,45
Promsvyazbank 12 108 13,5 26 1,33
UniCredit Bank 10,1 145 16,7 8,9 1,2

The table provides information on the main rating indicators. These data are compiled on the basis of reports that banking institutions provide to the Central Bank.

The table shows that Sberbank has the highest ratings. This bank has occupied a leading position for many years, which instills high confidence among the population.

In addition, there is such a thing as credit rating. This indicator is very important for banks.

A bank's credit rating is an indicator of its creditworthiness. Remind us that creditworthiness is the state of the bank in which it financial position allows you to take out a loan and repay it on time. This indicator is calculated taking into account the previous and current credit history banking institution.

  • AAA rating. Indicates the highest degree of reliability. It is understood that a banking institution with such a description can timely and fully respond to its obligations.
  • The AA rating suggests that financial institution It also has a high degree of reliability and will be able to fulfill its obligations.
  • Rating A means that the banking institution is more exposed to adverse events than others. economic conditions, but despite this it can fulfill its obligations.
  • BBB - means the bank has sufficient ability to meet its obligations, however, economic crises can significantly worsen his condition.

To understand which bank is considered the most reliable in Russia in 2019, just look at the ratings credit institutions. A rating is an objective assessment of activity, which consists of several indicators that most clearly reflect the situation.

It is very important to objectively assess the reliability of a banking institution before turning to its services. This is especially important if you want to make a contribution to it, i.e. put into long-term storage own funds. Now many banks are losing their licenses and closing, and depositors are forced to wait months for compensation on their accounts.

  1. Basic indicators
  • assets (net)
  • net profit
  • capital
  • loan portfolio
  • overdue debt
  • deposits (raised funds)
  • investments in instruments (securities).
  1. Performance indicators
  • Return on capital.
  • Return on assets.
  1. Balance sheet indicators.
  • Instant liquidity ratio

Limits the risk of loss of solvency banking organization within one day. This is the ratio of assets to liabilities throughout the day. The minimum value established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is 15%.

  • Return on Equity

It is an indicator of how effectively the organization's own funds are used. Profitability above average may indicate a large share of a low-cost client base and the placement of assets in highly profitable operations associated with risk.

The indicator is assessed in combination with capital adequacy. Low capital adequacy means that in order to grow assets, a rapid rate of increase in the amount of equity capital is required.

If profitability is low, owners will have to constantly maintain capital through injections, and if profitability is high, to increase it it is necessary to give up large dividends.

When choosing the most stable financial institutions for contributions different resources rely on assessment rating agencies, public surveys and customer reviews. When compiling the TOP, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation uses the sufficiency of its own funds.

The most reliable

Whatever indicator we consider, the first line will be occupied by Sberbank of Russia. There is nothing surprising. The largest bank with an all-Russian branch network(its offices are in all populated areas, be it villages, towns, villages, not to mention cities).

The controlling stake in this bank belongs to the state. Its assets and capital are three times higher than those of even such a giant as VTB. Sberbank is the undisputed leader in all positions.

This is where people come to:

  • open,
  • open a bank account,
  • design
  • get a loan ( , ),
  • make a transfer,
  • make payments for goods, services,
  • transfer money from one currency to another,
  • get a safe deposit box or safe for use, etc.

If you need to securely store your savings, we recommend that you contact Sberbank. Of course, the profitability itself will be low, now it does not exceed 6% per annum (during the period of various promotions - up to 7.6%), but the main advantage will be the fact that you will have peace of mind about your savings.

Given banking enterprise participates in the deposit insurance system, which gives the client additional reliability. Please note that the vast majority of private companies and cooperatives that promise 15-20% per annum cannot guarantee you anything.

Of course, most citizens of our country prefer to contact Sberbank, because... it belongs to the state, and can offer its clients the most favorable and “transparent” tariffs. However, he is not the only one in the country who is reliable and trustworthy.

On this moment There is data only for the end of 2018, because... ratings are compiled based on final figures for the year. Here is the most current information on assets, compiled into a rating of the reliability of Russian banks (in brackets - the number of assets in thousands of rubles).

The most reliable banks for deposits: TOP-10 banks in Russia

  • (27 948 167 428),
  • (13 747 721 706),
  • (6 476 874 005),