Strategies for making money on the speculation exchange. I’m destroying myths from my own experience: is it really possible to make money on the stock exchange? What accounts for such a difference in cost?


Just as it is impossible to get somewhere without knowing the route, successfultrading on the stock exchangeimpossible without a trading strategy. But why are they so useful to a trader, how to classify them and choose them correctly? This is what we will talk about in this article.

: What is its purpose?

At its core, a strategy is a clear order or algorithm of actions that regulates a trader’s trading. In other words, the chosen trading strategy determines when and under what circumstances the trader will open a position, how long he will hold it and when he will close it. Also, the strategy often influences what analysis techniques a trader will use before opening a position.

This way it is easy to notice the key target trading strategy- it helps the trader to have clear plan actions and confidently work with the market.

However, there are certain pitfalls in applying the strategies. Thus, many beginners decide that it is enough to just find or copy from a successful trader good strategy and apply it in your trading to earn big profits. But this is far from true.

Firstly, each trader selects a strategy that is suitable specifically for his style and method of trading. Therefore, what works great for trader Lesha can lead you to big losses.

Secondly, the market is not static, and a strategy that works great today may turn out to be ineffective and hopelessly outdated in a month.

It is for these reasons that it is important for a trader to know what basic trading strategies exist and be able to choose the optimal one for himself.

: classification

All strategies can be classified according to various factors. So, if you divide them by complexity, you get the following:

  • simple (and a beginner can figure it out);
  • basic (the basis on which you can build your own strategies);
  • advanced (prerogative experienced traders with a good understanding of the market);
  • complex (a kind of assortment of several methods and strategies used by experienced professionals).

If we divide strategies by the time factor, the classification will be slightly different.

  1. .
    Trading on very short periods of time - from a few seconds to several minutes with a large number of transactions per day.
  2. (intraday).
    Less stressful than scalping, but all trades do not last longer than one day.
  3. Medium term or .
    Trades are opened every few days and held for weeks. In this case, entry into a transaction is made only under certain conditions specified in trading system trader.
  4. Long-term trading or.
    This strategy exists somewhat separately from trading, since it involves different mechanisms and approaches to work. Used more often major players with large capital.

If we go back to the first classification, the main strategies were mentioned there. A novice trader needs to know them, because most often they become the basis for creating their own strategy in the future.

One such strategy is trading on pullbacks. It is also called countertrend trading. The bottom line is that on a price chart, a trader is looking for a gap when the price moves against the trend. This is a kind of moment of respite for the market before a new trend, and if you enter a trade at this moment in the right direction, you can make a good profit.

Another strategy is trading without stops. The bottom line is that when opening a position, the trader does not set a stop loss. Although this approach has its advantages, it is very risky and does not give the trader any room for error. Therefore, such strategies are chosen by traders with extensive experience and professional level.

A strategy that does not apply technical indicators, and the analysis uses exclusively price patterns, combinations of bars, signals and trend lines called Price Action. It is quite effective in predicting the direction of price movement.

In addition, trading on the stock exchange allows the use of other strategies. For example, this:

  • moving averages;
  • Fibonacci levels;
  • Ichimoku indicator;
  • VSA analysis;
  • liquidity capture, etc.

How to choose a suitable strategy for trading in the market?

First of all, don't look for the Grail - it doesn't exist. Consider any trading strategy as a basis on which you can build your own strategy, modernizing and adapting it to your own trading style.

Secondly, choose , which involve a conscious approach to the market, and not some template actions. Such strategies last longer and bring profit; in addition, they are often universal and applicable to any markets and time frames. You can learn such strategies at the Alexander Purnov School of Trading. You can learn more about teaching methods by subscribing to our blog. There will be a lot more interesting things here.

There are many stock trading strategies. Some traders trade using indicators, others using candlestick formations, some using Elliott waves. In this article we will talk about two main strategies that are based on price and price levels. This is a rebound from the level and a breakdown of the level. These are fundamental strategies to which volumes, tests of price levels, trading signals - false breakout and mirror level, indicators and Elliott waves can be attached as filters. Within fundamental strategies Two more strategies can also be distinguished: trend and countertrade trading strategies.

In my trading, I only use price, volumes, level tests, as well as horizontal and mirror levels, false breakouts. In addition, I look at the trend lines and open interest as additional information. In most cases, I trade a rebound from the level.

1. Rebound from the price level

2. Breakdown of the price level.

1. Rebound from the price level (support and resistance level)

Rebound from the price level- this is buying or selling near a support or resistance level, where it is possible to place a short stop.

Strategy: intraday trading (we close trades at the end of the trading session)

A more risky, counter-trend strategy, with a short stop of 300 points.

So, let's look at two options using examples release from level:

  1. shorts (sales)
  2. long (purchases)

The first option is short (selling)

Daily chart:

Using the example of futures on RTS index Let's consider a rebound from the resistance level of 89,500 points. On November 5, 2015, there were sales, a red daily bar formed, and there was a rebound from the resistance level of 89,500 points. A weak short signal was formed, since the daily bar did not close below 88,000 points.

Before this, on October 12 and 16, 2015, there were sales from the level of 89,500.

A strong short signal is a close below 88,000 points on a daily or hourly timeframe.

We are waiting for a short signal on the hourly timeframe.

Hourly chart:

On the hourly chart we see a closing below 88,000 points and consolidation at this level, consisting of several hourly bars.

Let's move on to the 5-minute chart and look for the short entry point from the level of 88,000 points.

Five minute chart:

On the 5-minute chart we see that several bars are being traded, all bars are closing below 88,000 points. We enter shorts with a stop of 150-300 points.

Second option long (purchase).

Buy (long) using the example of RTS index futures from the resistance level of 81,500 points.

On November 13, 2015, we approached the support level of 81,500, where there was strong trading in August. The day was closed with a red bar, but if based on the candles, then a doji candle was formed - there is no certainty. There is no signal to go long on the daily bar, since they closed with a red bar, but the progress of sales on November 13, 2015 was not great, they did not go down much. Since we are at the support levels of 81,500, where there was strong trading earlier in August, we will wait for a signal to go long on the hourly timeframe. Closing above 82,500 points and consolidating above this level consisting of two or more hourly bars will be a signal to go long.

Daily chart 1:

Daily chart 2:

Hourly chart:

On the hourly chart we see that trading is underway and a few bars are closing above 82,500 points. We are looking for a long entry point on the five-minute chart.

Five minute chart:

On the five-minute chart we also see pro-trading and enter long from the level of 82,500 with a stop of 150-300 points.

2. Breakdown of the price level.

I'll tell you briefly when it breaks through price level When the daily bar closes above or below the level, it is not recommended to buy and sell immediately; you need to wait for the price to return to the level, and then look for an entry point.

Daily chart:

Examples were given on the daily charts. But these strategies work on any time frame. Let it be an hourly, five-minute chart. All examples are shown in history and you can see how the situation developed further. But the purpose of this article is not entry points, like here I would enter, here I would exit. And what you should pay attention to when searching for and understanding the pattern of movement of a trading instrument (futures). Having understood which, you can calmly wait for your signal and open positions without emotions. More likely to make a profitable trade.

Happy bidding everyone.

In this article I will try to teach you the basics of trading on trading platform. I’ll tell you how to buy and sell correctly in order to be in the black, and I’ll also demonstrate how to calculate the ideal percentage of maximum profit within a time period.

Cryptocurrency trading where to start.

Naturally, you will have to start with registering on the exchange, because along the way I will explain what and how to do, especially after using my guide, you can already earn some percentage. The amount of profit will depend on the market and on the deposit you made with which you will operate. The risks of losing any large part of the deposit are minimized, since we will speculate within one day. So let me introduce you to the exchange.

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Stock trading strategies

Until recently, few people in our country knew about trading on the stock exchange. But today this type of income is becoming more and more popular. In fact, anyone with funds and access to the Internet can engage in trading on the stock exchange. The principle of trading on the stock exchange is clear to everyone. Profit is obtained due to the difference between the purchase price and the sale price. That is, you need to buy cheaper and sell more expensive. The difficulty lies in the ability to catch the moment of rise and fall of prices and use it correctly to make a profit. In order to make a profit and not suffer losses, you should know some stock trading strategies. A correctly developed strategy will allow you to choose the right moment to buy or sell certain assets and get maximum profit.

5.1. Margin trading

Margin trading or so-called “leverage” transactions are transactions with assets provided by a broker on credit. Many stock traders use what is called a margin brokerage account. That is, having a small amount, used as margin collateral, you can manage large funds provided by the broker. Brokerage service or so-called “leverage” can be different: 2 to 1, 100 to 1 and higher. What does it mean? For example, if a broker provides leverage of 100 to 1, that means that for every dollar you have in the account as collateral, you can command up to $100 of brokerage funds on credit. In most cases, prices on the stock market fluctuate within small limits. Margin trading allows you to make big profits with a small amount own funds and playing on minor price changes. The collateral for a margin loan can be not only cash, but also securities. Therefore, margin trading allows you to earn profits both when prices on the market decrease and when prices increase. When prices decline, the client purchases assets at lower prices using funds received as a margin loan. Then it sells the assets at a higher price, makes a profit on the difference and pays back the loan. Also, when asset prices rise, a client can borrow securities, then sell them, and later, after prices decline, purchase the same securities at a lower price, thereby repaying the loan. Thus, the client makes a profit by playing on the price difference.

5.2. Trust management

You can entrust the management of your funds and assets to a professional broker. He will trade on the stock exchange on your behalf, and you will pay him a certain percentage of the profits. This is a very convenient way of trading for people who do not have the time or opportunity to sit on the Internet all day long, monitoring the situation on the stock market. Often, entrusting trading to an experienced person who knows all the intricacies and subtleties of trading on the stock exchange is more advisable than doing it yourself. A professional will ensure stable profits and reduce risks to a minimum.

5.3. Technical analysis

One of the most effective and reliable stock trading strategies is technical analysis. What is technical analysis? Essentially, this is the study of the dynamics of price changes in the market in the past in order to predict the market situation in the future. In addition to analyzing price increases and decreases, the study also covers sales volumes and other statistics. As a result of these studies, patterns of changes in the market situation are identified, graphs are drawn up and mathematical formulas are derived. Based on what the market dynamics are predicted in the future. The feasibility of using a strategy technical analysis stems from the belief that all prices move in a certain direction and their changes are subject to certain trends. From this we can assume that since there is some kind of current trend, subject to certain patterns, then most likely it will continue to develop in the same direction until this direction changes to the opposite. It should also not be overlooked that the market situation largely depends on human factor, that is, from the mood, emotions, psychological state of people. Therefore, technical analysis is inextricably linked with the study of human psychology, as well as political and economic situation, which in turn influence mood. Graphic models prices, based on market research over the past hundred years, reflect the psychological characteristics and sentiments prevailing in the market. And if this model worked previously, there is no reason to doubt that it will continue to work in the future, since it is based on the characteristics of human psychology, which in principle remain unchanged.

5.4. Fundamental Analysis

Fundamental analysis involves studying economic situation countries, political situation in the world, social factors, on the basis of which a forecast of price dynamics is compiled. The main difference between fundamental analysis and technical analysis is that technical analysis mainly studies the prices themselves and their trends, and fundamental analysis identifies the reasons influencing these changes. Fundamental analysis explores interest rates Central Banks, consumer demand, domestic growth dynamics gross product, volumes industrial production, inflation rate, and other basic economic indicators. The main disadvantage of fundamental analysis is its excessive complexity. There are many fundamental indicators that can influence price dynamics in the market; each of these indicators has its own cause-and-effect relationships, which may contradict one another. If you want to use fundamental analysis in your stock trading strategy, it is better to focus on one or two currency pairs and explore all the indicators that can influence their dynamics.

Whatever strategy you choose for yourself, it is important that it is simple and at the same time effective. If you have already chosen a strategy for yourself and consider it the most suitable for you, it would be a good idea to test it on historical quotes before you start using it while trading on the stock exchange. Remember that all strategies are good in their own way, but none will give you a 100% guarantee of profit or protect you from risks.

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How to make money from speculation on stock quotes?

An exchange is a place where, in a free environment market economy the price of any asset is formed. Fluctuations in quotes allow you to make money on their movement in one direction or another. Therefore, people are often interested in the topic of stock speculation. This article discusses the main points you need to know when working on the stock exchange. And also provided practical advice– where is the best place for an unqualified investor to start?

What is speculation? Where does the income come from?

Speculation means making money on the movement of the price of an asset in a direction favorable to the speculator. That is, the task is to buy cheaper and then sell more expensive. The difference between purchases and sales constitutes the speculator’s income.

Although you can make money on the difference between selling and buying. This allows you to make a so-called short position or shorts. When going short, a speculator first takes an asset (shares, currency) from the exchange in in kind. He will have to return this asset to the exchange. The speculator then sells the asset on the market at a certain price. If the price subsequently falls, the speculator buys the same asset at a lower price and returns it to the exchange. And he keeps the difference between sale and repurchase for himself. This way you can make money on the downward movement of quotes.

A reasonable question arises: who pays? Other market participants who are ready to buy the asset at the new price pay.

The price of an asset is formed in accordance with demand. If a company is promising and shows profits, then the demand for its securities grows. Likewise, the demand for national currency of an individual country increases its exchange rate. Here, the state of the state’s economy plays a key role, the attractiveness of assets for foreign investors, and the volume of currency on the market also matters. That is, the basis of stock speculation is always economics.

However, quite often you can hear about unexpected stock market crashes or bubbles. This really happens. There is often panic or excitement in the market. The winner in this case is the one who was able to better and more correctly estimate the real value of the asset than others, as well as predict the behavior of the main part of the players.

Where should I start?

For a novice investor, the markets for stocks, bonds and currency market(not Forex).

First, you will need to open a brokerage account with a company that provides such services. To complete a transaction (buy/sell) there is different variants: 1) via the Internet (special software is installed for the client), 2) by telephone call, 3) filling out an application in writing (for long-term investors).

The minimum amount for opening an account is different for all brokers. Some people have $1000-2000. Someone has 10,000 rubles. Some banks and investment companies the lower threshold may be only 1-5 $ or completely absent. But any broker sets commissions for transactions. There are also tariffs for account servicing. They are different everywhere and can change over time.

Shares and bonds are purchased in separate lots - minimum packages. For some issuers, 1 lot = 1 share/bond. For others, 1 lot contains 10, 100, 1000 securities, etc.

Potentially, a client can open an account without risk for a fairly small amount (from 10 to 50 thousand rubles). But he will have to refuse companies whose lot value exceeds the deposit amount. There will be few such companies.

How to choose the right broker?

First of all, you need to look at what reputation it has in the market, what share it occupies. In order not to take risks, you can use the services of state banks - Sberbank, VTB, Gazprombank, etc. They are practically free of the risk of bankruptcy, therefore they are the most reliable. In second place according to this criterion are the largest private banks - Alfa-Bank, Otkritie, MDM. Among specialized brokerage companies the largest and oldest are BKS, Finam, Aton. But the likelihood of their license being revoked is higher than that of large banks. At the same time, state-owned banks, for all their stability, do not provide the most favorable tariffs. In any case, it is not recommended to contact little-known brokers, even if their commissions are very attractive.

Working with a Specific Tool


The fair value of shares is determined financial indicators issuer company. Quotes are highly dependent on the release of certain corporate news, as well as on events in the industry. Serious movements are also observed during reporting periods.

The price of shares in the market constantly fluctuates. The potential earnings from speculation on them are high, as is the potential loss. To correctly predict price movements, you will have to learn the basics financial analysis. For each security, the issuer's production indicators and development prospects are assessed. You will also need to carefully monitor the news background.

A novice investor should determine the circle of the most reliable issuers. These are primarily companies with state participation: Gazprom, Sberbank, VTB, Rosneft, Transneft, Alrosa, etc. They are protected from bankruptcy, and in case of a crisis they will definitely be helped. It is also worth noting strategic companies: Surgutneftegaz, Norilsk Nickel, Uralkali, Lukoil, Tatneft, AvtoVAZ, etc. They can count on support in a crisis. Fluctuations in stock prices for these companies are not as strong as for others, and investment risks are lower. Most of them are included in the list of blue chips - the most liquid issuers that provide the bulk of capital on the Russian stock exchange.

When purchasing shares, you can expect to receive dividends. In Russia they are more often paid according to preferred shares. But the amount of payments depends on the company’s decision.


At their core, they represent a legally issued debt. That is, the issuer takes a loan from investors. And after some time it returns it, paying interest. This debt can be state, municipal or corporate. This instrument is more reliable than shares. After all, if a company goes bankrupt, money is paid first to bondholders (debt holders). And bankruptcies of states or municipal authorities rarely occur.

There is also interest income on bonds - a coupon, which is paid at maturity. But, in addition to income from the coupon, it is possible to receive income from the difference in purchase and sale. The fact is that bonds are always redeemed at par. Let's say, if the face value of a bond is 1,000 rubles, and the coupon is 10%, then upon redemption the investor will receive 1,100 rubles. However, if an investor managed to buy bonds on the market at a price below par (for example, 990 rubles), then in addition to the coupon income of 10%, he also receives a benefit of 10 rubles.

At the same time, it is more difficult to speculate in bonds than in stocks, since fluctuations in their value are small. And it is not always possible to buy a bond on the market at a price below par.

The more reliable the issuer of a bond, the lower its yield (usually within inflation limits). And the closer the maturity date, the closer its market price to the face value. As a result, earnings from speculation are not very high, but stable. Big income can be earned only on securities of not the most reliable issuers. But the risk of bankruptcy of such issuers is higher.

There are also zero-coupon bonds - discount bonds. They are initially issued by the issuer at a price below the face value (for example, 900 rubles at a face value of 1000 rubles). At maturity, the price is equal to the face value.


Recently, on the MICEX it became possible to buy and sell currency through a brokerage account, bypassing the Forex market. This mechanism can also be used in the case of simple currency conversion for practical purposes. But it's great for speculation. All that is needed is for the bank that serves the client to simultaneously provide brokerage services.

You must open ruble and foreign currency accounts at the bank, as well as open a brokerage account. First, the money is credited to the brokerage account. An operation is carried out there (purchase/sale of currency on the MICEX). And then, if necessary, the money is transferred to a ruble or foreign currency account.