How to save up for a car: we are considering different options. How to save up for a car: we consider different options How not to save money


It seems to many that it is impossible to save a significant amount to buy a car. However, it is not. And we will tell you exactly what to do.

1. Set a goal

Dream car... Each of us would like a Ferrari or a Porsche, but psychologists advise to have not only an "absolute dream", but also a "close one". And first of all, strive for it - in this case, you will not have disappointment from failures. Therefore, the first step towards a car is to set the right goal. And do not say to yourself "I want a car." Not! The goal should be as specific as possible. Walk around car dealerships, look at all kinds of options, decide what exactly you would like to drive: it is advisable to know the body type, equipment and even color!

At this stage, it is important to understand the approximate price of your future car. If you are now earning 30,000 rubles a month, then setting some kind of Mercedes-Benz for 10 million rubles as a “near” goal would be a big mistake. This is a “distant dream” (it should not be abandoned in any case, but it is better to go towards this super-task gradually). Many experts believe that it is best to buy a car, the price of which does not exceed the income for 8-12 months. That is, if you earn 30 thousand a month, then it makes sense to focus on a car worth 300 thousand. Get 100 thousand? Congratulations - you can buy a car for a million or even a little more (in this case, the total family income is taken as income).

And try not to make "childish" mistakes here. If you find a $3,000 15-year-old BMW with a leather interior, don't get carried away. Remember that the older the car, the more expensive its maintenance. This is especially true for premium brands. If you focus on second-hand, then it is better to buy cars no older than 3-5 years with a mileage of up to 100 thousand kilometers. Moreover, these should be common and popular models, spare parts for which can be easily found.

2. Start saving

  1. Count the so-called compulsory expenses: utility bills, receipts for Kindergarten, internet, transport costs and so on.
  2. For two weeks, carefully write down all your food expenses. Thanks to this, you will finally understand how much you spend on food. The very fact of control will lead to the fact that you will start saving.
  3. Take a close look at your wardrobe and determine what items you or your children need to purchase over the coming year. Try to understand how much they can cost. Then divide the resulting amount by 12.
  4. Allocate a certain amount for entertainment or recreation. It is wrong to completely refuse the "joys of life" - this can cause tension in family relationships or lead to depression.
  5. Buy some envelopes.
  6. When receiving a salary, get these same envelopes. In one of them, put the amount that is required to pay utility bills and other things. The second sign "clothes" and put there the amount from paragraph "3". There should also be “entertainment” and “unforeseen expenses” envelopes (3-5% of income). With the cost of food a little more difficult - they must be divided into four envelopes: 1 week, 2 weeks and so on. Such a move will allow you not to “eat up” everything in the first half of the month and then starve.
  • Put everything else aside. Economists say that a person can save 10-20% of income virtually painlessly only through cost optimization. This amount must be taken to the bank and put on an account - for example, on a deposit with the possibility of replenishment. Thus, you will also receive interest, which will bring you a little closer to the car. You need to “hide” money from yourself on the very first day of receiving income! Otherwise, they can "leave through your fingers." You need to save to the account not only from your salary, but also from any income that you receive: the “basic” salary, advance payment, bonus, and so on. The main thing here is not the amount, but the principle - as they say, "the chicken pecks grain by grain." If you do not trust banks, then you can hide money in envelopes. You just need to glue them! And thus, you will no longer save bills, but envelopes (getting cash from a sealed envelope is more difficult than just taking it from a pack).
  • Write down on a piece of paper the amount you need to buy a car. Hang it on the wall in a visible place. And once on your savings account a certain amount appears, then immediately mark it.
  • After a month or two, review your expenses again. Maybe you can cut down on entertainment costs? And buy theater tickets not for the front rows, but for the balcony? Or spend on food, say, 500 rubles less per week? After all, 500 rubles a week is 26,000 rubles a year (not counting interest, if the money is deposited in a bank).
  • If you follow these instructions, you will be able to save quite easily and simply, and the quality of your life will hardly deteriorate. You just stop wasting money on nonsense. And with an increase in income, accumulation will go at a much more active pace (yes, if you decide to save up for a car, then it is very desirable to start earning a little more than now).

    3. Take a step back

    Have you set yourself the goal of buying, say, a new Skoda Octavia for a million rubles? But maybe it makes sense to take a "step back"? And turn your eyes to the more affordable Rapid, or to a slightly used car? After all, they are much more affordable, and therefore, you need to save less. Of course, Skoda is given here as an example - with the accumulation of Renault Logan, you can buy a Lada or a two-year-old Logan with a mileage of 40 thousand.

4. Credit

We usually advise you to be very careful when buying a car on credit. However, in some cases, a loan can be a good helper! After all, you don’t have to save money for a car for a long time (what if it becomes more expensive?), besides, it’s no secret that a loan mobilizes a person, makes him be more attentive to expenses.

Now there are several interesting offers on the market. Citroen, Nissan, Peugeot, Renault (though only for Duster) offer a loan for three years at... 0% per annum! And in Volkswagen, Mitsubishi, Datsun, Skoda, you can get a two- or three-year loan at 5.5-10% per annum. True, often such profitable lending programs imply that an initial fee should be about 40-50% of the cost of the machine. You will have to accumulate this amount yourself, following the instructions above.

P.S. And remember - when calculating the amount you need, take into account "unplanned" expenses. Which are actually predictable. For example, for the purchase of an OSAGO or CASCO policy, for a technical inspection or repair (in the case of buying a used car), for the purchase of winter tires or an alarm. All this can easily take 10-20% of the cost of the car. Also, keep at least some money in the envelope just in case. Suddenly, the roof of the house will leak, and it will need to be repaired?

If you're ready to learn new ways to increase your Simoleon score and Lifestyle points in The Sims FreePlay, then we've got some new tips and tricks for you. But before we start, let's recall that this is a game for Android and iOS devices, which is a copy of the popular Sims computer games series from Electronic Arts, although on the other hand, the mobile version of the game is a lightweight version of the computer counterpart. Here you also have to lead the Sims through life: from birth to old age, create families, earn money for a decent life, and also make their lives happy. The last two tasks are the most important, which is why in this article we will try to help you and give you some tips that will allow you to earn more money and Lifestyle points.

Your Sims can get messy if they don't use the toilet or if they do their "things" in the wrong place. Shake your phone or tablet to make your Sims vomit and vomit. Tidy up and get some Lifestyle Points for that.

2. Shopping at the Community Center

Shopping at the Community Center will allow your Sims to have their own hobbies and hone their skills. Hobbies will trigger a wide range of different abilities, from figure skating to ghost hunting, and all these hobbies will allow you to collect a variety of rewards. Collecting the Sims collection will allow you to get even more rewards.

3. Send the Sims to the competition center

The Competition Center is one of the buildings being introduced with the Supernatural updates. You will need to take the Sims to competitions in various hobbies such as ballet, ghost hunting and karate. If your Sims' skills are high enough, you will be able to win various competitions in the Center and win prizes.

4. Have fun earning Lifestyle points and money

If you send the Sims outside to have fun, you can collect both Simoleons and Lifestyle Points. Try to catch musical notes to collect more money, and possibly more Lifestyle Points if you're lucky and you hit the right notes.

5. Buy more than one item

What you can create yourself can help you in the future. For example, if you are baking something, then use two ovens, not one. But do not spend money on expensive ovens, as this will not speed up the baking process.

6. Spend money wisely

If you have a certain amount of money, then you should not spend it on anything, especially if you will not use it in the future - this is the principle of saving a budget as in real life. In addition, you should also save on Lifestyle glasses, as you will encounter tasks in the future that require these glasses. Sell ​​items you don't need, like a baby crib that won't be needed when your child grows up. And don't spend real money on Simoleons as you will be able to get enough Simoleons very soon if you follow the tips above.

In the article we will consider the intricacies of accumulating money. In it I will share tips and secrets on how to save money quickly for an apartment or a car. Information is useful in life, but first, let's get acquainted with the main idea.

According to experts, in order to save a certain amount, you need to save money, make lists of upcoming purchases and take a number of other measures. In fact, such an approach brings one closer to poverty, and it is impossible to achieve the cherished goal without a new source of income.

The ideal option is when income exceeds expenses. At the same time, neither impulse purchases, nor habits with whims, nor the lack of the ability to save will be able to prevent the accumulation of money. No wonder, since the income is enough to meet the needs and accumulate extra money.

Budget planning and saving tools help in life. But often such techniques demotivate and drive into a dead corner. As a result financial situation aggravated.

I present 10 tips with which to save money quickly, but I warn you, without looking for additional sources of income, they do not work.

  1. Set aside a certain fixed amount each month. It should bring you closer to the goal without compromising the quality of life.
  2. To a computer or mobile phone install an application that will help you record income and expenses. Analyzing financial flows, you can correctly allocate expenses. If you are not friends with computer technology, keep a diary. The result will not change.
  3. Think about what to save on to reduce spending. If you often buy things that are useless, but bring joy, reduce spending on them, but do not completely eliminate them. Reward yourself for reaching your goal.
  4. Don't set overwhelming goals. If you do not have the skills to save money and decide to buy an apartment, the attempt will fail. First, focus on achieving small goals, and only then switch to large ones.
  5. The deferred funds should work. Option - bank deposit.
  6. Don't lend money. If a person turned to you for help, and not in credit institution, he doubts the ability to repay the loan. Some borrow from a private person so as not to overpay.
  7. Pay bills at the last minute. As a result, the money at the disposal will remain as long as possible and bring profit.
  8. Plan your expenses. Distribute them over time so that they do not overlap and do not drive them into difficult situations.
  9. Stop using credit cards, especially if you can't control yourself. Some, having issued a credit card, immediately empty it. As a result, in addition to the amount spent, you have to pay interest. It won't help fundraising.
  10. Actively look for sources of income. This item is mandatory. If you provide an influx of funds, you can ignore the listed tips.

Here are some simple and effective tips for saving money. Set a goal and move on. But there are many situations in life that are out of our control. Such situations are considered force majeure, and not a pattern.

How to save money as a teenager

Some people think money is garbage. However, the role of money in life is decisive, this is a fact. It is believed that only independent cells of society are provided with sufficient money. I do not agree with this, as teenagers also have requests.

Teenagers get more pleasure for less money than adults. Each of us was once a teenager and dreamed of buying some little thing. Over the years, the priorities of young people have changed, but this does not change the essence of the matter. Therefore, I offer a number of tips that will help a teenager save money.

  1. I do not recommend a teenager to scatter money without important reasons. In an effort to acquire something worthwhile, set aside funds, albeit small ones.
  2. Plan a savings plan. Take a piece of paper and use a pencil to record the planned infusions and outflows of money.
  3. Limit the purchase of sweets, trinkets, and spending on bad habits. Instead of visiting a computer club or a movie theater, go for a walk in the park.
  4. I advise you to store funds in a place from which it is problematic to get them. The piggy bank is a great option. Make your own piggy bank. This will help to realize fantasy in practice, demonstrate talents and save money.
  5. Typically, a teenager's income is limited to pocket money. Therefore, to quickly achieve the goal of income, try to increase. I advise you to get a job as a waiter in a cafe. Such establishments are happy to employ minors without work experience.
  6. Many companies hire couriers - another way to earn money for a teenager. With a small time investment, such employment brings good money.
  7. Try yourself as a newspaper distributor or a newspaper editor. To do this, you need to know your native language, analyze information and communicate with people.

Video tips

Agree, in the execution of the above points there is nothing complicated and supernatural. This scheme works. The term for achieving the goal depends on the desire, income, expenses and the amount that you plan to collect.

How to save money as an adult

Not everyone likes to live paycheck to paycheck. Only a person who has a stash can afford a large purchase or vacation abroad. This will require the ability to collect money.

After reading the material on the accumulation of funds, you will master this art. As a result, you do not have to run from one bank to another in search of a profitable consumer loan.

  • Get your priorities right . You may want to buy a fur coat, change a car and go to the sea at the same time. Trying to save money for everything, you risk being left without savings. That is why it is important to determine the main goal and move towards it, and after its implementation, switch to other dreams.
  • Assess Opportunities Correctly . If you earn 25,00 rubles a month, it makes no sense to save money to buy a home in Miami. To get started, improve your skills, get a new job, and only after that save money to purchase housing.
  • Determine the amount you can save . Indulge in small joys and trifles. Otherwise, you will break loose and spend the accumulated funds. Experts recommend saving no more than ten percent of your monthly income. This approach is suitable for ordinary people. If earning more than the average person in the region, increase the figure up to 50%. The main thing is that the lifestyle does not suffer.
  • Keep savings where it is impossible to quickly withdraw . Option - a bank deposit with a good interest rate and the possibility of replenishment. Usually, when withdrawing money early, the client loses the accumulated interest. I think few people will agree to lose profits that were practically in their hands. Don't keep savings under your mattress or on a deposit card. Unable to cope with the temptation and breaking loose, freely destroy the stash.
  • Reward yourself constantly . Having accumulated a certain part of the planned amount, give yourself a gift: buy a watch or go to a restaurant. There are other ways to please yourself. Unscheduled day off, meeting with friends, watching TV. The main thing is to take a break from business and relax. Having accumulated the next part, again please yourself with a trifle. Having collected the entire amount, set aside at least a couple of rubles. The result will be the basis for the next accumulation.

Do not think that it is impossible to cope with the task. In reality, the opposite is true. Set a goal and systematically go to it. Remember, the key to success is understanding where the money goes. Before reducing costs, consider whether giving up this or that thing will damage your life. Useless spending moves away from the result, but you should not give up everything.

Not every young man was endowed with living space or the inheritance of a wealthy grandfather. For young families, buying a home is a priority life goal. Do not think that it is unrealistic for a young family to purchase housing.

The cost of a one-room apartment in Russia is several million rubles. Even if you set aside twenty thousand a month, you will have to wait at least fifteen years for the cherished moment. This is assuming that housing does not rise in price. There is a mortgage loan, but this is not an option.

Let's imagine that the family will increase. As a result, a one-room apartment will not be enough, and the maintenance of the child will not allow you to save a lot. Don't forget about financial crises and voracious inflation. As a result, the old-fashioned method of accumulating funds is ineffective.

  1. Decide on the cost of housing and consider the approximate time of purchase. The Internet, street ads and print media will help in choosing housing.
  2. Using a computer or pencil and paper, analyze your income and expenses. During the quarter, record what and how much money is spent on. Reduce the amount of unnecessary expenses immediately to the maximum, but without compromising life. Set aside the rest of the money.
  3. Based on the information received, determine the period of time during which you will have to save money. Take into account the growth in the value of real estate, the crisis and inflation.
  4. The grandfather's method is ineffective. Moving towards the goal, use modern financial instruments.
  5. Stock market. This group is represented by medium-yield financial instruments. It helps to increase savings by a third in a year. The method is risky.
  6. Cumulative insurance- a tool that provides for the conclusion of an agreement with insurers for various programs. Remember, the group saves from the crisis and inflation, but does not determine the amount of income.
  7. Investments. Investments in mutual funds, mutual funds, investment programs. Profitability reaches 100% per annum. The group is risky, I do not advise you to use such tools without skills.
  8. Bank deposit- the opposite of a loan agreement. The simplest and most popular financial instrument. Choose the right banking organization, characterized by high reliability. Set aside a certain amount every month and, using suitable financial instruments, increase it. Having chosen the right path, buy an apartment in a few years.

Video instructions

How to save money for a car

Personal transport is not a luxury, but a necessity. Price good car numbering in the hundreds of thousands. It is not surprising that not everyone can afford the purchase of such a vehicle.

If there is a desire, it is possible to achieve the goal. With the support of your loved ones and your creative approach, move forward. A little time will pass, and a good car will appear in the garage.

  • Decide on the brand, model of the car and the period after which the purchase will take place. This will help you know the amount to be collected.
  • Decide how much you can save each month. Do some simple math by dividing the cost of the car by the number of months.
  • Objectively evaluate financial opportunities. According to economists, the amount that can be painlessly set aside every month is 10-15% of income.
  • Open an account at the bank. Contact the management of the company in which you work, with a request to transfer part of the salary to the account every month. This will help automate the process of accumulating money.
  • If you have savings, open a replenishable deposit. As a result, protect your money from inflation, and the banking organization will take care of the safety of funds.
  • When raising money for a car, forgo or cut back on big expenses. Before the onset key moment delay with large purchases and trips abroad. You can also have a good rest in the summer in Russia.
  • Define a list of required costs. This will help identify costs that can be cut. We are talking about entertainment and visits to entertainment venues. Walk to work if the office is nearby.

If you don’t want to collect money for a car for years, use a car loan. So almost instantly become the owner of an iron horse. Only in this case the above recommendations are useless.

How not to save money

The knowledge gained in the article is enough to become an expert in the field of accumulating funds. However, it is useful to read the material on the negative ways of accumulation.

  1. Do not steal under any circumstances. Staying in a not so remote place will not lead to anything good, but will only ruin life.
  2. Trying to accumulate money faster, do not become a swindler, as such activity is punishable. And not all victims try to take revenge with the help of the law, preferring physical violence, which will not bring any health benefits.
  3. Some craftsmen are so deeply immersed in dreams that they are ready to stand with an outstretched hand in order to achieve the goal.
  4. Don't trade organs. They will come in handy. A person can get by with one kidney, but this is not life, and the money earned will still remain in the pharmacy.
  5. Debt and credit the best solution. Any of the methods will allow you to take someone else's for a while, but in the future you will have to part forever with something of your own, adding interest to the loan.
  6. The Internet is full of books that describe the technology of gaining wealth. Such literature helps only the author to get rich.
  7. Without knowledge and experience, do not experiment with stock exchanges.
  8. gambling bypass. The essence of the gambling business is that the casino will always win.

That ended the article in which I presented tips for the rapid accumulation of money. Even if there are no savings, they will help correct the situation. Remember, there have been cases in the world when a person from poverty rose to the highest level, having no innate talents and hidden skills. He just wanted to live differently.

The life of a modern person is unthinkable without a car: go to the store, work or country house, take the child to school or section. However, a car is an expensive thing, and even affordable options require a considerable amount of investment. Where to get money to buy? The most obvious options are to borrow or save. Since a loan for a large sum of money it is not easy to take, and it is also fraught with overpayments, we will discuss the option with accumulation.

How to save up for a car from scratch

First, figure out the amount you need to save and your family's monthly budget.

  1. Think about what kind of car you want to buy. This will depend on the amount you have to save.
  2. Calculate all monthly income and mandatory expenses.
  3. Determine the date of purchase. This will help you plan your budget wisely and determine the minimum amount you need to set aside each month.
  4. Record all expenses. Regular monitoring will help track down and remove "money sinks".
  5. Set a monthly minimum that you will save to buy a car.

Now let's proceed directly to the accumulation.

  • Open a bank account for car savings. The opportunity to put money on it should be regular, and eating is limited to certain dates. This will save you from the temptation to spend the accumulated amount on something else.
  • Set aside at least 10% of your salary every month. Arrange for the accountant to transfer these percentages directly to your "savings" account.
  • Spend money only on what you really need. Yes, giving up cake for tea, hanging out at a bar with friends, or buying a new CD from your favorite musician can be agonizing for you. But do not forget about the ultimate goal - a new car.
  • Do not disdain discounts and promotions in stores, but only on the goods you need.

The headlight washer can fail at any time of the year. Replacing and installing it yourself is not difficult. Check it out

In addition to saving money, you should also think about additional earnings.

  • If you have unnecessary but good things, sell them by placing an ad in your local newspaper or website.
  • If your job tells you to take on extra hours or assignments, do so. Additional income or a premium will help you save money for a car faster.

If you have free time, get a second job - a full-time or part-time job (leaflets, ads, copywriting, etc.).

How to save money for a car with a small salary

What to do if you want to buy a car, and the salary for this is prohibitively small? Don't despair, there are ways.

  • Determine your living wage. If the salary exceeds it, then save the “extra” money for the purchase.
  • Save. You can save on:
    • food (exclude semi-finished products and fast food from the diet, buy groceries in stores with low prices and immediately for a week, make a menu and a shopping list);
    • utilities (put meters, use energy-saving lamps and appliances with low energy consumption).
  • Be mindful of small expenses. Coffee from the machine and chewing gum are inexpensive, but can cost you a significant amount per month.
  • Do not take out loans and do not borrow money, especially in offices that offer "micro loans". Huge overpayments await you.
  • If you are a fan of emotional and spontaneous purchases, then do not take cash with you when you leave the house.
  • Find extra income. Surely in your city there are vacancies for distributing leaflets or posting ads. If you have a shift schedule, then look for a second job with the same schedule, but keep in mind that it will be difficult to work without days off.

Look for opportunities to make money online. For example, take up copywriting and rewriting. Writing a simple article will take you 2-3 hours and will not physically exhaust you.

Proper purchase planning

To get started, consider the following aspects:

  • novelty (new car or used);
  • size (a family of 4-5 people needs a more spacious car than a single bachelor);
  • the purpose of the trips (a car for off-road travel will be different from a car of the class “from home to the office and back”);
  • equipment (basic or advanced).

When you have a more or less clear idea of ​​​​your future car, start choosing a specific brand and model:

  1. Look online and check prices. See what dealers, car dealers and people who sell cars from their hands have to offer. Find out about discounts, promotions, sales and additional bonuses at the time of buying.
  2. Look at the car "live". Rate appearance, sit in the cabin, test drive. This will help you decide.
  3. Decide when to buy from the dealer. It is more profitable to buy a car during the season of discounts and sales (pre-New Year period). However, if there is no strong difference in price by season, plan to buy a car in the spring. Test drive will be easier, and save on winter tires.

About other ways to save money for a car (video)
See how else you can save money for a long-awaited purchase


As you have seen, saving up for a car is possible even with a small salary. The main thing is not to forget about the three pillars of accumulation: monthly savings of at least 10% of the salary, savings and additional earnings. Proper planning of the purchase will allow you to purchase the chosen car at a reasonable price and avoid disappointments later.

Economist. Experience in leadership positions in the manufacturing industry. The date: November 29, 2016. Reading time 7 min.

When asked about the desire to own a car, one can hardly hear a negative answer. Teachers and farmers, businessmen and steelworkers, students and pensioners do not give up hope to save up for their car, despite the crisis and instability national currency. It turns out that this is not so difficult to do if you act according to the plan.

Large purchases remain an unattainable dream for many ordinary people. And in the context of a decline purchasing power and the depreciation of savings, any idea how to save up for a car seems just crazy. Let's try to figure out what steps will really help bring the dream of a car closer to reality.

We set realistic goals

The dream of a car is wonderful. They say that with a strong visualization of the desired and concentration on its implementation, the goal will be surely achieved. But such a philosophical approach is unlikely to save up for a new car. And a fantasy dream about a car from the Top 10 most expensive models with an income of 30,000 rubles. per month and will remain so.

According to economists, the cost of a major purchase should not exceed 8-12 months of family income.

Based on an income of 30,000 rubles, feel free to start choosing a suitable model in the range of 300,000 - 360,000 rubles.

Of course, of the new cars for such an amount, it will only be possible to purchase a miniature Daewoo Matiz, the ubiquitous ZAZ Chance or the stylish new Lifan Smily. There are quite worthy offers in this price segment of used cars. A two-year-old Russian-assembled Chevrolet Lacetti, a Lada Granta or Lada Kalina of the same age, or a three-year-old Renault Logan is an excellent choice even for a non-novice car enthusiast. If you wish, look for the Germans or the French, though the age of these cars will be a little older. Usually for this amount they offer an eight-year-old Ford Focus or a six-year-old Hyundai Getz.

Conclusion. The goal is to raise 300,000 rubles. to purchase a car is quite achievable even with a salary of 30,000 rubles.

We draw up a business plan

Knowing the goal, we try to understand how quickly we can achieve it. Without a clear plan, all actions will be chaotic and unpromising. We need to understand not only how to save money for a car, but also what terms for this will be realistic. Saving money is easy even with a small salary.

Experts say that for the accumulation of 10% reserve fund You don't even need to cut back on your needs.

It is this method that most resources advise beginner economists to follow. But will such savings be enough to buy a car? 10% of the estimated income will amount to 3,000 rubles. Accordingly, for the accumulation of 300,000 rubles. it will take at least 100 months or 8 years and 4 months.

If the prospect of collecting a car for about 10 years suits us, we go this way. But do not forget that inflation will eat up part of the savings during this time, and the price of the selected car in 10 years will clearly not be 300,000 rubles, unless the idea of ​​​​purchasing a Lada 2014 will remain relevant by the end of 2025.

Therefore, the share of income allocated to savings will have to be increased. In this case, the terms for which it will turn out to accumulate the right amount.

So, by increasing the share to 30%, that is, setting aside 9,000 rubles a month, we will collect the required amount in 2 years and 9 months. True, the deadline is already more realistic. And if you tighten your belt and try to save 50% of your income - 15,000 rubles, collect 300,000 rubles. in just 1 year and 8 months.

In fact, in 10 months, with the accumulation of 50% of income, we will collect 40% of the cost of the car. This amount is enough for a painless loan with a minimum interest rate.

Conclusion: The ideal way to quickly save up for a car without a loan is to save 40-50% of your income.

Save or earn?

If you analyze your expenses well, it is easy to find ways to painlessly save up to 30% of the budget.

Decree No. 882 of September 6, 2016 in the Russian Federation for the II quarter of 2016 living wage for able-bodied citizens is 10,722 rubles.

To live with a family even of 2 people for the remaining 15,000 rubles. when postponing 50% of income will most likely be problematic. In this case, it would be better to find a part-time job.

So, the minimum amount for life will be 21,444 rubles. The difference is 8,566 rubles. we put off from the main income, and we are looking for a part-time job for 6,444 rubles. per month. In fact, finding an additional way of income if desired is not so difficult. These are options for remote earnings on the Internet, help with walking animals or doing housework in the garden.

A man can unload weights or earn extra money as a "husband for an hour." The main desire. And if these 6,444 rubles. divided between the spouses, then you will have to look for a part-time job for only 3,000 - 4,000 rubles.

Conclusion. Part-time jobs will help speed up the accumulation of money for a car. It is realistic to add from 1,000 to 10,000 rubles to the piggy bank every month due to part-time jobs.

Ways to save and protect money for a car

When we figured out the amount, terms and sources of accumulation, we need to take care of the methods of accumulation. Someone just puts a certain amount in the box. But in this case, the temptation to take loans in financially critical situations is very great.

The most affordable option is to put them in envelopes, we will simply seal them. It is morally more difficult to get money out of a sealed envelope than from an accessible and always open casket.

But it’s better to find ways to save money that will help protect money from itself, and even better from depreciation:

But even with such deposits for the estimated 1 year and 8 months, interest on the deposit will increase savings by 25,000 - 30,000 rubles. In fact, this will reduce the accumulation period by as much as two months.

Conclusion. If you follow this plan, you will be able to collect the necessary amount to purchase a car in 1.5 years. Considering that the situation with a family income of 30,000 was taken for calculations, those who have a higher income, following this algorithm, can easily save money in a shorter period or buy a more impressive car.