Service apartment for military personnel. Conditions and procedure for obtaining official housing for military personnel. Who cannot get official housing


Among military personnel, as among other categories of citizens, there is a problem with housing. Especially to solve this problem, the state has developed a program to provide the military with square meters for preferential terms and free of charge.

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Subsequently received service housing for military personnel can be privatized, thus registering it as property.

Who is eligible?

The right to receive a service apartment according to state program persons who entered contract military service have. At the same time, a request for housing can be submitted almost immediately from the moment of starting work.

Along with the serviceman, his family also applies for a service apartment, taking into account the standard square meters per person.

However, for this, the marriage of a serviceman must be officially registered. For a single military man, the living space standard can be doubled.

At the same time, the further acquisition of real estate by military personnel has its own specifics. Thus, some categories of military personnel can receive personal square meters after 5 years of service, others only after 20 or upon dismissal. For individual military personnel, the only available options for securing real estate are a housing certificate or a military mortgage.

Unified register

Military personnel have access to Unified register‒ an electronic information database operating since 2010. All contract workers who have received identification number. The register is available on the Ministry of Defense portal.

What information can be obtained from the Unified Register:

  • data on changes in military legislation;
  • a map of housing construction for military personnel for the near future;
  • possible settlement options;
  • date of registration;
  • place in ;
  • list of documentation for registration of home ownership.

The service also allows you to verify personal data and obtain other information.


At the same time, apply for a target housing loan a serviceman has the right to almost any financial institution providing a similar service. The choice of housing in this case is made taking into account the living space standards per person. If a citizen wants to purchase more spacious real estate, he has the right to do this by attracting personal finance.

In this case, contract workers can use mortgage lending and without waiting until the end of the three-year period from the start of service. But in this case, the mortgage will be provided for general conditions. Subsequently, you can use the capital funds of the savings-mortgage system to repay the loan.

Upon dismissal

The state fully repays military mortgage a citizen who has served in military service for 20 years or more.

Also full repayment a housing loan is made if a military man served for at least 10 years and was dismissed for one of the reasons:

  • reaching the maximum age for military service;
  • organizational and staffing changes in the unit;
  • health status;
  • the presence of family circumstances provided for by current legislation.

Also, the state pays off the mortgage in the event of the death of a military personnel. In this case, financial and credit offices do not have the right to demand the missing amount from family members of the deceased.

Under contract

Not all military personnel can request the provision of service square meters, but only those serving under contract and their families:

  • Military personnel who took up a post after completing training at the appropriate institution and received an officer rank.
  • Military officers in the rank of officer who entered service on the basis of a presidential decree.
  • Soldiers, warrant officers, sailors, midshipmen, sergeants, foremen who are citizens of the Russian Federation.
  • Military personnel under contract who are citizens of the Russian Federation.

The following categories of persons do not apply for housing:

  • foreigners;
  • conscripts;
  • officers already provided with square meters.

Conscripts are housed in barracks.


Citizens who have not received housing for military personnel can count on monetary compensation. This procedure has been in effect since 2014. Instead of receiving square meters, an employee can take from the command sum of money to purchase an apartment in a new building or in secondary housing.

In this case, military personnel are free to independently choose the location of the property, right up to the city. They have the right to spend cash for housing that seems most worthy to them.


When providing housing to military personnel, all benefits provided for by housing legislation are taken into account.

Citizens engaged in service may also receive subsidies provided for federal laws, as well as regulations, if any, at the location of the military unit.

Submission procedure

In order to qualify for official housing, a citizen must contact his command with an application, as well as a list of necessary documentation.

The type of housing that will be provided to a military man - an apartment or a room in a dormitory - is influenced by the size of his family.


The right to obtain their own housing arises for military personnel:

  • for those who entered into a contract before 1998 - upon completion of five years of service;
  • upon completion of 20 years of service or with 10 years of service and the availability of preferential grounds.

Registration of persons who served in military service for 10 years or more is carried out no more than three years before dismissal upon reaching the maximum permissible age. If there are other preferential grounds, registration is carried out in the year of dismissal.


In 2019, housing is provided to military personnel on the basis of an application, to which documents are attached confirming the need for housing.

Their list most often includes:

  • A copy of the marriage/divorce document.
  • Extract of service record, documentation to confirm service.
  • Certificate of family composition.
  • Information about the TIN of the applicant and his relatives.
  • Documentation from the citizen’s early places of residence.
  • Photocopies of personal accounts.
  • Information about the rights of a serviceman and his relatives.
  • Photocopies of documentation on the provision of any social guarantees.

If the applicant cannot present any documents, he should provide a certificate stating the impossibility of presenting them. Also, upon request, other documents confirming the status of a person in need of housing can be collected.

Conclusion of an agreement

The contract for the rental of official housing concluded with a military personnel specifies the following main provisions:

  • procedure for providing housing;
  • content features;
  • procedure for vacating the apartment.

How to get a military pensioner?

As already mentioned, military pensioners with extensive experience retain their own right to receive housing.

They apply for a subsidy calculated based on current standards living space:

  • 18 sq. m for one person in a family of three;
  • 42 sq. m, if there are only 2 people in the family;
  • 33 sq. m for single pensioners.

Consequences of deliberate deterioration of living conditions

The legislation does not contain a clear description of acts that could be classified as worsening living conditions.

Nevertheless, these are all actions carried out with the aim of appealing to the command in the future for improvement living conditions, for example, to obtain new, more spacious housing.

In this case, there are sanctions applied to violators. They consist of a ban on registration as an entity applying for a subsidy when purchasing housing. This is stated in housing legislation.

Is it possible to privatize?

The law does not prohibit the privatization of official housing. However, it is worth considering that this procedure is prohibited for apartments located in closed military camps.

As in general view The procedure for privatization of official housing looks like:

  1. The applicant applies to the Ministry of Defense to transfer official housing to the municipal fund. This is required to obtain the opportunity to re-register the status of real estate as private property.
  2. If the command agrees, it is worth concluding a social rent agreement with the municipal authorities.
  3. In the future, a standard privatization procedure should be initiated with further registration of the transfer of ownership rights.

If the Ministry of Defense refused to transfer housing to the municipal fund, the serviceman has the right to appeal this decision in court. Claims must be supported by relevant evidence. You can go to court within 3 months from the date of receipt of the refusal.

Pros and cons

The concept and features of official housing provided to military personnel

Any official housing provided to an officer (or warrant officer) is part of the specialized housing stock belonging to the military department. A citizen who has entered into a contract for service has the right to be provided with a separate service apartment, a private house or a room in a dormitory.

The premises allocated for temporary accommodation of military personnel and their families must be suitable for habitation. For example, it is not allowed to accommodate several families of military personnel in one service apartment. Usually, living quarters are provided on the territory of the area in which the officer (or warrant officer) serves, but if it is not possible to provide the serviceman with official housing at the location of the unit, then the commander (chief) must place his subordinate in a nearby populated area.

The officer (or warrant officer) is provided with living quarters within three months from the date of his arrival.

The area of ​​the provided official housing must comply with the security standards established by law. Currently, for one person this value is 18 square meters (for a single serviceman, the standard can be doubled). In cases where it is not possible to fulfill this requirement, a citizen who has arrived for service may be accommodated with his family in a smaller premises suitable for short-term residence or in a maneuverable premises, but only with the consent of the serviceman himself.

Which military personnel are entitled to service housing?

The following categories of military personnel have the right to apply for housing from the service fund of the military department:

1.officers (or warrant officers) who entered into a contract before January 1998;

2. citizens who were appointed to positions after receiving education in military professional educational institutions;

3. officers who entered into their first contract after January 1998;

4. warrant officers, sergeants and sailors who entered into a contract after 1998;

5.military personnel who are participants in the housing mortgage system (but until they purchase or receive an apartment for permanent residence);

6. citizens undergoing military service in closed military camps.

The above list is exhaustive; military personnel who were not included in it (citizens serving on conscription, citizens of foreign countries) are not provided with official housing of the military department.

Features of service housing for military personnel.

You can select following features service residential premises:

Service housing cannot be privatized, since it is part of specialized fund military department, which cannot be transferred to private ownership. Privatization can only be carried out if the residential premises are transferred to the municipality;

Service housing cannot be donated, sold or inherited. It is also not subject to exchange, even if the citizens wishing to carry out this transaction live in the same house;

A lease or sublease agreement cannot be concluded in relation to official housing, even if the serviceman is forced to move due to a change in his place of service;

A serviceman after termination of a contract at will is obliged to vacate the official residential premises provided to him;

Participants in the mortgage system who purchased housing during their service period using funds from a targeted loan, but in another city, also have the right to be provided with service apartments (or other residential premises).

Procedure for obtaining official residential premises

To obtain housing from the service fund of the military department at the place of service, an officer (or warrant officer) must apply to one of the divisions of the Department housing provision Ministry of Defense Russian Federation(hereinafter – JO MO RF). Information about the location of this institution should be located on special information stands of the military unit, on which information is usually posted, for example, about the daily routine, regulations of duty hours, etc.

The serviceman attaches the following documents to the above application:

Copies of identity documents of both the officer (or warrant officer) and close relatives living with him;

A certificate confirming the conclusion of a service contract by military personnel applying for official housing;

A copy of a document containing information about the conclusion (or divorce) of a marriage;

A document containing information about the composition of the military personnel’s family;

A document containing information about the presence or absence of residential premises occupied by the serviceman and his family members at the place of military service, occupied by the serviceman and members of his family on the basis of an agreement social hiring or belonging to him by right of ownership;

A document confirming that the living quarters previously provided to the serviceman (including a room in a dormitory) were vacated by him and his close relatives living with him.

After receiving the specified set of documents, the unit of the Joint Defense Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, within ten days (working days), decides on the possibility of adding the serviceman to the list for providing official living quarters.

Structural unit of the Joint Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation within three days from the moment we receive information about availability free apartment(or other living quarters) that may be provided, notifies the serviceman about this.

If the officer (or warrant officer) agrees with the option proposed to him, then he informs the unit of the Joint Defense Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in writing about his decision within five days (the period begins from the day the notification is delivered to the serviceman against signature).

If a serviceman decides to refuse the residential premises of the service fund offered to him, he is also obliged to notify the unit of the Department of Defense of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation within the specified time frame.

If the serviceman does not report his decision at all, then no later than ten days from the moment he receives a message about the possibility of providing housing, this service housing will be distributed to another serviceman.

The next step in the procedure for obtaining a service apartment for a military personnel is the conclusion of a rental agreement for housing from the service fund of the military department, which lists all the persons who will occupy this premises. The agreement also lists the conditions for using the provided premises, the rights and obligations of the parties, as well as cases of termination of the agreement:

1. Subject to agreement of both parties to the contract.

2. At the request of the military personnel (employer) at any time convenient for him.

3. In court at the request of the military department (lessor) in the event of:

Failure of a military serviceman (tenant) and/or members of his family to comply with the requirements of the residential rental agreement concluded by him;

Systematic (for six months) failure to pay fees for the use of a service apartment and provided utilities;

Destruction (or damage) by a military personnel (tenant) and/or his close relatives of the provided housing;

Systematic violation of the rights of other citizens living in the neighborhood; use by a military personnel (tenant) and/or members of his family of the provided apartment for another purpose, contrary to the agreement.

4. In the event of a change in the owner of this residential premises or its transfer to operational management of another department.

Since by its nature the lease agreement for a service apartment is fixed-term, it will be valid only during the period of service of the officer (or warrant officer).

In cases where the composition of the employer's family increases, a serviceman has the right to receive official housing of a larger area; for this he applies to the structural unit of the Department of Defense of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation with a corresponding application, a new certificate of family composition and a copy of the child’s birth certificate.

If the composition of a serviceman’s family has changed due to divorce, but ex-wife refuses to vacate the premises, then it is possible to evict her from the service apartment by court decision.

The procedure for releasing service housing for military personnel.

After the termination of the rental agreement for housing of the service fund of the military department (in connection with the provision of permanent housing to the serviceman, early termination contract, etc.) the serviceman and his relatives living with him are obliged to vacate the apartment (or other residential premises) they occupy within three months.

The document confirming the deregistration of an officer (or warrant officer) is a certificate of occupancy of residential premises, which must be issued structural unit JO MO RF.

To receive it, a serviceman must prepare the following set of documents:

Copies of documents (passports, birth certificates) with a note indicating their deregistration, identifying all citizens who were registered in the vacated residential premises;

A copy of the personal account; a document confirming the absence of debt for the provided utility services;

Extract from the house register with a note of departure;

A document that serves as the basis for obtaining official housing, for example, a lease agreement or an order in relation to a service apartment (or other residential premises);

An act of transfer of premises, which reflects information about the technical condition of the premises, repairs, the presence (or absence) of a complete set of keys, etc.

These documents are submitted to the department authorized body in the event of a serviceman being transferred to a new duty station.

If an officer (or warrant officer) is provided with residential premises for permanent residence, then in addition to the above list he attaches:

A copy of the notice of housing allocation;

A notarized obligation to rent out office residential premises, containing information about the timing of vacating the housing, the need to pay for utility services provided, etc.

LEGAL BASIS: Instructions on the provision of service living quarters to military personnel - citizens of the Russian Federation, serving under a contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, approved by order Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated September 30, 2010 No. 1280

Judicial practice: Decision No. 2A-208/2016 of November 22, 2016 in case No. 2A-208/2016 Ulan-Ude Garrison Military Court; Decision No. 2A-221/2016 2A-221/2016~M-2779/2016 M-2779/2016 dated October 13, 2016, Ussuri Military Garrison Court.


"Good afternoon! Please explain the norm of Article 15, paragraph 1, paragraph 2. According to this article, service living quarters are provided after 3 months of service; before the expiration of 3 months, military personnel must be provided with specialized living quarters for temporary residence ( dormitories). That is, after 3 months of service, military personnel should be offered only service living quarters (apartments, rooms in residential buildings), but not dormitories, because dormitories, according to the Housing Code, are not official housing."

“I ask you to clarify whether the refusal of the hostel provided to me is motivated, on the grounds that the hostel is not equipped with furniture and other necessary items, on the basis of Article 94 of the RF Housing Code, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 26, 2006 No. 42, Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated August 11, 1988 No. 328, resolution of the USSR State Construction Committee dated June 21, 1988 No. 116, resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated March 23, 2011 No. 23. Also on the basis of the lack of a kitchen and other living rooms in the hostel.”

Pavel, Penza


Issues of housing provision for military personnel are regulated Housing Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the RF LC), federal law dated May 27, 1998 No. 76-FZ “On the status of military personnel” (hereinafter referred to as the Law) and other regulatory legal acts.

In accordance with paragraph 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 15 of the Law, military personnel - citizens undergoing military service under a contract, and members of their families living with them, are provided with service living quarters in accordance with the standards and in the manner no later than three months from the date of arrival at the new place of military service. which are provided for by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation. Service residential premises are provided in settlements in which military units are located, and if it is not possible to provide residential premises in the specified settlements, in other nearby settlements.

According to paragraph 3 of the said article of the Law, military personnel - citizens undergoing military service under a contract, and members of their families who arrived at a new place of military service of military personnel - citizens, before receiving residential premises in accordance with the standards established by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, are registered at their place of residence, including at their request at the addresses of military units. Before receiving residential premises, the specified military personnel - citizens and members of their families - are provided with service residential premises suitable for temporary residence, residential premises of a maneuver fund or a dormitory.

In the absence of the specified residential premises, military units rent residential premises to provide for military personnel - citizens and members of their families living with them or, at the request of military personnel - citizens, pay them monthly monetary compensation for renting (subletting) residential premises in the manner and amount determined by the Government Russian Federation.

Thus, the legislator established a three-month period for providing living quarters to military personnel - citizens who arrived at a new place of military service and were recognized as needing to be provided with living quarters. Within the specified period, such persons, depending on whether they have the right to permanent or official housing, must be provided with the residential premises assigned to them, and in their absence - with residential premises of the flexible fund or dormitories.

At the same time, paragraph 4 of the Instruction on the provision of service living quarters to servicemen-citizens of the Russian Federation undergoing military service under a contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (approved by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated September 30, 2010 No. 1280, hereinafter referred to as the Instruction) states that in the event impossibility of providing military personnel and members of their families with service living quarters according to the standards specified in paragraph 3 of this Instruction, with their consent, smaller office residential premises suitable for temporary residence, flexible housing units or dormitories may be provided.

Since this provision of the Instruction provides for the possibility of providing military personnel with a dormitory instead of official housing only with their consent, the serviceman has the right to refuse to receive it.

If you want to be provided with a hostel, but believe that the staffing of the premises offered to you does not meet the requirements established by paragraph 3 of Article 94 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the Rules for classifying residential premises as a specialized housing stock and standard contracts rental of specialized residential premises (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 26, 2006 No. 42) and other regulatory legal acts, you have the right to contact the organization in whose operational management the said hostel is located regarding the elimination of such violations.

Housing for military personnel- the problem is urgent. Because the state developed separate program, which is designed to solve it. The program allows this category Russian citizens get housing on preferential terms or for free. In this article we will examine in detail the options for purchasing living space by military personnel, the norms housing meters and other details of this procedure.

Options for purchasing housing for military personnel

In accordance with current legislation, there are several options for military families to purchase living space. We will not talk about the allocation of official housing for military personnel, since everything here is relatively clear - within 3 months from the moment the family moves to a settlement in which the military man does not have his own living space, he must be provided with premises to live with his family. The family does not have any rights to the apartment received, with the exception of the main one - the right of residence. After the end of the contract or upon transfer to another duty station, the serviceman vacates the occupied residential premises.

The first and most common option for purchasing an apartment is to participate in the savings-mortgage system created in 2004. The essence of the program is that from the moment he enters service under a contract, a serviceman begins to participate in such a system. In this case, savings funds are allocated from federal budget. After 3 years of service, the contract soldier has the right to use the accumulated capital to purchase residential premises. In this case, the serviceman contacts any bank that provides mortgage lending and agrees to provide a targeted housing loan.

It should be said that the size of the apartment purchased depends on the composition of the family. But we will discuss living space standards below. In the meantime, it should be noted that in the case when a serviceman wants to purchase a more spacious apartment, he has the right to do so, but only with the involvement of his own finances.

Another feature of the program is that you can get a mortgage before you start using the funds accumulated under the NIS program (before the expiration of 3 years from the date of entry into contract service). But in this case, the mortgage will be issued on general terms, and after receiving a certificate of entitlement to a housing loan, you will be able to use the accumulated funds to repay it.

A special scenario is provided for persons who have served in the armed forces for 20 years or more. In this case, their loan is repaid by the state, regardless of the remaining amount. Mortgage repayment also occurs in cases where a serviceman served for at least 10 years and was discharged due to reaching the maximum age allowed for military service; for health reasons; in connection with organizational and staffing changes in its part; and also in the presence of family circumstances provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. In addition, quenching mortgage loan is also carried out in the event of the death of a serviceman. It should be noted that the creditor does not have the right to demand payments from family members of a deceased military man; the state, represented by special bodies, will be responsible for the obligations, but family members will acquire ownership rights.

Don't know your rights?

Savings system and mortgage for military personnel

As mentioned above, every military personnel has the right to participate in the funded system. We emphasize: it is a right, not an obligation. This means that in order to subsequently receive funds and accumulate them, the employee must submit a corresponding report. After 3 years of service, you must submit another report in which you declare your desire to receive a Certificate of the right of a participant in the savings-mortgage system to provide a targeted housing loan. It should be noted that the report should be addressed to the headquarters of your unit. After this, the serviceman must wait a little until he is issued such a Certificate. At this time, you can search for an apartment that you want to buy, as well as a credit institution that deals with mortgage lending and is ready to provide you with a loan on suitable terms. Take your time, look for the most favorable conditions for you. Remember that in different organizations The terms offered may vary significantly.

After the Certificate is received and the apartment is selected, it is necessary to sign a housing loan agreement with the bank and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Then you need to conclude a purchase and sale agreement for the selected property or enter into a mortgage agreement. Next, register the agreement with Rosreestr and receive an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate on the ownership of the residential premises. That's it, from now on the serviceman is the happy owner of his own real estate.

An important difference between the special mortgage program for military personnel is that the amount of the loan issued and its terms do not depend in any way on the level of income of the military man or his family members, since the loan received is repaid not from personal funds, but from the funds of the savings system.

Features of purchasing housing for military personnel

Purchasing residential premises under the savings-mortgage system program has a number of features:

  • In accordance with the current rules of law, registration of an apartment purchase and sale agreement within the NIS takes place within a period not exceeding 5 working days (7 if the application is submitted through a multifunctional center).
  • The loan term depends only on the age of the potential borrower. All banks set a lending age limit, that is, the age of the borrower up to which he is obliged to fully repay the debt to credit institution. In most banks this age is 60 years, but generally varies from 55 to 70.
  • The down payment can be made either from the borrower’s personal funds or from the accumulated amount. By the way, some banks are considering the possibility of providing a housing loan without paying down payment. But be careful: firstly, this may have a negative impact on interest rate, and secondly, the loan term increases.
  • You can purchase not only a finished living space, but also space in a house under construction by concluding an agreement shared construction. But purchasing housing under construction for military personnel is fraught with some difficulties, since prerequisite is the cooperation of the bank with the developer organization.
  • Limited validity period of the Certificate of entitlement to receive a housing loan. Until 2011, the issued Certificate was valid for only 3 months. Since 2011, this period has been six months. During this time, you will need to select housing, conclude a purchase and sale agreement and register the property in the prescribed manner.

Housing standards for military personnel

When familiarizing yourself with current system accumulation of funds occurs logical question: How much money will be transferred? The state allocates funds, which should be sufficient to purchase residential premises of the established size. Finding out the required size of living space is very simple - for a single serviceman, the apartment area should be 33 square meters, for a family of 2 people - 42, and if there are 3 or more family members, the norm will be taken at the rate of 18 square meters for each.

As noted earlier, this calculation does not limit the military personnel. You may well purchase an apartment with a larger area, but only after paying own funds towards the missing amount.

The state annually transfers to the military serviceman’s savings account an amount of money established by the Government, which consists of the main part (that is, a fixed amount established for current year) and part of the interest that is due to the military in connection with the investment of his accumulated funds. In this case, the amount due for payment will be paid in equal monthly installments throughout the year. General annual amount in 2016 is 245,880 rubles. Consequently, 20,490 rubles were transferred to the serviceman’s account per month. and the amount of interest on the investment. In 2017, the annual amount is 260,141 rubles.

By the way, the legislator does not limit military personnel from using the funded system. Not only citizens in need of housing, but also military personnel who already own residential premises or need to improve their living conditions can become participants in the program.

Disadvantages of a military mortgage

The main disadvantage of such a system is the dependence of the serviceman on the length of service (minimum 10 years). In order for the state to write off the debt (for mortgage payments), you must serve in the armed forces for 20 years; or at least 10, but in the presence of certain grounds (we mentioned them above). On the other hand, the will of the legislator is clear: if you want to get a preferential mortgage, repay your debt to the Motherland.

Do not forget that the amount transferred per year is not always enough to deposit monthly payments, although it covers a certain part of them. In this case, everything depends on the place of residence of the serviceman. Of course, in small towns where purchasing housing is more or less affordable, the allocated funds will be sufficient. But in large cities it is impossible to do without investing personal funds.

And the last thing is the term of the housing loan. Under the current mortgage system, the average loan term is 20 years. Sounds scary. On the other hand, there are also advantages to the system - you no longer need to wait for houses for military personnel to be built (the wait sometimes drags on for many years), but you can immediately move into your apartment and settle down in it.

The legislation provides different order providing military personnel with living quarters.

First of all, military personnel who do not have housing at the place of military service must be provided with official housing for three months.

The right to receive residential premises in ownership or under the terms of a social tenancy agreement have military personnel recognized as needing residential premises upon reaching a total duration of military service of 20 years or more, as well as those subject to dismissal or dismissed due to reaching the age limit for service, according to state of health or in connection with organizational and staffing events, the total duration of service of which is 10 years or more.

Certain categories of military personnel have the right to receive a state housing certificate, social payments for the purchase of housing, and to become a participant in the savings-mortgage housing system for military personnel.

It should be noted that receiving a subsidy for the purchase of housing, participation in mortgage program and obtaining a state housing certificate as an alternative to the right to receive an apartment directly is carried out on a voluntary basis only if the serviceman himself has expressed such a desire.

2. What is the procedure for recognizing that military personnel need living quarters?

The procedure for recognizing military personnel in need of improved housing conditions is established in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for registering military personnel subject to dismissal from military service, and citizens dismissed from military service into the reserve or into retirement and service in internal affairs bodies, as well as military personnel and employees of the State fire service who need to obtain living quarters or improve living conditions in their chosen permanent place of residence.”

To do this, the serviceman submits a report to the commander of the military unit, attaching documents confirming the need for housing. The list of documents has been approved by the Government.

Based on the report and attached documents, a decision is made to place the serviceman on the waiting list for housing.

The military commissariat includes a serviceman on the waiting list for receiving residential premises or improving living conditions and sends a copy of the list and original documents received from the commander (chief) of the military unit to the appropriate authority local government.

3. What is the procedure for providing housing ownership to military personnel?

Housing is provided to military personnel in the order of registration.

4. On what basis can a serviceman be deprived of the right to housing?

If a serviceman independently solved a housing problem.

However, in practice, there are cases when a serviceman is excluded from the lists of those in need or is generally refused registration on formal grounds, for example, there is no certificate of insecurity in official housing at his previous place of service. But it is not possible to provide such a certificate, since the archives were lost due to numerous reorganizations. Then the issue is resolved in court.

5. Are military personnel entitled to any benefits for housing?

Family members of deceased servicemen are provided with compensation payment to pay for housing and utilities.

6. How many square meters is a soldier entitled to?

Living quarters are provided to military personnel at the rate of 18 sq.m. total area per family member. This norm can be increased by no more than 9 sq.m. total area of ​​the apartment.

7. Are family members of a serviceman entitled to housing in the event of his death? If so, what is the standard for providing housing?

Firstly, family members of military personnel who have lost their breadwinner cannot be evicted from the residential premises they occupy without providing them with another comfortable living space free of charge in the event of family members leaving labor relations with relevant organizations, after the death of a serviceman, they retain the right to improve living conditions.

For family members of military personnel who died (died) during military service, and family members of citizens who performed military service under a contract and died (died) after dismissal from military service upon reaching the age limit for serving military service, health conditions or in connection with organizational and staffing events, the total duration of military service of which is 20 years or more, the right to receive housing is retained. In this case, residential premises are provided to these persons on a priority basis.

The standard for providing housing is the same as for military personnel - 18 sq.m. For a family member, taking into account the characteristics of the living space, this area can be increased by no more than 9 sq.m.

8. What is the cost for military personnel to purchase housing?

If we're talking about about housing certificates, the cost of housing purchased with the help of a certificate is calculated based on the square meters of total area allocated to the military personnel and the standard cost of 1 sq.m. total housing area in the Russian Federation.

The standard for the total area of ​​living space for calculating the amount of social benefits is established in the following amount:

  • 33 sq. m - for a citizen living alone;
  • 42 sq. m - for a family of 2 people;
  • 18 sq. m for each family member if the family size is 3 people or more.

The right to additional space is also taken into account individual categories military personnel in the amount of 15 sq.m.

Standard cost of 1 sq. m of total housing area in the Russian Federation is determined once every six months by a federal body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation executive branch.

Today the standard cost is 1.sq.m. The total area in the Russian Federation is approved in the amount of 28,000 rubles.

Thus, for example, for a family of two people the state provides a housing certificate for the purchase of housing worth 1,176,000 rubles; if the purchased apartment is more expensive, you will have to pay extra out of your own pocket.

9. What is the system for purchasing an apartment for military personnel?

Military personnel and members of their families who are registered as needing improved housing conditions are provided with living quarters from the housing stock of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

This housing stock includes premises coming from housing construction Ministry of Defense and acquired by the Ministry of Defense, received from federal bodies executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments in houses of the state and municipal housing stock, received from refurbishment non-residential premises Ministry of Defense.

The distribution of residential premises entering a military unit among military personnel is carried out by the housing commission of the military unit in order of priority, based on the time they were registered and included in the lists of those in need of residential premises (improving living conditions).

10. Have you received many requests from military personnel regarding housing?

Most often, military personnel's appeals are related to illegal dismissal without the provision of housing.

The fact is that military personnel recognized as in need of improved housing conditions, having a total duration of military service of 10 years or more, without their consent cannot be dismissed from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, health conditions or due to organizational and staffing measures without providing them with living quarters.

Currently, there are massive layoffs of military personnel due to a reduction in the number of military personnel. Under such circumstances, naturally there is not enough housing for everyone.

In some cases, reasons are found for refusing to register a serviceman as needy; sometimes people are “convinced” to use housing certificates.

We would advise military personnel to clearly state their disagreement with the upcoming dismissal due to housing insecurity during conversations with superiors and in reports.

Illegal dismissals without the provision of housing should be challenged in court, and you should ask not only to be reinstated in the lists of personnel, but also to pay all types of allowances during the illegal dismissal.

There are also problems in issuing state housing certificates.

11. Is a military member entitled to additional housing and under what circumstances?

If a serviceman is provided with housing, he has the right to receive official housing if his service takes place in another area.