Tips on how to save for an apartment. How to save money to buy an apartment. Part-time work in your free time


Buying an apartment with a mortgage and then living “in debt” for a long time, paying huge sums to banks, is this the only option for a person who has no savings? Is it possible to save up for an apartment on your own without getting into bondage and at the same time lead a normal lifestyle? Financiers answer this question in the affirmative.

Today, it is possible to save money, if you don’t have it, and buy an apartment, the main thing is to want it. So, the goal has been determined, all that remains is to start saving money.

Here are some proven tips that will make saving for an apartment easier and faster.

How can you quickly save money to buy an apartment?

Budget optimization

When the decision to save money to buy a home is made, the question arises: “Where should I start?” The right thing to do would be to start optimizing spending and further planning your monthly expenses.

In order for savings to start appearing, you need to sort out all the expenses and understand where you can save, for this you need to carefully analyze family budget and optimize it. For a complete and reliable result, it is recommended to keep track of expenses for 2-3 months; each receipt will have to be written down in a notebook.

As soon as the notebook is filled, it’s time to start creating an item of mandatory expenses, this is something that you can’t do without: buying food, spending on gasoline, rent, etc. You should also include in your budget unforeseen expenses that may arise: for example, various breakdowns of household appliances, the purchase of medicines.

If nothing unexpected happened this month, the remaining free money should be put into a piggy bank and not spent on unnecessary purchases. It is important to always stick to your budget and not cut yourself any slack.

Of course, long-term restrictions can ruin your mood and make you want to quit, but you need to remember that the final goal will justify these temporary difficulties!

Another way to save a large amount is to save 5-10% of your monthly income. This method is simpler than the first, since it does not involve a detailed consideration of costs. But you should remember that when optimizing your budget, you often save more, which means you can save up faster.

Healthy lifestyle: saving on bad habits

Quitting smoking, alcohol and fast food restaurants is the key successful accumulation capital! The monthly expenses for “harmful products” are staggering; huge amounts of money are spent every day on the purchase of cigarettes, beer, etc.

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If you can’t give up everything at once, you should eliminate bad habits one by one, start with the most costly and gradually reduce costs on the rest.

When saving money for your own home, it is quite acceptable to limit yourself in the use of “harmful” foods, and improving your health will be a pleasant bonus. Don't forget that giving up alcohol and hamburgers will give you a slim figure.

By the way, excessive love for coffee also takes a toll on your pocket. A glass of coffee on the way to work to “wake up and cheer up” is minus three thousand from the budget, a tangible amount that can be postponed or at least reduced.

We limit entertainment

Going to a bar on Fridays and a nightclub on Saturdays, family celebrations in restaurants - all these pleasures require significant expenses. They significantly hit your pocket, because it’s very rare to go to a bar or cafe on a budget; you want to reward yourself for 5 days of working in the office by ordering an extra glass of wine or an exotic dish. Entertainment will have to be limited as much as possible.

You should constantly remind yourself that all restrictions are temporary and serve the sole purpose of saving for your own home. Entertainment will be present in life, the main thing is to spend minimal amounts on it, for example, meet a friend not in a restaurant, but at home.

Save on food

One of the main items of any budget is the cost of purchasing food. It is impossible to refuse them; it means approaching them wisely.

It is no secret that the price of goods always includes the costs of wages, rent of premises, percentage of stolen goods, etc., therefore, when purchasing products in a supermarket in a large shopping center, you have to overpay.

Food markets are a great alternative to supermarkets in shopping centers. In the markets there is high competition between trading stalls and in the struggle for buyers, sellers often significantly concede in price.

It is worth including farm shops in the list of shops you visit. Low costs for personnel and rent, the absence of intermediaries between the manufacturer and the consumer makes the prices of goods significantly lower and, at the same time, the products are fresher and more natural than similar ones in large retail chains.

It is worth paying attention to promotions and discount coupons; you can look for them on the Internet and in stores.

To avoid overspending, be sure to make a shopping list before going to the store and do not deviate from it, especially if you visit supermarkets.

Save on rent

Many families and single people spend their entire lives on renting apartments and houses. If you add up the rent payments for the entire time you stay in rented housing, you get a huge amount.

You can save on rent by changing your place of residence.

There are several options:

  • moving to parents, relatives. This will help save not only money on rent, but also spending on groceries, as well as energy on cleaning;
  • care for an elderly person with accommodation on his territory;
  • if there is no one to move to, you should consider housing from a cheaper category, perhaps choose an apartment with fewer rooms or live in communal apartment. This option will save less, but rental costs will be significantly reduced.

Economy mode: how not to give in to temptations

According to a 2017 VTsIOM survey, only 36% of Russians save money, the rest simply do not have savings. This suggests not only that it is difficult to save money today, but also that most people find it difficult to limit themselves in some “joys”, such as buying a dress for a holiday or going to a bar on Fridays. Therefore, you should make a decision about saving for the purchase of a home carefully, and you must be prepared to endure some restrictions.

Calculating the equivalent in working hours will help you avoid spending extra money. For example, when wages thirty thousand rubles a month, a five-day working week and an eight-hour day, the cost of an hour of work will be a little more than 170 rubles.

It is very useful, before purchasing something, to convert the cost of the item into working hours and think about whether the item is worth several hours or days of labor.

Additional income as a way to save

Part-time work in your free time

In addition to optimizing the monthly budget and giving up entertainment, many people have the opportunity to earn extra money. This is especially true for people with small salaries, when optimization does not help and all the money goes to urgent needs.

It’s worth considering options for earning extra money at your main job, taking on extra hours or working an extra shift. If you speak foreign languages, you can earn money by translating texts or tutoring. Teachers can also give private lessons.

A simple option to generate income is a consignment store. If you look through closets and mezzanines, you will probably find several things in decent condition that you can get money for.

There are many opportunities for additional income, even if you do not have deep knowledge in any particular industry. You can work as an accompanying nanny for a neighbor’s child, distribute cosmetics, or conduct telephone surveys with an hourly wage.

The money you earn can be put into a piggy bank. Additional income It will help you survive the period of saving for an apartment more comfortably and will be a good help for your basic salary.

Additional income: new skills

Currently, there are a huge number of different training courses, trainings and seminars that you can attend after regular working hours. New skills and knowledge will help create an additional flow of finance into the budget.

The list of possible courses is very wide, and most importantly, there is a demand for many services and finding a client with the development of the Internet will not be difficult. You can choose manicure courses, eyebrow shaping, or master accounting and start keeping records for small companies.

It’s possible to save for an apartment, the main thing is to gather your willpower and follow a well-thought-out plan. It is important not to give yourself any concessions and always remember the goal. Buying your own apartment without a mortgage will easily erase the residue of long-term restrictions and savings. All in your hands!

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Who doesn't want to have their own home? After perestroika, when the country fell into the so-called depression, it was almost impossible to purchase your own real estate. No matter how hard people tried to save, they failed. Taking into account the average salary, people have to spend almost their whole lives wandering around in rented apartments, while trying to save for their own housing. However, not everyone manages to reach the finish line, because over time, each person comes face to face with various force majeure circumstances and simply loses all their savings.

The best option is the so-called inherited apartment, which is passed down through generations, that is, it can go to a grandson from a grandmother. But even in this case, not everyone is lucky. Let's consider together whether it is realistic to put together an apartment from scratch, and is it possible to do this in 3 years?

According to the latest data, the average resident Russian Federation You need to save up for an apartment on your own for 21 years. At the same time, he can neither drink nor eat, and has to live only on the street. However, the real data is noticeably different, since progress on a person and an apartment can now be bought on average by saving money for about 5-6 years, which already looks much more optimistic. Let's look at what the real estate market offers at this stage of time in order to operate with specific numbers before we look at methods of accumulating funds to buy an apartment.

In Moscow, the cheapest apartments start on sale at 4.5 million rubles, and the closer to the center the property is located, the more expensive it will cost. Given the probability overhaul, which can occur in almost 50% of cases, an apartment in a good area of ​​the capital will cost 6-9 million rubles.

In St. Petersburg, housing prices start at a lower level of 1.5 million rubles, however, a more or less normal residential space will cost 3-5 million rubles.

For other cities, housing costs are even lower. If you want to buy yourself an apartment in Krasnodar or Rostov, then for a one-room property you will have to pay less than one million rubles. Whereas for 3 million you can afford housing relatively close to the center.

The ratio of “salary to the ability to buy housing”

We have become familiar with real estate prices, now let’s move on to the calculations. Let's look at how long it will take a young couple to raise the amount needed to buy a home. In particular, we will start from average salaries by city.

In Moscow average income per person is 50-60 thousand rubles, and these figures are far from exorbitant. Consequently, the total income for a couple will be about 110 thousand rubles. Taking into account the costs of paying for a rented apartment and food, on average you can save 50 thousand rubles per month, that is, 600 thousand per year. To buy the cheapest one-room apartment, you will need to spend 7.5 years of your life, taking into account maximum savings.

In other large regional cities, the average income for a couple will be about 40 thousand rubles, from which about 30 thousand will have to be paid for expenses, again related to paying for apartment rent and food. With the remaining 10 thousand rubles per month, you will be able to save 120 thousand rubles in a year, which will also be able to provide you with housing in a new turnkey one-room apartment in 7.5 years.

As you can see, the trend is visible. The higher your income, the more waste you have, and people involved in building new houses in various regions are primarily based on these calculations when choosing the cost of one square meter. However, there is a method that allows you to accumulate the required amount in a shorter period of time.

We calculate: how much will it cost to buy an apartment?

First you need to visualize the goal. Decide what kind of apartment you need, in what area it will be located, how many rooms it will have. Also, immediately decide whether it will be an apartment in a new building, or real estate from the secondary market.

As a rule, apartments in new buildings are only 50% ready at the time of sale, so it will be possible to move into them no earlier than in a few years, so this option should only be considered by those who can afford to live with their parents or pay inexpensive rent.

We should not forget that by the time you purchase an apartment, its cost, taking into account inflation, may increase by approximately 10%, so this amount must be budgeted in advance.

Consider renovation options, since in some cases you can buy an apartment with bare walls and invest a certain amount for at least cosmetic repairs, or buy a home that has already been renovated, but at a higher price.

After determining all these parameters, you will receive an approximate amount that you will need to purchase the desired apartment. As a rule, this amount turns out to be much higher than expected, but nothing can be done; you will have to tighten your belt if you want to have your own home.

What to save on?

If you don't want to wait 20 years to buy your own home, then you'll have to cut down on your daily diet, stop going to cafes, going on vacation, and so on. But you will have an apartment in the most as soon as possible. But seriously, we offer for your reference a list of items on which you can save money and which will not greatly affect your lifestyle.

First, get yourself a notebook in which you will keep track of your income and expenses. This way you can better understand how much money you are spending and where. An ordinary notebook is suitable for this, or you can always download an application to your phone.

Stop smoking and alcohol. Statistics show that quitting smoking alone can save you about 27 thousand a year. You can save the same amount by giving up alcohol.

Stop visiting public places. According to statistics, people spend about 4-5 thousand rubles a month on “going out”, which is already 60 thousand a year.

Analyze your grocery store purchases. A thousand a month, but you can save money. Using a notepad, you will note for yourself which products you can refuse or replace with cheaper analogues. In addition, you can purchase at wholesale stores, which will also allow you to save an extra couple of hundred rubles.

Are you renting an apartment? Move in with your parents or choose a cheaper option. Think about it, just by moving in with your parents, you can save about 300 thousand rubles per year.

Start spending less. Go to a less expensive gym, switch from a car to a trolleybus, and so on. There are many options for saving, and the final result depends on your perseverance and desire to buy an apartment.

Where else can you get finance?

In practice, saving alone will not be enough to quickly save up for your own home, as a result of which you will have to find additional part-time work. Let's look at what “fate” can offer us in this case.

  • Do you have knowledge in a certain area? Make money from it. Consult, give lessons, teach individually, conduct group classes. The choice is yours.
  • Get an additional profession. Take courses and start working in another place. Did you like to write essays as a child? Open your own blog or write custom articles? Do you like to take photographs? Master Photoshop and start making money from it. There are many options!
  • Be ambitious. Effort and work will grind everything down - follow this proverb and make your way up the career ladder.
  • Remember your past hobbies and try to make money on them. Did you like to do art before? What’s stopping you from now trying to paint a picture and sell it? Perhaps your talent will be appreciated and the dream of purchasing your own home will become much closer.

How to get to your goal faster?

As soon as you have a large sum, make it a rule that money should work. Already with the help of the initial savings, you can increase your capital by 15-20 percent without making any effort. Let's see where you can invest.

Bank deposit. On average 15-18% per annum.

Invest the available amount into a mortgage and pay off the same loan, only with more favorable interest rate, with payments whose size will not put too much pressure on your pocket.

Invest in funds. Funds (pension and investment) actually represent exactly the same deposit as in a bank. Some organizations can offer as much as 30 percent annual profit.

Invest in a startup. Is there a person who has a unique business idea in his head? Offer him your help for a percentage of stable revenue. If successful, you will be able to get not only a chance to quickly purchase an apartment, but also subsequently a good passive income.

Invest in Forex. Stock trading is developing every year, why not give it a try? Entrust your funds to a trusted and reputable broker and increase your capital completely passively.

On average, this practice can help you increase your existing capital by 10-20 percent. For example, if you invest 1 million rubles in funds, banks and startups, within a year you will be able to receive 200 thousand from above. Why not? Although it is always worth remembering the risks and investing only in proven organizations.

We save in three years from scratch

Well, it's time for detailed description an experiment describing how you can save up for an apartment in three years. Let’s take, for example, a young couple renting a one-room apartment for 30 thousand rubles in order to save up for their own home from scratch.

Year one

Average, good flat for a young family it will cost 9 million rubles. According to statistics, the average income per person working in Moscow is 110 thousand rubles, and, as a rule, it is possible to save only 50 thousand per month.

The remaining 60 thousand goes to pay rent and food. The amount for the year reaches as much as 720 thousand rubles. However, if you move in with your grandmother or parents and decide to spend 10 thousand less on food and other needs, you will be able to save 1 million and 80 thousand rubles per year. Great amount! A start.

Year two

Having a part-time job is a must and that’s a fact. Now every person without special knowledge of any programs can earn about 15 thousand rubles per month. Let both partners start working remotely and performing some duties for this money. In this case, taking into account the increase monthly income the couple will be able to save 1 million and 320 thousand rubles in a year.

On the other hand, the amount accumulated in the first year can be used directly for passive income through investing in banks and mutual funds. Taking into account the average rate of 10-15 percent of the investment amount from 1 million 80 thousand, it is quite possible to achieve an amount of 1 million and 250 thousand rubles, plus, do not forget to add 1 million and 350 thousand rubles to this amount for the second year. In total, we already have 2 million and 600 thousand rubles. Not bad! Let's move on.

Year three

In general, all that remains is to increase capital. You can easily increase the amount accumulated over the previous two years by another 15 percent, which will bring you an average of 3 million rubles in revenue. In addition, you will accumulate another 1 million and 320 thousand rubles over the year. In total, in best case scenario, you can get 4 and a half million rubles. This amount is quite enough to pay part of the mortgage and buy a finished apartment. Whereas you will have to pay the remaining cost over time under the contract. Taking into account the scheme described above, all this can be done within five years without any damage to yourself.

Or you can continue the saving and reinvestment scheme for another couple of years and buy an apartment entirely at your own expense. As you can see, everything is real. The main thing is that there is a desire.

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Saving from my modest salary. It is possible – tested by our own experience!

As statistics show, the vast majority of Russian citizens have low salaries. For some, even meeting minimal needs is a pressing problem, not to mention the tempting offers of the modern world.

Here is our guest's experience:

My name is Anastasia, I am 35 years old and I live in St. Petersburg. I managed to accomplish the above. Initially, the plan was to save up for a car, but the result exceeded expectations. I will tell you my own scheme for saving money.

I got my driver's license 10 (driving) seasons ago. My goal was to buy a car. Of course, I didn’t have the finances to purchase it. For these purposes, they most often take out a loan from a bank, but it is required an initial fee. I started saving for it.

From my salary of 25,000 rubles. I started saving amounts in the range of 5-10 thousand rubles per month. monthly. She lived with her parents (thus she did not spend money on rent). I bought only the essentials (food and things). Have you ever wondered what you really spend your money on? Avoid spontaneous purchases! Plan your expenses.

The passion for accumulating funds ran wild. It became more important for me to save more than to spend. Additionally, this stimulated the search for higher-paying jobs. Having found one, more people began to pool large amounts money.

How to buy an apartment without a mortgage

When I had almost 200,000 rubles in my hands. ,(this was enough for the down payment), the decision to take out a loan was changed. The idea arose to put funds into a deposit account in order to later buy a car for the accumulated interest.

Purchasing a car on credit would mean immediate expenses: payment credit rate, percent; car maintenance, insurance (MTPL, CASCO), etc.

To make a deposit, to be on the safe side, contact a major bank. Choose a replenishable deposit, but without the possibility of withdrawing the amount before the end of the deposit period (so that there is no temptation to withdraw funds).

Initially, the interest on the deposit is not high. After all, everything depends on the deposit amount: the higher it is, the greater the dividends. I saved up to buy a car faster than I expected.

My wild excitement prompted me to try to save up money to buy a home. I successfully achieved this goal.

After 7 years from the beginning of the deposit, 1,700,000 rubles had been accumulated (with a salary of only 40,000 rubles per month).

It should be noted that periodically (about every year) I managed to go on vacation.

I withdrew the funds accumulated on the deposit and invested them in the construction of a home. Choose a developer carefully. After three years of waiting, I became the owner of a one-room apartment (35 m² in area) in a new building. It is located in the city of Vsevolozhsk.

In fact, without a mortgage or any other encumbrances, I got my own home in 10 years.

The method is only suitable for those who can wait and have the opportunity to live somewhere during this time.

How much to save for an apartment

For clarity, I will give an example of a calculation.

The deposit amount was replenished monthly by 10,000 rubles, annual dividends were 6.7%.

In the 1st year we have: (10 thousand rubles * 12 months) + 672.0 rubles. (min.% per year) = 120,672.0 rub.

For the 2nd year: RUB 120,672.0. + (10 thousand rubles * 12 months) + 8,107.0 rubles (min.% per year) = 248,779.0 rubles.

3rd year: 248,779.0 rub. + (10 thousand rubles * 12 months) + 16,714.0 rubles. (min. % per year) = 385,493.0 rub.

Situation for the 4th year: RUB 385,493.0. + (10 thousand rubles * 12 months) + 25,899.0 rubles. (min.% per year) = 531,392.0 rub.

5th year: RUB 531,392.0 + (10 thousand rubles * 12 months) + 35,701.0 rubles. (min.% per year) = 687,093.0 rub.

Thus, by putting aside 10,000 rubles monthly, in 5 years you can get 87,093.0 rubles on interest alone, and together with savings you get 687,093.0 rubles.

Honestly, I myself didn’t fully believe that I could do this. But once I started, I didn’t want to stop. I regretted that I didn’t do this earlier.

Isn't this better than wasting money and taking out loans to make a large purchase? The higher the rate deposit, the faster you will accumulate a large amount.

How to buy an apartment without a loan

If you decide to follow my example (start with at least the minimum deposit amount), take note of a few tips:

  1. Avoid little-known banks

They are not reliable, they attract seductively high percentage per annum. Stop at large bank, trustworthy (deposits will be insured against bankruptcy, albeit with low dividends).

  1. Don't put your eggs in one basket

When the amount accumulated in the deposit account exceeds insurance amount regarding the deposit, continue to invest funds, but in another bank. In the event of bankruptcy of the first bank, according to the law, you will definitely receive the insured amount in full.

So, saving and saving money is not that difficult. You should control yourself when it comes to spending. Life is unpredictable and it’s good to have at least some savings.

We often waste money, and to purchase expensive things we have to take out loans, which are repaid with interest. Of course the choice is yours. After my experience, I am saving money again, because I plan to buy a car.

Investment greetings, friends! Today we’ll talk about how to solve the housing problem. It is urgent for most young families, but for me, fortunately, it has already been resolved. And I will share with you the secrets of how to save up for an apartment as quickly and efficiently as possible.

First, you need to choose what you will save money for. There are two options here:

  • buying an apartment for cash (the way of the samurai);
  • purchasing a home with a mortgage, and you only need to save for a down payment (15-20% of the apartment price).

Both options are real, it all depends on your wallet size and patience. It is clear that with a small salary it is almost impossible to save for an apartment without a mortgage. Especially if we're talking about about a couple of million. But if you need to save literally 300-400 thousand rubles, this is a more realistic task.

First, determine what will be more profitable for you: taking out a mortgage or renting and saving at the same time. Most often the first option is more profitable:

  • the cost of rent may increase, but the mortgage price will not;
  • you will be able to repay your mortgage early and reduce your debt;
  • inflation will work in your favor;
  • Psychologically, living in your own apartment is easier than renting.

But mortgages also have their disadvantages. So, your apartment will be pledged to the bank and if you fail to pay the debt, it can be taken away; moreover, it cannot be sold, donated or rented out to tenants.

But, be that as it may, choose. Mortgage or cash.

Determine the required amount

After that, start figuring out how much you need.

It's clear. that you need less money for a mortgage from scratch than for a whole apartment. But if you are exchanging an old one-room apartment for a new two-room or three-room apartment, it’s easier to save up than to take out a loan.

Many people ask whether it is possible to save up for an apartment with our salary. The answer is yes, if you know where you are going and you have a plan. Determining the required amount is the first step towards this.

Determine the average cost of an apartment in your region and figure out whether it’s realistic to save up for an apartment or take out a loan.

In principle, the methods of accumulating funds in both cases will be approximately the same, the only difference will be the timing and amounts - and the set of tools is absolutely identical.

Adjust for inflation

When calculating how to quickly save for an apartment, be prepared for the fact that you will have to race against inflation. Every year it will decrease purchasing power money and at the same time move the price of real estate up.

It may be objected that in 2014-2018 housing prices fell due to the crisis. Yes it is. Real estate can either rise in price in 10 years or skyrocket in price. But if you're planning to actually save for an apartment, you need to be prepared for the most likely scenario. And it is such that housing goes up in price by an average of 4% per year.

ETFs and mutual funds

This is a passive way to save and increase funds, which will allow you to save for an apartment with a small salary. Funds invest in various market instruments, i.e. adhere to the principle of the widest possible diversification of funds. Due to this, they make a profit even in a falling market - if some stocks fall, others continue to rise.

Here's another interesting article: What to invest in in 2018?

There is one way to make money on mutual funds and ETFs. You buy a unit of a mutual fund or an ETF share and wait for it to rise in price. And then you sell it. If you buy such an asset for 10 years, it will rise in price in any case. Your task is to choose those funds that definitely will not fall in price.

I offer a balanced portfolio:

  • 3 bond funds;
  • 1 mixed investment fund;
  • 1 industry fund;
  • 3 equity funds.

You will receive both conservative and speculative instruments in one package.

The advantage of funds is the minimum entry threshold. Mutual fund shares cost an average of 1,000 rubles, investments start from 5,000 rubles, depending on management company. ETFs are sold on the stock exchange, the average cost of an exchange-traded fund share in 2018 is 2000-2500 rubles.

If you are thinking about how to save up for an apartment with a salary of 30,000 rubles, then funds are your choice.

I personally recommend preferring ETFs, since the commission for the purchase and redemption of shares is 1-2% + annual fee of 1%. ETFs are enough to buy and hold - there are only two commissions - for buying and selling, and they are exchange-traded (0.005-0.3%). And in general, index investing turns out to be more profitable than active management.

Endowment insurance

Another option on how to quickly save up for an apartment is to take out an insurance policy endowment insurance. You can buy it at VTB, Alfa-Bank, Rosgosstrakh or Tinkoff. The essence of the NSJ:

  • you determine the amount you want to save;
  • select a program that will allow you to do this;
  • You receive a payment schedule that you pay.

Almost like a loan, but the money accumulates in your account. The profitability of the insurance policy is quite low - usually 4-5% per annum, but you receive insurance protection for the entire term of the policy. For example, for 10 years. And if something happens to you, you will immediately receive the full amount. And yes, you can buy an apartment.


So, in front of you is a ready-made algorithm on how to save up for an apartment, with all the layouts and reviews. First calculate the required amount, then figure out how much you can save, then make a plan and choose one of the tools I mentioned. To obtain a predictable income, I recommend OFZ with deduction from IIS. If you want to make crazy profits, try ETFs. For example, shares of the FinEx MSCI USA UCITS ETF have grown by 65.7% since 2012, and this is taking into account oil crisis 2014. The main thing is don’t fall for scammers, don’t risk your “apartment” money in vain. Good luck, and may the square meters be with you!

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Every fourth Russian plans to buy a home in the next five years.

Sergey Antonov

loves statistics

It is possible to save for an apartment during this period if you spend your salary only on the essentials and put the rest of the money aside for a deposit. We calculated how much residents of different regions of Russia would have to save for an apartment.

What we thought

We chose a typical one-room apartment with an area of ​​34 square meters. To save up faster, we took secondary housing: it is cheaper. Prices for apartments in the regions were taken from Domofond, Tsian and Avito.

On the Rosstat website we looked at regional data on average salary and subtract the cost of living - it is also different everywhere. The rest is free money that can be put into a savings account every month. Now the average deposit rate according to the Central Bank is 5.99%.

Using these data, we calculated how long it would take the average resident to save up for an apartment in the capital of their region.

Interest capitalization

In our calculations, we took into account the capitalization of interest. Capitalization is when the interest accrued on the deposit is added to the deposit and also begins to generate income. For example, if you put 100 thousand rubles at 6% per annum, then without capitalization in 5 years you can earn 30 thousand rubles. And if you don’t spend your income and leave it on deposit - almost 34 thousand. 11% difference! With big numbers and long term capitalization allows you to earn good money.

How much will you have to save?

Residents of Magadan will save up the fastest. The average monthly salary here is 83,997 RUR, and the cost of living is less than 18,846 RUR. You can save almost three-quarters of your monthly income. To save up for the average one-room apartment for 1,785,612 RUR, it will take only two years and one month.

Residents of Sevastopol will have to save for the longest time: with a relatively low average salary of 32,704 R and living wage 10,395 R for a one-room apartment for 2,886,804 R will have to be saved for eight years and three months. For comparison, in neighboring Simferopol it will be possible to buy an apartment almost a year faster - in seven years and one month. Living closer to the sea is more expensive.

For true statistics lovers

On average across the country, it takes six years to save up for a one-room apartment. You can compare how the situation differs in different regions on our map:

The most expensive and cheapest housing

As expected, Moscow is in first place in terms of the high cost of housing - a conventional one-room apartment will cost 6,622,044 RUR. A resident of the capital will have to save for it for six years and three months. In second place is St. Petersburg: for an average apartment for 3,932,066 RUR you will have to save five and a half years. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk closes the top three regional centers with the most expensive apartments. True, thanks to high salaries, it is possible to save up the RUR 3,345,158 needed to buy a home in just four years.