Socipoteka under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan - personal account. Socipoteka under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan - personal account But the state housing stock of the Republic of Tatarstan


In conditions of economic crisis, the Government of the Russian Federation is offering new mechanisms to support socially vulnerable citizens. To improve their quality of life, housing loan programs with state support are being developed. Borrowers who meet the conditions of a specific project will be able to use a social mortgage.

The programs cover many categories of the population: low-income citizens, young families, public sector employees (doctors, teachers, young scientists), military personnel.

The social mortgage program was prepared by the Department of Housing Policy and is aimed at fulfilling the instructions of the Government of the Russian Federation. The Housing Fund has approved the procedure for providing residential real estate with a social mortgage. Applicants can purchase an apartment under a purchase and sale agreement with registration of the document in the Department of Housing and Housing Policy.

To receive a preferential loan, socially vulnerable citizens can apply to any state or commercial bank that provides mortgages with government guarantees.

According to the department, over the past five years, every seventh participant in state programs has been able to take advantage of the presidential social mortgage and improve their living conditions with the help of government subsidies and mortgage lending.

Under the terms of social programs, low-income borrowers can purchase real estate on the primary and secondary markets, as well as social housing at reduced prices, which is owned by local authorities.

Mortgages under the president have many options: they provide a subsidy for part of the cost of the purchased apartment or a subsidy for the interest rate. Municipal housing is sold to participants in social programs at an affordable price. Which type is used in a particular region depends on the initiative of local authorities.

A good example in this matter can be the Republic of Tatarstan, where since 2004 they have successfully implemented a bill on social housing lending developed at the local level, which differs significantly from the standard version.

How to get

The implementation of the program is controlled by the State Housing Fund (SHF) and the President of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The peculiarities of the presidential program are that the borrower and the State Housing Fund enter into an agreement, according to which the project participant undertakes to regularly contribute a certain amount to form a reserve. Savings are necessary to partially pay the cost of purchased housing. A mortgage is issued for the remaining amount.

The contract term is up to 28.5 years. The bank's tariff (7%) is fixed, set for the entire lending period. A down payment (10-30%) is required. You can use:

  1. Maternity capital;
  2. Savings generated during the period of participation in the project;
  3. State support for young families (the amount of the subsidy can reach 40% of the cost of the apartment);
  4. By own means.

Sometimes, to pay the down payment, they take out an additional loan, leaving the existing housing as collateral (if the borrower or co-borrowers are its owners).

Under the terms of the project, mortgages are also provided to childless families. If a child is born during the contract period, the spouses are provided with financial assistance in the amount of 200 thousand rubles. The funds must be used to pay off mortgage obligations.

The peculiarity of the presidential project is that participants can make monthly contributions not always in the traditional way - they are paid with labor or products produced in their personal household.

Where can I get housing?

The difference between a presidential mortgage is that the applicant can choose an apartment only from the real estate that was built as part of this project. Such housing complexes (LCs) are built mainly in large cities and some small towns. In addition to the limited choice, apartments also differ in price: square meters in the capital will be more expensive than in the periphery. These factors also influence the loan size and rating points.

An exact list of areas where construction is being carried out by partner companies of the project can be found on the website of the state housing fund. There is information on the websites of banks and developers. An important requirement for the latter is to build housing in a comprehensive manner, so the program participant receives an apartment in microdistricts with normal infrastructure. After submitting the documentation to the State Housing Fund and approving the application by the housing commission, the participant waits for his option of real estate.

  1. Kazan. Social houses are being built in Aviastroitelny, Kirovsky, Privolzhsky, Pakhitovsky and Sovetsky districts. The most popular microdistrict is “Salavat Kupere”, where it is planned to solve the housing problems of 14 thousand families. More than 350 hectares are being built up with residential complex houses to accommodate about 40 thousand people. The Rainbow MK is also located in an ecologically clean area, but there are more apartments there for commercial sale. A school for a thousand children is being built.
  2. Naberezhnye Chelny. The most popular complexes are located on the city outskirts: the cost of housing here is significantly lower, and these areas are noticeably cleaner environmentally. Among the complexes actively under construction are Yalyshek-2, as well as the 63rd complex. In addition to the presidential mortgage, city residents can participate in the “Building the Future” project, which also helps to purchase real estate on terms favorable to the participant.

The contract for the selected apartment is preliminary and has no special legal force. If a program participant violates the debt repayment schedule or does not score enough points, other applicants may be moved into the selected apartment.

If the borrower got a part-time job or left the public sector altogether, he no longer has the right to demand an apartment under a social mortgage. During the crisis, many building materials have even become cheaper, so the developer sees no reason to increase the cost of housing.

Who can participate in the project

Social mortgage under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan covers many segments of the population:

  • Budget workers - teachers, scientists, doctors, young specialists, cultural and social security workers;
  • Military personnel, combatants;
  • Citizens who live in unsafe or unsuitable premises for living;
  • Young families (age limit - up to 35 years) with and without children;
  • Applicants whose living space does not meet the standards (18 sq. m per tenant);
  • Large families;
  • Disabled people and families with disabled children;
  • Single-parent families if their income has fallen by 30%;
  • Employees of investor enterprises, participants in the presidential mortgage program.

Participants in the project can be solvent working citizens with a stable income and a normal credit history, who meet the program criteria and have the funds for the first payment. The applicant must also have the status of a person who needs to improve their living conditions.

Families with an income above the subsistence level can apply for social housing if they can make regular contributions to repay the loan.

State employees must have at least three years of work experience in their specialty. Citizens aged 18 to 54 years with continuous work experience in their last place of 6 months can apply. For the military, the minimum service life is 10 years. Applicants must live and work in the Republic of Tatarstan for at least 10 years.

Applying for a home loan

To obtain the status of a program participant, you must contact the administration with an application. Here you can consult on the chosen program and make a preliminary calculation. Employees of companies sponsoring the program can apply through their manager.

While waiting for your application to be pre-approved, prepare all necessary documentation. Officials have 1 month to make a final decision. If the decision is positive, a social mortgage agreement is signed, after which monthly contributions are made to the State Housing Fund (the amount depends on the family budget).

All that remains is to wait for one or more offers of living space from the State Housing Property Fund, which can be purchased as part of the project.

You can participate in a competition similar to a rating auction. To do this, you need to register on the GZhF website and gain access to your personal account, from where applications for participation are sent. The higher the rating, the more chances the contestants have to win. Points are generated based on the amount of savings each participant has made and the length of stay in the program.

There is another option for obtaining a mortgage, when state support is provided out of turn. Each case is studied individually in the shortest possible time.

What documents to prepare

Applicants for a presidential mortgage must submit documentation:

  • Passports of family members;
  • TIN and SNILS;
  • Certificate of marriage or divorce (if any);
  • Birth certificates of children (if available);
  • Military ID (for those liable for military service);
  • Education documents;
  • Certificate of income;
  • Documents on real estate rights;
  • Confirmation of the status of a person who needs to improve their living conditions.

The completed application form is attached to the documents. The commission has the right to request additional confirmation of the applicant’s solvency.

Pros and cons of a presidential mortgage

A presidential mortgage in the Republic of Tatarstan is an opportunity to purchase an apartment on terms that are more favorable than in the country as a whole.

The participation of the GJF allowed applicants to receive a number of advantages:

  • Reduce the down payment to 10% of the apartment price (maximum limit – 30%).
  • For single mothers and some other categories on an individual basis, a complete exemption from the down payment is possible.
  • With a base rate of 7.4%, social mortgages are given at 7% per annum.
  • The maximum repayment period (28.5 years) can be reduced and the loan can be closed early without overpayments.
  • At the birth of a baby, the family receives 200 thousand rubles. to pay off mortgage obligations.
  • After the birth of your second and subsequent children, you can contribute funds from maternity capital to repay the loan.
  • You can pay for a mortgage not only with money, but also with labor and agricultural products.
  • There is no additional insurance - only the purchased apartment and the participant’s liability are insured.

If a difficult financial situation arises in the family, the borrower is afraid of losing the apartment - the State Housing Fund considers all cases individually, developing a convenient option for repaying the debt (deferment, restructuring, etc.). Deferment of payments does not relieve the bank client from having to pay apartment rent.

In any state support program there are details that the participant does not pay due attention to at first. But later such nuances can create additional difficulties.

After purchasing housing as part of the project, the participant does not have the right to stop working or leave the public sector for 10 years. If the condition is violated, the balance of the debt will have to be repaid at double the rate. It is possible to terminate an employment relationship with an enterprise without penalties if the dismissal was by agreement of the parties.

After receiving an apartment, a program participant will no longer be able to take part in other social projects aimed at improving living conditions. With a presidential mortgage, housing can only be purchased once in a lifetime, so it makes sense to study all the possible benefits and subsidies that a family can count on and choose the best option for government assistance. The total price of square meters of housing also includes children's benefits.

Standards for the size of mortgage living space have been developed:

  1. Singles - 33 sq. m;
  2. For a childless family (2 people) – 42 sq. m;
  3. A family of 3 people – 18 sq. m per resident.

There is another important point: until full payment is made for the mortgaged housing, the borrower uses the living space under a social tenancy agreement. He also pays rent (at minimum state tariffs). He will be able to receive a certificate of ownership only after the final repayment of the debt.

Partner banks

The number of financial institutions participating in the program is limited, since many have representative offices only in large cities. Among the program participants there are not only banks of the republic, but also partners providing services throughout Russia: Sberbank, Kara-Altyn, Rosbank, Ak Bars.

According to the terms of the presidential mortgage, borrowers enter into an agreement with the representative office of the housing stock under the president. And in the bank that is a partner, you need to open an account for monthly payments, taking into account the cost of 1 sq. m of social housing (from 11%). If a bank client violates the payment schedule for mortgage obligations, the State Housing Fund has the right to terminate the agreement on its own initiative.

In parallel with the presidential mortgage, the republic’s banks offer their clients to solve housing problems with the help of the “Young Family” program. The first requirement for candidates: one of the spouses must be under 35 years of age. The project makes it possible to purchase housing at a base rate (from 7.4%) on both the primary and secondary markets.

In accordance with the bill, the social mortgage under the president in the Republic of Tatarstan will operate until 2019. We can only hope that after its completion, regional authorities will develop even more effective measures to provide socially vulnerable citizens in need with housing.

With the birth of a second or subsequent child, social mortgage workers in Tatarstan will be able to take advantage of the benefits of Putin’s family support program

The State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan will expand the social mortgage program. Program participants - young families who have had a second and subsequent child since 2018 - will be able to take advantage of the “Putin” family mortgage at a preferential 6 percent. Deputy Executive Director of the State Housing Fund Bulat Gilmanov, in an exclusive interview with Realnoe Vremya, spoke about what options for admission to the social mortgage are being developed for young families working in business, and how the “repeated social mortgage” program will work for mature families.

The burden of payments will be eased for social workers

Bulat Gilmkhanovich, starting next year, a state program of preferential family mortgages will begin at 6 percent per annum. Does the State Housing Fund have the opportunity to reduce the 7 percent rate?

As soon as it became known about federal measures to subsidize family mortgages, we, along with banks, submitted applications for federal subsidies to compensate for the interest rate on social mortgage agreements. In this case, we could reduce the interest rate to 6 percent per annum or lower. Unfortunately, due to the lack of a banking license, the fund does not have the right to be among the recipients. Therefore, we are now exploring options for establishing cooperation with banks to refinance social mortgage agreements at 6 percent per annum. We are working on this scheme with Ak Bars Bank, Gazprombank and Promsvyazbank. These are the banks that give us the minimum rate; they are interested in cooperation. We are now clarifying the details of the future refinancing mechanism.

At the same time, a family participating in a social mortgage can independently try to refinance the loan at Sberbank, VTB, Absolut Bank. Socio-mortgage agreements meet all the criteria established for banks regarding subsidies. We expect that next year, social mortgage participants will be able to refinance their obligations and ease the burden of payments.

However, the mortgage program at 6 percent per annum applies only to families with two or more children born between January 1, 2018 and December 31, 2022. Let me remind you that it was launched at the beginning of 2018 on behalf of President Vladimir Putin and provides for the purchase of apartments only on the primary market, that is, in houses under construction.

The mortgage program at 6 percent per annum applies only to families with two or more children born between January 1, 2018 and December 31, 2022. Photo by Oleg Tikhonov

Under the terms of the program, the state undertakes to pay the bank the difference at the rate between 6% and the bank's actual rate for the grace period. Currently, preferential mortgages at a rate of 6% are provided for a period of three to eight years, depending on the number of children born during the program. The family mortgage program is implemented within the framework of the federal project “Financial support for families at the birth of children” (part of the national project “Demography”).

- Aren’t you afraid of competition from federal players?

No, we do not see them as competitors. Firstly, the housing we build is several times cheaper than the market price. Indeed, some banks have lowered mortgage rates to 4.5-5% per annum, but it still costs clients more than our 7%. Why? Firstly, we have more favorable starting conditions. State Housing Fund launches mortgages with a down payment of 10%, and commercial banks - from 30% or more. Secondly, the borrower must undergo solvency underwriting, which is not the case when concluding a social mortgage agreement. Thirdly, the low interest rate is complemented by life and property insurance contracts, which ultimately turn out to be more expensive than a 7% mortgage.

The program for young families will be expanded

- What changes await the Young Family program?

In the near future, we expect to open a social mortgage program for young families, regardless of their place of work. Previously, only those who work in the public sector or at an enterprise that pays contributions to the State Housing Fund were included in it. Together with the Ministry of Youth, we want to expand the circle of young families.

Today there is a republican program “Young Family”, which, unfortunately, works within narrow limits. At least the State Housing Fund allocates apartments per year to only 50 families who were able to receive federal subsidies in the amount of 30% of the cost of purchased housing through the Ministry of Youth of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Why so few? The fact is that every year federal funding for this program decreases, and accordingly, the participation of the republic decreases. As a result, no more than 50 families per year can improve their living conditions.

The State Housing Fund allocates apartments per year to only 50 families who were able to receive federal subsidies in the amount of 30% of the cost of purchased housing through the Ministry of Youth of the Republic of Tatarstan. Photo by Roman Khasaev

To expand access to the program for young families, we are developing new mechanisms together with the Ministry of Youth of the Republic of Tatarstan. We held several meetings on this topic. Last week we received information that about three to four thousand young families in the republic are ready to take part in this program. Based on this, we calculate what investments will be required to provide them with housing. But it’s too early to talk about specific dates. So far, our initiative is at the stage of working through and has not reached the level of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan.

- Until what age, according to the criteria of the State Life Fund, is a family considered young? Until 30 or until 35?

This question is still open for us. The Ministry of Youth has standards according to which a family is considered young under 30 years of age. But on a national scale, we would like to increase the threshold to 35 years inclusive. Various options are discussed until the final plank is selected. Next year we will determine the exact age.

- How can young families prepare in advance for the start of this program?

We have thought about different options for including them, but most likely the same mechanism will operate here as with the social mortgage. They will have to contact the executive committee at their place of residence and collect the traditional package of documents for registration. The list of needy young families will be coordinated with the Ministry of Youth of the Republic of Tatarstan.

It must be said that large industrial enterprises of the republic subsidize the purchase of housing for young families, paying 30% of the cost of the apartment. Thus, Tatneft annually provides access to the program to over a thousand families, including newlyweds.

The name “Re-mortgage” implies that it extends to those who were previously participants in it and fully fulfilled their obligations. Photo by Rinat Nazmetdinov

The right to re-social mortgage

How is the development of the so-called “re-social mortgage” program going, which will allow more mature families to improve their living conditions?

Indeed, the government of the republic is developing a draft resolution to allow participants in the social mortgage program, who really have a need, to re-exercise such a right. For example, if in 2006-2007 a family of two people received a one-room apartment, later children were born and now they are all cramped in this area, it is necessary to improve living conditions. For such citizens, we will re-provide apartments under the social mortgage. What was previously acquired remains their property. We give them the opportunity to expand their space. I think that from January next year the program will start working and we will be able to accept applications from those interested.

- Will they have to buy new housing from scratch?

Yes, the old apartment remains their property. The family will decide for itself how to dispose of it. They can sell it to pay off the obligations under the new social mortgage agreement.

- Or maybe the State Housing Fund will buy it for the down payment?

No, this issue has not been discussed. They will have to buy housing again. You will have to make a down payment of 10%, win an apartment and move. Other conditions remain the same. That is, the interest rate is 7% per annum, the maximum installment period is up to 28.5 years.

Do I understand correctly that the repeated social mortgage will only apply to those who have previously participated in it?

Of course, the very name “Re-mortgage” implies that it applies to those who were previously participants in it and fully fulfilled their obligations. Today there are people who want to improve their conditions. But current legislation does not allow them to take part in the program again. In this case, this restriction will be lifted.

It is estimated that about a thousand families across the republic will be able to take advantage of this right. Photo

- How will they move forward one by one? On a general basis or according to a separate list?

There will be no special conditions created for them. I got up this year, if there is housing, I get it, if not, I will have to wait until it is built in 2-3 years, I will have to wait along with the rest of those on the waiting list. Bypassing the single queue will not work.

Do you know how many families intend to take advantage of the right to re-receive housing under the social mortgage program?

According to our estimates, about a thousand families across the republic will be able to take advantage of this right. These are still very approximate figures. Time will tell how popular this program will actually be. Before this, we received isolated requests, but we were forced to refuse families.

- In which cities will it be possible to exercise this right?

Throughout the republic. The rules will be the same for everyone.

Louise Ignatieva

The company NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION "STATE HOUSING FUND UNDER THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF TATARSTAN" 1655065113 was registered at the legal address 420015, TATARSTAN REPUBLIC, KAZAN CITY, GORKY STREET, 8/9. According to the registration documents, the main activity is the management of real estate for a fee or on a contract basis. The company was registered on March 29, 2005. The company has been assigned the All-Russian State Registration Number: 1051622037400. The head is the EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR MARAT RIVGATOVICH ZARIPOV. To obtain more detailed information, you need to go to the company’s card and check the reliability of the counterparty.

The company GZHF UNDER THE PRESIDENT OF THE RT was registered on March 29, 2005 with the Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 18 for the Republic of Tatarstan. The registration procedure with the State Institution - the Office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the Vakhitovsky district of Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan was carried out on 01/12/2010. Also, Branch No. 1 of the State Institution - the regional branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Tatarstan registered the company on 05/12/2005 00:00:00. The last entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, which is contained about this organization: Submission by the licensing authority of information on the revocation of the license.

After changes were made to the procedure for distributing housing under social mortgages, the number of requests to various authorities from citizens demanding clarification of the provisions of Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tajikistan No. 366 dated August 2, 2007, increased significantly.

To answer these and other questions related to the implementation of housing programs in the Republic of Tatarstan, the State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan opened a hotline. Over the past few days since the hotline was opened, more than 180 calls have been received on just one of these telephone numbers.

The largest number of calls (more than 90) concerned the standards established by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tajikistan for the total area of ​​residential premises provided with state support. Let us remind you that housing at the established preferential price is provided based on the calculation of the area not exceeding more than 20 percent of the established standards: for a citizen living alone - 33 square meters. meters, for a family of 2 people - 42 sq. meters, for a family of 3 or more people - 18 square meters. meters per person.

Residents of Kazan, Naberezhnye Chelny, Nizhnekamsk and other cities of the republic, who hoped to solve the housing problem in the future with the help of the program, expressed their disappointment with the innovations. The reaction of the townspeople is explained by the fact that there are simply no one-room apartments that a “single citizen living alone” can qualify for in accordance with the new standards, or two-room apartments that a family of two (for example, a mother and son) could qualify for. The situation is the same with three-room apartments: according to the new rules, a family with two children of different sexes does not have enough reasons to choose an apartment with three rooms. The total area of ​​any apartments that are currently being built by the State Housing Fund as part of the program is slightly larger than the minimum determined by the Government for those in need of improved housing conditions on a social mortgage. It was believed that the times when projects of small-sized residential buildings were most in demand had already sunk into oblivion. But there are families who have the right to additional space, for example, families in which there is a patient with tuberculosis, or persons with an academic degree, etc. How housing issues will be resolved in such cases is not specified in the resolution.

Related to the first issue were also the loss of the right to a preferential price for the purchase of housing in the event of a break within 10 years of employment relations with an organization, work in which allowed the program participant to obtain housing in the social mortgage system, and, consequently, a ban (although , indirect) early purchase of apartments.

The second most pressing question (more than 50) is when competitions for choosing apartments will begin. The State Housing Fund is forced to admit that there is indeed a certain delay in holding competitions. This is due to the fact that the fund currently does not have the necessary tools to conduct competitions. According to the procedure for providing citizens with residential premises under a social mortgage, approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tajikistan No. 366, in order to participate in the competition for choosing an apartment, program participants must fill out a protocol, the form of which (as well as the form of the social mortgage agreement) must be approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tajikistan.

The third most important issue for social mortgage participants was the issue of purchasing housing in Kazan by nonresidents. As a rule, all those who contacted the hotline have lived and worked in Kazan for a long time, so they hoped to get housing in Kazan, too, although they were registered as in need of improved housing conditions in accordance with the previously established procedure - at the place of permanent registration. Living in rented housing without registering at their place of residence, such “Kazan residents” acquired the chance to acquire their own housing where they were currently most in demand. Now, each of them must prove their “exclusivity” in order to receive the right to choose an apartment in Kazan under the new rules.

Quite a lot of calls came from enterprise employees for whom the requirement to make a down payment of 30 percent of the cost of the future apartment turned out to be an unbearable burden, whereas previously for this category of social mortgage participants the down payment was at least 10 percent of the cost of the apartment. It turned out that not all enterprise employees are able to make such serious savings at the initial stage.

The rating of the issues that most concern the population concludes with the procedure for making changes to the accounting file. Restrictions introduced in August of this year in the distribution of housing under social mortgages force a significant part of applicants participating in the program to look for a way out of the current situation. For many, this solution is to increase the size of the family, which entails the procedure for making changes to the applicants’ records. In such cases, the family turns to the public housing commission, where it was registered as in need of improved housing conditions in the social mortgage system. Based on the submitted documents, the housing commission makes changes to the register of families and sends them to the State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan in the prescribed manner, the fund transmits new information to the authorized organization that conducts competitions for the selection of apartments.

Tatarstan residents are also concerned about a number of other issues related to the implementation of housing programs. As it turned out, many young families do not yet know that the customer of the “Providing Housing for Young Families” program is the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Tatarstan, where lists of future housing recipients are formed, which are then transferred to the State Housing Fund. Also, many of them, who contributed only 1 thousand rubles towards the future housing, expressed complaints about the need to make a 10% down payment starting from August. It turns out that they also do not know that they must (unlike participants in the social mortgage program, who are provided with housing in installments) immediately and in full pay for the housing they receive under the program.

Program participants are also interested in such questions, the answers to which seem to have been known for a long time (including to local government bodies working directly with the population). So, let us recall that families registered with a social mortgage before the birth of the child have the right to subsidies paid in the amount of 200 thousand rubles at the birth of a child; the cost of a square meter of housing currently being sold under the program cannot exceed 19 thousand rubles per 1 sq. m. meter; You can become a participant in the social mortgage program if the provision of a total area per family member is less than 18 square meters, all able-bodied family members work, have permanent registration in Tatarstan, work either in the public sector or in an enterprise that transfers voluntary payments for the development of housing construction, or belong to the category of those in need of emergency assistance, reports the press service of the State Housing Fund of the Republic of Tajikistan.

Comments on the article

2016-12-10 13:42:56
Hello! please tell me how it is possible to get back into the queue?

2016-11-20 19:08:24
Good evening! When will they start concluding social mortgage agreements, and the documents were submitted in November 2014??? Thank you.

2016-11-06 16:11:51
Hello, if you put 20% of the cost of the apartment, you must pay the minimum wage every month!?

2016-10-04 13:31:16
I won an apartment as an emergency worker. I signed the final protocol, but when I went to get the keys I found out that this apartment was registered to another person. Now they are telling me to terminate the contract if there are other options to choose from. What to do?

2016-09-21 13:18:05
Good afternoon Please tell me, I have submitted documents to the administration for a social mortgage. There was a refusal due to a low salary. In 2017, my salary will increase with the transition to another position. Will I be able to resubmit my documents? And until what year is the social mortgage valid?

2016-06-21 23:29:28
Hello! I have a question, in July 2014, my wife and I submitted an application for social security. mortgage from the organization, registration was completed successfully within 3 months, recently we also successfully entered our daughter into the application, they said that all the documents were passed well, but neither in 2015 nor in 2016, no matter what questions I asked about the priority, or the estimated time frame for receiving apartments, they say that we don’t have such information, everything is decided by the commission, is there really no reporting on the status of the priority?

2016-06-14 16:01:49
Social mortgages are EVIL, a mockery of people, until you get low-quality housing, life will fly by. Killers of hopes and dreams. GJF - EVIL

2016-06-07 20:31:32
Hello! When will they start concluding social mortgage agreements??? The documents were submitted in January 2013.

2016-03-10 15:51:04
Tell me, please, when will they fire (throw out in disgrace) an incompetent, rude and boorish hotline employee who has been behaving extremely impudently for more than one year, only aggravating the answers?

2016-02-15 13:55:51
Hello! I have a question: our family received a social mortgage. After the birth of our second child, in order to use financial capital, we switched to a Loan Agreement. And after the birth of our third child, do we have the right to receive a subsidy in the amount of 200 thousand rubles?