The procedure for approving the redevelopment of an apartment and the list of necessary documents. How and where to approve the redevelopment of an apartment Stages of obtaining permission


Coordination of apartment redevelopment is enshrined at the legislative level, but specific schemes for this process differ in different cities of the Russian Federation.

For example, in Moscow, the Moszhilinspektsiya body was created; in St. Petersburg, the State Housing Inspectorate deals with appeals of this kind. Functions in other cities approval or disapproval of redevelopment is assigned to local administrations through the MFC.

Approval body

A management company (MC) is created to manage a residential building. It operates on the basis of an agreement concluded with the owners within the framework of the provisions of Section 8 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and the government decree “On approval of the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building” dated August 13, 2006.

The management company is entrusted with the functions of ensuring safe living conditions, provide utilities and monitor how all components of the building are operated. The management company is responsible for the condition of the common property, foundation, roof, elevator, garbage chute, ventilation, water supply pipes, sewerage pipes, and so on.

Do I need to contact the management company before registering with the housing inspectorate?

The answer to the question of approval from the Criminal Code depends on the region in which the citizen who started the redevelopment lives. Management firms review applications for redevelopment in most regional cities, but there are exceptions.

For example, in Moscow, the functions of the management company are limited; the housing inspection is responsible for reviewing applications. However, as a rule, the matter cannot proceed without the participation of the management company. The inspectorate has the right to request a certificate from the Criminal Code stating that the enterprise has no objections to the conduct of certain works, as well as confirmation that the redevelopment project contains reliable data.

If there is no specialized body in the city, then the function of approving redevelopment remains with the management company. She will be the first to review the project.

Does the management company have the right to conduct an inspection of the premises?

As we said above, the management company monitors all kinds of repair work and checks whether they interfere with the safe existence of residents.

Therefore, if neighbors have suspicions, the management company can send its employees to inspect the apartment for illegal planning. The owner of the property has the right to ask the employees of the management company for a document on the basis of which they came to check the living space; the management company, in turn, may require documents to establish the fact of redevelopment.

Where can I apply on my own if the Criminal Code refuses?

It happens that problems arise already at the first stage of approval and the management company does not give its consent to carry out the work. In this case, the property owner should find out what kind of alteration the company has complaints about.

It should be remembered that there are illegal redevelopments - a citizen will not be able to defend them neither in the city administration, nor in court, where it is absolutely useless to go. Such redevelopment works include:

Non-approval of redevelopment by the management company is the first alarm bell for the owner. The property owner has the right to provide the management company with an adjusted plan, eliminating all alterations for which claims were made.

And we do not recommend carrying out alterations on your own without permission - if the management company finds out about this, it will demand that you return everything to its original form and at your own expense. But even if the redevelopment remains secret, the owner will have problems selling the home.

Functions of the housing inspection

  1. Reception and review of documents for redevelopment.
  2. Issuance of permits or reasoned refusals.
  3. Approval or refusal of approval of already completed redevelopments.
  4. Issuance of certificates of completed redevelopment.
  5. Supervision and identification of illegal redevelopment facts.
  6. Issuing orders requiring the premises to be returned to their original condition.
  7. Drawing up protocols on administrative violations.

The housing inspection is involved in redevelopment at all stages and has broader powers than management companies.

Who is responsible for providing municipal services for legalizing redevelopment?

Nowadays You can submit documents for approval without leaving your home; to do this, you should register on the State Services website or the Moscow Housing Inspectorate website.

What documents are needed to order installation papers?

The Housing Inspectorate of the Russian Federation works with a minimum package of documents, since it requests the bulk of the certificates independently. The following package of installation papers must be submitted to the Multifunctional Center:

  • Application for approval of redevelopment.
  • A document confirming ownership of the premises.
  • Reconstruction or redevelopment project.
  • Technical passport of the residential premises (floor plan, explication, extracts of their technical passport, certificate of condition of the building/premises).

Additionally, written consent of family members for redevelopment must be provided if the applicant occupies the premises on the basis of a social tenancy agreement.

“I want to do it right,” - who should I deal with in order to legitimize?


The Housing Inspectorate accepts documents from citizens through the MFC. To approve repair work of this type, you should approach the MFC with three basic documents:

  • registration certificate of the apartment;
  • developed redevelopment project;
  • and a certificate of title.

You should also have a passport of a Russian citizen with you. At the MFC itself, the operator will issue an application form. Based on the results of consideration of the application and package of documents, a decision on approval is issued with the signature of an authorized person. Read more about how to legalize redevelopment through the MFC.

Public services

The service is provided free of charge for up to 45 days. Registration of an application may be refused for the following reasons:

  • the redevelopment plan is contrary to the law;
  • documents were submitted to the wrong authority, false information was provided.

If the administrator has no complaints, the decision will be positive. The citizen will be informed about it in his personal account.

Note that First of all, you should log in to the website, select the appropriate option and, following the prompts, upload the necessary documents(scanned copies required).

The list does not differ from the one that citizens submit personally to the MFC:

  1. Project agreed upon with the management company.
  2. Title document.
  3. Technical passport from BTI.
  4. Application for refurbishment of an apartment.

You will find all the details of registration of apartment redevelopment through State Services.


The Technical Inventory Bureau is an organization engaged in systematizing and collecting information about real estate; it also issues documents necessary for carrying out various operations with the housing stock, including legal redevelopment.

BTI does not issue permission for redevelopment; it only records intentions and clarifies inventory changes after completion of the work. We recommend contacting the office before starting repair work.

The first step is to obtain a technical passport for real estate: go to the “single BTI window” with a civil passport, a certificate of ownership of housing and consult on the possibility of agreeing on redevelopment.

The production time for a new passport is 10 days. The cost of the service is 1800 rubles.

We described in detail how to coordinate the redevelopment of an apartment in the BTI and how much it will cost.

Which specialist approves redevelopment after renovation?

After completion of the repair work, the apartment must be accepted by the commission. It must include a representative of the housing inspection. If common property was affected during the work, a person from the management company also checks the condition of the property.

During the inspection process, the commission must make sure that the final condition of the apartment corresponds to what was specified in the project.

If no problems are found, the inspector signs a certificate of completed redevelopment. The form of this act is handed over to the owner at the time of the start of construction work.

Where to contact about registration in Rosreestr?

After completion of the repair work, all changes made should be certified by the cadastral authority - to enter new data, the owner must provide a redevelopment plan and an act of completed redevelopment signed by the housing commission to Rosreestr.

A new extract from the Unified State Register is issued within 1 month. Only after receiving this document can the redevelopment be considered completely completed and legitimate.

As you can see, in the Russian Federation there are organizations and inspections that are entrusted with the functions of approving the redevelopment of apartments. Such a lengthy procedure is associated with the peculiarities of repair work affecting general engineering and utility structures. The first step is to coordinate the redevelopment with the management company, then contact the housing inspectorate or the relevant department.

If desired, any citizen can submit documents for approval online. The main thing is to have in your hands a redevelopment project created by professionals, a document confirming ownership of the apartment and a technical passport of the housing.

Many people are thinking about remodeling their apartment. They want to make an arch, combine several rooms or improve the layout. Fundamental changes are made only after receiving appropriate permission from the authorities. This is due to the fact that all adjustments must be safe and reliable, and it is not allowed to affect the load-bearing wall. Therefore, it is important to know where to coordinate the redevelopment of an apartment, what documents are prepared for this, as well as what preliminary actions are performed.

What changes are recorded?

Not all changes to a home require a permit. But if you plan to make drastic adjustments, then approval is a mandatory process. When do you need to approve the redevelopment of an apartment? The process is carried out by implementing the following actions:

  • installation or dismantling of window or door openings is carried out;
  • the location of various plumbing equipment changes, which leads to an increase in the load on the water supply system;
  • changing the gas stove to electric appliances;
  • the toilet is moved to another place;
  • capital partitions are installed.

All of the above actions require significant repairs and changes to the most important systems of the room. Therefore, permission to redevelop the apartment is required, issued by the BTI.

When is approval not required?

Before various small works, home owners think about whether it is necessary to coordinate the redevelopment of the apartment. Permission is not required when performing the following work:

  • partitions that are not load-bearing are dismantled;
  • there is no increase in housing area;
  • light partitions are installed that do not exert a significant load on the entire structure of the house;
  • several rooms are not combined;
  • the area that is a public place is not used;
  • property belonging to other residents of the building is not affected in any way.

Under the above conditions, standard work is implemented that does not require changes to the BTI database.

What actions are prohibited?

Some repair work is simply prohibited in residential premises, as they can negatively affect the service life and integrity of the entire structure. What cannot be agreed upon when remodeling an apartment? It is impossible to obtain permission for the following types of work:

  • as a result of the implemented actions, the living conditions of citizens worsen;
  • damage is caused to the structure of the house, so there is a threat to the safety of residents;
  • the ventilation system in residential premises is narrowed or completely dismantled;
  • it is planned to install partitions that are too heavy, putting significant pressure on the entire structure of the house;
  • the kitchen, which has a gas stove, is combined with a living room or other living space;
  • the appearance of the building deteriorates;
  • the balcony is combined with the living room;
  • the heating system for the loggia is extended;
  • a warm floor is being formed, and it is planned to connect it to the heating system in the house.

If the documents submitted to the administration and the BTI for approval contain the above changes in residential premises, then a refusal to carry out redevelopment will be immediately received. If work is carried out without obtaining prior permission, this will lead to the fact that future changes will not be legalized. Selling such an apartment is quite difficult, since buyers will be aware of problems with the design of the premises.

Additionally, the owner of the premises may be held liable for illegal and dangerous adjustments. He will be obliged to remodel the premises to their original condition. If he refuses, he will have to pay a significant fine, and there is also a possibility that the home will be confiscated and sold at auction.

Consequences of illegal redevelopment

Many people make various changes to their living spaces without first obtaining permission to redevelop the apartment. This leads to the appearance of illegal changes, since they are not registered in the BTI. The main negative consequences of such a decision include:

  • payment of a fine in the amount of 2 to 2.5 thousand rubles;
  • officials will demand that residential premises be returned to their previous condition, so a lot of time and effort will have to be spent on repair work;
  • if the requirement is not met, a trial will begin, as a result of which a decision is made to sell the property, for which electronic auctions are held;
  • the owner of the premises receives only compensation payment after the sale of the property;
  • if people use municipal premises, then the social rent agreement with them is terminated;
  • a ban is imposed on performing various registration actions with the property;
  • It will not be possible to carry out even standard unauthorized repairs, since various actions can lead to destruction of the structure or various emergencies.

When choosing any residential premises, buyers check on the basis of technical documents whether the apartment has any illegal redevelopment. It can be legitimized only on the condition that all actions were safe and correct. Otherwise, you may face serious negative consequences, which is why buyers usually refuse such “problem” apartments.

Stages of obtaining permission

The redevelopment of the apartment is being approved by the BTI. The procedure involves performing several successive steps. These include:

  • It is necessary to carry out approval before making direct changes to the design of the residential premises;
  • Initially, you need to contact the BTI, since it is this organization that is responsible for registering all changes to residential premises registered in Russia;
  • a conclusion is issued by BTI employees on the condition of the object;
  • the floor plan is transmitted;
  • Based on the information received, a project for redevelopment of the apartment is drawn up for approval;
  • in the department for major repairs of a specific region, you need to obtain an opinion on the condition of the house, based on documents from the BTI and the project generated by the applicant;
  • then a permit for redevelopment is issued at the SES and the city fire inspection, and specialists from these institutions check not only the immediate project, but also the documents received by the citizen from the administration and the BTI;
  • the final stage involves contacting the city architecture department, as well as obtaining permission from the housing inspection, since it is these organizations that make the final decision on the possibility of changing the design of residential premises.

It is not recommended to ignore the SES or fire inspection, since if there is no permission from these authorities, the legality of the redevelopment may be challenged. Additionally, such actions on the part of the property owner may result in the need to pay significant fines.

If the project is truly drawn up by professionals, and there are no plans to affect capital structures, then there will be no difficulties in obtaining permission. People who want to carry out serious repair work should know where to coordinate the redevelopment of the apartment in order to contact the necessary authorities immediately.

What documents are required?

To coordinate significant changes in the apartment, it is necessary to prepare the relevant papers in different organizations. These may vary from organization to organization. The documents required for redevelopment of the apartment are represented by the following papers:

  • passports of all owners or residents of the apartment;
  • title documents for housing;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate;
  • redevelopment project drawn up by experienced professionals;
  • floor plan obtained from BTI;
  • an agreement drawn up with a contractor to perform work in an apartment;
  • an extract from the house register containing information about the persons registered in the apartment;
  • technical report issued by BTI specialists;
  • consent to changes drawn up by all residents of the apartment;
  • a certificate confirming that citizens have no debts for utility services;
  • payment documents.

Additionally, other papers may be required.

Artist selection

Difficulties in obtaining permission usually arise if property owners plan to carry out renovation work themselves. It is advisable to entrust this process to professionals. A formal contract is drawn up with the selected contractor.

If you figure out where to coordinate the redevelopment of the apartment, then this process will not take much time, and you will not have to spend a large amount of money on it.

What does resolution look like?

After approval of the redevelopment, the owner of the premises receives permission for the planned work. It is represented by an official document that includes the following information:

  • name of the authority that issued the document;
  • direct text allowing specific changes to be made in the apartment;
  • date of document preparation;
  • validity period of the permit;
  • signatures of authorized persons;
  • seal of the organization.

The text usually contains recommendations on the basis of which it is necessary to make adjustments to the existing project. If a refusal is received, the problems in the documents can be eliminated, for which 3 months are given. After this, you can contact government organizations again.

How to legalize the redevelopment of an apartment in 2018?

Many people choose to carry out renovation work without first obtaining permission for the process. As a result, it will be difficult for citizens to sell such an object.

The question arises about how to legalize the redevelopment of an apartment in 2018. The process is necessarily accompanied by the payment of a fine in the amount of 2 to 2.5 thousand rubles.

If all changes are reliable and safe, then you can get permission for existing changes. To do this, you can contact the court or government organizations.

Methods to legalize redevelopment

There are two ways to register changes that have already been made:

  • administrative, which consists of collecting relevant documents, which are then transmitted to all necessary government agencies;
  • The judicial method involves going to court to force changes to the BTI.

It is advisable to obtain permission for this process before making changes, and only then carry out repairs.


All people planning to change the design of their home should know where to coordinate the redevelopment of an apartment, what documents are required for this, and also what difficulties may be encountered. A permit is not always required if the adjustments are minor.

If changes are made without permission, the redevelopment will be considered illegal. It can be legalized administratively or judicially.

They don’t have an ideal layout, let alone apartment buildings built in the Soviet era. Probably, in their hearts, everyone dreams of making their home unique and more comfortable in their own way. In this case, redevelopment comes to the rescue, implying any change in the configuration of the premises.

You can make the space of your apartment more free by removing unnecessary interior partitions using dismantling window sill area increase natural light in the kitchen or room, increase the area wet zone, combining the toilet with the bathroom and expanding the combined bathroom into the corridor.

However, when planning to renovate their apartment, many do not even think about the legality of their actions. Meanwhile, it is necessary to coordinate the redevelopment. Some citizens who decided to neglect this process and did it in the apartment unauthorized redevelopment in violation of building and sanitary standards have already lost their ownership rights.

At the same time, preparing to carry out radical transformations of their living space on the basis of permits, every property owner is faced with the question of where to approve the redevelopment of the apartment?

In order to definitely say where to approve the redevelopment of an apartment, you need to know where it is located, since the procedures for approving the redevelopment of premises in the capital and the region are slightly different.

Where to coordinate the redevelopment of an apartment in Moscow?

The main institution in Moscow approving the redevelopment of apartments is the housing inspection, departments which operate in every district of the city.

The Moscow Housing Inspectorate, through the regional branches of the multifunctional center of public services (“My Documents”), accepts papers from applicants for approval.

Find out what documents will be required to approve your redevelopment.

It also issues permission to carry out redevelopment work or a written refusal to carry out repairs. And also draws up acts of completion of reconstruction and redevelopment.

Samples of documents from the Moscow Housing Inspectorate:

The Housing Inspectorate is the main government agency in the capital approving redevelopment, but not the only one.

Depending on the complexity of the repair and the type of work, the redevelopment project will additionally have to be coordinated with other authorities.

To redevelop an apartment located in mortgage, you will need a certificate from the bank that it is not against major repairs in it.

The Moscow Department of Cultural Heritage will require permission if the apartment is located in a building that is classified as a capital historical and cultural monument.

In this case, instead of a redevelopment project, a company with a special license from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation is developing fixture project .

Where can you coordinate the redevelopment of an apartment if you plan to change the facade wall of the house? The answer is in the State Budgetary Institution GlavAPU.

All documents and certificates received from the listed organizations, together with the main package of documents, are transferred to the Moscow Housing Inspectorate for study.

Where can I coordinate the redevelopment of an apartment in the Moscow region?

In the Moscow region, redevelopments are carried out by local administrations or their structural divisions, which approve them. For example, it could be the city department of architecture and urban planning.

Moreover, each city has its own regulations for redevelopment of residential premises.

You can get additional information about where to coordinate the redevelopment of an apartment from our consultants. Ask your questions by

Before signing, draft documents are in some cases agreed upon with interested institutions, structural divisions, and individual officials.

This is done to check the feasibility and timeliness, compliance with applicable laws and regulations and is, in essence, an assessment of the project.

Coordination is carried out inside and outside the institution.

Document approval visa

Internal consistency carried out with those units whose participation is provided for in the implementation of this document. In institutions that have a legal service, documents are agreed upon with a lawyer before signing. The document can also be agreed upon with the deputy head of the institution who oversees the issues reflected in the document.

If the execution of a document involves financial costs, approval is required from the financial service (chief accountant).

Usually these are contracts and agreements concluded by an organization (firm) for the receipt or release of inventory, performance of work and services; orders on establishing official salaries, wage increases, bonuses, etc. Thus, an accountant visa is provided for on a large number of documents.

Internal approval is issued by a document approval visa, consisting of indication of the position of the endorser, his signature, its decoding (initials and surname) and date.

In case of disagreement with the document, or if there are any comments or additions to the draft, they are stated on a separate sheet, signed and attached to the document. In this case, the visa is issued as follows:

Visa location: if the original document is sent, then the visa is located below the signature or on the left margin of the last sheet of the copy that will be left at the institution.

For documents whose originals remain in the organization (these are primarily internal documents), the visa is affixed to the back of the last sheet of the first copy of the original document.

The institution must have list of essential documents indicating the persons whose visas are required upon registration. It is advisable to give such a list in the appendix to. Office workers should know well without whose visas a document cannot be submitted to the manager for signature.

If there is a computer network, the text of a document can be coordinated simultaneously with several specialists without printing it on paper.

Document approval stamp

External approval depending on the content, it can be carried out with subordinate and non-subordinate bodies, if the content of the document affects their interests, with research organizations, public organizations, state and departmental control bodies, and higher authorities.

External approval of a document can be formalized by a protocol of approval or discussion of the draft document, a certificate, but most often by the stamp of approval of the document.

Approval stamp has two options: agreement with a specific official and agreement with another document, most often a letter, protocol, etc.

In the first case, after the word AGREED, the name of the position is indicated, including the name of the organization, a personal signature is placed, its explanation is given and the date is indicated. In the second case, after the word AGREED, the type of document, its date and number are indicated.

The word AGREED is written in capital letters without quotation marks.

If coordination with several organizations is necessary, a separate approval sheet can be drawn up.

The procedure for approving a document is familiar to every secretary and executor. For those who are unfamiliar, we remind you: the draft document, carefully prepared by the contractor, goes through an approval procedure before receiving the signature of the general director. Specially appointed officials look at the project, each in their own area, and either agree with what is written (agree) or disagree (disagree). All this is properly reflected in special props. We will look into how to complete it correctly, as well as how the “approval stamp” requisite differs from the “approval visa” requisite, in the article.

Who are the approving persons?

As already mentioned, approving officials are officials who need to present the project before signing.

Each organization compiles a list of approving persons independently, but each of the managers - which is logical - should review the project only within the scope of their competence. Let's take an ordinary contract as an example. Its “monetary” part must be agreed upon by the chief accountant: whether the amount is calculated correctly, the tax is indicated, installments are established, etc. The integrity of the counterparty will be checked by the head of the security service. Is the contract drawn up correctly and are all the interests of the company respected in it - the head of the legal department, and so on.

Which of the SLs agrees on which aspect must be specified in a local regulatory act. This could be an instruction on office work, a provision on contractual work (but then the information will relate only to contracts) or a regular order.

Thus, having created the document, the contractor himself determines the composition of the approving persons and carries out the approval. The secretary’s duty is to review the approval visas when accepting a document for signature by the director and determine whether they have been collected correctly.

How is approval carried out?

There are two ways to agree on a document: either by running around all the necessary managers, or by conducting electronic approval. The latter, of course, is more convenient and faster. You can read about the available means by following the link. If an organization operates an electronic document management system, electronic approval of documents is mandatory.

Vulture or visa?

The agreement is drawn up in accordance with. Let's open it and find out that here we are offered two details:

23 – document approval stamp

24 – visa document approval

What is the difference? It’s very simple: the stamp is issued by a third party. A higher, controlling, supervisory authority will put an approval mark on the document. Visa in which the document is created. Again:

The neck is coordinated from the outside. Visa - from the inside.

How to obtain an approval stamp?

If a draft document needs to be approved externally, the process goes as follows:

  1. The company that authored the document sends the project to the approving organization or body. To do this, you need to write a simple one with elementary text:

Please approve the project...

The letter is signed by the General Director.

  1. The approving organization or body receives the letter and, in accordance with its rules, carries out the approval procedure within a specified time period (usually 30 days).
  2. An official’s signature is not always sufficient for approval. In some cases, the project is reviewed by the appropriate commission (collegium, headquarters, etc.). Then the agreement is formalized in the minutes of the meeting or the decision - these are separate documents.
  3. The response is also sent to the author of the document by letter. The text is still simple:

We are sending you the agreed project...

At the meeting of the commission..., held on September 16, 2015, the project... was agreed upon (minutes of the meeting are attached).

If the approval was carried out personally by an official, then he himself signs the stamp:


Head of the Department of State Supervision in the Provision of Transport Services in the Volgograd Region

Kolesov I.N. Kolesov


Required components of the props:

  1. the word AGREED, written in capital letters;
  2. position of the approving person indicating the organization (government body);
  3. his personal signature;
  4. initials, surname;
  5. date of approval.

If the approval is contained in a document, then a copy of this document is sent to the author of the project, and the approval stamp is filled out by the executor:


Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated September 16, 2015 No. Ikh-3945-3/4


Minutes of the meeting of the Commission for providing leisure time for schoolchildren during the autumn holidays under the Department of Education of Samara dated September 16, 2015 No. 1.

How to apply for a visa approval?

Internal approval is drawn up in a similar way, with the difference that it is enough to indicate only the position of the SL, and the name of the organization is not written.

There is no word AGREED above visas in GOST. You can do without it. But it wouldn’t be a mistake to put it if it’s not obvious what the signatures are. For example, so as not to confuse the visas for approving the order with the signatures of persons familiar with it.

Head of HR Department

Drobysheva A.V. Drobysheva


Internal approval can also be formalized in a protocol:


Minutes of the EC meeting dated September 16, 2015 No. 6

If there are many approving persons or for some reason it is undesirable to show extra signatures on the document, it is drawn up.

Where are the visa and stamp located?

The document approval stamp is usually located a couple of lines below the “Signature” attribute, closer to the left margin of the page.

There are more options for the location of approval visas:

  • under the text (for example, as in the Act on the allocation for destruction of documents not subject to storage);
  • on the back of the document (for example, in orders for main activities); if the document is multi-page, then on the back of the last page;
  • on your copy of the document (for example, on a visa copy of a letter or on your copy of a contract).

Do they always put “agreed”?

Of course not. The approving person reads the document and does not always immediately agree with its contents. In addition to the positive “Agreed,” the performer may receive the following response:

  • “not agreed” is when the SL is categorically against this document being signed until the errors made in it are eliminated;
  • “agreed with comments” - when the approving manager found inaccuracies in the draft that will not entail legal consequences and will not affect the legal validity of the document in the future, but, nevertheless, must be eliminated before signing. For example, lack of page numbers, grammatical errors, incorrect abbreviation, etc. If there are many comments, they are listed on a separate sheet. You cannot write “s/z” and not indicate your comments.

“Not agreed” is not written in the details. “Agreed with comments” can be placed in the details with comments attached. The secretary, having seen such a visa, is obliged to check that the comments have been eliminated, and only after that accept the draft for signature.