Will mat capital be indexed? All about indexation of maternity capital: how does it affect the amount? Major changes this year


Amount of maternity capital 2017-2018year interests many couples with children. Was the amount of maternity capital increased in 2017 and what will happen to it in 2018, as happened previously, is the program expected to be extended - we will talk about this and much more in this article.

The amount of maternity capital in 2017-2018

Since 2007, a maternity capital program has been operating in the Russian Federation, designed to provide additional support to families with children. Its validity period was initially 10 years, that is, from the beginning of 2007 to the end of 2016, but the program was subsequently extended until December 31, 2018.

We are talking about providing a one-time state subsidy, which is designed to provide families with children with an improvement in their financial situation. By 2016, this program had already been used by more than 5 million families in which a second (and subsequent) child was born or adopted since the beginning of 2007. The family can use the funds provided by the program only after the child turns 3 years old. They can only be spent on certain purposes, namely:

  • for children's education;
  • pension provision for the mother (adoptive mother);
  • improvement of housing conditions: including the family has the right to repay a mortgage loan with the help of MK, use it as a down payment on a mortgage, as well as purchase (construction) of an apartment or house;
  • purchasing goods and paying for services intended for the social adaptation of disabled children.

Moreover, in most cases, the opportunity to use family capital arises immediately after the birth (adoption) of the second (subsequent) child. For example, you can spend MK to repay a housing loan or pay a down payment, etc. In addition, this government support is not subject to personal income tax.

Indexation of maternity capital in 2017-2018

The amount of maternity capital, according to the program, is subject to annual indexation in accordance with the level of price growth and inflation, and at first the indexation was carried out regularly.

Thus, initially the amount of maternity capital was 250,000 rubles; in 2014, as a result of indexation, the amount reached 429,408 rubles, and in 2015 it increased again to 453,026 rubles. The relatively low indexation coefficient is due to objective reasons, primarily the economic recession. In particular, during 2015-2016 there was a long-term decline in federal budget revenues, which led, among other things, to a decrease in the purchasing power of maternity capital.

Since 2016, indexation of maternity capital has been suspended and will not be carried out until 2020.

Don't know your rights?

How much is maternity capital now?

Compared to the previous year, the amount of maternity capital did not increase. That is, maternity capital in 2017-2018 is 453,026 rubles.

By the way, during the entire period of this program, the size of the family capital increased by more than 200,000 rubles.

Certificate for maternity capital 2017-2018

To obtain a certificate for maternity capital, families in which a second (subsequent) child was born, or those who adopted him, must go to the Pension Fund of Russia (Pension Fund of Russia) (for more details, see:). At the moment, we are talking about the possibility of receiving maternity capital until December 31, 2018, but this does not mean that the certificate will cease to be valid in 2019. This is not so: the threshold is set only for the period associated with the birth (adoption) of the second and subsequent children, who will be eligible to receive a certificate and use it.

The current legislation of the Russian Federation does not indicate the presence of any time restrictions, so in order to obtain a certificate, you will need to collect and submit the appropriate package of documents to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at your place of residence, and this can be done until the child (born or adopted during the previously agreed upon period) turns 23 years old. . Along with the documents, an application is also submitted, for consideration of which a month is allotted.

Maternity capital news 2017-2018

Many people are concerned about the question of whether the duration of the maternity capital program will continue to be extended? It is currently proposed to extend it until 2026, but a final decision has not yet been made. There are different opinions on this matter; this initiative has both supporters and opponents. The former refer to the significant improvement in the demographic situation in the country over the last 10 years, while the latter call for a regime of austerity in the difficult economic situation that has developed in Russia today.

There is also a third party that offers a compromise option, which consists in a proposal to limit the number of recipients of such state support, leaving only those families whose incomes do not reach the average level. At present, no compromise has been reached on this issue.

Throughout its existence, the maternity capital program has undergone many changes. Among the most significant, it is worth noting the expansion of areas for using funds: from 01/01/2016, maternity capital can be used to purchase goods and pay for services intended for the social adaptation of disabled children.

No changes are expected in terms of a fundamental increase in the size of maternity capital. At the end of 2015, a bill was proposed for consideration, the essence of which was to increase the amount of maternity capital for 2015-2016 and subsequent years to 1.5 million rubles. for families who have given birth or adopted a third child. However, the initiative was not approved. By the way, in September 2014, the Ministry of Economic Development raised the issue of optimizing budget expenditures for 2015, 2016 and 2017, and a proposal was made to terminate the maternity capital program. In this case, savings per year could amount to up to 300 billion rubles. But this proposal did not find support in the government; as a result, these funds were included in the budget in full.

Maternity capital (MK) is special support from the Government of the Russian Federation for families raising 2 or more children. The program started on January 1. 2007, over the past ten years good results have been achieved, namely, there have been positive changes in the dynamics of the country's demography.

A family can count on receiving financial assistance only if it has not previously used alternative measures of government support (for example, obtaining housing on preferential terms, participating in various programs, and so on). Today, MK is an effective and efficient method of financial assistance for citizens, which allows not only to improve the budget of a particular family, but also has a positive effect for the entire country.

You are allowed to receive maternity capital once. Once your home has been filled with the laughter of your second and subsequent babies, you can receive a certificate, but only once. The amount of MK is determined by the Government of Russia. If the MK value has changed, and you have already received a certificate, but have not used it yet, then there is no need to change the document itself. The document value will be adjusted automatically.

Financial assistance in the form of maternity capital began to be officially provided in 2007, but until that moment there was a lot of talk about it in the media. The program was originally planned for ten years. However, the program subsequently became very popular. Even despite certain financing difficulties due to the current economic situation, it was possible to achieve an increase in the birth rate in the state and an improvement in a number of other indicators.

This influenced the decision of the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, to extend the deadlines further until 2018. Amendments to the legislative document were made at the end of 2015.

A new bill was not developed; the changes affected the existing law. Therefore, obtaining MK in 2017 is carried out according to the same rules as before:

  • Fathers and mothers (if they are the only adoptive parents) receive priority rights.
  • The amount provided may be spent strictly on specific purposes permitted by the Government. Money can be used in four main areas, which we will discuss below. In addition, citizens can partially cash out the certificate amount and receive one-time payments, if this is in accordance with the current anti-crisis program.
  • You are allowed to use financial support after three years have passed from the date of addition to your family.

It is important to know: If you are going to spend the MK amount on the adaptation of disabled children or on participation in the mortgage lending program, you do not need to wait three years. As soon as you have the certificate in your hands, begin using it for its intended purpose.

Indexation of maternity capital and its size in 2017

The sixth article of the Federal Law No. 433 regulates the indexation of MK. Thus, according to this article, the amount of maternity capital must be indexed annually taking into account the constantly increasing inflation. Due to this scheme, it was possible to increase the size of the MC by more than 80% from the introduction of the program until 2015. At the very beginning, families received a little more than 250 thousand rubles , in 2015, Russians raising two or more children already received more than 450 thousand rubles .
However, last year it was decided not to comply with the rule established by law and not to carry out indexation. Thus, last year the size of maternity capital remained unchanged and amounted to. Last fall, it became known that the Government decided not to index the MK in 2017 either. In mid-December, after the President of the Russian Federation signed the annual federal budget, the MK for the current year was officially determined. He compiled 453,026 rubles .

One-time payments from maternity capital of 25 thousand

Many young families are concerned about the possibility of receiving a one-time payment of 25,000 rubles, as was the case in 2016 as part of the anti-crisis program and the program to support young families. Alas, nothing can be predicted now, because only on January 19, Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev instructed the ministries until April 5 develop the question of the feasibility of such support in 2017.

If we take the experience of the previous year, when the deadline for this issue was limited to April 19, we can conclude that this year a decision can be expected only in the summer. Last year, this law was adopted on June 23, and this is the month we need to focus on.

Preliminarily, we can only say that such a measure was in great demand. The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, headed by Maxim Anatolyevich Topilin, is inclined to decide in favor of extending the practice of one-time payments. Moreover, there is an initiative to increase the size of this payment in the amount of fifty thousand rubles. Of course, the Ministry of Finance is both against increasing the size and against payments as such.

Who has the right to receive maternity capital

According to current legislation, the following can benefit from state support in the form of MK:

  1. Citizens of the Russian Federation who adopted or gave birth to their 2nd and subsequent children after the start of the program.
  2. Citizens of the Russian Federation, if they adopted the second and subsequent children after the start of the program (the court decision must be dated no earlier than this period) and are the only adoptive parent.
  3. Men (fathers of children or those who have adopted children) if a woman who meets the conditions of the first paragraph has lost the right to receive state support. The man's nationality is not taken into account.

A woman cannot receive state support if she:

  • Passed away;
  • Lost parental rights to the child whose adoption or birth provided the right to MK teaching;
  • She committed a crime against children maliciously.
  • Adult (up to 23 years of age) or minor children (provided that the adults are studying full-time at a university) with only one parent, when the father or mother has lost the right to receive state support.

For example, there was a full-fledged family with one child. During the birth of her second child, the mother died. In this case, the father will issue the certificate and receive the MK.

The guarantor of the right to receive financial assistance in the form of MK is a special certificate, a sample of which is established by the state.

What can you spend maternity capital on in 2017?

Four main areas have been identified on which maternity capital can be spent. Let's sort them out.
The first direction that is chosen more often than others: improving living conditions. It allows you to spend financial assistance in the form of maternal capital to repay loans and other types of loans that were issued for the purpose of purchasing your own home (mortgage lending programs and others).

First direction: the amount can be spent on repairs or reconstruction to expand the area of ​​housing, as well as to compensate for the costs invested in the construction of one’s own house, for self-repair of the house (money can be spent on paying the builder and purchasing the necessary building materials). According to the legislation, it is allowed to use the provided amount to participate in shared construction.

For example, you purchased a mortgage before the birth of your first child. After the birth of your second baby, you can use the certificate amount to pay off the remaining mortgage debt.

Second direction is education. The amount can be used to pay for the child’s attendance at kindergarten and for further education at a higher educational institution. It is also allowed to pay for the student’s accommodation in the university dormitory.

Third direction: healthcare. It is allowed to use financial assistance to pay for medical goods and services that are necessary for the adaptation of a disabled child to society. And also to pay for medical services received by both the child and the mother. In addition, it is allowed to use maternity capital funds to pay for expensive operations if there is a threat to life.

AND fourth direction: pension contributions. MK funds can be invested through permitted financial structures, for example, through non-state pension funds.

According to the general rules, funds can begin to be spent after the child reaches three years of age. But if you plan to use the certificate in the first direction, you are allowed to ignore this rule.

In order to protect MK from unjustified waste, certificates cannot be cashed out, according to current legislation. Unfortunately, financial assistance cannot be used to purchase a vehicle, make payments on existing consumer loans, pay off existing debts and other needs that are not listed in the four areas.

Attention: You can receive maternity capital only by non-cash means and only for the purposes specified above. Today, many scammers offer to sell your maternal family certificate or cash it in other ways. Remember this illegal, you may be subject to criminal prosecution.

Maternity capital for the 3rd, 4th, 5th child

MK for the 3rd, 4th, 5th child and subsequent children not issued, if the family previously used their right to receive state support after the birth of their second child. Let us remind you that according to current legislation, you can receive maternity capital once.

If the Government re-issued certificates after the third, fourth or fifth child, each family would receive more than 1,500,000 rubles in total. Unfortunately, the Russian economy and state budget cannot yet allow this.

If your family already has two children and the birth of a third baby is in the near future, it is better to wait for the birth of the third baby and then issue a certificate for him. This will increase the amount of financial assistance. If the family already has three children, wait until the fourth is born. This will allow you to issue a certificate for a larger amount, since the more children in the family, the higher the certificate amount.

It is also important to consider that the first child may be born before the start of the 2007 program and be an adult. For example, the eldest son or daughter was born in 1997, and the youngest last year. At the time of the birth of the youngest child, the older one had already reached adulthood. You are still eligible to apply for and receive a certificate.

However, if the parents or parent live in regions where there is an unfavorable demographic situation, the certificate is issued twice. For example, in the Republic of Bashkortostan, MK is provided for each adopted child.

Documents for maternity capital

A certificate for receiving MK is issued after submitting a package of documents to the authorized government body. The package includes the following documents:

  • Birth certificate for each child.
  • Completed application.
  • If the second or subsequent children are adopted, a court decision on adoption must be provided. A document confirming the citizenship of the child (this is necessary for families where the mother or father of the child does not have Russian citizenship).
  • Applicant's passport.

Copies of documents are provided. If all the documents provided are normal, then after 30 days the applicant can receive a certificate.

How to apply for maternity capital in 2017 for your second child

Registration of maternity capital involves obtaining a special certificate. To obtain the desired certificate, you need to take a few simple steps.

  1. First of all, you need to wait until the child’s birth certificate is received. When adopting, you must wait for the court decision to take effect.
  2. Next, we begin collecting documents, which will not take much time. According to current legislation, there is no set deadline within which parents must collect documents. Thus, even several years after the birth of the baby, you can exercise your right to receive support from the state.
  3. Having collected the package of documents listed above, we provide them to the Pension Fund in person, by mail or through the applicant.
  4. We receive a certificate. You can do this in person, or you can receive a certificate by mail. As a rule, the authorized body makes a decision to issue a certificate no more than a month later. After a positive decision, you can pick it up immediately or receive it by mail within five business days.

Until what year was maternity capital extended for the second child?

Initially, the family support program was supposed to operate for a period of 10 years, starting from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2016. But, speaking in 2015 before the Federal Assembly, the President of the Russian Federation instructed the government to extend this program for another two years, until December 31, 2018.

Only time will tell whether the program will be extended beyond 2019. Experts believe that the situation in the oil market and the upcoming presidential elections in 2018 make it possible to extend the program for at least another two years. But you probably shouldn’t expect indexation of maternity capital.

Let's sum it up

Today, MK is an effective method of supporting Russian families. A huge number of families throughout the Russian Federation received assistance in purchasing their own housing and were able to buy an apartment or build a private house. The effectiveness of MK as a whole for the entire country is to increase the birth rate.

A huge number of families throughout the Russian Federation have already managed to take advantage of government support and spend money on their needs, which has improved their quality of life. For many, MK has become the very motivation to think about adding to the family. The public unanimously supports the extension of the program and its continuation after 2018. However, there have been no official statements yet.

Maternity capital is not just a sum of money, but a sum of government funds issued to cover certain items of family expenses and indexed annually. Maternity capital is indexed taking into account the rate and level of inflation. In 2016 and 2017, it was “frozen” due to the state budget deficit.

Indexation of maternity capital by year

As of today, the Government of the Russian Federation has “frozen” the amount of maternity capital indexation until 2020, and it will amount to 453,026 rubles, the same as in 2015. Previously, it was carried out based on the percentage of inflation (5-5.5%) annually.

Indexation of maternity capital, starting from 2008 and ending in 2017, is presented in the table:

The indexation scheme from 2007 to 2016 can also be seen in the following photo:

Capital indexing after receiving the certificate

Often families “take their time” in obtaining a maternity capital certificate in connection with the upcoming indexation, so that the amount on the certificate is larger. But you need to understand that funds, namely capital, are issued taking into account indexation by the Pension Fund, and not taking into account the amount indicated on the certificate.

That is, if a family received a certificate in 2009 in the amount of 312,162 rubles, and decided to use it in 2016 (that is, directly submitted an application to the Pension Fund), then the amount that is due for payment will be 453,026 rubles, regardless of the entry in the certificate.

The balance of maternity capital - how is it indexed?

The narrow focus of maternity capital funds leads people to receive one-time payments:
  • In 2015, the payment amounted to 20,000 rubles.
  • In 2016, the amount increased to 25,000 rubles.
This raises questions for families: is it worth receiving lump sum payments, how will maternity capital be indexed after the amount of payments is reduced, and will the balance be indexed at all?

The answer is simple: the balance of maternity capital after the lump sum payments are made is indexed according to a coefficient similar to what it would be if the amount were untouched.

Thus, you have two options for the “development of events”:
  • If you withdrew 12,000 rubles twice in 2009 and 2010, respectively, then the amount “to be issued” in 2016 will be 419,779 rubles, taking into account the indexation of maternity capital.
  • If you received one-time payments not only in those years, but also in 2015 in the amount of 20,000 rubles, and in 2016 in the amount of 25,000 rubles, then the balance “on the balance sheet” of your state account will be 374,779 rubles, taking into account indexation.
If you continue to be tormented by vague doubts, then in your personal account on the Pension Fund website you can always find out the balance of maternity capital at a given time.

Nuances of indexation when issuing and using capital

If twins were born, there are two different opinions “among the people”: either maternity capital will be “double” or not at all, since the children were born “at the same time”. Both opinions are not based on the law, and the law says:
  • If this is the first birth, then the mother is entitled to maternity capital, regardless of who is the first and who is the second of the twins, the very fact of the birth of the second child is established.
  • If twins are the second and third child for the mother, then maternity capital is paid in a single amount. But this payment is made from the federal budget, and you can also count on the regional one. You need to complete the registration procedure and receive additional funds for implementation.

At the same time, regional maternity capital is not subject to indexation. As a rule, it is issued to families with two or more children, and its size is about 100,000 rubles (as, for example, in the Rostov and Moscow regions) and its size has not changed since 2011.

Indexation of maternity capital occurs annually, and it often happens that families, approaching the threshold of using it, break up. The male half of the family begins to claim maternity capital, since they consider it acquired in marriage, and there are two options:
  • If maternity capital has not yet been “used” for the purchase of housing (and other needs), most often lawyers take the female side, since capital is interpreted unambiguously as “maternal capital”.
  • If real estate was purchased with the participation of these funds, then it is necessary to submit payment documents confirming whose party bore the costs of the acquisition, hence the court decision on this issue.

Maternity capital is an opportunity not only to improve family material well-being, but also to invest in a happy future for yourself and your children, therefore knowing

The increase in capital occurs automatically; there is no need to apply specifically for this. Maternity capital: indexed or not? How has its value changed over time?

What is indexing?

The issuance of maternity capital began back in 2008, then it was exactly 250 thousand rubles. In 2015, after indexation, it increased to 453,026 rubles, actually increasing by 72%. This is done in order to protect the certificates from inflation and give families the opportunity to actually use the subsidy.

The new maternity capital amount is calculated in accordance with the current inflation rate. How The higher the predicted inflation, the higher the indexation coefficient. The amount of the subsidy in each new year is determined by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population.

Maternity capital: indexation by year (the coefficient is indicated in brackets) is presented below:

  • in 2008 it increased by 10.5% to 276,250 rubles (1.105);
  • in 2009 – by 13% to 312,162 rubles (1.13);
  • in 2010 – by 10% to 343,378 rubles (1.1);
  • in 2011 – by 6.5% to 365,698 rubles (1,065);
  • in 2012 – by 6% to 387,640 rubles (1.06);
  • in 2013 – by 5.5% to 408,960 rubles (1,055);
  • in 2014 – by 5% to 429,408 rubles (1.05);
  • in 2015 – by 5.5% to 453,026 rubles (1,055).

Indexing is also discussed in the video.

Is the received maternity capital indexed?

With the initial issuance of capital, everything is clear. The amount of maternity capital corresponding to the size for that year is indicated on the certificate. This misleads many people. It is believed that whatever amount is indicated on the certificate, those funds are subject to issue. Therefore, many are in no hurry to start registering maternity capital, waiting for it to “grow up”. To find out where to get a maternity certificate, go to

In fact the time of issuing the certificate has no effect on indexing, since money is transferred from the budget to the Pension Fund only after a written application from the recipient.

For example, if a certificate was issued in 2010, when the amount of maternity capital was equal to 343,378 rubles, but the family used it only 4 years later, when the subsidy “grew” to 429,408 rubles, then family members will be able to use the last amount.

You can receive a certificate immediately after the baby is born, and use it when the need arises. The figure on the certificate is conditional; it determines the amount of maternity capital in a certain year and serves as a guide for calculating the current amount of the subsidy.

An important point: if you increase the size of the maternity capital, you do not need to change the certificate. Once received, the document serves as the basis for receiving a subsidy in the amount established by law.

To determine the current amount of maternity capital, you should contact the Pension Fund branch, where specialists will give the exact figure. However, you can do this yourself, for example, by visiting the PF website or other official sources.

Is the balance of maternity capital indexed?

Recipients of maternal capital often have a question: if the subsidy was partially spent, for example, on urgent needs or to pay off the balance of the mortgage, then what happens to the rest and how is it indexed?

It is indexed, just like the entire subsidy. This can be seen in the example:

  1. In 2011, the family took from a total amount of 365,698 rubles funds to pay for the child’s education in the amount of 120,000 rubles. The balance was 245,698 rubles.
  2. This amount will be indexed for the next year, and the balance will be 260,440 rubles.
  3. Next year 2013, the balance will be indexed again and will amount to 274,764 rubles
  4. The calculation will continue until the family uses the subsidy again.

You can calculate the amount of the balance yourself. To do this, you need to refer to the above diagram and calculate the indexation coefficients for all previous years. But these operations are quite complex and easy to get confused. Of course, no one forbids you to calculate the approximate size of the balance in order to estimate how much you can manage. But for the right result, you need to contact the local branch of the Pension Fund.

Using a special calculator, fund specialists will calculate the size of the balance and report the exact figure. It is this that can be used when planning expenses.


Maternal capital does not depreciate over time. Its size is indexed to the amount established by law. The increase factor is calculated based on the inflation rate. Data about this are published on the official website of the Pension Fund.

When does maternity capital indexation occur? It takes place regardless of the time the certificate was issued. The figure indicated on it is conditional and serves as a starting point for calculating future odds.

If applicants managed to spend part of the maternity capital for non-urgent needs or for other purposes, for example, paying off mortgage debt or paying for a child’s education, then the remainder of the subsidy is also indexed.

Indexation coefficients correspond to the increased level of maternity capital. To calculate the exact balance amount, it is better to contact specialists. If you want to know how to get a loan for maternity capital, then you

Commentary from an expert lawyer

Comments on the material:

  • Has impressive experience in the position chief inspector of the financial monitoring department of the security department North Caucasus Bank OJSC "Sberbank of Russia";
  • Direction: combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism. Element of counteraction: analysis of economic and other activities of business entities and individuals;

You can find out more about our experts.

It would be appropriate to title your comment like this: “ No indexing!».

State support for families in terms of providing a certain amount, called maternity capital, was revised annually both in relation to the entire amount and the remainder of this amount. This procedure is legislatively provided for by Part 2 of Article 6 of Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006.

However, without material support, the presence of financial opportunities in the state budget, ensured by its real filling, the legislative norm will not work, remaining only a declaration. Every year, when considering the draft law on the federal budget, legislators compare state capabilities to state declarations and establish an indexed amount of maternity capital.

The population has become accustomed to the natural growth of family payments and, as follows from the article and comments to it, he is not particularly concerned about the speedy disbursement of this amount, using a state certificate in the image of a bank deposit.

Comparing the two laws on the federal budget (for 2015 and 2016), it is easy to find that the amount of family capital for 2016 remained equal to the amount paid in 2015. This means that there was no indexation for 2016, and the amount of maternity capital remained equal to the amount determined for 2015 - 453,026 rubles.

The reasons, strictly speaking, have been established - the inability of the state to meet previously assumed obligations. The legislator “took the trouble” to reinforce the failure in advance with Law No. 68-FZ of 04/06/2015. Thus, from 04/07/2015, the rule on annual indexation was suspended until 01/01/2016, and then by Law No. 371-FZ of 12/14/2015 the suspension was extended until 01/01/2017.

The trend of extending the suspension of the procedure for reviewing the size of family capital raises concerns about the possibility of its restoration in the future. It would be more useful to convey to the reader information about the suspension of indexation instead of stating the development of the form of state support.

Moreover, the analysis after the text comments shows that most of the readers are in fantasies about the growth of the amount of family capital and its balances, while inflation inexorably “eats” it, thereby reducing the consumer ability of state support.

By the way, such a “turn” of the state became known not yesterday, but almost ten months ago, and if the readership had been informed in a timely manner, many would have rushed to use the funds allocated to them.

It is curious and strange that in the comments to the text, readers ask questions about indexing mat. capital even for the period of 2017, calculating “income”, and also confidently answer regarding the expected monetary increase.

Summing up the above and superficially assessing the economic state of the country, the conclusion rightly arises that it is inappropriate to wait for the indexation of maternity capital. We must soberly understand that as of the current moment, the required amounts of government support are reduced daily by a percentage of daily inflation.

Even according to the most optimistic forecasts regarding inflation, in 2016, according to various respected sources (Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, IMF) its annual size is projected to be from 8 to 10 percent. That is, in anticipation of indexation in the absence of it, the recipient of state support actually reduces his consumer opportunities by an amount equal to 45,000 rubles. in a year. Advice - hurry up.

In 2007, a program was launched through which women can receive additional payments of 250,000 rubles. The specified amount under the maternity capital program was steadily indexed, therefore, in 2017 the amount increased significantly. In this material we will tell you how the amount has changed over 11 years. We will also talk about ways to obtain information on the rest of the matcap.

Amount in 2017

The amount of MK has increased due to indexation. However, this year the MK will remain unchanged, since the President signed a Decree on freezing capital until 2020. This decision was made due to a lack of budget funds.

Over 11 years, over 7 million families were able to receive MK.

Matkapital in 2018

As mentioned above, the MK amount was frozen until 2020 by Presidential Decree. Therefore, the size of MK in 2018 remains unchanged - 453,026 rubles.

According to the latest information, the program will cease to exist at the end of 2018 unless a new law is signed to extend the corresponding payments.

How to find out?

Funds can be used for several legal purposes at once. At the same time, a citizen must know the capital balance in order to plan the following types of expenses. So, the main ways to clarify the amount of MK are:

  1. Independent calculation of MK in the presence of accurate information about expenses incurred.
  2. An online calculator is one of the simplest and fastest ways to check your MK balance. To obtain information, a citizen must go to one of the sites with this function. There are several fields to fill out on the site. These calculations are approximate. Important: legal websites should not ask citizens for personal information.
  3. Communication with the Pension Fund (the local Pension Fund) - you need to have your passport, SNILS and certificate with you. The application is submitted by the owner of the MK (or an authorized representative). A certificate stamped and signed by a Pension Fund specialist must be collected within 3 days. In this case, an extract is not required if the MK amount is less than 30 rubles.
  4. Portal for the provision of public services - this method is suitable for those who have passed registration and identity verification. After logging into your personal account, the applicant has the right to order a certificate, which must be waited for at least 15 days.

Amount over the capital period

The size of the MK for the entire period of existence of the program should be read in the table below:

Year MK amount
2007 250000
2008 276 250
2009 312 162
2010 343 378
2011 365 698
2012 387 640
2013 408 960
2014 429 408
2015-2020 453026

How much are regional surcharges?

Regional MK is established by local authorities. The local Administration also determines the terms, conditions and intended purpose of these payments.

The amount of deductions varies from 30,000 – 300,000 rubles. The average amount of regional MK is 100,000 rubles.

Such allowances are provided only for large families.

Here are some examples:

  1. The amount of regional MK in St. Petersburg and Moscow is 100,000 rubles.
  2. Sverdlovsk region – 100,000 rubles.
  3. Omsk region – 138,000 rubles.
  4. Orenburg region – 100,000 rubles.
  5. Sverdlovsk region – 150,000 rubles.
  6. Rostov region – 117,754 rubles.

Amount of maternity benefits for 2 and 3 children

As stated earlier, MK is more than 450,000 rubles. Indexing has been suspended for three years (until 2020). The amount of payments does not depend on the birth of the child. Therefore, the MK for the second or third child is equal to 453,026 rubles.

Certificate of capital amount - how to get it?

The fastest way to obtain a certificate on MK is a personal visit to the Pension Fund. At the same time, only the owner of the MK (or an authorized representative) can order such a certificate.

Such certificates will be required in the following situations:

  • loan processing;
  • construction of a household;
  • participation in shared construction;
  • participation in a housing cooperative;
  • payment for the child's education.

To obtain a certificate, you should visit the Pension Fund with documents such as: passport; SNILS; certificate; power of attorney (if necessary).

This certificate is sent 3 days (free of charge) after submitting documents to the applicant’s residential address.

Conclusion: MK funds have grown steadily due to indexation since 2007. In 2017, the amount of payments is frozen - 453,026 rubles.

To find out the amount of savings for the entire period of the program, study this material in more detail.