A feature of an agrarian society is... Educational dictionary: Agrarian society - Executive power. Traditional agrarian society


Around the V-IV millennia BC. e. the gradual transformation of primitive communal (tribal) society begins in agrarian-political(Asian, Eastern) By the beginning of the 1st millennium BC. e. arose state-societies three types: small kingdoms (principalities); federations (conglomerates) of such kingdoms, in which the core was one strong kingdom (later Kievan Rus was like this); empires are large territorial, multi-ethnic states with strong centralized governance. In empires, one tribe (people) occupied a dominant spiritual, political and economic position. The centers of empires became areas located on trade routes connecting kingdoms with different social divisions of labor: agricultural, pastoral, craft. Ancient local civilizations of the Sumerians, Egyptians and others arose in them.

Note that the technological basis The agrarian (pre-industrial) type of society and agrarian civilization consisted of a variety of agricultural tools (plow, axe, harrow, etc.) based on the use of muscular energy of humans and animals. From it arises simple family and other cooperation, which allows for the expanded reproduction of material goods and people.

Demosocial subsystem pre-industrial society is characterized by: a patriarchal family, including parents, children, grandparents, relatives; the majority of the population living in villages - household unions; inequality in the consumption of material and spiritual goods; mythological consciousness of people; natural demosocial consumption with market elements.

Economic subsystem the agrarian era characterizes agricultural method production, in which the main subject of labor was the land and the human activity associated with it. The productive force of the agrarian era was the production of iron and steel, the invention of iron and steel tools and weapons, and the application of industrial knowledge and the muscular power of people. The economic strength of this era was private and communal ownership of the means of production and land; The division of labor deepened and the craft sector grew. The vast majority of the population worked in agriculture.

It is worth saying - the political subsystem The agrarian era was represented by unstable empires based on the army, bureaucracy, private and civil law, and communal self-government: New Assyrian (IX-VII centuries BC; Western Asia, except Urartu and Asia Minor); New Babylonian and Median (VII-VI centuries BC); later Hellenistic, Indian and Chinese empires arose (for example, the Qin Empire; IV-III centuries BC). There were continuous wars, which became especially bloody after the invention of iron weapons; fortified cities arose - centers of kingdoms - surrounded by walls, permanent armies, and colonies.

Spiritual subsystem The agrarian era is characterized by: the dominance of mythology and religion, the construction of temples; the development of certain types of art (musical, epic, dance, architectural); the beginnings of education and science; the struggle of various religious (worldview) systems.

Social consciousness had a mythological, religious character, was a collection of myths; the unconscious in him dominated the conscious, and the spiritual remained undeveloped.

In the kingdoms and empires of early and imperial antiquity arose and competed with each other elements two types of formations: (1) political(state, Asian, mobilization) and (2) economic(market, European, liberal) It is important to note that some of them became leaders in some kingdom or empire. Some of these societies created public, and then world-wide religious civilizations(Egyptian, Greek, Persian) For almost two millennia of the agrarian era, political and economic empires, formations, and civilizations waged an ideological, economic, political and military struggle for dominance.

In the VI century. BC e. The Achaemenid Empire conquered the ancient city-policies on the Asia Minor coast. In 336 BC. e. The Greek army was led by Alexander the Great, who defeated the Persian Empire during a ten-year campaign. As a result, the ancient type of society (formation and civilization) began to influence the Asian type of society in the Middle East. Having made it its capital, it should not be forgotten that Babylon, Alexander tried bring closer together the ancient and Asian worlds in terms of formation and civilization. About 70 cities were built on Asian territory - centers of ancient civilization. After Alexander's death in 323 BC. e. his followers continued this policy. Much attention was paid to creating an economic rather than a despotic state.

Ancient Greece passed the formational and civilizational baton to the Roman Republic through the Greek city-states - colonies in Italy. Rome's contribution to the development of ancient society consisted of the codification of legal norms and the detailing of private law, the significant development of democracy, which became the guardian of citizen-owners, their class and property differences. The Roman state is part auxiliary sphere economic society - existed due to taxes from citizen-owners and campaigns of conquest. In the 1st century BC e. as a result of serious internal contradictions (the struggle of the Gracchi brothers for the interests of the poor), slave uprisings and conflicts of power-hungers, the Roman Republic gave way to the Roman Empire, a political and economic formation and civilization.

In the 5th century The Roman Empire fell under the blows of the barbarians. Its successors were the Holy Roman Empire and Byzantium. Greek territories became provinces of the Roman East. Then came the time of Christianization and Christian civilization in Byzantium, the heir of Rome. As a result of the victory of Islam over Byzantium in 1453, the Middle East suddenly threw off the elements of ancient formation and civilization, and again found itself in the usual rut of the Asian formation and civilization, which were developed in Islamic civilization.

Leonid Do not forget that Vasiliev believes that in this region the Greeks and Romans carried out an experiment on the “organic synthesis of the ancient world and the traditional East”, which failed. Instead, in Palestine, at the crossroads of peoples, a new world religion arose - Christianity, which laid the foundation for a new social formation and civilization. Originating from the Eastern peoples and their civilizations, it became the religion of the West. Already here one can discern a sign of a hybrid (mixed) social formation and civilization.

Eastern (despotic) societies in medieval era reached its highest peak, which was facilitated by the disappearance of a competitor in the ancient world.
It is worth noting that the main features of such societies are: colossal inequality in people's lives, taken for granted by the illiterate and religious population; the refined subjectivity of the ruling classes; temporary economic efficiency through the exploitation of one’s own people and the peoples of conquered countries; slow evolution in a spiral of political upheavals and social catastrophes.

At the end of the 4th century, Byzantium turned out to be a battlefield antique And Asian formations and civilizations. By the way, this struggle led to the gradual transformation of Byzantium into a despotic empire. Process ancient westernization did not take place there: the Asian formation and collectivist civilization prevailed. For this reason, L.V. We should not forget that Vasiliev makes an important conclusion for our days: “And since the general structures underlying the ancient West and the traditional East are fundamentally different, their organic combination, synthesis, turns out to be extremely difficult.” . In any case, on the territory of the East, in the specific conditions of antiquity and the Middle Ages.”

In Europe, the result of all this confrontation at the end of the agrarian era (XI-XIV centuries) was feudalism - an advanced type of society (ancient-Asian), with a solidarist civilization. It is worth noting that it was the result of a collision antique society with primitive communal. There was, on the one hand, the Christianization of the barbarians, and on the other hand, the decentralization of state power. The Christianization of barbarians limited the categorical nature of the collectivist principle, softening the omnipotence of the rulers. It is important to note that at the same time she maintained respect for ancient property, especially in cities. As a result of this synthesis, a feudal type of society (formation and civilization) arose, which allows us to conclude that the convergence of only such social formations and civilizations is possible, between which there are some similarities. It is worth noting that they were between the primitive communal society of the barbarians and the ancient one of the Romans. It can be assumed that the ancient and Asian types of society did not have such features, which led to the collapse of the project of Alexander the Great.

Why did the synthesis (convergence) of Asian and ancient societies not take place in a new unity? Because these types of society form opposites within the same historical era. It is quite clear that a society in which the basis is a market economy, and the civilizational principle is ϲʙᴏboda, cannot Just And evolutionarily converge with a society whose basis will be a despotic state, and whose civilizational principle will be equality. It is worth saying that for the convergence of such societies it is necessary developed subjective factor, understanding of the complexity of the problem, developed means of convergence, which did not exist in the agrarian era - all appeared only in the era of industrialism.

Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

  • Agrarian society (agricultural economics) - the stage of socio-economic development in which the greatest contribution to the cost of material goods is made by the cost of resources produced in agriculture. Formed as a result of the Neolithic revolution. Unlike hunter-gatherer (pre-agrarian) societies, people in agrarian societies have artificial means of increasing the yield of useful biomass from the territory they occupy, therefore the population density in such societies increases many times over, which entails a radical complication of their socio-political organization.
  • insignificant development of industrial sectors

A characteristic feature of the long-term dynamics of agrarian societies are political-demographic cycles.

The classification of agricultural societies into one type is quite arbitrary, since they demonstrate significant differences among themselves in all main indicators. Thus, simple agrarian societies (a classic example here would be the Papuans of New Guinea before the start of their modernization) are characterized by the absence of supra-community levels of political integration, while it is independent communities (200-300 people in size) that turn out to be the main form of political organization; at the same time, complex agrarian societies are characterized by the presence of 3, 4 or more levels of supra-community political integration, and complex agrarian polities could control territories of many millions of square meters. km., inhabited by tens or even hundreds (Qing China) of millions of people. Agrarian societies are transformed into industrial ones as a result of the industrial revolution.

see also


  • Grinin L. E. Productive forces and the historical process. 3rd ed. M.: KomKniga, 2006.
  • Korotaev, A. V., Malkov A. S., Khalturina D. A. 2nd ed. M.: URSS, 2007.
  • Korotaev, A. V., Malkov A. S., Khalturina D. A. 2nd ed. M.: URSS, 2007.
  • Malkov A. S., Malinetsky G. G., Chernavsky D. S. System of spatial dynamic models of agricultural societies // . M.: KomKniga, 2007. pp. 168-181.

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An excerpt characterizing the Agrarian Society

- Your Excellency, they say that they were going to go against the French on your orders, they shouted something about treason. But a violent crowd, your Excellency. I left by force. Your Excellency, I dare to suggest...
“If you please, go, I know what to do without you,” Rostopchin shouted angrily. He stood at the balcony door, looking out at the crowd. “This is what they did to Russia! This is what they did to me!” - thought Rostopchin, feeling an uncontrollable anger rising in his soul against someone who could be attributed to the cause of everything that happened. As often happens with hot-tempered people, anger was already possessing him, but he was looking for another subject for it. “La voila la populace, la lie du peuple,” he thought, looking at the crowd, “la plebe qu"ils ont soulevee par leur sottise. Il leur faut une victime, [“Here he is, people, these scum of the population, the plebeians, whom they raised with their stupidity! They need a victim."] - it came to his mind, looking at the tall fellow waving his hand. And for the same reason it came to his mind that he himself needed this victim, this object for his anger.
- Is the crew ready? – he asked another time.
- Ready, Your Excellency. What do you order about Vereshchagin? “He’s waiting at the porch,” answered the adjutant.
- A! - Rostopchin cried out, as if struck by some unexpected memory.
And, quickly opening the door, he walked out onto the balcony with decisive steps. The conversation suddenly stopped, hats and caps were taken off, and all eyes rose to the count who had come out.
- Hello guys! - the count said quickly and loudly. - Thank you for coming. I’ll come out to you now, but first of all we need to deal with the villain. We need to punish the villain who killed Moscow. Wait for me! “And the count just as quickly returned to his chambers, slamming the door firmly.
A murmur of pleasure ran through the crowd. “That means he will control all the villains! And you say French... he’ll give you the whole distance!” - people said, as if reproaching each other for their lack of faith.
A few minutes later an officer hurriedly came out of the front doors, ordered something, and the dragoons stood up. The crowd from the balcony eagerly moved towards the porch. Walking out onto the porch with angry, quick steps, Rostopchin hurriedly looked around him, as if looking for someone.
- Where is he? - said the count, and at the same moment as he said this, he saw from around the corner of the house coming out between two dragoons a young man with a long thin neck, with his head half shaved and overgrown. This young man was dressed in what had once been a dandyish, blue cloth-covered, shabby fox sheepskin coat and dirty prisoner's harem trousers, stuffed into uncleaned, worn-out thin boots. Shackles hung heavily on his thin, weak legs, making it difficult for the young man to walk indecisively.
- A! - said Rastopchin, hastily turning his gaze away from the young man in the fox sheepskin coat and pointing to the bottom step of the porch. - Put it here! “The young man, clanking his shackles, stepped heavily onto the indicated step, holding the collar of his sheepskin coat that was pressing with his finger, turned his long neck twice and, sighing, folded his thin, non-working hands in front of his stomach with a submissive gesture.

They appeared in various regions of the country as a result of the Neolithic revolution. The specialization of tribes in both cattle breeding and agriculture caused an increase in products that could easily be exchanged for other goods. The surplus product characteristic of the era of chiefdoms was replaced by a surplus product, which, unlike the first, can be used not only for sale, but also for the exploitation of hired labor. Essentially, the excess product did not significantly exceed the vital product and was more like food reserves. At this level, a person has to eke out a miserable existence and devote his entire working day to obtaining food. It is not for nothing that sociologists say that traditional, and above all primitive society, is one where people have no leisure.

So, a complex society is an era of surplus product. It appeared for the first time in the history of mankind. In agriculture, one family is able to provide for itself in one or two months, the rest of the working time goes to the production of surplus product, a significant part of which is alienated in favor of the state and the ruling class.

Thus, it is in agriculture that for the first time in history the exploitation of man by man appears. And the reason for this was the growth of labor productivity and the emergence of surplus product. It has a distinctive feature: the surplus product is created by one person and appropriated by another. It is appropriated by the ruling class, which at the end of the 19th century the American sociologist Thorstein Veblen called the leisure class. Its characteristic feature is demonstrative behavior, the acquisition of luxury and expensive things that are not needed for life.

But the emergence of the leisure class testifies to the enormous progress of mankind. If there are people who live without working anywhere, it means that leisure has appeared in society - time free from work and household chores. The social life of society is becoming incredibly complicated: the sphere of leisure and entertainment is emerging, art is being professionalized, which is aimed at satisfying the demands of the ruling class (circus performers, traveling actors, troubadours, etc.), the sphere of commodity-money relations is expanding, in which professionals serving economic interests of the ruling class (bankers, lenders, merchants, etc.).

At this time, home crafts (production of products for one's own needs) give way to crafts (production of products for exchange and sale).

Arable farming literally tied people to one place. Large permanent settlements arose. They became large due to the fact that one square kilometer of soil now cost much more than before. Saving land and the peculiarities of its cultivation forced people to organize into a new type of social community - into territorial communities. And the productivity of a meter of land increased: now it could feed many more eaters.

The population grew, cities were created, large territorial power associations called states arose. An increasing number of people were freed from the need to work on the land. Some of them took up highly specialized full-time craft work. Why is it called that? The fact is that home crafts represented a kind of amateur labor, which could not be done the entire working day or not the entire working week. This is work for yourself and your family. Craft work is a professional occupation for the purpose of producing products for sale.

Cities began as centers where segments of the population that specialized in crafts sold their products to other segments of the population that specialized in agriculture, trade, or management. An agricultural society is a set of cities and suburban areas united by economic exchange.

Although many cities appeared in an agrarian society (in fact, they only appear under it), the bulk of the population lived in villages. The village is a closed territorial peasant community leading a subsistence economy, loosely connected with the market. It is focused on the traditional way of life and religious values.

The social organization of society has become more complex. Collective property gave way to personal and then private property. The latter is possible only where property is inherited from father to son. And this implies a radical break in the previous family organization. Group marriage and simple monogamy are being replaced by a complex patriarchal family of the modern type (or close to it).

Now the land was not divided among all the relatives who made up a local group or clan, but was concentrated in one family, in the hands of men. Wealth inequality has risen sharply. Society was divided into a working majority and a non-working minority. The former only sold their labor power, the latter only accumulated surplus product.

The economic and social strength of an agrarian society rested primarily on land ownership. The mature form of such a society is feudalism. Feud - hereditary land ownership granted to a vassal (servant) by his lord (master) on condition of military service, participation in court and government, as well as payment of customary fees. The social organization of feudalism is class system, and political - monarchy.

Soon the military comes to the fore among all classes. Previously, in the pre-state era, they defended themselves with the whole clan, the whole group. There were no privileged military classes. Now they are needed. The military, risking their lives and not their wallets, defended the throne from both external and internal enemies (uprising of subjects). The second was often more important than the first. That is why kings, kings, and emperors granted land plots to the military, and not to civilians. They helped in collecting taxes, which often had to be taken by force. Until now, forceful methods of taxation have proven their effectiveness.

An important part of the work of managing the company was drafting legislation and monitoring its strict implementation. Officials gradually concentrated all judicial power in their hands. It was during this period that humanity moves to a new phase of development - the phase of a legal society. Under King Hamurappi (2.5 thousand years BC), written law first appeared.

Right - a set of generally binding rules of behavior (norms) established or sanctioned by the state. In a social sense, this is the will of the ruling class elevated to law. Compliance with norms is ensured by the coercive force of state bodies - the police and the courts. Another feature of the state is the division of the population not according to tribal, but according to territorial principles.

In a complex society, individuals occupy different positions on the scale of access to power. At the top is the ruling class, which achieves everything not through family ties. In a large state, the ruling class cannot consist entirely of blood relatives. The ruling class of a large state is heterogeneous, that is, heterogeneous in composition, all related groups are mixed in it. On the contrary, in a simple society, positions of power are often in the hands of one related group, the clan.

As some lands were depleted, states sought to seize others. The division of lands into fertile and infertile led to constant clashes between the groups of people inhabiting them. Who do you think attacked more often? Of course, the inhabitants of infertile lands. Since they were threatened with extinction, the aggression of the invaders increased tenfold. The history of agrarian states is the history of incessant wars for the best lands. As a matter of fact, the state, as a political union of several tribes, was needed to protect against the “poor of land.” The inhabitants of the fertile lands entered into an agreement among themselves to join forces to protect themselves from the inhabitants of the depleted lands.

Thus, complex societies are numerous, ranging from hundreds of thousands to hundreds of millions of people. A change in population qualitatively changes the social situation. In a simple small society, everyone knew each other and were directly related. In chiefdoms, people are still related - close or distant - although they may occupy different social positions.

In complex societies, personal, consanguineous relationships are replaced by impersonal, non-kinship ones. Especially in cities, where often even those living in the same house do not know each other. The system of social ranks gives way to a system of social stratification.

Complex societies are called stratified because, firstly, the strata are represented by large groups of people, and secondly, these groups consist of those who are not related to the ruling class (group).

The English archaeologist G. Child identified the signs of complex societies:

· resettlement of people in cities;

· development of non-agricultural specialization of labor;

· emergence and accumulation of surplus product;

· the emergence of clear class distances;

· transition from customary law to legal laws;

· the emergence of the practice of large-scale public works such as irrigation and the construction of pyramids;

· emergence of overseas trade;

· the emergence of writing, mathematics and elite culture.

The generalized formula of a complex society can be expressed as follows: state, stratification, civilization.

(tribal) society in agrarian-political(Asian, Eastern). By the beginning of the 1st millennium BC. e. arose state-societies three types: small kingdoms (principalities); federations (conglomerates) of kingdoms in which the core was one strong kingdom (this was later the case with Kievan Rus); empires are large territorial, multi-ethnic states with strong centralized governance. In empires, one tribe (people) occupied a dominant spiritual, political and economic position. The centers of empires became areas located on trade routes connecting kingdoms with different social divisions of labor: agricultural, pastoral, craft. Ancient local civilizations of the Sumerians, Egyptians and others arose in them.

Technological basis The agrarian (pre-industrial) type of society and agrarian civilization consisted of a variety of agricultural tools (plow, axe, harrow, etc.) based on the use of muscular energy of humans and animals. From it arises simple family and other cooperation, which allows for the expanded reproduction of material goods and people.

Demosocial subsystem pre-industrial society is characterized by: including parents, children, grandparents, relatives; the majority of the population living in villages - household unions; inequality in the consumption of material and spiritual goods; mythological consciousness of people; natural demosocial consumption with market elements.

Economic subsystem the agrarian era characterizes agricultural method production, in which the main subject of labor was land and human activity associated with it. The productive force of the agrarian era was the production of iron and steel, the invention of iron and steel tools and weapons, and the application of industrial knowledge and the muscular power of people. The economic strength of this era was private and communal ownership of the means of production and land; The division of labor deepened and the craft sector grew. The vast majority of the population worked in agriculture.

Political subsystem The agrarian era was represented by unstable empires based on the army, bureaucracy, private and civil law, and communal self-government: New Assyrian (IX-VII centuries BC; Western Asia, except Urartu and Asia Minor); New Babylonian and Median (VII-VI centuries BC); later Hellenistic, Indian and Chinese empires arose (for example, the Qin Empire; IV-III centuries BC). There were continuous wars, which became especially bloody after the invention of iron weapons; fortified cities arose - centers of kingdoms - surrounded by walls, permanent armies, and colonies.

Spiritual subsystem The agrarian era is characterized by: the dominance of mythology and religion, the construction of temples; the development of certain types of art (music, epic, dance, architecture); the beginnings of education and science; the struggle of various religious (worldview) systems.

Social consciousness had a mythological, religious character, was a collection of myths; the unconscious in him dominated the conscious, and the spiritual remained undeveloped.

In the kingdoms and empires of early and imperial antiquity arose and competed with each other elements two types of formations: (1) political(state, Asian, mobilization) and (2) economic(market, European, liberal). Some of them became leaders in some kingdom or empire. Some of these societies created public and then global religious civilizations(Egyptian, Greek, Persian). For almost two millennia of the agrarian era, political and economic empires, formations, and civilizations waged an ideological, economic, political and military struggle for dominance.

In the VI century. BC e. The Achaemenid Empire conquered the ancient city-policies on the Asia Minor coast. In 336 BC. e. The Greek army was led by Alexander the Great, who defeated the Persian Empire during a ten-year campaign. As a result, the ancient type of society (formation and civilization) began to influence the Asian type of society in the Middle East. Having made Babylon his capital, Alexander tried bring closer together the ancient and Asian worlds in terms of formation and civilization. About 70 cities were built on Asian territory - centers of ancient civilization. After Alexander's death in 323 BC. e. his followers continued this policy. Much attention was paid to creating an economic rather than a despotic state.

Ancient Greece passed the formational and civilizational baton to the Roman Republic through the Greek city-states - colonies in Italy. Rome's contribution to the development of ancient society consisted of the codification of legal norms and the detailing of private law, the significant development of democracy, which became the guardian of citizen-owners, their class and property differences. The Roman state is part auxiliary sphere economic society - existed due to taxes from citizen-owners and campaigns of conquest. In the 1st century BC e. as a result of serious internal contradictions (the struggle of the Gracchi brothers for the interests of the poor), slave uprisings and conflicts of power-hungers, the Roman Republic gave way to the Roman Empire, a political and economic formation and civilization.

In the 5th century The Roman Empire fell under the blows of the barbarians. Its successors were the Holy Roman Empire and Byzantium. Greek territories became provinces of the Roman East. Then came the time of Christianization and Christian civilization in Byzantium, the heir of Rome. As a result of the victory of Islam over Byzantium in 1453, the Middle East suddenly threw off the elements of ancient formation and civilization, and again found itself in the usual rut of the Asian formation and civilization, which were developed in Islamic civilization.

Leonid Vasiliev believes that in this region the Greeks and Romans carried out an experiment on the “organic synthesis of the ancient world and the traditional East,” which failed. Instead, in Palestine, at the crossroads of nations, a new world religion arose - Christianity, which laid the foundation for a new social formation and civilization. Originating from the Eastern peoples and their civilizations, it became the religion of the West. Already here one can discern a sign of a hybrid (mixed) social formation and civilization.

Eastern (despotic) societies in medieval era reached their peak, which was facilitated by the disappearance of a competitor in the ancient world. The main features of such societies are: colossal inequality in people's lives, taken for granted by the illiterate and religious population; the refined subjectivity of the ruling classes; temporary economic efficiency through the exploitation of one’s own people and the peoples of conquered countries; slow evolution in a spiral of political upheavals and social catastrophes.

At the end of the 4th century, Byzantium turned out to be a battlefield antique And Asian formations and civilizations. This struggle led to the gradual transformation of Byzantium into a despotic empire. Process ancient westernization did not take place there: the Asian formation and collectivist civilization prevailed. In this regard, L.V. Vasiliev makes an important conclusion for our days: “And since the general structures underlying the ancient West and the traditional East are fundamentally different, their organic combination, synthesis, turns out to be extremely difficult. In any case, on the territory of the East, in the specific conditions of antiquity and the Middle Ages.”

In Europe, the result of all this confrontation at the end of the agrarian era (XI-XIV centuries) was feudalism - an advanced type of society (ancient-Asian), with a solidarist civilization. It was the result of a collision antique society with primitive communal. There was, on the one hand, the Christianization of the barbarians, and on the other hand, the decentralization of state power. The Christianization of barbarians limited the categorical nature of the collectivist principle, softening the omnipotence of the rulers. At the same time, she maintained respect for ancient property, especially in cities. As a result of this synthesis, a feudal type of society (formations and civilizations) arose, which allows us to conclude that the convergence of only such social formations and civilizations is possible, between which there are some similarities. They were between the primitive communal society of the barbarians and the ancient one of the Romans. It can be assumed that the ancient and Asian types of society did not have such features, which led to the collapse of the project of Alexander the Great.

Why did the synthesis (convergence) of Asian and ancient societies not take place in a new unity? Because these types of society form opposites within the same historical era. It is obvious that a society in which the basis is a market economy, and the civilizational principle is freedom, cannot Just And evolutionarily converge with a society whose basis is a despotic state, and whose civilizational principle is equality. For the convergence of such societies it is necessary developed subjective factor, understanding of the complexity of the problem, developed means of convergence, which did not exist in the agrarian era - all this appeared only in the era of industrialism.