The maximum sum insured for deposits. What is DIA and how does the system of bank deposit insurance work in Russia. CBR license revocation


Deposit insurance is provided by the DIA, but not all, but only banks participating in the deposit insurance system. The amount of deposits provided by the state is 1,400,000 rubles, in one bank. That's right, if you have savings in excess of 1,400,000 rubles, then they need to be distributed to different banks.

The deposit insurance system is an instrument whose purpose is to protect financial resources citizens in the form of deposits in banking institutions that cannot fulfill their obligations to depositors for one reason or another (license revocation, bankruptcy, etc.).

Investors will be able to receive money from a special fund without problems and with a 100% guarantee and not wait until liquidation procedures take effect.

As international practice shows, the banking insurance system is an operating mechanism that allows solving macroeconomic and social problems. One of its main advantages is that it provides a guarantee to depositors and prevents panic among them, which can appear in crisis situations.

Another advantage of the deposit insurance system is the confidence of citizens in banks, since deposits are protected by the state, which in turn has a beneficial effect on the growth in the number and size of deposits.

The deposit insurance system has been functioning for a long time and at the present time it is fully functioning in 104 countries of our planet. And most of the insurers became members of the International Association of Deposit Insurers.

As for the rules applicable to the CIS countries, only individuals can use deposit insurance in these territories. Other countries have their own distinctive rules, for example, in Canada, the deposit insurance procedure applies only to deposits in their native currency. There are countries where they refuse to insure citizens who are residents of other states.

It should also be said that for the most part economically developed countries the existence of a deposit insurance system is no longer particularly relevant. This phenomenon is due to the fact that the banking segment is being consolidated more and countries are trying to avoid bankruptcy or liquidation of banking institutions, banks are being sanitized (restructured) at most.

Let's take Canada as an example, the last time bank customers received insurance payments here was about twenty years ago.

Russian deposit insurance system

In Russia, for the correct performance of CERs is regulated by the Federal Law "On Deposit Insurance individuals in banks Russian Federation» N 177-FZ of 12/23/2003.

Since 2014, deposits of individual entrepreneurs have been included in this type of insurance.

The following financial transactions are subject to insurance:

  • deposits lying on the accounts of a bank located in the territory of Russia;
  • money in bank cards ah, except for credit cards.

Deposit insurance does not require additional conclusion of contracts, agreements and other documents. It is realized automatically, by virtue of the Law.

The deposit insurance system is managed by the Deposit Insurance Agency (abbreviated as DIA).

Banks participants

In Russia, all banking institutions that accept deposits from individuals must be a member of the deposit insurance system without fail. According to the latest information, 784 banking institutions are included in the deposit insurance system (this refers only to Russia).

Members of the deposit insurance system.

Therefore, when visiting a bank, you should definitely ask if the bank is included in the deposit insurance system. If not, then you will invest money at your own peril and risk, and in the event of a bank failure, you will join the general queue.

Head of VTB "Admission a large number banks in the deposit insurance system is a huge mistake of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Payout amount

As the law says, a bank client, at the moment when an insured event occurs, will be able to get his money back, but not more than 1,400,000 rubles, this is the maximum that a client can count on.

In other words, the depositor will be able to receive 100% of the amount that was deposited in the bank account only if it does not exceed the established limit. If this amount exceeds 1,400,000 rubles, then the amount that exceeds 1,400,000 rubles, the client will receive (if, of course, receives) in the general queue of creditors.

If a person had foreign exchange investments, then money is exchanged at the rate Central Bank at the time when the insured event occurred.

The maximum amount that a person can count on in each bank will be 1,400,000 rubles. This means that if a person has a deposit in two different banking institutions, then in each of them, upon the occurrence insured event, the client will be able to receive money in the ruble equivalent indicated above.

Insured event and payment process

The following situations fall under the insured event:

  • when the right to conduct any financial transactions is taken away from the bank (license suspension, license revocation, etc.);
  • when the Bank of Russia suspends the process for the return of claims from the bank's creditors (bank bankruptcy).

To receive their finances, the depositor needs to wait two weeks from the date of the insured event, then write an application to the Deposit Insurance Agency. After that, it remains to wait for the consideration of the application, usually this process takes no more than three days.

Insurance payments are made in different ways, many things affect the receipt of money. external factors. In cases where the amount is small, the depositor can count on receiving it directly from the Agency, if the amount of payments is significant, then the Agency appoints authorized banks through which the payment will be made.

Money that is not insured

There are funds that are not covered by deposit insurance:

  • money that is placed on bank accounts of notaries or lawyers, if the purpose of these funds is further use in professional activities;
  • bearer deposits;
  • finance transferred to a banking institution for trust regulation;
  • investments in other countries, representative offices of domestic banks;
  • money transfers that were implemented without opening an account;
  • Posted in securities;
  • electronic money.

Where are payments made from?

The financial base is mainly cash Deposit Insurance Fund. As of April 1, 2017, the Fund's funds amounted to 40.5 billion rubles. Formed this Fund at the expense of the state and the Deposit Insurance Agency.

Insurance premiums must pay absolutely all banking institutions in the same percentage. Such payments are made by banks every quarter. The rate that banks have to pay is designated by the Agency. At the present time, the percentage of mandatory payments has risen slightly and amounts to 0.15% of the size of existing insured deposits in a banking institution for each quarter.

Historical facts from the field of deposit insurance

From the very day the deposit insurance system began to exist in Russia, the amount of the maximum compensation has increased several times. At the first stages, only 100,000 rubles could be returned to investors. Already at the end of the summer of 2006, the amount rose to 190,000 rubles. Another year later sum insured damages rose to 400,000 rubles.

In 2008, the state decided to raise the maximum amount of financial compensation to 700,000 rubles. And starting from 2014, the amount began to equal 1,400,000 rubles. To this day, this amount remains unchanged.

For all the time that this system has existed on the territory of the Russian Federation, quite a lot of insured events have occurred, their number is 419.

As indicated on the website of the Deposit Insurance Agency, the amount of insurance liability for all available banks currently stands at 1.78 trillion. rubles to 8.23 ​​million people.

Since the introduction of bank deposit insurance in the country, 3.63 million people have been able to return their own money, the total amount of insurance compensation that depositors have received is 1.7 trillion. rubles.

United States deposit insurance system

The US is the first country to create a specialized system that can help bank depositors. The need to create such a system appeared after the crisis in the economy, known as the Great Depression, broke out. As early as 1933, the American government created the Federal Cash Deposit Insurance Corporation.

DIA demands return of money on deposits

What deposits are insured by the state

Many are interested in whether deposits of individuals are insured, including deposits in foreign currency, as well as money on debit (salary) cards. Don't worry - they are insured.

If the bank is a member of the deposit insurance system, then the funds of individuals, regardless of citizenship, which are in deposits and on bank accounts, are subject to insurance, including:

  • - term deposits and demand deposits, including foreign exchange;
  • - current accounts, including those used for settlements with bank (plastic) cards, for receiving salaries, pensions or scholarships;
  • - funds on the accounts of individual entrepreneurs (for insured events that occurred after 01/01/2014);
  • - funds on nominal accounts of guardians/custodians, the beneficiaries of which are wards;
  • - funds on escrow accounts for settlements under real estate purchase and sale transactions for the period of their state registration(for insured events that occurred after 04/01/2015).

Note that not only the deposited amount of money is insured, but also the accrued interest. They are calculated in proportion to the actual term of the deposit until the day of the insured event.


Some institutions masquerade as banks, offering high interest rates and silent about the lack of appropriate guarantees! You can check whether an institution is included in the deposit insurance system on the websites of the Bank of Russia ( and the DIA (, as well as on a free hotline DIA 8-800-200-08-05.

See also:

- rates of deposits of individuals in Rosselkhozbank >>

What deposits in banks are not insured by the state

Not all the money you entrust to a bank is government-insured and will be returned to you by the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) if the bank loses its license and fails. The following are not covered by the deposit insurance system:

  • - deposits certified by a savings certificate to a bearer or a passbook to a bearer;
  • - funds on the accounts of individual entrepreneurs without education legal entity if accounts are opened in connection with professional activities (for insured events that occurred before 01/01/2014);
  • - funds on the accounts of lawyers and notaries, if the accounts are opened in connection with their professional activities;
  • - deposits in branches of Russian banks located abroad;
  • - funds transferred to banks for trust management;
  • - funds placed on depersonalized metal accounts;
  • - funds transferred to the so-called "electronic wallets" (electronic money).

Does the Agency insure funds placed with MFIs?

On the funds of citizens contributed to micro financial institutions(MFO), the Federal Law "On Insurance of Deposits in Banks of the Russian Federation" does not apply. MFIs are not banks and are not part of the system compulsory insurance deposits.

Are bank deposits insured?

For a long time, the deposits of individual entrepreneurs, who are individuals, were not insured by the state, as well as deposits of legal entities. But a few years ago this incident was eliminated. Currently, the funds on the accounts of individual entrepreneurs in banks are insured (for insured events that occurred after 01/01/2014).

See also:

- what are the rates on deposits today gives Binbank >>

- interest rates deposits in Post Bank >>

How much are deposits insured in 2019

If the insured event occurred after December 29, 2014, maximum amount compensation on deposits is 1,400,000 rubles. It is up to this amount that deposits of individuals in banks of the Russian Federation are insured today.

If the insured event occurred from October 2, 2008 to December 29, 2014, then the maximum amount of compensation for deposits is 700 thousand rubles.

For insured events that occurred from March 25, 2007 to October 1, 2008, the maximum amount of insurance compensation is 400 thousand rubles;

If the insured event occurred from August 9, 2006 to March 25, 2007 - 190 thousand rubles;

IMPORTANT! Separate insurance indemnity, the maximum amount of which is up to 10 million rubles, payable:

According to an escrow account opened for settlements under a real estate purchase and sale transaction;

According to an escrow account opened for settlements under an agreement on participation in shared construction.

By the way!

The Central Bank of Russia and the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) have prepared a bill to compensate depositors of failed banks up to 10 million rubles. in special situations, such as when receiving an inheritance. This was told by the head of the DIA Yuri Isaev.

We are talking about cases of high balances on the bank account “due to special life circumstances,” Isaev specified. Special situations may be associated with temporary receipt of money from the sale of residential real estate, inheritance, social payments and benefits.

Deposit insurance in 2019: questions and answers

How is the amount of compensation calculated if the deposit is placed in foreign currency?

If the deposit is placed in a foreign currency, the amount of compensation is calculated in rubles at the exchange rate established by the Bank Russia on the day of the insured event.

How much compensation will spouses receive if each of them has deposits in the same bank?

In the event of an insured event, each of the spouses will independently receive compensation for deposits in the amount of 100 percent of the amount of his deposits in the bank, but not more than the maximum amount of insurance compensation established by law.

What amount will the depositor receive if he has deposits in different branches (branches) of the same bank?

Deposits in different branches (branches) of the same bank are deposits in the same bank. Therefore, they are covered general rule calculating the amount of indemnity: 100 percent of the amount of all deposits in the bank, but not more than the maximum amount of insurance indemnity established by law.

January 2019

One of the most popular ways to save accumulated savings now is to open a bank deposit. But in order for the level of trust among the client base to be high, the state and banks must apply certain mechanisms for the protection and safety of deposit funds. One of these mechanisms is the insurance system. bank deposits. The article will talk about its principle of operation and the main most important features.

What is a bank deposit insurance system?

The bank deposit insurance system (abbreviated "CIS") is a certain protective mechanism, the result of which is the insurance of deposits by the state. It is the CER that maintains the stability of the work of financial institutions and a high level of public confidence.

This system has been operating since 2004 after the start of the Federal Law No. 177 (details of this law can be found at the link). Its work is regulated by a specialized state corporation - the Deposit Insurance Agency (abbreviation "DIA").

The principle of operation of the entire deposit protection system can be briefly described as follows: if a banking organization loses its license or declares bankruptcy, the state reimburses the physical. individuals and individual entrepreneurs the amount of deposit funds in the amount not exceeding 1.4 million rubles. - This is the maximum amount that can be returned in the event of an insured event. It will be very problematic to return more than this amount.

What is ASV?

The start of work of the Deposit Insurance Agency is dated January 2004. It was created to regulate CERs.

The main functions of the DIA are:

  • implementation of compensation payments to depositors on deposits in case of insured events;
  • maintaining a register of DIS member banks;
  • control over the formation of the deposit insurance fund;
  • fund management.

As of February 20, 2018, the number of financial institutions participating in the deposit protection program is 778 units, and the number of recorded insured events is 431 (as of March 5, 2018).

How does deposit insurance for individuals work?

CER now applies only to individuals (IPs are also included). The scheme of its work is similar to the principle of classical insurance. Only the insurer here is not a citizen, but a financial structure.

Credit institutions make contributions to the DIA in the amount of a certain percentage of the funds raised. Thus, an insurance fund is formed, at the expense of which funds compensation is paid to the deposit holders in the future.

A client who opened a deposit automatically becomes a participant in the bank deposit insurance program for individuals - there is no need to conclude any special agreements. In the event of a situation that is insured, the client submits a request for a refund and receives the deposit amount insured by the state.

Now with regards to insured events. There are only two of them:

  1. The financial institution's license was revoked.
  2. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation imposed a moratorium on satisfying the claims of the bank's creditors. This can happen when a banking organization is late in paying its creditors.

Up to what amount are bank deposits insured?

So, how much is insured in banks on deposits? The upper limit of this amount in 2018 is 1.4 million rubles. For example, from 2004 to 2006 this figure was 100,000 rubles.

It follows from this that funds exceeding this amount should not be kept in one bank. You can return more than 1.4 million rubles, but you cannot give a 100% guarantee of this. First, the client will receive the maximum allowable amount, and the return of the remaining funds will have to queue up. And already when the assets of the bankrupt bank are sold, it will be possible to receive the rest of the amount. I must say that in this case it will be a very long wait.

Are deposits of legal entities insured in banks?

Now the deposits of legal entities are not covered by the CER program. So far, the Bank of Russia has postponed such an opportunity until at least 2019-2020.

What options do organizations have in this situation? There are two main options here:

  1. It is theoretically possible to return own funds to a legal entity. At the time of the insured event, the representative of the company will need to draw up and submit a lawsuit containing a request for the return of funds from the account. But the expectation of funds can be significantly delayed, since the first payments are received by individuals, after - by individual entrepreneurs, and legal entities - at the very last moment. You may not even wait for a refund, since the law does not regulate the mandatory protection of deposits for legal entities.
  2. Voluntarily insure your funds. Many insurance companies now provide this service.

How many deposits can be opened in one bank?

There is no limit to the number of deposits that can be opened in one bank. There may be at least ten, at least a hundred. Another question is the appropriateness of a large number open deposits in one financial institution.

If the client plans to make several deposits in one bank (for example, one long-term, another short-term), it will be necessary to take into account the maximum amount of the insurance amount for deposits in banks. It follows from this that the amount of funds invested at interest for all active deposits in a particular financial institution must be equal to or less than 1,400,000 rubles. Then, upon revocation of a license from a banking organization, as well as in case of its bankruptcy, the client will receive the entire insured amount.

If you want to open several large deposits, it is better to do this in different banking organizations. Unless, of course, it is supposed to pay more than 1.4 million rubles at interest.

Foreign exchange deposit insurance

Foreign currency bank deposits are also protected by CERs, as are ruble deposits. In the event of bankruptcy of a credit institution, the DIA will make compensation payments for currency deposit in ruble equivalent at the exchange rate set by the Bank of Russia during the time period of the occurrence of the insurance situation.

A small example for clarity: a person made a foreign currency deposit in the amount of 15 thousand dollars at a time when his rate was 30 rubles per dollar. We calculate the ruble equivalent of such a contribution: 15,000 × 30 = 450 thousand rubles. After some time, the financial structure in which the deposit was made declares bankruptcy. The exchange rate of the dollar to the ruble at this moment is 40 rubles per dollar. From here we get the amount of insurance compensation in rubles: 15,000 × 40 = 600 thousand rubles.

As for the maximum amount paid on a foreign currency deposit, it will be equal to the equivalent of 1.4 million rubles. It is important to remember here that the calculation will be made at the exchange rate at the time of the occurrence of the insurance situation, and not at the time of the deposit.

List of banks included in the deposit insurance system

The list of the ten most popular banks participating in the deposit insurance system includes the following financial structures:

  1. Sberbank
  2. Gazprombank
  3. Rosselkhozbank
  4. Alfa Bank
  5. Promsvyazbank
  6. Binbank
  7. Rosbank
  8. Raiffeisen Bank
  9. Sovcombank

A complete list of banks that insure deposits of individuals can be viewed at the link.

For those wishing to make a deposit in any banking institution, the following simple recommendations will be useful:

  1. The most important thing when opening a bank deposit is a careful selection and evaluation of the financial institution where funds will be transferred at interest. Be sure to choose only reliable and trusted bankshaving large own assets. You also need to make sure that the selected credit organisation is included in the register of insured banks for deposits (it is important to look for up-to-date data at the moment). As a rule, all major financial institutions are members of the DIS. You should not open a deposit in a little-known organization offering more high percent because the risk of losing own funds will be very large.
  2. You should not open a deposit in the amount of more than 1.4 million rubles. in one banking organization. If you want to invest a large amount, then best solution will be the division of the entire budget into several parts and the opening of several deposits in different financial institutions. For example, you need to invest 2 million rubles at interest. It would be better to open two deposits of 1 million in two different banks.
  3. If the deposit was opened through the online application of a credit institution, you will need to obtain an extract from this institution confirming the placement of the amount in the account. The client must have a written contract.
  4. In case of replenishment of the deposit, it is important to ask the bank employee for credit cash orders, containing information about the number and currency of the account.

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On December 2, 2004, the State Corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency" included PJSC "CREDIT BANK OF MOSCOW" in the register of banks participating in the compulsory deposit insurance system under number 253.

The Bank received an official Certificate of inclusion in the register.

The creation of a system of compulsory insurance of bank deposits of the population is a special state program implemented in accordance with Federal Law 177-FZ "On insurance of deposits of individuals in banks of the Russian Federation" .

Her the main task is to protect the savings of the population placed in deposits and accounts in Russian banks on the territory of the Russian Federation. Protecting the financial interests of citizens is one of the important social tasks in dozens of countries around the world. The deposit insurance system is obligatory in all member states of the European Community, it operates in the USA, Japan, Brazil, our closest neighbors - Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Armenia.

The deposit insurance system works as follows. If the bank ceases to operate and its license to carry out banking operations, its depositors immediately receive fixed cash payments.

To insure deposits for a depositor no contract is required: it is carried out by law. An organization specially created by the state - the Deposit Insurance Agency - returns to the depositor the main amount of his savings for the bank, instead of the depositor, takes his place in the queue of creditors and subsequently sorts out relations with the bank to repay the debt.

In accordance with the law on deposit insurance deposit reimbursement paid in the amount of 100 percent of the amount of deposits in the bank, not exceeding 1,400,000 rubles. Foreign currency deposits are recalculated at the rate of the Central Bank on the date of occurrence of the insured event.

The amount of compensation cannot exceed 1,400,000 rubles, even if the depositor keeps money in one bank on several accounts. However, if he has deposits in different banks, equal payments are guaranteed to him in each of them.

All funds of individuals in banks are subject to insurance, with the exception of:

  • placed on bank accounts (in deposits) of lawyers, notaries and other persons, if such accounts (deposits) are opened for the implementation of professional activities provided for by federal law;
  • placed by individuals in bearer bank deposits, including those certified by a savings certificate and (or) a bearer savings book;
  • transferred by individuals to banks for trust management;
  • placed on deposits in branches of banks of the Russian Federation located outside the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • being electronic money;
  • placed on nominal accounts, with the exception of separate nominal accounts that are opened for guardians or trustees and beneficiaries (beneficiaries) for which the wards are, pledge accounts and escrow accounts, unless otherwise established by the Federal Law.

In order to receive compensation on deposits, the depositor (his representative) has the right to apply to the State Corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency" (hereinafter referred to as the Agency) or to the agent bank if it is involved in the payment of compensation on deposits. Such a right can be exercised by the depositor from the day the insured event occurs until the day the bank bankruptcy procedure is completed, and if the Bank of Russia imposes a moratorium on satisfying creditors' claims, until the day the moratorium expires.

When applying to the Agency (agent bank) with a request for payment of compensation on deposits, the depositor submits:

  • application in the form determined by the Agency;
  • a document proving his identity, the details of which are indicated in the register of bank depositors.

The payment of compensation on deposits is made by the Agency in accordance with the register of the bank's obligations to depositors, formed by the bank in respect of which the insured event occurred, within three days from the date the depositor submits documents to the Agency, but not earlier than 14 days from the date of the occurrence of the insured event (this period required to receive information from the bank about deposits and organization of settlements).

The Agency publishes information about the place, time, form and procedure for accepting applications from depositors in the Bulletin of the Bank of Russia, as well as in the printed organ at the location of the bank. Within a month from the date of receipt from the bank of the register of the bank's obligations to depositors, a corresponding message is sent to the bank's depositors, information about which is contained in the register, on an individual basis. Payment of compensation on deposits can be made at the request of the depositor both in cash and by transferring funds to a bank account indicated by the depositor.

Acceptance from depositors of applications for payment of compensation on deposits and other required documents, as well as the payment of reimbursement on deposits, can be carried out by the Agency through agent banks acting on its behalf and at its expense.

Participation in the insurance system is mandatory for all banks that have the right to work with private deposits. Deposits are considered insured from the day the bank is included in the register of banks participating in the system.

The financial basis of the system is the mandatory deposit insurance fund

The main sources of fund formation are:

  • Initial property contribution of the Russian Federation in the amount of 2 billion rubles
  • Bank insurance premiums and penalties for late payment.
  • Income from investing the fund's resources.

Insurance premiums are the same for all banks and are paid by them quarterly. The rate of insurance premiums of banks is set by the Board of Directors of the Agency, it cannot exceed 0.15 percent medium size contributions per quarter. In the event of a fund deficit, the rate of insurance premiums may be increased to 0.3 percent.

The funds of the deposit insurance fund can be invested

  • In government securities of the Russian Federation.
  • In deposits and securities of the Bank of Russia.
  • In government securities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in bonds and shares of Russian issuers, as well as in Russian mortgage-backed securities.
  • In units (shares, shares) of index investment funds investing funds in government securities of foreign states, bonds and shares of other foreign issuers.
  • In securities of economically developed foreign states.

In order to ensure financial stability deposit insurance system The Government of Russia has the right to allocate funds to the Agency federal budget in case of insufficient funds of the deposit insurance fund.

In 2018, all deposits of Russians, as before, are subject to insurance in the amount of 1.4 thousand rubles. The insurance payment increased from 700 thousand rubles to the specified limit in 2015 in accordance with the amendments to Federal Law No. 177 of December 23, 2003 "On insurance of deposits of individuals". Thus, if a bank loses its license or goes bankrupt, as the case may be, the state fully (partially) refunds the deposited funds. Which deposits are insured and which are not? How many deposits can be insured in one bank and does the insurance program apply if more than two accounts are opened in one bank? Is an increase in the sum insured expected? We will answer these questions in this article.

Features of deposit insurance

A deposit is considered insured only if the credit institution officially cooperates with the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA). The amount of the insurance payment is the amount initially deposited on the account, as well as accrued interest. The Agency manages the compulsory deposit insurance system (CIS) in Russia, guarantees the receipt of insurance compensation, protects the savings of individuals and individual entrepreneurs placed on accounts in financial institutions in Russia.

The state program DIS is being implemented in accordance with federal law on insurance of deposits of individuals in Russian banks. Similar systems of savings insurance are common in more than 100 world countries, in the CIS (Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Kazakhstan), EU countries. You should be aware that in one bank a client can insure several deposits at once. There are the following features of the functioning of the DIS in the event of an insured situation:

  • Insurance covers the deposit at 100%, provided that its amount does not exceed 1.4 million rubles;
  • If there are two or more accounts in one bank, the total amount of which significantly exceeds the insurance indemnity, the depositor has the right to apply for the remaining amount and join the waiting list - “on demand”. It must be remembered that such payments are made only after the DIA sells the property of a bankrupt bank to pay off debts to priority creditors. And only then does the procedure for providing additional compensation begin;
  • If deposits are placed in several banks, then the maximum amount of compensation for each of them will also be no more than 1.4 million rubles;
  • Insurance compensation individual entrepreneurs paid last, after the return of deposits to all individuals;
  • The term for making payments is 14 days from the date of occurrence of the insured event.

If there is a foreign currency deposit, compensation is paid in Russian rubles according to the exchange rate of the Central Bank, valid on the day of occurrence of the insurance situation. The accrual of interest on the deposit is made according to the agreement. If a monthly percentage premium is provided, then the depositor receives an initial fee plus interest for the account opening period. In the case of the stipulated accrual of interest during the term of the deposit, the rate "On Demand" is applied.

How to act in case of bank failure?

If the financial institution where the deposit was made has lost its license or is at the stage of bankruptcy, customers should not panic. It must be remembered that within two weeks the Deposit Insurance Agency appoints an interim management, and the agent bank will deal with the return of funds. Where can I find out to whom the duties of a bankrupt financial institution have been transferred? This information is usually posted on its official resource or on the DIA website.

Affected clients must visit any branch of their bank and, having a passport and bank agreement to open a deposit, write an application for a refund of savings.

If the depositor has a loan in the same bank, its amount will be reduced by the amount of the existing deposit. Specialists can offer early repayment of debt on preferential terms(for example, a reduced rate). While there are no new details, you should not make mandatory payment, because cash may not be taken into account. However, if the next payment has already been made, you must keep a receipt for this operation.

Are all deposits subject to insurance?

DIA is engaged in insurance of deposit accounts and deposits of ordinary citizens. It should be remembered that only financial institutions participating in the insurance system can work with private deposits without obstacles. Deposits are insured from the moment the bank is entered into the relevant register. Regular deposits opened in the name of the client, pension, salary and other accounts that provide for the receipt of various payments are subject to compensation. Exceptions are:

  • Accounts of notaries and lawyers opened due to the formation of a legal entity;
  • Savings deposits to the bearer;
  • Money in foreign offices banking organizations;
  • Prepaid bank cards and electronic money;
  • Accounts with trust management;
  • Metal impersonal deposits;
  • Escrow accounts, excluding open deposits for the purpose of arranging a real estate transaction.

Today, not every credit institution seeks to cooperate with the DIA, because this service is provided on a paid basis. Therefore, depositors in many banks risk not receiving compensation. If a citizen wishes to make a deposit in 2018, he should definitely ask a bank employee whether the planned deposit is subject to insurance. You can find out about the participation of a particular financial institution in DIS through the website of the DIA or the Central Bank, as well as by calling the hotline number of the selected bank. We described in detail the procedure for checking a banking institution for participation in CER