Europe Bank calculate loan online calculator. Credit Europe Bank online application for a consumer loan in cash. Package of documents for citizens of the Russian Federation


The loan calculator is a simple and handy tool, which helps you make calculations quickly and effortlessly. Set the required calculation conditions:

  • loan amount and currency,
  • maturity,
  • purpose of the loan.

This data will help you choose required loan. You can choose additional conditions loan and use special program. If you are interested in an offer from Credit Europe Bank, click “Detailed calculation” in its tab. To see the payment schedule, click on the “Loan Calculator” button.

The summary will contain all the necessary data (based on the default settings):

  • the amount of the total payment,
  • amount of credit,
  • amount of overpayment,
  • monthly payment amount.

For convenience, the data is duplicated on the page in the form of a chart.

If the online application for a cash loan sent to Credit Europe Bank is approved, you will need to come to its office with necessary documents to conclude an agreement. To see the schedule of future payments, set the necessary parameters:

Below, determine the payment scheme (differentiated or annuity payments). If you plan to close the loan ahead of schedule, click “Add repayment” and indicate the amount and date of the off-hour payment. When all parameters are set, click “Calculate expenses”.

The system will automatically make all calculations and display the payment schedule on the page. In it you will see the amount of the monthly payment, also divided by the amount of the principal debt and the amount of accrued interest, as well as the remaining debt for each period.

Important! The planned conditions may differ from what is actually offered by Credit Europe Bank. The fact is that the terms of the loan are individual for each borrower. So, they may offer you several big bet, if you do not meet any bank requirements - for example, you do not have an income certificate. In order to find out the exact amount, you need to contact a bank specialist and provide him with all the necessary information for the calculation. Using the loan calculator, you can pre-calculate what the costs will be and decide on the choice of loan.

Commercial bank "Europe Bank" offers several car loan programs:


Amount, thousand rubles

Duration, years

% per annum

Original contribution (minimum) %

Purpose of lending

To purchase new foreign-made cars

For the purchase of new foreign-made commercial vehicles

For the purchase of used foreign-made vehicles, up to 5 years old

For the purchase of used passenger cars of foreign brands (except for cars of Ukrainian, Iranian, Chinese, Uzbek brands), up to 5 years old

To purchase new commercial trucks from an official dealer of the category, weighing up to 20 tons.

For the purchase of new commercial vehicles from an official dealer

The purchased car is issued as collateral.

In the absence of Casco, the rate increases by 2 -2.9 pips.

The application review period is from 30 minutes to 1 day, the decision is valid for 1 month.

There are programs without proof of solvency.

Agreements are concluded in a bank branch or in partner companies. The loan is issued to the seller's account. The debt is repaid in equal payments.

To calculate the possibility of debt servicing, use a loan calculator, which allows you to online calculate the amount of the monthly payment and the total amount of overpayment under the agreement. For example, purchasing a car under the “Our People” program, worth 1.5 million rubles, depositing 500 thousand rubles. own funds, the loan amount will be 1 million rubles. For a period of 3 years the amount monthly payments, at 10.9% per annum, will amount to 32.7 thousand rubles, the total amount of overpayment is 176.4 thousand rubles.

Recipient requirements

Loans are provided to citizens of the Russian Federation with permanent registration in the region of circulation.


  • Age from 18 years;
  • Work experience from 4 months, total seniority from 6 months;
  • Fixed income;
  • Availability of home, mobile and work telephones.

Required documents

To obtain a loan you will need a passport and driver's license.

The borrower's income is confirmed by certificates 2-NDFL, 3-NDFL, and a personal account statement.

At the same time, he will introduce you to the terms of the loan and make the necessary calculations.

Among the bank's loan programs, the following deserve special attention: consumer loans in cash. They are represented by two programs that differ in the type of support. The first does not require collateral, the second loan (“Multi-purpose loan secured by vehicles”) requires collateral for a car.

Credit Europe Bank accepts any car as collateral, regardless of the date of manufacture and country of manufacture. It can be owned by any person, not necessarily the client. The costs of its assessment are borne by the bank. It depends on the appraised value of the car maximum amount issued loan: 60% of market value Russian cars, 70% foreign-made cars.

Loan rates vary greatly - from 13% to 28.8% per annum, the specific rate is calculated individually and depends on the number of documents provided. If the loan amount exceeds 750 thousand rubles, then the bank requires a guarantee from any individual.

Types of consumer loans:

In both cases, there is a commission for opening an account, it is 1% of the amount, but not less than 2000 rubles.

Consumer calculator Credit Europe Bank

Rub. $ euro

1.5 years = 18 months, 2 years = 24 months, 5 years = 60 months

Loan calculator Credit Europe Bank allows you to calculate consumer loan For individuals according to data for 2019. Use the calculator if you want to choose the most profitable terms lending.

Credit Europe Bank - large bank, which is part of the international financial group FIBA. Key areas of activity - retail lending, lending corporate persons, trade securities, trading on foreign exchange market, account servicing legal entities. The bank has a strong position in the market credit organization Russian Federation and is popular among the population.

Credit Europe Bank currently offers 1 consumer lending program.

  • Monthly payment amount
  • Total overpayment
  • Overpayment percentage
  • Total amount of loan payments

This financial instrument suitable for calculating a loan with early repayment or partially early repayment. After calculation, look at the table with the monthly loan payment schedule.

Use it to analyze the selected credit line. The table collects and distributes by month all important information about the loan: accrued interest, principal and payment amount.

Terms of service credit loan depend on the purpose of the loan. They determine: the maximum amount of allocated funds, the amount of interest on the loan, a package of documents and requirements for the borrower.

You can take out a loan from Europe Bank in 2019:

  • Cash (at a bank branch)
  • For refinancing
  • For the purchase of transport
  • For the development of small and medium-sized businesses (in cash and non-cash form)
  • For building a house
  • For the purchase of housing (new or on the secondary market)
  • For the purchase of real estate

Particularly favorable lending conditions are available to holders of salary and pension cards. Having a card greatly simplifies the loan issuance procedure.

Credit loan calculator Credit Europe Bank will calculate a loan for:

  • Salary card holders
  • Pension card holders
  • Legal entities
  • Individuals
  • Individual entrepreneurs

Remember, the amount of overpayment on the loan will depend on how wisely you choose credit program. You can calculate the loan yourself (using formulas) or at a bank branch. But it's better to use it first credit calculator Credit Europe Bank, in order to protect yourself from hidden fees and charges.

This simple financial tool will automatically calculate all key loan indicators. You just have to evaluate all the loan indicators and decide for yourself whether to take out a loan or not.

Credit Europe Bank's loan calculator will help you calculate a consumer loan in cash in 2019 - 2020: the amount of monthly loan payments and payment terms for early repayment. Use official online calculator om on the site is free!

Living on credit is convenient and practical. Consumer loans have become a part of the lives of Russians. Cash loans are especially popular among borrowers. Lending in 2018 will delight you with a variety of offers for individuals.

To choose the most interesting and profitable of them, plan early repayment loan, a financial instrument is needed. This is exactly what the Credit Europe Bank loan calculator is: convenient, visual, free.

Lending terms

  • Borrower's age: from 18 to 75 years (at the time of repayment);
  • Minimum amount: 30,000 rubles;
  • Maximum amount: 5 million rubles;
  • Duration: from 3 months to 5 years;
  • Commission for issuing a loan: none;
  • Security: guarantees from individuals – citizens of the Russian Federation (no more than 2).

Loan interest rate

We are gradually filling this section. It's worth waiting a little :)

Credit Europe Bank develops consumer lending in 13 directions of its trading partners. Products in partner stores can be purchased significantly cheaper at credit cards jar. In addition, the bank issues cash loans. In each case, personal conditions are provided depending on the solvency of the borrower.