When is it profitable to invest in gold? How to invest money in real estate and how profitable is it? Sources of investment


Smart investment- the key to a highly secure future. By placing free money in promising investment projects, you have the opportunity to significantly increase your wealth. What instruments are potentially profitable and what kind of profitability they can bring to a novice investor, we will analyze in detail in today’s article.

Sources of investment

The question is where to get free ones cash, are asked by those people who are already thinking about their future. As you know, there is no such thing as too much money. Therefore, if you do not purposefully take measures to accumulate capital, then there will be nothing to invest. So where can you get free money to invest?

Let's consider 3 reliable options:

  1. Save 10-20% of your salary . This option always works. It is important to determine how much money can be withdrawn without consequences. If you find it difficult to save money and the temptation to spend it is great, you can start. True, there are not many options and they are not so profitable compared to investments of 100,000 or more. But you may want to consider investing little money as a temporary milestone that will lead you to a big goal.
  2. Borrow money from relatives . Not the best idea, but it has its place. Moreover, parents can donate initial capital to a good cause free of charge.
  3. Additional income . As sources of additional earnings, you can consider overtime work at your main place of work or short-term options with low pay. Of course, you will have to work more. But for the sake of receiving passive income It's worth making the effort in the future.

TOP 17 ways to invest free money

So there you have it small capital and you want it to work. Below is a list of 17 working ways where you can invest your free money. All you have to do is adapt them to suit yourself and depending on the ratio of income and degree of risk.

1. Bank deposit

It makes sense to invest free money in a bank when you need to save up an emergency reserve just in case. Except time deposits, the interest on contributions is quite cheap. Therefore, you should not count on good dividends even from a large amount. Anyone who decides to place savings in a bank account amounting to more than 1,400,000 rubles needs to divide it and put in different banks . To in case of default the state reimbursed the investment in full.

2. Securities

Shares are one of the most attractive, but also the riskiest options. As practice shows, it is better to entrust the management of securities to experienced professionals, although they cannot guarantee income. The peculiarity of this method is that there is no upper ceiling for profit or loss. In each case everything is individual. Of course, you can predict the main trend based on past experience, but this does not always work.

Read our review about how to avoid mistakes that 90% of novice investors make, and.

3. Real estate

It’s a fairly popular method of spending free money. After all, investing means getting the opportunity to quickly earn income and cover mortgage payments with it. However, it must be taken into account that if the apartment is not rented out for some reason, money must be paid from your own pocket. In the case where housing is purchased for equity, you will receive stable profits with minimal risks. It is most profitable to rent out an apartment for offices and other commercial premises.

4. Binary options

With their help, every investor has the opportunity to make money on shares of popular companies, banks and corporations. The way options work is structured like this: either you get the maximum profit, or in case of failure, you completely lose it. The risks are high, but so are the rewards can reach 70%.

Making money on options depends on whether or not you guess whether the price of a stock will rise or fall at a certain time. You can buy them at different times, ranging from 1 minute to months.

Option investing is done through a broker and requires knowledge of the basics fundamental and technical analysis.

5. Microfinance organizations

7. Business

One of the most controversial investment options. On the one hand, with making the right choice niche, it can bring the greatest profit to its owner. On the other hand, you cannot hope for long-term income without constant contributions to the development of the project. Alternative solution is a franchise, but here you will face strict restrictions from the franchisor.

Read separate publication, and you will find out what other pitfalls await you in.

8. Precious metals

13. Own website

Creating a website is one of the most popular ways to invest savings and for this there are a number of reasons:

  • small initial investment;
  • efficiency of creation;
  • you can start earning money right away;
  • passive income in the future.

With all the advantages, it is worth considering that competition in this area is huge.

And before starting a project, you need to understand all the possible methods of monetization and promotion. Ideally, the investor should deal with these issues independently, then the income will be maximum.

14. Social networks

The topic of making money from public accounts on social networks does not lose its relevance. There are active discussions on the Internet about whether it is still possible to make money from your group or whether the train has already left. It is difficult to answer this question unambiguously. In any case, those who started a couple of years ago have clear advantage. In general, everything depends on the investor’s organizational skills and experience in promoting projects.

In any case, doing social networks yourself, you won’t need a lot of money. If the circumstances are successful, you will receive a good income from selling advertising; if the experience is unsuccessful, nothing will prevent you from selling the unprofitable group.

15. Education

At the beginning of your career, it is very important to invest in gaining knowledge. New skills provide an opportunity to establish yourself as a competent specialist and earn money more money for a comfortable life in the future.

16. Structured products

A stable way to invest your savings, which gained popularity at the height of the crisis and is still in use today. The idea is to divide your capital and invest the bulk of your investment (80%) in bonds and the remainder (20%) in futures and options. This combination allows the investor, if successful, to receive up to 40% profitability, and if unsuccessful, to remain with his funds.

Pay attention to the comparison table below (click on the image to enlarge it):

From this we can conclude that structural products have the highest returns with relatively small investments.

Profits may be higher if we're talking about oh, but here it is important to carefully monitor news and analytics.

17. PAMM accounts

Investing in PAMM accounts is a transfer of free money to a trader for temporary disposal with the aim of increasing it as a result of trading activities on Forex. The peculiarity of such investments is that deposits are protected from possible fraud on the part of the account holder. If you lose, losses are distributed among all account participants, including the manager, which is an additional motivation for successful trading.


As you can see, there are many worthy options where you can invest your free money. The threshold for entry into the listed alternatives is affordable, so you can try all the tools and determine the one that suits you with virtually no monetary losses. We, in turn, wish you not to be afraid to try new things, because this is the only way to gain experience and develop investment intuition.

Where is it profitable to invest money in 2018? Perhaps almost every person has heard from friends or read stories on social networks about the huge profits that investing in suburban land can bring. Is it worth getting involved in such a risky undertaking?

Where is it profitable to invest money in 2018? Perhaps almost every person has heard from friends or read stories on social networks about the huge profits that investing in suburban land can bring. Is it worth getting involved in such a risky undertaking?

Initial data

It is well known that when choosing land plot for investment purposes it is necessary to study the schemes territorial planning one area or another. If we are talking about the Moscow region, relevant documents regularly appear on the portal of state and municipal services of the Moscow region. In addition, information on all subjects of Russia is available on the website of the Federal State Information System for Territorial Planning (FSIS TP).

As stated in the urban planning block of the Leningrad Region Administration, FSIS TP is the most complete information system for plans for the territorial development of settlements. At the same time, information about future development is located on the websites of each specific municipality; it may also contain data on changes in the status of lands that are not included in the FSIS TP. The territorial development diagram for the Leningrad Region, posted on the website of the Committee on Architecture and Urban Planning, may also be useful.

In addition, the source of information about the territorial development of municipalities of the Leningrad region is Information system ensuring urban planning activities (ISOGD), the first deputy chairman of the committee on architecture and urban planning - chief architect of the Leningrad region - told the site portal Mikhail Kireev.

If construction of a warehouse, factory, heavy traffic route begins nearby, or, even worse, a landfill appears, then the site will inevitably decline in price. However, the construction of nearby stations public transport, shopping and entertainment complexes, schools, kindergartens and clinics, in a word, what is commonly called the benefits of civilization, on the contrary, will increase the cost of the site. The main question is whether the plans published by the authorities can be unconditionally trusted.

Seven Fridays for a week

Experts say that in practice, territorial planning plans have changed many times, and the most obvious confirmation of this is the annexation of New Moscow. Due to the intensive construction of roads, interchanges, and multi-storey buildings, some holiday and cottage villages found themselves squeezed between highways and high-rise buildings, which negatively affected their value.

However, it is difficult to insure against deterioration of terrain characteristics not only in New Moscow, but also in any suburb. And sometimes it even comes to sad oddities.

“For example, one of the elite suburban villages was sold with views of the forest and field,” comments the managing director of Metrium Premium and a member of the CBRE partner network Ilya Menzhunov. - The developer assured that such a landscape outside the windows will always remain, since there is a gas pipeline on the neighboring site. However, in the end, a few years later, a developer appeared who rebuilt the gas pipeline and built a new cottage community, which partially blocked the view of the forest to the owners who paid a lot of money for it. Thus, even solid monumental structures undergo changes, not to mention objects that still exist only in plans. Therefore, in my opinion, the investor does not have a 100% source to rely on when choosing a land plot.”

Commercial Director of the company "FACT. Cottage villages" Alexey Barinov It also does not advise relying entirely on the information presented on the websites of government agencies. Especially when it comes to investing large sums of money. Although on the FSIS TP website you can see information about the development plans of the settlement, on the portal you can only see a sketch, and not the real picture. This happens because municipalities do not have development budgets as such. Construction works in most cases are carried out at the expense of private investors.

Moreover, the authorities themselves do not consider these Internet resources to be an absolutely reliable basis for making investment decisions. “These sources do not provide comprehensive information, since the enforcement of adopted norms may be extended over time or they may be changed,” said the urban planning block of the Leningrad Region administration. “More information can be obtained through personal communication with representatives of municipal authorities.”

What's the benefit?

Price analysis countryside real estate gives a clear answer on this matter. As a rule, an investor wants to buy an empty plot, build a cottage on it himself, and then resell a full-fledged home with all the amenities. “I don’t remember a single example of land being sold in the same form in which it was bought,” says the head of the Speransky Expert Bureau. Dmitry Speransky. “All profitable stories are related to the development of the purchased territory and the investment of additional funds in it.”

At the same time, it’s already ready Vacation home As an investment, experts do not consider it a good idea.

According to general director cottage village "Lambery" Alexey Potapov,
In the elite segment of the Leningrad region, for the past 10 years practically no properties for speculation have been purchased. “In our projects, almost all transactions are carried out using a mortgage,” adds the head of the sales department of the Teorema company. Irina Kudryavtseva. “It is clear that no one will invest using borrowed money - this is economic madness.” Thus, the question of investing your money in a house or land can be considered resolved.

Bureaucracy and technical issues

But even when purchasing a plot of land, you can stumble upon serious pitfalls.

"It's interesting that in last years investors often ask to select agricultural land, since it is their owners who offer a good discount,” says Ilya Menzhunov. - However, it is worth noting several disadvantages of this type of plot. Every year, the procedure for transferring agricultural land to the category of individual housing construction (for individual construction) becomes more complicated. There is a risk that, ultimately, the investor will end up with an illiquid asset, which may have to be resold at a loss, that is, even cheaper than the object was purchased. In addition, many agricultural lands are located on the border of the Moscow region and neighboring regions, that is, far from the Moscow Ring Road. Today, buyers prefer to live closer to Moscow or at least close to large populated areas with all the associated infrastructure. Finally, the investor’s risks are associated with the seizure of land by the state due to long-term non-use, if the buyer is unable to change the purpose of the land plot.”

In addition, for the construction of a cottage village (in the case of transferring the land to the individual housing construction category), the site must be located close to power distribution substations, populated areas, in an area with a favorable environmental situation, developed infrastructure, etc., adds Ilya Menzhunov. Therefore, it is necessary to check in advance with Mosenergosbyt whether it will be necessary to extend communications several hundred meters in order to provide the site with everything necessary, and whether the built-in capacity will be enough to connect another facility. Otherwise, the cost of such services may reach the budget for purchasing the land itself.

The vicissitudes of politics and economics

In addition to bureaucratic and technical aspects, the cost of a plot is also influenced by economic and political factors, which can lead to stagnation of the market as a whole, reminds Alexey Barinov. A similar situation was observed in the market of the Leningrad region until 2008. During this period, transactions in foreign currency were popular, which buyers entered into, hoping to significantly increase their investments. As a result, many of them did not even return the amount of investment.

Be professional and know how to bargain

According to an expert from the company “FACT. Cottage settlements,” investors in land plots can be divided into two groups. The first category includes “hunters” with large budgets in search of undervalued properties whose value could potentially increase. In the second category are buyers with more modest capital. They are interested in land transactions, for example, at the start of sales of a cottage community. They understand that by the time communications and infrastructure in the project are completed, the price of one hundred square meters will increase.

But no matter what the investor’s capital, real estate market experts hasten to remind: there is no single price list and there cannot be. Sellers of various objects, lands in cottage villages and simply in villages, they set the price solely according to their own arbitrary desire. Two plots of similar characteristics can often be purchased at completely different prices.

“It all depends on the ability to bargain and negotiate a price,” Dmitry Speransky points out. - In one case, the plot will bring income, even if it is immediately resold, in another case it will never bring income. This is a global difference from investing in shares or gold: there is a single market price at which transactions are made. Information from government agencies about the development of the territory can be convenient tool for bargaining, but it will not give you an idea whether you can sell this piece of land for more than you bought.” Therefore, only a qualified buyer with knowledge and an excellent understanding of the specifics of the market can count on some kind of profitability. “I categorically do not advise ordinary people to invest in land today with investment goals, - said the expert. - Look for other tools. Or buy land for yourself, build a summer house on it and have fun.”

If you still decide

If, despite such a warning, the desire to invest in land still remains, then we should finally give some advice from specialists in the country real estate market, about which they are unanimous. But it should be understood that all this cannot, in the truest sense of the word, guarantee success for an unqualified investor.

Firstly, it is better to purchase land not in a bare field, but in a ready-made, built area. If the surrounding areas are already built up with objects capital construction, then most likely there will be no place for landfills, roads, high-rise buildings and warehouses to appear nearby.

Secondly, in conditions economic crisis and buyers' dwindling cash reserves, many of them are becoming more demanding. Now people are ready to spend money only on high-quality suburban housing, where they can have the amenities and level of comfort familiar to city life. Therefore, it is better to invest not in village plots without communications, but in plots without contracts, located in the territories of cottage villages. In addition, the purchaser of land in an organized village will be spared the bureaucratic difficulties when constructing a house.

But if an investor nevertheless decides to invest money in empty land without communications and capital development around it, then, in addition to plans for the development of territories, he should have insider information on hand. And this requires essential connections, the presence of which, again, in to a greater extent more typical for professionals than for ordinary citizens.

Alexander Kovalevsky

According to research, investment in real estate Among our compatriots, for many years now it has been considered the most reliable way to earn money and preserve their capital. Experts do not deny that this is true, but at the same time they emphasize that the degree of reliability depends on the investment object. In general, there are seven main ways to invest money in real estate. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the features of each of them so that you can evaluate your “wants” and “cans”.

The first way is to buy land

This option has a number of advantages. Firstly, a land plot costs much less than pre-built buildings. Secondly, unlike houses, land does not have such a negative feature as obsolescence, which means there is no need to spend money on renovation work and maintaining the investment object in good condition. Thirdly, recently the area of ​​construction of cottages in suburban areas has been flourishing, so the land can easily be sold for the construction of mansions, townhouses and other types of real estate.

Anton Murygin will tell you how to buy good land at a price below the market

The second way is to buy an apartment

Buying a finished apartment for the purpose of renting it out is considered one of the most common ways of investing in real estate among ordinary citizens, and not investor-entrepreneurs. True, the profitability from this method is not high, only about 5% per year, although it is considered very reliable.

The third way is to buy a room

If the investment amount is small, you can invest it in the purchase of not a whole apartment, but just one room. Of course, this method of investment is most profitable in large cities, where rental costs are quite high and visitors often rent separate rooms. Experts note that when renting out a room, the profitability is even higher than with a similar disposal of an apartment - about 10-20% per year.

You don’t need to buy an apartment for 2 million or more, you just need to come to the bankruptcy auction and buy it there for 200 thousand rubles. Agree, you won’t find an apartment for 200 thousand now. Oleg Selifanov talks about this method in the video:

And also, visit his master class

Visit the nearest master class by Oleg Selifanov:

How to find and buy gold objects using the Sherlock Holmes method

The fourth way is to invest money in a mutual fund

Closed real estate mutual funds provide the opportunity to invest even a small amount sum of money, on which the amount of dividends received will depend. In other words, the investor becomes the owner of a certain number of “shares” and owns securities certifying his ownership of part of the fund - apartment building, industrial or commercial real estate etc. In this case, income from owning the fund is distributed among shareholders as a percentage depending on the number of shares. Experts note the transparency of how shareholders manage their money, as well as the incredibly high profitability of this investment method. But you need to keep in mind that it will take several years to withdraw your funds from mutual funds.

Similarly, you can invest money in foreign mutual funds. There are organizations that distribute all the money for real estate in different countries, which provides additional guarantees of saving funds in the event of an economic or political crisis in one of the countries.

Investment analysts note the benefits of this method of investing money. And although its profitability is lower than investments in domestic mutual funds, the guarantee of receiving dividends is much higher.

The fifth way is to invest money in purchasing a housing certificate

Another option for registering your real estate investments. In this case, the investor buys a certain amount square meters in a house under construction. After completing the construction process, you can either exchange the certificate for a finished apartment with the living space indicated in it, or sell the certificate at an already increased price. The benefit is provided by the difference in the cost of real estate at the construction stage and after the house is put into operation.

The sixth method is taking ownership of real estate as a shareholder

The purchase of an apartment is carried out at the stage of construction of a multi-storey building. The investor invests money in an object under construction, and then receives a finished apartment that can be sold. The benefit is obvious, because the difference between the money invested in construction and the price of the finished residential property is very significant. The only catch is the risks associated with frozen construction, fraud by developers, etc. Many have heard about how shareholders were deceived, so with this method of investing it is better to consult with experts.

Nikolai Mrochkovsky will be an expert on this issue; he tells how to invest in new buildings during a crisis

The seventh way is to invest in the purchase of real estate or land abroad

The only disadvantage of this method of investing is the rather high investment threshold. Despite the fact that apartments in Europe can often be purchased much more profitably than in some Russian cities, the governments of many countries only allow major players. Another obstacle may be the lengthy documentation procedure and the need to pay real estate taxes. Otherwise, this is a highly profitable and stable investment method.

Hello! Today we'll talk about where to invest money. Do you have a certain amount of money and want to increase it with minimal risks? Where to invest money with maximum benefit? What principles guide experienced investors? You can find out more about all this below. Do not neglect this information, because best contribution is an investment in the form of knowledge.

Financial cushion

Where is it profitable to invest money?

There are many ways to invest. Among them there are not entirely legal methods and projects that are aimed at extracting money from illiterate and gullible investors. How not to get confused in all the variety of offers and not run into a scam.

Let's talk about where is the best place to invest money?. Let's consider traditional investment methods that have already been tested by time and experienced investors. The risks are moderate, and the profitability is quite predictable.

Invest money in bank deposits

Invest money at interest in a bank- the most common method, but due to the high level of inflation in the country, it cannot be called super profitable. IN best case scenario you can count on maintaining your funds at the same level as at the time of deposit.

The Russian Federation recently adopted a law that guarantees the depositor payment of 1 million rubles (instead of 700 thousand previously established) in the event of bank failure. Provided that you financial institution– the bankrupt has a banking license.

Sberbank is one of the most popular banks in Russia, but it cannot boast of high interest rates on deposits. If you are interested in the question of where to invest money so as not to lose, this option is for you. Here the level of risks is the lowest. After all, this is one of the most reliable and time-tested banks. In addition, here you have the opportunity to invest small amounts of money, with almost a full guarantee of return.

What are the advantages of investing money in a bank?

  1. Small chance of losing money.
  2. You can return funds at any time.
  3. You can start with 1000 rubles.
  4. Simple rules and clarity of the whole process.

The disadvantages are obvious:

  1. Possibly the lowest profitability of all possible ways investing;
  2. If funds are withdrawn early, interest is lost.

Bank deposits are divided into several categories depending on the term:

  • Time deposits - funds are kept in the bank for a certain period of time; if money is withdrawn ahead of schedule, the bank imposes penalties on the depositor. This may include deprivation of part of the interest on the deposit. The contract may set a period during which the money will be returned upon early termination obligations.
  • Perpetual deposits - the agreement in this case is free from strict mandatory deadlines. You can withdraw money at any time. But a small account balance is expected so that the contract does not terminate. If there is no balance, then next time you will have to sign the contract again.
  • Deposits with monthly accruals on the account. In this case, interest is transferred to the depositor every month. Funds can be withdrawn or retained, thereby increasing the amount on which interest will accrue.
  • Deposits with interest payment only upon expiration of the period specified in the agreement. You can enter into an agreement for a year and receive interest only after this period, not earlier. Such deposits can be made for any period - a month, six months, a year or more.

Invest money in stock markets

Stock market– the second most popular way of investing. It is based on the purchase of securities (bonds, stocks and futures).

Allows you to get much more income than from bank deposits. However, relatively significant risks must be taken into account.

To invest in this area, it is useful to contact special brokerage companies or banks that deal with the stock market and operations on it. By far the most famous brokerage companies are "Aton" and "Otkritie". These are reliable systems with minimal risks to invest money in Russia.

You can invest for short periods, and then such investors are often called speculators. They sell and buy securities in a matter of minutes, a maximum of a week.

Medium-term investors hold stocks for several weeks to months.

If shares are purchased for several years, then this is a long-term investment.

You can manage funds yourself, or you can contact traders or specialized funds. The latter includes mutual fund - mutual investment fund. This organization It itself forms an investment portfolio consisting of shares, deposits, bonds and other things. He independently sells these shares, or shares in other words.

Certain periods are established, after which the investor receives interest in accordance with the size of the contributed share. But the fund can also bring losses if the income is less than the amount of investment.

The main advantages of investing in funds:

  • the percentage of profit is higher than from bank deposits;
  • you can invest in different instruments - types of securities;
  • You can create your own investment portfolio by studying in detail the ratio of income and risks. In this case, there is a possibility of investing money very profitably.

Disadvantages of stock markets:

  • the process is not as simple as bank deposits;
  • the risk of losing funds is increased;
  • If you engage in independent investing, you need special knowledge.

Stock - securities, confirming the right to participate in the authorized capital of the company. They bring their owners part of the company's profits. This is a chance to invest today in order to get possible profits in the future. Big profit characteristic such investments, but there remains a risk that the company may go bankrupt.

In this matter, it is important to learn how to make a forecast and cash out money on time. As soon as the company begins to lose its position.

Invest money in Forex

I myself learned to trade on stock exchange and got a little hooked on Forex. Believe me, there is nothing to do there without knowledge and trading skills. Before my eyes, 90% of people lost money, 7% worked for zero and 3% made money. True, there are examples of those who do not earn a lot from this, but these are a few. If this activity interests you, then try it!

World global market currency exchange – Forex. The whole principle is to exchange almost any monetary unit. Most transactions take place in one day, and speculative investors earn money on them accordingly.

Forex is designed to make money in the shortest possible time. But the risks are enormous. In the same few days you can lose all your capital.

Currently, there are special companies - Forex brokers. They offer Forex services.

Here you need to be as careful as possible, because fraudulent companies have appeared. They create special programs simulating trading on the world market. As a result, the investor plays some fictitious game on his computer and, of course, loses all his funds.

Before contacting Forex brokers, you need to read reviews about the company, visit the office, and make sure by any other means of reliability.

Advantages of the Forex market:

  • relatively small initial funds (minimum $100);
  • quick earnings due to high leverage;
  • There are enough investment instruments and they correspond to currency pairs.

The disadvantages are the very high risks of losing money for short term. Investing requires considerable knowledge and skills, which are acquired with great difficulty over many years of hard work. According to statistics, only 2-3% of traders trade profitably. Newcomers, inspired by beautiful stories, always believe that they will definitely fall into this cherished 2-3%. Don't flatter yourself, they will drain everything in the shortest possible time. Only by devoting a lot of time and effort to this business, learning to control risks and mastering your emotions, can you have a chance to start earning money.

Investing in PAMM accounts

Successful traders offer services for depositing funds on Forex. It’s convenient because you don’t need to learn the rules of investing and study all the intricacies of successful investments.

You can easily receive from 4 to 7% profit per month. The whole point is to transfer finances to the manager. He, in turn, makes the money work, and the profit is usually divided in half 50/50. If you invest a lot of money, the investor can get Better conditions. For example, 70/30 of the profit in favor of the investor.

There is also always the opportunity to invest money according to the expected high percent, if the manager uses aggressive trading strategies. People often invest money in such managers. But do not forget that your risks of losing funds also increase greatly. By the way, in PAMM accounts you can invest money on the Internet, without having to go anywhere.

All money is kept in the collection agency, so there is no risk that the manager will appropriate all the funds and disappear. He is interested in making a profit. His income depends entirely on how he manages to work in the stock market.

Arises logical question where to invest money to make it work, and where to find an intelligent manager.

There aren't many options.

An easy way to invest if you have enough funds to purchase residential space or commercial real estate. The latter will provide more income, but will also require certain knowledge and literacy.

Real estate is not only buildings, but also land, quarries, lakes, boats, airplanes.

This is not always a tool to make money, but a good tool not to lose! Real estate is always at a premium. Moreover, the price is always rising. Secondly, you can not just buy it and wait for growth, but also actively use it to earn money. Can be rented out or used for your own business. In any case, real estate is an excellent investment and not only in 2017-2018.

Moreover, you can buy both residential and commercial, although now I would place more emphasis on commercial real estate. It is also profitable to buy private houses in poor condition for the purpose of building new real estate in this territory. In our city this direction is actively developing and we also partially participate in this;)

Positive sides:

  • the opportunity to receive passive income;
  • you can make money on the difference between the purchase and sale prices;
  • a good way to save money and protect it from inflation;
  • real estate is a tangible asset that can be used for a business or for homesteading.

Negative sides:

  • you need to have a large initial capital;
  • cannot be sold quickly without loss of market value;
  • Damage to the asset by tenants, flood, fire, and so on is possible. The solution is insurance, which will require additional costs.

You can invest money in real estate in Russia. According to statistics, apartments that are small in size but located in a prestigious area are in great demand. The cost is not so high, and repairs will be inexpensive; you don’t need to buy a lot of furniture. If you rent out such apartments, you can get up to 20% per annum. Payback occurs in 5-10 years.

There is a minus - it is difficult to find permanent tenants. The property owner has to periodically find tenants. If the apartment has a large area and rooms are not rented individually, then such housing will bring up to 7% per annum, minimum term payback will be 10 years.

When buying and selling real estate, you need to be especially vigilant. Pay attention to the property documents and the contract. It is better to contact well-known real estate offices with a good reputation and a notary.

Invest in private lending

Such investments will bring high returns, up to 50% of net profit. Private lending today is developing at a rapid pace. But the risk in this matter is huge - the borrowed funds simply may not be returned. No competent and clear agreement and careful selection of applicants provides a great guarantee of a refund with interest. It makes the most sense to engage in microcredit. When amounts of money that are not very large are issued for short periods of time.

A similar opportunity is available on the WebMoney website. Loan amounts and terms are small, interest rates are high. If you learn to distinguish a solvent person from a bankrupt or a swindler, you can make good money. However, online lending is also a riskier activity compared to conventional lending. Sometimes the borrower’s passport is even unknown.

Another convenient platform for borrowing activities is the BezBank platform. Conditions for investors are attractive. You just need to register and submit an application for readiness to provide a loan. People who need money find offers, and the lender dictates his own rules - the amount interest rate and terms of the transaction.

A candidate for a loan is verified based on two indicators: the activity rating on the site and the level of trust in other lenders. Situations that are out of control are regulated by the collectors office. It is tied to this project.

You can also invest money here to make a profit. Even if you invest a small amount of money, you can still easily and quickly earn 50%. For example, having lent 10 thousand rubles, seven days later 15 thousand are returned.

For a person with an entrepreneurial spirit, no the best way investments. Risks, of course, remain, as with any investment. But they can be easily learned to manage. The businessman himself decides where to direct the funds so that they work and make a profit.

I think investing in myself is more optimal, maybe because I’m not an investor. In my business, I am responsible for my investments; in fact, I invest in myself, and this is a big plus. Of course, there are downsides here - you have to work! But I have always invested and will continue to invest in myself and my projects!

  • Cons: You have to work, there is a risk of going broke, this is not exactly passive income.
  • Pros: You control the situation, there are no limits to your income.

In almost any business it is necessary start-up capital, if you don’t know where to get it, we recommend reading the following articles:

Effectively invest in already ready business which generates income. Additional investments in this case will only increase existing profits.

It is much easier to attract co-investors in business projects. It's easy for business. This is all positive sides. But there are also negative ones:

  • the risk still remains high;
  • if this is a business project, then there is a risk of losing a share;
  • It is impossible to sell assets in a short time without loss in value (products, equipment).

Investments in precious metals

This is the most ancient way of investing. It so happened that banknotes tied to gold. In the second half of the 20th century, gold ceased to be a guarantor of currency. But still precious metals are able to preserve and increase capital.

There are three common ways to invest money to make money on precious metals:

  • purchasing futures or shares, related funds and companies;
  • contribution to impersonal metal accounts;
  • purchase of bullions from precious metals.

With the last method, everything is clear: you need to go to the bank and buy bullion there. The remaining 2 options require detailed explanations.

An impersonal metal invoice is an invoice that shows how many grams of metal were purchased by the client, but without indicating the sample, serial number and manufacturer.

Futures represent a contract for the supply of metal in a specific quantity. You can buy them on exchanges. Thus, by purchasing the contract, the investor becomes the owner of a batch of metal.

This type of deposit promises high stability. This is a good way to invest your money now to save it and beat inflation.

Investments in antiques and art objects

This option is more for those who know a lot about it! And whoever knows will understand. There are always people who look for rare things and buy them. And this pleasure costs a lot.

Example. Once, a friend of mine bought a GAZ 21 Volga car in good condition. In our city a couple of years ago you could buy thousands for 50 rubles. He repainted it, installed a BMW engine (not new, of course) and an automatic transmission, tweaked the interior, and generally put it in order. He did it for himself, but the other day he was offered 800,000 rubles for it. He Googled it and gave up because it was also cheap! According to my rough calculations, the investment is 300-400 thousand rubles, and the output is 800 thousand rubles. If you do this thoroughly, you can make good money.

This is just an example from life. There can be many options.

To implement this method, considerable available funds. But rare collectibles and paintings become more expensive every year. An antique is considered to be something over 50 years old. Not every item can become valuable over the years. These can only be antiques that have artistic and historical value. You can only make a profit from antiques that are recognized by leading art connoisseurs and scientists.

You can buy and sell antiques, art objects and collections at auctions and exhibitions. There are also specialized stores.

This type of investment has one significant disadvantage - fakes and scammers. You definitely need an expert with special equipment to distinguish the original from the fake. Before investing money in a particular piece of art, it is imperative to carry out an examination.

Investments in intellectual property

A patent can be obtained for a specific technology or invention. This is done to prevent other persons from using the intellectual property without the permission of the author or inventor.

Then, if this invention or technology is introduced into production by someone for the purpose of making a profit, you will receive your percentage in the form of passive income.

This method is beneficial for people who know who in the future may need this or that technology, and to whom it can be offered for use. The same applies to trademarks and brands. All this is called - intangible assets, that is, assets that cannot be touched.

You can receive passive income or make a profit from reselling a trademark.

There are also risks: you may not find tenants or those willing to use this or that technology, patent, or trademark.

Invest money in internet projects and startups

One of the most profitable ways where to invest money. At the same time, it is not necessary to look for Internet projects and invest money in them, giving funds to unknown people. Money can be invested on an investment platform with a license. The whole process is legal.

For example, the Share In Stock exchange, where business owners present their projects online. Investors can invest money in these offers and receive income in the form of monthly payments.

The advantages of this type of investment:

  • minimum an initial fee- 1 dollar;
  • the opportunity to make a profit of 50-100% per year;
  • a large selection of projects for investment.

Negative sides:

  • risks, possible bankruptcy of the project;
  • knowledge in the field of marketing and technology on the Internet is required and an understanding of whether the project will be of interest to the audience;
  • if there is no certain knowledge, then you need to hire a project manager.

– a commercial project, implies small investment, which will pay for itself in a short time.

Investing in innovative startups is a profitable solution. You can find ideas on a special exchange, where you can also publish your startup. Napartner is the first exchange that united thousands of people from all CIS countries. Among the participants there are many successful people, entrepreneurs, managers, directors and executives of successful companies. Goals of this project:

  1. help any startuper find funds for his project in the form of contributions;
  2. help investors place their funds in profitable projects and receive income.

Why is investing in Internet projects so attractive to investors of any category? Because a person who decides to engage in this type of investment is not required to:

  1. Connections with the “right people”;
  2. Availability of large capital to start construction of the project;
  3. Higher education and professional knowledge in the field of investment.

Investing in the Internet is available to everyone, regardless of gender, age and social status.

Investments in information sites

Speaking about where you can invest money, do not forget about information sites that are gaining momentum. Good, high-quality websites with an active audience in large numbers are expensive, but they also bring their owners good money from advertising. Here is an example of a site that is sold on the exchange:

As we can see, it brings in 31,800 rubles per month, is sold for 1,281,250 rubles, but its optimal price is 1,050,000 rubles. Payback in 2 years maximum. This is despite the fact that it was not even actively monetized. I know the seller of the site. Having purchased 3-5 such sites, you can continue to develop them and earn good money. In a year or two the site will pay for itself and will bring in net profit and constantly increase in price.

I invest in the purchase and development of websites. True, I’m not buying for millions yet, but there were lots for tens and hundreds of thousands.

You can do your own PR for the group, or you can invest money in special programs or hire a professional in this matter. Once there are enough people in the public, you can start advertising. A day of advertising in groups with a large number of subscribers costs approximately 2-3 thousand rubles. It is not difficult to calculate the income from such an investment.

Investing in smartphone apps based on iOS or Android

One can profit from apps that provide services and assistance. Contributions to applications where useful information on one topic will be collected will also bring income. You should not lose sight of the products that sell, any product or service.

Investments in endowment life insurance

This product combines two areas: saving money and insurance in case of illness, death, accident, or survival.

The term of such a contract is usually 10-35 years. This method is good for achieving a goal that costs a lot of money. For example, buying real estate, education, etc. Can also be used as a pension payment. By the end of the contract, you can receive the accumulated amount and income from the investment. But most likely, this income will not increase funds, but will only compensate for the level of inflation.

You need to carefully study offers from insurance companies and weigh the pros and cons.

Disadvantages of investing in NSZH:

  1. Insurance protection is valid after the first payment. In other words, the period does not matter if the insured event has already occurred. The entire amount specified in the contract will be paid;
  2. upon arrival insured event, payments are not subject to taxes;
  3. the profit received from insurance is not subject to confiscation, division in the event of divorce, or recovery by court decision.

Advantages of investing in NSZH:

  1. payments are systematic - once a quarter, month or year;
  2. there is a risk that inflation will eat up all income by the end of the insurance period, and you may even end up in the red. The best solution is insurance pegged to the euro or dollar.
  3. earlier deadline You cannot withdraw funds without loss.

The method is well suited for diversifying an investment portfolio with good funds.

Investing in personal development

This type of investment involves income without losses. Risks are reduced to a minimum. The benefit is 100%, and anyone can invest money in training.

To do this, it is enough to sign up for all possible courses, trainings, seminars to gain knowledge and study foreign languages. It is important to apply all acquired knowledge for successful professional activities.

It would be good to choose teachers who themselves are excellent role models and are happy to share not only theory, but also their own experience.

Only these people will provide up-to-date knowledge, and not standard and sometimes outdated schemes. Without competent investment in yourself, other types of investments lose all meaning.

Contribution to health and beauty

Psychology says: beautiful people are much more successful than not beautiful people. This is easily explained, because everyone wants to communicate and start any kind of relationship with people with good looks. It is only then that everyone looks into the soul and evaluates mental abilities.

To maintain external and internal beauty, you need to pay great attention to health.

You should not skimp on food, quality medicines and clothing. Whenever possible, you should avoid activities that are bad for your health and put your life and quality of life at risk.

To invest in beauty and health, it is enough to buy subscriptions to the gym, swimming pool, beauty salon, sauna, massages.

This is one of the most useful investments, it can bring profit many times over for the rest of your life. There can be no downsides to this investment method.

Investment in your own name and reputation

In finance and business, people often refer to specific individuals and evaluate them: this person is reliable, but this one has a so-so reputation.

Reputation is the most important asset. After all, people who have good mark people around them are more often entrusted with large sums of money and transferred serious business projects.

Business people dream of becoming famous. After all, where there is fame there is money. The name will work for the entrepreneur.

To get a good reputation at an individual company, it is enough to show punctuality, initiative, honesty and attentiveness to others.

So, gradually such a person will be asked for advice, offered money for knowledge and invited to speak at events. These are the first signs of a name working for a person. If you don’t stop, after a while you can get money just for mentioning your name.

The only negative this attachment is that if handled ineptly, you can instantly lose a good reputation that has been built up over the years.

Investments in your development

Questionable investment methods

Hype projects

These are pyramids and they promise investors quick earnings in a short time. Many will say that this is a scam. However, everything is completely legal and if you withdraw your deposit on time, you can stay in the black. The more interest it offers hype project, the less time it exists, and the higher the risks.

Buying cryptocurrency

This is an unusual way of investing. Cryptocurrency was invented in the West as an alternative to the usual currency, which the state later began to issue. In Russia, such currency is considered illegal, therefore, investing in this area is an illegal activity.

Such virtual money is received using the following methods:

  • mining - by calculating blocks. This uses the computer's video card;
  • exchanging traditional currency for bitcoins.

The exchange of cryptocurrencies (one for another) can be done on special exchanges.

Today there is no demand for bitcoins, and everyone is selling them cheap. However, it may also happen that virtual money will come back into fashion. But the risk is very high, so it is reasonable to invest 1-2% of the entire investment portfolio in bitcoins.

Contribution to position

Another, one might say, illegal way of investing. In Russia, a position is one of the fastest ways to make a profit in a short period of time. People buy warm places to enrich themselves illegally.

It is better not to consider such deposits, because they are illegal. But they exist, so we’ll tell you more about them.

What is the essence of such an investment? There are people who sell positions in government and commercial establishments, and there are people who buy these places and try to get their money back as quickly as possible. And to do this, they take bribes, offer services within their competence for a fee, or cut the budget intended for some government project.

Payback occurs within the first days of taking on a new position. Negative points for a fraudster - the risk of criminal prosecution, moral anxiety and mental anguish.

Deposits in online casinos

There is enough advertising for online casinos on the Internet. You are promised mountains of gold and easy income. There is such a scheme: place a bet, lose and then the bet will increase, again bet on the same color. Always bet on the same color until a certain Martingale law works. As soon as the casino allows you to win, you need to change the color and again act according to the scheme described above.

The main rule of any online casino is to play no more than 2-10 minutes a day. If you play longer, you can lose everything. It’s not as easy as it seems; sometimes it’s impossible to stop, because the mind is overshadowed by passion.

Why you shouldn't invest money here

Again, I repeat that I speak only my personal opinion and do not impose it on anyone, otherwise people will appear who will say that I am limiting your income)) Well, there you go!

I DO NOT recommend investing in binary options, in HYIPs, in pyramids, in sports betting, online casinos and other gambling attractions.

Now I'll tell you why I think so. After all, there are people who make good money from this. All these earnings do not depend on you! But I don’t like it when I’m just an outside observer and if my money goes down the drain somewhere, then I can’t do anything about it.

Secondly, I am a webmaster and I know that many who promote these types of income make money from YOU. They just attract you affiliate program and earn both for attracting and receive a percentage of the money you spend. Believe me, commissions in such niches are good and affiliate earnings are quite high!

Here is an example in the screenshot, where the Alpari affiliate program pays 61 rubles for registration, and 1600 rubles for an active user. Those. As soon as you register on someone’s recommendation, top up your account in the system and start investing, your partner will be paid 1,600 rubles for you. But no one cares whether you make money there or lose money.

This is just one example, but there are a lot of them on HYIPs, pyramids, betting, casinos, etc. Some webmasters deliberately come up with stories about how they make good money from this so that you register using their links. Well, okay, I have nothing against webmasters, but I wouldn’t invest in the above.

Regarding sports betting, I want to say this. Although I have a friend who makes good money from this, I still do not recommend this instrument for investment, because it then loses just as much. Although he is a good businessman, there is nothing wrong with his head, but the excitement is addictive. Plus, in this matter, the main thing is to find high-quality forecasts, and not the forecasts of scammers.

How to make your own savings work and make a profit? And so that the risks are minimal. Let's look at the main mistakes of a novice investor.

Haste in making a decision

The investor gets very profitable proposition, quickly agrees and makes a profit. He gets excited and then mindlessly accepts such offers. As a result, you are left not only without profit, but also without initial capital. You should not quickly agree to the proposals of even the most reliable person. Emotions are inappropriate here, only cold calculation and strategy.

Inability to accumulate capital and build a portfolio

The first profit is a great joy for a new investor. But you should act wisely and make plans for future investments. It is important to learn how to compose a portfolio according to all the rules, and use more and more income from assets to create it.

Someone's mind

Often having a large amount money, the future investor is afraid to start and listens to the advice of friends or information on the Internet. Undoubtedly, it is necessary to use all available information. But it is much more important to form your own opinion based on all the data and build a plan yourself.

How to store money so that it does not depreciate


Some people prefer not to invest money, but at least save it so that it simply does not depreciate. You can invest money in foreign currency. Due to the current unstable situation in the country and currency fluctuations back and forth, I keep my money in different currencies. In this way I compensate for the fall of one by the growth of the other. In the end, I will always save my money.

I try to keep my money in this percentage: 35% in dollars, 35% in euros, 30% in rubles.

I'm talking about free money that is waiting in the wings to go into circulation.

Bank deposit

You can simply invest money in a bank at interest. I use two banks:

  • Sberbank (simple accounts)
  • Tinkoff Bank (money is stored at debit card and they also receive interest without opening a deposit)

Now you know where to invest money and where it is better not to invest. Happy investment!

Specialists from the analytical center “Real Estate Market Indicators” assessed the most accessible and common methods of investing in real estate in terms of their profitability and riskiness.

Method 1. Rent a room. Since real estate today is not a cheap purchase, not everyone can invest money in it. Hence, the best option is to buy not the whole apartment, but part of it, that is, a room. In the capital, such a purchase will cost about 50 thousand dollars. At average rental prices, this money will return to you in 5-10 years, that is, the income will be 10-20% per annum. This is much higher than the yield from renting out an entire apartment (about 5% per year), and the apartment costs much more - 160-200 thousand dollars.

Method 2. Buy land. The price here is an order of magnitude lower - from 2 thousand dollars per plot. However, this is a rather risky and, in the long term, costly investment option. Suitable land is difficult to find and privatize, and it does not guarantee constant profit. However, there is a chance that in the near future land plots around cities will rise significantly in price (by 15-20%) due to the development of cottage construction. And there is no need to spend money on maintaining the land - maintaining it in proper condition, like an apartment, repairing it and paying for housing and communal services, for example.

Method 3. Become a shareholder. A few years ago, buying an apartment while the house was still under construction allowed you to save up to 30% of its price. Now the situation has changed - developers are trying to sell their goods at the same price at all stages of its production, that is, shareholders are not able to save money. However, analysts believe that in the difficult situation in which the crisis has placed builders, developers will begin to provide significant discounts on secondary housing - up to 15%. Accordingly, when your apartment is completed and decorated, you will be able to sell it for more than you bought it for.

ATTENTION! We have all heard enough about the stories of defrauded shareholders. Therefore, even without analysts, it is not difficult to understand that investing money in the secondary market is a risky business.

Method 4. Buy a housing certificate. A housing certificate is a piece of paper certifying your ownership of a certain living space in a house under construction, and this area can reach up to 1 square meter. When the house is completed, you can exchange the certificate either for the corresponding amount of money (the price will increase by the end of construction), or for an apartment - of course, with an additional payment at the new price. Like share building, this method allows you to save on the difference in the cost of “secondary” and “primary”.

ATTENTION! If you are not going to resell the area purchased under the certificate, but want to live on it, this method is even more risky than shared construction. Because it is far from a fact that there will be an apartment in the house that corresponds in size to your certificates. In addition, construction is a long process, and in the near future, real estate prices in Russia may seriously fall. So, at best, you can sell the certificate for what you bought it for. On the other hand, inflation will not eat your money.

Method 5. Invest in closed real estate mutual funds. This is a fairly new instrument for Russia. It allows you to invest almost any amount and receive dividends from it. The management scheme for the shareholder is absolutely transparent and the profitability is up to 100% per annum. However, in the current crisis conditions, this figure may be significantly lower, and the return on investment period is not short - at least 3 years. Because you can withdraw your money from the mutual fund no earlier than this period.

Method 6. Invest in foreign mutual funds. REIT (Real Estate Investment Trust) - this is the name of the analogue of our closed mutual funds real estate abroad. All funds invested in REITs are invested in real estate in different countries, which allows compensation possible losses in one market with profit in another. The profitability compared to domestic mutual funds is not very high, but for foreign ones it is significant - 5-7% per annum. The minimum investment amount in a mutual fund is 1-3 thousand dollars.

ATTENTION! Analysts consider this method of investment to be the most profitable, taking into account the very low risk and quite high profitability.

Method 7. Buy an apartment abroad. Recently, the media has been filled with news that Russian millionaires are buying villas in Spain, London, or somewhere else. Which is not surprising: millionaires are generally not stupid people and know that in Europe real estate is much cheaper than in Moscow, for example. Focusing on the powers that be, people think that by selling an average two-room apartment in the capital, they can buy a house in Spain and live happily with the remaining money.

But in reality everything is not so simple. Firstly, paperwork for the purchase of square meters abroad is a long and complicated procedure. Secondly, many European property markets are currently falling and are unlikely to recover in the coming years. So you are unlikely to be able to profitably resell (or even sell) your purchase. Thirdly, the lower investment threshold is high - from 100 thousand to 300 thousand dollars. Fourthly, you have to pay for the maintenance of the purchased apartment or house - to the state in the form of taxes and to utility companies for their services. And in Europe and the USA these figures will be much higher than in Russia.

Method 8. Buy land abroad. It's much cheaper. The lower investment limit is $15 thousand. And it’s more profitable - you can resell a plot after they want to build something on it for 20-25% more. But now this is too risky: the demand for real estate, and therefore for land, in Europe and the USA is quite small.