Money counter for views on YouTube. How and how much do YouTubers earn? Income from YouTube: How to calculate income from an affiliate program


YouTube channel income: How much do they pay for 1000 views?

From 1000 impressions, a user can receive from $0.8 to $20, and this directly depends on the topic of the channel; the larger the topic, the wider the audience and the greater the profit. So first, let's decide which category your topic falls into.

To find out how interesting your topic is to advertisers, look at the average age of your audience in the “demographics” column. This information will help you properly interact with your audience:

Rates for commercial views vary depending on the country in which the video is viewed and the type of advertising. More detailed information You can find information about types of ads and how they work in the article “Advertising in YouTube videos - basic principles.”

Now let's get back to the numbers. Profit calculations are made using simple logical calculations. Go to the “YouTube Analytics”, “Advertising Effectiveness” section and look at the approximate number of commercial plays:

To calculate the exact profit, we will use the same formula that YouTube uses. That is, we divide the number of commercial views by a thousand and multiply by the cost per thousand impressions. The figure you get is your profit from the channel for a certain period. It also appears in the “YouTube advertising revenue” box, and note that YouTube receives exactly the same amount from advertisers. When working through a media network, this amount will not be final, since a percentage for the intermediary network is also subtracted from it.

Look below in the ad type section to see which type of ad generates the most revenue for you and to see the CPM breakdown:

Income from YouTube: How to calculate income from an affiliate program?

When you see a link to a third-party resource in the description of a video, then most likely the author is working under an affiliate program. Having a wide topic with a large number of views, it would also be nice to start making money on affiliate programs. If you have such a desire, you can read in detail about ways to monetize your channel in

Many people are interested in the question: “How much does a YouTube channel earn?” For some, this is just idle curiosity; for others, it is an opportunity to evaluate the prospects for earning money and an argument when deciding to create their own channel. So, let's get to the point and talk about making money from a YouTube channel.

The best of the best.

Top video bloggers earn tens of thousands of dollars a month. But what are they to us, having achieved maximum popularity? It’s much more interesting how much the average channel earns, the most ordinary and unremarkable. To understand this, let's look at what the channel depends on.

What does the channel's earnings consist of?

  • Number of views (to be precise - the number of commercial plays, because those views when the viewer was shown an advertisement. Many have various browser add-ons installed that block ads, some simply close the video if they see an advertisement - such views will not bring money) . Those. They pay you for ad impressions, not for the views themselves.
  • Number of clicks on advertisements. Well, everything is clear here: different advertisements have different cost per click. If a user clicks on an ad, you get paid for the click. In some cases, the money will not be counted if the user immediately left the advertised site, closed the browser, etc.
  • The user performs certain actions on the page. This requires some clarification first so that you understand what we are talking about. The Google Adwords system (this is a system for placing advertising in Google search and YouTube) has introduced a method of writing off money for advertising placement as payment for targeted actions. For example, a person advertises his . He sets the type of debit for advertising as “payment for targeted actions”. Such actions can be performed, for example, by the user staying on the product page of an online store for more than 30 seconds, adding a product to the cart, going to more than 1 page of the online store’s website, etc.

All this determines the income of our channel on Youtube.

How to calculate the average income of a YouTube channel?

The profitability of a channel depends on many factors: the subject of the channel, the type of advertising shown, the cost of advertising shown on the channel, etc.

1) Method one: elementary formula.

This method cannot boast of accuracy, but as practice shows, it is possible to estimate income.

Estimated channel income = (Total number of views)/1000 x $1

2) Method two: variable.

This method gives us a range of possible channel income: from the minimum to the maximum possible. The truth is usually in the middle.

We go to the website of a special service

At the top right in the search field, enter the name of the channel (without http and without www) and click the Search button.

And now we see the channel statistics

What's interesting here:

  1. The most important thing is the estimated income for the month and the estimated income for the year. For this channel, we see that the monthly income is at least $567, more likely $2000-2500. And per year - about 25-30 thousand dollars. You will convert it into rubles yourself.
  2. The overall rank of a channel is something like the service’s own rating; it only serves to amuse the sense of self-importance of top bloggers.
  3. Number of views over the last 30 days and change in the number of subscribers.

And below you can also see statistics by day:

If on some days you see zero income, it’s just that there was a service failure that day and the statistics were not calculated.

Here is a service, use it to assess the profitability of the channel.

And if you still read to the end of the article, then there is another important answer to the question..

How much can I earn from my Youtube channel?

    First, I note that your articles are very easy and understandable. I'm glad there is such a site. Thank you.
    I have a logical question:
    Do views for one video depend on the number of channel subscribers? If not, then it turns out that you can upload a video to the channel without violating copyrights from the series " best selection Road Accident 2014", which we rip from other videos, and our video on its own in free float will one day gain 1 million views and bring in $1000. And logically it will continue to bring in. And then modestly rename it 2015 and continue to collect views. Or Am I wrong?

    Thanks for the article, Denis. For a long time it seemed to me that my media network was not paying me extra))) According to the first formula, I should have an income of $35 - $40 per month. shows $9 - $142 per month. But in fact, the maximum I received per month was $7.44. True, my audience is mainly Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan. This certainly has an impact. But not as much? What could be the secret? Is the media network really taking most of the profits? Tell me, Denis, can this happen?

How and how much YouTubers earn is a question that worries many Internet users. Today in this article we will try to cover in as much detail as possible the amount of earnings of YouTubers on the Internet. You will learn how and what YouTubers’ earnings are based on, how much beginner and popular YouTube bloggers earn. At the end of the article, you will receive a list of special services that allow you to view statistics and estimate the income of the owner of a particular YouTube channel. By taking a few simple steps, you can see for yourself how much YouTubers earn from their videos.

Most YouTubers make money from their videos in several ways at the same time. The most common and accessible is the placement of contextual advertising from Google AdSense. This method monetization is available to all YouTube channel owners. To connect this method of earning money, you need to go through, go to the “Monetization” tab of your Youtube account and make a few simple settings.

After passing moderation, when viewing a video, users will be shown contextual and display advertising. A YouTuber's earnings will depend on the number of views and clicks on these advertisements. The more users click on an ad, the more money YouTuber will receive. However, there are other ways to monetize your YouTube channels.

The main ways YouTubers make money

  1. Advertising from Google AdSense— available to all YouTube channel owners. To enable monetization, you just need to make a few settings on the channel and go through moderation once. In the future, all videos, including newly uploaded ones, will begin displaying contextual and display advertising. A YouTuber's earnings will mainly depend on the number of views of the video. There are approximate statistics on the amount of income depending on the topic. The basis is the cost per 1000 impressions. It varies from topic to topic, but in general it ranges from 0.5 to 2 dollars per 1000 impressions.
  2. Direct advertising from advertisers- Another one effective method earn YouTube. To do this, you need to connect your channel to a special exchange, for example, which helps in placing advertisements for various goods and services in videos. This platform contains a large number of advertisers, and the entire process of searching for advertising applications and placing them is simplified.
  3. Selling your own goods and services— this method is suitable for those YouTubers who have the opportunity to sell their own or partner products and services on the Internet. Technically, sales are carried out using review videos with the addition of overlays, annotations, collection of a subscription base, and placement of links in video descriptions. The main advantage of this method is that you do not share your earnings with third-party services or with Google, and everything you sell is only your own income.
  4. Promotion of other people's video channels and YouTube videos— often popular YouTubers are not averse to earning extra money by recommending or talking about someone else’s YouTube channel. This method of earning money is mainly available to well-promoted channels and popular video bloggers, because they are the ones who can contribute to the growth of traffic and promotion to the TOP of other YouTube channels through their own subscribers and views of their own videos.

How much do YouTubers earn per views?

There are statistics that allow you to estimate how much YouTubers earn from views and subscribers. A little higher, we already talked about the fact that basically a YouTuber’s earnings occur at the moment the user clicks on an advertisement. However, the generally accepted benchmark for estimating earnings is statistics focused on the number of views. The more views a video has, the more its owner earns from it.

It is worth saying that in Russia the cost of 1 ad view is much lower than abroad. But even here, having a large number of subscribers on the channel and, accordingly, a large number of views, YouTubers in Russia earn quite decent money. In the table below you can see the approximate amounts of earnings depending on the number of video views on the channel.

Table of approximate earnings

  • 10,000 views - earnings 5-20 $;
  • 100,000 views - earnings 50-200 $;
  • 1,000,000 views – $500-2000;
  • 10,000,000 views – $5,000-2,000.

The average amount for 1 thousand views in Russia can be considered 0.5-2 dollars. Thus, popular YouTubers who have more than 1 million subscribers can receive up to $200,000 per 1 million views. These amounts apply only to popular YouTube bloggers on the Internet. If we talk about beginning YouTubers, then the amount of earnings there is quite small.

How to find out how much a YouTuber earns

There are special services that allow you to find out how much a particular YouTuber earns on his channel. This assessment can only be called approximate for the reason that information about the real earnings of YouTube channel owners is not subject to disclosure according to Google AdSense rules. Each owner of a YouTube channel, by connecting an affiliate program to it, agrees to the rules of non-disclosure of their income. Therefore, all services that allow you to find out this or that statistics and estimate the approximate earnings of YouTubers can be called indicative or approximate. They do not always display real income channel owners.

How to see how much YouTubers earn

Formula for calculating a YouTuber's earnings

Views per day / 1000 * average price click on topic * dollar rate * 30 days

As a result, you will receive a theoretical estimate of the channel owner’s monthly earnings. If you look at the photo above, the service calculates the average daily earnings of a YouTuber, calculating it from the number of video views per day.

Cost per 1000 views depending on the topic

  • games - 0.3-0.5 dollars;
  • personal blogs $0.4-0.7;
  • humor and jokes - 0.2-0.5 dollars.

Sites where you can find out how much YouTubers earn

  • is an American service that allows you to estimate the amount of earnings on a YouTube channel. Also, using this service, you can analyze a specific YouTube channel, look at the TOP 100, get statistics on various social networks (Instagram, Twitter) and estimate the number of subscribers.
  • is a Russian service that shows the approximate income of a particular channel. The service allows you to sort YouTube channel owners by number of subscribers or number of views, and get a rough estimate of their income in dollars.
  • StatSheep.comforeign service, which allows you to analyze YouTube channels. With its help, you can evaluate various indicators of video channels, as well as see the TOP of the most popular YouTube channels.
  • is a Russian-language service that allows you to get statistics on all YouTube channels.

How much do YouTubers earn in Russia?

Just above you could see the approximate earnings of the most popular YouTubers around the world, but if we talk about the earnings of YouTube channel owners in Russia, they are significantly lower than their foreign counterparts. This depends on the fact that the cost of an advertising click in Russia is still quite low. Contextual and display advertising in Runet is widespread, however, prices per 1 click have not yet reached such levels as in America.

If we talk about some specific numbers, then we should distinguish all YouTubers by popularity. A beginner YouTuber who has just decided to start his own channel should not count on any high income. You should also carefully choose the topic for your channel. On RuNet, there are popular topics among YouTubers: playing games, funny videos, beauty blogs, etc. Such channels, as a rule, are of interest to young men and women aged 10 to 25 years. They are the most popular and most viewed YouTube channels in Russia.

How much do beginner YouTubers earn?

A beginner YouTuber can expect to earn several hundred dollars a month or more. It all depends on the number of views of video clips. If you take 1 dollar per average cost for 1000 views, then having 100,000 impressions per month, earnings will be about 100 dollars, which in rubles is 6000-7000 rubles. To receive this income, you need to upload 10 or more videos to your Youtube channel, gain the first 1000 subscribers and connect Google for monetization.

How much do popular YouTubers earn?

The earnings of popular YouTubers are much higher than their beginner colleagues. It’s easy to verify this; all you need to do is find the most popular channels on YouTube and estimate the income of their owners. Below you will find a list of popular YouTube bloggers and an approximate estimate of their earnings. The given figures can only be considered approximate, but with their help you can estimate what kind of income you can achieve without leaving your home.

Yuri Frost (FROST channel)

  • number of subscribers - 5.7 million;
  • number of views - 2.2 billion;
  • estimated income: $3.5 million.

Yuri Frost created his video blog at the end of 2012. The popularity of his YouTube channel comes from the game Minecraft, about which he writes reviews, as well as videos with questions and answers. However, the success of the channel is due not only to the popularity of the Minecraft game, but also to the efficiency of Yuri himself. During the operation of his channel, he managed to record more than 950 videos.

TheKateClapp (Youtube channel of Katya Trofimova)

  • number of subscribers - 4.9 million;
  • number of views - 510 million;

Katya developed a love for video blogs at the age of 16. At first she recorded simple videos from her personal life, however, now, thanks to her popularity, Katya Trofimova participates in entertainment projects on television. He also continues to successfully host a sketch show on Youtube.

Sasha Spielberg (Sasha Spielberg channel)

  • number of subscribers - 4 million;
  • number of views - 591 million;
  • estimated income: $900 thousand.

There are rumors that Sasha's real name is not Spielberg, and the income from the video channel does not even cover the costs of its promotion. However, whether this is true or not cannot be said with certainty.

At the end of this article, it must be said that despite the fact that the earnings of YouTubers seem high, and they earn money easily on the Internet, there is still a downside to this coin. As a rule, a YouTuber’s earnings directly depend on the traffic and popularity of his channel, and therefore, ultimately, on the time and effort he puts into creating and developing the channel. We hope that our article was useful to you and helped you find out how and how much YouTubers earn on the Internet. If you have any questions or want to write your feedback about this article, then leave your comment after this article.

One of the most popular questions from those who often interact with YouTube is how to find out how much a particular author earns on his channel? We will try to answer this question in as much detail as possible.

It is worth noting that the income of channels, even with the same number of views, can earn different money. We wrote about this in more detail in the article “”, we recommend that you read it.

So, there are two ways to find out the earnings of a specific channel on YouTube. The first is “manual”, when we ourselves will need to collect all the statistics and make calculations. And the second one is “automated”, here all you have to do is place a link and the service itself will provide all the data.

Both methods have their pros and cons, but first things first. All channels make money in several ways, with the help of “affiliates” and external advertisers. Below we will consider income only from affiliate networks, since income from them can be calculated quite accurately.

Go to the YouTube channel and go to the tab "About the channel". Here we are interested in the number of views. Additionally, you can see how many videos are uploaded to the channel in order to compare the data.

YouTube channel income = 5,566,188 (views) / 1,000 * 1.

In this case, the channel’s income will be: $5,566 for the entire time. In the same way, you can calculate the income for each month and for each video separately.

How to find out the income of a blogger on YouTube using an automatic service?

In terms of data accuracy, a third-party service takes into account more different factors, so it can provide more accurate data on the earnings of a YouTube channel.

One of the most popular sites for collecting and calculating statistics on YouTube is - We go to the site and indicate the link, at the top right, to the channel we are interested in and press Enter.

We will be asked to select a channel - select by clicking on “Select channel”. At this step, we get into the general statistics of the channel with profitability figures. Statistics are collected daily, for 1 month and for a year.

Below you can see the daily profitability of the channel, as well as see the increase in subscribers.

Keep in mind that popular channels and bloggers have many external sources of income, which in total often exceed the income from affiliate program YouTube.

Record interesting content, optimize the video correctly and you will make a profit!

Interesting and advanced ways to make money on your YouTube channel.