Technical plan for an apartment building. Marchi: the best works on the theme "multi-storey residential building"


The design of multi-storey residential buildings begins with a sketch, based entirely on the study of information about the territory on which construction is being carried out, its area, soil composition, distance to nearby buildings and infrastructure, transport routes. To create the correct master plan, a topographic survey is carried out. It is at this stage that the general layout of the building and functional areas is worked out, the parameters of the future object are determined: the area, the height of the building, the number of storeys, and the plans for the interior. The draft design of multi-storey residential buildings from GENPRO specialists gives a complete picture of how a multifunctional and high-tech new building will look like.

Development of projects for multi-storey buildings (Stage P)

When designing a high-rise building, we work out every detail in detail. Apartments, utility rooms, recreational areas, parking lots, garages and parking lots - all these elements should be included in the project and have a different area, their own characteristic feature. Before drawing up an individual project for a multi-storey building, our specialists check the climatic and seismological features of the area, the nature of the relief and the soil features of the place where construction will be carried out in order to create durable design solutions. We have significant experience in, as well as other large cities of Russia.

Support of the project of a multi-storey residential building during the examination and approval

When designing multi-storey buildings, it is important to obtain permission from the authorities for the construction of the facility. To do this, it is necessary to pass a state or commercial examination, which is a lengthy and complex bureaucratic process. In order to carry out the procedure correctly and obtain a permit for the construction of multi-storey buildings from the first time, our company has trained specialists in its staff. If there are any comments from the commission, they will be able to defend all design decisions, as they have repeatedly passed the examination of multi-storey residential buildings. That is why all our projects pass the examination the first time and without problems.

Working documentation (stage P) in the design of multi-storey buildings

The construction of multi-storey residential buildings in Moscow or other cities of Russia cannot be started without working out the working documentation. At this stage, more detailed drawings are developed, a description of all processes and equipment that will be used during construction is given, an estimate for materials and work is calculated. With regard to architectural, constructive and engineering solutions for projects of multi-storey buildings, our specialists prepare detailed recommendations for their implementation. Our projects not only comply with all norms and rules, but also with the conditions of high efficiency of construction and operation.

Construction of multi-storey buildings according to standard and individual projects

The cost of designing multi-storey residential buildings at GENPRO is always justified by the ability to eliminate the unreasonable use of expensive building materials and control contractors, avoiding the imposition of unnecessary work and unnecessary costs. By contacting us, you will receive competent advice, competent design of engineering systems of multi-storey buildings, high-quality work performed and assistance in communicating with contractors. You can not waste your time on monitoring the work of builders, but sign a contract for architectural supervision. Full compliance of the finished result with the project is guaranteed to you.

Technical plan of an apartment building- an electronic document that allows you to individualize and coordinate a building, accurately determining its characteristics and location. It is compiled and certified by a cadastral engineer and contains descriptive and graphic parts.

When you need a technical plan for an apartment building

Technical plan of an apartment building is a mandatory document for putting the building on the cadastral register. It will also be required when commissioning a new building. As long as the object is not included in the Register and an address is not assigned to it, the developer does not have the right to dispose of it, for example, to sell apartments and make other transactions.

The technical plan of an apartment building is drawn up:

  • For a new building.
  • The building after reconstruction.

The preparation of a technical plan for a residential building is also necessary if not the entire building was reconstructed, but only part of it.

There are situations when a technical plan is drawn up for old, previously registered apartment buildings. The most common of them can be considered:

  • Detection of errors in the inventory.
  • Trial.

Legislative regulation

Despite the fact that the legal framework governing the preparation of the technical plan is on the path of unification in the preparation of these documents, there are still discrepancies in it. So, for example, the basis for drawing up a technical plan for a new building is permission to put it into operation. But to obtain it, you will need to provide a technical plan.

There are other features in the preparation of technical plans for multi-apartment residential buildings. Before starting the preparation of technical documentation for the house, it is necessary to put the land plot on the cadastral register. A feature of an apartment building is that its premises (apartments) are independent units. By law, they must also be put on the cadastral register, which means they require a technical plan with reference to the floor plans of the house.

Attention!!! When registering a new building for cadastral registration, technical documentation for the buildings and the premises included in it is provided simultaneously.

Stages of preparation of the technical plan of an apartment building

In order to avoid the difficulties associated with the peculiarities of legislative regulation, the preparation of the technical plan is carried out in two stages:

  • First, the cadastral engineer prepares a technical plan for the house, which is necessary to obtain permission to put the building into operation.
  • After obtaining a permit, the specialist will prepare technical plans for individual premises and draw up a single document required for registration actions.

The preparation of the technical plan is carried out by a cadastral engineer. The specialist must be included in the State Register of Cadastral Engineers, have a license and permission from the SRO. Otherwise, the technical plan will not be valid. The engineer carries out all the work regulated by law, fills in the sections of the technical plan, and prepares a conclusion. The document is certified by its EDS. If further errors are found in the document, the engineer will be responsible for them.

Documents required for the technical plan

To develop a technical plan for a multi-storey building for cadastral registration, we need the following documents:

  • Permission to put the facility into operation
  • Project documentation
  • Positive conclusion on the compliance of the object with the requirements of technical regulations and project documentation (AIA)

The main direction of urban housing development are multi-storey residential buildings. Projects of multi-storey buildings embody the look and style of the era, bear its imprint, so we can easily see in any city where standard projects of multi-storey residential buildings were used, characteristic of a certain period of development, and where individual or redesigned architectural solutions were used.

Multi-storey residential buildings are extremely diverse in their design. The tradition of their construction is actually equal to the length of the very history of human civilization. Already in the time of the Sumerians, people were able to build buildings with a height of more than one floor. In ancient Rome, there were residential buildings with about seven floors. And in Russia there is an ancient tradition of multi-storey construction, for example, the ancient Pskov chambers, well preserved to this day.

Modern construction, of course, is much larger.

Modern urban development, one way or another, uses standard designs of multi-storey buildings. A rational approach to design allows you to combine the unity of design and planning solutions, tested and honed in a wide series, with a certain plasticity of the layout of standard blocks and a variety of certain elements of the architectural appearance. This allows you to optimize the design costs, unify the technological cycles of the construction of facilities and, as a result, achieve a certain reduction in the cost of construction.

Modern standard project of a multi-storey residential building

In conditions of dense urban development, which dictates extremely high costs for the construction of buildings, acceptable savings that do not affect the quality of the erected object often become the determining factor when making a decision to build or when choosing a finished multi-storey building project.

Multi-storey buildings can be divided into two categories: buildings with load-bearing walls and frame houses. Bearing walls are the most familiar and common solution for building old buildings; according to this scheme, structures are built from bricks and small-piece blocks with panels or floor beams resting directly on the walls.

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Construction of private houses from cinder blocks

Frame high-rise buildings

Today, houses made according to the frame scheme are becoming increasingly popular, in which the loads from the weight of the structure, external factors, and operational characteristics are assumed by a rigid frame frame, which transfers them through the foundations to the supporting base. An important factor is the fact that with unified structural units, projects of frame multi-storey buildings can differ significantly in architectural layout, avoiding the monotony of panel housing construction and the inexpressiveness of buildings with load-bearing external walls.

The project of a frame multi-storey building

This advantage is determined by the fact that with a frame scheme, external fences are not load-bearing, they are either self-supporting or hinged, which allows you to significantly diversify and use modern finishing materials and elements, for example, solid display windows of facades. The independence of the thermal conductivity of hinged fences from loads makes it easy to vary the climatic region of the applied variety of the project, the bearing part of the building can be used with minimal changes, while the fence is selected according to the required level of thermal protection.

The frames of multi-storey buildings are usually made of precast or cast-in-place reinforced concrete or steel structures.

1. Steel frames are more manufacturable at the construction site, but more expensive and may contain elements that are difficult to transport.

The majority of housing in apartment buildings in Moscow and the Moscow Region are apartments in serial (standard) houses. A series of houses is a group of residential buildings with identical apartment layouts, engineering structures and building materials used. Layouts in such houses are called typical. You can combine different series of houses according to the material of the walls or on a temporary basis.

There are three main types of building materials used:

  • brick houses- typical series, the outer walls of which are built of brick.
  • Panel houses- standard series built from prefabricated reinforced concrete panels.
  • block houses- typical series, the external walls of which are built of concrete blocks.

Four main periods of construction can be distinguished on the basis of time:

  • Stalin series - typical series of houses designed in the 1950s. The houses are mostly brick or block. Distinctive features are high ceilings, spacious rooms, large corridors and kitchens.
  • Khrushchev series - typical series of houses designed in the period from 1956 to 1964. The houses are mostly panel, sometimes brick. Distinctive features are small kitchens, lack of elevators, shared bathrooms, poor heat and sound insulation.
  • The Brezhnev series are typical series of houses designed in the USSR from 1965 to the end of the 1980s. There are both brick and panel and block projects. The number of floors gradually increased first to 9, and then to 17 floors. Later projects are distinguished by a wide variety of designs and successful standard layouts. The most successful Brezhnev series were modified and are being built today.
  • Modern series - typical series of houses designed since the early 1990s. They differ from the previous ones in an attempt to add individual features to standard houses, houses of variable number of storeys, combined houses appear, apartment layouts become more spacious, the exterior and interior decoration of buildings grows qualitatively.

The site presents most of the typical series of houses built since the 1950s. Those. 90% of all possible options for typical apartments and houses on the market in Moscow and the Moscow region.