Documents to change the policy. New standard compulsory medical insurance policy: where to get it, replacement and other questions. North-Eastern Administrative District


You can receive the document:

  • Russians;
  • citizens of other states who live on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • newborn children;
  • stateless persons who live in Russia;
  • refugees.

Types of policies The following are valid on the territory of the Russian Federation:

  • paper policy;
  • electronic;
  • universal electronic card (UEC).

The paper policy is prepared on a blue form (with watermarks) in A5 format. In samples issued after 2011, there is no line with the registration address, but only full name, gender, date of birth, tax identification number and barcode. The authenticity of the document is certified by the seals of the insurance organization. This form cannot be laminated or folded. A special paper envelope with a transparent window is provided to store the document. Electronic policy received the form of a bank card.

How to change your compulsory health insurance policy?

In addition, if you were illegally forced to pay for services (let’s say, there was no time to argue because of a crisis situation), you have the opportunity to appeal this decision and get your money back, although only if you kept the receipt or payment receipt. When do you need to change your compulsory medical insurance policy and how to do it? The compulsory medical insurance policy does not need to be changed if you temporarily leave for another city or even a long business trip, but if you change your permanent place of residence or want to move to another insurance company you will need to get a new policy. To do this, simply contact the desired insurance company, having with you an identification document and the SSOPS, if you have one.

Please note that changing insurance companies is only allowed once per calendar year and occurs on the first of November, so the application must be submitted before this date.

Is it necessary to change the medical policy: assignment of compulsory medical insurance for the owner

  • 1 How is the replacement made?
  • 2 When is a policy change necessary?
  • 3 Results
  • 4 Videos on the topic

Law “On compulsory health insurance in Russian Federation"(2010) and the Compulsory Medical Insurance Rules (2011) establish the right of every citizen of the country and some certain categories of persons to independently choose an insurance company and receive insurance policy Compulsory medical insurance. Forms previously received by citizens do not lose legal force and are valid until they are replaced with a document of a single standard; medical care on them is provided in the full scope of the program. Compulsory medical insurance policies of a single type are personalized and are characterized by high levels of protection against counterfeiting or changes in posted data. The forms are produced centrally by the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.

Replacing a health insurance policy

What rights does the compulsory medical insurance policy give us? Do I need to change it and where can I get it? The head of the department for working with citizens of the Department for organizing the protection of the rights of insured citizens of the territorial compulsory fund answers these questions to us. health insurance St. Petersburg, candidate of medical sciences, lawyer Gennady Yakovlevich Lopatenkov. Have you changed your passport, do you need a new policy? - Gennady Yakovlevich! Let's start with the fact that some of our readers - patients' policies have expired. And the clinic demands to replace this policy. What to do? — You need to look at a specific policy.
If it was valid as of 01/01/2011, then such a requirement is unlawful, since by virtue of Article 51 of the Law “On Compulsory Health Insurance” the validity of the old-style policy was extended until it was replaced by a uniform policy or a social universal electronic card.

How long are new and old compulsory medical insurance policies valid?

  • citizens of the Russian Federation
  • stateless foreigners
  • refugees

Doctors provide free care to all people, regardless of whether they work or not. What are the deadlines for the validity of compulsory medical insurance certificates:

  • everyone who lives in the country, foreigners and citizens of the Russian Federation, is issued a compulsory medical insurance policy with an unlimited period
  • refugees receive a document for the duration of their stay in the Russian Federation, with confirmation of dates
  • temporarily residing foreigners and persons without citizenship, the validity of the policy is limited to the time allowed for their stay in Russia by the competent authorities

How to receive a policy with the choice and replacement of medical insurance. Issuance of a medical policy. Medical insurance organizations have taken upon themselves the responsibility of issuing documents to the population indicating this; it is necessary to submit an application, which will be the basis.

When and how to change your old health insurance policy to a new one


There are several types of policies in circulation: a paper green card of the 2007 model, a blue A5 sheet and special plastic cards. All three forms provide the same rights to the owners. But paper documents should not be folded to avoid damage. important information, and data from the card can not be read in every medical institution.

Since 2014, UEC has come into circulation - the same plastics, but equipped with a chip, photograph and signature of the owner. The card can be carried in a wallet or passport. The doctor easily identifies the patient. Where can I change my compulsory medical insurance policy to a new sample? To the insurance company, for which you need to provide a copy of your passport and SNILS.

The state does not establish a mandatory exchange procedure.

Do I need to change my compulsory health insurance policy?

New electronic policies, which have been issued by insurance companies since the beginning of 2014, are of unlimited duration and, if the client wishes, can become the same document as the SSOPS, which needs to be received only once in a lifetime. New electronic policies will eventually merge with the SSOPS and become the basis for a universal electronic card (UEC), which, according to the plans of the State Duma, was supposed to be introduced in 2014, but so far a similar process is taking place only in Moscow and the Moscow region. Paper policies must also be replaced with new ones. Compulsory medical insurance of the old sample, issued for an indefinite period, but medical care for them will not be terminated.
Do you want to know about compulsory health insurance for newborns? Or read THIS article about applying for voluntary health insurance for children.

Replacement of medical insurance policy

Information about them must be available on the Internet website of the Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund at the new place of residence. - Another situation. A citizen has changed his place of work, does anything need to be done? — Since 2011, receiving a compulsory medical insurance policy has nothing to do with the employer and place of work, and accordingly, there is no need to inform anyone about this. — But, let’s say, the patient at the clinic will still be persistently required to change his policy? — If the policy is not valid (this can be determined on the fund’s Internet portal, then it must be changed by contacting any compulsory medical insurance company. If the policy is valid and, accordingly, this requirement, based on the above, is illegal, you must contact your insurance company, and it will demand that the clinic stop violating the law, and, if necessary, apply penalties to it.

When do you need to change your compulsory health insurance policy?

Therefore, everyone living on the territory of the Russian Federation must receive a document guaranteeing the right to take advantage of ample opportunities and receive medical services. Don't rely only on emergency help. Anyone who has tried to visit a medical facility without a policy knows that countrywide rules apply; without a document and presenting it at the clinic’s reception, services will not be provided. You cannot consult a doctor or undergo a course of treatment. Determining a diagnosis, opening sick leave, issuing certificates, even routine medical examinations can only be done on the basis of an insurance certificate. All civilized states use a similar procedure. Which from all sides showed itself only from its best side.
Obtaining an insurance certificate in our country is organized at the highest level, without bureaucratic delays.

When should you change your health insurance policy?

However, although the policy entitles you to free treatment, there are a number of items that it does not cover and for which the client will have to pay out of pocket, for example, for outpatient medications. Full list such items are quite extensive.

  • Consultations with specialists, medical examinations and other inquiries carried out not out of medical necessity or in accordance with legal requirements, but on the private initiative of citizens.
  • Medical services for private events.
  • Treatment, preventive and diagnostic measures carried out anonymously, with the exception of AIDS testing.
  • all diagnostic tests and procedures, as well as manipulations, consultations and other examinations performed at home.

Also, the policy needs to be changed if you change your name or surname, and for this you will need to contact the insurance company in person, again taking with you your passport, a document confirming your unemployed status and SSOPS. Replacement of a compulsory health insurance policy according to the legislation of the Russian Federation should be free of charge. Would you like to learn more about the validity period of your compulsory medical insurance policy? Or read THIS article about design VHI policy for a newborn. What is a new type of policy? The phrase “new-style policy” became synonymous with enormous government confusion when it was introduced in 2011 new form filling out compulsory medical insurance policies, and in 2014 – electronic policies. Both are called new-style policies, but paper policies were valid until 2014 and in this moment are no longer valid.

The compulsory medical insurance policy is a guarantee of the right of citizens to receive free medical care promptly in all subjects of the federation. The document is available for receipt from any of the insurance companies accredited in accordance with current legislation.

Since the beginning of 2014, a new type of policy has been in force in the Russian Federation.

All documents valid from 01/01/2011 continue to be valid indefinitely, until they are replaced with a plastic card electronic sample upon request.

Replacing a compulsory medical insurance policy

There is no need to change the policy if a change of residence occurred within the administrative boundaries of the same subject of the Russian Federation. All that needs to be done in this situation is to inform the insurer about the change of address of the insured person. When moving to another subject of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with a new insurance company that provides relevant services within the region of interest to the client. If there is a document of a single sample, the policy cannot be replaced. Instead, information about the new CMO is indicated on the reverse side, indicating the organization’s contact phone number.

How to change your compulsory medical insurance policy when changing your last name

Changing the patronymic, first or last name is a reason established at the legislative level, which entails a replacement of the policy through contacting a health insurance company. It is recommended to submit a corresponding application after receiving a document with new data that certifies the identity of the insured person.

In the current situation, SNILS also needs to be replaced, but if necessary, you can use the old document. If your surname changes, the certificate number will remain unchanged. Next, the client of the insurance company fills out a form, based on which appropriate changes are made to the database.

Replacing a compulsory medical insurance policy with a new type policy

In the Russian Federation, since May 1, 2011, compulsory medical insurance policies have been gradually replaced with documents of a new type. All old documents are valid until you apply to receive a new plastic policy. The procedure is not limited in time, so excitement and rush are excluded by definition. None of the medical institutions participating in the compulsory medical insurance program has the right to refuse citizens the provision of free medical care on the basis of old-style policies.

How to change compulsory medical insurance company

Replacement of the insurer is carried out through a personal application or with the involvement of an authorized representative. The role of the latter is often played by the employer, but trustees are also not uncommon. The list of persons who can replace the compulsory medical insurance policy is given in Art. 16 Federal Law No. 326. When collaborating with a trusted person, you will need to draw up a power of attorney, which will confirm the fact of registration of the insured person in a specific health insurance company. The law does not establish a clear form for such a document; notarization of the power of attorney is also not required.

Replacing compulsory health insurance when changing your last name

Changing your last name is an excellent reason to exchange your paper compulsory medical insurance policy for a plastic sample. To do this, it is recommended to contact a health insurance company that is authorized to work with universal cards, in particular, deals with their issuance and registration. According to the rules of the compulsory medical insurance system, citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to independently choose an insurance company, as well as the form of a medical policy.

At the same time, a plastic policy may not be issued on the basis of only one application with the corresponding requirement. The replacement procedure must take place in the manner established by law. And hospitals and clinics are required to provide medical services provided for in insurance cases in full on the basis of a plastic and paper compulsory medical insurance policy.

Advice from Replacement of a document begins with contacting a regional insurance company. This can be done either independently or through an official representative. A list of companies that issue and replace policies in all regions of the Russian Federation is presented in a convenient form on the MHIF website. To save time, it is recommended to make an appointment online in advance. It's not difficult to do this. There is a corresponding section on the official website of any insurance company. To determine the time and date of the visit, it is enough to indicate a contact phone number, date of birth, some personal information, indicate the point of issue, as well as the time and day most convenient for the visit.

In Russia, to receive free medical services of any kind, a compulsory medical insurance policy is required.. In its absence, clinics will only be able to offer paid services.

Despite this, if the policy has expired, it was damaged or issued in another region, people are in no hurry to change it.

This situation is caused by the fact that no one plans to get injured, get sick and face other troubles that may happen.

On the to-do list, replacing a compulsory medical insurance policy is one of the last places. But in practice, the problem of providing free medical care is very acute.

Therefore, it is important to know how to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy in Moscow if you are registered in another city.

A huge number of people work in the capital who came from other regions and do not even have a residence permit. If it is necessary to visit a doctor, a person is faced with the fact that it is quite difficult to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy without a registration.

Therefore, it is important to carefully understand whether it is possible to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy without registration, and what nuances exist in this matter.

Having a compulsory medical insurance policy allows a citizen to seek help from a clinic, hospital, city treatment centers and other medical organizations that participate in the compulsory health insurance program.

If a person lives in the Moscow region and received a policy in the territory of his region, then he has the right to receive additional medical services that are not included in the list of state basic program.

For example, seek help for the treatment of tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, mental disorders and behavioral disorders, including those associated with the use of psychoactive substances.

A complete list of services that an insured citizen can qualify for can be found in the Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region “On the Moscow Regional Program of State Guarantees of Free Medical Care to Citizens.”

For many, the pressing question is how to apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy in Moscow, without registration. If a person works in the capital officially, then he will not have problems obtaining an insurance policy.

Since the employer regularly makes contributions for him to Pension Fund and the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund. With a request to register compulsory medical insurance, a citizen can contact his superiors in the human resources department or the accounting department.

In this case, you do not need to present any documents, including those confirming registration.

Registration of the policy through the employer will take approximately two months.

The period will depend on the competence of the responsible employee. According to the law, the employer is given 2 weeks to prepare all the necessary papers and send them to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.

But if a person quits, he needs to give the policy to his employer. During maternity leave and parental leave, compulsory medical insurance, which was received through the employer, continues to be valid.

It is quite difficult for an unemployed person without registration to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy in Moscow.. In this case, the citizen can replace the temporary registration document with a lease agreement for the apartment he is renting.

But this option has several nuances:

  1. A lease agreement is concluded only if a realtor is involved in the transaction. Most tenants try to save on the services of intermediaries and rent an apartment without a contract.
  2. The insurer may require the personal presence of the apartment owner or a statement written by him personally. The landlord rarely agrees to such actions.

If a person does not have a temporary residence permit or permanent registration, he should present convincing arguments and hope that in disputes with the insurer they will give a positive result.

A citizen has the right to refer to the law “On Medical Insurance of Citizens of the Russian Federation”; it states that registration is not a prerequisite for receiving compulsory medical insurance.

Thus, a refusal by an insurance company can be appealed in court.. To contact judiciary you need to ask your insurer written refusal in providing the policy.

In addition, you can refer to the ruling of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 2011. IN this document it is said that a visitor has the right to receive a policy without presenting papers confirming registration.

In any case, a person without registration must be prepared for trial.

Insurers believe that Compulsory medical insurance is better issue only at the place of registration. If the court decides not in favor of the citizen, then the best option would be to find a job, enter into an agreement with the landlord, or change place of residence.

In accordance with the law, obtain a policy Compulsory medical insurance citizens Russian Federation in 2020 can at the place of their actual residence. Permanent or temporary registration has no effect.

The compulsory medical insurance of a uniform standard does not contain information about a person’s place of residence and registration. But when applying for a policy, this data is entered into a unified electronic register of insured citizens.

If a citizen moves to live in another place, he is obliged to inform the insurer about this within 1 month.

When the new place of residence does not have the same insurance company with which the insurance policy was issued, the citizen can choose a new insurance company for compulsory medical insurance.

In the case when a person is forced to constantly move, then it is worth understanding that it is best to take out insurance where the citizen lives most of the time.

Regarding the question of whether it is possible to receive treatment in another city for free under a compulsory medical insurance policy, it is worth considering some nuances:

Getting a compulsory medical insurance policy in Moscow if you are registered in the Moscow region is quite simple. To do this, you must follow these instructions:

  1. Collect the necessary documents.
  2. Decide on the choice of insurance company.
  3. Apply.

It will take approximately a month to issue a policy; during this period, a person is given a temporary policy under which he will be able to receive all guaranteed services.

To obtain a policy, you need to prepare the following documents:

After preparing the documents, you need to decide on a medical organization. It is better to choose it according to the place of actual residence. Because it will be possible to receive services not only according to the basic program, but according to the territorial program.

Submission of an application for compulsory medical insurance is carried out at the insurance company itself, at the clinic to which the citizen is attached, or through the MFC. In the multifunctional center, the service is provided only for children under one and a half years old.

The procedure for submitting an application can be clarified on the institutions’ website or by calling the telephone numbers listed in the register. The application form will be issued on site. You can pick up the finished document after 30 days from the date of submission of all papers and application.

Recently, the legislation on compulsory medical insurance has changed more than once.

Therefore, quite often people do not exercise their rights simply because they do not know about them or do not understand how to obtain enforcement in practice.

According to the current rules, you can not only receive compulsory medical insurance without registration, but also choose a clinic, attending physician and even a hospital for hospitalization.

In this matter it is worth paying attention to the following points:

  1. You can choose a clinic to attach or permanently receive medical services once a year.
  2. A person is not required to be assigned to a district clinic at his place of registration or actual residence.

It is possible to choose a medical facility close to work.

It is worth understanding that each clinic has service areas assigned to it - medical sites for providing care at home. Therefore, it is important to think through everything in advance and assess possible situations.

A citizen has the right to choose a new attending physician once a year. To do this, you just need to write an application addressed to the head physician.

Citizens with Moscow registration and a compulsory medical insurance policy, who are registered on the portal of the mayor of the capital -, can attach to the clinic on the same website, indicating SNILS.

To do this, you need to go to the “Services and Services” section and submit an application on your own behalf. After three days, the person will be assigned to the clinic he needs and connected to the remote recording service with specialists through the website.

All users can apply online except for residents of New Moscow and those with temporary compulsory medical insurance. If you wish, you can submit an application during a personal visit to the clinic.

But the question of how to attach a compulsory medical insurance policy to a clinic in another city remains relevant. To do this, residents of the capital with policies from other regions should initially apply for a policy to an insurer, their own or another.

If a citizen has an old-style compulsory medical insurance, then first of all, he needs to apply for a new unified compulsory medical insurance policy. After re-registration of the policy, you can contact any clinic at your discretion to attach it.

In some cases, additional documents may be required for registration:

If you do not have a policy, you can apply for one at any insurance company, and then contact the desired clinic to attach it.

Thus, obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy in Moscow without registration is not a problem. According to the rules that apply in 2020, for registration it is enough to indicate only the actual place of residence.

The uniform compulsory medical insurance policy does not contain information about the citizen’s residence and registration. This data is entered into a unified electronic register of insured citizens.

Under the compulsory medical insurance policy, you can be treated for free in another city within the scope of the basic compulsory medical insurance program.

Compulsory health insurance policies, both old and new, will be valid throughout Russia, since they are indefinite, the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund (MHIF) reported.

As noted in the message on the fund’s website, persons who have not yet received the “new policy” will be able to receive medical care in full.

If a citizen wants to get a new policy, he can contact the medical insurance organization indicated on the existing policy. This can be done at any convenient time in accordance with the operating hours of policy issuing points.

In addition, every Russian can change the insurance company, for example, if he is not satisfied with the quality of work of the organization that issued him the policy. However, this can be done no more than once a year and before November 1. After this, citizens will be able to receive a document from the new insurance company no earlier than January 1, 2019. As noted, the time frame for changing the insurance company medical company(from January 1 to November 1 of each year) are prescribed in Russian legislation.

The press service of the Moscow city service centers “My Documents” once again noted that the break only applies to changing the insurance company, and the compulsory medical insurance policy itself can be changed to a new document “at any time during the year.”

It is worth remembering that changing the compulsory medical insurance policy is carried out at the request of the insured person.

Earlier, the Moscow Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund reported that from November 1, the issuance of new policies would be suspended and would supposedly resume only in January.

It also became known that although the new policy form has been in effect throughout the country since 2011, Russians are in no hurry to change their old policies. Thus, in Moscow, out of 12.3 million people insured under compulsory medical insurance, less than half (5.8 million people) use a new type of policy, the rest (6.5 million) present the “old” policy at medical institutions.

The director of the MGFIF explained that the introduction of a new unified policy is necessary to avoid confusion if a person goes to a clinic or hospital other than the place of insurance.

Between Russian subjects There is a system of mutual settlements for payment for medical care received outside the insurance region. “... a medical organization cannot remember what the old compulsory medical insurance policies of 86 regions of Russia look like, so I would recommend that all owners of old policies change them,” Zelensky emphasized.

According to the law, in an emergency situation, a medical institution does not have the right to refuse assistance or hospitalization to a patient with an old policy. But refusal is possible if the case is not an emergency.

This summer, the President of Russia signed a law designed to improve the mechanism for monitoring whether Russians have a compulsory medical insurance policy.

Thus, a citizen who has moved into the category of Russians not subject to compulsory health insurance must now submit an invalid compulsory medical insurance policy or report its loss to any medical insurance organization.

The exception is for citizens passing military service on call.

New rules have also appeared for federal and territorial compulsory medical insurance funds, which are required to monthly reflect new information on the number of suspensions of insurance or refusal of it.

In May of this year, Health Minister Veronica announced plans to change the compulsory health insurance system. In her opinion, it is necessary to make the compulsory medical insurance system more centralized and controlled by the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund in order to avoid distortions in territorial state guarantee programs.

Currently, territorial compulsory medical insurance funds are subordinate to the heads of departments and regional ministries health care, Skvortsova noted.

“Our plans include raising the issue of verticalization of the compulsory medical insurance system, transformation of the territorial funds Compulsory medical insurance in territorial divisions federal fund Compulsory medical insurance, and the introduction of the “two keys” rule,” she said at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF).

Now any clinic providing emergency care or long-term treatment, as well as local doctors coming to your home for examination, will definitely ask you to show your passport and medical insurance. This is a document issued by an insurance company to receive medical services free of charge.

To make it convenient, comfortable and practical, it was decided to improve the existing document. Later in the article we will learn more about what it is a plastic card a new type of compulsory medical insurance policy, the place of receipt and who has the right to take advantage of such an innovation.

The issue of compulsory health insurance has always been relevant and in order to get free help it was necessary to take out an insurance policy. Control over this was previously assigned to employers, student organizations, school and preschool institutions.

In 2011, the introduction system compulsory insurance citizens began to transform and, in order to unite and regulate the process of issuing forms, they decided to issue a single perpetual compulsory medical insurance policy on blue paper.

It is issued on a sheet equal to A5 format and is valid throughout Russia, regardless of place of residence and registration. But, the use of paper insurance, unprotected from mechanical damage, is impractical.

But since 2015, medicine has been able to change its approach and found a solution to this problem. Now policyholders have begun to be issued an electronic compulsory medical insurance policy. It looks like a plastic card equipped with a chip, which contains all the information about its owner.

The essence of this decision is simple, for everyone who cares mandatory conditions insurance companies issued policies with a limited validity period; upon its expiration, they have the right to apply there in order to receive new insurance with electronic media.

What does the new compulsory medical insurance policy look like?

The new compulsory medical insurance policy is in the format of a regular plastic card, similar to a bank card, which we use every day to manage our own funds.

Its single sample is decorated with the colors of the Russian tricolor, and on the front side there is the following information:

  1. Image of the coat of arms of the Russian Federation;
  2. Insurance system logo;
  3. Chip and policy number;
  4. SK name.

Everything is marked on the back personal information. Here is a photo, full name, date of birth and gender. You will be asked to sign. When looking at this form, you will definitely notice a hologram confirming the authenticity of the insurance.

There is also a telephone number of the fund that issued the document. The validity period of the compulsory medical insurance policy is 5 years. That is, after this time you will have to exchange the card again.

Difference from paper

New medicine with such insurance allows you to receive free treatment, determining the list of services available to the consumer. This means that when we go to clinics, medical institutions, hospitals in our country, we have the right to service, assistance, and provision of certain medications.

Not all regions are ready to accept modern system and take advantage of it. Thus, the lack of complete data about your company can seriously complicate treatment and provoke additional difficulties. But the new policy has a number of differences from the old one.

  1. Size. The small format allows you to receive a plastic card and store it in a wallet or passport cover, which is more convenient for the owner. When the paper version was not allowed to be laminated or folded crosswise, it required special handling.
  2. Material. The electronic compulsory health insurance policy has a plastic base and is practically not subject to mechanical or physical influences. Paper insurance is easy to wrinkle.
  3. Data security. The new compulsory medical insurance program provides protection from the use of services by other persons, since the citizen’s personal information is now printed on the card, as well as a photo is posted. Such insignia and chips make it possible to create a unified information base of policyholders.

Where to get a plastic compulsory health insurance card

The compulsory medical insurance system extends throughout the Russian Federation, therefore all citizens can protect their lives. This means that the working population, pensioners, students and schoolchildren, and even newly born babies and the unemployed can count on protecting their health.

There are several ways to receive a card:

  1. Protective organization (SC). Having brought the old-style insurance, a paper form, you will replace it with plastic without wasting time and effort. The operator will have access to your series and compulsory medical insurance policy number using a single database. There he will see your personal data.
  2. MFC. The multifunctional system for providing state and municipal services will accept your documents. You need to register an application and within 14 days, an SMS about the completed service will be sent to the specified number.
  3. Branch office of the compulsory health insurance fund. New medicine allows you to contact this organization and issue insurance within 10 days.
  4. State Services Portal. You can apply for compulsory medical insurance policy online. To do this, you must fill out the form at in electronic format, enter all the necessary information there and select a pickup point that is geographically close to you.

Insurance companies

Compulsory medical insurance allows you to choose your own insurance company. This means that if you are not satisfied with the quality of the services provided, then replacing the insurance agent is possible once a year.

There are many companies working in the field of insurance of citizens, here are some of them:

  1. "VTB Medical Insurance"
  2. "Spassky Gate -M";
  3. "Ingosstrakh-M";
  4. "RGS Medicine";
  5. Uralsib;
  6. “Consent -M”, etc.

The list may be endless, but they are all suitable for protection. The rating of their popularity changes depending on the requests of insured citizens, but these are huge companies and it will be more convenient to get a new type of policy here.

Registration of a new electronic policy

The new compulsory medical insurance policy, as you already understand, looks like a plastic card. But it's not important appearance insurance, and how it is issued and the list of documents required in the future.

You will be asked to present:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  2. An application filled out on the form of the insurance company engaged in protection;
  3. When applying for a new type of insurance for a child under 14 years of age, metrics (birth certificate) are required.

In 2018, you can protect yourself and get a card within 30 days. Behind given time the policyholder is given a temporary certificate, which replaces the card, but it also contains the number and series, as well as personal data.

So, if during the allotted time to prepare the card you will have to receive help or treatment, be in a hospital, buy medications, consult a doctor, then feel free to use temporary insurance.

When filling out the application, write down the phone number to contact the operator. Compulsory medical insurance policies are usually changed quickly, no more than 11 days. But try to control the whole process yourself and don’t wait for someone to call you; for these purposes, take the operator’s number.

Pros and cons of new policies

We told you how to replace compulsory medical insurance by last name with a new plastic format, but how to use such a document? The opportunities that a plastic card provides have not yet been fully implemented in many regions and therefore there is a possibility that you will not receive proper treatment and the required services for free. The table shows some of the pros and cons of both types of protection.

Type of insurance Advantages Flaws
Old sample Right to make changes to the form Inconvenient to use
Commonly used by medical professionals Possibility to receive services from third parties
New sample Mobility, durability, ease of use Lack of device in medical. institution for reading the policy
High level of protection When changing data, be sure to get a new policy
No outside use Not every insurer is able to issue a new policy

Both insurances have equivalent legal force and are not subject to any differences in medical care.

Moscow and region

Compulsory medical insurance points allow you to obtain a policy. And this is allowed both during the initial application and for other reasons.:

  • When changing personal data. Marriage, a different place of residence, a first name or patronymic necessarily contributes to the new (re-) entry of information;
  • Incorrectly entered information. When applying for insurance, the operator made an inaccuracy that requires it to be replaced;
  • If it is lost. There are many reasons for such an accident. But, if a loss occurs, write a request for restoration;
  • Indecent state. If you understand that the document is damaged and in obscene condition, it must be replaced.

Places for obtaining compulsory medical insurance policies in Moscow are mainly associated with the addresses of insurance companies.

In the Moscow region, it’s easier to apply for and find out if a compulsory medical insurance policy is ready at MFC branches, at addresses such as:

  • Shchelkovo, st. Svirskaya, 2 A;
  • Orekhovo-Zuevo, st. Lenina, 96 A;
  • Lyubertsy, Oktyabrsky Avenue, 190;
  • Balashikha, st. Sovetskaya, 4.

Where is the number and series located on the policy?

For the insurance organization where the cards are issued, there is no difference between citizens and their status. This means that an unemployed or retired person, a school student or an ordinary worker has the right to use the services of the compulsory medical insurance policy on an equal basis. Therefore, the appearance of the card is uniform. Only insurance issued for a child under 14 years old is eligible for the exception.

In the case of a child's card, the child's photo is not posted. On the front side of the card there is a series and number of the compulsory medical insurance policy in the form of a 16-digit code. Due to the chip on which the information is stored, the devices quickly recognize the data and identify the owner of the insurance. So, having lost the card after replacing it with paper media on a plastic one, through the number you can restore all the data and the card itself.

What is the validity period of the new compulsory medical insurance policy?

Early replacement is made only in the event of a change in information or in case of loss. How to restore the compulsory medical insurance policy in this case? Report the incident to your insurance organization, take your passport and write an application. There they will quickly help you restore the document.

The new insurance format has limitations, which means its usefulness will extend for no more than 5 years. You can determine the expiration date of your card by looking at the back of it. When the specified period begins to come to an end, a replacement is required.

The replacement process will not take much time, since the list of documents will not change. All you need to do is write an application and wait for a new card within 1 month.

By paying compulsory medical insurance contributions to the employer, we have the right to independently choose the institution where we are ready to receive services, the insurer, and even between types of insurance. Everyone can independently determine which of them is convenient, and the order of further actions will depend only on your decision.