What is the program for filling out compulsory motor insurance: instructions for issuing an insurance policy. Example of filling out the insurance policy Series and number of the insurance policy


OSAGO insurance policy – mandatory type insurance. Accordingly, every motorist should have such a policy. This type of insurance is purchased annually by thousands of vehicle owners. However, it is not enough just to buy a form - it also needs to be filled out correctly. Some insurance companies offer clients the service of filling out the purchased insurance policy OSAGO. However, you can fill out the document yourself – it’s not difficult. You can fill out the policy on your computer at special program, and then print it out on a form, or you can do it by hand.

The MTPL policy is filled out by hand

A hand-filled OSAGO policy is valid. However, those who plan to make notes on the form with a regular pen need to follow a few simple rules:

  • All entries that you make on the form must be filled out with the same pen (the color of the paste in different fields of the document should not differ) and in the same handwriting. Otherwise, the document may be declared invalid and you will have to prove that you filled out the policy yourself through an examination.
  • Errors and corrections in the form must not be made. Pull yourself together and write everything correctly. It's better to practice doing this on a draft.
  • An MTPL policy filled out by hand should be checked with the insurance company. At the bottom of the document there must be the signature of the insurer, as well as the company stamp of the company.

How to fill out an MTPL policy on a computer

In order to fill out the OSAGO policy form, you need to find and download it online free program to work with the document. Its peculiarity is that in the program you will fill out a document template, which can later be printed on a form, without fear that some fields of the document will not match. The program is easy to install on your PC and is quite easy to use. Before printing an already prepared document on a form, be sure to proofread it, check for possible errors and typos, and print a test page to make sure that you will not subsequently damage the form by printing.

How to fill out an MTPL policy without restrictions

In order to fill out, you will need:

  • Your citizen's passport Russian Federation(or foreign citizen).
  • A document confirming that the vehicle has undergone technical inspection.
  • Passport for the car.
  • Car registration certificate.
  • Your driver's license, as well as the driver's licenses of those who will use the vehicle with you.

All this information is entered on the form in the “Insured” section.

The policy will also need to indicate:

  • the make of your car;
  • vehicle model;
  • vehicle identification number;
  • state sign;
  • data from car registration documents.

In addition, the policy specifies the amount of the insured amount, which must be indicated in rubles.

Fill out the MTPL policy in Excel

Today no one fills out OSAGO policies in Excel program, as it was done five years ago. There are special programs freely available on the Internet for filling out a policy; you just need to check them for relevance - the forms change from time to time and problems may arise during printing.

In order not to spoil the original form of the document, which is quite expensive, try to practice printing the information entered on a PC on a scanned copy of the policy. This will allow you to make sure that the printer is configured correctly and does not distort the actual proportions of the document during printing. After the test print (if all is well), you can insert the form into the printer and “fill out” the MTPL policy with the information typed on the computer.

Advice from Sravni.ru: When purchasing an MTPL policy, be sure to check the form for its authenticity. The form must contain all the necessary degrees of protection. There should be no “lint” on it, which usually appears when printing on a cheap printer, the document should not be embossed, etc.

Registration of compulsory motor liability insurance.

Filling out the OSAGO form seems to be a difficult task, since it contains many items, sections and subsections, the completion of which is prerequisite registration But, in fact, everything is much simpler than it seems at first glance, since there is a certain algorithm for entering data into the form, and knowing it, you can easily register all the data in a matter of minutes.

Attention! When filling out the OSAGO form, it is unacceptable to make mistakes, corrections or omissions - this may cause the insurer to refuse to obtain the policy from the policyholder.

What documents will be required?

All fields of the insurance policy can be filled out only if the person taking out the insurance has a package of necessary documents.

To issue a policy you will need the following documents:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Any person over 18 years of age can act as an insured.
  • Car owner's passport. Very important nuance– the insured can be not only the owner of the car, but also any other person authorized to drive this vehicle. We wrote more about this.
  • Vehicle registration certificate or certificate of registration.
  • Driver's licenses of all persons authorized to drive a vehicle.
  • (if the car is more than three years old).

Watch the video about what documents are required when applying for an MTPL policy:

What does the completed paper look like?

In the electronic table that will need to be filled out, there are sections, after filling which, the form is printed on a printer or plotter, that is, it goes from an electronic version to a paper version, and is issued to the policyholder after he signs and stamps in the right places.

The following sections need to be completed:

  • personal data of the policyholder;
  • vehicle owner data;
  • detailed information on the vehicle;
  • persons authorized to drive a car;
  • duration of the policy;
  • calculation .

Section with personal data of the policyholder

In order to fill out the first section, the passport information of the person taking out the insurance is sufficient. The following is written in the relevant columns:

The second section contains information about the owner of the car and is filled out in a similar way. When transferring data from a document to the policy columns, you should be careful to prevent accidental errors or distortion of information.

Detailed information on the vehicle

Reference. All necessary data for filling out the third section can be taken from technical passport per car.

The section contains the following information:

  • The type of document being submitted (PTS or vehicle registration certificate), its series and number, as well as information about who issued it and the date of issue.
  • Vehicle VIN (vehicle identification number).
  • State registration plate of a car.
  • Data: series, number and validity period (for cars older than three years). If the car is new, then this paragraph states: “technical inspection of the vehicle is not required.”

Persons allowed to drive a car

This is the fourth section of the policy.

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the indication in the contract of no more than five people allowed to drive the vehicle. If there are more drivers, then in this case unlimited coverage insurance is issued, which will cost 80% more. standard policy OSAGO.

If a certain circle of persons allowed to drive a vehicle is selected, then The following information is filled in for each driver:

  • Full name fully.
  • Date of birth.
  • Driver's license details (series and number).
  • Citizen driving experience.

Validity period of the motor vehicle license

By law, it cannot exceed 12 months, but each policyholder chooses the insurance period independently. Minimum term registration of compulsory civil liability insurance under this policy – ​​3 months.

In this (fifth) section, indicate the date from which the vehicle will be used, after which its validity period will be set automatically. By law, during the validity of the compulsory insurance policy, no more than three periods of use of the vehicle can be established.

Can't be controlled vehicle, this document, according to the Traffic Rules in the Russian Federation, is included in the list mandatory documents, which the driver must have. That is, it is impossible to operate a car without an MTPL policy. In order to avoid mistakes, it is necessary to understand in detail the intricacies of filling out this document.

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Points for filling out the MTPL policy

So, in addition to the header and details that must be filled out, the MTPL policy contains 8 points:

  • Policyholder, owner of the vehicle.
  • Vehicle.
  • List of persons authorized to drive a vehicle.
  • Sum insured.
  • Insured event.
  • Territory of the agreement.
  • Insurance premium.
  • Special notes.

Filling rules

The MTPL policy in the header has a place for the seal of the insurance company (respectively, the company with which the contract is concluded), such mandatory lines as series and number, as well as the validity period of the contract, it is noteworthy that the period is clearly defined in hours and minutes. As a rule, this period is 12 months, but can be reduced to six months or even 3 months (however, not all insurance companies agree to this).

Point 1

This paragraph contains information about the policyholder and the owner of the vehicle.

In this case, any person is authorized to be the policyholder, regardless of the ownership of the car and the presence of a driver’s license.

The person who actually owns the vehicle is indicated as the owner.

Point 2

This paragraph provides comprehensive information about the vehicle, in particular, the car make, model, VIN number, license plate and registration documents car (either PTS-passport of the vehicle, or a certificate of registration of the vehicle).

Point 3

This paragraph lists the list of persons allowed to drive a vehicle. It is noteworthy to this point that, along with indicating a limited list of drivers, the admission of drivers without restrictions is allowed.

Point 4

Here we're talking about about the sum insured, in other words, the amount of payment in the event of an accident. New policies may not have this clause.

Point 5

This clause clearly regulates what applies to an insured event; this clause must be clearly understood; there can be no other options.

Point 6

It is called “Territory of the Treaty”. The territory of the Russian Federation is defined as the territory of the policy; accordingly, it extends its effect to the entire territory of the country.

Point 7

Insurance premium. This indicates the amount that the policyholder pays to the insurance company for the insurance service. Tariffs are set by the legislator, so the amount of this amount should be the same for all insurance companies.

Clause 8

Special notes are made at this point. These include additional information that relates to this insurance contract.

Finally, the date of conclusion of the agreement and the place where the parties sign the agreement are indicated.

By hand or on a computer

There is a mandatory requirement for a compulsory motor liability insurance policy - it must be in a strictly defined form.

Moreover, this form can be either single-layer or two-layer.

Moreover, in the first case, the policy must be printed on a computer, and in the second, the printed form must be filled out by hand. Therefore, it is not legally defined in what form this document should be filled out. However, if doubts arise, the policyholder always has the opportunity to call the insurance company and clarify whether this document is included in the company’s database.

Filling Features

The features of filling out an MTPL policy were previously discussed in detail point by point in the “Rules for filling out” section. When receiving the policy, you must carefully check all the information included in it. And also make sure that this information is true.

If you have any doubts about the validity of the document, contact the insurance company to clarify the information. Actions required when errors are detected are outlined in the next section.

The above federal law is regulatory framework in the matter of motor third party liability insurance, and is the main source of law in this industry.

However, legislation in this area is in constant dynamic development, so the changes that came into force on March 1, 2009 provided for a procedure for direct compensation of losses, in which the car owner has the right to apply for insurance compensation to your insurance company (this remains a voluntary measure).

And these changes are not the final form federal law, just for last year amendments to the regulatory framework on compulsory motor vehicle liability were made five times. As of today, the changes that came into force on July 1, 2015 are in effect. These amendments provide for the purchase of a compulsory motor liability insurance policy via the Internet, that is, a form in electronic form; how this will work in practice will become clear a little later.

Filling errors

Probably no one is immune from mistakes. Therefore, mistakes can be made when filling out the MTPL policy. In this case, the error should be considered:

  • discrepancies between the data in the policy and in the application;
  • inaccurate determination of insurance premium (error in tariffs);
  • typos in any of the clauses of the policy.

What needs to be done if any type of error is detected in the MTPL policy?

First of all, you should definitely contact the insurance company, please note that incorrect information in the policy is crossed out, reliable information is indicated above, new policy in this case it is not issued.

In the “Special notes” column there should be an entry “Believe the corrected one.” The form with corrections is kept by the policyholder, and a copy of it is kept by the insurer.

Motorists also need to know that if a traffic police inspector discovers an error in the insurance policy, no fine can be imposed on the driver; the only possible action on the part of the inspector in this case is to point out to the driver the mistake he made and send him to the insurance company.

So, above, all the main points of filling out an MTPL policy are outlined in detail, and attention is drawn to all the pitfalls.

It is necessary to understand that compulsory motor third party liability insurance is primarily aimed at protecting car owners, since it allows you to protect the driver involved in a traffic accident, first of all, from the burden of compensation for damage at his own expense. It will also significantly reduce nervous and time costs.

In practice, car owners often have to fight in court for the amount to be paid as insurance compensation. Therefore, in order to protect yourself, special importance must be given to obtaining an MTPL policy, filling it out, as well as all the nuances that exist in this matter.

Also, due to the fact that legislation in this industry is subject to constant change by the legislator, motorists need to constantly monitor the state of this legislation today. In order for the rules aimed at making the life of the driver easier to work for him and protect him, you need to know these rules and monitor their constant dynamics.

Increasing the protection of modern MTPL car insurance policies is a necessary measure after a huge number of counterfeits have appeared.

On this basis, the law decided to issue a new type of document, equipped with increased security measures, as well as its electronic analogue, which cannot be forged because it is entered into the RSA Internet database.

If you're interested in what it looks like electronic policy The OSAGO photo is worth studying, as well as studying the basic information on the document.

The new policy is an ideal opportunity to increase the confidence of car owners in the document itself and reduce the likelihood of possible fraud.

The reason for the appearance of counterfeit documents is an increase in insurance rates. This became the reason for falsifying a document that is important for every motorist.

Until now, every driver had the opportunity to present the policy to traffic police officers, without fear of detection of a counterfeit. The situation changed completely after the formation of the SAR database.

There are many other shortcomings of old policies, among which are:

  • low protection against counterfeiting;
  • printing a document did not require the use of special equipment; a regular printing line was sufficient;
  • lack of the required number of forms;
  • lack of information for the population regarding the protective measures of MTPL documents.

All this became the reason for purchasing fake documents related to compulsory insurance auto. There were well-thought-out schemes in use, in which even after the discovery of a counterfeit, the owner received financial compensation by simply going to court.

The electronic form of the insurance policy has become the first step in ensuring the protection of the insurer and vehicle owners. Its owner has equal rights and benefits as the owner of a previously adopted paper document.

The advantage is that it reduces the likelihood of policy fraud. The new forms will significantly strengthen the overall security level of the legal auto insurance system.

Worth exploring appearance new electronic policies and measures taken to protect them from counterfeit documents.

The new policy was presented at the beginning of 2017. They officially entered the document flow on July 1.

Now, instead of a two-color document, car owners began to be issued policies that have a rather complex color scheme with a predominance of lilac.

High-quality document protection against counterfeiting is manifested in the following innovations:

  1. Double-layer printing with contrasting background. This increases the overall difficulty of making counterfeits at home.
  2. Complete font change. Now the document number, its name and main points are filled in different options font.
  3. The watermarks have become of a different shape, and their location has also changed. Also, SAR watermarks appeared around the edges of the document. In the center you can see the background image of the car.
  4. A security metallized thread passes through the paper fibers. Above it is the inscription of the policy - OSAGO. Along the entire length of the line there is the inscription “policy”.

Representatives of the insurance company are given the opportunity to place a QR code in the upper right corner. This is an ideal opportunity to compactly place basic information about the insurer on a document.

In the future, information about the owner of the car for whom the policy is issued will be entered in this place.

It took the developers two years to develop and implement the new policy. The adopted innovations automatically affected the cost of the document; it increased in price by about 15%.

Additional expenses are included in the cost of the document, in the price rates of generally accepted compulsory insurance.

The new policy forms are endowed with equal legal force with the old ones. At the driver's request, insurance company employees must replace the paper document with an updated one.

To get it, the car owner will need to collect certain documents, but the replacement procedure itself is free. Before contacting an insurance company to replace your policy, you should first familiarize yourself with the following features receiving it.

Here are the most basic of them:

  1. If you are insuring your car for the first time, you can only use a paper version of the policy. This rule also applies when changing insurance companies. The reason for this rule is based on the lack of correct information in the RCA database.
  2. The process of registering a new electronic policy is carried out on the company’s website.
  3. For prolongation insurance contract A special verification code and a correct signature in pdf format are sent to the user’s mailbox.
  4. When drawing up a new document, drivers have the opportunity to make the necessary adjustments.

After receiving a positive result for replacing the policy, a new insurance form will be sent to the email address specified during registration. It does not have the levels of protection found in paper-based new insurance policies.

There is no need for protection, since traffic police officers have the opportunity to connect to the RSA database at any time and obtain information regarding the document they are looking for.

Registration of a paper version of OSAGO is often associated with the usual need to have an officially executed document in hand. In this case, it is necessary to change the old form of the document to a new one.

In other cases, specialists from modern insurance market It is recommended to issue an electronic version of OSAGO. Before changing their document, drivers are interested in the question of what an electronic OSAGO policy is.

Along with protection against counterfeiting, the owner of this document receives the following benefits:

  • significant time savings, since there is no need to go to the insurance company’s office and stand in queues waiting for registration;
  • lack of intrusive, sometimes unpleasant service. In other words, this is an ideal opportunity to avoid imposed additional paid services;
  • You are given the opportunity to choose a convenient payment option.

If you have issued an electronic OSAGO document, you should make a simple printed copy of it and have it with you in your car. Traffic police officers will need it during a routine document check or in the event of a possible accident.

The presence of such paper will allow traffic police officers to carry out the necessary checks in the absence of a network, which is typical for hard-to-reach places.

What does an electronic policy look like?

An important difference between an electronic policy and a paper one is the absence of any visually visible or hidden protective elements.

An electronic policy does not need such protection. Color doesn't matter either electronic document in printed form, it can be copied on a regular black and white printer and presented to traffic police officers as needed.

The structure of the new electronic policy deserves special attention. Here are the main important points.

Here is the most important difference between an electronic policy - the name of the document “Electronic Insurance Policy”.

The serial number is also different - instead of EEE or CCC it is designated XXX. This is the most important digital and alphabetic identifier by which ownership is determined insurance document.

This column contains the main advantage of the document. The probability of receiving a policy with an equal serial number is zero. Computer systems immediately detect this fraud.

Insurance time frames – 3 and 4 markers

Everything is standard here. The car is insured for a year, unless it is a temporary policy. This part contains all the relevant time dates, as in the paper version.

The policyholder and the owner are different persons. The policyholder arranges the insurance process itself, and the owner uses the insurance. The fields for these individuals are completely different.

Drivers who are allowed to drive a vehicle are entered in markers 7 and 8.

This section contains the main information regarding the car:

  • car make and model;
  • VIN code/body number;
  • state numbers;
  • number and series of the vehicle's passport, as well as the purpose of operation.

Persons who are allowed to drive a car are indicated as their full name, as well as the series and number of their driver’s license.

Policy cost and important marks – markers 9 and 10

The following blocks indicate the cost of the policy, that is insurance premium, as well as some important notes. This may be the place where the insurance was issued, that is, the address of the Internet resource, as well as the number of the paid online order.

Date and signature – 11-13 marker

Just like on a paper policy, on an electronic one two dates are indicated at the bottom - the conclusion of the contract and the issuance of the policy. Enter the first and last name of the insurance company employee.

The signature and seal on the electronic policy are for informational purposes only, that is, it is just a facsimile.

As for the place of signature, it is not placed on the e-policy. Only facsimile imitation may be present.

According to the rules of electronic insurance, the signature of the insurance owner will be replaced by the authorization of the buyer in the personal account where personal information is entered.

Only an electronic policy is considered valid without a signature; this rule does not apply to a paper policy.

Many people are interested in the question of how to use the electronic OSAGO policy?

All that is required from the driver when requesting an electronic policy from him is to verbally inform that it is available. Next, the employee acts according to the established instructions.

Having received the information, traffic police officers check the license plates against the database using a gadget with Internet access.

Accordingly, the answer to the question of whether it is necessary to print out an electronic MTPL policy will be - optional.

We are talking about a special IMTS service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the RSA database, into which information on policies is entered. This is all you need when deciding how to present an electronic MTPL policy to a traffic police inspector.

All data from the PTS during the process of filling out the electronic policy must be written down literally, accurately copying all information and possible inaccuracies. The computer should not notice discrepancies during the reconciliation process, otherwise it will be impossible to issue insurance from home.

If an electronic policy has not yet been issued, you should take care of it, since there are plans in all cities to switch to this form of obtaining insurance. There will be no return to the previous accounting system.

On at the moment Active work is being carried out to provide high-quality technical equipment to traffic police vehicles. Drivers are allowed to replace a regular paper printout with an image on a tablet or smartphone. It is enough to show this image, if you want to show something to the inspector.

Summing up

As a conclusion, it can be noted that the electronic policy for compulsory motor third party liability is calculated at the rates that are applicable for a paper policy.

The cost of policies, according to modern legislation, is calculated based on the tariff corridor that is established central bank Russia.

The final pricing is influenced by a large number of factors - the driver’s age, driving experience, car power level and driver’s history.

Video: How to get an electronic MTPL policy

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One comment

    Everything described above is good. But insurance companies do not warn clients that the electronic MTPL policy is valid only after three days. When I called the insurance company and asked why you didn’t warn about the deadlines, they told me that we, the consumers, should know about this and added that ignorance of the laws is your problem. This is Ingosstrakh.

Since 2016, new car insurance rules have been in effect - Article 37 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. It is expected that concluding an agreement with an insurance company will become easier if you use the instructions of the Central Bank of Russia No. 36448-U dated May 24, 2015. The document provides rules on how to issue an electronic MTPL policy.

We remind you that the vehicle owner is allowed to drive without having compulsory motor insurance for 10 calendar days.

During this time you need to:

  • undergo technical inspection;
  • get a diagnostic card;
  • register the car with the traffic police;
  • get auto insurance from RSA.

The MTPL policy has expired, but it has not been renewed - big problems are possible, not only in the form of a fine. In case of an accident, the losses are paid by the person at fault if his vehicle is not insured. Apply today new document can you quickly electronically. A driver's lack of time or money is not a valid reason for not getting insurance.

General terms and conditions of insurance

So what you need to know:

  • the owner of the vehicle has the right to choose any company from the RSA list;
  • the policyholder must submit documents: personal and for the vehicle;
  • the insurer is allowed to inspect the vehicle;
  • the inspection location is selected by mutual agreement of the driver and the insurer;
  • persons who must be included in the insurance are indicated;
  • the term of the contract is specified;
  • the amount and procedure for payment of the insurance premium and compensation for losses are determined;
  • the procedure for making changes to the insurance policy is reported.

The cost of insurance can be reduced if the vehicle is not used in winter.

It is allowed to insure a car before registering it with the traffic police. After registration, you must provide new data to the insurer - 3 days are given for this.

The driver has two options to purchase compulsory motor insurance:

  • on a form issued by the insurer;
  • via the Internet, as an electronic document.

The insurance begins to operate immediately if payment is made in the form of cash deposit to the company cashier, the next day, by wire transfer.

Introduced from July 2016 single sample electronic insurance document - a form that is currently being produced by Gosznak. Old forms will be replaced with new ones in all regions of the Russian Federation.

What documents are needed

It is allowed to draw up a car insurance contract at a company from the RSA list that has a sample insurance certificate and compulsory motor liability insurance forms. If the car owner comes to get the policy for the first time, he must provide information about the car:

  • technical inspection card;
  • information about registration.

You must provide personal documents:

  • the driver for whom the insurance is issued;
  • documents of drivers who are allowed to drive a car.

The form in which the documents will be accepted is decided by the company employees and the vehicle owner.

Acceptable options are electronic and paper (copies).

When the contract is concluded with the previous insurer, or the previous certificate needs to be replaced, you do not have to submit the documents that were previously used to obtain insurance. The insurer is obliged to check the accuracy of all documents using an electronic database and only if the verification is successful is it allowed to conclude an agreement. If other drivers need to be included in the certificate, their documents are submitted to the insurer for verification.

The contract is concluded - 2 forms of notification of an accident and a list of representatives of the insurer are issued. You need to get information about them: address, phone numbers, opening hours.

New operating procedures for insurance companies

It will take a little time for the insurance company to obtain insurance if the driver has prepared all the documents necessary for concluding the contract and has decided who should be included in the insurance documents.

Car insurers have switched to new order issuance of compulsory motor liability insurance using the traffic police information base. RSA employees can now obtain information about any vehicle in electronic form, check under what conditions the contract was concluded. Positive information has been received - the cost of insurance services will be optimal for the policyholder. If the insurance policy is used by a driver who has traffic violations, then RSA allows insurers to issue insurance in a simplified form, when losses to the policyholder are not fully compensated. Insurance payments are calculated according to a special program. The car owner is allowed to control it.

When advancing insured event, first compensation is paid for damage to life and health, then property losses are paid.

We apply via the Internet

The right to obtain insurance electronically has been granted to car owners since October 2015. The policyholder selects an insurance company, and opens on the insurer’s official website personal account driver. The access code can be obtained at email or to a mobile phone.

Further communication between the policyholder and the insurer takes place in the same way as during a personal meeting, but only online. The document numbers are provided, the application is filled out, and the cost of insurance is calculated using the calculator located on the website. Previously, the submitted application required entering the SNILS number. Now they don’t require you to make an entry about SNILS.

The information is checked by the insurers' AIS, then the contract is sent to the policyholder. You must enter your username and password as a signature. After paying for the contract, the details of the insurance certificate and the period until which you are allowed to use the policy are provided.

RSA is developing a program that allows you to quickly, using online mode, check the availability of compulsory motor liability insurance for any car owner. It is believed that this will reduce the number of accidents.

Features of filling out an electronic form

After it was allowed to receive MTPL insurance via the Internet, it turned out that the exact date from which the driver’s driving experience was calculated must be entered in the form. You need to pay special attention to this point, since when purchasing insurance in the form of an electronic document, your driving experience is important. For a driver who has received a new driver’s license from the traffic police, the “Special notes” column contains only the year, for example, “experience since 2000.”

The RSA press center published an explanation - you can set the date to December 31st. This will not be considered an error and verification of information submitted via the Internet will be successful. The insurance policy will be calculated for the “age-experience” coefficient equal to 1, and the cost of insurance will not increase. Forms for other drivers who are allowed to use a car are filled out in the same way - you just need to check their personal data using the original documents.

Fines 2016

For driving a vehicle without compulsory motor vehicle insurance, various forms of punishment are provided - a warning, a fine. The cost of the fine is from 500 to 80,000 rubles.

The smallest fine for a driver is 500 rubles for leaving insurance at home. You have to pay the same amount for a driver who is not included in your car insurance. For the decision to travel during a period not provided for in the contract, the penalty is also 500 rubles. The RSA employees forgot to renew the insurance - you have to pay 800 rubles.

If it is discovered that the policy is fake, the traffic police officers will not take long to figure it out. According to the law, a fine of up to 80,000 rubles is imposed. If they suspect the driver and decide that he produced a fake policy, then the culprit faces six months of arrest under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. According to statistics greatest number counterfeits are found among documents executed electronically. Since 2016, the punishment of prohibiting the operation of a car has not been used.