How to get a compulsory health insurance policy (CMI) for the unemployed. The State Duma proposed not to give OMS policies to the unemployed What medical policy should the unemployed have


For Russian citizens, insurance under the compulsory medical insurance program provides protection in the event of insured events. The chances of getting help from medical professionals are the same for all citizens.

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Moreover, protection is carried out regardless of gender, reaching a certain age, permanent place of residence, actual social legal status.

Payments are made from financial resources that are collected from the insurer under the CHI system. It is regulated by the law "On Compulsory Medical Insurance", namely.

What does the policy give

The compulsory health insurance policy gives the right to medical care without payment in medical institutions owned by the state.

It implements the constitutional right of a citizen of the country, concluded in obtaining it under the ongoing basic program of compulsory medical insurance, which is provided by medical institutions operating in the system and located throughout Russia.

The basic CHI program is specially designed for citizens who need medical support, regardless of the region.

It consists of mandatory types of medical services, the scope of which is established by the norms of the legislative acts in force in the country.

Medical services are provided by the permanent residence of citizens:

  • city, district polyclinics of general purpose, including dental ones;
  • inpatient departments of district, city hospitals;
  • trauma centers;
  • oncological, dermatovenerological dispensaries;
  • medical and diagnostic centers.

When citizens apply for help to medical workers, they must present the policy together with documents proving his identity.

The term of the policy ends at the time that falls on the termination of the contract or the end of the duration of its validity.

If the policy is lost, then its duplicate is issued, for which the insured person must submit an application to the appropriate authority. It indicates the circumstances under which the policy was lost.

Upon dismissal from work, the medical insurance policy must be handed over to the personnel department of the enterprise so that it can be returned to the insurer.

When changing permanent residence, the policy is transferred to the fund of the former place of residence, at the new address the insured person receives a new policy.

A medical insurance policy allows you to receive the following types of services:

  • emergency medical assistance;
  • pre-medical, primary medical, primary specialized care;
  • outpatient care, consisting of a diagnostic examination, the appointment of procedures that contribute to the treatment of diseases directly in the clinic, in the hospital at the day hospital;
  • inpatient care, which is carried out with the use of intensive care with round-the-clock medical supervision. It is necessary for the treatment of acute types of diseases, poisoning of the body with great intoxication, bodily injuries, in the event of an exacerbation of chronic diseases, when it is necessary to isolate a patient infected with epidemiological diseases;
  • cure of the pathology of intrauterine gestation, resolution of the burden, complications due to abortion;
  • production of hospitalization of patients registered according to the plan of polyclinics in order to carry out the next treatment, rehabilitation in inpatient departments of hospitals, at a day hospital.

Territorial programs operating in certain regions are also determined by the government. There may be a little more of them, but they should not exceed the number of basic federal programs.

Where can I get

The compulsory medical insurance policy is purchased at the medical insurance organization at the place of residence free of charge. The only condition is the requirement that the organization must be listed in the registry of the system and have a license.

If it is not available in the area where the applicant lives, he needs to contact the territorial CHI fund.

Citizens of foreign countries residing in the country are allowed to take out health insurance and receive free medical care.

In order to use the granted right, they need to apply to the compulsory medical insurance fund, but they must have a residence permit in the country temporarily for some time, registration at their actual place of residence or a passport with a residence permit.

For a stateless person, in order to insure under the compulsory medical insurance program, it is enough to present an identity card, where a note is made of temporary residence in the country, registration at the place of temporary residence is affixed.

If there is a need to obtain a health insurance policy for a minor child, then you need to provide the specified fund with a birth certificate, a passport of one of the parents or guardian, who will verify their identity.

How to get a CHI policy for a non-working person

Unemployed citizens can be insured, including children and pensioners, by concluding an agreement at the office of an insurance medical organization that serves their area of ​​\u200b\u200btheir permanent residence.

To obtain a policy for a non-working citizen, he needs to contact the territorial CHI fund, where he needs to fill out an application form of a unified form for obtaining a medical insurance policy.

For the first time, a citizen is issued a temporary certificate, which confirms the fact of registration of the policy. It provides the owner with all free medical services provided by the compulsory health insurance program.

A photo. Temporary certificate of compulsory medical insurance policy.

It is issued for a whole month during which the application is considered, the documents submitted for obtaining an insurance medical policy are studied, and a policy is made.

Usually, fund employees notify the readiness of the policy and tell you at what time it can be picked up. However, only citizens of the Federation have the right to be insured in this way.

A medical policy under the CHI insurance program is issued upon presentation of a passport or temporary identity card confirming the identity of the applicant. Pensioners must provide a pension certificate.

What documents are required

In order to obtain or reissue a compulsory medical insurance policy, you must first select a medical insurance organization suitable for the applicant, to which he must submit the required documents.

The order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation established the documents required for registration, depending on the age of the citizen.

These include:

  • an application for a compulsory medical insurance policy, drawn up on a form with a unified form;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, proving the identity of the applicant;
  • , denoted by SNILS.

Citizens in order to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy who have not reached the age of majority, whose age is 14-18 years old, must add to the above documents the passport of one of the parents or guardian, if he is an orphan.

If the need arises for a minor child who is under 14 years old, a birth certificate is submitted in addition to the passport of the parent or guardian. Foreign citizens provide a passport, residence permit.

Compulsory health insurance (CHI) is an important element of social protection of the population, which provides an opportunity to receive free medical services in accredited healthcare institutions.

If the policy is issued for a child under 18, you must additionally attach a copy of the passport of his legal representative.

Obtaining a temporary license

On the day of the application, the insurer issues a temporary certificate indicating that the CHI policy is in the process of being issued. A temporary document allows you to receive free medical care on a general basis. Its validity period is 30 days (indicated on the form).

Obtaining a permanent CHI policy

On the specified day, you must visit the insurance company and pick up a ready-made compulsory medical insurance policy, the validity period of which is not limited.

Instructions for filling out the application

To receive a medical insurance policy for an unemployed person, it is necessary to draw up an application for choosing an insurance organization. The form of a unified form is filled out by hand or using technical means. The name of the person submitting the application is indicated in the upper right corner.

Filling instructions:

Section No. 1 - data on the insured person

The full name, date and place of birth of the insured person is indicated. On the basis of an identity document, the place of registration and the actual place of residence are entered. Citizenship, SNILS number (if any) and contact information are indicated.

Section No. 2 - information about the representative

To be completed provided that the application is submitted for consideration by a representative. His full name and information about the identity document are entered. Additionally, the relationship of the representative to the insured person is indicated.

How to apply

An application with a package of documents for issuing a medical policy to an unemployed person is submitted for consideration to the insurance organization in the chosen way:

  1. Personally. You must contact the office of the selected company. Advantage - here will be assisted in filling out the application;
  2. By mail. The form and documents are sent by registered mail, an inventory of the attachment must be attached;
  3. Through the Internet. The application is sent on the official website of the territorial CHI fund or the State Services portal.

The compulsory medical insurance policy allows working and unemployed citizens of the country to remain calm about their health, knowing that at any time they can apply for free medical care!

Legislative initiative to abolish compulsory medical insurance for the unemployed

Unemployed citizens in the Russian Federation are able-bodied persons who are not employed and do not receive wages, BUT at the same time registered with the employment service in order to find a suitable job.

Currently, the State Duma is considering a draft law from deputy Ildar Gilmutdinov, which provides for the impossibility of obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy for non-working citizens for free.

The proposed innovations, according to the deputies, will be rejected in the upcoming reading, if it is not amended. The reason is the contradiction in the content of the draft of the current Constitution, which provides for the right of every Russian citizen to free medical care.

A lawyer will advise you in the comments to the article

What documents does an unemployed person need to obtain a policy? When contacting an insurance company or the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, an unemployed person must bring the following documents with him:

  1. Identification.
  2. SNILS (pension insurance).
  3. Statement.

Previously, proof of residence in a particular city or region was required. At the moment, all these restrictions have been canceled, since the compulsory medical insurance policy extends co-operation throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation. How long does it take to get a policy? Since it takes some time to issue a policy, immediately at the time of applying to the unemployed, a temporary certificate is issued, which is a replacement for the policy for the entire period while it is being prepared. Such a certificate contains information about who it belongs to and the date when it loses its validity.

How to get an OMS policy for a non-working person

However, although the policy entitles you to free treatment, there are a number of items that it does not cover and for which the client will have to pay out of pocket, such as outpatient medicines. The full list of such items is quite extensive.

  • Consultations of specialists, medical examinations and other requests carried out not for medical necessity or in accordance with the requirements of the law, but on the private initiative of citizens.
  • Medical service for private events.
  • Therapeutic, preventive and diagnostic measures carried out anonymously, with the exception of AIDS testing.
  • all diagnostic examinations and procedures, as well as manipulations, consultations and other examinations performed at home.

Obtaining a medical insurance policy for the unemployed

In addition, if you are nevertheless illegally forced to pay for services (say, there was no time to argue because of a crisis situation), it is possible to appeal this decision and return the money, but only if you have kept a check or receipt for payment. When do you need to change the CHI policy and how to do it? The compulsory medical insurance policy does not need to be changed when temporarily leaving for another city or even for a long business trip, however, if you change your permanent place of residence or want to switch to another insurance company, you will need to get a new policy.

To do this, simply contact the desired insurance company, having an identity document and SSOPS with you, if you have one. Note that changing insurance companies is only allowed once per calendar year and occurs on the first of November, so the application must be submitted before that date.

Change of health insurance policy

For a stateless person, in order to insure under the compulsory medical insurance program, it is enough to present an identity card, where a note is made of temporary residence in the country, registration at the place of temporary residence is affixed. If it becomes necessary to obtain a medical insurance policy for a minor child, then you need to provide the indicated fund with a birth certificate, a passport of one of the parents or guardian, which will verify their identity.

How to get a compulsory medical insurance policy for a non-working citizen Non-working citizens can be insured, including children and pensioners, by concluding an agreement at the office of an insurance medical organization that serves their area of ​​\u200b\u200btheir permanent residence.

Can I use the OMS policy if I do not work at all?

According to paragraph 5 of article 10 of the law on compulsory medical insurance, the following categories of non-working citizens belong to the insured persons: - children under 18 years of age; - pensioners, regardless of the basis for the appointment of a pension; — students of universities and colleges of full-time education; - officially unemployed, registered with the employment service; - a parent or guardian caring for a child under three years of age; - able-bodied citizens engaged in caring for disabled children, disabled people of group I, elderly people over 80 years old; - other citizens who do not work under an employment contract, with the exception of military personnel and persons equated to them. The deputies propose deleting the last line from this list.

The unemployed will be deprived of the OMS policy


Important In general, every citizen of the Russian Federation must have a compulsory medical insurance policy. How to get an OMS policy for a non-working person The choice of an insurance company falls on the shoulders of the citizen himself and the choice of a particular company is not the responsibility of the insured person.

At the same time, it must be remembered that the policy received before 2011 is valid and it can be used until this document is changed. Attention In order to make a replacement or obtain a medical policy, you should visit the desired insurance company.

Employees who process policies will offer the citizen to fill out a standard application or draw it up themselves according to the documents provided. The application will indicate the desire of the client to receive the service in this particular insurance fund.

How to get a health insurance policy for the unemployed and without a residence permit

Where can I get the CHI policy? It is purchased at the medical insurance organization at the place of residence for free. The only condition is the requirement that the organization must be listed in the registry of the system and have a license.

If it is not available in the area where the applicant lives, he needs to contact the territorial CHI fund. Citizens of foreign countries residing in the country are allowed to take out health insurance and receive free medical care.
In order to use the granted right, they need to apply to the compulsory medical insurance fund, but they must have a residence permit in the country temporarily for some time, registration at their actual place of residence or a passport with a residence permit.
The term of the policy ends at the time that falls on the termination of the contract or the end of the duration of its validity. If the policy is lost, then its duplicate is issued, for which the insured person must submit an application to the appropriate authority.


It indicates the circumstances under which the policy was lost. Upon dismissal from work, the medical insurance policy must be handed over to the personnel department of the enterprise so that it can be returned to the insurer.

When changing permanent residence, the policy is transferred to the fund of the former place of residence, at the new address the insured person receives a new policy.
Compulsory medical insurance policy for a child Compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn Compulsory medical insurance policy for employed Compulsory medical insurance policy for the non-working Compulsory medical insurance policy without registration Compulsory medical insurance policy for a foreigner Compulsory medical insurance policy by proxyCompulsory medical insurance policy as part of the UECReplacing the compulsory medical insurance policy when changing the surnameChanges in the compulsory medical insurance policy when changing the addressObtaining the compulsory medical insurance policy in case of lossReplacing the compulsory medical insurance policy when changing the passportWhere to get the compulsory medical insurance policy new modelWhy do I need a compulsory medical insurance policyHow to use the compulsory medical insurance policyWhere to apply for the compulsory medical insurance policyHow to choose another clinicHow to choose another doctorWhat services are included in the compulsory medical insurance policyWhat is supposed to be freeHow to return the money spentWhere to complain About the project WHERE TO APPLY WITH THE POLICY? RATING OF INSURANCE COMPANIES Non-working adult citizens independently or through an authorized person choose an insurance medical organization and draw up a CHI policy.
Both sides of the card are copied. - A certificate issued by the employment center at the place of your permanent residence. Please note that this certificate is valid only for ten days from the date of issue. - In the absence of a work book, you must provide permission from the district administration at your place of permanent residence to issue a medical insurance policy.

Attach copies of documents to your application. You can get a medical policy for the unemployed on the day of applying for thirty minutes. Related video Please note When you change your place of residence, the policy must be replaced.

From May 01, 2011, policies of a new type are put into circulation. They should be obtained by citizens whose policies have become unusable and require replacement.

And also to citizens who, for various reasons, did not previously have a policy. From 2014, the policy will be included in a single universal electronic card.
Also, the policy needs to be changed when changing the name or surname, and for this you will need to contact the insurance company personally, again taking your passport, a document confirming your status of unemployed and SSOPS with you. Replacing a compulsory medical insurance policy in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation should be free.

Would you like to learn more about the validity period of the CHI policy? Or read THIS article about applying for a VHI policy for a newborn. What is a new policy? The phrase “new policy” became synonymous with a grandiose state confusion when a new form for filling out MHI policies was introduced in 2011, and electronic policies in 2014.

Both of them are called policies of the new type, but paper policies had a validity period until 2014 and are no longer valid at the moment.
How to get a health insurance policy for an unemployed person? Our customers ask us this every day. The legislation of the Russian Federation establishes a list of persons entitled to receive free medical care from the state within the framework of compulsory insurance.

Unemployed citizens, as well as those who work under an employment contract, are included in this list. Where can you get a policy without having a job? The company's insurance premiums are paid by the employer or local authorities, depending on whether the person is employed or not.

If you work, then your employer will be the insured, he also makes contributions to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. For the unemployed, these deductions are made from the local budget.

But the other day, the corresponding bill, developed by deputy Ildar Gilmutdinov, was submitted to the State Duma, reports.

OMS guarantees protection

Almost every Russian today has a “free” medical policy, but not everyone knows why there are organizations that issue these documents, the Human and Law legal center notes.

Meanwhile, health insurance companies operating in the compulsory health insurance (CHI) system can not only issue policies, but also defend the interests of patients and help them choose the right clinic and doctor.

According to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Law, insurance companies have quite large rights to protect the rights of patients: from full-time assistance during consultations, transfer of a patient from one institution where they cannot be helped to another, ending with penalties for negligent hospitals and clinics that violate rights of insured citizens.

Of course, this is beneficial for the policyholder, but not everyone will be able to pay for such “protection” in the event of a restriction on free medical services, despite the fact that the volume of paid medical services in Russian healthcare is growing.

legally unemployed

It is proposed to exclude from the Federal Law "On Compulsory Medical Insurance in the Russian Federation" the subparagraph according to which the insured persons include other citizens who do not work under an employment contract, with the exception of military personnel and persons equivalent to them in the organization of medical care.

At the same time, it is planned to leave in the list of insured persons non-working minors, pensioners, university students (students full-time), unemployed registered with the employment authorities, parents caring for a child until he reaches three years of age and able-bodied citizens engaged in caring for children with disabilities, disabled people of group I, persons who have reached the age of 80 years.

According to paragraph 5 of article 10 of the law on CHI, the following categories of non-working citizens belong to the insured persons:

Children under 18;

Pensioners, regardless of the basis for the appointment of a pension;

Students of universities and colleges of full-time education;

Officially unemployed, registered with the employment service;

A parent or guardian caring for a child under three years of age;

Able-bodied citizens engaged in caring for disabled children, disabled people of group I, elderly people over 80 years old;

Other citizens who do not work under an employment contract, with the exception of military personnel and persons equated to them.

The deputies propose deleting the last line from this list.

“Due to the presence of citizens of working age who do not work for reasons not related to any restrictions on their labor activity, the subjects of the Russian Federation bear an increased burden on the budgets of the regions,” emphasizes Ildar Gilmutdinov.

In the main directions of the budget policy for 2015-2017, the Ministry of Finance cited the initial cost of the additional payment for such a policy: 18% of the tariff paid to the compulsory medical insurance funds for the non-working population by local budgets. In 2015, the amount will be 18,865 rubles, which means that the unemployed will have to pay about 3.4 thousand with further annual indexation, Rossiyskaya Gazeta previously reported.

5% of salary goes to CHI fund

Recall that from January 1, 2015, contributions to the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund amount to 5.1% of the total amount of payments in favor of an individual. Officially employed citizens, persons registered with the employment service, minors, self-employed citizens (individual entrepreneurs, private notaries), pensioners, students, and the disabled are considered insured in the medical insurance system. At the same time, the authorities found out last fall that about 22.5 million able-bodied Russians are not registered in the social insurance system and do not pay insurance premiums.

“We pay for the treatment of parasites!”

The statistics are merciless: there are 41.5 million people working in Russia, and 29-30 million Russians work in the "gray" sector, and about 14 million more could work, but do not.

It turns out that those who go to the service officially, pay taxes and social contributions, actually "support" half the country of "individuals" who do not consider it necessary to impose any social obligations on themselves.

It is clear that the employer pays for the employees. For the non-working population - local budgets. But some people fall out of this scheme. Why should individual entrepreneurs who do not give part of their income to the common treasury receive public benefits? Popovich said.

At the same time, in her opinion, the short list of social groups named by the Ministry of Finance, which will retain free insurance, is far from complete: “What about students? They don't work either. What about carers for the disabled? What about mothers with children under three years of age? It is clear that the proposal requires elaboration and clarification of which categories the state takes under its guardianship.

It is these considerations that guide the part of the population that is in favor of the adoption of this initiative.

Among them is the Minister of Labor of the Russian Federation Maxim Topilin: “Why is money transferred from the budget of the subject to the compulsory medical insurance fund for non-working people without assessing the situation? Among the unemployed, there are those who work, have an income, but do not pay taxes and do not make contributions to social funds, then why should they receive medical care at the expense of those who also work, but at the same time make mandatory payments?

The voice of the people

User 77 of the popular forum "To whom for ..." on expressed the thought of the common people with the words: "And very correct. Divorced loafers, for which the rest have to pay! By the way, I have been paying everything regularly all my life and continuing to do it in retirement, as an individual entrepreneur, I have never applied to medical institutions and have not used spa treatment. And even in recent years, the work did not bother to knock out travel on vacation, which had to be nursed, it was bad with funding. And point-blank I don’t understand why some people think that everyone owes them everything. Without nannies in any way?

Violation of constitutional rights?

The introduction of payment for the compulsory medical insurance policy will violate the constitutional rights of Russians and cause an increase in social tension, - commented the director of the Health Foundation for independent monitoring of medical services and human health, Eduard Gavrilov, in an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta. - The right to free assistance is enshrined in the Constitution, and the introduction of payment will not only violate it, but also turn some of our citizens into “second-class” people.

The President of the League of Patients Alexander Saversky adheres to the same position: “For this bill, changes are needed in the Constitution of Russia. Its 41 article states that every citizen has the right to health protection and medical care. It turns out that then the unemployed should either be deprived of citizenship, or the Constitution should be canceled,” he explained.

However, experts believe that the adoption of such a law will bring more problems than good. “We have free healthcare, which is guaranteed by the Constitution to all citizens of the Russian Federation, and is directly linked to the CHI system,” says lawyer Oksana Vyazemskaya. - In fact, only insured citizens have the right to medical care in state clinics. The rest of the help is provided only in emergency cases, when there is a direct threat to life. Therefore, it is not clear what will happen to people who refuse to pay insurance premiums for themselves, and I am sure that there will be many such people. They will not be treated at all, or what will be done with them? In addition, the adoption of such a law will create a legal precedent when the state refuses part of its social obligations, guided by budget savings. Then it will be possible to push through laws on raising the retirement age, increasing the working day, paid healthcare and education.”

CHI policy is a document guaranteeing free medical care in accredited medical institutions of the Russian Federation. Having a policy is the responsibility of every citizen of the Russian Federation. In most cases, the card is issued through the company in which the person works, and university students, pensioners and unofficially working citizens receive CHI on their own. The algorithm of actions required to obtain a CHI card is quite simple. Below we will look at this process in more detail.

There are 2 ways to apply for a policy: directly at the insurance company or via the Internet.

Insurance is issued on the basis of an application, no additional payment is required. If the card is issued to a third party (minor children are an exceptional case), you need to take care of a notarized power of attorney.

When applying for a compulsory medical insurance policy, one cannot do without a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and SNILS. When filling out medical insurance for a child under 14 years of age, you need to prepare:

  • birth certificate;
  • proof of identity of the parent or legal guardian;
  • SNILS.

Foreigners apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy in the same way as residents of the Russian Federation, but they provide their civil passport or refugee certificate, as well as the TRP.

After completing the documents, a temporary certificate is issued. The term for preparing a paper or plastic policy is 30 working days. A temporary document gives the right to receive a similar range of medical services, as well as under the policy.

After 30 calendar days, the insurance company sends an SMS notification about the readiness of the policy to the phone number specified during registration.

Registration via the Internet

If you want to apply for an OMS online, you need to:

  • choose an insurance company in which you will issue a policy and register on the site;
  • enter your personal account by entering your nickname and password (for registered users);
  • Fill out the electronic form. Here you need to write your full name, cell number, email;
  • Select the city in which the CHI policy is issued;
  • Click the checkbox for consent to the processing of personal information;
  • Submit the form;
  • Wait for a call from the representative of the insurer, who will set the date and time of arrival. At the reception, you must bring documents for issuing a card (passport, SNILS).

The portal of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund ( contains a list of representative offices and contact numbers of employees. Here you can issue or change the policy in the relevant region, as well as check the authenticity and validity of certificates. You can also call and ask questions of interest regarding the receipt of compulsory medical insurance. Unfortunately, not all insurance companies provide for the possibility of issuing policies via the Internet, but the situation should change soon.