Rights and obligations of a co-borrower under a mortgage from Sberbank. Important information: who can be a co-borrower on a mortgage with Sberbank, his rights and obligations


The size of a mortgage loan can reach several tens of millions of rubles. Credit debt imposes on the borrower's budget strict restrictions. The recipient of a housing loan can reduce the financial burden by attracting co-borrowers. Who can be a co-borrower on a mortgage at Sberbank? A co-borrower on a loan can be a person who meets regulatory requirements financial organization.

According to the terms of the loan agreement, the borrower's spouse becomes an unconditional co-borrower. This provision does not apply if the husband and wife have entered into a marriage contract. In this case, the spouse is not required to be a co-borrower on the loan. In the event of divorce, the debtor can change the co-borrower by writing a corresponding statement.

A former mortgage co-borrower may renounce his claims to the living space, subject to the return of funds paid to Sberbank. If the title borrower agrees to pay the specified amount, then the mortgage agreement can be changed. Otherwise, the co-borrower may go to court.

Who can be a co-borrower on a mortgage at Sberbank? Not only the spouse can be a co-borrower on the loan. The title borrower has the right to attract up to 3 individuals, whose income will be taken into account when calculating the loan amount. A citizen who does not have Russian citizenship cannot be a co-borrower.

Requirements for co-borrowers on a mortgage at Sberbank

Financiers make the following requirements for a co-borrower on a mortgage with Sberbank:

  • Availability of a workplace and official salary;
  • No criminal convictions or administrative offenses;
  • Positive credit history and low debt load;
  • Lack of compromising information about the identity of the co-borrower on the Internet;
  • Age from 21 years;
  • Legal capacity.

Sberbank credit experts consider not only certificates, but also documentation confirming that the co-borrower has additional income. A face-to-face conversation is held with each co-borrower, during which the manager forms his opinion about the applicant.

To formalize a loan agreement, a co-borrower on a mortgage with Sberbank must present:

  • Completed application form;
  • Passport with a mark of permanent registration;
  • Additional identification document (military ID, international passport, etc.);
  • A copy work book(all sheets);
  • Certificate 2-NDFL.

If a co-borrower intends to become a participant in the Young Family program, he must present a marriage certificate. You must also provide paper confirming the birth of your children. The mortgage agreement must specify the relationship between the borrower and co-borrowers. The debt repayment mechanism should also be described there. The co-borrower has the right to a share in collateral real estate, the size of which depends on the amount of contributions made.

The co-borrower is required to sign an insurance contract. The amount of the insurance premium is determined based on the distribution of the debt load between the borrower and co-borrowers. If an insured event occurs, the insurer will pay financial compensation to the injured party. The remaining policyholders will continue to pay premiums in the same amount. Documents for a co-borrower on a Sberbank mortgage must be collected before the title borrower applies for a loan.

A prenuptial agreement is an agreement regulating the property relations of married citizens. A marriage contract requires mandatory notarization. Lawyers recommend specifying the following points in a marriage contract:

  • The procedure for paying the down payment;
  • Enumeration algorithm;
  • Who becomes the owner of the mortgaged apartment (you must indicate the size of each spouse’s share);
  • How will the above conditions change if children are born?

Employees of the credit department of Sberbank look positively at the presence of a marriage contract. The mortgage agreement is concluded on long term, during which various adverse events may occur. A prenuptial agreement allows you to avoid conflict situations when dividing jointly acquired property and.

A borrower wishing to stop paying a mortgage must provide:

  • Statement;
  • A copy of your passport;
  • Divorce certificate;
  • Copy and original of the loan agreement;
  • Certificate of income in the form of the bank;
  • Package of documents on the collateral object;
  • A draft agreement under which the transfer of ownership will take place.

The set of documents is reviewed by the bank for two weeks. After this, the co-borrower receives the bank’s preliminary consent to remove the co-borrower from the debtors (in writing). Next, an agreement on the division of property is drawn up (requires mandatory notarization). Once the mortgage is cancelled, the co-borrower will be removed from the debtor list.

Before signing the agreement, the co-borrower must take a sober look at his financial position. The desire to help a close relative decide housing issue may end in lawsuits. If the borrower cannot pay the mortgage loan, the bank will demand the balance of the debt from the co-borrower.

A co-borrower who does not have the required amount will have to give his share of the collateral real estate to Sberbank. The proceeds from the sale of the home will be used to repay the loan. If there are not enough funds, the co-borrower will have to answer the loan obligations with personal property.

If the co-borrower is a close relative of the borrower, then failure to comply financial obligations mortgage debt can result in a family tragedy. Money is a golden wall that separates people. Banknotes and numbers on an account cannot replace human relationships. The cessation of communication between close relatives due to problems with the mortgage is a fairly common problem. A co-borrower often has to make a choice between losing the trust of relatives and paying off financial obligations.

Some co-borrowers become participants in criminal schemes. They receive money from shady dealers for signing a mortgage agreement. “Easy money” always turns into big troubles. Fraudsters obtain a mortgage and then disappear in an unknown direction. The obligation to repay the mortgage falls entirely on the shoulders of the co-borrower.

There is a second version of the criminal scheme. Fraudsters make mortgage co-borrowers of citizens leading an antisocial lifestyle. The bank cannot collect cash from alcoholics, drug addicts and homeless people. He will have to write off “toxic assets” from his balance sheet. The described criminal schemes allow fraudsters to extract income in especially large size. The crime is usually committed with the active assistance of corrupt credit managers and Sberbank security officers.

Removing a co-borrower from among the borrowers

Most often, when applying for a mortgage, the amount issued by the bank is not enough to purchase a home. In such situations, the borrower resorts to the help of a co-borrower. Who a co-borrower is and how he can help will be discussed in this article.

Who is a co-borrower

A co-borrower on a mortgage is the person who is jointly responsible for the mortgage loan to the lender along with the primary borrower. In other words, he will have to repay the mortgage loan if the main borrower is unable to do so.

Usually, the help of a co-borrower is resorted to if the bank considers the client’s income to be insufficient for mortgage payments. There may be two options: agree to cheaper housing, or another option - a mortgage for two.

Who can become a co-borrower

Depending on the conditions and requirements of the bank, there may be several people repaying the loan, but no more than four or five. A co-borrower on a mortgage is not only a spouse, as well as relatives, but also any other person. However, each bank may have different conditions, so before applying for a loan, you need to clarify all the details.

According to the law Russian Federation The legal spouse is automatically recognized as a mortgage loan partner. However, in the event that the spouses do not wish to be jointly responsible for mortgage payments, or a share of the purchased residential real estate will be different, then it is necessary to conclude a marriage contract.

If the co-borrower is a friend or acquaintance of the main payer, then he must know and understand that he becomes exactly the same responsible person to the lender, and in case of unforeseen circumstances he will have to repay mortgage payments with the right to further ownership of the home.

Required documents

The set of documents that the mortgage co-borrower will have to submit are the same documents as for the main borrower, namely:

Co-borrower's income

Different banks treat the income of a co-borrower differently. Some people don't care about their size. wages, while others consider a candidacy for a joint mortgage loan no easier than the main borrower. For example, a co-borrower on a mortgage with Sberbank must confirm his solvency, and the amount of his salary must correspond to the required percentage of the payments paid. That is, he is subject to almost the same requirements as the borrower.

Mortgage co-borrower: rights and obligations

In any situation, the borrower is responsible in the same way as a co-borrower on a mortgage. Property rights can be specified in the contract mortgage lending, that is, they can be either equal shares or divided into certain parts independently.

IN mortgage agreement it is necessary to indicate to what degree of solidarity the loan payments will be repaid. For example, a co-borrower on a mortgage with Sberbank can repay the debt together with the borrower in equal shares. There is also another option in which the co-borrower will repay the payments only if the borrower is unable to do so.

In any case, responsibility and rights are divided equally between the mortgage debtors. Therefore, all financial relationships between the borrower and the mortgage partner must be documented, especially if they are not relatives.

Co-borrower and credit history

Banks are very attentive to the credit history of clients, that is, how they repaid loan payments in the past. Stored for fifteen years credit reports all citizens of Russia. And it doesn’t matter which bank the previous cash loan was issued at, the main thing is that the credit history is positive. This applies to both the borrower and the co-borrower. If one of them has a negative loan history, the bank has the right to refuse to issue a mortgage to both.

There is one more subtlety here. If for some reason the borrower becomes insolvent and the co-borrower is unable to independently repay the mortgage loan, then the credit history of both will become negative. Thus, wanting to help, a person, together with the main debtor, may end up on the list of unreliable and unscrupulous clients. And this can have a very negative impact in the future if you want to get a new loan.

Co-borrower and guarantor

Many people think that a co-borrower on a mortgage is the same as a guarantor. However, this is not the case, although their functions are similar.

The guarantor is the guarantor of the return of the funds issued by the lender, but does not have ownership rights to the housing or real estate purchased with a mortgage. Also, during the registration procedure, the guarantor may not present the bank with a certificate confirming income.

Also, another difference between a co-borrower and a guarantor is that the guarantor’s income is not taken into account when calculating the maximum loan amount and cannot affect the borrower’s income. But the co-borrower’s income, on the contrary, is attracted if the borrower’s salary level is not high enough.

In the order of loan repayment, the guarantor is in last place, that is, initially the borrower pays the debt, then in case of insolvency the co-borrower begins to pay, and only then the guarantor if the borrower and co-borrower cannot repay the loan.

Bank conditions for co-borrower

Since the borrower and co-borrower under a mortgage have the same rights and obligations to the bank, the bank sets the same requirements for them. Thus, a citizen of the Russian Federation of at least eighteen years of age, who is either related to the main borrower or not, can become a mortgage partner. One of the main conditions of the bank, guaranteeing the repayment of the issued mortgage loan, is the presence of a continuous length of service at least six months at the time of application.

According to the law, the borrower’s spouse is automatically recognized as a co-borrower, and you don’t even have to submit an application. If the spouse’s income level is not high enough, then the bank may impose a condition for issuing a mortgage loan - attracting one or two more co-borrowers. Most likely, young spouses will not want to share their home with friends or acquaintances, so they may choose parents or close relatives as “helpers.”


First of all, co-borrowers are, of course, more at risk than mortgage borrowers. Wanting to help, many do not think about the possible consequences and possible problems. The mortgage loan is not repaid within a few months, but is taken out for many years. Therefore, troubles such as illness, disability and other surprises can hit the co-borrower’s pocket hard. This especially applies to those cases where the contract states that all obligations are completely transferred to it in a situation of insolvency of the main debtor.

It also happens that parents become co-borrowers of young spouses, registering their own real estate as collateral, and when their children unexpectedly get divorced, they find themselves in an extremely unpleasant situation - debts and an apartment as collateral.

If friends decide to help and take on such responsibility, and after some time the borrower becomes insolvent and refuses to pay the loan, then the bank will withhold loan payments from them. And it’s good if in the future the borrower will be able to return the funds spent to co-borrowers.

There is another feature when a mortgage is issued between several people. Sberbank, as well as many banks, may refuse a co-borrower when he decides to buy an apartment on credit for himself due to insufficient free funds in total income.

As you can see, there is a large number of risks for the co-borrower, and before becoming an assistant in such a responsible event as buying an apartment, you should think many times, so as not to lose friends and relatives.

Credit insurance

In order to avoid getting into a difficult situation, each party when applying for a loan must know their rights, including the co-borrower. The rights when applying for a mortgage loan, as mentioned above, are very similar between loan debtors. But the main thing that a co-borrower must do is to insure himself.

As a guarantor of loan repayment, you should insure your legal capacity, and in case of insolvency Insurance Company will bear the obligatory payments. Thus, the insurance policy provides timely guaranteed payments of mortgage debt in case of unforeseen circumstances.

Sometimes co-borrowers become colleagues who bought real estate for business. Accordingly, when paying a mortgage loan together, they need to insure both the property and their legal capacity.

It is concluded in almost all banks, especially if the lending service is a mortgage. Sberbank, for example, when registering insurance policy in some cases, it cancels commissions so that clients are more interested in the services of this bank.

Insurance is beneficial not only to co-borrowers, but also to the bank itself. It provides guaranteed payments and protects against many problems, such as debt collection, financial losses.

Applying for a mortgage loan together with co-borrowers is a very serious matter, therefore, when concluding an agreement, it is necessary to carefully study it and clarify all controversial issues.

When applying for a mortgage loan, in some cases it is necessary to involve co-borrowers. While using the loan, your life situation may change, and for some reason it will be necessary to remove the other participant from the terms of the agreement with the bank. Can this be done and what will the bank require in return? In this article we will talk about the features of the procedure, restrictions and opportunities for Sberbank clients.

When do you need a co-borrower?

According to the law, the co-borrower is responsible for the mortgage loan together with the main borrower. And if the citizen who took out the loan is unable to repay the installments on time, the bank will turn to another signatory of the agreement with a demand to pay off the debt. In what cases is the participation of a co-borrower required for a mortgage with Sberbank?

Firstly, the law stipulates that the spouses of the main borrower must share responsibility for the loan. This situation can only be changed by a marriage contract, which will indicate the size of each spouse’s shares of property and debt obligations.

Secondly, if the bank considers the income of the main borrower to be insufficient, it will recommend involving other participants (no more than three people). They can be parents or close relatives of the main borrower. If you wish, you can invite acquaintances or friends to play this role.

A mortgage with a co-borrower is beneficial to all parties: clients receive profitable terms on the loan, and the bank - additional guarantors of repayment on time. But you need to understand that, along with the obligations on the loan, co-borrowers on the mortgage have rights to the purchased housing.

Rights and obligations

The requirements for a co-borrower on a mortgage at Sberbank are no less stringent than for the main recipient of the mortgage. They can become an adult citizen of the Russian Federation who has a regular income and good credit history.


  • Passport and SNILS;
  • Diploma of education;
  • Employment contract and income certificate;
  • Other documents confirming solvency.

The obligations of the co-borrower under the mortgage loan are determined by the agreement. The document indicates the share of real estate owned by each of the participants. Housing rights can be distributed arbitrarily, by agreement: in equal shares or other proportions.

The agreement also defines Sberbank. For example, you can participate in settlements with the bank on an equal basis with the main recipient of the loan or repay the debt only in the event of force majeure.


Is the co-borrower ready to accept the risks? Unfortunately, not everyone assesses the prospects correctly.

Wanting to help loved ones get a mortgage, many forget about the terms of the loan.

The loan is taken out for many years, and there is no guarantee that the borrower will maintain a stable position: loss of a job or illness may interrupt payments.

If the situation is not the best for the borrower, and he falls behind on his mortgage payments, the bank will reduce the loan to all parties to the agreement. In this case, the bank will not cancel the requirement to repay the debt; on the contrary, it may file a lawsuit against all those who signed the mortgage.

When a co-borrower applies for a loan, banks may consider his income, taking into account the obligations assumed, insufficient and refuse to issue it.

For a co-borrower who has pledged his home (and there are such lending options), the main risk is the loss of property.

The obligatory requirement of the lender to insure the mortgage contract may, in some cases, neutralize these risks. For example, if all borrowers buy policies personal insurance. But this will not protect you from breaking up personal relationships.

The borrower and co-borrower in a mortgage are bound by obligations with the bank for decades. And any violation of agreements will lead to disputes and damaged relationships with loved ones.

How to remove a co-borrower from an agreement

When asked how to get a co-borrower out of a mortgage, Sberbank in most cases will ask for an alternative. In other words, there will be no simple change in the terms of the contract; the procedure will require time and effort. In any case, this cannot be resolved without the participation of the bank, and if you want to change the agreement and withdraw the participant, you need to contact the branch that issued the mortgage.

Let's look at examples of situations and possible solutions.

  • If the co-borrowers are spouses and they are going through a divorce, a court order will be required. It will determine who gets it mortgage real estate, and how the debts for it will be distributed. Claims against a co-borrower under a mortgage with Sberbank may be terminated if the court decides to leave the property and debt in favor of one of the spouses;
  • If a participant moves to another city (country), the bank will most likely require the contract to be changed to another person. For example, if a brother was a co-borrower, you can transfer his obligations to other relatives. Of course, if they are ready to accept the responsibilities of a co-borrower on the loan. The documents for a new person involved in the contract are standard: the bank will not make a discount;
  • If the co-borrower has died, a document from the registry office is needed. Based on the certificate, the bank will make changes to the mortgage agreement. But here, too, problems may arise: if a joint loan was issued due to insufficient income of the main recipient of the mortgage, the lender will require a replacement or proof of their ability to repay the loan;
  • Very often it becomes necessary to remove a co-borrower if he himself applies for a loan. Do not delude yourself: even if the title borrower’s financial situation has changed and his income allows him to pay the mortgage, the bank will not terminate the agreement voluntarily, refusing additional guarantees. In this case, the borrower should go to court. A positive decision from the lender can be obtained very rarely, mainly in the final stages of mortgage repayment, when the debt is already insignificant.

If the bank gives approval to change the conditions, the withdrawal method is selected:

  • Signing an additional agreement to the current contract;
  • Concluding a new mortgage agreement with the involvement of other co-borrowers;
  • Signing a new agreement with division of obligations of the participants.

The procedure is not quick; the changes will affect not only the loan agreement, but also the mortgage. It is worth noting that the bank regards such changes as an increase in its risks and in every possible way prevents the withdrawal of participants.

So, if you have to withdraw co-borrowers from the mortgage, stock up on serious arguments and take care of a possible replacement. We recommend assessing possible risks at the stage of negotiations with the bank about obtaining a loan. If the title borrower’s income is not enough, and the lender sets strict requirements for additional guarantees, it is worth deciding on the issue of sharing powers with the participants.

Co-borrowers are those people who, along with the borrower, participate in obtaining a bank mortgage loan and assume responsibility under the agreement. Who can be a co-borrower on a mortgage at Sberbank? Let's look into the issue.

Why do you need co-borrowers in a bank?

When applying for a mortgage, citizens are often faced with the fact that their solvency is not enough to approve the loan. In this case, if the borrower does not have enough income to pay the monthly mortgage payments, co-borrowers are involved. Who can be a co-borrower on a mortgage at Sberbank? Co-borrowers on a mortgage loan at Sberbank are, first of all, the spouse of the main borrower and other close people: parents, adult children, other relatives, friends and even work colleagues. If not for them, many applicants in mortgage loan would be refused. Thanks to their participation, a person can buy the property that he likes, and not look for a cheaper one, because only the total income gives him such an opportunity.

A candidate for co-borrower will have to provide Sberbank with a package of documents identical to the package of the borrower, so you need to approach his choice responsibly, correctly assessing his financial situation.

By default, in Sberbank the spouse must act as a co-borrower. If the spouse refuses to participate in the mortgage, you should simply sign a prenuptial agreement, which stipulates that the “other half” will not have claims against the purchased apartment in the event of a divorce.

Who is a co-borrower in a mortgage at Sberbank? This status should not be confused with the status of a loan guarantor. The co-borrower is the first one who must answer for debts after the borrower to the bank. This is its main difference from a guarantor. As a rule, the responsibility for repaying the loan will pass to the guarantor at the very end, when the main borrower and co-borrower cannot cope with it. Also, the co-borrower may have property rights to the apartment taken on credit.

What are the rights and obligations of a co-borrower?

Sberbank assigns rights and responsibilities to co-borrowers, which are specified in detail in the agreement:

  1. When taking a mortgage from Sberbank, the borrower and the co-borrower bear equal responsibility to the bank, that is, each of the co-borrowers is responsible to Sberbank in full and for each payment.
  2. A co-borrower can become the legal owner of a share of the purchased property; for example, this situation often happens if the official spouse acts as a co-borrower.
  3. If the co-borrower, by agreement of the parties, is the owner of the purchased apartment, then he can also receive a tax deduction.


The bank has absolutely standard requirements to a co-borrower on a mortgage at Sberbank in accordance with the law. One by one mortgage program No more than three co-borrowers are allowed to participate.

Documents for a co-borrower on a mortgage at Sberbank:

  • a passport with registration in this region and with a mandatory mark on citizenship;
  • a certificate confirming the client’s solvency, work book;
  • information about family members: marriage certificates, birth certificates of children;
  • diploma of education.

This is the main package of documents that must be submitted to Sberbank for approval of the candidacy. Spouses must attach a marriage certificate to it.

In the process of completing the package of documents, the co-borrower will have to fill out a form in which, among other things, he will need to indicate:

  • current full name and those that have ever been changed;
  • employment;
  • the amount of official and unconfirmed income;
  • availability of property and vehicles with an indication of their value;
  • if available, a note indicating that you received your salary through Sberbank.

What rights does a co-borrower receive for an apartment?

The co-borrower’s right to the purchased living space is stipulated in the mortgage agreement and in the purchase and sale agreement. It is allowed to register part of the real estate as his property. The right is specified in the contract; it cannot be canceled or revised at the request of the bank or the main borrower.

In some cases (usually during a divorce), a situation may arise where the primary borrower is no longer willing to make the mortgage payments. In this case, the question arises: is it possible to re-issue a mortgage for a co-borrower at Sberbank? Sberbank may agree to replace the title borrower; you need to contact the bank office with this question.

If at any point the help of a third party is no longer needed, then the bank needs to clarify how to remove him from the status of a co-borrower. This does not apply to spouses. The procedure is carried out upon submission of applications from both parties about the need to release a citizen from debt obligations. In some cases, when the client’s solvency is low, it may be necessary to repay part of the debt early, the balance is recalculated and monthly payment.

You can withdraw a co-borrower in the event of his serious illness or incapacity. This is also possible by court decision. Unilateral refusal persons are not allowed to participate in the mortgage. In some cases, it is possible to change the co-borrower on a mortgage at Sberbank with another solvent person, which also requires the bank’s approval.

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Title co-borrower

My husband and I have a mortgage on our apartment. They filed for divorce. He is the title borrower, I am the co-borrower. I want to transfer the mortgage to myself and take my mother, a working pensioner, as a co-borrower. My salary is small.
Question: necessary. Does my mother's husband agree to this?
Can the bank agree to re-register the title borrower?

Good afternoon. You need to ask the bank, it’s up to them to decide.

To do this, you need the consent of your husband and the bank. If you have a small salary, and your husband has a large one, then it is unlikely that the bank will agree to re-register the contract.

My wife and I are getting divorced, the apartment is under a mortgage, I am the title co-borrower, I offered her to pay the mortgage half by half, she refuses, saying that if you live there, you pay! What should I do? Is it possible to resolve this dispute through court? I don’t want to pay the entire mortgage, because I will have to allocate a share to her and her child from her first marriage in any case!

Perhaps through the court - there is a risk of losing the apartment and everything that has already been paid (if you fail to pay).

You can recover half of the payments you made from the co-borrower. If you don't pay, the apartment will be foreclosed on.

During marriage, an apartment was purchased with a mortgage. The husband is the title co-borrower. After the divorce, the husband fell under criminal prosecution, now wanted, the wife continued to repay the loan single-handedly, although court decision joint responsibility remained with both. How to remove my husband from the title co-borrower status?

Only with the consent of the bank or in court.

Situation: married, there is a mortgage, the husband is the title borrower, I am a co-borrower, divorce, because of debts, the husband fled to Ukraine, I continue to pay the mortgage. Question: Is it possible to divide property without a defendant? What document must be provided to the court about the impossibility of determining the whereabouts of the ex? Thank you.

You need it? Indicate his last known place of residence.

Provide a copy of the defendant's passport with registration at the last place of residence and a certificate from the address bureau. During the proceedings, he will be assigned a duty lawyer and the case will be considered in his absence.

Good afternoon, Nina! In your case, division of property is possible; when filing a claim in court, indicate the last known address of residence of your ex-spouse (preferably registration address). Provide the court with a copy of your passport (if available) and an extract from the house register. If he does not live at the registration address, then failure to receive correspondence from the court will be his problem and in his absence the court will divide the property. I will be glad to help you.

Mom has a mortgage (she is the title co-borrower) certificate of ownership 1/1 to mom), Dad was a co-borrower but died, we want to remove him from the number of co-borrowers, but the bank says to enter into the inheritance, but we are not going to file documents for the inheritance since dad There was nothing. Is it right for the bank to refuse to remove a co-borrower due to death until we provide papers from the natary regarding the inheritance?

You are mistaken in thinking that “Your dad had nothing.” If at the time of purchasing a mortgaged apartment there was no marriage contract concluded between your father and mother, your father by law owns a 1/2 share in this apartment, regardless of the fact that the apartment is registered only in the name of your mother. You need to enter into an inheritance for your father, register shares in the property mortgaged apartment and on this basis re-issue the mortgage. The bank is generally right.

We took out a mortgage with a young man for 1/2 share, he is the title borrower and I am a co-borrower. Now they separated and sold the apartment. He wants to recover from me through the court half of the interest he has paid over the past three years. Is this legal, given the fact that the bank opened one account for paying the mortgage in his name, i.e. title. I did not have my own account to pay the mortgage, since the agreement provides for one account.

Let him try. Will waste time and money on paying state fees. And you, in turn, prove that you gave him cash to pay the mortgage and only then did he deposit the funds into the account with his own hands.

In 2014 we took out a mortgage. The mother is the title borrower, the mother’s husband is the co-borrower, and the daughter is the guarantor-co-borrower. In March 2018, the father (co-borrower) died. Accordingly, income decreased. Is mom entitled to any deferment on the mortgage loan or is it possible to reduce (recalculate) interest rate. Or it is possible to reimburse some insurance amount that we paid when applying for a mortgage.

Depending on the terms of the contract. For an accurate answer, you need to familiarize yourself with it.

My husband and I are buying an apartment with a mortgage. My husband is the title borrower and I am the co-borrower. The apartment is purchased in equal shares, 1/2 each. Having turned to a notary to certify the transaction, she stated that she would need to write consent for each of the spouses to purchase housing. Is this consent really necessary if we buy together and in equal shares?

In general, the notary's requirement to write such consents is not based on the law. In accordance with Article 35 of the RF IC, the consent of the spouses is required when one of the spouses sells their share, but when purchasing such consent is not required.

My girlfriend and I started getting a mortgage, then we got married, she is a title co-borrower, my mother and I are co-borrowers, now we want to get a divorce and she doesn’t need an apartment, but she is ready to be a co-borrower, how can I become a title co-borrower?

Good afternoon. You do not need to agree on changes to the terms of the mortgage loan regarding the title agreement with the bank.

What is the difference between a title borrower and a simple co-borrower?

The word “Co-borrower” was first introduced into banking practice, and now the phrase “Title co-borrower” is being introduced. So, what is a title co-borrower? IN Civil Code In the Russian Federation there are no terms “Co-borrower”, “Title co-borrower” and “Spouse of the title co-borrower”, which means that these words and phrases are just derivatives of the term “borrower”. And if you look at the dictionary, the word “titular” means “Chief, main.” Now let's follow all the transformations of the borrower into a title co-borrower. Co-borrowers (91464 bytes) Co-borrowers A borrower is a person who receives under an agreement bank loan sum of money, which it undertakes to return within the terms established by the contract. In addition, the agreement establishes the borrower’s obligation to pay interest for the use of funds. Before applying for a loan, the bank checks the borrower's solvency. And if his solvency is not enough to obtain the loan amount required by the borrower, then the bank considers (under the terms of certain types of mortgages) issuing a loan with the involvement of an additional borrower in order to take into account his solvency in the combined calculation. And in order to distinguish between the main borrower and the second, additional borrower, banks call the second borrower a co-borrower. A co-borrower is a person who, together with the main borrower, is responsible to the lender, i.e. to the bank for repayment of the loan in full, i.e. agrees to a joint obligation (liability) to repay the loan. Equal rights and obligations for the loan of all borrowers are prescribed in Art. 322 and art. 323 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, and, therefore, the phrase “co-borrower on a loan” can be applied both to the borrower himself and to all additional borrowers involved. For certain types of loans, banks allow the involvement of 1 to 3 co-borrowers, whose income is taken into account when calculating the maximum loan size. And also, if the main borrower has a spouse, then she, as a rule, is a co-borrower, regardless of his (her) solvency and age. Sberbank of Russia, for example, calls the spouse of the borrower as “Spouse of the Title Co-borrower.” When applying for a loan, when housing purchased for a family is issued with the involvement of several relatives, it becomes relevant to identify the main debtor from all co-borrowers, in whose name the property will be registered, and who will repay the loan and interest. And such a borrower becomes the “Title Co-borrower”, and his (her) spouse becomes the “Spouse of the Title Co-borrower”. The title co-borrower is individual, registering the residential premises being financed as their own (common) property, and performing on behalf of the co-borrowers, as well as in the interests of themselves and the co-borrowers, with their mutual consent, all necessary actions related to the registration, receipt and servicing of the loan. Housing purchased with the help of a loan is registered in the ownership of the borrower and his spouse/title co-borrower and Spouse of the title co-borrower/, or only for one borrower/title co-borrower. And this purchased housing is registered by the title co-borrower as collateral. https://bankirsha.com/titulnyy-sozaemshchik-eto-kto.html

My husband and I share an apartment purchased on credit; according to the agreement, we are both co-borrowers. I am the title co-borrower, the apartment is registered in my name, there is also a marriage contract, which states that the property acquired or the personal funds of one of the spouses belongs to the spouse in whose name it is registered. What to do with the apartment, it’s mine, but it was purchased on credit, and we are co-borrowers.

Hello, Natalia. Firstly, we can say that you need to look at the marriage contract (the property acquired or the personal funds of one of the spouses belongs to the spouse in whose name it is registered) and who pays the loan. More details can be said after studying all the circumstances.

Divorced from my husband, during the marriage we took out a mortgage, my husband is the title borrower, I am a co-borrower. After the divorce, they decided that I would give up the apartment and my husband would take over the mortgage obligations. I want to leave the co-borrowers. What do we have to do? Where to contact?

Nothing to do. The bank will never agree to this. Why does he need it? The more obligated persons under the contract, the better. You will be obligated to pay until the contract is fully fulfilled. Let him pay now, and then, upon payment, YOU will give him your share or sell it... but it’s not profitable for him, what if you refuse later...

How to register an apartment in a new building for a co-borrower if this co-borrower is not the title one. And who is the apartment registered to?

The apartment is registered in the name of the person who is a shareholder under a share participation agreement in construction (DDU). If the house is not delivered, then your rights can be assigned to a third party under an assignment agreement. This is according to general rule To understand your specific situation, you need to see the documents. Sincerely, Lawyer in Volgograd - Stepanov Vadim Igorevich.

My husband, I am the title borrower, he is a co-borrower and now he has left and does not pay, how can I get him to pay the mortgage (nothing has been allocated to him, I am the owner) thank you.

Hello! Since the marriage was not concluded in the registry office, the jointly acquired debt did not arise. In this case, you will not be able to divide the debts.

There is a mortgage, I am the title co-borrower, my husband is a co-borrower. Now we are divorced. The husband is declared bankrupt. Can the bank require early payment of the mortgage? He has no share in the apartment.

Good evening! The apartment was purchased during the marriage, so half belongs to the husband. Whether the bank may require it or not - you need to get acquainted with the documents. Good luck to you!

If I am the title co-borrower on an apartment mortgage and my husband and I are divorced, can I remove him as a co-borrower without his presence and provide another co-borrower?

Hello! No, you cannot remove him from the co-borrower. To make changes to the loan agreement, the consent of all parties to the agreement (bank, borrowers) is required.

During the marriage, my husband and I took out a mortgage (I am the title borrower, my husband is the co-borrower). A year later we got divorced, I paid the mortgage payments throughout the entire period. Before the divorce, we drew up a marriage contract, according to which the apartment and obligations under it remain with me. During the marriage, ownership of the apartment was not registered; an act of acceptance of the apartment was signed by me during the divorce process. Now you need to register ownership of the apartment, for which you need to obtain a mortgage from the bank. When submitting documents to the bank for registration of a mortgage, the presence of a co-borrower became necessary. The ex-husband refuses to go to the bank, both in order to obtain a mortgage and to withdraw him from co-borrowers. What to do in this case? How can I remove my ex-husband from being a co-borrower without his consent? Are there any options?

Hello, not enough information. If the loan is fully repaid and you have a prenuptial agreement, then most likely you need to challenge the bank’s actions. Since the loan agreement was terminated by proper execution and the bank has no reason to hold the apartment as collateral.

The title borrower does not pay the mortgage, all his accounts are frozen; as a co-borrower, I pay the mortgage myself. Are there ways to transfer a mortgage to a co-borrower?!

You need to contact the bank with a corresponding application; only the bank can decide this issue. Good luck in resolving your issues. Sincerely, lawyer Yu. V. Kolkovsky

Is it possible to leave the co-borrowers, and I am the title borrower (Divorce)?

Good day. Due to the fact that the loan agreement is a bilateral transaction, any conditions, including the parties to the agreement, can be changed only with the consent of the lender.

Good day No, there is no way to leave the co-borrowers, so there will be a refusal. Good luck to you in resolving your issue.

Naturally, there is no such possibility without the consent of the other party (creditor). And the lender, naturally, will not give you such consent...

Hello, Anasatsiya! You can leave the borrower list only with the consent of the bank.

With respect and readiness to help, STANISLAV PICHUEV. Good afternoon. Exclusively, only with the consent of the Bank. Lawyer. Real estate expert. Support of transactions of any complexity. Bondareva N.I.tel.8-925-967-54-83

[email protected]

I am a co-borrower on the loan, the title borrower does not pay. Can I get full rights on the mortgage?

Hello, the terms of the agreement can only be changed by agreement of the parties, please contact the bank. I wish you good luck and all the best! Divorced. The apartment has a mortgage of 1/2 each for 20 years. We are co-borrowers, he is the title co-borrower. Split the mortgage payment. I pay 1/2 of the monthly payment, and the other share ex-spouse

do not pay. (he doesn’t care - he doesn’t live in this apartment, although he is registered). What to do? And how can you remove him from co-borrowers? (he doesn’t want to negotiate himself, doesn’t want to go to the bank, doesn’t maintain any contacts.)

Good afternoon. If there is no consent of the other party, then only the court can judge you. in this case, the Bank will need to be involved as an interested party. The Bank's opinions will be taken into account by the court. It is also desirable that the amount of the husband’s debt be significant.

No way to get it out. The bank does not have to change the terms of the agreement. And the court cannot force him to do this. You can recover his share of payments through the court. I am divorcing my husband. In the mortgage agreement, the husband is the title borrower, I am the co-borrower. If my husband refuses his share in my favor, will he have legal force

deed of gift, certified by a notary. The loan agreement will not be changed. Will the ex-husband then be able to claim the apartment after a few years?

If you are divorcing your husband, then in order to divide the common property it is necessary to draw up a division agreement at a notary office

While the apartment is pledged, it will be impossible to conclude any gift agreement. Resolve the issue with the bank and renegotiate the loan agreement itself.

Hello, it all depends on who the borrower is and who the co-borrower is, but it depends on who the owner of the apartment purchased with this mortgage is. Thank you for your contact to our website, good luck to you and all the best.

You can receive a deduction after leaving maternity leave. The father does not have the right to deduction; he is not the owner of the apartment. Article 220 NK.

One of the owners can receive the deduction. To do this, you can contact the tax office with a declaration, a purchase and sale agreement, loan agreement, payment documents (Article 220 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation)

The father will not be able to receive it, since he will not be the owner. You can receive it later, after leaving maternity leave, the terms of receipt are not limited. The deduction can be received by: the owner of the property; spouse of the owner (under the conditions: the spouse did not previously use the deduction; the purchase of housing occurred during marriage); parent of the minor owner housing (provided that the parent did not receive an earlier deduction). Article 220 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation 3. The property tax deduction provided for in subparagraph 3 of paragraph 1 of this article is provided taking into account the following features: 1) the property tax deduction is provided in the amount of expenses actually incurred by the taxpayer for new construction or the acquisition of one or more objects on the territory of the Russian Federation property specified in subparagraph 3 of paragraph 1 of this article, not exceeding 2,000,000 rubles. If the taxpayer exercised the right to receive property tax deduction in an amount less than its maximum amount established by this subparagraph, the balance of the property tax deduction until its full use may be taken into account when receiving a property tax deduction in the future for new construction or the acquisition on the territory of the Russian Federation of a residential building, apartment, room or share(s) in them, acquisition land plots or share(s) in them provided for individual housing construction, and land plots or share(s) in them on which the acquired residential buildings or share(s) in them.

What happens to the mortgage if a co-borrower dies but is not the title borrower.

Hello Marie! Nothing happens.. The borrower continues to pay the mortgage on the terms specified in the mortgage agreement...

The ex-husband - the title borrower of the mortgage - wants to declare himself bankrupt; I - a co-borrower - pay the mortgage in full after the divorce; the apartment is mortgaged - ENTIRELY IN MY OWNERSHIP; what happens if the ex-husband is declared bankrupt? Does this pose any threat to me and my apartment?

You have received the answer to your question. Was the apartment purchased during marriage? Mortgage not paid? Then there is little good if the financial manager gets to the bottom of it.

According to the law (Article 34 of the RF IC), unless a marriage contract between them establishes a different regime for this property, property acquired by the spouses during marriage is theirs. joint property. The common joint property of the spouses, subject to division, is any movable and movable property acquired by them during the marriage. real estate, which by virtue of Art. Art. 128, 129, paragraphs 1 and 2 of Art. 213 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation can be the object of property rights of citizens, regardless of the name of which spouse it was acquired or funds were deposited. Incl. - movable and immovable things acquired at the expense of the joint income of the spouses, securities, shares, deposits, shares in capital contributed to credit institutions or other commercial organizations. Property that belonged to each of the spouses before marriage, as well as property received by one of the spouses during marriage as a gift, by inheritance or through other gratuitous transactions (including privatization), is his property and is not included in jointly acquired property. applies. The division of the common property of the spouses can be made both during the marriage and after its dissolution at the request of any of the spouses, as well as in the event of a claim by a creditor to divide the common property of the spouses in order to foreclose on the share of one of the spouses in the common property of the spouses. The common property of the spouses can be divided between the spouses according to their agreement, which can be notarized. In the event of a dispute, the division of the common property of the spouses, as well as the determination of the spouses' shares in this property, are carried out in court. When dividing the common property of the spouses and determining the shares in this property, the shares of the spouses are recognized as equal, unless otherwise provided by the agreement between the spouses. The court has the right to deviate from the beginning of equality of shares of spouses in their common property based on the interests of minor children and (or) based on the noteworthy interests of one of the spouses, in particular, in cases where the other spouse did not receive income for unjustified reasons or spent common property spouses to the detriment of the interests of the family. (Article 33-39 of the RF IC).

I am a co-borrower on a shared construction mortgage loan. The daughter is the title co-borrower. The building in which the apartment was purchased was not built on time (June 2014). The developer went bankrupt. During this time, my daughter got married and her husband and she joined the queue for the housing program for a young family. To take advantage of the benefits provided by the state, they should not have their own housing, but the housing, if built and handed over by the time they receive a subsidy under the program, will actually not be theirs, because a mortgage was taken out from Sberbank for 1 million one hundred thousand rubles, i.e. if their apartment is built and put into operation, they will not receive payment from the state. On this moment The house is being completed by another developer. I have a power of attorney from my daughter to manage and dispose of all her property: buy, sell, mortgage and accept as collateral, exchange, etc. any of her property. According to the court, the daughter, like other shareholders, was awarded 1/20 of the share in the common property of the unfinished house. On what terms can my daughter and I exchange: she is simply a co-borrower, and I am the title borrower. Thank you in advance!

Hello. Federal Law of December 30, 2004 N 214-FZ "On participation in shared construction apartment buildings and other real estate and on making changes to some legislative acts Russian Federation" (with amendments and additions) Here you need to look at the entire agreement.

When I was married to my wife, we bought an apartment with a mortgage (I am the title borrower, she is a co-borrower). Then they got divorced. Now we are planning to get back together and sign. There are plans for a second child. The mortgage has not yet been paid off. Will they give us parental (maternity) capital in this case?

Hello! A woman will have the right to receive a certificate for maternal (family) capital at the birth of her second or subsequent child.

Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 256 “On additional measures of state support for families with children”, on the basis on which it can be provided to a Russian citizen who gave birth to a 2nd or 3rd child from 01.01. 2007. And you can pay off your mortgage.