Lawyer for credit debt issues. Free assistance from a credit lawyer. Benefits of our consultation


What services does a lawyer provide to resolve credit issues? How to get help from a lawyer to reduce your loan debt? Where can I get advice on credit matters for free?

Good afternoon, dear readers of HeatherBeaver magazine! Legal consultant Valery Chemakin is with you.

The topic of assistance provided by a credit lawyer will always be relevant, because in Russia almost every second adult citizen is a credit debtor of one bank or another. In this article we will look at the features of the work of a credit lawyer.

If you want to use credit funds safely, I suggest reading the material to the end.

1. Who is a credit lawyer and when should you contact him?

The activities of credit institutions are aimed at extracting maximum profit from lending money to citizens and organizations. The state regulates these legal relations through the application of legislation regulating banking activities.

However, bank lawyers often resort to all sorts of tricks by introducing additional payments, imposing insurance and other optional paid services. This is where the question arises: should I contact a credit lawyer? It is best to do this already at the application stage.

The specialist will read the contract and give his opinion, in which he will explain all the pitfalls and possible risks. He will describe the essence of all additional services, which will help you make the right decision about whether to use them or not. In addition, a credit lawyer provides significant assistance. Read about this in our special article.

When else should you contact a credit lawyer:

  • defer payments if necessary;
  • during debt restructuring;
  • in case of unlawful actions of collectors;
  • for the return of illegally collected commissions, fines and penalties.

Read more about the services of a lawyer for credit debts in the next section.

2. What services does a credit lawyer provide - 5 main services

A credit dispute lawyer is a sought-after specialist in the field of civil law. His activities are not limited to consulting and selection of favorable conditions.

You can often judge how effective the work of a credit lawyer is by the reviews of clients whom he literally saved from financial ruin. Let's take a closer look at the main services.

Service 1. Selection of favorable credit conditions

In order not to overpay interest on loans, you should seek help from a credit lawyer even at the application stage. He will help you consider several options and choose the most optimal and profitable one.


Several years ago I took out a car loan. Upon arrival at the car dealership, bank representatives directly attacked me with their offers. I asked all of them for printed terms and conditions and left the dealership. I showed all this to my friend, a credit lawyer, who rendered his verdict.

It turned out that it was more profitable for me to apply for a car loan not in the showroom itself, but in a bank, which for some reason was not represented there. I did just that. It helped that the temptation to immediately leave the salon by car was overcome. The specialist made it possible to save about 30 thousand rubles over 3 years.

The assistance of credit lawyers for loans from microfinance organizations is especially useful. After all, microfinance organizations have very high interest rates. The lawyer will choose the safest option for you with a convenient payment schedule.

Service 2. Preparation of necessary documents for the bank

When preparing documents to obtain a loan, especially a mortgage, you need to collect a large number of documents. This responsibility can be transferred to the shoulders of a lawyer.

After all, only he can correctly and safely draw up a property pledge agreement. This service not only increases the chances of obtaining a loan, but also makes the procedure itself safe.

Service 3.

This is perhaps the most common service. After all, most people tend to seek help only when a problem arises.

There are many reasons and circumstances that make debt repayment almost impossible. All this entails penalties, which further increase the amount to be paid.

In such cases, the assistance of a lawyer will be required for restructuring. Read about this in our feature article. The specialist will help you ensure that the bank renegotiates the agreement with you on more favorable terms. An experienced credit debt lawyer will be able to convince the bank without going to court that it is better to get less from you than nothing at all.

The bank can recalculate the amount of debt by reducing penalties, which will not entail significant losses, and will give you the opportunity to continue repaying the loan. In some cases, it is possible to obtain a deferment of principal payments. This is relevant in case of temporary job loss and other unforeseen circumstances.

Service 4. Representation of the interests of the debtor before the bank

Communication with bank representatives when a debt arises deprives even the most calm person of peace of mind. To avoid negative effects on the psyche, I advise you to use the service of representation. In this case, the lawyer acts on your behalf and solves all assigned tasks independently.

This is especially true when the bank entrusts debt collection to a collection agency. Employees of such offices, as a rule, do not burden themselves with politeness when communicating with debtors. A credit lawyer, sometimes called a credit lawyer, is ready to talk to them from a legal perspective if you trust him to represent your interests.

Service 5. Protecting the interests of the borrower in court

If you are unable to resolve a dispute with the bank on your own and you cannot do without a trial, then it’s time to ask yourself where to find a good lawyer on credit issues.

What tasks does a lawyer face when protecting a client’s interests in court:

  • study the situation and find out the cause of the conflict;
  • collect evidence that in the event of debt restructuring, you will be able to pay the loan;
  • build a line of defense;
  • present to the court convincing arguments in your favor;
  • appeal the court decision if you are not satisfied with it.

It is worth knowing that representation in a civil court even requires your absence from the hearings, which saves time and nerves. A lawyer for banking and credit disputes will solve problems even without your direct participation.

Read on to learn how to use its services.

3. How to use the services of a credit lawyer - 5 simple steps

Since the services of a credit lawyer are in great demand today, it will not be difficult for you to find such a specialist in your city. The main thing is to look for someone who has extensive experience in this particular area of ​​jurisprudence.

The fact is that a lawyer who specializes in resolving conflicts with banks can predict the outcome in advance. If the matter is hopeless, he will still try to help to some extent - for example, to minimize the damage from bank sanctions and fines.

Step 1. Select a law firm

When choosing a credit lawyer, first of all, read the reviews and ratings of the company where he works. I recommend asking friends and acquaintances for advice. Perhaps they have had a positive experience with one of them.

You need to choose a company that specializes in such issues, and whose employees have extensive experience.

Step 2. Get a consultation

Once you have selected several suitable companies, call them all and clarify the conditions. Perhaps some of them provide free consultations with a credit lawyer over the phone. There are cases that even such a service helps solve the problem.

If it doesn’t help, move on to the next step.

Step 3. Provide the necessary documents

It is possible to resolve a dispute with a bank in court or out of court. The second method is less expensive and therefore beneficial to both sides of the conflict. A good lawyer will try to sort it out without going to court, but to do this he will need all the documents related to the loan.

List of documents for resolving a credit dispute:

  • a copy of your passport;
  • power of attorney certified by a notary (in case of representation);
  • loan agreement;
  • correspondence with the bank;
  • documents on payment of the loan and interest on it;
  • other documents related to the case.

In the event of a trial, the lawyer will also be required to write a statement of claim.

Step 4. Waiting for a protection plan to be drawn up

The law imposes on a credit lawyer exactly the same responsibilities as on any other. Therefore, before starting his work, he must draw up a plan for your protection. To do this, he needs to thoroughly study all the nuances of your case and offer the bank a compromise.

If the bank is ready to accept the proposed conditions, then you can move on to the next step, otherwise the lawyer will need to prove in court that (read about the essence of the concept in a special article) it was caused by temporary and currently insurmountable circumstances.

At the same time, he must instill confidence in the court that if the terms of the loan change, you will be able to continue to repay the debt. If the court sided with you, proceed to the next step.

Step 5. We conclude a new agreement with the bank

In case of any favorable outcome for you, you need to conclude a new agreement with the bank. Ask your lawyer to ensure that the terms and conditions stated therein are admissible. They should be beneficial to you and not create a situation in the future that will again lead to misunderstanding.

4. Who provides services to resolve credit issues - review of the TOP 3 law firms

If you are going to take out a large loan from a bank, you should do it under the supervision of a credit lawyer. Today, many companies provide such services on quite acceptable terms.

I reviewed the offers of about a dozen firms and unions of credit lawyers, and then chose the 3 most reliable companies. Here's their review.

1) Lawyer

This company is an online platform for providing remote legal services to the public. It employs several hundred lawyers from all over Russia who specialize in various issues.

Among other services, you can get free advice from a lawyer on credit debts online. This will be an explanation of basic legal concepts and general ways to solve the problem.

Pravoved company services:

Service Description of service
1 Reduced monthly payment amountCan be accomplished by extending the loan term
2 Extension of loan repayment periodProvides an opportunity to reduce monthly payments without harming the bank
3 Protection of collateralThe lawyer finds possible ways to avoid seizure of property
4 Bankruptcy of individualsRepresentation in court on this issue allows you to carry out bankruptcy proceedings with minimal damage to the client

In addition to the services indicated in the table, the company’s specialists are ready to provide others on almost any legal issue. A complete list of them can be found on the website or by calling the company.

This is a multidisciplinary company that works with citizens and legal entities in various legal areas. As for protecting borrowers, the company also has several products in this segment.

Services of the Start company for resolving credit disputes:

  • reduction in monthly payments;
  • increasing the loan repayment period;
  • protection of property from seizure;
  • stopping the growth of fines and interest;
  • conducting bankruptcy procedures for individuals;
  • full legal representation.

On the pages of this company’s website, read customer reviews and see examples of real court decisions. There you can also ask a credit lawyer a question directly through the feedback form or make an appointment. The company provides credit lawyer services in any city in the Russian Federation.

The organization specializes exclusively in resolving credit disputes. At the same time, assistance is provided to both individuals and legal entities. The advantage of the company over others is that its specialists have extensive experience in the field of helping citizens with lending.

An experienced lawyer will analyze several banking products and select the most optimal one for you. If you cannot pay your debts, then in this case there are several solutions, including bankruptcy, with which the lawyers of the Credit Lawyer firm are also ready to help.

Above, I already touched on the topic of choosing a reliable company. Here I want to give some more tips.

Any cooperation presupposes trust, and you can only trust a company that operates legally.

Therefore, before choosing a credit lawyer in a particular company, check it using the TIN. This will eliminate the possibility of falling for scammers. If everything is clear, then you can start selecting a lawyer directly.

Tip 1. Choose credit lawyers whose services can be paid in installments

Try not to pay the entire fee at once, as the results of the case are unpredictable. Conscientious lawyers divide the payment into several stages, and its amount depends on the results obtained.

Therefore, it is worth starting cooperation only with those lawyers whose services can be paid in installments.

Tip 2. Take advantage of a free consultation

Most modern law firms provide free initial consultation. This makes it possible to bypass several of them and evaluate the competence of specialists, as well as study the conditions for the provision of services.

Financial organizations offer legal entities and individuals a whole range of credit products. At first glance, obtaining a loan seems to be a completely accessible and safe procedure. However, when drawing up a loan agreement, it is difficult for an ordinary borrower to understand numerous terms and complex formulations. Consequently, the risk of signing an agreement on unfavorable terms and receiving unaffordable payments, increasing debt and penalties in the future increases.

Order a free consultation Fill out the form and our credit debt lawyer will contact you as soon as possible.

The help of a loan lawyer will be relevant for debtors and potential borrowers. The specialist will find a way to resolve your financial difficulties and avoid mistakes when applying for a loan. Contact our company for a free consultation with lawyers on credit issues, and experienced specialists will take care of your problem.

How to get a profitable loan and avoid disputes with banks

Are you planning to take out a loan and want to protect yourself from possible negative consequences? The best solution in this case is to get advice from a specialist in the field of lending. Our company’s specialists provide this service free of charge online or by phone. Consultation is available to individuals and business representatives. You can ask a question regarding any loan:

  • consumer;
  • mortgage;
  • on-call (for business development);
  • car loan.

An experienced lawyer will help you understand the terms of the loan agreement and identify pitfalls in the form of clauses on fines, penalties and unnecessary paid services. Additional assistance from a lawyer for credit debts when applying for a loan includes:

  • contract analysis;
  • study of documents for collateral and surety;
  • recommendations for choosing a credit institution;
  • preparation of borrower documents.

Thanks to our specialists, you will gain an understanding of traditional banking schemes. Such information will allow you to conclude an agreement with the bank on optimal terms. As a result, you will be able to repay your loan debt on time and without risk to your financial well-being.

What to do if you have difficulties paying off your loan debt?

The help of a lawyer on credit issues is necessary if you are already a bank debtor and cannot fulfill your obligations. Our specialists will analyze the situation and suggest possible ways to solve the problem in pre-trial and judicial proceedings. The sooner you seek legal support, the easier it will be to achieve the desired result.

A credit debt lawyer will provide a full range of services in case of disputes with banks and other financial institutions. During a free consultation, a specialist will assess the prospects of the case and help you develop the right strategy. Further cooperation implies the following actions on the part of the lawyer:

  • negotiations with representatives of a bank or collection agency;
  • review of the interest rate and debt amount;
  • reduction of fines in disputes with banks over loans;
  • warning or cancellation of seizure of property;
  • representing the client's interests during court proceedings;
  • appealing the actions of judicial and executive bodies;
  • protecting the client from unlawful actions on the part of the bank or debt collectors;
  • assistance during the bankruptcy procedure with relief from obligations to pay the loan debt.

Disputes with banks over loans do not always proceed in a civilized manner. Often, creditors use psychological methods of pressure on the debtor and his family members, which makes it difficult to resolve the dispute peacefully. Help from a lawyer regarding credit debts will help you avoid moral discomfort and get out of the situation with minimal losses. Our company’s specialists recommend contacting them if:

  • you have made late payments;
  • credit debt increases, penalties and fines are accrued;
  • you are threatened by debt collectors;
  • the bank took the case to court;
  • enforcement proceedings have been opened on the basis of a court decision;
  • foreclosure has been imposed on the property.

Our company’s lawyers have many years of experience in resolving disputes with banking organizations. We have hundreds of won cases to our credit, and often the problem is resolved without going to court. The cost of legal services for loans is calculated individually and depends on the complexity of the task. In some cases, payment for results is provided.

We provide qualified legal assistance without unnecessary bureaucratic red tape. All services are provided on conditions of anonymity and confidentiality. We strictly comply with Federal Law No. 152 “On Personal Data” and do not transfer information about clients to third parties.

Our advantages

Prices for legal assistance on loans


Legal advice on credit debts

For free

conducting negotiations

For free

pre-trial (claim) work

From 1000 rub.

representing the client’s interests in court in disputes with banks regarding loans

From 3000 rub.

legal assistance to a loan guarantor

From 2000 rub.

increasing the loan repayment period

From 3000 rub.

installment plan (deferment) of execution of a court decision in disputes with banks over loans

From 3000 rub.

payment restructuring

From 3000 rub.

writing off part of the loan debt

From 3000 rub.

reduction in loan payment amount

From 3000 rub.

refinancing a loan to another bank

From 3000 rub.

invalidation of the loan agreement in whole or in part

From 5000 rub.

termination of the loan agreement

From 5000 rub.

participation of a lawyer in the appellate, cassation, supervisory authorities

From 5000 rub.

Ask a free question to a lawyer Fill out the form and our specialist will contact you as soon as possible.

According to statistics, about a quarter of Russians have loans and other financial obligations. Moreover, most often people with low incomes borrow money - in the range of 10-15 thousand rubles. The wide distribution of loans, on the one hand, gave impetus to the emergence of credit lawyers who specialize in civil, banking and financial law on the legal services market. On the other hand, taking into account the main categories of consumers of financial services, the cost of such legal services is no less pressing issue than problems with loans. So how much does a loan lawyer cost?

What determines the cost of a credit lawyer’s services?

Credit lawyers deal with a wide range of legal issues and provide comprehensive assistance. The following areas of services are most in demand on the market:

  1. Consultations.
  2. Analysis of loan agreements and microfinance agreements, as well as accompanying insurance agreements, in order to identify risks, including hidden ones, and possible negative consequences for the borrower.
  3. Resolving issues with debts and claims from credit institutions and collectors. Development of a legal position, preparation of responses to claims, letters (applications, complaints) to credit institutions, counterclaims, resolving issues of optimization and restructuring of debt payments, comprehensive management of cases before and in court on claims of creditors.
  4. Preparation of individual legal documents (claims, complaints, lawsuits, petitions, statements, etc.).

Each of these areas includes several separate types of services. As a rule, when a person specifically applies for legal assistance, an individual set of services is developed in terms of list and content. Therefore, the cost of such a “package” of service varies greatly.

Lawyers' fees can be expressed as follows:

  • in the form of a fixed fee for a specific service, for example, oral or written consultation;
  • in the form of an hourly payment for the actual provision of a certain service of an ongoing nature (negotiations, correspondence with the creditor, conducting a case in court (judicial representation), etc.);
  • in the form of a set fee for a set of services, formed on an individual basis or representing a certain fixed package of services (legal services);
  • in the form of a certain percentage of the total amount of debt or the amount of debt from which the client was relieved with the help of a lawyer.

Thus, in determining the cost of a credit lawyer’s services, a lot depends on what form and type of prices he follows, and on what services are actually ordered.

Cost of individual legal services

The most inexpensive legal service is consultation. Usually, the first meeting between the client and the lawyer begins with a consultation. For a number of issues, the service is provided free of charge. This practice is followed by most law firms, private lawyers and attorneys. However, extended consultations and those provided in writing are usually paid and are estimated on average at about 2-5 thousand rubles, depending on the complexity of the problem and the time of service.

Other individual services are also relatively inexpensive, for example, analysis of a loan agreement, preparation of a response to a bank claim or a counterclaim. The cost here depends, again, on the complexity of the issue and the time required. Approximate prices are 2-10 thousand rubles.

Complex services are the most expensive - from 10-30 thousand rubles or more. But it only seems so on the outside. First, a full service for a specific legal matter provides all the help you need to achieve your goals, and the individual services cost much less than if they were ordered and provided separately. Secondly, in this case the client pays not so much for services, but for a certain result of legal assistance. But the result, its achievement, is the main goal of contacting a credit lawyer.

If you need help from a loan lawyer, our on-duty specialist online is ready to answer all your questions.

Any lending agreement includes an article stating that the borrower is obliged to notify the bank of all changes in his life. For example, a change of place of residence, job or surname. However, the most necessary information that the bank requires is solvency.
The first thing you need to do, understanding that debt cannot be avoided, is to contact the bank. It is better to do this 2 weeks before the debt arises. If it is not possible to visit the bank, then you can write a letter with documents by registered mail. The bank must be 100% aware of possible debts.
The second is to agree with the bank to defer or change the terms of the loan. The main thing is to prepare all documents in writing, so that if problems arise, they can be confirmed by a notary.
The third is to wait for a response from the bank. There are two possible course of events here - signing a deferment agreement or refusing to change the lending data. In the first case, the bank makes a concession, but in the second, it does not. A credit attorney can provide sound advice in these situations, so don't underestimate their options.

Most people who find themselves in a difficult financial situation - debt to the bank, do not want to hear anything about lawyers and advocates. Their services also require a certain payment, but in comparison with the possible losses of funds for debt, paying for their work will seem like an alternative option. Credit lawyers will help you correctly file applications to the bank and quickly resolve debt problems. Typically, credit cases handled by professional lawyers and attorneys end successfully for the client.

Just a few years ago, it was necessary to save money for quite a long time in order to afford to buy an apartment or a car. But lending helped solve this problem. Now you can buy what you really want at any time. But here too there are difficulties. For example, the size of commissions. Because of them, loans are much more expensive than we would like. Only a qualified specialist will help you understand how to build your relationship with the bank.

The range of services in this direction is quite wide.

  1. Clarification of unclear points regarding loan documents
  2. Complete analysis of papers from a legal point of view. Helps identify ambiguous statements and hidden conditions
  3. Collection of documentation for obtaining a loan, its execution in accordance with all the rules
  4. Protection of interests in any credit dispute
  5. Representation of interests before banks in emergency situations
  6. Drawing up recommendations on how to behave in the future, how to respond to collection agencies and bailiffs
  7. Representation of interests during negotiations
  8. Debtor protection during enforcement proceedings
  9. Challenging court actions and bailiff decisions
  10. Legal support when re-concluding or terminating a contract
  11. Clarification of the obligations of the parties, calculation of the real interest rate
  12. Forecasting the borrower's prospects