Types of compulsory motor insurance. Compulsory car insurance: rules for obtaining insurance New type of compulsory motor insurance


Having a car is associated for the driver not only with the benefits of using it, but also with the need to incur certain additional expenses. These costs also include the registration of insurance for the vehicle. The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for both compulsory car insurance and several voluntary types. The types of these policies, as well as the features and conditions for their registration will be discussed in more detail below.

OSAGO is compulsory insurance of civil liability of one person (in this case the driver) to the party injured as a result of an accident or traffic accident. Transactions on this type of insurance are the most common, since the presence of such a policy is a mandatory legal condition for drivers.

IMPORTANT! Without compulsory motor liability insurance, access to driving a vehicle is prohibited, as is the ability to register a car or undergo a technical inspection. In addition, the driver may be fined for such a violation and the car will be taken to a parking lot.

The main insured event under this policy is damage to the life, health or property of third parties during an accident. The amount of compensation is calculated based on the total damage, but is limited to the maximum limits:

  • 500 thousand rubles. for one victim - when harm is caused to his life and health;
  • 400 thousand rubles. per victim - in case of property damage.

The cost of the policy is affected by several increasing factors, which depend on the following factors:

  • the client’s driving experience and age;
  • car power;
  • region of registration;
  • presence of accidents involving the driver;
  • insurance validity period;
  • number of persons included in the policy.

Due to each of these coefficients, the final cost of the policy can be several times higher than the base rate.

The main advantages of MTPL include:

  • low cost;
  • fixed rates and territorial availability of the policy (tariffs are set by law, so insurance companies cannot change them);
  • compensation for damage to the party injured in the accident at the expense of the insurance company (not the driver).

However, this insurance also has a number of disadvantages:

  • limited payment (it is usually not enough to repair expensive cars);
  • a small list of insured events (in particular, in the event of the theft of a car or its damage, the owner will receive nothing);
  • no payment for the driver himself.

To expand insurance risks and receive compensation in other cases, the driver should turn to other types of car insurance.

This policy is an extended version of compulsory motor liability insurance, which allows you to receive a payment in a larger amount than with compulsory insurance. Its registration is voluntary and can only occur at the initiative of the driver.

DSAGO is issued subject to the presence of a valid compulsory motor liability insurance, but this can happen in various insurance companies. Moreover, both policies are concluded with the same validity period and for the same vehicle.

The benefit of using DSAGO is that it can significantly increase the amount of compensation payment compared to compulsory insurance. The exact maximum limit is set by each insurance company, but, as a rule, it is equal to 3 million rubles.

IMPORTANT! You can receive payment under DSAGO only if the amount of damage is not covered by compulsory motor liability insurance.

In this case, the amount is calculated by subtracting the amount of the MTPL payment from the total amount of damage. The difference will be the amount of money that must be paid to the victim.

The main insurance risk covered by DSAGO is damage to:

  • life and health of third parties (driver or passenger of another vehicle, pedestrian);
  • their property (car, building, fence).

The cost of DSAGO is influenced by the same factors as with compulsory insurance, however, specific tariffs and limits on payments are already established by the insurance company. At the same time, the final price of the policy will not be too high - with a limit of 1-3 million rubles. it can amount to only a few thousand rubles.

This is another voluntary type of insurance that covers a greater number of risks than compulsory motor liability insurance or motor liability insurance. This policy does not cover civil liability, since its main purpose is property insurance. In particular, from theft or theft of a car, damage to it as a result of fire or natural disasters, etc.

IMPORTANT! It is worth considering that having a CASCO policy, although it is not required by law, is often necessary to carry out certain operations with a car. In particular, when buying a car on credit, banks always require the borrower to take out this insurance.

The main advantages of applying for CASCO include:

  • the possibility of receiving a large amount of compensation (it can be commensurate with the cost of a new car);
  • an expanded list of insurance risks that are included in the policy;
  • receiving compensation regardless of the presence or absence of the driver’s fault.

The disadvantages are:

  • high price;
  • restrictions in registration for some cars (in particular, according to such criteria as period of use).

As for the cost of the policy, the tariffs for it, unlike compulsory motor liability insurance, are not fixed and are not set by the state. These indicators are determined individually by each insurance company, but in most cases the final price of the policy is quite high.

In order to reduce the price of insurance, many drivers take out it with a deductible, due to which the cost is reduced. In this case, after the occurrence of an insured event, compensation will not be received in full, but taking into account the deductible.

Accident insurance

This policy is a type of CASCO insurance, only it includes an additional object - the life and health of the driver, as well as all passengers who were in the car at the time of the accident. In this case, an accident means:

  • disaster;
  • fire;
  • explosion.

The policy is also voluntary and is issued only at the request of the car owner. Payments can be made in the event of such incidents that occur with the driver or passengers:

  • wound;
  • mutilation;
  • loss of ability to work (both permanent and temporary);
  • death.

The cost of the policy is set individually by each insurance company. In addition to tariffs, it is also affected by some driver characteristics (for example, age). Registration is not possible for citizens who have group I or II disabilities.

Green map

This policy is an analogue of compulsory motor liability insurance, since it also provides motor third party liability insurance and is mandatory in some cases. Its main difference is its coverage area, which includes several dozen different countries (mainly European and CIS countries). As for Russia, the Green Card is not valid within its borders.

The law on compulsory car insurance was adopted in the Russian Federation back in 2004. However, issues of auto liability and vehicle insurance are still relevant and periodically arise even for experienced drivers.

Variations of policies

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The OSAGO (compulsory motor third party liability insurance) policy insures the liability of the culprit to the injured party, and not the car itself. In the event of an accident or traffic accident, if you were found to be the guilty party, your insurance company will be responsible for compensating for damage to the property or health of another person. Conversely, if you were found to be the victim, the insurance payment will be received from the insurance company of the at-fault party.

This auto insurance document is mandatory and every driver of the vehicle must have it with him.

Currently, the following types of compulsory motor liability insurance are distinguished:

There is a serious difference in cost between the described policy options (a policy without restrictions is much more expensive).

Driving a car by a driver who is not included in the MTPL policy is punishable by an administrative fine

For people who prefer to use a car not all year round, but during the warm season (for example, summer, warm spring and autumn), it is possible to issue a seasonal policy. In this case, an insurance contract will be concluded for three or more calendar months.

If unforeseen circumstances arise when driving a vehicle beyond the period of time established by the policy, the policyholder is obliged to notify the insurer in writing. Upon such application, the insurance period will be increased for an additional fee.

Also, if a driver often travels abroad with his car, he will need an International OSAGO “Green Card” certificate. A traffic accident that occurs on the roads of a foreign country involving a Russian driver will be regulated by this policy. The victim will seek compensation for the harm caused by filing a claim with their national office.

If the Russian insurance company has a representative office in this country, then it will be the one that will handle the consideration of the claim. Otherwise, the issue will be resolved by the national bureau independently, and then the insurance company from the Russian Federation that issued the Green Card will be billed for compensation for the damage caused.

Division for legal entities persons and individuals persons

Regardless of the type of insured (legal entity or individual), the conclusion of a compulsory motor liability insurance agreement is a mandatory procedure. The difference between them lies in the cost and the registration procedure itself. The process of concluding an insurance contract for legal entities. persons has its own characteristics, since it may be necessary to provide additional documents.

Key differences in the procedure for issuing MTPL policies for individuals. persons and legal entities persons are as follows:

  1. The validity period of the policy differs for individuals and legal entities. Individuals can take out an insurance policy for a period from 3 to 12 months. For legal entities, the minimum period is established - 6 months, maximum - similar 1 year.
  2. If the owner of the vehicle has additional insurance, then insurance is mandatory for organizations. Individuals have the right not to do this.
  3. The number of persons who have the right to drive vehicles owned by an organization is not limited, while restrictions apply for individuals. If the private policyholder has taken out a limited policy, then no more than five drivers can drive the vehicle.
  4. vehicle insurance for organizations is significantly higher than for individuals.
  5. The limit on compensation for damage caused is set for each traffic accident, and not for the period of validity of the MTPL policy. In case of repeated accidents, the organization can receive full compensation each time.

New types of compulsory motor liability insurance and their features

Since September of this year, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation has made a proposal to divide MTPL policies into three main types with differences in the amounts of insurance payments.

It is planned that drivers will be able to purchase one of three packages:

The Ministry is also expected to refuse power for cars with different numbers of horsepower and introduce new coefficients for traffic violations. It is assumed that insurance companies will be able to independently choose the size of the applied coefficients for careful drivers and for those who often violate and receive fines.

Another significant point of innovation is the replacement of cash payments with repairs. The car owner is invited to choose any of the car services accredited by the insurer to carry out repair work. Such services will be subject to certain requirements, including location and proximity to the scene of the traffic accident or the residence of the car owner, the availability of modern equipment and tools, and the timing of the work.

New policy forms will have a new color scheme, additional security measures in the form of watermarks and special threads, which will contribute, on the one hand, to increasing the degree of protection, and on the other, to increasing prices. The estimated increase in the cost of re-issuing compulsory motor third party liability insurance policies is estimated within from 5 to 15% from the current cost of the forms.

Starting from October 1, insurance companies enter into insurance contracts in accordance with innovations and using new forms, and all costs associated with replacing policies are borne by insurers

Disadvantages of the new division for insurers

Most insurers on the Russian market agree that it is necessary to take into account the unpreparedness of market participants for such innovations, which could lead to the destruction of the unstable MTPL system. Management of leading insurance companies do not fully accept the future division of liability under various insurance limits.

A striking example is the situation when the owner of a prestigious and expensive car buys a premium OSAGO package with a limit of up to 2 million rubles In the event of an accident, if the culprit has an economy package with limited payments up to 400 thousand rubles, the insurance company will pay the injured party no more than this amount, even in the event of larger damage. For such a client, such a conclusion is absolutely unprofitable.

OSAGO is a type of insurance that has a social orientation, therefore, in today's economic situation, increasing the cost, even under the pretext of legislative increases in limits, will not lead to anything good. An increased limit will create an increased risk of fraud, and the calculated tariff will not take this aspect into account.

As a result of the innovation, only insurance fraudsters and so-called “automotive lawyers” will be able to benefit. An increase in tariffs will not be able to provide compensation for catastrophic payments for losses that will certainly arise for the packages of the “premium” and “standard” categories.

As for the insurance coefficients, the Ministry of Finance has proposed to completely abandon the power coefficient in the OSAGO policy, and instead introduce a new coefficient for traffic violations - driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs, the driver running a red traffic light, crossing a “double solid line”, speeding more than 40 km/h. In this case, the insurer has the right to apply coefficients for careful or aggressive driving at its discretion.

Insurers here also have disagreements with the new rules, since today they do not have access to the traffic police database. In addition, the current grid of these coefficients will not allow you to take full advantage of an individual approach to calculating tariffs for all car owners.

The general opinion is that the Ministry of Finance's proposal requires careful analysis and the definition of clearly regulated tariffs. Of course, the coordinated actions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance, as well as the competent implementation of all innovations will help reduce the overall unprofitability of compulsory motor liability insurance.

Every day the number of vehicles on the roads of our country is only increasing. This demonstrates the irreplaceability of cars, because they are the ones that help us travel long distances. Those who do not have their own car use public transport. But one way or another we all use machines. As cars increase, the number of accidents on the roads always increases. Therefore, in Russia there is compulsory car insurance.

Compulsory motor insurance

In Russia, compulsory motor third party liability insurance has been in force since 2003. Every year all road users are required to purchase an insurance policy. There are a large number of insurers in Russia who are ready to provide MTPL insurance, each of them has its own price. The insurance itself is just liability insurance. Many drivers do not approve of it, but consider it simply a money grab.

But that's not true. Those who have had to sue those responsible for accidents, restore the car at their own expense and wait until the insolvent citizen returns the money are on the side of the state. Compulsory motor liability insurance allows the victim to hope that he will still receive, although not more, compensation from the insurance company. In a word, compulsory car insurance is a correct and deliberate decision of our government.

Rating of insurance companies

There are dozens of large and small insurance companies operating on the Russian market. Almost all of them provide the MTPL service. Every year, companies lure customers by offering them various discounts and gifts. They all argue that compulsory car insurance is the best way to protect yourself and others. There are also various ratings of insurance companies in the Russian Federation; they are compiled annually and posted for general viewing. For example, according to Expert RA, in 2015 the best companies are:

  • "AlfaStrakhovanie";
  • "Alliance";
  • "VSK";
  • "VTB Insurance";
  • "Ingosstrakh";
  • "MAX";
  • "Renaissance Insurance";
  • "RESO-Garantiya";
  • "Rosgosstrakh";
  • "SOGAZ";
  • "Agreement";
  • "UralSib";
  • "Energogarant".

Here you need to choose on your own, because all these insurance companies have been working on the Russian market for many years and have many reviews, good and bad. We have had compulsory car insurance for a long time. Rosgosstrakh, for example, was the very first to appear on the market, but it has not been at the first level in the ratings for a long time.

History of OSAGO in the Russian Federation

We know from history that compulsory motor liability insurance appeared in the United States in the first half of the twentieth century. The government was pushed to this decision by the brilliant inventor of the assembly line, Henry Ford. He began mass production of inexpensive cars that quickly filled the streets of America. Already in the middle of the twentieth century, compulsory motor liability insurance reached European countries. The Soviet authorities considered this type of insurance unnecessary and, accordingly, did not introduce it in the country. And only in 2003 Russia adopted a law on compulsory motor liability insurance. Compulsory car insurance has become an integral part of the system and road traffic. A similar type of insurance exists in other countries of the former Soviet Union. For example, in Belarus there is also compulsory car insurance. "Belgosstrakh" is the leader in the market of such services in this country.

The difference between CASCO and OSAGO

As mentioned earlier, every year the number of vehicles on the roads only increases. In addition to compulsory motor liability insurance, in Russia there is another, voluntary type of car insurance - CASCO insurance. Few people use this service yet, but every year the number of insured cars is growing. When applying for a new car on credit, banks require clients to carry out compulsory CASCO insurance; otherwise, they cannot get a car on credit. A service of this kind is not cheap, but even if an insured event occurs, your interests will be protected. Documents for car insurance must be provided in the original (technical passport and personal passport); insurance agencies do not work with copies.

Rules of conduct in case of an accident

If you are involved in an accident, you need to follow the traffic rules.

  • First: turn on the hazard lights, if present and working.
  • Secondly: put up an emergency sign (in a populated area 15 m away, behind a populated area - 30 m away, if there is a turn, the sign must be installed in front of it).

The most important thing to do is to provide first aid to the victims (if any) and call an ambulance. Until the traffic police arrive, you need to stay where you are. Vehicles cannot be moved.

Registration of an insured event

Many people wonder whether car insurance is necessary. But if an accident happens to you, and you do not have a valid policy, the victim will have to pay for the damage from your own pocket. That's why OSAGO exists. If an insured event occurs, there are three options for how you can file the incident:

  1. Europrotocol. Used for minor accidents. In this case, there is no need to call the traffic police; those involved in the incident will file everything on their own. You can use the European protocol only if both car owners have valid insurance policies and no people were injured in the accident.
  2. Direct settlement (compensation for damages directly). It exists relatively recently, allowing the victim to apply for compensation directly to his insurer, rather than looking for the insurance company of the person at fault for the accident.
  3. Standard procedure. It is used in major accidents in which people or several car owners were injured.

The car insurance rule can help many victims recover and get their car repaired.

Amount and terms of payment under compulsory motor liability insurance

Today in Russia there are two more versions of the law on payment under compulsory motor liability insurance policies. The first - before 01.10.2014, the second - after 01.10.2014.

Revision before 01.10.2014:

  • If a person is injured or killed, the compensation will be 160 thousand rubles.
  • The property of one person was damaged - 120 thousand rubles.
  • The property of several people was damaged - 160 thousand rubles.

Revision after 01.10.2014:

  • A person suffered - 160 thousand rubles each.
  • Property was damaged - 400 thousand rubles each.

Both in the first and second editions, if the amount of compensation is insufficient, the injured party has the right to go to court and demand the rest of the money from the culprit of the accident.

In order for compensation to be paid quickly, it is necessary to collect all the necessary documents and contact the insurance company as soon as possible, where you will write a statement about the occurrence of an insured event. After this, the company is obliged to make payment no later than 20 calendar days. Next you just need to wait. The insurance company will either pay you the required amount or refuse to pay.

If there is no response after the twenty-day period, a fine of 1% will be imposed for each day of delay in payment. There are cases when the insurer pays a smaller amount to the victim, but do not be upset, you need to write a statement about the situation to the insurance company and wait for a response within 10 days. In extreme situations, you can sue.

Refusal of compensation

Since our country has a law on compulsory motor liability insurance, it specifies the reasons for the insurer’s refusal to pay under the policy. There are two reasons why you may not get your money back:

  1. Violation of procedure when the car owner independently destroyed traces of the accident.
  2. Not an insured event when the culprit could not be determined in the accident, the accident was done on purpose or both drivers were at fault, etc.

We can say with confidence that if the insurance company doubts that you are right, or you cannot provide the vehicle for inspection, then you will not see any payment.

Every day in Russia there are many accidents, some minor and some quite large. They cannot be avoided, but compulsory insurance allows you to at least reduce risks and guarantee payment of compensation to the victim.

Recently, many motorists have purchased a CASCO agreement for a vehicle. Since protection is not cheap, before purchasing you should carefully study the types of CASCO insurance and conditions. Information on each product can always be obtained remotely on the official website of the insurer.

Many car enthusiasts ask the question:? It is necessary to take into account that the famous abbreviation cannot be translated in any way.

As for the CASCO agreement, this is a voluntary type of insurance that helps protect the financial interests of each vehicle owner and compensate for all expenses in the event of an insured event.

It is this policy that can compensate for expenses that arise as a result of:

  • damage;
  • hijacking

Under the contract, not only the vehicle can be insured, but also:

  • optional equipment;
  • life and health of the driver and passengers.

Under a comprehensive insurance agreement the following can be insured:

  • a car;
  • freight car;
  • bus;
  • motorbike;
  • special equipment.

It is worth considering that each company sets its own CASCO tariffs. Therefore, experienced experts advise, before insuring insurance, to carefully study the offers of several companies at once and only then make a choice.

What affects the cost of the contract

In 2018, many car enthusiasts are interested in: what affects the cost of the policy? It is necessary to take into account that representatives of insurance companies take into account personal conditions during the calculation.

The cost of the product is affected by:

  • vehicle make and model;
  • year of issue;
  • car cost;
  • how many people will be allowed to manage;
  • age and experience of drivers;
  • presence of an anti-theft system;
  • insurance period;
  • where the car will be at night: in a paid parking lot, in a garage or without restrictions;
  • payment in one lump sum or in installments;
  • what is the franchise amount?
  • form of payment of insurance compensation: cash or repair at the station;
  • purchased a car on credit or in cash (find out).

Each listed condition has its own coefficient. All obtained coefficients are multiplied, resulting in a final tariff that is charged based on the cost of the vehicle.

Features of voluntary defense

Before filling out a voluntary protection form, experienced experts advise carefully studying all the features of this product.

Features of CASCO insurance:

PayAccording to the contract, compensation is paid, even if the incident occurred due to the driver’s fault.
Insurance risksThe client himself decides for what risks his vehicle will be insured. Insurance risks must be discussed before registration.
Installment planAll companies offer favorable installment plans under the contract. It should be taken into account that the cost of the product when paid in installments increases by 5-10%.
Payment of compensationInsurance companies offer several payment options:

Cash (as assessed by an independent expert);

Repair at an official dealer station;

Repair at a non-official dealer station;

Repair at the station at the choice of the policyholder.

It is necessary to select an option in advance, since if an insured event occurs, it will not be possible to change the payment option.

Payment restrictionsAll restrictions on payments are clearly stated in the rules, which must be carefully studied before signing the contract.

The insurer may refuse if:

The driver was not insured under the contract;

If the driver was under the influence of alcohol or drugs;

If the car is stolen with documents;

If the car is stolen and the driver has lost the car keys;

The car was used in competitions or as a taxi (such points are strictly specified);

The insured event occurred outside the Russian Federation.

AlterationDuring the year, the policyholder can make changes, either with an additional payment of the insurance premium or free of charge. It is worth considering that the contract, taking into account the changes, begins to be valid only the next day after payment.

According to experienced insurance experts, all the features are specified in the rules. Before registration, you must carefully study the document, which can be downloaded either on the official website of the insurer or received in person during a personal visit.

Types of CASCO

Despite the fact that voluntary protection is determined individually for each driver, it is nice to divide the product into:

  • full and partial CASCO;
  • with aggregate and non-aggregate sum.


This is the most complete protection, which is guaranteed to cover all expenses that arise as a result of an insured event. It is worth considering that this is the most expensive product.

The full agreement provides for payment:

  • in the event of an accident, even if the insured person is at fault;
  • in case of fire;
  • in case of illegal actions of third parties;
  • in case of explosion;
  • in case of a natural disaster;
  • when various objects fall on the car;
  • in case of theft or theft.

This is the most profitable agreement that includes all the necessary risks.


This is a program that is guaranteed to cover losses on a fixed risk. In this case, the policyholder himself decides which risks to include in the contract. This is a great way to not only insure your car, but also save money.

Basically, insurance companies offer programs in which protection is valid only for the following risks:

  • damage;
  • hijacking;
  • 1 road accident due to the fault of the insured.

In most cases, such programs are called “Economy”, “Nothing extra” or “Anti-crisis CASCO”.

Aggregate and non-aggregate amount for CASCO

Very often clients hear the question: what is the contract amount? It is necessary to take into account that insurers offer only two:

  • aggregate;
  • non-aggregate.

In simple words, the aggregate amount is an amount that will decrease during the year by the amount of payments under the contract. It should be borne in mind that as soon as the limit expires, the insurance will automatically cease to be valid.

For example, a car is insured for 400 thousand rubles. The size of the first loss was 150 thousand rubles, as a result of which the payment limit was 250 thousand rubles (400,000 - 150,000). After some time, the insured again received a payment, the amount of which amounted to 80 thousand rubles. After the second loss, the limit under the contract will be 180 thousand rubles. After some time, the car was stolen, and the company paid the client only the balance, namely 180 thousand rubles.

The non-aggregate amount is the most attractive for the client, since all payments will be made in full, since the amount does not decrease and is uniform throughout the entire period.

It turns out that the client is always guaranteed to receive money for repairs, regardless of how many payments have already been made and for what amount. As for theft or total loss, in this case the client will be able to receive the entire insurance value, even if there were payments for the risk of “damage”.

It must be taken into account that when choosing a non-aggregate amount under the contract, the client overpays 15-30% of the cost of the product. The aggregate amount is perfect for experienced drivers who have been driving a car for several years without accidents and feel confident behind the wheel of their “iron friend.”

Policy with franchise

In practice, drivers hear the terrible word - deductible, and immediately refuse this option, completely unaware of what it is.

It is worth considering that a franchise is an agreed amount of money, within which the client himself will compensate for losses. The franchise amount is always negotiated by agreement of the parties and can range from 1 to 10% of the cost of the vehicle.

In most cases, insurers offer purchase to drivers who do not want to contact the office for minor damage.

Types of comprehensive insurance franchise:

  1. Conditional, under which the insured will receive compensation in full if the amount of loss exceeds the deductible amount.
  2. Unconditional, when the insurance company always deducts the agreed limit from the amount of loss.

An agreement with an unconditional franchise will cost 5-10% less. It is worth noting that the franchise agreement is provided only for clients who purchased the car not on credit, but at their own expense.

CASCO in installments

Since the cost of the contract can reach not only several tens of thousands, but also hundreds, insurance companies offer to pay in installments. This service is in most cases relevant for owners who bought a car for cash. However, some banks are ready to accommodate their clients and give written consent to the installment plan.

Insurers offer installment plans for:

  • 2 installments: the first upon registration, the second after 3 or 6 months;
  • 3 installments: payment quarterly;
  • 4 installments: payment quarterly or every second month.

When choosing CASCO insurance in installments, you must understand that if an insured event occurs, the client will need to pay in full and only after that write an application for compensation payment.

Some companies are ready to work on a mutual basis. In this case, the client receives cash in hand, minus the unpaid part of the insurance premium. Since most companies only offer on-site repairs, this compensation method is not used.

What is telematics under CASCO

To receive an additional discount under a CASCO agreement, insurers offer to install telematics. Not everyone knows what this mysterious word means, since this product appeared on the financial services market relatively recently.

Telematics is a device that is installed in a vehicle to record mileage, speed, maneuvers performed and driving quality. All data from the device will automatically be sent to the insurer.

It should be borne in mind that the driver who decides to sign a contract with telematics must:

  1. A few months before purchasing the contract, contact the insurer's office.
  2. Provide a vehicle for installation of the device.
  3. Travel for several months.
  4. Contact your insurer and find out what discount you can expect.
  5. Sign the contract and continue driving with the device during the insurance year, so that an authorized employee can always monitor the quality of driving.

A contract with telematics is perfect for adult and experienced drivers who rarely use a vehicle and feel confident behind the wheel.

Popular insurance programs

Before visiting the office of the insurance company and filling out a voluntary protection form, you must carefully study all the programs.

Types of CASCO car insurance:

AUTOCASCOThis is complete protection, thanks to which all costs associated with repair work are guaranteed to be covered.
Accident protectionA wonderful product that will allow you to receive compensation if the person at fault for the accident does not have a valid MTPL agreement. The cost of the contract in practice does not exceed 10 thousand rubles.
CASCO 50/50An excellent program for experienced drivers, thanks to which you can get CASCO for half the price.
TransitionAs part of this program, a car owner can receive a 35% discount on the “Damage” risk if he was previously insured with another company. However, the discount is provided only to accident-free drivers. To receive a discount, you must provide a certificate of accident-free driving.
Confident driverInsurance that is guaranteed to cover losses in only one insured event. If you wish to receive compensation for one more case, the client will need to pay 25% of the paid insurance premium.
Nothing extraProtection that will cover the costs of the risk “Damage” and “Theft”. At the same time, the limit on payment for the “damage” risk is strictly limited and in most cases does not exceed 150,000 rubles per year.
Naked CASCOThis is actually a familiar CASCO agreement, according to which any insured event will have to be confirmed by a document from the competent authorities.
Anti-crisis insuranceA product that covers only the risk of theft. The company is also ready to compensate for the loss and pay a one-time payment of no more than 50,000 rubles as a result of the damage.

As can be seen from the table, insurance companies offer several attractive voluntary insurance programs. Thanks to this variety, every car enthusiast will be able to choose the option that best suits him in terms of the package of risks and cost.

Advantages and disadvantages of CASCO

Before signing a voluntary agreement, all car enthusiasts study the advantages and disadvantages. As for the disadvantage, there is only one - the high cost of the contract. Unfortunately, this is why many drivers cannot afford a profitable service to protect their car.

There are many advantages and among them it is worth noting:

  • variety of programs;
  • the possibility of receiving an additional discount for accident-free driving;
  • attractive installment plan for several installments;
  • repairs at the station, so the client does not worry whether there is enough money for repairs or not;
  • personal manager;
  • qualified customer support service;
  • the client is financially protected.

Reading time: 5 minutes

The Federal Law “On Compulsory Civil Liability Insurance of Vehicle Owners” has been applied throughout the Russian Federation since 2003. It would seem that during such an impressive period of validity, car owners should understand the intricacies of the compulsory car insurance system, but practice shows that questions still arise. To understand the most common of them, let's look at the different types of compulsory motor liability insurance.

Basic information about the policy

The main purpose of the OSAGO system is to legally regulate relations between car owners involved in an accident. OSAGO, as the name of the contract implies, does not insure the car itself, but your liability to those who are victims of an accident. All insurance companies today offer compulsory motor liability insurance services. Procedural issues of concluding an MTPL agreement are clearly regulated by law.

External view of the MTPL policy

For a long time, old-style forms were used to conclude MTPL contracts; many car owners remember these documents on green paper with serial numbers and watermarks. However, due to the length of use and insufficient degree of protection, such policies are often counterfeited. Therefore, in July 2016, new forms were introduced for compulsory motor insurance.

This is what the MTPL policy looks like today:

  • the color has changed: a color stretch has been applied to the form - from a yellow tint in the central part to pink and lilac along the edges;
  • the color field is non-uniform, diamond-shaped patterns appear on it;
  • lines for filling in data are highlighted;
  • the form has new watermarks in the form of a car and with the RSA logo along the edges of the page;
  • For the first time, a special metallized thread was used in the design of the policy: with its help, the inscriptions “Policy” and “OSAGO” are written on the left side of the form, the words alternate in a checkerboard pattern. The developers assume that this innovation will protect new policies from counterfeiting;
  • in the upper right corner there is a QR code that contains information about the insurer and the car;
  • the new form has a larger font;
  • the series of policies remained the same: EEE.

From 1.02.20 it is planned to introduce a new policy form with a unique number without a series.

Types of contracts

Insurers offer car owners various types of contracts. Everyone chooses the appropriate type of MTPL insurance depending on factors such as the number of persons potentially entitled to drive a vehicle, the form of the contract, the territory of the policy, the seasonality of use (several days, 3 or 6 months, a year). Let's take a closer look at the main types of compulsory motor liability insurance. Let's start with the contracts that raise the most questions.

Limited and unlimited insurance

Extended DSAGO insurance

OSAGO is not the only insurance contract that protects the rights of the car owner in the event of an accident. One of the weaknesses of the compulsory motor liability insurance system, according to many experts, is the relatively small compensation limits. If an accident occurs causing serious injuries to the victims or involving expensive brands of cars, payments under compulsory motor liability insurance will not cover the amount of damage. This gap is eliminated by a voluntary car owner liability insurance agreement - DSAGO. It increases the limit of compensation for damage in an accident.

More information about the conditions of this type of insurance, the registration procedure, the amount of payments and other important issues can be found in the publication “”.

Payout limit

The purpose of the compulsory motor liability insurance system is to resolve issues of compensation for harm that may arise due to an accident. At the same time, monetary compensation should cover not only property damage, for example, expenses for vehicle repairs, but also harm caused to the life and health of citizens if they were injured in an accident. At the same time, the legislator strictly limits the maximum amount of compensation. From January 1, 2020, the maximum amount of compensation under compulsory motor liability insurance for damage to the health of victims of road accidents has been increased to 2 million rubles.

Car enthusiasts forums often discuss what insurance risks are covered by the MTPL policy. They also consider situations that are controversial at first glance. For example, an accident with a stolen vehicle. Many owners are convinced that if a car gets into an accident under the control of a car thief, the damage caused to the injured party can be compensated through insurance compensation. However, the opinion that when a car is stolen, compulsory motor liability insurance is paid is erroneous. The insurance company will refuse compensation, and it will be right.

After all, according to the law, the object of car insurance is property interests associated with the risk of liability of the car owner. The owner is not only the owner, but also any person at whose disposal and use the car is legally located: by agreement, power of attorney, by virtue of official duties. It is obvious that the thief is acting illegally, therefore neither the owner nor the victim in an accident is entitled to compensation under compulsory motor liability insurance for theft of a car.

But it is still possible to protect yourself from material expenses associated with theft. For this purpose, a special version of CASCO insurance was developed.

Read more about the terms of registration and use.

For legal entities

The owner of a car can be not only an individual, but also an organization. The obligation to insure liability under MTPL must be fulfilled regardless of who owns the car. However, when issuing a policy for a legal entity, there are features that determine its cost, validity period, compensation limits, and a package of documents for conclusion.

You can read detailed material on this topic in the article “”.

Mandatory Auto Insurance. Nuances. Automobile citizen. OSAGO: Video