Compulsory medical insurance for unemployed citizens. Replacing a policy for the unemployed. What documents are needed?


Russian citizens the state provides free guarantees to protect their health. It is for this purpose that insurance under the compulsory medical insurance program was invented. All citizens have the same opportunities to receive help from health workers.

Payments are made from funds collected from insurers under the compulsory medical insurance system. The main provisions of compulsory health insurance are set out in Article 16 of the Federal Law No. 326.

What does the compulsory medical insurance policy provide?

The compulsory medical insurance policy gives the right to free medical care in state-owned medical institutions. Insurance implements the constitutional right of any citizen of the country to receive it upon basic program Compulsory medical insurance provided by medical institutions operating in this system and located in all regions of Russia. This basic program is specially designed for all citizens in need of medical care, regardless of region, and consists of mandatory types medical services, the scope of which is established by the regulations in force in the country.

Medical services are provided to citizens by special institutions located at the permanent place of residence of citizens:

  • clinics general purpose(district, city) and dental;
  • inpatient hospitals;
  • trauma centers;
  • oncological treatment institutions;
  • skin and venereal disease clinics;
  • diagnostic centers.

When citizens contact health workers with a request to provide medical services, they must present their insurance policy and passport. The policy period ends upon termination of the contract and upon expiration of its validity period. If the policy is lost, then upon the corresponding application of the insured person, a duplicate is issued.

Upon dismissal from work, the medical policy is handed over to the HR department of the enterprise for return to the insurer.

When changing permanent place of residence, the policy is handed over to the fund of the previous place of residence, and at the new address the insured citizen receives a new policy.

A medical policy makes it possible to receive such types of services as:

  • emergency care;
  • pre-medical, primary medical and specialized care;
  • outpatient care: diagnostic examinations, procedures involving the treatment of diseases in a clinic, hospital or day hospital;
  • providing care in a hospital, which is performed using intensive care with minute-to-minute supervision by medical staff.

The compulsory medical insurance policy serves as the basis for treatment:

  • acute diseases;
  • poisoning of the body with intoxication;
  • bodily injuries;
  • chronic diseases;
  • patients infected with epidemiological infections requiring isolation;
  • pathologies of intrauterine gestation;
  • childbirth;
  • complications due to abortion;
  • patients after operations.

Territorial programs operating in individual regions are established by the government. They may include a more expanded list, but should not exceed the number of basic federal programs.

Where can an unemployed person get compulsory medical insurance?

A compulsory health insurance policy can be purchased from the insurance company at your place of residence absolutely free of charge.

Note! The insurance organization must be officially listed in the register of the insurance system and have the appropriate license. If this is not available, the unemployed person needs to contact the territorial compulsory medical insurance fund.

Foreign citizens living in Russia can take out compulsory medical insurance and receive free medical care if necessary. To do this, they should contact the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund and provide employees with a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation, registration at their actual place of residence, or a passport with a residence permit.

To obtain compulsory medical insurance for a person without Russian citizenship, you must present an identity card with a mark on temporary residence in the Russian Federation and a mark on registration at this address of residence.

Unemployed citizens (including children and pensioners) have the right to insure themselves by concluding an agreement at the office of the insurance company, which serves the area in which they permanently reside. An unemployed citizen needs to contact the local compulsory medical insurance fund and fill out an application form for a free policy. Initially, the citizen is issued a temporary certificate confirming the fact that the policy has been issued, which for a month has the same force as the policy itself.

Temporary certificate compulsory medical insurance policy issued for 1 month, during which the application is considered, the documents provided by the applicant are examined, and a policy is issued. Fund employees, as a rule, notify that the policy is ready and set a date when it can be collected. However, only citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to insure themselves in this way.

In this article we will discuss obtaining a compulsory health insurance policy for a person who either does not work at all or works informally. In addition, we will consider how realistic it is to introduce a bill that will deprive the unemployed of the compulsory medical insurance policy. But first we will explain what the compulsory medical insurance policy is.

A compulsory medical insurance policy is a kind of paper, a certificate that guarantees you the receipt of absolutely free medical services in organizations that are accredited by the Russian Federation. In general, every citizen of the Russian Federation must have a compulsory health insurance policy. As a rule, this document is issued through the company in which this citizen works. University students, pensioners and those who are not officially employed receive a compulsory medical insurance policy themselves. Let's now look at the algorithm of actions that will allow an unemployed person to receive a compulsory medical insurance policy.

How to get a compulsory medical insurance policy for an unemployed person?

In order to receive a compulsory medical insurance policy for an unemployed person, you need to take a passport, SPS (insurance pension certificate) and birth certificate. As you know, the legislation of the Russian Federation allows you to independently choose the insurance organization that best suits you. Don’t be lazy, read the information on the Internet and study the compulsory health insurance market. This will help you choose the right insurance provider. This is easy to do: you go to the official website of the compulsory health insurance fund, go to the “Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Funds” menu and click on the outline of the Russian Federation. Then you find your area on the map and click on it. If you did everything correctly, then your screen should display all the addresses and telephone numbers of organizations necessary to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy. We dial the specified telephone number of the insurance company and find out from the operator when we can come to issue a compulsory medical insurance policy. Come at the appointed time, taking with you your identification document and SPS. If you are taking out a policy for a child who has not yet turned fourteen years old, then also bring a birth certificate. You fill out an official form that is provided to you by an employee of the insurance company. After you fill out required document, an employee of the organization must issue you a so-called temporary certificate of compulsory health insurance. This certificate will be valid until you are issued a compulsory medical insurance policy. That is, with this certificate you will be able to receive qualified medical care, if necessary. By the way, you have a choice of two versions of the compulsory medical insurance policy - classic paper or plastic. The carrier depends on your desire. In about three or four weeks, you can call the insurance company - your policy will most likely have already been issued. In theory, the insurance company should notify you that you need to pick up the policy by e-mail or by telephone, but this does not always happen. Here, in fact, is the algorithm of actions for those who are unemployed and want to receive a compulsory medical insurance policy.

Will the unemployed be deprived of compulsory medical insurance policies?

Now let's move from the present to the future and try to answer the question: will the unemployed be deprived of compulsory health insurance policies? Indeed, State Duma deputies have been proposing such a bill for several years now that would take away the opportunity for free healthcare from those who do not work or work, but not officially. This innovation is proposed by the United Russia party, namely by Ildara Gilmutdinov, who brought these changes to the compulsory health insurance for general discussion. But in the Ministry of Health Russian Federation They responded that if such a bill were adopted, it would strictly contradict Constitutional Article number 41, which states that every citizen of the Russian Federation can count on free medical care from the state. Yes, almost every citizen of the Russian Federation now has a compulsory medical insurance policy, but not many can clearly answer for what purpose the insurance companies that issue these policies to the population work. And we will answer that insurance organizations, which have the right to issue compulsory medical insurance policies, also have an option that implies protecting the rights of clients, as well as assistance in choosing the necessary medical organization and specialists. If you read the laws on compulsory health insurance, you will find that the sphere of influence of insurance organizations is quite large. This includes transferring a client from one medical organization to another, defending the interests of the patient when his rights are violated by medical institutions, supporting medical consultations, and much more. All these functions are undoubtedly important for those who have a compulsory medical insurance policy. But not everyone will be able to give their hard-earned money for these seemingly mandatory options.

How to classify an unemployed person?

But you must admit, in order to deprive the unemployed of the right to free healthcare, you must first determine who exactly fits this definition. After all, students and pensioners are also unemployed, but to confiscate their compulsory medical insurance policies would, to put it mildly, be wrong. Supporters of the above-mentioned innovation want to remove from the Federal Law “on compulsory health insurance” the clause that states that the insured person may be officially unemployed. The exception is employees of the Russian army. Now we will look at who, according to deputies, should remain insured unemployed.

What documents does an unemployed person need to obtain a policy? Contacting insurance company or Foundation Compulsory medical insurance unemployed must bring with you the following documents:

  1. Identification.
  2. SNILS (pension insurance).
  3. Statement.

Previously, proof of residence in a particular city or region was required. At the moment, all these restrictions have been canceled, since the compulsory medical insurance policy extends its effect throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation. How long does it take to get a policy? Since it takes some time to issue a policy, immediately at the time of application, the unemployed person is issued a temporary certificate, which is a replacement for the policy for the entire period while it is being issued. Such a certificate contains information about who it belongs to and the date when it loses its validity.

How to get a compulsory medical insurance policy for an unemployed person

However, although the policy entitles you to free treatment, there are a number of items that it does not cover and for which the client will have to pay out of pocket, for example, for outpatient medications. Full list such items are quite extensive.

  • Consultations with specialists, medical examinations and other inquiries carried out not out of medical necessity or in accordance with legal requirements, but on the private initiative of citizens.
  • Medical services for private events.
  • Treatment, preventive and diagnostic measures carried out anonymously, with the exception of AIDS testing.
  • all diagnostic tests and procedures, as well as manipulations, consultations and other examinations performed at home.

Obtaining a medical insurance policy for the unemployed

In addition, if you were illegally forced to pay for services (let’s say, there was no time to argue because of a crisis situation), you have the opportunity to appeal this decision and get your money back, although only if you kept the receipt or payment receipt. When do you need to change your compulsory medical insurance policy and how to do it? The compulsory medical insurance policy does not need to be changed if you temporarily leave for another city or even a long business trip, however, if you change your permanent place of residence or want to switch to another insurance company, you will need to get a new policy.

To do this, simply contact the desired insurance company, having with you an identification document and the SSOPS, if you have one. Please note that changing insurance companies is only allowed once per calendar year and occurs on the first of November, so your application must be submitted before that date.

Replacing a health insurance policy

For a person who does not have citizenship, in order to be insured under the compulsory medical insurance program, it is enough to present an identity card with a mark on temporary residence in the country and registration at the place of temporary residence. If there is a need to obtain a policy for health insurance for a minor child, you need to provide the specified fund with his birth certificate, the passport of one of the parents or guardian, which proves their identity.

How to get a compulsory medical insurance policy for a non-working person Non-working citizens can insure themselves, including children and pensioners, by concluding an agreement at the office of a medical insurance organization that serves their area of ​​permanent residence.

Can I use the compulsory medical insurance policy if I don’t work at all?

According to paragraph 5 of Article 10 of the law on compulsory medical insurance, the following categories of unemployed citizens are included in the insured persons: - children under 18 years of age; — pensioners, regardless of the basis for assigning a pension; — full-time university and college students; - officially unemployed, registered with the employment service; - a parent or guardian caring for a child under three years of age; — able-bodied citizens caring for disabled children, group I disabled people, and elderly people over 80 years of age; - other citizens who do not work employment contract, with the exception of military personnel and persons equivalent to them. Deputies propose to delete the last line from this list.

The unemployed will be deprived of their compulsory medical insurance policy


Important In general, every citizen of the Russian Federation must have a compulsory health insurance policy. How to get a policy compulsory medical insurance for unemployed The choice of an insurance company falls on the shoulders of the citizen himself and the choice of a particular company is not the responsibility of the insured person.

It is necessary to remember that the policy received before 2011 is valid and can be used until the change of this document. Attention: In order to make a replacement or obtain a medical policy, you must visit the desired insurance company.

The employees who issue the policies will offer the citizen to fill out a standard application or will fill it out themselves using the documents provided. The application will indicate the client’s desire to receive the service in this fund insurance.

How to get a health insurance policy for an unemployed person without registration

Where can I get a compulsory medical insurance policy? It is purchased free of charge from the medical insurance organization at your place of residence. The only condition is that the organization must be listed in the system register and have a license.

If it is not available in the area where the applicant lives, he needs to contact the territorial compulsory medical insurance fund. Citizens of foreign countries residing in the country are allowed to register health insurance and receive free medical care.
To take advantage of the granted right, they need to contact the compulsory medical insurance fund, but they have mandatory must have permission to reside in the country temporarily for some time, registration at actual residence or a passport with a residence permit.
The policy period ends at the point in time that occurs when the contract is terminated or the duration of its validity ends. If the policy is lost, a duplicate is issued, for which the insured person must submit an application to the appropriate authority.


It indicates the circumstances under which the policy was lost. When leaving a job, the medical insurance policy must be submitted to the company's human resources department so that it can be returned to the insurer.

When changing permanent residence, the policy is handed over to the fund of the previous place of residence, and the insured person receives a new policy at the new address.
Compulsory medical insurance policy for a child Compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn Compulsory medical insurance policy for workers Compulsory medical insurance policy for the unemployed Compulsory medical insurance policy without registration Compulsory medical insurance policy for a foreigner Compulsory medical insurance policy for a foreigner Compulsory medical insurance policy by proxy Compulsory medical insurance policy as part of the UEK Replacing a compulsory medical insurance policy when changing your last name Changes to a compulsory medical insurance policy when changing your address Obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy when you lose it Replacing a compulsory medical insurance policy when changing your passport Where to get a compulsory medical insurance policy Compulsory medical insurance policy new sample Why do you need a compulsory medical insurance policy? How to use a compulsory medical insurance policy? Where to apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy? How to choose another clinic? How to choose another doctor? What services are included in the compulsory medical insurance policy? WHERE TO APPLY WITH THE POLICY? RATING OF INSURANCE COMPANIES Unemployed adult citizens independently or through a proxy choose an insurance company medical organization and issue a compulsory medical insurance policy.
Both sides of the card are copied. - Certificate issued by the employment center at your place of permanent residence. Please note that this certificate is only valid for ten days from the date of issue.- In case of absence work book You must provide permission from the district administration at your place of permanent residence to issue a health insurance policy.

Attach copies of documents to your application. An unemployed person can receive a medical insurance policy on the day of application within thirty minutes. Video on the topic Please note When changing your place of residence, the policy must be replaced.

From May 1, 2011, new policies will be put into circulation. They should be obtained by citizens whose policies have become unusable and require replacement.

And also for citizens who, for various reasons, did not previously have a policy. From 2014, the policy will be included in a single universal electronic card.
Also, the policy needs to be changed if you change your name or surname, and for this you will need to contact the insurance company in person, again taking with you your passport, a document confirming your unemployed status and SSOPS. Replacement of a compulsory health insurance policy according to the legislation of the Russian Federation should be free of charge.

Would you like to learn more about the validity period of your compulsory medical insurance policy? Or read THIS article about design VHI policy for a newborn. What is a new type of policy? The phrase “new-style policy” became synonymous with enormous government confusion when it was introduced in 2011 new form filling out compulsory medical insurance policies, and in 2014 – electronic policies.

Both are called new-style policies, but paper policies were valid until 2014 and in this moment are no longer valid.
How to get a health insurance policy for an unemployed person? Our clients ask us about this every day. The legislation of the Russian Federation establishes a list of persons entitled to receive free medical care from the state as part of compulsory insurance.

Unemployed citizens, as well as those who work under an employment contract, are included in this list. Where can you get a policy without a job? Insurance premiums companies are paid by the employer or local government, depending on whether the person is employed or not.

If you work, then your employer will be the insurer, and he will also make contributions to the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund. For the unemployed, these deductions are made from the local budget.

For Russian citizens, insurance under the compulsory health insurance program provides protection in the event of insured events. All citizens have the same chances of receiving help from medical professionals.

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Moreover, protection is provided regardless of gender, reaching a certain age, permanent place of residence, or actual social legal status.

Payments are made from financial resources, which are collected under the compulsory medical insurance system from the insurer. It is regulated by the law “On Compulsory Health Insurance”, namely.

What does the policy provide?

The compulsory health insurance policy gives the right to medical care without payment in medical institutions owned by the state.

It implements the constitutional right of a citizen of the country to receive it under the ongoing basic compulsory medical insurance program, which is provided by medical institutions operating in the system and located throughout Russia.

The basic compulsory medical insurance program is specially designed for citizens in need of medical support, regardless of region.

It consists of mandatory types of medical services, the scope of which is established by the norms of the legislative acts in force in the country.

Medical services are provided by the permanent residence of citizens:

  • city ​​and district general-purpose clinics, including dental ones;
  • inpatient departments of district and city hospitals;
  • trauma centers;
  • oncology, skin and venereal disease clinics;
  • diagnostic and treatment centers.

When citizens ask for help, medical workers they must present the policy together with identification documents.

The policy period ends at the point in time that occurs when the contract is terminated or the duration of its validity ends.

If the policy is lost, a duplicate is issued, for which the insured person must submit an application to the appropriate authority. It indicates the circumstances under which the policy was lost.

When leaving a job, the medical insurance policy must be submitted to the company's human resources department so that it can be returned to the insurer.

When changing permanent residence, the policy is handed over to the fund of the previous place of residence, and the insured person receives a new policy at the new address.

A medical insurance policy allows you to receive the following types of services:

  • emergency medical assistance;
  • pre-medical, primary medical, primary specialized care;
  • outpatient care, consisting of a diagnostic examination, the appointment of procedures that facilitate the treatment of diseases directly in the clinic, in a hospital on a day hospital basis;
  • inpatient care, which is carried out using intensive care with round-the-clock medical supervision. It is necessary for the treatment of acute types of diseases, poisoning of the body with severe intoxication, bodily injuries, in the event of an exacerbation of chronic diseases, when it is necessary to isolate a patient infected with epidemiological diseases;
  • cure the pathology of intrauterine gestation, resolution of pregnancy, complications due to abortion;
  • carrying out hospitalization of patients registered according to the plan of polyclinics in order to carry out regular treatment, rehabilitation in inpatient departments of hospitals, in a day hospital.

The territorial programs operating in individual regions are also determined by the government. There may be a little more, but they should not exceed the number of basic federal programs.

Where can I get it?

The compulsory medical insurance policy is purchased free of charge from the medical insurance organization at your place of residence. The only condition is that the organization must be listed in the system register and have a license.

If it is not available in the area where the applicant lives, he needs to contact the territorial compulsory medical insurance fund.

Citizens of foreign countries living in the country are allowed to take out health insurance and receive free medical care.

To take advantage of the granted right, they need to apply to the compulsory medical insurance fund, but they must have permission to reside in the country temporarily for some time, registration at their actual place of residence, or a passport with a residence permit.

For a person who does not have citizenship, in order to be insured under the compulsory medical insurance program, it is enough to present an identity card with a mark on temporary residence in the country and registration at the place of temporary residence.

If there is a need to obtain a health insurance policy for a minor child, then you need to provide the specified fund with his birth certificate, the passport of one of the parents or guardian, which proves their identity.

How to get a compulsory medical insurance policy for an unemployed person

Unemployed citizens can insure themselves, including children and pensioners, by concluding an agreement at the office of a medical insurance organization that serves their area of ​​​​residence.

To get a policy for a non-working citizen, he needs to contact the territorial compulsory medical insurance fund, where he needs to fill out an application form unified form to obtain a medical insurance policy.

For the first time, the citizen is issued a temporary certificate, which confirms the fact that the policy has been issued. It provides the owner with all free medical services provided for by the compulsory health insurance program.

Photo. Temporary certificate of compulsory medical insurance policy.

It is issued for a whole month during which the application is reviewed and the documents provided to obtain insurance are examined. medical policy, a policy is being prepared.

Typically, fund employees notify you that the policy is ready and tell you at what time you can pick it up. However, only citizens of the Federation have the right to insure themselves in this way.

A medical policy under the compulsory medical insurance program is issued upon presentation of a passport or temporary ID confirming the identity of the applicant. Pensioners must provide a pension certificate.

What documents are needed?

To obtain or reissue a compulsory medical insurance policy, you must first select a medical insurance organization suitable for the applicant, to which he must submit the necessary documents.

The order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation established the documents required for registration depending on the age of the citizen.

These include:

  • an application for a compulsory medical insurance policy, drawn up on a form with a unified form;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, identifying the applicant;
  • , designated SNILS.

To obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy, citizens who have not reached the age of majority and whose age is 14-18 years old must add the passport of one of the parents or a guardian if he is an orphan to the above documents.

If it becomes necessary to obtain a birth certificate for a minor child who is under 14 years of age, in addition to the passport of the parent or guardian. Foreign citizens provide a passport and residence permit.