Replacing the compulsory medical insurance policy with a new one after changing your last name. How to change the compulsory medical insurance policy when changing your last name and where is the best place to do it Replacing compulsory medical insurance in connection with a change of last name


Throughout Russia there is a system of insurance for citizens, which includes certain medical institutions, the financing of which comes from the federal or regional budget. Hospitals, clinics, hospitals included in this system provide services to citizens living in the territory under their jurisdiction, upon presentation of a compulsory health insurance policy. Registration, receipt, as well as replacement when changing the surname of this document is carried out in accordance with the norms adopted by regulatory legal acts.

What is a compulsory medical insurance policy?

If he is denied this type of service, he must contact the compulsory health insurance fund with a corresponding application.

After receiving a permanent policy, the temporary certificate is transferred to the insurance company and is subject to destruction.

Temporary certificate when applying for a compulsory medical insurance policy

Document replacement period

The issuance of a compulsory health insurance policy has its own specific time frame established by regulations, and should not exceed thirty calendar days from the moment the citizen applied to the office of the insurance company with an application for a replacement or receipt of a document.
However, quite often most companies issue policies for longer periods, exceeding a month. Why is this possible? The fact is that each insurance company has its own range of services, prices for them, and also independently sets deadlines for performing certain procedures.

Current compulsory medical insurance documents

If the policy is replaced due to the fact that the document is lost or has lost its original appearance, for example, worn out due to a long period of use, torn, etc., a duplicate insurance policy is issued. That is, the identification number cannot be changed and remains the same.

Video: how to replace a medical policy - where to do it and how much it costs

The video explains how to replace the policy with the one you need with a new last name, where to do it, how long to wait, what documents are needed.

Both when changing a compulsory health insurance policy, and when initially receiving it, it is necessary to carefully study all the information about it in order to avoid possible fraud, which is currently quite widespread.

You should not delay the procedure for replacing the policy, since the document in which the old name is indicated is not valid. Accordingly, if there is a need to go to a medical institution, certain difficulties may arise.

A change of place of residence, even if the registration remains the same, marriage, a change of name and many other factors can cause a forced replacement of the compulsory insurance policy.

1. If you need to replace your policy, you must contact the insurance company representative within a month. If there is no office of your insurance company nearby or if you want to replace the insurer, you must choose another company within the same period and visit its office.

2. When applying, a standard set of documents is required, including:
passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or other official document confirming identity;
insurance number of an individual personal account;
previous compulsory medical insurance policy.

In case of replacement due to a change of surname, documents confirming the reason for the change must be presented.

3. If the insured person has an old-style or plastic document in his hands, then registration may take from 1.5 weeks to a month. During this time, the person will receive a temporary certificate, which will then need to be submitted.

4. Citizens who have a uniform paper policy in their hands will not have to submit this document. The Investigative Committee employee simply enters the required information into the register and then puts a mark on the back of the form.

All old insurance documents are considered valid until new ones are received. At the same time, only a representative of the insurance company can say for sure whether the compulsory medical insurance policy number changes when it is replaced. But according to the law, the policy numbers of a single sample must remain relevant during the exchange.

Replacement procedure
Insurance policies are considered documents issued for permanent use and therefore do not have an expiration date.
1. When contacting the Investigative Committee for a replacement, you will need to fill out a standard application form, indicating old and new data, as well as the reason for reissuing the certificate and contact information. Originals and copies of official documents will be required with your application.

The compulsory health insurance policy number, if it was a new one, remains the same after the replacement.

2. If it is necessary to simultaneously change not only confidential information in the policy, but also replace the insurance system, then the procedure occurs in the same manner as when the document was initially received.

3. When receiving a policy, a person has the right to choose in what form the document will be issued. The paper form is less durable, but you can enter new data into it.

A plastic card with a chip gives the owner more opportunities, for example, it can be used to make an appointment with a doctor via the Internet. However, when replacing, it will not be possible to enter new information on it and you will have to perform a replacement.

It is worth remembering that the law strictly regulates the time frame for exchange. Replacement due to data changes must be made within 30 calendar days.

If we are talking about re-issuing a document due to a change of insurance company, then this must be done before November 1 of the current year.

The compulsory health insurance policy is a document that acts as a guarantee for receiving medical care throughout the country. It is issued free of charge and indefinitely for Russian citizens, foreigners and stateless persons who permanently reside in the Federation. For refugees and persons temporarily staying in the country, the validity period is limited.

The main regulatory act that regulates the procedure and conditions for concluding a compulsory health insurance policy is Federal Law No. 326 of November 29, 2010.

Rules have been developed for its implementation. They were approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development on February 28, 2011. No. 158n.

Every citizen has the right to independently choose a medical institution where he can receive the necessary help. For this purpose, the government has approved a program of state guarantees for the provision of free medical services.

Each region, in turn, takes similar measures, taking into account territorial characteristics. A list of hospitals that provide medical care is also approved. Any interested person can obtain all the necessary information on the Rosgosstrakh website.

The insured person has the opportunity:

  • determine your attending physician;
  • choose a clinic where you will receive medical care;
  • stay free of charge as an inpatient in a medical institution;
  • receive a certain list of medications for which you do not have to pay;
  • obtain legal protection in case of unqualified medical care;
  • compensation for damage caused to health by improper treatment;
  • choose your own insurer.

Health insurance is possible through contributions made by the employer at his own expense. An employed person is not required to make any payments. You should choose an insurance company personally, regardless of the recommendations of others. If the list of services provided does not satisfy the insured person, then once a year, until November 1, you can change the company.

Military personnel do not use the compulsory medical insurance policy, since a special program applies to this category of citizens of the Russian Federation. Funds are allocated from the country's state budget.

Replacing a medical policy when changing your last name

Since the compulsory medical insurance policy is provided by its holder when seeking medical help, if the surname in it and in the passport are different, it will not be possible to receive the service.

Replacing a medical policy when changing your last name after marriage forces you to submit an application to the insurer, indicating:

  • old and new personal data;
  • the reason for re-issuing the document;
  • when the wedding took place, the registry office certificate data;
  • Contact details.

Initially, a temporary certificate is issued, since the law allows 30 days for issuing a permanent one. In any case, the official paper number remains old, that is, the same as it was indicated in the primary document.

Taking into account technical capabilities, the compulsory medical insurance policy can be issued in the form of a plastic card with an electronic chip, which contains:

  • all information about the owner;
  • information about the clinic to which he is attached;
  • insurance information.

The medical policy can also be executed on paper in A5 format, with all of the above information entered. Since most clinics do not have a special reader, a document of this type is more preferable.

One of the reasons for changing the compulsory medical insurance policy is marriage, as a result of which the woman had to change her last name. Changing the child’s full name also forces the parent or his guardian to take care of obtaining a new compulsory medical insurance certificate.

Citizens of the country should know that regardless of whether a person has an insurance policy, if emergency care is needed or the person is subject to emergency hospitalization, medical services are provided free of charge.

Where to contact

Replacing a medical policy when changing your last name after marriage is possible in several ways.

The choice is up to the owner of the document:

The law does not provide for how long a citizen who has changed his last name or other personal data must change his insurance.

However, as practice shows, there is no point in delaying this issue.

When applying for medical help with documents that indicate different surnames of its owner, a refusal to provide a free service may follow.

Required documents

The list of documents according to which it is possible to replace the policy when changing the surname after marriage depends on the status of the individual.

So, for those who are over 14 years old, the following package of documents is required:

  1. Passport for a citizen of the Russian Federation or other identity document for a foreigner or stateless person.
  2. An individual number assigned to each person by the compulsory pension insurance system.
  3. Certificate of divorce.
  4. Power of attorney for a representative if the insured person is not acting himself. You will also need identification documents.

For foreigners and stateless persons, you must submit:

  • identification;
  • certificate of status of a person issued by the migration service;
  • SNILS card.

In each specific case, such an insured person should clarify what else will need to be submitted to receive a new compulsory medical insurance policy when changing their last name. The main factor will be the status of the person determined by the relevant legislative act.

According to Federal Law No. 326 of November 29, 2010, which regulates the issue of compulsory health insurance, replacing the compulsory medical insurance policy when changing your last name after marriage is free of charge. That is, no state duty is paid. This is directly stated in the law, and should also be reflected in the text of the document itself.

Any demands for payment by insurance company employees are illegal. If necessary, you can file a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor or go to court at the place of registration of the legal entity.

In order to receive medical care, every citizen must have free

If there are any changes in a person’s life, for example a change of surname, then the policy itself needs to be changed.

A voluntary insurance policy is a document in the form of a plastic card, which allows you to use the services of medical institutions completely free of charge. The list of services provided under such insurance is, as a rule, much wider than under compulsory insurance. For example, such services include dental treatment, except prosthetics.

VHI policy

It is not worth considering in detail such a procedure as a change when changing a surname, in this case, since it is issued and changed by the employer himself. That is, if a woman got married and took her husband’s surname, she must notify her management, in particular the personnel department, about this fact by presenting a marriage certificate.

The personnel department takes the old policy, sends information to the insurance company to obtain a new document based on the marriage certificate, and after some time the employee can use the new document.

Such a policy is usually issued for a period of one year, from January 1 to December 31. If the change of medical policy due to a change of name occurred in the middle of the year, then upon receipt of a new document, the flow of time is not suspended and the employee uses the policy for the remaining time until the end of the year.

General information about the policy

The compulsory insurance document presupposes the receipt of basic services - a doctor’s examination, fluorography, free medications (the bare minimum), the use of consumables (bandage, cotton wool, alcohol, plaster, etc.), taking tests and obtaining results.

Receipt and other manipulations are carried out by the insured himself. Otherwise, free basic care at a clinic or hospital will not be possible.

The policy is issued at special offices of the insurance company. The most well-known organizations in this regard are Alfastrakhovanie, ZHASO, ROSNO, VTB, Ingosstrakh, Renaissance and others.

First, the applicant is given a temporary policy, which can be used in any clinic in the country. After 30 days, the citizen is notified by SMS or email (depending on what data the person left when drawing up the temporary document) that the policy can be obtained. The same thing happens when changing a medical policy when changing your last name.

Data in the compulsory medical insurance document

A medical policy is a sheet of paper, on the front side of which the following information is indicated:


Owner's signature;

Hologram and barcode.

On the back of the document there are 10 points where a mark indicating attachment to a medical insurance organization is placed. The series and number of this policy are indicated at the bottom of the sheet.

What do you need to receive?

Replacement of a medical insurance policy when changing your last name occurs in the organization where this document was previously received. You need to have the following documents with you:

A new passport containing new data (last name, first name and patronymic);

Old policy (optional);

SNILS - pension (green plastic card).

Where can I change my medical insurance policy when changing my child’s last name?

For children, if they also have other data, it is also worth changing the main document first, that is, the birth certificate. It is necessary to change the information about the child in the parents’ passports, since he already has a different surname (first name or patronymic).

To obtain a policy, you need to contact the local branch of the insurance company at the place of registration in the village.

A temporary policy is issued to both a child and an adult for 30 days. It can be used in the same way as the original until you receive the main document. Thus, if an incident occurs and a person only has a temporary use form, this does not give medical institutions the right to refuse service.

Procedure for replacing a policy for children

If a minor citizen is not yet 14 years old, then he comes to receive the policy with one of his parents, who must have his passport with him.

Documents for the child:

Birth certificate with a new surname;

SNILS (if available).

If the child already has a passport, he can independently contact the company’s office, where the medical policy will be replaced if the last name is changed. In this case, the following documents must be available:

Passport with valid data (with new surname);

SNILS (if available).

The registration procedure takes place in a unified way: first a temporary policy is issued, then a permanent one.


If you compare the policy with other documents, such as a pension insurance certificate or tax identification number, it should be noted that if SNILS and TIN as numbers are assigned once, then the medical document will have different numbers when replaced.

When a new surname appears, a different passport is issued, so in fact, a different person will be served at the clinic or other similar institution. If the tax office can identify a person by a number that is assigned to him once and for all, then replacing the medical policy when changing the last name must occur for further full service.

In addition, it is necessary to ensure that information such as residential address is up to date. With the help of the policy, you are attached to a medical institution. Therefore, in order to start receiving services in another place, if a person has moved, you need to go to the local hospital and put a stamp stating that the citizen will be treated in this institution.

Detachment from the old clinic occurs without the participation of the citizen. Employees must make their own request and notify the former clinic that the patient has left their service area.

If there is no policy

If a person’s last name or other personal data has changed, there is no need to immediately run to the insurance company for a new policy. However, if a situation arises when some kind of treatment is actually required, it will be impossible to obtain it without a policy.

Here it should be said that emergency or urgent assistance will certainly be provided. Moreover, the first type is assistance for life-threatening conditions, and the second - for health-threatening conditions. As soon as the threat fades into the background, the person will be allowed to go home, since further treatment without a policy is impossible.

The only advantage of this document, unlike others, is that changing the medical insurance policy when changing your last name and receiving its temporary version occurs within 5 minutes if there is no queue at the office.

How to apply remotely?

There is absolutely no time to go to the office of the insurance company? Many institutions provide policy registration services without a visit.

First of all, working citizens will be interested in the function of ordering a document on the Internet and the address where they can change the medical policy when changing their last name in person or pick up a ready-made one. You need to choose a company with which you want to insure yourself and fill out a form. Based on these data, a temporary version will be printed, and in the future a permanent version, so you need to be careful when entering the data.

After ordering the policy, the manager contacts the citizen and clarifies whether the request for receipt has been made. Over the course of some time, the document is delivered to your home or you receive a notification that it needs to be picked up at a specific address.


The most advanced website regarding electronic assistance is the EMIAS.INFO website. Launched in 2011, the service has been a great success. This is due to the fact that this resource contains all possible companies providing different types of insurance.

That is, if you need to change your medical policy when changing your last name or get it for the first time, you need to go to the website, select the “Compulsory Medical Insurance Policy” category, scroll through the organizations and leave a request on the company’s website.

In addition, on the website you can make an appointment with a doctor using your compulsory medical insurance policy number for various needs, including for passing a medical examination at the traffic police.

However, services are available only to Moscow residents. There are no regional resources for such a plan yet, but it is possible to go to the website of your territorial insurance company and find out whether they have a service for ordering a policy via the Internet with or without delivery.

Who is entitled to compulsory medical insurance

The service for obtaining insurance policies is not available to all people located in Russia. If it is necessary to change your health insurance policy when changing your last name, the following categories can take advantage of this:

Citizens of the Russian Federation - for an indefinite period;

Refugees - for the duration of their stay;

Foreign nationals and stateless persons - for the duration of the temporary permit.

Regarding the last two categories, it should be noted that the documents that these persons must submit to the insurance company will be as follows:

For refugees - a special certificate;

For foreign citizens or stateless people - SNILS (if any) and a document similar to a Russian passport, that is, one that proves identity; in this regard, Russia has an international treaty regarding documents that can be recognized as such by which a person can be identified.


The need to change your last name in the future may coincide with the procedure for replacing policies on a nationwide scale. It is planned that all citizens who have such a form will gradually, as they need to obtain a new policy, draw up a document in the form of a plastic card.

The new policy will have, in addition to basic data about the insured person, a photograph of the citizen and a chip through which identification will be carried out. Thus, it is believed that the degree of protection will increase many times, that is, no one except the owner himself will be able to use the personal insurance policy.

If a person does not need to change anything in his life, that is, the data remains the same, an ordinary paper document will be valid indefinitely.

When changing your last name, you need to change not only your passport, but also your medical insurance policy. Otherwise, free medical care services may be suspended for the citizen. Our article will discuss where and how to change your compulsory medical insurance policy when changing your last name.
To begin with, it is worth noting that a change of surname is one of the reasons for replacing the policy. We published a complete list of reasons earlier in the article.

The faster the better

Replacing the policy when changing your last name is free of charge for all insured citizens. Therefore, you should not be afraid of fines or other material costs associated with replacing this document. It is important to do this within 30 days from the date of the event.

It is important that this document is best replaced after you receive a passport with a new surname. This will prevent confusion in the documents and questions from the insurance company representative. It will also be possible to present SNILS with your old last name. But, with regards to the pension card, everything is a little simpler here: when changing the surname, the number of the insured person remains the same.

Where can I exchange my policy?

Many people do not go to change this document because they do not know where they can change their compulsory health insurance when changing their last name. You can also replace it in person by contacting the insurance company with a package of documents. But if a citizen works, then all responsibility for replacing the document can be safely transferred to a personnel employee. Upon written request from the employer, he is obliged to submit documents to change these changes.

After completing the documents, the insured person will be issued. That is, the replacement of a new policy in electronic format is carried out within a maximum of a month. This temporary document allows you to exercise the same rights as a permanent one. But there is a small drawback: it is issued on a paper form, that is, it is subject to damage.

After 30 days, on the specified date, you need to come back to the insurance company and get a permanent policy. This will be an electronic version in the form of a plastic card. This format is gradually replacing the paper one, making the process of service in medical institutions convenient and simple.

It is important to understand that insurers, participating in the process of implementing the state program, largely provide the technical side of this issue. High-quality work of the insurer means efficiency and error-free processing. The insurer's task:

  • accept a complete package of documents from the insured person;
  • issue an updated medical policy in a timely manner.

Collecting documents

The package of documents for changing the policy includes:

  • passport;
  • a document confirming the fact of a change of surname (marriage certificate, divorce certificate, etc.);

If we are talking about changing a child’s surname, then you will need to provide:

  • passport of one of the parents;
  • birth certificate;
  • a document confirming the fact of change of surname;
  • outdated policy (optional, but desirable document);
  • SNILS (not mandatory, but makes the work of insurance agents easier).

It is important that when changing the policy for a child, the child himself does not need to be brought to the insurance company; it is enough to provide a complete package of documents.


To change the policy, you need to write an application for changing the medical policy on the spot, indicating the reasons for these changes. Legislative acts have not established a universal form for such a statement. The form may vary depending on the preferences of the insurer. The main thing is that the application contains all the necessary elements and is registered by the insurer on the day the insured person applies. The main elements include:

  • reasons for changing personal data;
  • old and new surname;
  • series and number of the expired policy, etc.

Moreover, it does not matter at all where the old policy was issued. A new one can be issued anywhere, including a completely different insurance organization. This is very convenient and allows you to exercise the citizen’s right to free and independent choice of insurer.

Changing your compulsory medical insurance policy when changing your last name is a very quick process. Several documents and the allocated time to go to the insurance company - that’s all the costs of obtaining a brand new document.