How much is the interest rate in Sberbank on a deposit? Profitable deposits from Sberbank of Russia. New Year's deposit of Sberbank “Profitable start”


Finance company regularly updates the range of investment offers offered to clients. This applies not only to loan or mortgage offers, but also to investments. Many clients financial organization interested in Sberbank time deposits for individuals in 2020. This is due to the fact that the bank periodically issues high-yield deposits available to various categories of citizens.

The financial company provides various tariffs, among which there are several options that are most suitable for pensioners. The 2020 line for seniors is represented by two deposit options.

Top up Online

The first of them is “Refill Online”. The peculiarity of this tariff plan is that you can open it with an amount of one thousand rubles and gradually top it up an unlimited number of times.

The basic requirements for opening are as follows:

For pensioners, there is a bonus in the form of a maximum rate; this does not depend on the deposit amount and corresponds to the deposit period.

Thanks to the proposed conditions, active users of the bank’s services can activate the “Piggy Bank” service and, having configured the parameters, not have to worry about missing a replenishment.

Deposit betting options:
Sberbank online, rubles
Sberbank online, dollars
Bank branch, rubles
Bank branch, dollars

Pension plus

The next type of investment that will be of interest to representatives of the older generation is pension plus. The main feature of this deposit is that the client can not only replenish, but also withdraw funds if necessary. The main requirement is that the money should not be less than the minimum balance.

Deposit terms:

  • Only in Russian currency.
  • The minimum amount, which is also the minimum balance, is 1 ruble.
  • Opportunity regular replenishment and withdrawals.
  • Period up to three years with the possibility of extension.
  • Interest 3.5% per annum.

Such an offer allows you to accumulate funds, while making it possible to use almost the entire volume of accumulated funds. In case of early closure of an account, the interest is calculated in full without taking into account capitalization.

Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to open the second product. Today it refers to archival tariffs.

Sberbank time deposits for individuals

Charges increase depending on the amount of money and the duration of use of the investment by the bank. The maximum percentage will be credited to the client who opened investment account in the amount of 2 million for a period of three years.

Deposit betting options:
Sberbank online, rubles
Sberbank online, dollars
Bank branch, rubles
Bank branch, dollars

Is it possible to close a deposit early? This option is available for all investment products; the client can demand his money back at any time. The amount of accrued interest will depend on the actual period of use of the funds, while investments withdrawn earlier than six months after opening will have practically zero profitability.

Manage and Manage Online

As in the previous case, the difference between the products lies only in the method of opening an account and the increased interest rate when using Internet banking to manage funds.

A characteristic feature of this product is that the maximum return will be within the first six months from the date of investment; as the period increases, the interest rate decreases. Thus, having invested 30 thousand for 6 months, the client will receive accruals on the balance in the amount of 3.25% per annum, with the same parameters, but for a three-year period the interest will be 2.5%.

Deposit betting options:
Sberbank online, rubles
Sberbank online, dollars
Bank branch, rubles
Bank branch, dollars

Special offers

In addition to standard tariffs, Sberbank has Special offers, having a special purpose. These accounts are intended not only for preserving and accumulating personal money, but also for providing charitable assistance to those in need.

Gift a life

This investment involves contributions to help children suffering from severe cancer. The mechanism of action is that 0.3% per annum of the volume of invested funds is transferred to a fund of the same name.

The main conditions are as follows:

  • Yield 4.15% per annum.
  • Term 1 year.
  • Does not provide for withdrawals or deposits.
  • Opening from 10 thousand.

Interest accrues every three months. Capitalization is taken into account only when the investment is closed within the agreed time frame. If closed early, the investment will have zero profitability in the first six months; after 6 months, interest will be accrued at two-thirds of the rate established by the contract.

Memory of generations

This contribution was seasonal and is no longer active today. Nevertheless, it is worth mentioning it as an example of a deposit offer with interesting conditions.


Financial instability forces citizens to think about the future. People try to save to limit themselves from surprises. It is unwise to keep saved money at home. Funds are placed in a reliable financial institution without additional investments or with the possibility of replenishment.

What is a deposit in Sberbank

It is beneficial to keep money in a bank. This guarantees the integrity and security of savings and ensures an increase in savings. Placing a deposit in Sberbank at interest means increasing your savings by the interest rate offered by the bank on the invested funds. The reliability of a financial institution is ensured by the control of the main stake in the bank by the Central Bank. State system insurance guarantees depositors the safety of their savings.

Types of Sberbank deposits

The bank offers its clients financial products for accumulating and increasing funds. The types of Sberbank deposits differ:

  • way of spending savings (whether the accumulated funds can be used or not);
  • savings method (with or without the ability to replenish savings);
  • social orientation.

It is useful for depositors to know what deposits are available in Sberbank today:

Terms of deposits in Sberbank

Among the savings methods offered by the bank, depositors can choose a convenient option. The terms of deposits at Sberbank provide for monthly accrual of income on savings. Payment of interest may be credited to the account or issued in cash. Income can be added to the amount of deposit savings and increase the amount monthly to calculate interest on the invested funds. Interest capitalization occurs; it can be calculated using the calculator on the website.

Capitalization serves as a source of replenishment of deposits that cannot be replenished under the terms of the agreement. Sberbank cash deposits can be closed early. For bank deposit Keep withdrawals and the ability to replenish savings is not allowed. The Top Up banking product provides for the introduction of additional savings (up to ten times the initial deposit) without the right to withdraw.

Depositors of the Manage deposit are given the opportunity to manage savings - use accumulated funds and make additional contributions (there are restrictions on the amount). A savings account does not impose restrictions on the number, amount of replenishment and partial withdrawal of funds. Interest is calculated on minimum size savings within a month. The savings account is not fixed-term; the contract period is not limited in time.

For Save, Replenish, Manage, auto-renewal is possible. Income from the short-term deposit Podari Zhizn is accrued every three months. A special type of savings is a Savings Certificate, which can be given as a gift. Interest on savings accrues upon expiration of the certificate, plus it is not subject to compulsory insurance.

Sberbank deposits for individuals in 2017

News from Sberbank of Russia on deposits informs bank clients about the cessation of accepting foreign currency deposits: Multicurrency Sberbank of Russia; International. The opening of deposits was completed in December 2016, and they are in the archives of Sberbank. The deposits were intended to save the population's invested funds from fluctuations in the ruble exchange rate.

Promotions on Sberbank deposits today

The bank's archive contains the Happy Payment promotion. There is no information about new promotions on deposits. Holiday promotions on deposits in Sberbank ended in January 2019: Maximum interest; Seasonal. Now the bank depositors who have issued debit card, take advantage of the Thank you promotion. When paying by card, they receive bonuses into their account and exchange them for money.

Interest on Sberbank deposits for today

The maximum interest on deposits in Sberbank is offered for an accumulation period of 6-12 months. During the accumulation period, an increase in the amount to 700,000 rubles can increase the profitability of savings. Sberbank's interest on household deposits increases by 0.51% when opening a deposit remotely.

The following interest rates on deposits with Sberbank are currently in effect:

  • Save – 4.6-6.74%;
  • Top up – 5.72-6.23%;
  • Manage – 4.62-5.71%;
  • Savings account – 1.5-2.3%;
  • Give Life – fixed 5.95%;
  • Savings certificate.

Tariffs for Sberbank ruble savings of the population depend on:

  1. purpose of the deposit;
  2. term of the contract;
  3. method of concluding a contract.

Profitable Sberbank deposits

The financial institution offers its depositors programs that can provide high income. Profitable deposits Sberbank for individuals are issued to citizens who use the Sberbank Premier service package. Anyone can purchase the package. In addition to the premium service package, depositors receive a special offer with an increase in the deposit rate: Save; Replenish; Manage.

Special offers on deposits are shown in the table:

Foreign currency deposit in Sberbank for individuals

The bank has provided the opportunity for its clients to make savings in foreign currency. Individuals have the opportunity to do foreign currency savings and protect your savings from inflation. Foreign currency deposits in Sberbank exist for deposits: Save; Replenish; Manage. The conditions for replenishment, withdrawal, and early termination for them remain the same as for ruble deposits.

Currency deposit in dollars in Sberbank

Deposit Save for dollar savings eliminates the possibility additional contributions and withdrawals, Replenish – allows the replenishment of investments. Currency deposit in dollars in Sberbank Manage provides the opportunity to increase the amount and withdraw savings. The maximum return on invested dollars is offered to citizens for a savings period of one to two years and a savings amount of $20,000. Check the conditions in the table:

Deposits in euros in Sberbank today

Depositors can make savings in euros. Among all deposits, the profitability of euro investments is minimal. The yield on the euro deposit is set at 0.01 percent per annum. Deposits in euros at Sberbank today differ in their minimum size and accumulation period. Euro savings with a minimum return help citizens protect their accumulated funds from depreciation. See the table below for conditions:

Sberbank deposits for pensioners

There are special offers from the bank for pensioners. They have a profitable deposit in Sberbank Pension Plus. The terms of the deposit provide for the possibility of unlimited replenishment of savings and withdrawals up to the level of the minimum down payment. Save and Top up deposits are issued to pensioners for general conditions, but the maximum interest rate is provided for each accumulation period.

Compare Sberbank deposits for pensioners and their conditions in the table:

Place money at interest in Sberbank

There are two ways to open a deposit in Sberbank for an individual:

  1. In the presence of the bank manager. The contract is drawn up upon presentation of a passport (for pensioners banking products– pension certificate).
  2. Independently on the official website of the bank. Holders can deposit money at interest in the online system salary cards. Replenishment of funds is carried out by the depositor by non-cash means. At customer service banking service provides a calculator with which you can choose the optimal deposit option.

Which deposit is better to open in Sberbank

The investor needs to analyze his financial capabilities and make a choice for investing funds, he must take into account:

  • whether he will use savings;
  • whether he will have the opportunity to contribute additional funds;
  • how much profit he wants to make (profitability can be calculated using a calculator on the bank’s website).

To receive a high income, the investor benefits from savings options from Sberbank with a high interest rate: Save; Replenish; Gift a life; Savings certificate. With the Manage deposit, the depositor has the opportunity to replenish and withdraw savings with certain restrictions. The terms of the Savings Account do not impose restrictions, but offer a minimum income.

Video: interest-bearing deposits in Sberbank-online

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Sberbank deposits for individuals: interest rates

In unstable economic times in our country, few people dare to make bank deposits. However, if you are going to make a contribution, then only in a reliable, stable bank, which was practically not affected by times of crisis. This is exactly what Sberbank is, serving a third of banking system countries.

If you open a deposit, then only in Sberbank. Russians think so and trust the bank with their funds. Let's consider the entire line of Sberbank of Russia deposits in 2020 with interest rates for today.

Problems in the economy did not shake Sberbank and bank deposits remained profitable. New offers have appeared, with new conditions and rates.

The previously popular line of Sberbank deposits for individuals in 2020 “Save online”, “Replenish online”, “Manage online” “gave up” a little in percentage, but not everywhere. Rates on some types of deposits are lower on average by 0.5–1%, but there is an increase of 0.15–1.8%, especially for foreign currency investments. Rates on deposits opened online or in a bank office have become different. If you open a deposit online via the Internet on the official website of Sberbank, then your rate will be on average 0.15% higher than if you open a deposit with the same name, but in the bank’s office. Sberbank, therefore, encourages its future and current clients to move to the Internet.

It is worth noting that the conditions for deposits for pensioners have become more interesting. In 2020, Sberbank increased rates on savings, savings deposits and accounts for receiving pensions.

Time deposits of Sberbank in 2020

Today Sberbank offers six types time deposits.


This deposit in Sberbank promises reliable preservation and replenishment of your savings. The interest rate on the deposit varies from 4.05 to 5.75% per annum if the deposit is in rubles, from 0.01 to 1.85% in US dollars.

Deposit term from 1 month to 3 years. It is not possible to replenish the deposit or partially withdraw funds during the initially stated period. Minimum deposit amounts: 1,000 rubles, 100 dollars or 100 euros.

Interest on the deposit is accrued every month and is automatically added to the deposit amount, so that next month they are already accrued for the increased amount. Accrued interest on the deposit can be cashed out or transferred to the account bank card Sberbank.


The interest rate on this deposit ranges from 4.6 to 5.3% per annum for deposits in rubles. For dollars and euros - from 0.01 to 1.45% per annum. You can invest funds for a period from 3 months to 3 years inclusive. The deposit remains replenished. However, you cannot reduce the amount initially invested or replenished. You can easily withdraw interest on your deposit and transfer it to your card. Minimum amount: 1,000 rubles, 100 dollars or 100 euros.

“Top up” in the child’s name

Sberbank gives parents the opportunity to open a personal deposit for a minor child, which can be closed only upon reaching 18 years of age. The minimum amount for placement is 1000 rubles or 100 dollars, and the rate will be 4.6–5.15% for ruble deposits and 0.01–1.15% for dollar deposits. The account can be replenished by any person without restrictions, but savings are cashed out only upon reaching the age threshold or through permission from the guardianship authorities.


A special feature of this deposit is the possibility of partial withdrawal of funds during the deposit process, without closing or losing interest. Interest rates deposits are 4.3–5% for deposits in rubles, depending on the amount of the deposit. The interest rate for dollars is from 0.01 to 1.35% per annum. The deposit period is from 3 months to 3 years. The deposit can be replenished and partially withdrawn. You can control the movement throughout the term of the deposit, hence the name. Minimum deposit amount: 30,000 rubles or 1,000 dollars.


Special deposit for children left without parental care and investors with the status of a veteran or disabled person of the Second World War. Opens for 3 years, freely replenished and spent as needed. Interest is set at 4.75% per annum and is calculated at the end of each quarter. Funds “earned” in excess of the initial capital can be transferred to a third-party account or returned to the deposit for subsequent capitalization. The minimum amount for making a deposit is 1 ruble.

"Gift a life"

This is a charitable contribution. Every 3 months, 0.3% per annum is transferred from the deposit to the fund for helping children with oncological, hematological and other serious diseases. The interest rate on the deposit is 5.65% per annum. The deposit is exclusively in rubles, and the minimum amount is 10,000. The deposit is made for a period of 1 year; during this period funds cannot be replenished or partially withdrawn.

Online deposits

In the line of Sberbank deposits: “Save”, “Replenish” and “Manage” - there are options for opening deposits with the same names via the Internet. The conditions are similar, but slightly different.

To open a deposit, go to the “Sberbank online” or “ Mobile bank", select the "Deposits and Accounts" section, then "Opening a Deposit". Be sure to read the conditions for placing and withdrawing funds on deposit accounts, then select the conditions and interest rates that suit you and click the “Continue” button. Fill out the application, indicating the amount to be credited to the deposit and the term, then click “Open”. After that, you can consider yourself an investor.

Interest rates on deposits opened online via the Internet are higher by 0.15% per annum.

"Pension plus"

The “Pension Plus” deposit - what makes it special? The essence of the deposit is that the pensioner does not withdraw the entire pension upon receipt of the account, but leaves part of the funds there for accumulation at 3.5% per annum in rubles. The deposit period is 3 years, during the entire period the “fireproof” amount can be replenished and partially withdrawn.

Deposits with higher rates

For owners of the Sberbank First or Sberbank Premier service package, deposits with increased annual rates are available. The standard annual rate increases by 1%, which for an amount of at least 700–5000 thousand rubles. or 50–150 thousand.e. will bring high returns to the investor. A similar deposit is made with a personal manager or personal online account for an individual period and with special conditions.

Special accounts

In addition to standard consumer deposits, you can also open special deposits at Sberbank. Among them:

  • for social payments for the maintenance of the ward. Minimum an initial fee to activate the line is not set, replenishment and spending are free, and the rate is fixed at 3.5%;
  • to form an electoral account. No additional income on the balance and no restrictions on spending and account formation;
  • for the procurement participant. Opens ahead of schedule, is replenished unlimitedly and is spent within the amount deposited with a yield of 0.01% annually.

savings account

It is an account for free and confident management of savings. Opens indefinitely, replenished and spent at the request of the depositor. Available in three currencies: rubles, dollars and euros. Annual rates range from 1–1.8% for ruble deposits and amount to 0.01% for foreign currency investments. The higher the deposit amount, the higher the interest rate.

Current account

For daily use, a perpetual deposit in rubles without restrictions and accrual of 0.01% every year is suitable.

Poste restante

A basic Sberbank deposit that is valid for an indefinite period and offers unlimited movement limits on the account. Suitable for any world currency, including rubles, dollars, euros, pounds sterling, crowns and yen. The minimum amount and minimum balance is 10 rubles, 5 USD. or equivalent to 5 US dollars others banknotes. The deposit is replenished by any amounts throughout the entire period of existence, and withdrawn up to the minimum starting deposit. Interest in the amount of 0.01% is accrued quarterly, and in case of early demand is calculated based on the actual storage period.

It is worth noting that Sberbank deposits, of course, provide for early withdrawal of funds if you need them. However, it is not recommended to withdraw money early, as you will lose accumulated and future interest on the deposit. Interest rates for early withdrawal and closing of the deposit are immediately reduced to 0.01%, regardless of how long the money has already been in the account. You are violating the terms of the deposit agreement, so the bank has the right to reduce rates. Even if you previously withdrew or capitalized the already accumulated interest, they will give you the money, taking this interest back.

By social survey, conducted by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion, most of the country’s population when available funds places them in the form bank deposits. Sberbank of Russia, being the largest financial institution, offers its clients quite favorable rates in rubles and foreign currency deposits. At the same time, the line of offers is so diverse that it can satisfy even the most fastidious person.

Bank information

The founding date of Sberbank of Russia is considered to be 1841. It was in this year that Emperor Nicholas I issued a decree on the founding of savings banks. Their function was to accept funds from the population for savings. Throughout its history, the bank has experienced many ups and downs, primarily associated with political changes in the country. Its name and form of ownership changed several times. In August 2015, at a meeting of shareholders, the organization’s charter was once again amended and the bank was renamed a public Joint-Stock Company Sberbank of Russia (PJSC Sberbank).

Today, about 70% of the country's population uses the services of a financial institution, which is more than 110 million clients. At the beginning of 2019, the company owned 12 territorial banks and more than 14 thousand divisions in various regions of the federation. In addition, the bank is also present in foreign markets. About 11 million people use its services abroad.

The organization provides its clients with a variety of financial services. For example, a client can make a profitable deposit in Sberbank, apply for a loan, perform various transactions with securities and precious metals.

For the convenience and time saving of clients, the company has created a remote service system, which includes:

  • Sberbank Online mobile program for gadgets;
  • browser version of Sberbank Online;
  • SMS banking “Mobile Bank”;
  • many ATMs and terminals.

The company's directorate is located in Moscow on Vavilova Street, building 19. A short telephone number is available for communication: 900 or +7 (495) 50−05−550, 8 (800) 55−55−550 (calls from Russia are free). The activities of Sberbank are carried out on the basis of a license issued by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation under number 1481.

Nuances of concluding a contract

By contribution (deposit) we mean financial transaction, which consists in the transfer of funds by a legal entity or individual to a financial institution for storage and profit. You can make a deposit at any branch or office of Sberbank, as well as at an ATM and through the online system. The number of deposits is not limited, and you can enter into an opening agreement either in your own name or in any other name.

To conclude an agreement for a third party, in addition to funds, you need a passport and a certified photocopy of the document of the person for whom the agreement is being drawn up. If desired, several people can be specified as deposit managers. To do this, you will need to issue a power of attorney to manage the deposit. You can open a deposit with Sberbank in rubles, dollars or euros.

There are several types of deposits, differing in terms of placement period and accrued annual interest. Today Sberbank can offer its clients the following types of deposits:

  1. Deposit on demand. A feature of this type of deposit is the mandatory return by the bank of all invested funds upon the client’s first request. Typically the interest rate is set to a minimum of 0.1%.
  2. Urgent. When concluding an agreement, a specific date is specified, after which the investor can withdraw his money. Before this period, if the client reveals a desire to terminate the agreement, the bank will still return the deposit, but the interest rate will be significantly reduced.
  3. Cumulative. During the validity of the agreement, it is possible to replenish the deposit.
  4. Settlement. The client has full access to his money. Can make partial or full withdrawals, replenish the account.
  5. Savings. This type of deposit does not provide for the possibility of replenishing the deposit and partial withdrawal of funds.

All deposits of individuals fall under the deposit insurance program and are designed for ordinary citizens.

Insurance means a guarantee of return of the deposit even in the event of unstable operation of the bank or its declaration of bankruptcy. Legal entities are not covered by the program. Moreover, unless the agreement stipulates otherwise, early withdrawal of funds from the deposit is prohibited.

Opening a deposit for a minor

The company's clients can open a deposit for a minor child. To do this, you must provide any document confirming the identity of the guardian and a passport. In addition, if you open a deposit for a child who is not yet 14 years old, present his birth certificate or passport (for a minor aged 14 to 18 years). If there is a certificate of registration tax accounting, you must present it too. When the person opening the deposit is a citizen of another country, you will also need a migration card.

To be able to manage open deposit, as well as to receive money from an account opened for a child under fourteen years of age, the guardian must contact any branch with the same package of documents. In case of obtaining guardianship through the court, the applicant will need to show the certificate received by him from the guardianship and trusteeship authority.

An extract on the deposit is issued only to the legal representative of the minor, who can be any person appointed by the board of trustees. Moreover, after reaching 14 years of age, a child can independently open a deposit and receive a savings book.

Selection and search

Today at Sberbank you can find and obtain information about existing deposit offers for individuals in several ways. The easiest one is to go to the official website of the bank and select home page"Deposits". The new page that opens will list all existing offers to date with detailed information about services. Archived offers can be found right there at the bottom of the site. Interesting opportunity is the provision by Sberbank of an online calculator and a table of deposits on its portal.

The calculator is an interactive form for calculating deposit income. There is one for each type. Any interested user can use it. The client needs to select a deposit on the company’s website and click the “Find out more” button. In the form that opens, at the bottom of the page, indicate the currency and term of the deposit, the need for interest capitalization (automatic addition of accrued interest to the deposit) and early closure. Then click the “Calculate” button and get the result on the screen.

Another option would be to contact the bank's support service by phone or go directly to any branch. Existing bank clients who have a Sberbank card can open and select a deposit using an ATM. In this case, no documents other than the depositor’s electronic code are required. Although, before this, you will still need to conclude a comprehensive service agreement with the bank, allowing you to open accounts through terminals.

Current offers

Currently, Sberbank of Russia can offer its clients 17 types of deposits. Each of them is designed for certain segments of the population. The newest type is a deposit called “Catch a Profit”. The deposit currency is rubles. The largest amount is unlimited, and the smallest is 50 thousand rubles. The contract can be concluded for a period of 5, 12, 18 months. The annual rate depends on the term of the deposit and can be:

  • 7.1% - for a period of five months;
  • 7.5% - when placing funds for one year;
  • 7.65% - for a contract period of one year and six months.

Interest accrual at Sberbank occurs at the end of the agreement. If desired, the depositor can withdraw them or transfer them to another account. Early termination is permitted, but the interest rate will correspond to the terms of the Sberbank of Russia Demand Deposit. At the end of the term, the deposit is extended on the terms corresponding to the deposit at the time of extension. Sberbank can change the conditions unilaterally.

Preferential deposits

Sberbank provides social deposits for individuals, which are distinguished by their increased rates. They are designed specifically for vulnerable segments of the population and involve long-term cooperation. Such deposit offers include deposits:

  1. "Social". A special deposit intended for orphans and WWII veterans. The agreement can be concluded only in bank branches for a period of three years, with the possibility of replenishment and partial withdrawal without reducing the rate. The annual rate is 4.75%. The smallest deposit amount is one ruble. Interest is calculated every three months and added to the amount on deposit. Automatic renewal is provided.
  2. “Replenish.” Pensioners can open a deposit under special conditions. Regardless of the chosen term and deposit amount, the maximum interest rate is set at 5.15% when opening in a bank office and 5.3% through the website. For other clients, tariffs are set depending on the terms of the contract. Thus, the rate can vary from 5.05% to 5.3% for deposits in rubles and from 0.55% to 1.6% in US dollars.
  3. "Save." For clients of retirement age, the maximum rate is 5.75% in rubles and 1.7% in US dollars. Minimum term The deposit is one month, and the maximum is a year. At the end of the term, the contract is automatically renewed. According to the terms of the deposit, replenishment and partial withdrawal prohibited.
  4. "Pension-plus Sberbank". To open a deposit, a pensioner must, with documents confirming his status, contact any branch of the bank and conclude an agreement. The investment period is three years. The annual rate is 3.5% in rubles. Partial withdrawals and unlimited deposits are allowed. The smallest deposit amount is one ruble. Interest is calculated every three months. The number of extensions is unlimited.

High stakes

For owners of the First service package, the company offers special conditions for consumer deposits. Compared to all regular contracts, rates will be one percent higher when opening for an amount of 5 million rubles or more. The client is asked to choose one of three types deposit: “Save” - up to 6.85%, “Replenish” - up to 6.3%, “Manage” - up to 6.2%. The minimum deposit period is three months, the maximum is three years.

Premier Deposit- an excellent offer from Sberbank. By investing from 700 thousand rubles or 50 thousand US dollars, you can set an individual deposit period. There are several options for conditions for this species. Without replenishment and the possibility of withdrawal, the deposit rate will be up to 5.7%, with replenishment - up to 5.15%, and with two active options - 4.85%.

Of the many options offered by Sberbank, it should be noted the possibility of opening a savings account.

This service allows you to manage your money freely and confidently. The interest rate is small, from 1% to 1.8%, but the minimum amount is unlimited, replenishment and early withdrawal are possible, the validity period is any, and interest is accrued monthly.

The adventurer Miloslavsky was absolutely right when he said that money should be kept in a savings bank. The legendary phrase from the film by Leonid Gaidai can bring a smile in the present time only because in recent decades a huge number of financial institutions have appeared instead of the only one in which one could make a contribution under the USSR. But the relevance of the statement has not diminished.

Today banks offer us more than 1,500 different financial products, which help us save our money. Their undeniable benefit is that they allow you to minimize the negative impact of inflation and earn money on interest.

Sberbank of Russia and its programs

Largest financial institution Russian Federation, which ranks first in the reliability rating, offers the population a lot of financial deposit products. Deposits with Sberbank are traditionally popular, this is due to several factors:

  • its reliability is confirmed by the fact that 50% plus one voting share belongs to the Central Bank of Russia, which is its main shareholder;
  • Sberbank's reputation index, determined using the GRI methodology, recognized throughout the world, amounted to 60 points in 2015, which far exceeded the 37 points of its closest competitor;
  • it ranks 43rd in the world ranking in terms of fixed capital volume;
  • its more than 150-year history confirms its experience and stability;
  • Sberbank has a ramified branch network, where there are more than 16 thousand branches located throughout the country.

When choosing for yourself, you should definitely pay attention to the offers from SB, because its reliability can become the basis that will allow you to save your invested funds.

Issued in various formats. For these financial products, the institution also occupies a leading position in the domestic banking sector, accounting for almost 38% of the total.

Constantly updating itself and following new developments in the field, SB of Russia offers competitive products and services. Good news for borrowers in 2016: new promotional programs have been created for new buildings, where the interest rate is set at 13.5%.

What is a deposit account at Sberbank?

To fully understand the algorithms by which any bank calculates interest for the depositor, you need to stock up on theoretical knowledge. Each financial institution has deposit programs that differ in names, payment amounts, terms, and other nuances. But all of them can be divided into two main types according to terms - on demand and urgent. The type of deposit is what key point, which determines the percentage value.

Main differences:

  • On demand – cash withdrawn at any time at the request of the depositor, but interest rates in this format are minimal;
  • A fixed-term loan has a specific, clearly defined period, after which certain interest is accrued. The rates here depend on the specific bank, the length of time the money is at the disposal of the institution, and other nuances. It will not be possible to withdraw your hard-earned money before the end date of the deposit without losing the planned income; if the contract is terminated early, the interest is recalculated downwards.

Time deposits have subtypes, which also have their own characteristic features.

Sberbank's offer of deposits for the population includes the entire range of the most popular deposits among individuals.

Sberbank: deposits of individuals in 2016 and interest on deposits

The country's leading financial institution builds its line of deposits, focusing on each category of citizens. Savings accounts and certificates are widely available, there are profitable offer for people of retirement age, as well as time deposits of various formats. At the moment, the yield on Sberbank deposits varies from 0.01% to 10.0% per annum. Deposits can be placed both in rubles and in other currencies.

The entire deposit line is based on three main types of financial products. Already in the names themselves - “Replenish”, “Save”, “Manage” - their classification is contained and what type of fixed-term deposit they belong to. When deciding which one to open, you need to take into account several aspects and think through your future relationship with it. You should choose according to your own situation. Let's take a closer look and use clear examples.

Time deposits in banks for individuals and their types

So imagine...

  • You have just completed a large sale. You do not plan to spend the funds received in the next six months/year. All the money we receive—salary, pension, and other income—is spent on the needs of the family, but I want to make savings. The ideal option in your case would be a savings deposit. The most attractive point here is the opportunity to receive a high percentage, probably the highest of all available to individuals. But it is neither possible to withdraw money or part of it before the end of the deposit period without losing accrued income under the terms of the agreement, nor to add any more to the invested amount.
  • If you have a goal to accumulate a certain amount of money to make a large purchase, then a replenishable deposit is your option. By regularly adding some amount to your deposit, you will, as a result, receive not only your savings, but also decent interest.
  • If you have a free amount of money, the future of which you have not yet decided on, but you know that there will definitely be small expenses, as, presumably, there will be new income, then best deposits for you – calculated, giving freedom and completely controlled by you. In case of opening a deposit of this type, the bank offers plastic card, through which operations for making payments and depositing funds become available. Important detail- if desired, receive maximum percentage You cannot touch the minimum balance on your deposit, otherwise the payout rate will be lower.

This general rules for the formation of bank deposit products. Both VTB and VTB are based on them, as are the main programs of Sberbank.

“Save”: description of the contribution in detail

According to its characteristics, this program refers to a savings deposit. The contract can be concluded for a period from 1 year to 3 years; partial withdrawal of funds and the introduction of additional amounts are not provided. The maximum interest rate offered is Russian rubles and is at the level of 7.76.

It is worth noting here that interest is calculated using a complex formula that involves terms (the longer, the higher), the amount of money deposited into the bank (the more, the higher). In addition, capitalization is applied to this contribution.

If capitalization is used, interest on the deposit is accrued not only on the body of the deposit, but also on the amount of interest already added. For example, a person deposited 100 rubles and received an income of 10 rubles from a financial institution. for the 1st month. Further, the calculation is made based on the fact that there are already 110 rubles on the deposit, on which interest is accrued for the next period. Thus, the deposit amount is constantly increasing due to compound interest.

The minimum deposit amount for “Save” is 1000 rubles. You can open such a deposit in foreign currency. There is a minimum of 100 US dollars and 100 Euro. The proposed percentage is low - 0.01 to 2.06 and from 0.01 to 0.66, respectively.

SB positions this program as such, which allows you to receive stable and maximum income. But it is worth considering that the interest rates here are somewhat lower than those offered by some other institutions.

Advice: When planning to enter into a deposit agreement, be sure to check the reliability of the bank, as well as its stability. High rates do not always mean that the benefits will be greater. We are all well aware of cases of bankruptcies, non-payments, and burning of investments.

“Replenish”: savings deposits with the possibility of replenishment

Already from the name of the program you can understand what type of term deposit this product belongs to. It is convenient for those who want to constantly add any amount of money to the funds already invested. You can start with a minimum, it is set at 1000 rubles, 100 US dollars or 100 Euros.

The maximum bet in the program is 8.07; 2.01 and 1.07 for each currency respectively. The calculation of interest is done using a complex formula, where the timing and amount of the deposit are important (the longer and more, the higher). Here, just like in the “Save” deposit, capitalization is used.

You can conclude an agreement for a period of up to 3 years (min 3 months), partial withdrawal is not provided.

The peculiarity of the product is the nuance of replenishing with cash; the size limit is set at the level of the minimum deposit (only an equal amount or more). For non-cash funds This rule does not work, you can change it as you wish.

"Manage": empowerment

This deposit format is intended for people who want to receive income, combining this with the opportunity to use their funds. Refers to the calculated type. Its features include several points:

  • the minimum contribution amount is set at 30 thousand rubles, or, in foreign currencies, 1 thousand US dollars or 1 thousand Euros;
  • the terms of the contract can vary from 3 months to 3 years;
  • the maximum rate reaches 6.59% (rubles), 1.64% (dollars) and 0.35% (Euros);
  • partial withdrawal without loss of accrued interest is limited to the required balance, which is equal to the minimum deposit amount.

Deposits made under the Manage program have several more nuances:

  • prolongation (extension) is possible here an unlimited number of times;
  • limitation on maximum amount(the deposit amount on the day of contribution/prolongation multiplied by 10) works as a tool for calculating interest - they will be recalculated downwards by the part of the money that exceeds the max.

General rules for Sberbank deposits

Anyone who wants to increase and preserve their savings through a deposit is concerned about the safety of their money, and whether it is possible to withdraw it from the bank in case of urgent need.

The country's largest financial institution is highly stable. His participation in the state program on deposit insurance. Based Federal Law, which came into force in December 2014, every citizen upon the onset of insured event has the right to compensation, its maximum amount is 1.4 million rubles. Thus, if your deposit is less than this amount, you are guaranteed to receive it. If it exceeds, then, unfortunately, it will not be possible to return the rest of the money with the help of the state.

Advice: to completely protect your savings from troubles associated with bankruptcies or instability, divide a large amount into several smaller ones and enter into agreements with financial institutions participating in the state deposit insurance program. This will allow you to count on compensation for each of the banks in the amount of 1.4 million rubles.

Sometimes we have an urgent need for funds, unexpected and unplanned. If they are kept on a fixed deposit with SB, then you can use them, because the bank provides a convenient and transparent option for this. All formats have early dissolution agreement. It occurs on the terms of payment of the minimum (0.01%) per annum for short-term deposits (up to six months). The same interest will be for longer-term investments that were made for a year or more, if the withdrawal occurs in the first 6 months. If you withdraw money after this period, the return will be 2/3 of the stated rate.

It should be noted that in case of early withdrawal of the deposit, capitalization is not applied.

In addition, at the request of the depositor, with any option from time deposits, refusing capitalization, you can use the accrued interest, withdraw it or transfer it to a card.

Currency deposits for individuals in Sberbank

For each version of the term deposit there is a foreign currency option. Interest rates are low, but in any case this avoids negative influence inflation.

There is also an offer with more favorable conditions - the Multicurrency Sberbank of Russia deposit. Its peculiarity is that the account is opened in three mandatory currencies at once - rubles, Euros and US dollars, the initial payment is available to everyone, because it is set within the limits of 5 rubles, 5 dollars and 5 Euros. Replenishment is available at any time, but there is a minimum cash amount limit. There is no cashless option.

The advantage of the deposit is that its owner can easily make transfers from one currency to another at the bank’s exchange rate. In this way, you can get more income, taking into account market conditions and exchange rate fluctuations. The only thing is that for these operations you can only use those funds that exceed the minimum balance established by the agreement.

The terms here are calculated in periods from one to two years; early withdrawal without loss of interest is impossible. The highest rates reach 6.19% in rubles, 1.67% and 0.4% in dollars and Euros, respectively.

If at your disposal large sum in foreign currency, then you can open an “International” deposit. According to its terms, the minimum amount is set at 10 thousand pounds sterling (maximum rate of 2.70%), the same amount in Swiss francs(max rate 0.75%) and 1 million Japanese yen (max interest 1.3). Terms – from a month to 3 years, part withdrawal is not provided.

Deposits in Sberbank for pensioners in 2016

Taking into account the historical situation of a high level of trust in the bank on the part of people of retirement age and the emphasis on the development of client-oriented specific financial products, the Security Council created and implemented a number of programs for this category of the population. They compare favorably with increased interest rates in comparison with all other bank deposits valid today, simplicity and clarity.

The advantages of Sberbank’s offers for pensioners include a number of points:

  • special conditions are provided for all types of deposits;
  • the maximum interest rate is valid for a deposit with a specific period, without reference to the investment amount;
  • the bank undertakes to automatically carry out operations to transfer the deposit to more high interest rates of existing ones upon renewal of the contract.

“Save” deposit of Sberbank of Russia for pensioners in 2016

  • Refers to the “Golden Years” program and is aimed at those who want to receive maximum income.
  • The principle of capitalization applies here, that is, the calculation of compound interest. The highest rate offered is 7.76%, it can be obtained by concluding a contract for 3 years, the amount does not matter.
  • If you wish, you can withdraw interest monthly or transfer it to a card, then the rate will be slightly lower.
  • Partial withdrawal without loss of accrued interest is not provided, as well as replenishment.

Sberbank: “Replenish (pension)” deposit with an increased interest rate

This type of time deposit has special conditions for people of retirement age:

  • regardless of the amount deposited, the bank offers the most high bid from the possible ones for the selected period;
  • guarantee of automatic transfer to the best conditions.

Here you have the opportunity to deposit additional money if you wish, but there is no partial withdrawal. This contribution also applies to the Golden Years program.

“Manage” deposit of Sberbank of Russia for 2016 for pensioners

The “Manage” product, intended for all citizens, in the version for pensioners was called “Pension Plus” by Sberbank of Russia. This special kind a deposit that allows you to deposit additional funds at any time, as well as withdraw part if necessary. Required condition– the account must always have the minimum balance stipulated by the agreement while the agreement with the bank is in effect. It is only 1 ruble, so it does not play a special role in using the account.

It is also part of the Golden Years program and operates within its framework, providing maximum benefits for retirees. It is intended exclusively for this category of citizens, but they can receive a pension from all pension organizations and funds - state, private, departmental.

The maximum deposit period is 3 years, it can be extended an unlimited number of times. All accrued interest (this happens once every 3 months) is added to the body of the deposit, increasing it, and the next calculation occurs for a larger amount.

If there is a need to terminate the agreement with the bank ahead of schedule, the interest will be recalculated without taking into account capitalization.

Important features of deposits for pensioners

Each of the banking products special program"Golden Years" is aimed at a certain category of people. Here, communication with complex financial issues is simplified to a minimum, developed and created convenient tools for self-service.

Advice: if, when opening or carrying out any operations on a deposit, you use your Sberbank Online personal account (that is, work via the Internet), an ATM or a self-service device, then the interest rate will be higher compared to the one that will be charged if you apply to the department.

Functions personal account quite wide. Without leaving home, you can receive a pension, make purchases, or make utility payments here. The connection and use service is free, you only need to have any device with Internet access.

Sberbank provides the opportunity to issue a power of attorney to another person for any of the time deposits, so that this person can manage the money, as well as a testamentary disposition.

Leader of the Russian banking sector In terms of individual deposits, which today account for 46% of the total, the reliable and stable Sberbank provides maximum opportunities for the population. You can store your savings here national currency, dollars, Canadian or US, yen, pounds sterling, Swiss francs and Euros. You can receive additional income, conveniently manage your funds, save them or make purchases without leaving your home.