Get a loan at 5 per annum. How to calculate interest on a deposit. In the TOP lower, the rates are higher


Good afternoon, readers! A rather serious grandmother came to our office today.

She is going to invest the money she inherited from her deceased husband's business into a bank.

And he chooses which bank is more profitable to invest in. To do this, she needs to know how to calculate the interest on the annual amount.

She came to me for this question. If only all grandmothers were so attentive and did not give money to scammers.

I told her everything in detail, and now I’m writing it in an article so that you too are aware of the matter.

An increasing number of people are currently using bank deposits, and this is absolutely natural - by investing a free amount of money in a bank, you can get a tangible profit over a period of time.

How to get a real idea of ​​the profitability of a deposit?

Of course, any consultant at Sberbank or another banking organization will be happy to tell you the text of a booklet dedicated to a particular deposit and tell you that the income on the deposit is 5–10% per annum.

But “10% per annum” is too abstract a figure, and when you invest your money, you probably want to know exactly how much you will get in a month or a year. And not every manager will be able to provide you with this information.

It varies somewhat depending on whether interest is capitalized or not. But, in any case, you can calculate your own profit without a calculator.

Calculation of simple interest

This formula is used for deposits without interest capitalization. Simply put, you make a deposit for a certain period, during which neither the interest rate nor the deposit amount changes.

Suppose we invested 100 thousand rubles at 10% for 1 year. In order to calculate the profit on the deposit, we use the following formula:

S = (P * I * t / K)/100

  • S is the total amount of accrued interest;
  • P – deposit amount;
  • I – annual percentage;
  • t – the number of days for which interest is calculated (usually approximately
  • half of the total deposit term);
  • K – number of days in a year.

We count:

100,000 * 10 * 184/365 = 504,109. Divide the resulting number by 100 again, therefore, the amount of accrued interest will be equal to 5041 rubles.

Calculation of compound interest on deposits

Accordingly, next month you no longer receive interest on 100 thousand (for example), but on a little more. To calculate the contribution with capitalization, use this formula:

S = (P * I * j / K)/100

  • S – amount of accrued interest;
  • P – deposit amount (or subsequent amount increased by
  • capitalized interest);
  • I – interest on deposit;
  • j – number of days during which capitalization occurs;
  • K – total number of days in a year.


By applying this formula every month, we will find out the actual growth of our profit on the deposit.

Calculation of the effective deposit rate

The effective interest rate is a concept used to obtain information about the real income a financier receives through compound interest transactions;

The full amount of payments for using a loan from a specific bank for the entire loan period. Rate calculation is used by various banks to inform borrowers about the benefits of loan products.


To calculate it, the total debt is calculated, that is, the size of the loan, fees for using services, insurance payments, etc.

Then, based on the total debt, the term of the loan and the interest rate, the amount of monthly payments is determined.

The formula for calculating the effective rate is very complex, so if you want to get this information yourself, it will be faster and easier to use online calculators that exist on the website of each bank.


How to calculate the percentage of a certain amount?

For example, we need to find 30% of 1000 rubles. How to do it?

First option:

  • 1000 rubles is 100%.
  • So X rubles is 30%,

Therefore, X=1000*30%/100%=300 rubles. Thus, 30% of 1000 rubles is 300 rubles.

Let's look at a few more simple examples of finding simple interest:

How much will 17% per annum be from 20,000? This is 0.17*20,000=3,400 rubles per year.

Deposit at 20% per annum for 24 months, resulting in an interest amount of 7,920 rubles. The question is, how much was invested initially? (exam task)

So, we put a certain amount of P at 20% per annum for 24 months (i.e. for 2 years). During this period, we received interest for 7920 rubles.

Therefore, P*0.2*2=7920 rubles (we multiply the initial capital by the percentage and multiply by the term in years).

Then the initial capital will be equal to P=7920/(0.2*2)=19800 rubles.

600,000 are invested in a bank at 10% per annum for five years, how much interest will we receive in 5 years.

Solution: 600,000*0.1*5= 300,000 rubles interest. And in just five years we will have 900,000 rubles.

Interest calculation examples

A loan of 15,000 rubles at 17.9% per annum with simple interest, how much is the monthly payment? If the interest is simple, then 15000 * 0.179 = 2685 rubles for interest per year. And per month is 12 times less, i.e. 223.75 rubles per month.

But the loan amount itself will need to be repaid. Then 15000/12=1250 rubles (we will return that amount). 1250+223.75=1473.75 rubles (monthly payment).

What amount should be invested today in a business that gives 15% per annum in order to receive 150,000 rubles in 2 years?

So, after 2 years we will receive 150,000 rubles with interest. We invested a certain amount P at 15% per annum. This means 2*P*0.15+P=150,000 rubles. P=115384 rubles.

I deposited money in the bank at an interest rate of 7.6% per annum and deposited 5,000 rubles. How much will it be at the end of the year? We get 5000*0.076+5000=5380 rubles.


Therefore, the base is accepted that there are 365 days in a year.

Therefore, 50000 * 0.075 * 91/365 = 934.91 rubles percent. Those. in 91 days for this amount we received 934.91 rubles in interest.

15,000 rubles minus 20 percent. 15,000 rubles is 100%. Then 15000-0.2*15000=12000 rubles.

And one more example:

5% of 60,000 thousand rubles will be 0.05 * 60,000 = 3,000 thousand rubles or 3 million rubles.

If the annual interest rate is 17.9%, how much will it be per day? If the bank has one amount all year, and we receive 17.9% per annum per year, then per month we will receive 12 times less 17.9%/12 = 1.49% per month.

Or if it’s 17.9% per annum, then per day we’ll get 365 times less than 17.9%/365=0.049% per day. And let's look at an example. For example, 100,000 rubles are invested in a bank at 17.9% per annum.

Then the amount of interest for the year will be 0.179*100000=17900 rubles. The amount of interest per day will be 17900/365=49 rubles. We could find the amount of interest per day like this: 0.049%*100000/100%=49 rubles per day.

And another example:

How to calculate five percent from two thousand. Very simple. 2000*0.05=100.


How to calculate interest on a deposit without the help of a bank employee?

It is quite clear that the meaning of a bank deposit is to receive income in the form of interest. How can this income be calculated in advance?

If the deposit is made for exactly one year with interest received at the end of the term, determining the amount of payments is very simple.

Let’s say a deposit in the amount of 700,000 rubles was opened on July 15, 2014 for 1 year at 9 percent per annum.

This means that on July 15, 2015, the investor will receive his 700 thousand plus income: 700,000 x 9: 100 = 63,000 rubles.

Deposit for a period of less than or more than a year without replenishment

If the same 700,000 rubles are deposited at the same 9% per annum, but for 180 days, or 6 months, the calculation will be a little more complicated:

700,000 x 9 /100 / 365 (or 366) x 180 = 31068.50

where 365 or 366 is the number of days in a particular year.

Deposit with replenishment

Let’s complicate the task and assume that a deposit with the possibility of replenishment has been opened. Conditions: a deposit in the amount of 500,000 rubles was issued on July 15, 2014 for a period of 1 year at the same 9% per annum.

On December 10, the deposit was replenished by 200,000 rubles. Question: what income will the investor receive on July 15, 2015?

  • 500,000 rubles stayed for 148 days;
  • 700,000 rubles stayed for 217 days.

Let's add 148 and 217 to check, we get 365 - which means the days are counted correctly.

  • 500,000 x 9 / 100 / 365 x 148 = 18,246.58 rubles.
  • 700,000 x 9 / 100 / 365 x 217 = 37,454.79 rubles.

Total amount of income: 18246.58+37454.79=55701.37 rubles.

The most difficult case is a deposit with capitalization

Capitalization in banking is the addition of interest received to the original deposit amount.

Let's consider another example: the same 700,000 rubles are placed on deposit for 1 year (365 days) at 9% per annum, with monthly interest accrual. This interest can either be withdrawn monthly or capitalized.


With the same percentage, the income in the second case will be greater. Let's do the math.

Income per first month: 700,000x9/100/365x30=5178.08 (30 is the number of days in a month, maybe 31, in February 28 or 29).

We add the interest received to the deposit amount and calculate the income for second month:


Third month:



You should also keep in mind: the interest on a deposit with capitalization is usually lower than without it.

It makes sense not only to consult with a bank employee, but also to independently calculate and compare the profitability of different deposits.

It may turn out that it is more profitable to put funds on a deposit without capitalization, but at a higher interest rate.


How to calculate the amount if interest is accrued at the end of the deposit term?

Annual deposits

A person opened a deposit of 5,000 rubles at 9% per annum for 2 years:

in a year:

  • 5000 rubles is 100%
  • x rubles is 9%
  • x=5000*9/100=450 rubles

in two years:

  • 450 rubles for 1 year
  • x rubles for 2 years
  • x=450*2/1=900 rubles

The investor will receive 5900 rubles at the end of the term

*What is 100? - “A percentage is a hundredth of a number.” See how to calculate a percentage of a number.

Monthly deposits

A person opened a deposit of 5,000 rubles at 9% per annum for 3 months:

in a year:

  • 5000*9/100=450 rubles

in 90 days:

  • 450 rubles for 365 days
  • x rubles for 90 days
  • x=450*90/365=110 rubles 96 kopecks

The investor will receive 5110 rubles 96 kopecks at the end of the term

* 365 is the number of days in 1 year. In a leap year there will be 366. View the list of leap years.

The interest rate on replenished deposits is lower. This is explained by the fact that during the term of the deposit agreement the refinancing rate may decrease and the deposit will no longer be beneficial to the bank.

That is, the bank will have to pay interest on the deposit higher than the interest that creditors will pay the bank.

Exception: if the deposit rate depends on the refinancing rate. In other words, the refinancing rate increases - the interest on the deposit increases, the refinancing rate decreases - the interest on the deposit decreases.

An example of calculating interest on a replenished deposit:

A person opened a deposit of 5,000 rubles at 9% per annum for 3 months. A month later, he deposited another 3,000 rubles:

  • per year: 5000*9/100=450 rubles
  • for 30 days: 450*30/365=36,986 rubles
  • balance after 30 days: 5000+3000=8000 rubles
  • recalculation for the year: 8000*9/100=720 rubles
  • for the remaining 60 days: 720*60/365=118,356 rubles

Total amount of interest: 36.986+118.356=155 rubles 34 kopecks. The total amount that the investor will receive: 5000+3000+155.34=8155 rubles 34 kopecks.

How to calculate interest on a deposit with capitalization.

Interest may be paid:

  1. total amount at [end | termination | on the day of signing] the deposit agreement.
  2. the total amount is divided into parts and paid monthly, once every 3 months, quarterly, annually.

The client can choose the most suitable option for himself:

At the frequency specified in the agreement or less frequently, come to the bank and withdraw the amount of accrued interest or automatically transfer it to a plastic card. That is, “live on interest.”

Capitalization of interest, also known as compound interest, is adding accrued interest to the deposit balance. Just as if you came on the day of interest accrual, withdrew the amount of interest and replenished the deposit with it.

The deposit balance increases and it turns out that interest is accrued on interest. Deposits with interest capitalization should be chosen by those who do not plan to withdraw the interest amount in installments.

An example of calculating interest on a deposit with capitalization

On January 1, a person opened a deposit with a capitalization of 5,000 rubles at 9% per annum for 6 months 180 days. Interest is calculated and capitalized on the last day of each month.

5000 × (1 + 9/100 × 30/365)^3 × (1 + 9/100 × 28/365) × (1 + 9/100 × 31/365)^2 = 5000 × 1.02235634396 × 1, 00690410959 × 1.01534609946 = 5226.06

  • There will be 30 days in three months: January, April, June.
  • There can only be 28 days in one month - February.
  • 31 days will be in March and May.

When calculating the number of days in a period, you must also take into account that if the last day of the period falls on a non-working day, the end of the period is considered to be the next working day following it.

Therefore, calculators posted on the Internet will be close to reality, but they do not provide 100% accuracy. How can you calculate income for 2 years when the production calendar is approved annually?

How to check the correctness of interest calculation on a deposit accurate to the penny?


The technology malfunctions. When you have an account statement, it is not so difficult to manually recalculate the interest due.

Example: on January 20, a person opened a deposit with capitalization once a quarter for 5,000 rubles at 9% per annum for 9 months 273 days. On March 10, I topped up my account with 30,000 rubles. On July 15, he withdrew 10,000 rubles. April 20, 2014 and July 20, 2014 fall on a Sunday.

Let us turn to the law (Article 214.2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation): if at the time of conclusion or extension of the contract for up to 3 years, the interest on the ruble deposit exceeds as of February 2014:

8.25% + 5% = 13.25% refinancing rate by 5 percentage points, then the deposit rate minus 13.25% on interest income above this value, a citizen of the Russian Federation must pay 35% tax.

The bank must prepare the relevant documents.

Citizens strive to find the cheapest loan at the minimum interest rate 5%. Of course, no one wants to overpay too much. But not every loan on preferential terms is truly beneficial for the client. Some institutions hide hidden fees under low rates, which makes the loan much more expensive than similar offers from other banks.

Is there a loan for 5 per annum?

Commercial banks today do not lend at 5%, since this rate does not even cover inflation. The interest is set based on the refinancing rate of the Bank of Russia. As of spring 2015, it was fixed at 8.25%. Banks add a few percentage points to it to ensure their profit.

Institutions with state participation work not only for financial profit, but also to achieve social effect. The client should understand that getting money at a favorable rate is not so easy.

  1. Most often, such a low percentage is set at. That is, you can spend money on a specific purpose fixed in the contract. The client must then provide proof that the funds were spent as intended. Otherwise, the bank may increase the rate or even demand full repayment of the entire debt. Sometimes the money is not given to the borrower in person, but is transferred to the account of a third party (mortgage seller, university tuition fee, etc.).
  2. The second negative aspect of profitable lending at 5% per annum is a large package of documents. The borrower will need a lot of certificates and papers. Institutions often ask to confirm the presence of valuable property (real estate, vehicles, shares, etc.).

Is it possible to get a loan at 5 percent per annum for 20 years?

A loan at 5% can be obtained from the Small and Medium Business Support Fund. For example, in the Tula region, clients are offered a microloan in the amount of 1 million rubles for this amount. The interest rate is in the range of 5–14.5% per annum. There are no additional loan fees; the repayment schedule can be drawn up according to an individual program.

To receive a loan at a preferential rate, the client will be required to provide collateral or a guarantee. The maximum term of the contract is 5 years. For a longer period, it is not profitable for financial institutions to conclude a deal on such terms. It is quite difficult to predict changes in the economic situation.

If you are interested in a 20-year loan, use a mortgage loan secured by real estate. The client can even apply for a 10% per annum secured loan from some commercial banks.

Where to get a loan at 5 percent per annum for the construction or purchase of housing*

You can get a profitable loan for construction, but the rate will not be 5%, but an order of magnitude higher. For example, in some financial institutions a loan of 12% per annum is available.

At Rosselkhozbank, clients can purchase housing under construction and finished housing in the Tsaritsyno residential complex on credit at 7.5% per annum from the developer. If the borrower deviates from the requirements, the rate may be increased to 14% per annum. For other mortgage objects with state support, a rate of 12% is provided. The permissible amount is within the range of 100 thousand - 3 million rubles. (for Moscow, St. Petersburg - 8 million rubles). The maximum loan term is 30 years, the down payment is from 20% of the property value. There is no fee for issuing money.

Moscow Credit Bank offers clients mortgages at a rate of 7.77%. The maximum contract term is 20 years, the down payment starts from 20%. Applications for a loan amount of 1–8 million rubles are being considered. The loan is issued without a fee for issuing money; for early repayment, penalties are not applied.

At the Russian Mortgage Bank, a loan for the purchase of secondary housing is issued at an interest rate of 10–14% per annum. Under this program, a borrower can receive a loan in the amount of 500 thousand - 35 million rubles. The minimum rate applies when concluding a contract for a period of up to 3 years, if the collateral covers the loan amount several times.

These conditions apply to real estate that:

  • sold by bank clients;
  • is collateral.

Insurance of purchased housing is mandatory. Insurance of the life and health of the borrower or against disability occurs at the request of the client. However, a citizen’s refusal to sign an insurance contract entails an increase in the interest rate by 2%.

Zenit Bank has a mortgage lending program with a subsidized interest rate. Borrowers can purchase an apartment in a finished new building or real estate under construction. The maximum loan term is 30 years.

The interest rate at the construction stage is set at 12%, after registration of documents for the borrower - 11.5%. There is no commission when the client receives funds. The purchased property is registered as collateral. The rate when applying for a mortgage on some properties can be 10% (for example, in the Primavera cottage village).

At Tatfondbank, mortgages are issued at an interest rate of 11% per annum. The loan is issued for a period of 3–20 years. The maximum amount is 3 million rubles. (for Moscow and St. Petersburg - 8 million rubles). Preferential conditions are valid until June 30, 2015 for certain real estate properties. The standard rate is from 12%.

DeltaCredit offers borrowers mortgages with government support at 11.5%. The subject of the contract is an apartment in a building under construction or a finished building. The down payment is from 20%, the loan term is up to 25 years.

Khanty-Mansiysk Bank offers clients mortgages at 11.55%. Such conditions are available when making a down payment of 50% and a contract term of up to 5 years. If the contract is concluded for a period of 5–30 years, the rate rises to 11.95, while the borrower’s personal participation can be 20% of the cost of housing. The minimum loan amount is fixed at 300 thousand rubles, the maximum – 3 or 8 million rubles. (for regions and Moscow, St. Petersburg, respectively).

At Promsvyazbank, mortgages with state support are issued at an interest rate of 11.9%. The down payment is from 20%, the maximum permissible period is 25 years. Residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg (including the regions) can count on up to 8 million rubles. In other regions there is a limit on the loan amount - 3 million rubles. The issuance of funds and early repayment do not involve charging a commission.

The Bank of Moscow has developed a program “Mortgage with state support” at 12% per annum. The loan is issued for a period of 3–30 years, the down payment is allowed from 20%. The maximum amount for Moscow and the region is 8 million rubles, for other regions – 3 million rubles.

Vozrozhdenie Bank has launched the “Apartment-New Building 2015” program. Clients can take out a loan for 30 years at 12% per annum. The maximum amount is up to 8 million rubles. The down payment must be at least 20%.

Bank St. Petersburg also issues mortgages with government support at 12% per annum. The maximum contract term is 25 years, the down payment on the loan is 20%. Applications are accepted for amounts up to 14 million rubles.

Among TOP financial institutions, there are also often offers to issue a loan at 15 percent per annum for 5 years. Here each client chooses for himself. Some people take out loans from reputable banks at higher interest rates, while other citizens prefer the minimum rate.

3-year or 5-year loan: “pitfalls”

Today there is a lot of competition among banks, so customers have quite a wide choice. To attract citizens to services, some institutions set minimum tariffs for loan programs. However, there are also banks that try to attract customers with cunning. Before signing an agreement, clarify exactly what obligations you are taking on.

7 per annum loan: alternative from Sberbank*

Sberbank offers citizens an “Educational loan with state support” on preferential terms. The cost of the loan is calculated as follows. 5 percentage points are added to ¼ of the Bank of Russia refinancing rate (8.25%). Thus, the state finances ¾ of the refinancing rate (this is 6.19%). Previously, this product could be purchased at 5.06%. Today the rate is set at 7.06% (¼ * 8.25 + 5).

The loan can be issued for a period exceeding the duration of study by 10 years. Funds are issued in national currency, the total amount is considered up to 100% of the required amount. The form of training is not limited; the offer applies to secondary and higher vocational education. A citizen over 14 years of age can become a borrower. For persons under 18 years of age, a loan is issued with the permission of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities. In addition, written consent of legal representatives will be required.

An education loan does not require a guarantee, collateral or insurance. There is no issuance fee. The official website contains information that the borrower’s solvency is not taken into account when approving the loan. At the same time, for the period of study and the next 3 months, the client can take advantage of a deferred payment:

  • loan body;
  • percent for the first or last 2 years of study.

The deferral of interest is provided in the amount of 60% of the established amount for the first year, 40% for the second. For the third year, interest must be paid as scheduled. The loan body is payable in equal installments after graduation + 3 months.

To apply for an education loan at Sberbank, a borrower over 18 years of age will need the following documents:

Persons under 18 years of age additionally provide:

  • your birth certificate;
  • passports of legal representatives;
  • permission from guardianship authorities;
  • consent of legal representatives.

Young families can also take advantage of preferential lending conditions at Sberbank. A mortgage with state support under the Maternity Capital program can be issued at an interest rate of 11.9%. The down payment is from 20%, the maximum contract term is 30 years. The loan amount is in the range of 45 thousand - 3 million rubles. (for Moscow – up to 8 million rubles). If necessary, co-borrowers are involved (no more than 3 people), their income is also taken into account when determining the maximum available amount.

Today's bank clients are trying to find the cheapest loan, at a minimum interest rate of 5%. Some financial institutions affect the cost of the loan. Next, we’ll talk in more detail about loans at 5% per year.

Are there loans at 5% per year?

Currently, financial institutions do not lend at 5% per annum, since such an interest rate is not even able to cover inflation. The interest is set at the refinancing rate of the Bank of Russia. As of the spring of 2015, it was recorded at 8.25%. As for government agencies, they work not only for profit, but also to achieve optimal social impact. Getting credit at a favorable interest rate is not as easy as it might seem.

Firstly, low interest rates are set for targeted loans. In other words, you can spend the funds received for a specific purpose, which is clearly stated in the contract. The client must provide proof of spending the funds for their intended purpose.

Secondly, to get a loan with a favorable interest rate, . The borrower is required to prepare many certificates and papers. There are often cases when the bank requires confirmation of the presence of valuable property in the borrower's property.

Is it possible to get a loan at 5 percent per annum for 20 years?

A loan at 5% can be obtained from the Small and Medium Business Support Fund. The interest rate is in the range of 5–14.5% per annum. There are no additional loan fees. To receive a loan at a preferential rate, you must provide a guarantee or collateral. The maximum term of the contract is 5 years. If a bank client is interested in a long-term loan for 20 years, it is most advisable.

Where can you get a loan at 5% per annum for construction or purchase of housing?

Today you can get a profitable loan for construction. However, the interest rate will not be 5%, but slightly higher. By contacting Rosselkhozbank, you can purchase finished housing in the Tsaritsyno residential complex on credit at 7.5% per annum. In addition, favorable interest rates are offered by Moscow Credit Bank, Russian Mortgage Bank, Zenit Bank, and DeltaCredit Bank.

Loan 3% or 5% per annum: “pitfalls”

There is a lot of competition among modern financial institutions - everyone knows this. To attract new customers, banks have to set minimum loan rates. However, before signing a contract, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of the program in order to avoid pitfalls.

So, if an employee claims that the interest rate is only 5%, it is necessary to clarify what period we are talking about. After all, sometimes employees talk about monthly rather than annual pay. In some cases, the rate is really 5%, but in addition to it an additional commission is charged (2-3% every month). Before signing the agreement, you should ask the specialist to print out the loan repayment schedule. If the loan rate is preferential, you should clarify what requirements are imposed on the borrower.

Loan 7% per annum: alternative from Sberbank

Sberbank allows clients to apply for an “Education Loan with State Support” on preferential terms. Today this product can be purchased at 7.06%. The loan can be issued for a period that exceeds the duration of study by 10 years. Funds are provided in national currency. Young families can also take advantage, which can be issued at 11.9% per annum.

To avoid unpleasant moments in the process of cooperation with the bank, before signing a loan agreement, you must carefully read its contents. Particular attention should be paid to text that is printed in small font. If the borrower does not understand bank documentation, you can ask for a template agreement from the bank and show it to a lawyer.

The annual interest rate is the fee charged by lenders for providing (borrowed funds) and is expressed as a percentage.

Typically, this fee is the actual annual cost of the loan.

The size of the lending rate will be an important condition for choosing.

Currently, many doubt the possibility of obtaining a loan at a low interest rate. However, this is quite possible, you just need to know what actions to take. First you need to collect all the necessary documents. In addition to the passport, at least:

  • income certificate to confirm solvency;
  • a certified photocopy of your work record to confirm your reliability;
  • TIN, international passport or driver's license for additional identification confirmation.
You can also look for promotional banking offers. You should know that the best conditions are provided for clients with families, for those with a good credit history and for people of working age.

5 percent loan rate

A loan at 5 percent per annum provides borrowers with the opportunity to take out a foreign currency loan or a preferential ruble loan from the bank, which is intended for socially vulnerable categories of the population. The specificity of such a foreign currency loan is the use of a floating loan rate, which can be modified, since it depends on the size of the interest rate of the interbank market. It is also necessary to take into account that a low lending rate may serve as a basis for increasing the terms of the loan, as well as making the loan conditions more stringent.

Loan terms and changes may be affected by:

  • the real estate market chosen by the borrower;
  • volumes and terms of loan provision;
  • down payment amount.
To receive a loan at 5 percent per annum, you must confirm the sufficiency of your average monthly income. In the absence of such confirmation, the loan rate may be increased to reduce the risk of non-payment.

The borrower should also take into account the fact that fluctuations in loan market rates do not allow them to be predicted over a long period of loan provision. In addition, a low rate entails additional costs associated with processing and servicing a loan.

The accumulative housing system also allows you to take out a loan at 5 percent per annum, the peculiarity of which is that the program participant gradually accumulates the corresponding percentage of the value of future real estate. When the interest is sufficient, it is possible to pay low interest on the missing amount that is required to pay off the cost of the residential property.

Loan at 5 percent per annum from Rosselkhozbank

JSC "" turned out to be the first bank to become a participant in the program to provide preferential loans for agricultural enterprises, having concluded an agreement with the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. According to the new subsidizing procedure, compensation for part of the interest rate will be provided directly to authorized credit institutions. This will enable banks to provide loans to farmers at a rate of no higher than 5 percent per annum, as well as simplify the process of obtaining government support.

“” believes that such a new procedure will help improve the efficiency of government support and relieve farmers from lengthy procedures for obtaining subsidies.

Preferential loans at 5% per annum for farmers are probably the most anticipated news of this year. Few believed that despite the promises, this would still happen. Is it possible to take advantage of this new opportunity?

How to get a soft loan for agricultural development?

Firstly, only agricultural producers have the right to register it. You must be a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur.

The bank will want to see data on your business activities for at least 12 months.

A mandatory item is opening a current account in the bank where you are going to get a loan. We recommend that you contact first where you are already served. JSC Rosselkhozbank, PJSC Sberbank of Russia, OJSC Alfa-Bank, PJSC Promsvyazbank, PJSC VTB Bank and JSC Gazprombank have joined the program today. In the near future, agreements will be signed with the remaining 4 credit institutions: UniCredit Bank JSC, Otkritie Financial Corporation Bank PJSC, Rosbank JSC and Raiffeisenbank JSC.

The purpose of the loan is the development of sub-sectors of crop and livestock production, including the purchase of agricultural machinery.

You will need to make an advance of 15%. The loan term for the purchase of equipment under this program is 5 years.

Preferential loans can be issued for imported and domestic equipment. They promise to finalize the deal in 3-4 weeks. The purchased equipment serves as collateral. Sometimes banks require a guarantee.

Early repayment is possible under the program. Loans can be repaid according to individual schedules depending, for example, on seasonal activity.

Each bank has its own list of documents for obtaining a loan, and the requirements and conditions also differ. For example, Rosselkhozbank has a deferment of repayment of the principal debt for up to a year, the so-called grace period, during which the borrower pays only interest.

Let's use an example to calculate payments for purchasing a tractor:

“Belarus-2022.3” produced by ChLMZ worth 3,960,000 rubles.

Advance 15% = 594,000 rubles.

For 5 years of equal payments, the monthly payment will be 63,520.57 rubles, and the overpayment for 5 years will be equal to 445,234.2 rubles.

What risks might there be?

To issue you a preferential loan, the bank receives a subsidy. For example, initially it is ready to issue loans at 15% per annum. 10 of them are subsidized by the state, thanks to which the agricultural producer ultimately receives a loan at 5%. Naturally, the amount of subsidies is limited. The limit on the program for all of Russia is 21.8 billion rubles. Therefore, now some banks are already saying that they accept applications, but cannot guarantee the issuance of a loan at 5% interest. It may also turn out that only applications for the largest projects will be approved. For example, in the Saratov region, banks recommend making applications for amounts of 10-15 million rubles in order to be more likely to receive a loan at 5%. In this case, only large agricultural holdings have a chance.

In addition, in each agreement there is a clause that if the Ministry of Agriculture refuses to pay a subsidy under the program to the bank, the borrower will have to pay it, that is, the rate turns into a commercial one.

So, it is not yet clear how the program will work in practice. We are waiting for the first loans to be issued in February.

If you have not received a soft loan

If you still cannot get such a loan, there are other options. For example, another program of preferential lending and leasing for the purchase of Belarusian equipment with subsidizing part of the interest rate in the amount of up to 100% of the refinancing rate, thus, the interest rate on loans will be about 5-6% per annum, taking into account the subsidy.

Approximately 20% of Belagro clients buy equipment using financial programs: on credit, leasing, subsidies, etc.

A loan at 5% per annum, according to Russian Government Decree 1528, can be combined, for example, with Program 1432 or purchased equipment on lease. If you have any questions, ask them on the Belagro website. We will calculate the payments or offer the most advantageous combined financing option for your purchase of agricultural machinery.

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