What is corporate income tax. What is corporate income tax Minimum income tax


The last day is approaching when organizations need to apply tax return for income tax for 2014 - March 30. At the end of last year, the Federal Tax Service of Russia approved a new document form, amending some sheets and adding new ones (; hereinafter - the Order). Let's figure out which sheets of the tax return have been affected by the changes and what information the tax authorities are now asking for.

Sheet 02 "Tax calculation"

First of all, a new taxpayer attribute code has been added - "4". It is affixed if the declaration is filled out by an organization engaged in the production of hydrocarbon raw materials at new offshore fields (). Such a code will need to be put down not only on Sheet 02, but also on all annexes to it.

When putting down the code "4", it is necessary to indicate in a special field information about the existing license - series, number and type, as well as the serial number of the new offshore field. All other organizations that do not put down this code) do not need to fill in these fields - even if they carry out licensed activities ().

Significant changes also affected the procedure for calculating the tax base (line 100). So, now the final amount of the base can be corrected for the identified errors (distortions) that relate to previous tax periods and led to the excessive payment of tax. If, as a result of calculating the tax base, a negative indicator is obtained, this means that the organization has incurred losses. However, the resulting losses can be used to reduce the tax base for transactions with non-tradable securities and financial instruments urgent deals ().

Recall that new order calculation should already be applied to income/expenses received by the taxpayer in 2014 ( , ).

Another change affected lines 130 and 170 concerning the distribution of the tax base and tax rate to the regional budgets, respectively. As a general rule, these lines are filled in by organizations for which the tax rate has been reduced in terms of amounts credited to the territorial budget. Until 2015, only resident organizations of special economic zones used this privilege. Now the tax rate can be reduced by the regions and for organizations participating in regional investment projects(). So, they will also be required to fill in these lines.

Annex No. 1 to Sheet 02 "Income from sales and non-operating income"

In connection with the amendments made to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation regarding the procedure for determining the tax base for transactions with securities and financial instruments of futures transactions, new lines have been added to the tax return, which must be filled in by professional participants in the securities market. We are talking about lines 020-024.

Line 020 reflects proceeds from the sale of securities received by professional participants in the securities market. Moreover, if the participant is a dealer, then, having indicated in this line the amount determined in accordance with the provisions of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation ( , ), Sheet 05 of the tax declaration "Calculation of the tax base for corporate income tax on operations, the financial results of which are taken into account in a special manner" it no longer fills. But for those who do not conduct dealer activities, this line should reflect the proceeds from only one type of securities, which is defined in the accounting policy. Other types of securities are indicated in Sheet 05.

Lines 021 and 022 indicate the deviations of the proceeds actually received from the sale of securities from the minimum transaction price. The only difference is that line 021 is filled in when selling circulating securities, and line 022 is filled in when selling securities that are not traded on the organized market. If the selling prices are in the interval between the minimum and maximum transaction prices registered by the organizers of the auction, then these lines do not need to be filled in.

Line 023 is intended to reflect proceeds from the sale and disposal (including redemption) of securities circulating on the organized market by non-professional market participants. To determine income (revenue), it is necessary to add to the sale price of the security the amount of accumulated interest income that was paid to the taxpayer by the buyer and the issuer. At the same time, the amounts of income previously taken into account for taxation under the new rules do not need to be reflected ().

Line 024 indicates the difference between the actual proceeds and the minimum transaction price in the event of the sale of a tradable security outside the organized market ().

The legislator introduced a small clarification to the line disclosing the composition of non-operating expenses (line 102). So, earlier this line indicated income in the form of the cost of materials (other property) received during the liquidation of fixed assets being decommissioned, as well as during repair, modernization, reconstruction, technical re-equipment and partial liquidation of fixed assets. Now, incomes have been added to the general list in the form of the cost of materials received during the dismantling and dismantling of the fixed asset.

Annex No. 2 to Sheet 02 "Expenses related to production and sale, non-operating expenses and losses equated to non-operating expenses"

The main changes in this section also relate to the new procedure for accounting and recording securities. So, lines 072 and 073 appeared. The first line indicates the expenses received in the course of the acquisition or sale of securities circulating on the organized market. To calculate the amount of the expense, you need to add up the purchase price of the paper, the costs associated with its acquisition, the costs of selling, as well as the amount of accumulated interest income that the taxpayer must pay to the seller. In this case, as well as upon purchase, the amounts of interest income previously taken into account for taxation are not included in this calculation ( , ).

Line 073 is intended to reflect the difference between the actual costs incurred for the purchase of a security and the maximum transaction price on the organized securities market ( , ).

The ability to reflect the adjustment of the tax base of the reporting period in case of detection of errors related to previous tax periods, which led to the excessive payment of tax, was also added. You need to indicate them broken down by years in lines 400-403. Please note that this indicator does not include income and losses of previous years identified in the reporting period. They must be entered in line 101 of Appendix No. 1 to Sheet 02 and in line 301 of Appendix No. 2 to Sheet 02, respectively.

Appendix No. 4 to Sheet 02 "Expenses related to production and sale, non-operating expenses and losses equated to non-operating expenses"

Changes in this section are also related to the procedure for accounting for securities. New lines 135 and 136 have appeared. They reflect the amount of losses on completed transactions with securities circulating on the organized market. This takes into account losses incurred before December 31, 2014 inclusive and not previously taken into account when determining the tax base. Line 135 is filled in in the declarations until the entire amount of the loss is transferred or until the expiration of their accounting in reducing the base, that is, until January 1, 2025 (). The balance of the uncarried loss should be reflected in line 136.

In connection with these changes, the interpretation of the final lines 150 and 160 was also added - lines 151 and 161 appeared. The first indicates the loss on transactions with transferable securities, which should not exceed 20% of the amount of loss on line 135.

The second, line 161, reflects the balance of the uncarried loss, which is calculated as the difference between lines 136 and 151. The amount received will need to be reflected in line 136 of the tax return for the next tax period.

Appendix No. 6a "Calculation of advance payments and tax to the budget of the subject Russian Federation for a member of a consolidated group of taxpayers without separate subdivisions included in it and (or) for its separate subdivisions" to Sheet 02

A number of significant indicators have been added to this application. So, line 032 appeared, in which it is necessary to indicate the average number of employees or staff costs, as well as line 033 to reflect the average residual value of depreciable property for each member of the consolidated group without separate divisions included in it and for each separate division.

In addition, line 034 has been added, in which it is necessary to reflect the arithmetic average of the share of the indicator of line 032 and the share of the indicator of line 033 for each participant without separate divisions included in it and for each separate division ().


The average number of employees of the branch for the year was 10 people, while the same indicator for the organization as a whole is 200 people.

The average residual value of depreciable property for a branch is 200 thousand rubles, and for an organization - 5 million rubles.

To fill in line 034 of Appendix No. 6a to Sheet 02 of the tax return, you must first calculate specific gravity employees and depreciable property attributable to the branch.

10 people / 200 people x 100 = 5%– share of employees by branch

200 thousand rubles / 5 million rubles x 100 = 4%– share of depreciable property by branch

(5% + 4%) / 2 = 4,5% (only a digit is indicated in the line, without the "%" sign).

Appendix No. 6b "Incomes and expenses of participants in a consolidated group of taxpayers who formed a consolidated tax base for the group as a whole" to Sheet 02

The application is new - it was not in the previous version of the declaration. It indicates income and expenses from sales, non-operating income and expenses, profits and losses from operations with securities and other indicators. The Rules for filling out a tax return () provide some control ratios.

So, for example, the sum of lines 020 and 021 of Appendix No. 6b (which reflect sales revenues and non-operating expenses) must correspond to the sum of lines 010 and 020 of Sheet 02, and the indicators for lines 030 and 031 of Appendix No. 6b (which reflect expenses from sales and non-operating expenses) should be similar to those in lines 030 and 040 of Sheet 02. The values ​​of lines 050 of Appendix No. 6b (income excluded from profit) and 070 of Sheet 02 (income excluded from profit) should also be the same.

How to file income tax return for 2014

The order approving the new tax return form and the procedure for filling it out, as well as the submission format, was officially published on December 30, 2014. There are no special provisions establishing a special procedure for the entry into force of the Order or its individual provisions.

As early as 2011, the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation established that the new form of the tax declaration begins to be applied in respect of those tax (reporting) periods that end after the entry into force of the normative act approving the form. The court emphasized that in this case, the general rules for the entry into force of by-laws apply - after 10 days from the date of publication (). This means that a tax return under the new form must be submitted for tax (reporting) periods ending after January 10, 2015.

It is obvious that the declaration for the I quarter of 2015 (ends on March 31), and all subsequent periods, must be submitted in a new form. But what about the declaration for 2014?

The Federal Tax Service of Russia issued a letter clarifying this issue. The agency clarified that the taxpayer has the right, but is not required to submit a tax return for 2014 in the new form (). The letter was necessarily brought to the attention of the territorial tax inspectorates, which means that the tax inspectorate has no right to refuse to accept the declaration according to the old rules.

However, if the taxpayer did not have transactions for the purchase / sale of securities in the reporting year 2014, in respect of which many changes have come into force since 2015, then we recommend filing an income tax return using a new form. This will help to avoid not only possible difficulties during submission, but will also allow you to prepare for the formation of reporting for the first quarter of 2015, in which it will already be necessary to use the new form.

OOO on general mode: what is income tax, how to calculate it, the terms of payment and submission of the declaration.

So, dear readers, we finally got to the topic of organizations under the general taxation regime. We talked a lot about and. So, in the general regime, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities pay miscellaneous tax: Individual entrepreneurs pay, and legal entities pay income tax. That's what constitutes income tax today and will be discussed.

What is income tax

The name speaks for itself. This tax is mandatory for all legal entities, including foreign ones, that operate under the general taxation regime. It is calculated based on the amount of the company's profit: financial results the work of the organization is multiplied by the current rate.

Who can be exempt from income tax

Legal entities are exempted from income tax if they:

  1. Switched to one of the special regimes or pay a tax on the gambling business;
  2. Are participants of the Skolkovo project;
  3. Are among the foreign / international organizations specified in paragraph 4 of Art. 246 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
  4. They conduct activities that, subject to certain conditions, are subject to a 0% rate - most often these are activities in the field of education and healthcare (a list of income where a zero rate is possible can be found in Articles 284, 284.1, 284.3 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

It turns out that for ordinary legal entities (those who are engaged in trade, transportation, construction, manufacturing, work in the service sector), if they have not switched to a special regime, income tax is on a par with the main taxes when doing business. Not everyone can get into the number of organizations related to the other three points - there are special requirements.

Income tax calculation

When calculating income tax, you should know that the object of taxation in this case is precisely profit. We understand perfectly well what profit is: it is income from which expenses have been deducted. There are important points here:

  • To calculate the tax, income includes sales proceeds and non-operating income, a list of which you will find in Art. 249 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.
  • To calculate the tax, expenses include expenses from sales (both direct (depreciation, remuneration of employees, material costs) and indirect) and non-operating expenses, the list of which is indicated in Art. 265 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Income and expenses that do not take part in the calculation are listed in Art. 251 and Art. 270 respectively - these lists consist of clearly defined categories of income / expenses, which under no circumstances can have an impact on tax.

Important! In order for expenses to be taken into account when calculating tax, they must meet the requirements of economic feasibility, be aimed at obtaining and profit and be supported by documents. If at least one of these points is not met, the tax authority has the right to refuse to recognize such an expense for tax purposes. That is, the tax authority will remove these costs from the calculation, recalculate the tax base upwards and calculate the tax for surcharge.

Most often, the tax authorities recognize expenses as unreasonable due to unscrupulous contractors. when the organization has not exercised due diligence in its selection. How can you protect yourself and we have already written.

One of the innovations of 2019 is the permission to write off the cost of vouchers for their employees, both tourist and sanatorium-resort. What do you need to know here?

  • These amendments were made to the Tax Code, Article 1 113-FZ of April 23, 2018;
  • Vouchers must be purchased only through a Russian tour operator or agent, under an agreement in favor of a specific employee, as well as, if desired, his relatives (wives, husbands, children under the age of 18 or 24, if the child is a student of a full-time university) ;
  • Rest or treatment should be only on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • In the costs, you can take into account the cost of travel, accommodation, meals, excursion or sanatorium services;
  • The budget per employee is no more than 50 thousand rubles;
  • From the cost of the tour you need to withhold personal income tax. The date of recognition of income will be the date of payment by the company of the voucher.

All expenses: for vouchers, sanatorium and medical treatment, contributions for voluntary personal insurance should not exceed 6% of the total labor costs.

One more important feature! Accounting for income and expenses involved in the calculation of income tax, you can use two methods: the accrual method or the cash method. It is impossible to combine them, for example, accounting for income by one method, and expenses by another, it is impossible. You can't jump from one method to another either. You choose only one method that is most suitable for you - for this it should be fixed as one of the provisions of the tax accounting policy.

What is the essence of the methods?

  • accrual method : in this method, income / expenses are recorded in the period when they are made, regardless of the date of payment or receipt of funds;
  • cash method : with this method, income / expenses are taken into account when they are actually received or paid. Actually, this is why the method is called cash: received money to the current account from the client - reflected the income, paid the invoice to the supplier - reflected the expense.

You can read more about these methods in Art. 271-273 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The cash method on OSNO is entitled to apply only to those legal entities whose revenue (excluding VAT) in the previous 4 quarters did not exceed 1 million rubles. for each of the periods. Accordingly, since the application of this method is limited, the accrual method is still the main one.

Income tax formula

The following formula is used to calculate the tax:

Income Tax = Base for Tax Calculation * Rate - Advance Payments

And now about each element of the formula in order.

The tax base

The tax base in this case is the amount of the organization's profit, calculated as the difference between income and expenses. It should be taken into account that:

  • If expenses exceed income and there is no profit, then the tax base = 0, that is, the tax will also be = 0;
  • Indicators are calculated from the beginning of the year on an accrual basis;
  • If a legal entity has a loss carried over from previous years, then it also participates in reducing the tax base;
  • If, due to the nature of the activity, a legal entity pays income tax at different rates, then the tax base for each rate should be considered separately.

Income tax rate in 2019

The standard income tax rate is set at 20%, and the distribution by budgets is such that 17% goes to the region, 3% - to the federal budget. For some persons, special rates may apply, you can read about them in Art. 284 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Advance income tax payments during the year

As with other taxes, income tax is paid not once a year, but is distributed throughout the year - advance payments are also paid on it. The process for paying advances for this tax can be different:

  • Quarterly with monthly payments;
  • Quarterly without monthly payments;
  • Monthly based on the actual amounts of profit.

As a result, regardless of how the legal entity pays advances, the final tax calculation based on the results of the year is considered taking into account all advance payments made.

Here's an example: At the end of 2018, Pervy LLC had taxable income of 123 million rubles, and expenses reducing the tax base - 76 million rubles. It turns out that the profit for tax purposes in this case will be equal to 123 - 76 = 47 million rubles. The standard tax rate is used -twenty%. Tax at the end of the year = 47 * 20% = 9.4 million rubles.

Suppose that during the year the company has already transferred advance payments for 6.2 million rubles. Then the tax payable will be equal to 9.4 - 6.2 = 3.2 million rubles.

Income tax payment deadlines

I'll start with what The tax period for any method of paying advances is a calendar year. But the reports may differ. For those who have quarterly advance payments (whether with monthly payments or not), the reporting periods are set to standard quarter, six months and 9 months. For those who pay advances every month on the fact of profit, the reporting periods will be a month, 2 months, 3 months, and so on until the end of the year.

All payments are due on the 28th. In more detail, then:

  • The quarterly advance payment is paid by the 28th day of the month following the quarter;
  • Monthly payments within a quarter are paid before the 28th day of the corresponding current month;
  • Monthly payments based on actual profit values ​​are paid before the 28th day of the month following the month ended.
  • The final calculation of income tax must be made before March 28 of the next year.

Income tax reporting

Legal entities on OSNO submit income tax returns to tax authorities. The frequency of its delivery depends on the order of payment of advances. For those who transfer advances by quarter, the declaration must be submitted 4 times - according to the results of each quarter of the year. For those who pay advances to the budget every month in fact, the declaration will have to be submitted as many as 12 times - from January to November and for the year.

The deadlines for filing a declaration are the same as for paying taxes. Reporting on the results of reporting periods is submitted before the 28th day of the month that began after the end of the period, and the declaration on the results of the year must be submitted before March 28th.


In this article, we have analyzed the main points regarding corporate income tax. In the following articles, we will dwell on each of the points in detail.

The calculation of income tax in 2020 is one of the most difficult accounting operations. Using an example, we will show how to calculate income tax, give the formula, the current rate and the accrual method.

How to calculate corporate income tax. Popular questions and step by step instructions

What is this tax and what amounts are subject to it?

Corporate income tax is paid on income reduced by the amount of expenses. Firms are required to pay a percentage of their profits to the budget. Unless they apply special regimes: USN, UTII, ESHN. Or they do not conduct a gambling business. Special taxation exempt legal entities from income tax. Let's figure out how to calculate income tax in 2020 (a calculation example is for LLCs that apply the general tax regime).

Who pays income tax?

The payers are:

  • Russian legal entities on common system taxation;
  • foreign companies that work and earn in the Russian Federation or work through a Russian representative office.

Do not pay:

  • Individual entrepreneurs and organizations on special regimes.

What are the income tax rates?

Before you figure out how income tax is calculated, you need to find out its size. The general rate is equal to 20% of the profit. Of these, in 2016, 2% received the federal budget, 18% - the regional. However, on December 28, 2016, the order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation N MMV-7-3 / [email protected] October 19, 2016, which introduced a new declaration form and changed the distribution of interest between budgets. In 2020, 3% will go to the federal treasury, 17% to the regional one. At the local level, the authorities can lower the tax rate, but only in the part that goes to the local budget: 3% is added from above. The rate in the subject of the Russian Federation cannot be lower than 13.5%. Together with payments going to the federal budget, now the lower threshold is 16.5% (13.5 + 3) - it has increased compared to 2016.

In Moscow, at a rate of 13.5%, they pay separate categories taxpayers who:

  • use the work of disabled people;
  • produce cars;
  • work in a special economic zone;
  • are residents of technopolises and industrial parks.

In St. Petersburg, 13.5% of profits are paid only by residents of the special economic zone who operate in its territory.

In most regions, the rate has been lowered for at least some types of activities. how to calculate income tax

In addition to the main, there are special rates. Profit tax at such rates is fully directed to the federal budget.

They are used for enterprises with a certain status or for special types income:

  • 20% is paid by foreign firms without a Russian representative office, hydrocarbon producers and controlled foreign companies;
  • 10% - foreign companies without a representative office in the Russian Federation from income from the rental of vehicles and in international transportation;
  • 13% - local organizations from dividends of foreign and Russian companies, and from dividends from shares on depository receipts;
  • 15% - foreign organizations from dividends of Russian companies; and all owners with state income. and municipal securities(CB);
  • 9% - from interest on municipal securities and other income from paragraphs 2 and 4 Article 284 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
  • 0% rate for medical and educational institutions, residents of special economic zones (ES), participants in regional investment projects, free ES in Crimea and Sevastopol, residents of the territory of advanced socio-economic development.

Calculation of corporate income tax: a sample according to the formula with tables

Example. Your organization is on DOS and received an income for the calendar year of 4,500,000 rubles. At the same time, she incurred expenses for 2,700,000 rubles.

Your profit: 4,500,000 - 2,700,000 = 1,800,000 rubles.

From the amount of 1,800,000 and you need to pay. See next, how to calculate income tax using an example.

If the regional rate in your area is the main one and is equal to 18%, then at the end of the year you will pay:

  • to the local budget:
  • to the federal budget:

If a reduced rate of 13.5% is applied in the region, then the calculation is as follows:

  • to the local budget:
  • to federal:

The example shows that the amount for the federal budget does not change - 3% of income in any case goes there.

Advance payments

Income tax is paid in advance payments every month or quarter, and then at the end of the year. Those companies whose sales revenues do not exceed 15 million rubles per quarter over the previous 4 quarters are entitled to transfer advances quarterly in 2020. The rest of the legal entities pay advances monthly. How to calculate income tax advances, we described in a separate article. Quarterly advances are calculated from actual income, and monthly advances are calculated from the estimated (based on data for the previous quarter).

Expenses and income

What is considered income?

Income - your income from the main activity (sales, services or work) and from additional sources (bank interest, renting out property). Income when calculating income tax is taken into account without VAT and excises, is confirmed by: invoices, payment orders, entries in the book of income and expenses, accounting registers.

What is considered an expense?

Expenses are confirmed and justified expenses of the company. They are associated with production activities:

  • employee salaries;
  • the cost of raw materials and equipment;
  • depreciation;
  • etc.

But there are also not related to production:

  • legal costs;
  • difference in exchange rates;
  • interest on loans;
  • etc.

What expenses are deducted from income?

Accountants are attentive to papers that confirm income tax expenses, since it is possible to reduce income on expenses only if the following conditions are met:

  • spending must be justified - to prove economic feasibility;
  • primary documents (book of income and expenses, tax registers) must be correctly executed.

At the same time, there is a list of costs that cannot be taken into account when reducing the base.

Subtracted from income:

  • commercial, transport, production costs (raw materials; salary; depreciation; rent; services of third-party lawyers; entertainment expenses);
  • interest on debts;
  • advertising spending (with a limitation - debited only in the amount of 1% of sales revenue);
  • insurance spending;
  • spending on research (for product improvement);
  • spending on education and training of personnel;
  • spending on the purchase of databases and computer programs.

What expenses cannot be deducted?

For a list of expenses that do not reduce income, see article 270 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. This:

  • remuneration for members of the board of directors;
  • contributions to the authorized capital;
  • deductions to the reserve of securities;
  • payments for exceeding the level of emissions into the environment;
  • losses associated with economic activity in communal housing and socio-cultural spheres;
  • penalties and fines;
  • money and property transferred to pay for loans and borrowings;
  • fees for notary services in excess of the tariff;
  • advance payment for a product or service;
  • repayment of housing loans for employees;
  • voluntary membership fees to public funds;
  • the amount of revaluation of the Central Bank with a negative difference;
  • the value of property given away free of charge, transfer costs;
  • payment for the travel of employees to work and home, if it is not provided for by production features and the contract;
  • pension supplements;
  • vouchers for treatment and rest of employees;
  • payment for vacations that are not provided for by law, but are specified in the contract with the employee;
  • payment for sports and cultural events;
  • payments for personal consumption goods purchased for employees;
  • the cost of subscribing to newspapers, magazines and other non-production literature;
  • payment for meals of employees, unless it is provided for by law or a collective agreement.

The moment of recognition of income and expenses

The moment of recognition is the period of time in which income or expenses are recognized in income tax accounting. There are two such moments. They depend on the method of recognition of income and expenses:

  • cash method;
  • accrual method.

The company chooses one of the methods, and by December 31 (without waiting for the start of the next tax period) reports territorial body The Federal Tax Service of Russia about his choice.

When applying the methods, firms take into account amounts at different points in time. Let's take a look at the nuances.

The cash method assumes that:

  • income is taken into account at the time of receipt at the cash desk or to the company's current account, not earlier;
  • expenses are taken into account at the time of debiting from the account or payment from the cash desk, not earlier;
  • when paying tax, the amounts are taken into account by the dates of receipt or write-off.

Accrual method:

  • income is taken into account at the time of occurrence (under contracts or payment orders), and not with direct payment;
  • expenses are taken into account at the time of occurrence, and not when debiting funds from accounts;
  • when paying tax, the amounts are taken into account on the documented dates, even if the actual payment occurred later.

Hummingbird LLC issued an invoice for the office rent in March, but payment was made only in June. Under the cash method, the accountant of Hummingbird LLC reflects the cost of renting an office in June - upon the fact of transferring money. In tax accounting, this expense is written off in the 2nd quarter. With the accrual method, the accountant of Hummingbird LLC takes into account the rental expense in March, when the company was supposed to pay it. In tax accounting, this expense is reflected in the first quarter.

The accrual method can be used by all enterprises. But the use of the cash method is limited:

  • banks are prohibited from using it;
  • firms recognize income and expenses ex post only if the revenue does not exceed 1 million rubles. for each of the last four quarters;
  • if the limit is exceeded when applying the method, then the company is obliged to switch to the accrual method from the beginning of the current year.

What is the tax base if the firm suffers a loss?

The profit of the organization according to the rules of tax accounting is not negative. Even if there is a loss at the end of the year, the tax base is recognized as equal to zero. The tax in this case is also zero. Tax accounting registers must confirm the correctness of the calculation of the tax base. It is mandatory to submit a declaration, even if the amount is zero.

Income tax calculation

Let's look at an example of income tax calculation for dummies to understand how the tax is calculated.

Hummingbird LLC produces and sells soft toys. Let's calculate the income tax that the company will pay for 2020 if:

  • LLC received a loan from a bank for 500,000 rubles;
  • sold toys for 1,200,000 rubles, including VAT;
  • used raw materials for production for 350,000 rubles;
  • paid wages to workers in the amount of 250,000 rubles;
  • insurance premiums amounted to 40,000 rubles;
  • carried out depreciation in the amount of 30,000 rubles;
  • paid interest on a loan in the amount of 25,000 rubles;
  • wants to take into account last year's loss in the amount of 120,000 rubles.

Costs of Hummingbird LLC in 2020:

Since income is considered excluding VAT, it will amount to 1,000,000 rubles at a VAT rate of 20%. And 200,000 rubles is the amount of VAT that the LLC will transfer to the state. Amounts on loans are not subject to income tax, they are simply not included in the tax base in accordance with paragraphs. 10 p. 1 Art. 251 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Therefore, 500,000 rubles of a loan are not considered income.

Then the profit of Hummingbird LLC in 2020:

That's income minus expenses minus last year's loss.

The tax payable is calculated according to the formula:

Out of which:

go to the budget of the Russian Federation;

go to the budget of the region.

You can also automatically calculate taxes in a convenient application, you do not need to monitor the change in rates, the service is updated automatically, taking into account recent changes legislation. The program will warn about the deadlines for filing reports and paying taxes, tell you what and how to do.

Why do you need a calculator?

A calculator will help a novice businessman decide which taxation scheme is more profitable to use. Using an online calculator will save accountants and managers from the hassle of calculating sum of money payable. Enter the data in the rows and watch the result on the screen.

The income tax rate is 20 percent, including 3% to the federal budget and 17% to the regional budget. The article contains a large table for the remaining rates, as well as tax calculation rules, free reference books and useful links.

The following guides (you can download them) will help you report on income tax without any problems:

Since the “profitable” payment of a legal entity is made to the budgets of two levels (all-Russian and regional), then for all types of taxable transactions, the corporate income tax rate is determined by pairs of indicators. Typically, the most common types of income are subject to the main tariff - 20 percent of the taxable base, of which, from 2017 to 2024, 3 percent goes to the state budget of the all-Russian level, and 17 percent - to the budget of the regional level. This is an exception to general rule The Tax Code of the Russian Federation, according to which 2 percent of the taxable base is due to the all-Russian budget, and 18 percent to the regional budget. This rule was in effect until 2017 and is expected to continue to apply after 2024.

In addition to the general corporate income tax rate, there are other rates established for certain types of taxable income and transactions. They are listed below - in a large table, broken down by tariffs.

Other guides on taxes and fees

After reviewing the corporate income tax rate, do not forget to look at the following sample reports:

Tax declaration - online!

The current form of the declaration is applied, starting with the reporting for 2016, in accordance with the order of the Federal Tax Service of October 19, 2016 No. ММВ-7-3 / [email protected] The former form, approved by order of the Federal Tax Service dated November 26, 2014 No. ММВ-7-3 / [email protected], became invalid due to the fact that it did not reflect the changes that had been made by that time to tax code. Since taxation rules are constantly being adjusted, it is possible that the current form of "profitable" reporting will be updated once again. Therefore, in order not to keep track of all changes and not to verify the details of the forms manually, it is recommended to draw up a declaration automatically - in the BukhSoft program.

An income tax return is available in the BukhSoft program. The report is always on the current form, taking into account all changes in the law. The program will fill out the form automatically. You will only have to download it in electronic format. Before sending to tax office the declaration is tested by all testing programs of the Federal Tax Service. Try it for free:

Income tax return online

The concept of corporate income tax

In order to correctly calculate the payment to the budget, it is necessary to determine the terminology and basic concepts. They are established for any tax payment by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. In accordance with its rules, profit is understood as a positive difference, expressed in monetary terms, between taxable income and recognized expenses. Moreover, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation applies certain requirements to income and expenses that form the taxable base.

What is taxable income

Only amounts that correspond to the concept of economic benefit, which can be assessed in monetary or in-kind terms, are considered income. All income in terms of "profitable" taxation is divided into:

  • taxable proceeds from the sale of property, works, services, property rights;
  • taxable non-operating income;
  • non-taxable receipts that do not affect the final amount of the payment.

What are recognized expenses

Expenses are money or property spent that are reasonably economic point vision and are supported by properly executed documents. All possible expenses for the purposes of "profitable" taxation are divided into:

  • amounts associated with production and sales;
  • non-operating;
  • does not reduce taxable income.

In turn, the costs of production and sale are divided into:

  • material;
  • for wages;
  • others;
  • depreciation.

In addition, you can represent the costs of production and sale as:

  • costs in connection with the manufacture of products, the purchase and resale of goods, the performance of work, the provision of services, the acquisition and exercise of property rights;
  • the cost of operating fixed assets, including their repair and maintenance;
  • R&D costs;
  • insurance premiums and contributions for voluntary and compulsory insurance;
  • spending on the development of natural resources;
  • other expenses in connection with production and sale.

Zero payment rate

The second most common income tax rate is zero percent. Here are the main transactions that are subject to preferential taxation.

  • the firm's ownership of this share lasts continuously for 365 days or more.
  1. Income of legal entities belonging to the category of agricultural producers.
  2. Excess of income over expenses of educational and medical organizations subject to the conditions established by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

For more information on the amounts and transactions subject to zero taxation when working on DOS, see below.

Income tax in the Russian Federation, transferred only to the federal budget

For some types of income, payments when working under the general tax regime must be made only to the federal budget, while the corporate income tax rate is 0 percent. These include, for example, the following types of income:

  • interest on municipal-level securities issued for three years or more before January 1, 2007;
  • interest on mortgage-backed bonds issued before January 1, 2007;
  • interest on regional and municipal Russian securities;
  • interest on mortgage bonds if they were issued after January 1, 2007;
  • receipts from international transportation;
  • lease payments due for the use of air or sea transport;
  • receipts in the form of rental payments for the use of containers involved in international transportation;
  • profit from hydrocarbon production at a new offshore field, etc.

The table below will help you quickly find out how much income tax is in 2019 for various receipts and operations and at different rates. All taxable incomes are grouped depending on the applicable rates as:

  • zero tariff;
  • tariff when paying only to the federal budget;
  • tariff when paying only to the regional budget.

Table. What percentage of income tax in 2019


Interest rate

For nationwide payment

For regional payment

Zero tariff

Interest on:

  • government and municipal bonds issued before 20.01.1997
  • bonds of the 1999 foreign currency bond state loan instead of Series III bonds of the domestic foreign currency state loan

Dividends due to a Russian company from participation in other legal entities if, as of the date of the decision to pay dividends:

  • the company's share in the authorized capital of the legal entity paying dividends is 50 percent or more;
  • the firm's ownership of that interest lasts continuously for 365 days or more

Income of legal entities-agricultural producers

Profit from rendering:

  • educational and medical organizations due dividends and receipts on debt obligations
  • tourist and recreational services in the Far Eastern Federal District

Gain on sale, redemption or other disposal:

  • shares of Russian or foreign issuers;
  • shares in authorized capitals Russian or foreign legal entities

Tariff only for the federal budget

Interest on:

  • securities of municipal issuers issued before January 1, 2007 for at least three years
  • mortgage-backed bonds issued before January 1, 2007
  • receipts from mortgage participation certificates issued before January 1, 2007.

Receivable rental payments for use:

  • maritime transport;
  • air transport;
  • containers involved in international transportation

Receipts from international shipments

Actions in the form:

  • proceeds from real estate located in Russia
  • lease or sublease payments for property transferred for use in Russia
  • leasing or subleasing payments for property provided for use in Russia

CFC profit

Profits from hydrocarbon production at new offshore fields

Tariff for payment only to the regional budget

Profit of legal entities participating in regional investment projects

Profit of legal entities participating in SEZ

no more than 13.5

Profit of residents of the OSED territory and the free port of Vladivostok

  • no more than 5% in the first five years from the date of receipt of profit,
  • at least 10% in the next five years

Profit from an investment project in the SEZ in the Kaliningrad region

0 in the first six years from the date of receipt of profits for the first time

1.5 in the next six years

8.5 in the next six years

Indicators for calculating income tax in the Russian Federation

The tariff at which the amount payable to the budget is determined is applied as part of a formula that follows from the norms of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The indicators of the formula are the elements of "profitable" taxation, defined by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

As you know, any tax payment is considered established only if the following elements are legally defined for it:

  • tax object. For "profitable" taxation, these are sales profits and non-operating receipts, reduced by the amount of economically justified and documented expenses;
  • taxable base, that is, profit in monetary terms, calculated according to the rules of Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
  • tax period, for "profitable" taxation it is a calendar year;
  • corporate income tax rate, which varies depending on the type of operation. See the large table below for more details;
  • the procedure for calculating the payment, that is, formalized rules on how to calculate the taxable base, apply the payment rate to it and calculate the total amount to be transferred to the budget;
  • the terms and procedure for transferring payments to the budgets of the corresponding level. Depending on the method of calculation and frequency of payments, transfers may be required quarterly or monthly.

How much income tax to pay to the budget

The rules on how often and when to make "profitable" payments to the budget are established by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. There are currently three payment options available:

  • on the profit of the completed quarter;
  • by actual profit.

Depending on the method of calculating the amount payable to the budget, the deadlines for its payment also differ. So, when calculating a payment based on actual profit, funds must be transferred monthly, the deadline is the 28th day of the month following the reporting one.

And if the tax is determined on the basis of the profit of the past quarter, then it must be paid depending on whether the proceeds from sales for the last four quarters exceed 15 million rubles:

  • or every month
  • or quarterly.

The deadline in this case is the 28th day of the month following the reporting period, month or quarter.

What is the percentage of income tax according to the formula

How much income tax to substitute in the formula depends on the type of income or operation. For example, the most general formula for taxing the most common receipts at the basic rate is as follows:

In particular, the indicator of how many percent of income tax to pay to the all-Russian budget can be seen from the formula:

How to calculate the payment amount

Let's give an example of the calculation using the formulas above for the case when the company makes payments every quarter based on the receipts of the previous quarter.


Symbol LLC makes a “profitable” payment quarterly based on the profit of the past quarter at the basic rate:

  • 3 percent - to the all-Russian state budget;
  • 17 percent - to the regional budget.

In the first quarter, taxable proceeds to Symbol from sales and non-sales transactions amounted to 3,000,000 rubles, while recognized expenses amounted to 2,000,000 rubles. So, payments for the first quarter are equal to:

  • to the all-Russian state budget - 30,000 rubles;
  • to the regional budget - 170,000 rubles.