Deposit concept. What is a deposit? Types of deposits and their features. Characteristics of deposits


There is never too much money: the more we earn, the more we spend. But some lucky ones manage to save a tidy sum. If you are one of them, you will certainly wonder where to spend it.

There are many ways, but you need to think carefully about everything. If you want your money to work for you, then you can try going into business. However, not everyone has a talent for entrepreneurial activity and there is a possibility of failure.

Alternatively, you can consider temporarily placing capital in a deposit account. What's the benefit? Firstly, the money will be stored in a safe place that attackers will not be able to penetrate. Secondly, there will be an opportunity to earn a little extra money at the expense of the deposit rate that the bank will pay.

In this article we will look in detail at the types of this service, its features and conditions.

Appearance of deposits

The banking system has not always been as developed as it is now. For example, until the 19th century, not a single bank existed in Russia, and especially no one knew what a deposit was.

At a time when monetary currency only writers could dream, people realized trading operations predominantly gold, bronze or silver coins.

Both now and then, there were wealthy gentlemen who had material assets in large quantities. They hired guards who were supposed to protect their property day and night from attacks by thieves, who for the most part were simple workers without an extra piece of bread.

As you know, without demand there is no supply, and in ancient Greece special savings cells began to appear in temples. You could store your property in them by pre-paying for this service.

As financial relationships evolved, Europe began to pay merchants to place their funds with the so-called first bankers. This can be considered the appearance of the first deposits, which to this day are quite popular.

What is a deposit?

This is a deposit that is placed in a special account. For the fact that a person has entrusted and deposited his funds, the bank or other financial institution in which the account is opened charges a premium (interest) on the amount of the deposit.

This benefits both parties:

  • the investor has placed his funds in a safe place, he does not worry about their safety;
  • At the expense of old capital, the investor earns new capital;
  • The bank receives liabilities that it can use to lend to customers.

Of course, current interest on deposits does not allow you to earn money in the full sense of the word. But reduce negative influence They are capable of inflation and have proven themselves well in practice.

Types of deposits

Let's continue to understand what a deposit is, let's look at existing species deposits.

By validity period, deposits can be divided into the following positions:

  1. Short-term (up to 3 months).
  2. Medium-term (from 3 to 6 months).
  3. Long-term (more than 6 months).

Often banks are interested in long-term liabilities, so deposits with a maturity of over 6 months have higher rates compared to others. An exception may be the difficult situation of a particular financial institution who lacks money supply. In this case, banks prefer to create preferential terms and increase rates specifically on short-term deposits.

For the population and enterprises

Depending on the type of person who is a depositor, banks open:

Often, the public is offered to place deposits with a higher interest rate than firms and enterprises. This is done in order to attract as much money as possible from individuals.

Banks are interested in this, since firms and enterprises cannot keep their funds in a deposit account for a long time. Financial institutions need long-term liabilities, so they try to attract the maximum number of deposits at the expense of the population.

Interest accrual

Depending on the method of calculating interest, deposits exist:

  • with capitalization;
  • without capitalization.

Typically, deposits are capitalized and can be replenished at any time, and there are no restrictions on withdrawals before the end of the banking service agreement. Thus, the deposit amount is constantly recalculated and interest is accrued only on the balance.

On deposits without capitalization the rates are always higher. This is due to the fact that such deposits have deadline actions and do not imply the possibility of withdrawal or replenishment, which is more profitable for the bank.

Which deposit should I choose?

Based on the above list of types of deposits, it can be said that each bank has a wide range of offered financial services.

For example, Sberbank deposits are represented by the following list:

  1. "Save."
  2. “Replenish.”
  3. "Manage."
  4. "Give life."
  5. "Multicurrency deposit of Sberbank of Russia."
  6. "International".
  7. Savings account.

Financial institutions are trying to create as many options as possible to potential client I was able to choose the appropriate type of deposit for myself.

The main points to pay attention to when choosing banking product should be:

  • interest rate;
  • bank reputation;
  • transparent terms of service.

Interest on deposits indicates current situation on the market and the stability of the position of the financial institution that offers them. If the rate level differs sharply from the average offers of other banks, this may indicate an unstable situation or a violation of the financial component.

Deposits are fulfilled today special role: they help save and increase funds. In this matter, it is very important to trust your money to those banks that have a reputation for reliability. No one wants to deposit funds into an account with a financial institution about which little is known.

Transparent terms of service mean no hidden commissions on deposits. For example, they are possible when non-cash transfer from other accounts, as well as when withdrawing cash from the cash register.

Hello, dear readers of the online magazine “site”. Today we will tell you what deposits in banks are and what types of bank deposits exist, and we will also provide instructions on how you can independently calculate a deposit.

From this article you will learn:

  • What is a deposit and what is it for?
  • What types of bank deposits are the most popular;
  • How to correctly calculate the profitability of a deposit and where it is profitable to deposit money.

We will also provide answers to frequently asked questions on this topic at the end of the publication.

Read about what a bank deposit is, what types of deposits banks offer, how to calculate interest on a deposit using an online calculator in this issue

1. What is a deposit or deposit in a bank - an overview of the concept of a bank deposit in simple words 💸

Next, depending on the type of deposit, you need to enter information and indicate the details of the account from which the funds will be debited for the deposit. In this case, confirmation of opening a deposit will be a web document marked "Completed".

Thus, it can be noted that opening a deposit is not difficult, the main thing is that it brings the expected profit.

6. Where are the best conditions for deposits - TOP-3 banks with favorable conditions for deposits 📋

In order to be confident in their investments, they choose deposits from reliable banks. The pursuit of high returns can lead to disastrous results.

If you credit organization will be taken away license , then the maximum you can count on is the return of the deposit amount with interest that has already been credited to the account. Interest is not accrued after the license is revoked; you will have to wait to receive the funds from1 months or longer. This is provided that the deposit has been insured.

Take note! When choosing, it is better to be guided by the principle “less is more”.

Selected below TOP – 3 banks that offer good conditions placement of deposits and have a fairly high degree of reliability.

1) Sberbank

The largest and reliable bank in the Russian Federation - Sberbank . His clients are more than 139 million people all over the world. It has the most extensive branch network, representative offices and subsidiaries in neighboring countries, Europe, Asia, and the USA. In this regard, it is convenient for clients to use its services.

Worth considering , the scale of the bank allows it to be Not very mobile, attract deposits Not at the highest rates, but be strong and reliable.

The range of deposits offered at the bank is very wide. Suggested here various targeted programs for large depositors and for those who need to preserve their savings, charity programs .

You can open a deposit in rubles, Euro, dollars. All conditions are presented on the company’s website with the ability to calculate the income percentage. It is possible to open a deposit using personal account Sberbank online.

Minimumdeposit threshold low, so the bank's depositors are clients with different levels income. Interest rate is not maximum. You can get a good income only subject to investing a large amount of funds.

The bank attracts customers with its brand and presence large quantity branches and additional offices.

2) VTB 24

The bank is one of the largest Russian credit companies. Focused on working with private individuals, small business, entrepreneurs. Counts about 12 million clients individuals, has a ramified branch network. Has high expert ratings.

Offers wide selection of deposit programs , the opening conditions of which are presented on its website on the Internet. The return on the deposit is also calculated on the website. The bank offers the service of opening a deposit remotely. Deposits can be opened in any currency ( rubles, Euro, dollar).

Tall enough deposit threshold ensures an influx of wealthy clients. Higher interest rate than in Sberbank, duration of deposits to 5 years, with a good level of reliability makes deposits VTB 24 popular investment object.

3) PJSC Bank "FC Otkritie"

The bank works on financial market more 20 years, is the largest private bank in the Russian Federation. According to the rating agency "Expert RA" takes 7 -th place in size equity. Has branches in 52 regions of Russia, about 3.5 million clients individuals.

The bank has full automated a range of services for individuals. You can register, manage and withdraw deposits on a personal visit to the bank or through mobile application . There is also internet banking.

You can open a deposit in any currency. The credit institution offers wide choice of deposits .

The bank is average contribution threshold , available to many clients. Comfortable conditions and high interest rate provide good return on deposits.

The credit institution offers increased interest on deposits opened online to increase the popularity of this service.

A summary table is also presented below for clarity. By 6 -ty large banks with a minimum deposit amount and a maximum interest rate on it.

Comparative table of deposits in various banks with indicators of the minimum contribution threshold and interest rate on them:

Credit organization Min. deposit amount, thousand rubles Max. percentage, per year
1 Sberbank 1 5,63
2 VTB 24 200 7,40
3 Opening 50 9,25
4 Rosselkhozbank 50 8,75
5 Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development 5 9,00
6 Bank Tinkoff 50 9,45

Thus, a variety of conditions and interest rates provide the client with the opportunity to choose a bank with a good profitable interest rate.

7. How to choose and arrange a bank deposit correctly - 5 useful tips from experts 💎

Previously, in order to open a deposit, it was necessary to bypass the city banks, select suitable conditions and stand in line at the selected credit institution. This required time(the work schedule of banks often coincided with the work schedule of enterprises) and focus.

Now it's done significantly easier , more convenient And faster .

In order to get maximum profitability and profitability of the transaction, we suggest you familiarize yourself with expert advice in this area.

Tip 1. The interest rate should not be the cornerstone of your choice

When opening a deposit, the main attention is paid to the interest rate. It would seem that everything is correct, the deposits are insured, there is no need to worry about their loss. But it's true only provided that the bank does not have financial difficulties.

Worth considering that during the validity of the deposit agreement, the bank’s license may be revoked. Then you will have to get the deposit amount back with minimal interest. At the same time, if placed with a reliable credit institution at a lower interest rate, the investor’s income for the same period will be higher.

Individual program conditions must be taken into account: availability And frequency of capitalization of the deposit, possibility of replenishment And withdrawals etc.

Tip 2. Break one deposit into several

It is important to remember: “You can’t put all your eggs in one basket.” This saying perfectly characterizes the following advice.

If you have a large amount of savings, it is better to distribute them among different banks.

Compared to one deposit, opening several deposits in different banks has the following advantages:

  • reducing the risk of loss of income in the event of possible financial difficulties at the bank;
  • the ability to choose the most convenient individual conditions for placing funds.

Can be opened multicurrency deposit , which also has its advantages.

Advantages of a multicurrency deposit:

  • the ability to freely manage your account;
  • if necessary, you can convert the deposit;
  • reduction of losses from inflation.

The best option is to place a deposit proportionally in three currencies: rubles, dollars, Euro.

A person who is not afraid of risk and wants to learn how to manage his own investments can open investment deposit .

A feature of the investment deposit is that the deposit is divided into 2 parts:

  1. contribution;
  2. investments in mutual funds (share funds) investment funds).

Interest on the deposit is accrued in the standard mode. The profitability of investing in mutual funds depends on many factors. Moreover, the investment object is chosen by the client on one's own.

Thus, by opening an investment deposit, you can make good money if circumstances are successful, or lose half of the deposit if the investment was unprofitable.

Tip 3. Place funds only with credit institutions

If, by placing his savings in a deposit, the investor expects to return them back, then it is forbidden trust unverified companies that entice customers with fabulous interest rates.

You need to contact only to those credit institutions whose deposits are insured Deposit Insurance Agency (ASV). Their list is available on the website of the Agency and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

If the interest rates they offer are very attractive for the client, then you should definitely check the information about such companies.

There are several ways to assess the reliability of a credit institution:

  • On a personal visit to the company office , where all documents must be publicly available;
  • View the company's website. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the length of its activity, the size of assets, the amount of liability for obligations;
  • Read customer reviews on independent thematic forums.

It will be difficult for a non-specialist to understand all the nuances; there is a high probability of falling into the hands of dishonest partners.

Tip 4. Be realistic about the deposit period

The longer the deposit term, the higher the interest rate on it. If funds are placed for the long term, then without a doubt they should be placed under the most high percentage.

However, it is worth considering that in case of early termination of the contract (no one is insured against unforeseen circumstances), interest on the deposit is accrued minimum, that is, you won’t be able to make money on it.

If savings are not made for specific purposes: buying a home, traveling, etc., it is better to choose an average period for placing funds.

Tip 5. Better choose the simplest and most understandable sentences

Advertising campaigns of banks are carried out with the aim of attracting as many depositors as possible. Various “beautiful conditions” and pleasant bonuses are invented. In fact, this often turns out to be only propaganda.

If you are not a financial expert, it is better to choose simpler programs, the profitability of which can be calculated on one's own .

Convenient and clear conditions, reliable bank– everything you need to profitably invest your own savings.

Having a free amount of money, you can make it a permanent source of passive income , which will be a pleasant bonus to the family budget.

8. Frequently asked questions about bank deposits and deposits 🔔

Question 1. What are investment deposits?

Investment contribution represents a diversified financial instrument placement of funds. His main feature is the division of funds into actual contribution and on investments in investment funds.

This service is offered credit institutions, with which they are affiliated mutual funds(mutual funds). Usually the deposit amount is divided 50 /50 . But only the deposit amount will be insured by the DIA.

Today, these types of deposits are a fairly popular type of financial services. This is explained by receiving higher profitability than with standard deposits. In addition, the investor acquires investment experience with minimal risks.

On the one side, dividing the deposit into two parts guarantees the safety of the deposit and the receipt of a stable small income from it.

On the other side , you have the opportunity to receive many times more profit with a successful investment or lose funds invested in a mutual fund.

Terms investment deposits are:

  • high entry threshold;
  • short period of time;
  • impossibility of prolongation.

Question 2. Indexed deposit - what is it?

There are bank deposits, the condition of which is possibility of interest rate indexation depending on the value of certain assets. For example , securities, dollar exchange rate, RTS index, inflation rates, etc..

If the asset grows, the investor receives an additional interest, and if the asset falls, the rate is calculated as for deposits “ poste restante».

Question 3. What is an online bank deposit calculator?

Just recently, in order to understand how profitable it is to place money on a deposit, you had to go to the bank and stand in line to receive individual advice. Now everything has become easier And more convenient.

All bank websites contain information about proposed programs for attracting funds to deposits. A convenient innovation is the presence online deposit calculator (deposit calculator). It provides the opportunity to calculate the profitability of a particular program to determine the most favorable conditions.

Online deposit calculator is a program specially adapted for a specific financial organization, which includes all the conditions of a deposit of a specific bank.

Under what conditions can I open a deposit account in rubles? Which banks offer best interest on deposits? How to calculate the profitability of a deposit?

Hello, dear readers of the HeatherBober business portal!

2. What criteria can be used to classify a deposit deposit - 3 main characteristics

It should be noted that by investing money in a savings bank, you also protect your funds! All amounts up to 1.4 million rubles are insured unconditionally. Therefore, you can lose your savings by making deposits only in the event of a global financial cataclysm.

Let's consider how you can classify deposits for a more convenient and effective choice of financial investments.

Sign 1. According to the period of storage of funds

We divide our investments into urgent And demand deposits. The criterion in this category is time. you invest cash for a certain period with its own remuneration features.

A time deposit does not allow withdrawal or replenishment of the invested amount. Such investments are made for a strictly defined period and interest. If you want to withdraw your savings ahead of time, most likely, your interest rates will be reduced, or even a fine will be imposed.


Pensioner Denis Ivanovich made a deposit in the bank for exactly one year, so that in a year he could use the accumulated interest to buy building materials. But bad luck, he needed money to repair his car before the end of the deposit. What to do? He went to the bank to collect his money.

At the bank, the manager nodded his head in understanding, shrugged his shoulders and began to process a refund with the minimum interest rate.

Demand deposits are also issued for a limited period, but with much lower savings rates. This is due to the fact that you can withdraw the required amount from your account at any time or completely close the deposit.

In order to attract customers, many banks are opening universal services. Such hybrid deposits have a fairly high interest rate (up to 12% and higher depending on the currency), but have a limited potential for withdrawing funds in demand. Most often this is some kind of non-reducible deposit amount.

Sign 2. By type of task

1) Savings deposits

The contribution is made in anticipation of a large purchase: a car, an apartment, a yacht. Perhaps you want to save a certain amount for a trip or simply need a small capital to finance a project.

Very often, such programs already exist within banks and sometimes have their own names depending on the purposes for which the funds are saved (car deposit, apartment payment). The point of a deposit is that you make contributions, accumulating the amount of money you need.

2) Settlement deposits

Focus on financial activities, saving, spending and replenishing deposits. A distinctive feature is that there is a certain minimum balance on the deposit. Usually the lower deposit threshold is small, and you practically have the entire deposit amount.

You use all the services of the bank, you can use a current account at your own discretion, the only drawback is a certain period of time (most often from 15 to 20 days) when the invested amount can be withdrawn in full, except for interest (usually does not exceed 1%).

Designed for target customer groups. The deposit is made based on the accumulation of interest on the remaining amount from the replenishment. Let's imagine that you open a deposit into which your salary is credited. Interest is accrued on the portion of the amount that you have not spent in the current month.

Closing his time deposit, Denis Ivanovich drew attention to the bank’s special offer and asked whether it was possible to re-issue the deposit on other terms.

The bank accommodated the pensioner and gave him another deposit, from which he could withdraw the amount of money he needed, and interest was accrued on the balance.

4) Metal inserts

Gold money. In this deposit you turn your savings into precious metals. Just buy the desired weight of noble material and monitor its market value.

Interest on these deposits is accrued extremely rarely. Income is usually made up of fluctuations in the price of jewelry.

Sign 3. By type of funds

And the last group of contributions, at first glance, is quite simple, but it’s worth taking a closer look at it.

Usually people make investments in national monetary units, but when there are financial changes, they run to banks, withdraw their money and buy currency, which they sell again a little later, ultimately receiving the same original amount.

We divide deposits into:

    foreign exchange (usually opened in euros or dollars);

    ruble (have maximum interest rates);

    multicurrency (the deposit is made in euros, dollars and rubles, there is the possibility of free currency conversion).

Interest on all deposits is accrued in the currency in which they were opened. For multi-currency deposits, accounting is kept for each currency separately.

When drawing up a new contract, the manager asked in what currency Denis Ivanovich would like to open his new account?

The pensioner scratched his ragged beard and decided to impress the manager with his wisdom:

There are two types of money: ours and not ours, but you can mix it too!? Make me a multi-currency! I will organize a small Forex on my account!

3. How to calculate the return on a deposit - 5 simple steps

If you decide to open a deposit, let's count how much profit it will bring us! You can go to the bank’s website and use a special remuneration calculator.

If this option causes mistrust or difficulties, then we contact representatives of the financial institution to clarify the scheme for calculating interest.

As Ostap Bender said:

Once upon a time there are some people wandering around the country banknotes, then there must be people who have a lot of them.

It is profitable for someone to borrow money, spend it, pay back the interest and put something in their pocket. And we will begin to count the profit that we will receive when opening a deposit.

Step 1. Specify the interest calculation scheme

Accruals occur daily, but the actual amount is usually indicated once a month.

Interest on the deposit can be calculated simplified or with. Simple scheme looks like adding the annual rate to the original amount, provided that we do not withdraw funds from the account.

It's a little more complicated with capitalization. In this case, interest is calculated on the deposit amount plus interest accrued for the previous period.

Step 2. Multiply the initial deposit amount by the annual rate

Let's play with the calculator and take 10,000 rubles for the initial amount. To see your net profit for the year, according to a simplified scheme, we multiply by the annual rate (take 15%). Total, 10,000*15%=1500.

Step 3. Calculate income capitalization

The more often capitalization occurs, the more profitable is the deposit? Yes, but not always. With frequent capitalization, the annual rate decreases! And ultimately, the effectiveness of the deposit is leveled out.

To calculate capitalization, we need to add the interest received to the original amount and recalculate the interest again.


Vitya opened a deposit for a period of one year and received a bonus from the bank in the form monthly capitalization of your contribution. The initial amount in the deposit account was 100,000 rubles and when closing the deposit, Victor expected to see 112,000 in his account.

Our investor was surprised to find 112,682 rubles in his account! Oh, Vitya, Vitya, you forgot that you received capitalization as a gift!

Step 4. Determine the effective rate

Please note that the effective rate only works when the deposit is capitalized and provided that previously accumulated interest is not withdrawn from the account. Thus, when calculating capitalization, we will be able to accumulate interest on the amount already added.

As we already know, when making a deposit we are informed interest rate. To find out effective rate(the percentage at which final calculations are made), we need to determine the number of capitalizations. The effectiveness of the bet will be proportional to this number.

For example, with an initial deposit amount of 10,000 rubles and an interest rate of 12%, you will receive 10,098 rubles in the first month and with monthly capitalization, the next interest will be accrued to you exactly on the last amount.

The rate with such a settlement system will increase its effectiveness to 12.06%, for the next month to 12.12% and so on until the deposit period expires.

Step 5. Calculate the final profit

S =N *(1+(Y *J /100*T )) A

  • S - total amount;
  • N - initial amount;
  • Y - interest rate;
  • J - number of days in the capitalization period;
  • T - deposit term, number of days;
  • A - number of capitalizations.

Screw this math! It could be simpler and clearer.

Let's make 3 different annual deposits of 1000 rubles each and compare the results:

So it becomes clear that before making a contribution, it is advisable to independently determine its profitability and look for alternatives to the proposed programs.

4. Who offers the best conditions for deposits - review of the TOP 3 banks with favorable terms of cooperation

Let's look at the leaders in attracting investment in Russia.

What are the interest rates for deposits banks offer us and how they differ, read on.

has been working in Russia since 1990. The largest bank in the Sverdlovsk region, the leader in its region in terms of deposits. It has representative offices in more than 43 regions of the country.

The reliability of the bank is confirmed by the Deposit Insurance Agency, the National Rating Agency at the “AA” level, which indicates the highest creditworthiness of the organization. The Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development is a multiple winner of Russian social achievement awards.

The leading financial organization in the Urals offers its clients profitable deposits and deposits up to 11% per annum. Various bonuses and discounts, additional services expect bank depositors.

You can get plus 1% to the rate by opening a deposit in the Ural Bank. Leave your phone number on the company’s website and they will call you back within 20 minutes to clarify the features of the deposit for the program you are interested in.

Deposits are easy to manage using online banking. Online payments are available to customers to pay for various utility and entertainment services. On the company's website you can participate in all sorts of promotions and competitions with attractive prizes.

Largest bank Russian Federation. It has branches in all major cities and territorial districts of Russia. Serves all segments of the population and forms of business, providing the widest range of banking services.

On the company's website you can familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions of bank deposits and immediately register your investment. You can choose a deposit that is convenient for you online. A 24-hour consultation and feedback service will help you clarify the nuances and features.

Having a deposit in Sberbank, you enjoy various bonuses and discounts in the socio-economic sphere of activity of Russian citizens.

The joint stock company was founded in 2000. Represents a wide range of financial services and occupies a leading position in agricultural sector economy. The Bank is developing investment and lending programs, focusing on the interests of citizens living in rural areas.

The bank operates in all regions of Russia and provides clients with the opportunity to manage their accounts from anywhere in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. On the company's website you can view all available investment programs and ongoing promotions. If necessary, open a deposit remotely by submitting an application via the Internet.

5. How to open a deposit account correctly - 5 golden rules for a depositor

Opening a deposit is always associated with certain fears and risks. It seems that this is a very troublesome task - to go somewhere, to count something, and is the game worth the candle?

Let's look at how to invest your money with maximum efficiency and simplicity.

Rule 1. Do not choose a deposit solely based on the interest rate

The main criterion when choosing a deposit is the interest rate. The higher the bet, the more you can earn. But it is worth remembering that the bank has the right to change the interest rate depending on financial troubles.

Deposit rate is not Snickers, size doesn't always matter!

Apart from the interest rate, there are other factors that must be taken into account. In particular, the same capitalization that I wrote about above.

Rule 2. Make a choice in favor of banks with foreign capital

Such banks are stable and reliable. They have a longer service life, which allowed them to reach the international level. The capital of such banks, placed in foreign exchange reserves, is more stable to shocks.

The vast majority of institutions with foreign capital are subsidiaries of foreign banks represented on Russian market. Due to sanctions and pressure on the Russian economy, it is much easier for such organizations to exist in the economic field of activity and at the same time offer attractive investment programs.

Rule 3. Divide funds into several deposits in different currencies

It would be reasonable to divide the contribution into several parts. This will allow you to freely convert money, managing exchange rate risks and leveling inflation processes.

Most multicurrency deposits are made in three units: rubles, euros, US dollars. Other currencies are used much less frequently, but still have their place.

– this concept has two meanings: basis banking security and protecting client finances. Deposit in simple words and in its broadest sense means a share when one party gives something valuable to the other for a certain period for storage. Accordingly, the stored object is also called a deposit. Moreover:

  • the parties can be both individuals and legal entities;
  • the deposited object can be stored either with or without the condition of increasing its value;
  • the party accepting the deposit object for storage must be interested in such a service, i.e. the contract partner must either directly pay for storage, or the object itself can be used so that the party storing it makes a profit.

The options here are different. Thus, antiques, art objects, historically valuable documents and papers are stored with virtually no increase in value. Such items are very reliably protected from inflation, since even during periods of crisis they have a consistently high price.

Types of bank deposits by form

Another point is the legal position of the parties. The opener of the deposit can be either a private individual or a huge corporation. But the custodian almost always turns out to be a legal entity. Moreover, in 90% of all cases we're talking about about the bank. After all, the concept of deposit is colloquially associated with a bank. This type of attachment can be opened in three forms:

  • deposit box, i.e. a metal box in a bank vault. Clients give them for storage in a similar capsule securities, precious stones, precious metal bars, art and antiques, valuable documents, etc. Banknotes not the most common contents of such boxes;
  • deposit cash account– from the name it is clear that the bank opens an account in the name of the client to which he transfers his funds under certain conditions;
  • metal deposit account- the same as cash, only when you deposit currency into it, it is automatically converted into gold, platinum or silver equivalent by weight in accordance with the current exchange rate for the value of precious metals. It is important that the electronic metal account does not have a physical expression, i.e. all these grams and kilograms of precious metal are stored in the bank exclusively in information form.

The most common is monetary bank deposit when a client opens a bank account under certain conditions. This is what we will talk about. A deposit is both a contribution and a special lending. The two-way benefit here is explained as follows.

Features of deposits and “reverse lending”

The client deposits money for a reason, but with the condition that, according to a certain scheme, interest will be added to the original amount. Thanks to this, the client will later be able to use a larger amount of money than what was originally his investment.

But it is worth keeping in mind that interest increases on deposits can hardly be considered as a way of investing, i.e. increasing money capital. Such an increase can at most protect money from inflation, which is, in fact, why a cash account is opened - the client wants to have financial savings, but in such a way that they do not depreciate over time.

The benefit of the bank lies in the fact that, firstly, the client pays for opening a deposit account, and secondly, and this is the main thing, the bank has the right to carry out various operations with client deposits. What is important to the investor? So that such and such an amount of money is kept in his account within a specified period. What will happen to this money in the interim periods is not his concern.

Therefore, the bank uses these funds for its own investment, for playing in the securities markets, for currency conversion. That is, everything that can and does bring financial profit. It turns out that clients, as it were, lend their money to the bank for a while, with the help of which it earns money for itself.

And clients’ reward is a moderate increase in deposit finances, which protects their savings from depreciation. This is a two-way benefit. To some extent, this is reminiscent of a “loan in reverse,” when the client is the lender and the bank is the borrower. “What does the bank have as collateral?” - an inquisitive reader will ask like the old Indian from the joke.

Of course, the bank cannot provide collateral in the full sense of the word, but there are bank and government guarantees for the preservation sums of money up to a certain threshold. Thus, in the event of a bank collapse, the state can return 1 million 400 thousand rubles to the client, but we must remember that this amount also includes interest.

Therefore, if a client opened a deposit for 1 million 400 thousand rubles, and a year later the bank “burned down,” then when he contacts the government services, he will receive back 1 million 400 thousand rubles. In order for the required interest income to be included here, the initial deposit had to be less, for example 1 million 325 thousand rubles.

Types of deposits by maturity

How are money classified? bank deposits? First of all, by time intervals, i.e. for what period the account is opened and when the client has the right to withdraw money from it:

  1. Poste restante. The most flexible, but also the least suitable option for accumulating cash savings. The client deposits money into the account, after which he has the right to withdraw it at any time - even every other day, even every year. The interest income of such a deposit is very small, since there is no benefit for the bank. The bank cannot use such deposit savings to increase its own profits - suddenly the client suddenly appears and demands to cash out the entire account.
  2. Time deposit. A very common option with a good interest rate. When a client deposits a certain amount into such a deposit account, it will be unavailable for a certain period. It will be impossible to cash out or top up, even partially. But within the period specified in the contract, significant interest will be added to the original amount. By regularly opening such deposits, you can protect your growing savings from inflation. Banks are interested in time deposits because they know for sure that during a certain period they are completely unavailable to customers, which makes them a tool for financial transactions jar.
  3. Savings deposit. A type of urgent, only with more flexible conditions. For example, you can only withdraw money on specified dates. And on the agreed dates, interest accrues. In addition, there is almost always a condition for maintaining a certain small balance in the account. The savings option is used by those who do not want to get into credit bondage, but prefer to slowly save up on their own for a new home, car, etc. Banks even introduce special offers, for example: savings deposit for the purchase of real estate, car deposit, etc.

Types of deposits by purpose

Another classification involves dividing deposit investments according to their intended purpose:

  1. Cumulative. Already mentioned above. It is worth adding that the interest rates of a savings deposit are still lower than those of a fixed-term deposit.
  2. Settlement. In most cases, it is similar to a demand deposit, but there is one mandatory restriction - you cannot spend a certain minimum account balance. It is these balances that banks can also use for their own operations, so the interest here is higher than that of a demand deposit.
  3. Special. It happens that a client wants his salary or pension to go into the account. For this purpose, banks have developed a whole line of deposits specially tailored for such needs.
  4. Metal. The name speaks for itself. The electronic account of this deposit is equivalent to the real mass of some precious metal. The client can convert the hypothetical metal into foreign currency at any time or strictly on schedule. If the prices for gold, platinum and silver begin to jump (which does not happen very often), then experienced investors have a good profit from transferring the metal into money and back.

Foreign currency deposits

It is clear that the absolute majority are occupied by deposits working with rubles, US dollars and euros, i.e. the main currencies for the Russian Federation. Interest is paid in the same currency in which the account is opened. The most productive are multi-currency options that support all three currencies.

The client is free to carry out conversions by playing on fluctuating exchange rates. Although the interest rate is a key concept in the field of deposits (as in the field of mortgages), it does not indicate the absolute guaranteed benefit of the deposit. To make the optimal choice, you need to not only understand the features of deposits, but also exercise basic care.

Thus, banks use a common technique when tempting large interest rates are actually charged, but... only once after the first quarter or year. After which interest charges become completely normal. And the disappointed client will remember how, upon seeing 15% annual charges instead of the expected 7%, he was so happy that he forgot to read the fine print at the very bottom of the deposit agreement.

Capitalization and its advantage over a fixed high interest rate

Particular attention should be paid to such an important factor in increasing profits as interest capitalization ( compound interest). When concluding a contract in mandatory Find out if there is a capitalization condition. And, no less important, what is the frequency of capitalization - once a month, quarter, six months, year.

What does this mean in the deposit? The meaning of capitalization is that each subsequent interest is calculated from the new amount in the account. This means that at a constant interest rate, more and more will be added, because the amount in the account will grow.

For example, 10% of 10 thousand rubles is 1,000 rubles, and from 20 thousand is already 2,000. This simple calculation is shown for clarity, however, in banking practice, compound interest is calculated in a slightly different way using a special formula:

Y = X*(1+S)N

where Y – countable current amount money in the account, X is the amount of the initial cash deposit, S is the interest rate only divided by 100 (interest as a number from 0 to 1), N is the years (or months, or quarters) while the deposit is valid. Let's say the conditions are:

  • the client deposited 100 thousand rubles;
  • interest rate 8% (i.e. 0.08);
  • capitalization takes place once a year, and the client wants to know how much money he will have on deposit in 3 years.

Calculation: 100,000 * (1 + 0.08) 3 = 125,971.2 rubles.

Although it is easy to calculate in a simple way without this formula. After 1 year the amount will be 108 thousand rubles. 8% of this amount is 8,640 rubles, therefore, after the second year it will already be 116,640 rubles. 8% of this amount – 9,331.2. It turns out that after the third year the client’s account will have 125,971.2 rubles.

Hello! In this article we will talk about the features of deposits.

Today you will learn:

  1. What is the difference between the concepts of “deposit” and “contribution”;
  2. What types of deposits are there and what is needed to open a deposit;
  3. What does the annual deposit rate depend on?
  4. In what cases do you need to pay tax on deposit income?

Deposit and contribution - are they the same thing?

The concept is well known to many. This is the usual way. You take your savings to the bank, which will issue them after a while with a small increase. Although, the larger the deposit amount, the more you can get from it.

Where does the bank get money from to pay interest to the client? It's very simple. The banking organization gives your money to other clients as loans at high interest rates.

Also, the banking organization places funds on, buying other companies or bonds state level. The bank uses your funds, they do not lie idle. He pays interest for managing your funds.

There is such a thing as a deposit. Many people believe that the contribution is equivalent to it. In a general sense, this is the correct line of thinking. When you come to the bank, you will be asked to deposit the amount as a deposit, and it will be listed as such according to the documents.

However, there is a difference between the concepts of deposit and deposit that is insignificant for an ordinary depositor. The first word is used if you brought money to the bank.

Deposit These are not only assets in monetary terms, but also securities, metal and even real estate. In other words, a deposit is a broader concept that includes various objects for savings. In our article we will use the concept of deposit and deposit in an equivalent sense.

Types of deposits

Every year brings something new to the banking industry. The deposit is no exception. New forms and different options for depositors allow you to choose a deposit according to your individual needs.

All deposits are divided into two large groups:

  • Poste restante. This type of investment has no time frame. You deposit assets for any period. The rate on such a deposit is at the lowest level: as a rule, it does not exceed 1% in best case scenario. A deposit does not carry the meaning of accumulation; its main purpose is to keep funds in a safe place until the moment when they are needed. They may be needed tomorrow or in a year. For the bank, such deposits carry a high risk, since the use of funds from them in circulation is limited. In this regard, deposit rates are minimal;
  • Urgent. The deposit amount is paid for a certain period, which is specified in banking agreement. These types of savings have high interest rates. They depend on the placement period and amount. Time deposits are the “bread” of anyone large bank, without which he would not be able to exist normally. You can terminate the term deposit agreement at any time (and much earlier than the expiration date), however, interest in this case will not be saved.

In turn, time deposits It is customary to divide into three large groups:

  • Short term. Such deposits are opened for a maximum of one year. Typically, deposits in banks are made for 30, 92, 182 and 365 days. This is the best option for those who deposit funds with the bank;
  • Medium term. The period varies from one to three years. For the bank this is the most reliable way obtaining client assets that can be used in circulation and make a profit. However, such a deposit is not always profitable for investors, since rates may be lower than medium-term investments;
  • Long-term. The storage period for funds is over three years. Usually it does not exceed five, but sometimes it drags on. It all depends on the assets and the scheme of working with the deposit. If we are talking about large objects, then investing them for a short period of time does not make sense. But it is unprofitable to store funds for such temporary periods: inflation will have a detrimental effect and the result from the placement of funds can hardly be called positive.

Opening a deposit

Before opening a deposit, you should analyze the conditions offered by banks in your city.

The features of placing funds are different everywhere: in some places there are increased interest rates and long terms, and in others low interest, but monthly interest accrual on a bank card is allowed.

For deposit purposes, choose only a large bank that has a developed network and experience in various banking operations. You are placing your own money, which must be in a reliable organization.

Don't forget that adopted system Deposit insurance in our country allows the return of deposits to individuals in an amount not exceeding 1,400,000 rubles. This will happen if the Central Bank revokes the bank’s license for non-compliance of its activities with accepted banking standards.

It is advisable large sums place in several banks. This way you will protect yourself from possible losses. If large amount placed in the account of one bank that has ceased to function, then funds over 1,400,000 can be returned through the judicial authorities.

Take into account such a feature as capitalization. The essence of capitalization is that interest is accrued on the initial deposit amount, taking into account interest for each month, six months, etc. (depending on the terms of the deposit).

Such a “surcharge” is not always beneficial. Deposits with capitalization have a lower rate, which ultimately makes the profit from them equal to that received from a regular deposit with an average interest rate.

Instructions for those who open a deposit

If you are going to open a deposit, then you have two ways to do this:

  • Contact the bank directly;
  • Create an account online.

Let's look at the sequence of actions for the first case. Many people still do not trust the Internet, especially older people. Opening a deposit in a bank is also suitable for pensioners.

Several actions will be required:

  • Choose a suitable bank. Based not only on place of residence, but also profitable deposits– preliminary information can be found on the Internet, through television or in newspapers;
  • Take your passport, money and go to the bank;
  • Check with the operator on site about the relevance of the information you received about rates;
  • Fill out the client questionnaire (if you are contacting the bank for the first time). Usually this is done by the operator using your passport, and you can check the correctness of the entered data;
  • Tell the specialist the name of the selected deposit;
  • Transfer the amount (you will be given a receipt order to credit funds to your account);
  • Sign the application to open a deposit. One copy remains for you. Save it for the duration of the deposit. This statement is an agreement that specifies the terms of the deposit.

Only those persons who already have an open account with a bank can open a deposit via the Internet. For example, you receive a card or pay a loan.

To conclude a deposit agreement online, follow these steps:

  • Connect to your personal account service. You will be given a password and login for Internet banking, in which you will be able to perform various operations on existing accounts and open new ones;
  • Place the amount you plan to deposit into your main account (salary or other). This is necessary for further transfer of funds to the deposit;
  • Select opening a deposit in the Internet banking functions;
  • Choose the most favorable tariff for yourself;
  • After you click on the button to open a deposit, documents will appear in front of you that you need to familiarize yourself with;

Pay maximum attention to this step. The agreement contains important information according to the terms of the deposit, in particular about the calculation of interest and the amount of possible profit.

  • After reading, check the boxes confirming that you have read the data;
  • Then select the account from which the amount will be transferred and indicate the amount itself.

After these steps, a deposit will appear among your accounts. By the way, many banks offer increased interest rates for those who open a deposit “online” or come from another bank after early termination contribution.

What affects the deposit interest rate

The interest rate is the most important deposit condition that most depositors focus on.

Few people know that there are two types of bets:

  • Fixed. Do not change during the entire term of the contract. This is the most common type of bet;
  • Floating. The rate can be changed several times during the deposit period. Under such conditions, deposits are opened quite rarely. Usually, an increased tariff is set for the first months, and then the percentage decreases. This is not beneficial for all clients. In addition, terminate the contract during the validity period high stakes It will only be possible with a loss of interest.

To know what rate is set for the deposit you have chosen, carefully read the deposit agreement. This information must be indicated there. The conditions for changing interest during the validity of the deposit are also described here.

The interest rate depends on many factors:

  • Deposit amounts;
  • Duration of placement of funds;
  • Specific deposit conditions (possibility of replenishment, partial withdrawal);
  • Deposit currencies;
  • Client categories (pensioner, salary client, etc.);
  • The policies of the bank itself.

It is important to understand that the bank does not set the rate on its own. This action is under the control of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The terms of deposits depend on the refinancing rate he accepts. From May 2, 2017, it is equal to 9.25%. Refinancing rate means the rate at which central bank issues credit funds commercial banks.

Taxes and deposits

The interest received as a result of placing a deposit is your profit. And as you know, any income in our country is subject to taxes.

In the situation with deposits in cash equivalent, taxes are paid if:

  • The rate exceeded 9%. No bank will offer such interest, and therefore investors who placed funds, for example, in dollars, can sleep peacefully. If the mark on deposits ever exceeds 9%, then you will have to pay 35% of the difference between the actual profit and what would have been obtained at a rate of 9%. This amount of tax is payable by residents. If you are not one, then you will need to say goodbye to 30% of your income;
  • The rate on deposits in rubles exceeded 15%. The tax amount here is the same as in foreign currency. A rate of 15% is the sum of the Central Bank key rate and 5%. Since 2016, a single tariff has been established at rates of 10%. If this indicator increases by more than 5 points, then the tax must be paid. In this case, the bank assumes all responsibility for making the obligatory payment to the budget. You don't need to visit tax authority. At the end of the deposit period, the bank will issue the amount including tax.

It is important to understand that you will pay taxes only if you close the deposit and withdraw the funds. If your deposit is open, then no taxes need to be paid into the budget.

The same applies to contract extensions. If the terms of the deposit provide that upon completion it is automatically extended for a new term, then taxes are also not paid. In this case, in fact, you do not receive any income, and therefore there is nothing to make a payment to the tax authority.