Increased contributions for pensioners. Interest on deposits for pensioners in the Savings Bank. "Replenish OnL @ yn" for pensioners in Sberbank


Sberbank offers pensioners deposits in 2019 individuals at a particularly high rate. But in order to understand which deposit in Sberbank is the most profitable for you, you need to decide how you intend to manage the funds on deposit.

Today, several types of deposits can be issued at Sberbank, depending on your money management strategy:

1. Classic savings deposit "Save" or "" at a favorable percentage;

2. Deposit "Replenish" with the ability to save money to the account;

3. Expenditure deposit "Manage" with the possibility of replenishment and partial withdrawal of money from the account without loss of profitability.

Each of them can be issued at the branch or online via the Internet. Their terms and interest rates can be viewed

But Sberbank today also has special offers for the elderly. It:

1. Deposit "Pension Plus" to receive benefits and other social benefits;

2. Deposits "Save" and "Replenish" with special conditions for pensioners.

The meaning of these special conditions is that on deposits opened by pensioners, the maximum rate is set for the selected period, regardless of the amount of the deposit.

Interest on Sberbank deposits for pensioners: the most profitable in 2019

To find the most profitable deposit in Sberbank for pensioners, consider the bank's offers for the elderly. We will analyze their pros and cons, compare terms and interest rates.

1. Deposits opened at the bank branch

Let's start our review with deposits that can be issued at a bank branch. For many pensioners, this is convenient, but the percentage will not be the highest.

1.1. Sberbank deposit "Pension-plus"

This is a deposit of individuals to receive retirement income. It is intended for clients receiving pensions from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, ministries and departments providing pensions, as well as from non-state pension funds.

(+) Plus: it is possible to replenish the account and partially withdraw money without losing interest. Preferential conditions for early termination.

(-) Minus: low interest rate.

Deposit conditions

  • Term: 3 years
  • Amount: from 1 ruble
  • Replenishment: provided
  • Partial withdrawal: provided up to the level of the amount of the minimum balance
  • Interest accrual: every 3 months
  • Capitalization: provided. Accrued interest is added to the deposit amount, increasing income in the following periods
  • Early termination: preferential. The interest rate set on the date of opening (prolongation) of the deposit does not change.

Interest rate

3.50% per annum (3.55% per annum with capitalization)

1.2. Sberbank deposit "Replenish" for pensioners

This is a replenished deposit of individuals for those who prefer to save and save their funds regularly.

(+) Plus: there is the possibility of replenishing the account.

Deposit conditions

  • Term: from 3 months to 3 years
  • Replenishment: provided
  • Minimum deposit: cash - from 1,000 rubles / 100 US dollars, non-cash - unlimited.
  • Partial withdrawal: not provided

In rubles


Interest rate

4.90 / 4.92
5.15 / 5.21
5.15 / 5.27
5.10 / 5.36
5.00 / 5.38

In US dollars

Term Interest rate
3-6 months 0.20 / 0.20
6-12 months 0.80 / 0.80
1-2 years 1.15 / 1.16
2-3 years 1.15 / 1.16
3 years 1.15 / 1.17

Doesn't fit? See deposit rates at Rosselkhozbank -

1.3. Sberbank deposit "Save" for pensioners

This is a classic deposit of individuals to receive a guaranteed maximum income. It has a more favorable rate than the "Replenish" deposit, but there are also a number of disadvantages.

(+) Plus: high interest rate.

Deposit conditions

  • Term: from 1 month to 3 years
  • Amount: from 1,000 rubles / 100 US dollars
  • Replenishment: not provided
  • Partial withdrawal: not provided
  • Capitalization: provided. Accrued interest is added to the amount of the deposit, increasing income in the following periods.
  • Interest accrual: monthly. Accrued interest can be withdrawn, as well as transferred to the card account.

Interest for pensioners (% per annum)

without capitalization / with capitalization

In rubles


Interest rate

4.35 / 4.35
4.65 / 4.66
5.20 / 5.22
5.50 / 5.56
5.60 / 5.75
5.60 / 5.91
5.60 / 6.08

In US dollars

Term Interest rate
1-2 months 0.20 / 0.20
2-3 months 0.20 / 0.20
3-6 months 0.50 / 0.50
6-12 months 1.20 / 1.20
1-2 years 1.55 / 1.56
2-3 years 1.55 / 1.57
3 years 1.55 / 1.59

Did not impress? See what interest on deposits gives Gazprombank -

2. The most profitable deposits of Sberbank for pensioners

In order for a pensioner to make a deposit at an even higher percentage, you need to have a computer with an Internet connection or go to the nearest Sberbank ATM.

The most profitable and profitable in 2019 for pensioners will be deposits of individuals "Save online" and "Top up online", issued remotely. In this case, the interest rate will be higher than when opening a similar deposit in a branch. Women over 55 and men over 60 can apply.

2.1. Sberbank deposit "Top up online" for pensioners

This is a replenished deposit of Sberbank for those pensioners who prefer to save and regularly save their money. It is issued via the Internet.

(+) Plus: increased rate, there is the possibility of replenishing the account.

(-) Minus: there is no possibility of partial withdrawal of money without loss of interest.

Deposit conditions

  • Term: 3 months. - 3 years
  • Amount: from 1,000 rubles / 100 US dollars
  • Replenishment: provided
  • Minimum deposit amount: in cash - from 1,000 rubles / 100 US dollars. Cashless - unlimited
  • Partial withdrawal: not provided
  • Capitalization: provided. Accrued interest is added to the amount of the deposit, increasing income in the following periods.
  • Interest accrual: monthly. Accrued interest can be withdrawn, as well as transferred to the card account.

without capitalization / with capitalization

In rubles


Interest rate

5.05 / 5.07
5.30 / 5.36
5.30 / 5.43
5.25 / 5.52
5.15 / 5.56

Approximate calculation of the deposit. For example, if a pensioner opens a “Replenish Online” deposit in the amount of 100,000 rubles for a period of 1 year, then the rate, taking into account capitalization, will be 5.43%, and income - 5,430 rubles. As a result, in a year you will take 105,430 rubles from the bank.

In dollars

Term Interest rate
3-6 months 0.50 / 0.50
6-12 months 1.10 / 1.10
1-2 years 1.45 / 1.46
2-3 years 1.45 / 1.47
3 years 1.45 / 1.48

Few? Look at the percentage of deposits in VTB Bank today -

2.2. Sberbank deposit "Save online" for pensioners

(+) Plus : maximum interest rate.

(-) Minus: there is no possibility of replenishing the account and partial withdrawal of money without losing interest.

Deposit conditions

  • Term: 1 month. - 3 years
  • Amount: from 1,000 rubles / 100 US dollars
  • Replenishment: not provided
  • Partial withdrawal: not provided
  • Capitalization: provided. Accrued interest is added to the amount of the deposit, increasing income in the following periods.
  • Interest accrual: monthly. Accrued interest can be withdrawn, as well as transferred to the card account.

Interest rate for pensioners (% per annum)

without capitalization / with capitalization

In rubles


Interest rate

4.50 / 4.50
4.80 / 4.81
5.35 / 4.37
5.65 / 5.72
5.75 / 5.90
5.75 / 6.08
5.75 / 6.26

Approximate calculation of the deposit. For example, if a pensioner opens a “Save Online” deposit in the amount of 100,000 rubles for a period of 1 year, then the rate will be 5.9% (with capitalization), and the income will be 5,903 rubles. As a result, in a year you will take 105,903 rubles from the bank.

In US dollars

Term Interest rate
1-2 months 0.30 / 0.30
2-3 months 0.50 / 0.50
3-6 months 0.80 / 0.80
6-12 months 1.50 / 1.50
1-2 years 1.85 / 1.87
2-3 years 1.85 / 1.88
3 years 1.85 / 1.90

Not enough? See the most profitable deposits for pensioners in banks

How to open the most profitable deposit in Sberbank for pensioners

Making deposits "Save online" and "Top up online" is quite simple:

  1. Log in to Sberbank Online and select the "Deposits and Accounts" section.
  2. Select the menu item "Opening a deposit".
  3. Read the conditions for depositing funds and select the appropriate deposit.
  4. Click Continue.
  5. Fill out the application: select the debit account, the amount to be credited and the term of the deposit.
  6. Click "Open".

Deposit is open!

Conditions for early termination of deposits in Sberbank

In any unforeseen situation, if you need money before the end of the deposit, you can always get it. But you may not see the percentages. For deposits "Replenish" and "Save", issued both at the bank branch and online, the following conditions for early termination apply today:

1. For deposits for up to 6 months (inclusive) - at an interest rate of 0.01% per annum.

2. For deposits for more than 6 months:

  • within the first 6 months after the opening of the deposit - based on the interest rate of 0.01% per annum;
  • after 6 months after the deposit is made - based on 2/3 of the interest rate set by Sberbank for this type of deposits on the date of opening (prolongation) of the deposit.

Deposits for pensioners today often have the highest interest rates compared to other deposits of individuals: compare the conditions and rates of pension products in top 10 banks.

Almost all major banks in Russia offer special deposits for pensioners on special terms and with higher interest rates. The principal feature of such deposits is that only those who receive a pension can open them. Other individuals cannot issue them. Therefore, these deposits can be considered social products for people with very modest incomes. From this follow their other features.

  1. High interest. Deposits of individuals for pensioners in Sberbank, for example, have maximum rates compared to other deposits.
  2. Minimum down payment. Another feature of products for the elderly is that banks offer pensioners deposits with a symbolic minimum amount: from 1 to 1000 rubles.
  3. Flexible Savings Management Options. The conditions of pension deposits of individuals in Rosselkhozbank, for example, allow clients to replenish a deposit and partially withdraw money without loss of profitability.

All this makes many deposits for retirees, in essence, similar to a savings account, but with a higher interest rate, which is undoubtedly more beneficial for customers.

Pension deposits 2019: interest for today in rubles and foreign currency

Consider the deposits of individuals for pensioners in the largest banks in Russia in 2019: compare and choose the best interest rates and conditions for today.

1. Deposits for pensioners in Sberbank: maximum percentage

Sberbank has two deposits with preferential terms for pensioners. These are "Save" and "Replenish" with the possibility of registration in offices or online via the Internet. The advantage of older people over other clients is the following: for any deposit amount, pensioners receive the maximum interest rate. Here are the conditions for the most profitable Sberbank pension deposit.

Sberbank deposit "Save OnL @ yn"

This is an online deposit for safe keeping of your savings with monthly interest payments or capitalization. It must be completed online.

(+) Plus: increased rate, the ability to withdraw interest on a monthly basis.


  • Term: 1 month. - 3 years
  • Amount: from 1,000 rubles / 100 US dollars
  • Replenishment: Not provided
  • Partial withdrawal: Not available
  • Interest accrual: monthly. Accrued interest can be withdrawn, as well as transferred to the card account
  • Capitalization: provided. Accrued interest is added to the amount of the deposit, increasing income in the following periods.
  • Extension: available.

Interest rates for pensioners

See an overview of all Sberbank deposits for pensioners.

2. Deposits of pensioners in Rosselkhozbank: flexible conditions

Today Rosselkhozbank also has two special deposits “Pension Income” and “Pension Plus”. They are distinguished by increased interest rates and a minimum amount of down payment. The Pension Plus deposit was included in our review, as it provides more flexible options for managing savings at a high rate.

Deposit of the Russian Agricultural Bank "Pension Plus"

This deposit is attracted in rubles and allows customers to freely manage the money stored in the bank.

(+) Plus: increased rate, the possibility of replenishing the account and partial withdrawal of savings without losing interest.

(-) Minus: monthly withdrawal of interest and registration via the Internet is not provided.


  • Amount: from 500 Russian rubles;
  • Term: 395, 730, 1095 days;
  • Replenishment: provided. Minimum size additional contribution of 1 ruble.
  • Partial withdrawal: provided for up to the minimum balance on the deposit - 500 rubles.
  • Interest capitalization: provided;
  • Extension: available.

Interest rates

View interest rates and terms of other deposits

3. Deposits for pensioners in Gazprombank

In the line of deposits for individuals of Gazprombank there are several special offers for pensioners. One deposit has a high rate, the other has the ability to manage savings, and the third is available only to customers of the Gazprom NPF. Our review included the one that has the maximum percentage.

Contribution "Gazprombank - Retirement Savings"

This is a classic deposit to save and increase your pension payments. You can issue it not only in rubles, but also in dollars or euros.

(+) Plus : increased rate.

(-) Minus: there is no possibility of replenishing the account and partial withdrawal of savings without losing interest.


  • Term: 91 days - 3 years
  • Amount: from 15,000 rubles / 500 US dollars / 500 euros
  • Replenishment: not carried out
  • Partial withdrawal: not carried out
  • Accrual and payment of interest: at the end of the year or term
  • Capitalization: provided (accrued interest increases the amount of the deposit);
  • Extension: available.

Interest rates (% per annum)

See rates and conditions of other deposits

4. Deposit for individuals pensioners in Promsvyazbank

In the line of deposits of Promsvyazbank there is one deposit, which provides for increased interest for pensioners.

Deposit of Promsvyazbank "My piggy bank"

This is a replenishable deposit for individuals with a monthly interest payment. You can apply for it at the bank office or via the Internet.

(+) Plus: increased rate, the possibility of replenishing the account.

(-) Minus: there is no possibility of partial withdrawal of savings without loss of interest.


  • Currency: Russian rubles, US dollars, euros.
  • Term: from 91 to 731 days;
  • Minimum amount: 10,000 rubles. / 300 USD / 300 EUR;
  • Replenishment: provided;
  • Expenditure operations: not provided;
  • Payment of interest at the choice of the client: capitalization or payment to the account.

Interest rates

See conditions and interest rates of all deposits for individuals

5. Deposits of VTB Bank

VTB Bank did not provide for special conditions on deposits for pensioners. But older people can arrange any of the bank's deposits: at the maximum percentage, with replenishment or the possibility of partial withdrawal. We took into this review the contribution with the most flexible conditions for managing savings.

VTB contribution "Comfortable" online

This deposit allows you to replenish the deposit or withdraw money. Opened in Internet Banking.


  • Term: from 6 months to 5 years;
  • Amount: from 30,000 rubles. / 3,000 dollars / 3,000 euros;
  • Replenishment: provided;
  • Partial withdrawal: provided (within the amount exceeding the minimum balance);
  • Interest accrual: monthly with capitalization or payment to the account.

Interest rate

Explore the features of all deposits

6. Deposits for pensioners in Otkritie Bank

Individuals receiving a pension on an Otkritie bank card can receive preferential terms for loans and deposits. One of them…

Premium deposit

it favorable deposit individuals for owners pension card Bank "Opening". You can get an increased percentage if you open a deposit with an investment program of life insurance or trust management of savings.

(+) Plus: increased interest rate.

(-) Minus: you can not replenish the account and partially withdraw money without losing interest.


  • Term: 91, 181, 367, 730 days;
  • Amount: from 50,000 rubles;
  • Replenishment: not provided;
  • Interest payment: at the end of the term.

Interest rates

For customers-owners of the "Pension Card":

  • from 4.7 to 6.2% per annum in rubles.


1% per annum in rubles upon registration of Cumulative (NSZH) / Investment (ISZH) life insurance or conclusion of an agreement Trust management means.

Doesn't fit? See other deposits of the bank

7. Alfa-Bank deposits

The deposit of Alfa-Bank with the possibility of replenishment and withdrawal of money will be convenient and beneficial for individuals, including pensioners.

Deposit of Alfa-Bank "Potential+"

This is a deposit of individuals of Alfa-Bank for those who intend to freely use the money placed in the bank, its conditions allow you to partially withdraw and replenish the deposit.

(+) Plus: you can replenish your account and partially withdraw money without losing interest.

(-) Minus: low interest rate.

Deposit conditions

  • Amount: from 10,000 rubles. / 500 $ / 500 €
  • Term: from 92 days to 1095 days
  • Replenishment: not provided;
  • Partial withdrawal: not provided;
  • Capitalization: provided
  • Interest accrual: monthly payment or capitalization.

Interest rates

See interest rates for other deposits

Conditions for making deposits for pensioners

In most cases, special deposits of individuals for pensioners are issued only if the client provides the relevant documents. This may be a pension certificate or a document from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the appointment of a pension.

But as a rule, if the client reaches the appropriate age: for women 55 years old, for men 60 years old, a document from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is not required. Also, you do not need a certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, when no more than two months are left before the onset of the old-age pension.

Deposit insurance

Deposits of individuals for pensioners in banks are insured by the state. When insured event compensation will not exceed 1.4 million rubles, including interest.

However, we must remember that only deposits are insured by the state. Sometimes banks, when opening a deposit, offer to invest part of the funds in other investment products. The state is no longer responsible for this money.

Find out more about interest rates on profitable deposits for pensioners on official websites or at bank branches.

The information is not a public offer and is provided for reference purposes.

Today, there are several types of deposits for pensioners in Sberbank of Russia. Each banking product has its own favorable conditions and will be useful for you in one way or another. A pension deposit is a convenient opportunity not only to save, but also to increase your capital. Interest rates are high and most often do not depend on the amount you want to use.

Page content

Count on special conditions everyone can. It is worth considering the popular and new deposits available today:

  1. "Save."
  2. "Save Online".
  3. "Replenish".
  4. "Pension Plus".

Important! If you open a deposit using your personal account in Sberbank Online, then the interest rate will be higher. To get the maximum income, the bank also offers to issue a special savings certificate.

You can draw up a testamentary disposition or a power of attorney according to your savings deposits, which is very convenient for those who are too worried about safety own money due to health problems or is unable to collect the deposit at the appointed time.

Deposits for pensioners in Sberbank are updated at different intervals, you can learn more about the benefits on the official website of the financial institution at any convenient time.

Interest on deposits in Sberbank for pensioners today is as follows:

To do right choice, you need to decide which deposits with a higher rate are of interest to you and how you plan to manage your money. Experts advise pensioners to pay attention primarily to deposit rates. The banking product "Pension Plus" cannot be called the most profitable, the income figure is too low. If you want to choose a deposit with a high percentage, then pay attention to the "Save" and "Replenish" products. You can get an even higher percentage thanks to remote registration. Use the Internet, go to the nearest self-service terminal or ATM. More news can be found on the official website of the financial institution.

Contribution "Save"

A special product called "Save" is suitable for those who want to receive regular accruals of premium funds at a high interest rate. It cannot be replenished or partially withdrawn. it a good option for pensioners.

This contribution has individually set time, which is taken into account up to a day. The period can take from 90 days to 3 years, depending on the wishes of the client. The interest rate is up to 5.63%, and bonus money is accrued monthly, adding to the deposit and increasing income in the future.

Important! The interest that is accrued can be transferred to the card and cashed out.

Opening a deposit using the Internet is easy:

  1. Go to Personal Area Sberbank Online.
  2. Go to the "Deposits and Accounts" section.
  3. Click on the "Open a deposit" button.
  4. Read the rules for placing funds and choose the most convenient option.
  5. Then "Continue".
  6. Fill out the application: determine the account to be debited, the monetary figure to be credited and the deposit period.
  7. Next "Open".

The “Save” pension deposit may have an increased interest rate if it is issued remotely at an ATM or Sberbank Online. According to the calculator, annual interest can reach up to 5.63 (in rubles). If in dollars, then - up to 1.25%, and in euros - 0.01%. The minimum deposit amount is 1 thousand rubles, 100 $ or 100 €.

Deposit "Pension Plus"

Not the most profitable option for pensioners - this is the "Pension Plus" deposit. The conditions for such a deposit are not bad, but the interest is weak (3.67% per year). The deposit was created for pensioners who receive payments from the Pension Fund Russian Federation or pension fund non-state sample.


  • the deposit is created for a period of 3 years;
  • you can replenish and partially withdraw funds from the deposit;
  • bonus percentage is not lost when making deposits or partial withdrawals;
  • If we consider specifically deposits, then today it is most profitable to issue "", where the bank promises up to 6.13%. This is a profitable deposit for pensioners, which can be created using the Internet or an ATM. A large percentage will be a nice bonus.

    Here is the most favorable rate by percentage:

  1. From 4.05 to 5.63 in Russian rubles.
  2. From 0.01 to 1.25 in USD.
  3. From 0.01 in euros.

If you are not sure or simply do not know which deposits in Sberbank are the most profitable, then you can call hotline(900 or +74955005550) at any convenient time.

Do you want to know the details of opening a Pension Deposit with Sberbank in 2019, in particular, the interest due to depositors? For pensioners, the bank really provides favorable conditions for saving and increasing their income, which will be discussed further.

Pension Plus

it special program for pensioners who receive their pension in Sberbank. On the Pension MIR card, you can store from 1 ruble for 3 years, while a guaranteed rate of 3.5% (with capitalization - 3.67% annually).

Payments are made on the actual balance that has been on the card account for at least 3 months, accrual is quarterly. It is possible to replenish the account and partially withdraw funds from it, you can read more.

How to apply? Everything is very simple:

  1. contact the nearest bank branch with your passport and pension certificate,
  2. sign an agreement to open a deposit,
  3. deposit through cashier cash, you can do this in cash, or by transferring from an account, deposit, passbook.

Can it be opened online? Unfortunately, no, such an opportunity is not provided for bank customers. If you do not have the opportunity to visit the office on your own due to health reasons, you can call a notary to your house and issue a power of attorney for your relative so that he will contact the Sberbank branch on your behalf and sign the contract.

Current programs

If you want to have a wider choice of deposits, and more high interest, then you can open any of the other deposit accounts. For the first two, listed below, there will be benefits for clients of retirement age.

  • "Save"

Convenient option for small amounts(from 1000 rubles). The rate depends on the validity of the contract and ranges from 3.80% to 5.6%; when applying via the Internet, an increased rate is offered - from 4.05% to 5.75% per annum. The investment period is from 1 month to 3 years, details are available at the link.

  • "Replenish"

Replenished account with interest capitalization. Its validity period is from 3 months to 3 years, the percentage ranges from 3.85 to 5.15%. In the event that you place an application through the Sberbank Online system, you can get a yield of 3.95% to 5.3% per annum. The minimum contribution is 1000 rubles, full conditions are presented in this article.

  • Deposit "Manage"

This offer is available for amounts from 30 thousand. The validity period is from 3 months to 3 years, the rate is from 3% to 4.85%, and if opened online, from 3.25% to 5%. You can replenish your account, as well as withdraw cash up to the minimum balance, you can find out more

We invite you to choose one of the products below. Please note that you can apply for "Replenish", "Save" and "Manage" online and get an increased income, we talk about this in detail.

What are the benefits for retirees?

In the event that they draw up the 1st or 2nd deposit listed in our article and present a pension certificate at the same time, they will be able to count on the maximum%, which will depend only on the chosen period. The size of the deposited amount does not matter.

AT Treasures for pensioners are beneficial to depositors themselves, but banks are not willing to offer such products to their elderly clients. It is not for nothing that pensioners are considered the less protected part of society: age, lack of work, poor health often cause prejudice against them.

For example, many banks are afraid to give loans to older people for fear of being left without money if something happens to the borrowers. The situation with deposits is no better, but for other reasons.

Special conditions

Due to their age and financial capabilities, older people are in separate category bank customers even on deposits.

The following nuances are associated with this:

    1. Minimum amount: not so long ago, it was possible to open a deposit only with a large amount of several hundred thousand rubles on hand - few pensioners could boast of such savings.

Today, there are many programs offering to open an account with less than 10 thousand rubles, and some banks work with a client even when only 1 ruble remains in his account.

  1. Terms: it is beneficial for banks that the deposit be opened for a large number of years, but older people can not always afford it. And in case of early withdrawal of money, the client completely loses all interest.

Please note that most pensioner accounts can only be opened upon presentation of a pension certificate.

These reasons prompted banks to develop other deposit programs for pensioners, which took into account all the needs and made it possible to keep their savings.

Today many big banks work great with the elderly, as well as with pensioners receiving disability pensions or survivors' benefits.

Offer Market

Distinctive feature banking programs is the division of deposits into:

  1. Urgent: they suggest a certain period when the pensioner takes the money. Usually they are designed for a period of 3 months to 3 years. After the expiration of the term, the account can be opened again.
  2. Non-urgent: also called "on demand". A distinctive feature is the ability not to worry about money: it will “grow” until the day the client withdraws it completely.

Note that the interest rate term deposits usually much higher than for non-term ones - this must be taken into account by investors who seek not only to protect money, but also to earn on them.

It is most profitable to invest money under the programs of large banks: they have worked out enough work with clients and taken into account many mistakes.

The most popular contributions in 2016 are:

    1. Sberbank: offers 2 programs for the elderly at once - Save (up to 6.9% per annum) and Replenish (up to 6.6%). Each of them can be extended from 3 months to 3 years. The main difference between the programs is the ability to deposit additional funds (this is available in the "Replenish" program). At the same time, each program offers depositors to immediately transfer them to another tariff, if it turns out to be more profitable.
    2. Moscow Credit Bank”: offers a “Loyal Online” deposit. It can be opened in rubles or foreign currency, the minimum contribution is 1 thousand rubles or 100 dollars / euros. There are also 3 terms: 3 months, six months and a year. However, there are restrictions on maximum amount: up to 10 million rubles or 200 thousand in foreign currency. The interest rate is from 9.5 to 10.85% (up to 4% in foreign currency), while the increase in the deposit occurs monthly. Additional advantages are the possibility of monthly withdrawal of interest and constant replenishment of the account. At early termination some benefits are possible.

    1. "Rosgosstrah Bank": " Retirement Income"You can open it with only 1 thousand rubles on hand, while the interest rate will be up to 11%. The deposit can be opened for almost any period of up to 3 years, even choosing a specific closing day.

      At the same time, you can replenish the account regularly, but you will have to withdraw interest once a month. However, they can be immediately put back on the account.

    2. Russian Standard: the Pension Plus deposit makes it possible to increase the amount by 8.5-12% annually, depending on the conditions chosen. The minimum deposit amount is 10 thousand rubles: with an amount of up to 300 thousand, the interest will be 8.5-11.5%, more than 300 thousand - 9-12%. You can place money for a period of 3 months to 2 years, you can receive interest every month or quarter. It is allowed to replenish the account for any amount. Some of the disadvantages are the inability to accumulate interest by withdrawing it along with the money at the end of the term. There are also no incentives for early repayment.

  1. Vneshprombank: on the Pension Plus deposit, the bank accepts from 10 thousand rubles without limits on amounts. The interest rate will be up to 11.5%, the validity period varies and ranges from 1 to 4 quarters.

    You can replenish your account regularly, but early withdrawal of money is undesirable, as it greatly reduces interest.

Also, the most profitable term investments are offered by the Bank of Moscow, VTB 24, Nomos Bank, Promsvyazbank and Rosselkhozbank.

But not many banks work with term deposits:

  1. Sberbank, Pension Plus deposit: an account is opened for a period of 3 years at 3.5% per annum. Interest is calculated every 3 months.
  2. Bank of Moscow, current pension contribution: offers 4% per annum with quarterly accrual of money.
  3. "Mosoblbank", deposit "Replenished pension interest»: only 1.5%, but every month.

When choosing a bank for storing finances, it is necessary to pay attention in advance to the programs it offers. Based on your own needs, you can choose the most reliable option by combining the status of the organization, its interest rate, proposed terms and other bonuses.

Watch the video, which gives advice on how to choose a profitable contribution for a pensioner: