Origami butterfly: a simple diagram from a bill and from modules with photos and videos in the photo. Origami from money: shirt and butterfly Make a butterfly from a banknote


Step 1: Materials

All you need is a dollar bill, preferably uncrumpled, and your hands.

Step 2: Fold the bill in half

Banknote origami begins by folding the bill in half lengthwise, short edge to short edge.

Step 3: Fold the Corner

Fold the short edge of the top layer toward the right edge of the bill. Then unfold.

Step 4: Fold the Bottom

Fold the bottom edge so that the new fold is level with the end of the fold created in the last stage. Then unfold the bill completely.

Step 5: Make a protrusion in the center of the bill

Look closely at the folds in the middle of the origami bill. Fold the outer pleats and move them to meet the fold in the center as shown. Then fold the bill in half.

Step 6: Fold and crumple the origami butterfly from the bill

Lift the right corner and press the folded right half as shown.

Step 7: Now the other side

Turn the bill over. Now push the bend in the same way as on the previous side.

Step 8: Fold the Corner Up

Fold the bottom corner up, along the white border and printed edge. Then unfold the bill.

Step 9: Press the butterfly wings out of the bill

Fold the left and right halves of the model up in turn. Be sure to press down firmly towards the fold line formed in the previous step.

Step 10: Origami Butterfly Wing Folds

Fold the butterfly's wings, pressing them lightly on top of each other in a Z shape. The surface of the bottom wings will come up as you do this.

Optional: Fold the corner inward a little like in the second picture to make the wing more rounded.

Step 11: Rotate the origami from the bill

Turn the middle corner towards the fold line on the lower right wing.

Step 12: Now on the left

Fold the left wing over the right wing accordingly.

Step 13: Fold the Corners

Fold in the corners shown to make the wings look more rounded.

Step 14: Finally...

The butterfly from the banknote is ready. Spread your wings and enjoy your new origami bill!

Based on materials from www.instructables.com

Aerobatics for those who have the skills is to fold a despicable bank note into an elegant souvenir in a few steps. A fragile butterfly from a banknote with the finest connection of two pairs of wings reminds us that money can be just an excellent paper for realizing fantasies in the vein of origami.

Try yourself: we will tell you how to fold a butterfly from banknote.

Step 1. Bend the top layer of the bill folded in half diagonally.

Step 2. Unbend.

Step 3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 on the reverse side.

Step 4. Fold the bottom strip of paper.

Step 5. We unfold the bill.

Step 6. We bend two opposing folds. The rectangle becomes shorter.

Step 7 Fold the sheet in half crosswise.

Step 8 Bend the bill lengthwise.

Step 9 Fold down the left corner.

Step 10 Lift the top layer of paper.

Step 11 At the same time, flatten the pocket on the right.

Step 12 Turn the workpiece over.

Step 13 By repeating steps 9-11 on the other side, we get an arrow-shaped workpiece.

Step 14 Bend the right corner to the left, marking a horizontal fold line.

Step 15 Unbend.

Step 16. We bend the upper left part diagonally, the top of which is indicated in the diagram.

Step 17 We bend the vertical strip.

Step 18 And flatten the pocket.

Step 19 Repeat steps 15-17 on the other side. Monetary unfurls its wings.

Step 20. We form a fold separating the upper pair of wings from the lower ones.

Step 21 We bend the middle corners of the wings.

Step 22 Let's check the result.

Step 23 We form the torso. Bend the figure in half.

Step 24 We bend the corner of the back part.

Step 25 Fold the middle strip of paper, flattening the corner on the left. We perform all manipulations symmetrically, that is, do not forget about the second side of the butterfly.

Step 26 We bend the corner of the head, round the torso. We bend a pair of corners of the lower wings, giving them shape.

We open the figure by bending the wings along the body. Graceful manigami origami butterfly from banknote ready.

Good luck with your manigami construction!

How to make a butterfly out of money?

To make such a butterfly out of money, you will need two bills of the same denomination and plastic-coated wire (or wrapping wire, well, which is usually used to wind the wires or earphones that you bought, also called “twist wire” and “twist tie”), ordinary copper Wire will also work. This money butterfly has a very unique look and the best part is that it is very easy to assemble! This scheme with step by step instructions Assembling the butterfly will use the dollar as an example, but any banknotes will do, it’s even possible that a butterfly made from other money will be more beautiful than dollar bills!


1. We start assembly with front side bills. You need to divide it into four equal parts, to do this we fold the banknote in half, then fold each section in half. 2. Now we need to divide the bill in a similar way into 8 equal parts
3. And divide the bill again, this time into 16 parts 4. Turn over the banknote
5. Now we need to divide the bill into 32 parts, this is a very painstaking job! 6. In this step you need to fold the bill like an accordion, along the previously made folds.
Now let's put this bill aside and move on to another.


7. Starting with the bill back side up, fold the bottom left and bottom right corners of the bill.

8. In this step, you need to divide the banknote into 4 equal parts, to do this, fold it in half, then repeat the same for the 2 resulting parts, then turn the banknote over.

9. Divide the bill into 8 equal parts

10. Now, using the resulting folds, fold the bill like an accordion.

11. Arrange your bills as shown in the photo.

12. Now you need to fasten the bills together using “Twist tie” wire, regular wire or an elastic band, but if you use an elastic band, the butterfly will not have such beautiful antennae, but you can improvise, it all depends on your imagination. Before fastening the wire, make sure that the bills look symmetrical on each side!

13. All you have to do is twist the ends of the wire and spread the wings, and the money butterfly is ready!

Watch the video:

Origami butterfly: a simple diagram from a bill and from modules with photos and videos in photographs.

Already in kindergartens, children are taught to make various paper crafts. One of these products that is encountered very often is products made in the origami style. For little ones, crafts should be simple, so the master classes provided in this article show how to make an origami butterfly. A simple diagram will help those who have never encountered such creativity to understand it. And with such interesting and bright butterflies you can decorate any room by gluing it to the wallpaper or hanging it on the curtains. This activity with a child perfectly develops his fine motor skills and imagination, which is undoubtedly important for a baby.

In addition, such moths began to be used to decorate bouquets of flowers and greeting cards. And now let’s move on to simple lessons with which you can learn how to make very bright and beautiful origami butterflies.

Insect from a banknote

Many people know origami-style butterflies made from ordinary colored paper, but there are no limits to the imagination of creative people. And so moths made from banknotes began to appear. Of course, you don’t need to think that such jewelry is made from real money; they are most likely made from fakes, but they look quite interesting.

In this master class it is proposed to make a manigami butterfly from a banknote. Not only ordinary colored paper can become the basis for beautiful products, but also money.

Let's start creating the butterfly. Take the selected banknote and bend the upper part in half diagonally, as done in the photo below. Next, we unbend it and do the same thing, but on the other side, look at photo number 3. Now we need to bend the bottom strip of paper.

Then we unfold and bend the two folds that have formed. Denyushka should become shorter. Now fold it in half and across, and also lengthwise.

Now we need to bend the corner of the bill, which is on the left, lift the upper part and at this time open the pocket on the right, turn the product over. Having done what is indicated in photos 9 and 11, we can repeat the same variations on the other side. You should get a part in the form of an arrow. Now the right corner needs to be bent to the left, while marking the fold horizontally, then unbending it. Next, you need to bend the upper left part diagonally; we see the top of this part in the photo at number 15. Next, we bend the strip, which is vertical. We keep looking at the photos below.

We open the pocket and do the repetitions shown in photos 14 and 16, but fold it on the parallel side. It should turn out that the butterfly should open its wings. Now we need to form a fold that will separate the upper wings from the lower ones. And we bend the middle corners of the wings. Now let's make the body of our craft. We need to bend the product in half. We bend the corner at the back and the middle strip, while opening the corner on the left side. Now we perform the same actions on the other side. Then we make the head, for this we need to bend the corner of the head - we round the body. Now we bend two corners at the bottom of the wing, it should look like in the photo number 25. We open our product, while bending the wings along the body. And so we got our butterfly from a banknote.

Moth from modules

The modular design is one of the simplest, but when making a butterfly, the main thing is to choose the right color scheme. It is the color of butterflies, both in nature and in creativity, that is very important. Origami from modules always turns out to be quite bright, voluminous and beautiful.

To make a butterfly, we first need to make the body. We take 4 modules and connect them in pairs. We debug to the side - this is what we got in the first and second row. Now we make the third row: take 3 modules, connect the middle modules. Fourth row: 2 modules. Fifth: we attach 3 more parts, while we need to grab the corners of the last and penultimate rows. In order to secure the wings, we insert the modules into two pockets that are located at the edges.

What to give for the holiday?

You can, of course, buy some interesting souvenir, dishes or some necessary little thing. But some people like to receive money as a gift. This is convenient both for you and for the person you are going to for a holiday - you will not rack your brains for a long time over the gift, afraid of making the wrong choice. How can you arrange such a gift? Very often, people buy special envelopes for money or simply put bills in a postcard. But there is another interesting and unusual way to decorate money as a gift - this is moneygami, which means origami made from money. Such a gift can surprise and leave a pleasant impression. There are simple schemes with which anyone can easily make origami out of money. In this case, you do not need glue, scissors, etc. Only banknotes, patience, perseverance and desire. In addition, using this technique you can not only decorate a monetary gift beautifully, but also make a talisman that will attract wealth to you.

Origami from money: shirt

One of the simplest patterns is a shirt. Select a banknote. Place it vertically on the table. From the bottom side, fold up a third of the banknote. Now turn it over with the folded side down. Fold the bill in half vertically and straighten it back. Next, fold each half towards the middle. Fold the edges on each half. Now you need to turn the bill with its curved bottom edges away from you and bend down a small strip on the top. The next step to create origami from money is to turn the banknote over to face you with the curved bottom edges. Fold the top edges with the corners into the middle. This is how the shirt collar turns out. There is only one simple step left. Fold up the bottom of the bill with the edges folded back. Do this so that the bottom edge fits under the collar flaps. That's all! The banknote shirt is ready!

Origami from money: butterfly

A butterfly made from a banknote looks very impressive. It will be a little more difficult to do, but everyone can do it. For our purposes, we will need two bills. Take a banknote and fold it in half lengthwise. Place it back. We have a long line along the bill. Now you need to bend the ends into the center of the banknote towards this line. Lay out the bill completely again and begin to bend the corners inward. You need to bend all four corners. After this, turn the bill over with the curved corners down and from the very edge to the end, begin to bend the bill lengthwise into an accordion. After that, take the second bill. Do the same with it as with the first one, only at the very beginning bend the edges by about 0.5 cm so that the banknote becomes a little shorter. The result should be two accordions of different lengths. Now all that remains is to connect them together using decorative wire. Place the accordion bills next to each other so that the short one is on the bottom and the long one is on top. Tie them up, lift the ends of the wire up and twist them - these will be the antennae of our butterfly. Gently spread the wings. That's all! Origami from money in the form of a butterfly is ready!