What medical policy should an unemployed person have. How to get a compulsory health insurance policy (OMI) for the unemployed. Obtaining a medical policy for a newborn


The state provides Russian citizens with free guarantees to protect their health. It is for this purpose that insurance was invented under the CHI program - compulsory medical insurance. All citizens have the same opportunities to receive assistance from health workers.

Payments are made from the funds that are collected from insurers under the CHI system. The main provisions of compulsory medical insurance are set out in Article 16 of the Federal Law No. 326.

What does the OMS policy give?

The compulsory medical insurance policy gives the right to free medical care in state-owned medical institutions. Insurance implements the constitutional right of any citizen of the country, concluded in obtaining it under the basic CHI program provided by medical institutions operating in this system and located in all regions of Russia. This basic program is specially designed for all citizens who need medical care, regardless of the region, and consists of mandatory types of medical services, the volume of which is established by the regulations in force in the country.

Medical services are provided to citizens by special institutions located at the permanent place of residence of citizens:

  • polyclinics of general purpose (district, city) and dental;
  • inpatient hospitals;
  • trauma centers;
  • cancer treatment facilities;
  • skin and venereal dispensaries;
  • diagnostic centers.

When citizens apply to health workers with a request for the provision of medical services, it is necessary to present a policy and a passport. The term of the policy ends at the time of termination of the contract and at the end of its validity period. If the policy is lost, then a duplicate is issued upon the relevant application of the insured person.

Upon dismissal from work, the medical policy is handed over to the personnel department of the enterprise for its return to the insurer.

When changing the permanent place of residence, the policy is handed over to the fund of the former place of residence, and the insured citizen receives a new policy at the new address.

The medical policy makes it possible to receive such types of services as:

  • emergency care;
  • pre-medical, primary medical and specialized care;
  • outpatient care: diagnostic examinations, procedures involving the treatment of diseases in a polyclinic, hospital or day hospital;
  • providing care in a hospital, which is performed using intensive therapy with minute-by-minute supervision of medical staff.

The CHI policy serves as the basis for the treatment of:

  • acute diseases;
  • poisoning of the body with intoxication;
  • bodily injury;
  • chronic diseases;
  • patients infected with epidemiological infections with the need for isolation;
  • pathologies of intrauterine gestation;
  • delivery;
  • complications due to abortion;
  • patients after operations.

Territorial programs operating in individual regions are established by the government. They may include a more extended list, but should not exceed the number of basic federal programs.

Where can I get compulsory medical insurance for the unemployed?

A compulsory medical insurance policy is purchased in the UK at the place of residence absolutely free of charge.

Note! An insurance organization must be officially registered in the register of the insurance system and have an appropriate license. In the absence of such, the unemployed must apply to the territorial CHI fund.

Residents of foreign countries living in Russia can take out CHI insurance and receive free medical care if necessary. To do this, they should apply to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund and provide employees with a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation, registration at their actual place of residence or a passport with a residence permit.

In order to obtain CHI insurance for a stateless person of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to present an identity card with a mark on temporary residence in the Russian Federation and a mark on registration at this address of residence.

Non-working citizens (including children and pensioners) have the right to insure themselves by concluding an agreement at the office of the Insurance Company, which serves the area in which they permanently reside. An unemployed citizen needs to contact the local CHI fund, fill out an application form for a free policy. At first, a citizen is issued a temporary certificate confirming the fact of issuing a policy, which within a month has the same force as the policy itself.

A temporary certificate of the CHI policy is issued for 1 month, during which the application is considered, the documents provided by the applicant are studied, and the policy is prepared. Fund employees, as a rule, notify about the readiness of the policy and set a date when it can be picked up. However, only citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to be insured in this way.

Every citizen of the Russian Federation, in relation to which they have concluded an agreement on medical insurance, receives a mandatory medical insurance policy. The health insurance policy should only be in the hands of the insured citizen. This document has legal force throughout the territory of Russia, as well as on the territory of other states with which Russia has concluded an agreement on the medical insurance of its citizens. For example, it is significantly lower in cost than .

For non-working citizens(unemployed, disabled, pensioners, students, children, housewives) the policy is issued at the place of permanent residence at the point of issue of policies of insurance companies. In case of any changes in the permanent place of residence, an unemployed citizen is obliged to return the policy he received to the insurer and receive another one at his new place of residence.

When issuing a policy, a health insurance organization must familiarize citizens with the rules of health insurance in the region of their residence, as well as the territorial programs of state guarantees for the provision of free medical care to them, the conditions for its implementation and the list of medical institutions where you can receive medical care under compulsory medical insurance. According to the law of the Russian Federation on medical insurance of Russian citizens, for non-working citizens, the insurers are the executive authorities at the place of permanent residence of the subject of the Russian Federation. Don't forget about.

For getting medical policy citizen of Russia must apply with a personal statement issued in the name of the executive head of the branch of the territorial fund for compulsory medical insurance of the subject of Russia in which he permanently resides. You can also send a written request to the republican or regional fund for compulsory health insurance.

The following must be attached to the application:

  • a copy of the title passport pages;
  • a copy of the certificate of registration at the place of stay in Moscow;
  • a page with a note about the place of residence in the territory of the permanent place of residence, that is, the city where the citizen came from;
  • a notarized copy of the work book, including a page with a record of dismissal at the last place of work. For example, this question concerns everyone and does not matter even if you have.

The Ministry of Health denied the information that appeared in the media that it is planned to deprive the unemployed and self-employed of compulsory health insurance policies. If the idea were implemented, according to various estimates, 12-19 million people could lose free treatment in state clinics and hospitals.

They either had to "go" into commercial medicine and pay for each visit to the doctor, or purchase a compulsory medical insurance policy for 20,000 rubles a year.

Regulatory authorities have not learned how to identify wealthy unemployed people, but this is not a problem for the Ministry of Health. A photo: Reuters

The newspapers referred to a bill prepared by the Ministry of Health with amendments to the system of personalized accounting in the CHI system. The document pointed to the introduction of rules "terminating health insurance in respect of a certain category of insured persons and ensuring that the CHI policy is invalidated." The publications interpreted this as follows: able-bodied citizens who do not officially work anywhere and, therefore, do not transfer insurance premiums to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, will lose the policy.

It is clear that the scandalous news, affecting the interests of millions of citizens, required immediate confirmation and clarification or refutation. And it followed in the morning.

"The Ministry of Health of Russia and the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund were surprised to find information circulated in the media that allegedly unemployed and self-employed Russians will be deprived of free compulsory health insurance policies. This information is not true and is a distortion of the position of departments," the Ministry of Health said.

Why should the unemployed on the Bentley be treated at the general expense?

And the press secretary of the Minister of Health, Oleg Salagay, explained: “The right to free medical care is a social guarantee provided to all citizens within the framework of compulsory medical insurance. No reduction in its volume

not provided for in any of the draft regulations. The Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees the right to free medical care to all citizens of our country, regardless of whether they work or not.

The MHIF "RG" explained how the mistake arose: the quoted fragment of the bill on "certain categories of insured citizens" did not apply to the unemployed and self-employed, but to the military. Medical assistance to military personnel is provided in our departmental medical institutions. But there are many cases when citizens, having switched to military service, retain their "civilian" CHI policy. As a result, they are treated in departmental clinics and hospitals, but the "civilian" medical institutions to which they were attached before continue to receive funding for them. So the proposal that has made so much noise concerns putting things in order in the registration of citizens in the CHI system.


It would seem that the incident is over, the journalists who misunderstood something are again to blame for everything ... But in fact, the topic is more than relevant. For years now, the government has been puzzling over how to force people who have incomes but are not officially employed anywhere to "come out of the shadows." According to estimates published last fall by the Minister of Labor Maxim Topilin, there are about 15 million such people in the country. People work, earn a living, but do not pay contributions to the MHIF (as, by the way, to the Pension Fund). But when they get sick, they go to the clinic and get treated for free. That is, at our expense. There are also very successful businessmen who earn in real life for expensive cars, villas, trips, but on paper - only a living wage (so that the tax authorities do not find fault with it too much). They pay symbolic contributions. They get sick and are treated, like everyone else, for real. Agree, when it comes to children and pensioners, it is logical that the state pays for their medical insurance (that is, in fact, we are with you). But why should the unemployed on the Bentley be treated at the "general" expense?

Therefore, in the Ministry of Labor, and in the State Duma, and in the Federation Council, various possibilities were discussed more than once to “stimulate” these citizens to legalize their income. From the point of view of pension legislation, this has already been done: receiving a "gray" salary, we now cannot earn a pension. But officials have not touched medical care so far. In various discussions, both Minister Maxim Topilin and the head of the Federation Council, Valentina Matviyenko, suggested considering various ways of influencing irresponsible citizens. For example, to introduce a "tax on parasitism" - in fact, to force the self-employed to make an annual payment for medical care. Or reduce the amount of free treatment for them under the CHI policy. Recently, a similar proposal was made by the head of the Accounts Chamber, Tatyana Golikova. According to the joint venture, the regions pay 618 billion rubles for the non-working population. There is no mention of children and the elderly, but the introduction of a payment for medical services for the self-employed could reduce the burden on regional budgets. However, while all such reasoning remains purely in the discussion channel. After all, according to the Constitution, all citizens without exception have the right to free healthcare. And to distinguish the "unemployed" on the "Bentley" from the person who is really unable to find a job, all our regulatory authorities have not yet learned.

In this article, we will discuss getting a compulsory health insurance policy for a person who either does not work at all or works informally. In addition, we will consider how realistic the introduction of a bill that will deprive the unemployed of the OMS policy. But first, we will explain what a CHI policy is.

The OMS policy is a kind of paper, a certificate that guarantees you the receipt of absolutely free medical services in organizations that are accredited by the Russian Federation. In general, every citizen of the Russian Federation must have a compulsory medical insurance policy. As a rule, this document is issued through the company in which this citizen works. University students, pensioners and those who are not officially employed receive the OMS policy themselves. Let's now consider an algorithm of actions that will allow the unemployed to receive an OMS policy.

How to get a CHI policy for an unemployed person?

In order to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy for an unemployed person, you must take a passport, SPS (pension insurance certificate) and a birth certificate. As you know, the legislation of the Russian Federation allows you to independently choose the insurance company that suits you best. Do not be lazy, read the information on the Internet and study the compulsory health insurance market. This will help you choose the right insurance company. It's easy to do: you go to the official website of the compulsory medical insurance fund, go to the menu "Territorial CHI funds" and click on the contour of the Russian Federation. Then you find your area on the map and click on it. If you did everything correctly, then all the addresses and phone numbers of the organizations necessary to obtain the OMS policy should be displayed on your screen. We dial the indicated phone number of the insurance company and ask the operator when we can come to draw up an OMS policy. Come at the appointed time, taking with you an identity document and SPS. If you are taking out a policy for a child who has not yet turned fourteen, then also bring a birth certificate. You fill out the official paper, which is provided to you by an employee of the insurance organization. After you fill out the required document, an employee of the organization must issue you a so-called temporary certificate of compulsory health insurance. This certificate will be valid until you are issued an OMS policy. That is, according to this certificate, you will be able to receive qualified medical care, if necessary. By the way, you have a choice of two options for the OMS policy - classic paper or plastic. The carrier depends on your desire. Somewhere in three weeks or four weeks, you can call the insurance company - your policy will most likely have already been made. In theory, the insurance company should notify you that you need to collect the policy by e-mail or by phone, but this does not always happen. Here, in fact, is the algorithm of actions for those who are unemployed and want to get an OMS policy.

Will the unemployed be deprived of OMS policies?

Now let's move from the present to the future and try to answer the question, will the unemployed be deprived of mandatory health insurance policies? Indeed, it is not the first year that State Duma deputies have been proposing such a bill that would take away the possibility of free medicine from those who do not work or work, but not officially. Such an innovation is proposed by the party of United Russia, namely by Ildar Gilmutdinov, who submitted these changes to the MLA for general discussion. But the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation replied that if such a bill is adopted, it will strictly contradict the Constitutional article number 41, which states that every citizen of the Russian Federation can count on free medical care from the state. Yes, almost every citizen of the Russian Federation now has an OMS medical policy, but not many can clearly answer for what purpose the insurance companies that issue these policies to the population work. And we will answer that insurance organizations that have the right to issue OMS policies also have the option, which implies the protection of the rights of customers, as well as assistance in choosing the necessary medical organization and specialists. If you read the laws on compulsory health insurance, you will find that the sphere of influence of insurance organizations is quite large. This includes the transfer of a client from one medical organization to another, and defending the interests of the patient in case of violation of his rights by medical institutions, and supporting the holding of medical consultations, and much more. All these functions are undoubtedly important for those who have an OMS policy. But not everyone will be able to give their hard-earned money for these seemingly mandatory options.

How to classify the unemployed?

But you must admit that in order to deprive the unemployed of the right to free healthcare, you must first determine who exactly fits this definition. After all, students and pensioners are also unemployed, but it would be wrong, to put it mildly, to withdraw OMS policies from them. Supporters of the aforementioned innovation want to remove from the Federal Law “on compulsory health insurance” the clause stating that the insured person may be officially unemployed. The exception is the employees of the Russian army. Now we will consider who, in the opinion of the deputies, should remain insured unemployed.

CHI policy is a document guaranteeing free medical care in accredited medical institutions of the Russian Federation. Having a policy is the responsibility of every citizen of the Russian Federation. In most cases, the card is issued through the company in which the person works, and university students, pensioners and unofficially working citizens receive CHI on their own. The algorithm of actions required to obtain a CHI card is quite simple. Below we will look at this process in more detail.

There are 2 ways to issue a policy: directly at the insurance company or via the Internet.

Insurance is issued on the basis of an application, no additional payment is required. If the card is issued to a third party (minor children are an exceptional case), you need to take care of a notarized power of attorney.

When applying for a compulsory medical insurance policy, one cannot do without a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and SNILS. When filling out medical insurance for a child under 14 years of age, you need to prepare:

  • birth certificate;
  • proof of identity of the parent or legal guardian;
  • SNILS.

Foreigners apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy in the same way as residents of the Russian Federation, but they provide their civil passport or refugee certificate, as well as the TRP.

After completing the documents, a temporary certificate is issued. The term for preparing a paper or plastic policy is 30 working days. A temporary document gives the right to receive a similar range of medical services, as well as under the policy.

After 30 calendar days, the insurance company sends an SMS notification about the readiness of the policy to the phone number specified during registration.

Registration via the Internet

If you want to apply for an OMS online, you need to:

  • choose an insurance company in which you will issue a policy and register on the site;
  • enter your personal account by entering your nickname and password (for registered users);
  • Fill out the electronic form. Here you need to write your full name, cell number, email;
  • Select the city in which the CHI policy is issued;
  • Click the checkbox for consent to the processing of personal information;
  • Submit the form;
  • Wait for a call from the representative of the insurer, who will set the date and time of arrival. At the reception, you must bring documents for issuing a card (passport, SNILS).

The portal of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (www.ffoms.ru) contains a list of representative offices and contact numbers of employees. Here you can issue or change the policy in the relevant region, as well as check the authenticity and validity of certificates. You can also call and ask questions of interest regarding the receipt of compulsory medical insurance. Unfortunately, not all insurance companies provide for the possibility of issuing policies via the Internet, but the situation should change soon.