Sberbank deposits. Sberbank deposits for individuals: interest rates Sberbank deposits of individuals in August

Sberbank of Russia, according to experts, is one of the most stable and reliable banks, which you can trust with your savings without fear for their safety. Sberbank deposits are in high demand, even though the conditions for placing funds are sometimes far from the most attractive. What deposits of Sberbank in 2020 can be considered the most profitable, how to get the maximum interest rate?

Enter your deposit requirements and get the most profitable deposits Sberbank for individuals.

What to choose

If you focus only on the interest rate, then the most profitable investment is Save. The conditions for it are as simple and clear as possible. Its disadvantage is only that, if necessary, it is not possible to withdraw part of the deposit before its expiration date without a significant loss in interest.

Due to significant changes in the exchange rate in 2016, the Multicurrency deposit can become quite profitable, but only for those who are ready to independently monitor the foreign exchange market, make forecasts and analyze the situation. It can become really profitable only with the active participation of the investor himself.

The most optimal for most depositors who decide to choose Sberbank may be the Manage deposit, the conditions of which allow you to receive a good income with the opportunity to withdraw part of the deposit if necessary.

Sberbank deposits for pensioners are also very popular with the population, as they have good conditions, the possibility of replenishment and early withdrawal.

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The adventurer Miloslavsky was absolutely right when he said that money should be kept in a savings bank. The legendary phrase from the film by Leonid Gaidai can cause a smile at the present time only due to the fact that in recent decades a huge number of financial institutions have appeared instead of the only one in which it was possible to make a contribution under the USSR. But the relevance of the statement has not diminished.

Today, banks offer us more than 1,500 different financial products that help us save our money. Their indisputable benefit is that they allow you to minimize the negative impact of inflation and earn on interest.

Sberbank of Russia and its programs

largest financial institution Russian Federation, which occupies the first line of the rating in terms of reliability, offers the population a lot of financial deposit products. Deposits in Sberbank are traditionally popular, this is due to several factors:

  • its reliability is confirmed by the fact that 50% plus one voting share belongs to the Central Bank of Russia, which is its main shareholder;
  • the reputation index of Sberbank, determined according to the GRI methodology, recognized throughout the world, amounted to 60 points in 2015, which far exceeded the indicator of 37 points of its closest competitor;
  • it occupies the 43rd line of the world ranking in terms of fixed capital;
  • its more than 150 years of history confirms the experience and stability of work;
  • Sberbank has a branched branch network, where there are more than 16 thousand branches located throughout the country.

When choosing for yourself, you should definitely pay attention to the offers from the Security Council, because its reliability can become the base that will allow you to save the invested funds.

Issued in various formats. For these financial products, the institution also occupies a leading position in the domestic banking sector, accounting for almost 38% of the total.

Constantly updating and following new achievements in the sphere, the Security Council of Russia offers competitive products and services. Good news for borrowers in 2016: new promotional programs for new buildings have been created, where it is set at 13.5%.

What is a deposit account with Sberbank?

To fully understand the algorithms by which any bank calculates interest to a depositor, you need to stock up on theoretical knowledge. Each financial institution has deposit programs that differ in names, amount of payments, terms, and other nuances. But all of them can be divided into two main types according to the terms - on demand and urgent. The type of deposit is the one key point, which specifies the percentage value.

Main differences:

  • On demand - funds are withdrawn at any time at the request of the depositor, but interest rates in this format are minimal;
  • Urgent has a specific, clearly defined period, after which certain interest is charged. The rates here depend on the specific bank, the duration of the time when the money is at the disposal of the institution, and other nuances. Before the end date of the deposit, it will not be possible to withdraw your hard-earned money without losing the planned income; in case of early termination of the contract, the interest is recalculated downward.

At term deposits there are subspecies that also have their own characteristics.

Sberbank's offer of deposits for the public includes the entire range of the most popular deposits among individuals.

Sberbank: deposits of individuals in 2016 and interest on deposits

The leading financial institution of the country is building its line of deposits, focusing on each category of citizens. Savings accounts and certificates are widely represented, there are profitable offers for people of retirement age, as well as term deposits of various formats. To date, the yield on Sberbank deposits varies from 0.01% to 10.0% per annum. You can place deposits both in rubles and in other currencies.

The entire deposit line is based on three main types of financial products. Already in the names themselves - "Replenish", "Save", "Manage" - contains their classification and what type of term deposit they belong to. When deciding which one to open, you need to take into account several aspects and think about your future relationship with him. You should choose according to your own situation. Let's take a closer look at clear examples.

Term deposits in banks for individuals and their types

So imagine...

  • You have just completed a large sale. You do not plan to spend the funds received in the next six months / year. All the money received - salary, pension, other incomes - goes to the needs of the family, but I want to make savings. The ideal option in your case would be a savings deposit. The most attractive point here is the possibility of obtaining a high percentage, probably the highest of all available to individuals. But neither withdraw money or part of it before the end of the deposit period without loss of accrued income, pledged by the terms of the contract, nor add anything else to the invested amount.
  • If you have a goal to accumulate a certain amount of money to make a large purchase, then a replenished deposit is your option. By regularly adding some amount to the deposit, as a result, you will receive not only your savings, but also decent interest.
  • If you have a free amount of money, the future of which you have not yet decided, but you know that there will definitely be small expenses, as, presumably, there will be new receipts, then the best deposits for you are calculated, giving freedom and completely controlled by you. The bank, in case of opening a deposit of this type, offers plastic card, through which operations for making payments and depositing funds become available. Important detail- if you wish to receive maximum percentage you can’t touch the minimum balance on the deposit, otherwise the payout rate will be lower.

This general rules for the formation of bank deposit products. Both are based on them, and at VTB, as well as the main programs of Sberbank.

"Save": description of the contribution in detail

According to its characteristics, this program refers to a savings deposit. The contract can be concluded for a period from 1 year to 3 years, partial withdrawal of funds and the introduction of additional amounts are not provided. The maximum interest rate offered at Russian rubles and is at the level of 7.76.

It is worth noting here that interest is calculated according to a complex formula, which involves terms (the longer, the higher), the amount of money deposited in the bank (the more, the higher). In addition, capitalization is applied in this contribution.

In the case of using capitalization, interest on the deposit is calculated not only on the body of the deposit, but also on the amount of interest already added. For example, a person contributed 100 rubles and received an income from a financial institution of 10 rubles. for the 1st month. Further, the calculation is made on the basis that the deposit already has 110 rubles, on which interest is charged for the next period. Thus, the amount of the deposit is constantly increasing due to compound interest.

The minimum amount of the “Save” deposit is 1000 rubles. You can open such a deposit in foreign currency. It provides for a minimum of 100 US dollars and 100 Euros. The proposed percentage is low - 0.01 to 2.06 and from 0.01 to 0.66, respectively.

SB positions this program as such, which allows you to receive a stable and maximum income. But it is worth considering that the interest rates themselves here are somewhat lower than some other institutions give.

Advice: when planning to conclude a deposit agreement, be sure to check the reliability of the bank, as well as its stability. Not always high rates indicate that the benefits will be greater. We all are well aware of cases of bankruptcies, non-payments, burning of investments.

"Replenish": savings deposits with the possibility of replenishment

Already from the name of the program, you can understand what type of term deposit this product belongs to. It is convenient for those who want to constantly add any amount of money to the already invested funds. You can start with a minimum, it is set at the level of 1000 rubles, 100 US dollars or 100 Euros.

The maximum bet in the program is 8.07; 2.01 and 1.07 for each currency, respectively. The calculation of interest is done according to a complex formula, where the terms and the amount of the deposit are important (the longer and more, the higher). Here, as well as in the “Save” deposit, capitalization is applied.

It is possible to conclude a contract for up to 3 years (min 3 months), partial withdrawal is not provided.

The peculiarity of the product is the nuance of cash replenishment, the size limit is set at the level of the minimum deposit (only an equal amount or more). For non-cash funds this rule does not work, you can make at will.

"Manage": Empowerment

This deposit format is designed for people who want to receive income, combining it with the ability to use their funds. Refers to the type of settlement. Its features lie in several points:

  • the minimum contribution amount is set at 30,000 rubles, or, in foreign currencies, at 1,000 US dollars or 1,000 Euros;
  • terms of the contract can vary from 3 months to 3 years;
  • the maximum rate reaches 6.59% (rubles), 1.64% (dollars) and 0.35% (Euro);
  • partial withdrawal without loss of accrued interest is limited to the required balance, which is equal to the minimum deposit amount.

There are a few more nuances to deposits made under the “Manage” program:

  • prolongation (extension) here is possible an unlimited number of times;
  • restriction on maximum amount(deposit amount on the day of installment/prolongation multiplied by 10) works as an interest accrual tool - they will be recalculated downwards for that part of the money that exceeds max.

General rules for Sberbank deposits

Everyone who wants to increase and save their savings through a deposit is concerned about the security of their money, and whether it is possible to withdraw it from the bank in case of urgent need.

The country's largest financial institution is highly stable. As additional guarantees for payments, his participation in state program on deposit insurance. Based federal law, which entered into force in December 2014, every citizen upon the occurrence insured event is entitled to compensation, its maximum amount is 1.4 million rubles. Thus, if your contribution is less than this amount, you are guaranteed to receive it. If it exceeds, then, unfortunately, the rest of the money cannot be returned with the help of the state.

Advice: to completely protect your savings from the troubles associated with bankruptcies or instability, divide a large amount into several smaller ones and conclude agreements with financial institutions participating in the state deposit insurance program. This will allow you to count on compensation for each of the banks in the amount of 1.4 million rubles.

Sometimes we have an urgent need for funds, unexpected and unplanned. If they are stored on a term deposit in the Security Council, then you can use them, because the bank provides a convenient and transparent option for this. All formats have early dissolution contracts. It occurs on the terms of payment of the minimum (0.01%) per annum for short-term deposits (up to six months). The same interest will be for longer investments, which were issued for a year or more, if the withdrawal occurs in the first 6 months. If you withdraw money after this period, then the yield will be 2/3 of the stated rate.

It should be noted that in case of early demand for a deposit, capitalization is not applied.

In addition, at the request of the depositor, with any option from term deposits, refusing capitalization, you can use the accrued interest, withdraw it or transfer it to a card.

Foreign currency deposits for individuals in Sberbank

For each version of the term deposit, there is a foreign currency option. Interest rates are low, but in any case, this avoids negative impact inflation.

There is also a more favorable offer under the terms - the deposit "Multicurrency Savings Bank of Russia". Its peculiarity is that the account is opened immediately in three mandatory currencies - rubles, Euros and US dollars, the initial payment is available to everyone, because it is set within 5 rubles, 5 dollars and 5 Euros. Replenishment is available at any time, but there is a limit on the minimum amount in cash. For non-cash, it is not.

The advantage of the deposit is that its owner can easily make transfers from one currency to another at the rate of the bank. In this way, you can get more income, taking into account market conditions and fluctuations in rates. The only thing is that for these operations you can use only those funds that exceed the minimum balance established by the agreement.

The terms here are calculated from a year to two, early withdrawal without loss of interest is impossible. The highest rates reach 6.19% in rubles, 1.67% and 0.4% in dollars and Euros, respectively.

If you have a large amount in foreign currency at your disposal, then you can make an “International” deposit. Under its terms, minimum size in 10 thousand pounds sterling (max rate 2.70%), the same amount in Swiss francs(max rate 0.75%) and 1 million Japanese yen (max interest 1.3). Terms - from a month to 3 years, the removal of a part is not provided.

Deposits in Sberbank for pensioners in 2016

Given the historically established situation of a high level of trust in the bank on the part of persons of retirement age and the emphasis on the development of specific client-oriented financial products, the Security Council has created and implemented a number of programs for this category of the population. They compare favorably with higher interest rates in comparison with all other deposits of the bank operating today, simplicity and clarity.

The advantages of Sberbank's offers for pensioners are in a number of ways:

  • for all types of deposits, special conditions are provided;
  • the maximum interest rate applies, which is set for a deposit with a specific term, without reference to the investment amount;
  • the bank undertakes to automatically carry out operations to transfer the deposit to more high interest from existing upon renewal of the contract.

Savings deposit of Sberbank of Russia for pensioners in 2016

  • It belongs to the Golden Years program and is aimed at those who want to get the maximum income.
  • Here the principle of capitalization, that is, the calculation of compound interest, applies. The highest rate offered is 7.76%, it can be obtained upon concluding a contract for 3 years, the amount does not matter.
  • If you wish, you can withdraw monthly interest or transfer them to a card, then the rate will be slightly lower.
  • Partial withdrawal without loss of accrued interest is not provided, as well as replenishment.

Sberbank: "Replenish (pension)" deposit with a higher interest rate

This type of term deposit has special conditions For people of retirement age, it is provided:

  • regardless of the deposited amount, the bank offers the highest possible rate for the selected period;
  • guarantee of automatic transfer to the best conditions.

There is an opportunity to deposit additional money if desired, but there is no partial withdrawal. This contribution also applies to the Golden Years program.

Deposit "Manage" of Sberbank of Russia for 2016 for pensioners

The Manage product intended for all citizens, in the version for pensioners received the name "Pension Plus" of Sberbank of Russia. This special kind deposit, which allows you to deposit additional funds at any time, as well as withdraw part if necessary. Required condition– the minimum balance stipulated by the agreement must always remain on the account while the agreement with the bank is in effect. It is only 1 ruble, so it does not play a special role for using the account.

It is also an integral part of the Golden Years program and operates within its framework, giving maximum benefits to pensioners. It is intended exclusively for this category of citizens, but they can receive a pension from all pension organizations and funds - public, private, departmental.

The maximum term of the deposit is 3 years, it can be extended an unlimited number of times. All accrued interest (this happens once every 3 months) is added to the body of the deposit, increasing it, and the next calculation takes place for a larger amount.

If there is a need to terminate the agreement with the bank ahead of schedule, then the interest will be recalculated without taking into account capitalization.

Important features of deposits for pensioners

Each of the banking products special program"Golden Years" is focused on a certain category of people. Here, communication with complex financial issues is simplified to a minimum, convenient tools for self-service have been developed and created.

Advice: if, when opening or conducting any deposit transactions, you use your Sberbank Online personal account (that is, work via the Internet), an ATM or a self-service device, then the interest rate will be higher compared to the one that will be charged if you apply to the department.

Functions personal account pretty wide. Without leaving your home, you can receive a pension, make purchases, here you can, or make utility payments. The connection and use service is free, you only need to have any device with Internet access.

Sberbank provides an opportunity to issue a power of attorney for another person on any of the term deposits so that this person can manage the money, as well as a testamentary disposition.

Russian leader banking sector on deposits of individuals, which today account for 46% of the total, a reliable and stable Sberbank provides maximum opportunities for the population. You can keep your savings here national currency, dollars, Canadian or US, yen, pounds sterling, Swiss francs and Euros. You can receive additional income, conveniently manage your funds, save them or make purchases without leaving your home.

Despite the fact that Sberbank offers its customers a small range of deposits in 2016, here you can easily find exactly the deposit that is best suited. The maximum interest rate is 10% per annum. There are programs that provide for partial withdrawal, replenishment, as well as monthly capitalization.

Program "Save"

Each client who chooses this program, can choose capitalization or refuse it. In the first case, the maximum interest rate will be 9.07% per annum, and in the second, 8.05%.

Based on the name of this deposit, funds are deposited for a certain period and nothing can be done with them. Partial withdrawal and replenishment are not provided. The term of the deposit varies. Minimum term 1 month and maximum 3 years. It is possible to open an account in rubles, dollars and euros. If the account is opened in dollars, then the interest rate will be 2.22%, and in euros 1.17%. To open a “Save” deposit, you need 1000 rubles or 100 dollars / euros.

Early closing of the deposit is extremely unprofitable. In this case, Sberbank pays 0.01% per annum if the funds were in the account for less than 6 months and 2/3 of the interest provided if the money was in the account for more than 6 months.

Special conditions are provided to pensioners. So, in standard cases, the maximum rate is provided when depositing from 700 thousand rubles, and for pensioners it is assigned automatically, regardless of the amount deposited.

When depositing from 1,000 to 100,000 rubles for one year, able-bodied citizens are provided with an interest rate of 7.55% without capitalization and 7.82% with capitalization. If you deposit from 2 million rubles, then you can receive 8.05% or 8.35%, respectively.

Automatic extension available.

Manage program

This program is ideal for clients who are going to withdraw and deposit funds into the account during the entire term of the contract. However, withdrawals are possible up to a non-reducible balance. The maximum interest rate is 7.31% subject to capitalization and 7.2% if interest is paid monthly into a separate account.

Deposit "Manage" can be opened for a period of 3 months to 3 years. The minimum amount is 30 thousand rubles, 100 dollars or 100 euros. You can replenish from 1000 rubles or from a similar amount in foreign currency.

It is most advantageous to open an account for a period of 6 to 12 months, since in this case the maximum interest rate is provided. So, when making 2 million rubles for given term, you can get 7.2% excluding capitalization or 7.31% with its application.

It is important to understand that pensioners are in any case provided with the maximum interest rate, regardless of the amount. Automatic extension available. The interest rate may change to the one that will be valid in the bank at the time of the extension of the deposit.

Replenish program

This deposit only allows you to deposit funds into the account, without the possibility of partial withdrawal. To open this deposit, you need 1 thousand rubles or 100 euros/dollars. The term of the deposit is from 3 months to 3 years. The maximum yield is 8.07% per annum. Pensioners are automatically charged the maximum percentage. Employable citizens must invest at least 2 million rubles for up to 12 months to receive the most favorable conditions.

If capitalization is not required, interest is paid monthly to a separate bank account.

Happy Year Program

This deposit provides the highest yield: up to 10% per annum, but for this you need to invest at least 10 million rubles. The minimum amount to open a deposit is 150 thousand rubles. When opening an account in national currency, the minimum term of the contract will be 9 months, and when opening in dollars or euros, 10 months. Partial withdrawal or replenishment is not provided.

Program "Give Life"

On this deposit, you can get up to 8.35% per annum. At the same time, 0.3% per annum is quarterly transferred to the account of the charitable foundation. It is impossible to replenish and withdraw money during the period of the contract. The minimum amount to open an account is 10 thousand rubles for a period of 12 months.

Deposit "Multicurrency"

Based on the name, you can understand that it involves opening an account in several currencies, namely rubles, dollars and euros. The rate is only 6.88%, 1.78% and 0.91% respectively. To open, you need 5 rubles / dollars / euros. The minimum term of the deposit is 1 year, and the maximum is 2 years. Partial withdrawal is not provided, but there is the possibility of replenishment. Capitalization is made quarterly.

Deposit "Pension Plus" - deposits for pensioners

This deposit offers only 3.55% per annum to its clients, but it can be opened for a period of 3 years. The minimum amount is 1 ruble. Unlimited deposits and withdrawals up to a non-reducible balance are provided.

This is the entire line of Sberbank deposits in 2016. Despite the low interest rate, it fully meets the majority of customer requirements. At the same time, there is a full guarantee of receiving your Money at the end of the contract term.

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Inflation in 2015 was almost 13%. Moreover, this figure does not fully reflect the situation in the country. Thus, the cost of many goods and services has become much higher.

During economic crisis, the stagnation man is trying to find ways to at least save his savings. Some invest their money in real estate securities, precious metals. If there are not so many funds, you should think about the possibility of opening your own deposit. This will help at least somehow save your money from depreciation.

Sberbank is the largest and most reliable bank in Russian market. He is constantly developing new proposals, including those for deposits. Each product has its own conditions and features, so we will consider profitable deposits with Sberbank at interest in 2016.

Contribution "Happy Year"

Among the offers of Sberbank, this type of deposit has the highest yield. The annual interest rate depends on the size of the invested funds. The situation looks like this:

  • with a deposit of 150 thousand to 1 million rubles, the yield will be 9% per year;
  • for amounts from 1 to 10 million rubles, an increased rate is provided - 9.5% per annum;
  • if the client deposits more than 10 million rubles into the account, then the yield increases to 10% per year.

All interest is transferred to the client's account once. This happens after the expiration of the deposit. Terminating the contract ahead of time is extremely unprofitable. In this case, the interest rate is reduced to 0.01%. In fact, such an investment will not even bring profit. The term is the same for all investors - 9 months. It is not possible to increase the amount of the deposit.

You can open a deposit not only in rubles, but also in dollars and euros. For these two currencies, the deposit conditions are somewhat different:

  • the duration of the deposit is 10 and 18 months, respectively;
  • the minimum amount is 3 thousand of the corresponding currency;
  • the annual yield can vary from 1.8 to 3.1% for a dollar deposit and from 1.3 to 2% for a euro deposit.

Other conditions are the same as for deposits in rubles.

Deposit "Give Life"

Almost everyone can become an investor under this offer, since the minimum amount is only 10 thousand rubles. Regardless of the amount of money on the deposit, a single interest rate equal to 8.35% is applied.

Clients who have chosen this type of deposit cannot put another part of their funds on it, as this is not provided for by the terms of the agreement. Investors do not have the opportunity to withdraw money before the set time.

Contribution "Save"

The interest rate for this type of deposit depends on the chosen currency.

It is defined as follows:

  • for rubles, the yield varies from 6.3 to 9.07% per annum;
  • for dollars - from 0.05 to 2.22% per year;
  • for euro - not less than 0.01 and not more than 1.17% per annum.

For those who have made a deposit via the Internet, there are more favorable interest rates. They make up:

  • for ruble deposits from 6.5 to 9.52%;
  • for deposits in euros from 0.01 to 1.43%;
  • for dollar deposits from 0.1 to 2.49%.

The exact percentage is determined individually. This takes into account the size of the deposit, the period of its validity. To get the most advantageous offer the client can pre-calculate the interest rate using a special online calculator. There is a benefit for pensioners - the maximum possible interest rate is applied to their contribution.

The client chooses the duration of the deposit himself. The term can vary from 1 to 36 months. The deposit does not provide for the possibility of depositing or withdrawing even a part of the available money from the account.

Deposit "Manage"

This deposit has very flexible conditions for depositors. Duration can be from 3 to 36 months. Such a deposit can be opened by any person who has savings of at least 30 thousand rubles (for currency deposits- at least 1 thousand dollars or euros, respectively).

The most favorable interest rates for a deposit opened at a bank branch are as follows:

  • for ruble deposits - 7.31%;
  • for deposits in euro - 0.86%;
  • for dollar deposits - 1.8%.

Even more attractive is the offer to open a deposit through Internet banking. There, the maximum percentage increases by 0.31%, 0.26% and 0.24%, respectively.

By this contribution there is a monthly accrual of accrued interest, which can be withdrawn or added to existing funds if desired.

Deposit "Top up"

You can open this deposit at a bank branch or through the Internet banking system. In the second case, higher interest rates are provided. For deposits made through a branch, the following annual yield is provided:

  • 8.07% in rubles;
  • 1.07% in euros;
  • 2.01% in dollars.

A deposit is available to people even with a minimum level of savings. To open, you need to have 1 thousand rubles or 100 euros or dollars.

An important advantage of such a deposit is the possibility of its unlimited replenishment at any time. But you can't withdraw money ahead of time.

The duration of the deposit can vary from 3 to 36 months.


All of these proposals will not help offset rapidly rising inflation. Opening a deposit will only make it possible for your savings to depreciate less.

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