Problems of Ensuring Russia's Economic Security during the Economic Crisis. Economic security of the Russian Federation


At the heart of increased attention to the problem economic security Russia is underlain by objective processes and phenomena occurring in the national economy and in Russian society, as well as in the global economy and in international economic relations. It seems appropriate to include the following among the most important such processes and phenomena.

First, the economic experiment of the 1990s in Russia had as its main goal the redistribution of property and control over national natural resources and the material base of social production. In general, it is quite clear that in order to quickly achieve this goal, the only effective means in the course of privatization was the destruction of state system management, since it was the state that was the main holder of ownership of the conditions and means of production.

All this led to the fact that economic reforms were predominantly destructive rather than constructive. Russia has set a kind of record for the duration and depth of the economic recession in peacetime. By the beginning of the new century, the socio-economic problems of Russia had become so acute that changing domestic and foreign economic policy became not a matter of discussion between economists and political scientists, but a matter of preserving the Russian state on the economic and political map of the world. As is known, the leadership of China, for example, has chosen the goals of achieving economic growth through the predominant development of the production of durable goods as reform priorities. Naturally, this was accompanied by a structural redistribution of property to the extent that it met the main goals of development without destruction. national system management.

National interests, issues of economic security of the state have been and remain decisive in the complex of reforms carried out in China. As a result, the People's Republic of China has demonstrated record rates of economic growth, has become one of the driving forces and a stabilizing factor in the world economy. All countries of the world, almost without exception, were literally "inundated" with Chinese goods, and the Chinese diaspora abroad took a strong position in local business circles not only in developing countries, but also in industrialized countries. Unlike many, it was this country that withstood the unfolding in 1997-1998. world financial crisis.

Secondly, as a result of the change in the leadership of Russia at the turn of the century, the problem of the economic security of the state from a declarative and opportunistic one began to gradually turn into a question of the practical economic policy of the state. This served as an impetus for conducting new research and developing practical approaches to ensuring national security in various areas, including the security of financial and economic activities.

Thirdly, the process of the beginning of relative financial and economic stabilization in Russia, observed at the present time, seems to reflect the completion of some transitional stage of deregulation of the national economy. To a certain extent, the main division of state property has already taken place, and entrepreneurship is becoming more interested in maintaining the current situation, in stabilizing and consolidating what has been achieved. New radical changes and social upheavals no longer meet the interests of entrepreneurship, because they can disrupt the normal production process, worsen the sale of products and services, and, most importantly, they can threaten a new radical redistribution of property.

In the current situation, Russian entrepreneurs themselves are increasingly becoming interested in consolidating their position in a regulated market, while improving legislative framework entrepreneurship, protection of the individual, property rights, in other words, in the implementation by the state of its fundamental tasks of ensuring the economic security of financial and economic activities.

Fourth, there was a clear disappointment with the results of the reforms among economists and political scientists from among the "reformers" who stood at the origins of the start of economic reforms. Thus, not only the majority of the population, which remained "outboard" of market reforms, but also a significant part of the Russian scientific elite began to critically evaluate the results of the economic experiment conducted in the country. The demand for economic and political "radical liberalism" was extremely high at the stage of the destruction of the existing system of state administration and the implementation of privatization. However, as with other social upheavals that occurred in history, the ideologists of radical reforms turned out to be superfluous after the completion of the redistribution of national wealth. Under these conditions, the Russian economic literature intensified critical reflection on the ongoing reforms, and more and more attention was paid to the role of the state in the economy and the problems of ensuring national economic security.

Fifthly, the globalization of the world economy and international production relations calls into question the preservation of the national-state form of organization of economic systems. For example, Nekipelov A.D., analyzing the process of globalization in the financial sector, notes: the degree of internationalization of capital while maintaining the national-state form of organization of monetary and financial systems. Nekipelov A.D. Consequences of globalization in the financial sector. In: Macroeconomic and financial policy in crisis situations: world experience and Russian reality. Russian entrepreneurship, having received direct access to world markets, in many cases faces not just individual competitive companies, but state-monopoly structures, which they are unable to resist alone.

The fact that in the process of globalization the problem of national interests and the economic security of the state is aggravated is evidenced by such trends as the implementation in explicit and hidden forms of state support for national business in world markets; expansion and increase in the number of zones of national interests of the leading countries of the world, primarily the United States; active study of the problems of ensuring the security of national interests by foreign political scientists and economists.

It would be possible to continue enumerating the objective processes that underlie the recently increased attention to the problem of Russia's economic security. However, both the trends listed above and the studies conducted by Russian scientists and specialists indicate that the problem itself is not far-fetched, but quite specific.


on the course "Economics"

on the topic: "Economic security of the Russian Federation"

  • Introduction
  • 1. Economic security as a type of state security
  • 2. Problems of economic security of the Russian Federation
    • 2.1 Ways of Russia's integration into world economy
    • 2.2 Types of threats to Russia's economic security
  • 3. Ways to improve the economic security of the Russian Federation
  • Conclusion
  • Literature
  • Introduction
  • Second half of the 1990s marked by the revival of the attention of state structures and the public to the problems of the country's national security. The formation of a socially oriented market economy necessitated the development and approval of basic concepts in the national security system.
  • The modern reform of the legal and economic foundations of the Russian state cannot but take into account the interests of national security. This problem is becoming especially acute in the context of increasing globalization and in connection with Russia's active involvement in international political and economic processes. Foreign economic aspects of the national security of the country are the most important component of the system of economic security of the state. The more economically developed the country, the more economic resources she disposes (or controls), the higher her degree of protection against possible threats.
  • At the present stage, economic security is a guarantee of the country's independence, determines the possibility of pursuing an independent economic policy and creates a condition for stability and success in the context of the globalization of the world economy.
  • Between 1996 and 2005, scientific research was carried out and a number of scientific works, collective monographs on this issue Senchagova VK, Oleinikova EA, Grunina O., Guseva G. and others. In many universities of the country, special courses on national security and its various aspects are introduced into the educational process and are taught. The urgency of the problems of economic security is reflected in the work of all-Russian and international scientific and practical conferences.
  • The paper considers the general problems of Russia's economic security associated with its activities in the system of international economic relations.
  • 1. Economic security as a typestate security

Signs of the state are Ilyin M. S., Tikhonov A. G. Financial and industrial integration and corporate structures: world experience and realities of Russia. M., 2002. C. 2.:

the presence of a special system of bodies and institutions exercising the functions of state power;

· the law fixing a certain system of norms sanctioned by the state;

a certain territory to which the jurisdiction of the state extends and in which its population lives.

The life and activities of the people, the state are deployed in various spheres, and in each of them the action of adverse factors, dangers and threats that disrupt the normal life of a person, society and the state is possible. In terms of content, the following types (spheres) of its activity are distinguished: economic, social, political, military, environmental, legal, technological, cultural, intellectual, informational, demographic, psychological, and many others.

The state protects its interests, its territory, its population from external and internal threats.

A threat to the security of the state can be formulated as the possibility of such a development of events that will create (or creates) a danger to the existence of the state, its political and economic independence Yarochkin V.I. Securitology - The science of life safety. M.: 1999. S. 9 ..

There are the following types of state security Ismailov R. Economic security of Russia: theory and practice. St. Petersburg, 1999. S. 103.:

geopolitical security;

Geopolitical security is the protection and security of state interests guaranteed by constitutional, legislative and practical measures.

political security;

Each state is interested in having a stable internal political situation, in creating an internal state climate conducive to the normal development of all spheres of society and the individual. Political security is the state of security of the country's geopolitical life. The goal of political security is determined by the type of state. The essence of political security is determined by the ability to pursue an independent foreign and domestic policy and to resolve issues of state structure.

· military security;

Military security is the ability to protect the sovereignty, territorial integrity and population of a country from internal and external threats. Military security includes the following areas: state borders, armed forces, deterrence, military education, military science and military industry.

economic security.

The problems of national economic security are increasingly becoming the subject of study by representatives of various sciences. Scientists offer their own definitions, define the essential features of this complex social phenomenon, reveal emerging social connections between related concepts and phenomena. However, there are still many “dark spots” in this area. Until now, there is no unanimity of opinion among the researchers of this problem on the definition of basic concepts, which in practice gives rise to significant difficulties in applying the legislation on economic security. Therefore, it is necessary to start with the development of a conceptual apparatus.

The legal definition of the concept of "economic security" can be found in federal law October 13, 1995 No. 157-FZ "On state regulation of foreign trade activities". In accordance with Article 2 of the said Law, economic security is a state of the economy that ensures a sufficient level of social, political and defense existence and progressive development of the Russian Federation, the invulnerability and independence of its economic interests in relation to possible external and internal threats and influences. Therefore, the state of the economy is the main sign of economic security.

Therefore, in a compressed (concentrated) form, we can say that national economic security is a state of protection of the main national economic interests from internal and external threats. Tsyganov S. I., Manina A. Ya. Foreign investment in Russia: problems of national economic security: Monograph. Yekaterinburg: Publishing house of UrGUA, 2000. P.16..

It is important to emphasize that such concepts as "conditions", "factors", "correlation" characterize economic security from different points of view. Thus, a condition is an environment (environment) in which economic security proceeds (realizes). There are economic, geopolitical, environmental, legal and other conditions. The factor is the reason, the driving force of economic security. The ratio of economic interests is understood as their mutual relationship, location relative to each other.

Economic security is characterized by the level of development of productive forces and economic relations aimed at meeting the needs of the individual, society, state, the presence of minerals, developed infrastructure, skilled labor and its training system, as well as the nature of integration into the system of world economic relations.

The objects of economic security are:

· economic system of the country: producers and sellers of products, works and services;

· natural wealth of the country - agricultural land, forests, rivers, lakes, seas, shelf, minerals.

The subjects of economic security are:

functional and sectoral ministries and departments;

tax and customs services;

Banks, exchanges, funds and Insurance companies;

Manufacturers and sellers of products, works and services;

Society for the protection of consumer rights.

In Russia, the doctrine of economic security was approved and introduced by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 29, 1996. No. 608 "The State Strategy for the Economic Security of the Russian Federation (Basic Provisions)". In pursuance of the provisions of this Decree on December 27, 1996. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1569 “On priority measures for the implementation of the State Strategy for the Economic Security of the Russian Federation (Basic Provisions)” was adopted. These documents define the purpose and objects of the state strategy of economic security, characterize the threats to the economic security of Russia, formulate the criteria and parameters of the state of the economy that meet the requirements of economic security, describe the mechanisms and measures of economic policy aimed at ensuring economic security. As noted in the State Strategy for the Economic Security of the Russian Federation, “in international relations, Russia is faced with the desire of industrialized countries, large foreign corporations to use the situation in the Russian Federation and the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States in their economic and political interests ... Without ensuring economic security it is practically impossible to solve any of the tasks facing the country, both domestically and internationally.” The above Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation for a number of federal bodies executive power (Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, Security Council of the Russian Federation, etc.) is responsible for developing quantitative and qualitative parameters of economic security criteria, monitoring and forecasting factors that determine the emergence of threats to economic security, conducting research to identify trends and opportunities for the development of threats and finding optimal ways to overcome them. At the same time, the economic security system should identify situations in which the actual or projected parameters of economic development go beyond the threshold values, develop measures to overcome them (i.e., to exit the country from the danger zone), conduct an examination of the adopted regulatory legal acts, state decisions on financial and economic issues from the standpoint of Russia's economic security.

To understand the essence of threats to Russia's economic security, let's consider the structure of the modern world community.

Some scientists divide the world community into two parts Kolosov A.V. Economic security. - M.: CJSC Finstatinform, 1999. S. 24.: privileged and adjoining wealthy developed states (Kuwait, Arab Emirates, Singapore and some others) with a population of about 1 billion. people (“golden billion”) and other unprivileged countries, whose population by 2000 exceeded 5 billion people. In 1994, 1 billion people in rich countries accounted for 70% of the world total social product, and the remaining 4.6 billion people accounted for 30%.

Other scholars divide the countries into three groups: the countries of the "golden billion", the newly industrialized countries that have established themselves on the periphery of the developed world (China, India, most of the "Asian tigers", some of the countries of Latin America, the former socialist countries, most of the oil-producing states), and, finally, the third group of so-called "falling" states (a significant part of the countries of the American continent and Asia, as well as the former USSR) Zotova N. Gusakov N. Contemporary Issues national security. // National security. 2001-№8-9..

The peculiarity of such a division of countries is that competition between these groups of states is practically impossible, “vertical” upward movement is extremely difficult, while competition within each of the groups is becoming increasingly fierce.

Russia's place in terms of general economic indicators can be determined at the lower border of the second group of states. The reality of the threat of consolidation on this border and a possible further weakening of positions is based on the structural regression of the Russian economy as the main trend of the past decade.

2. Problems of economic securityRF

2.1 Ways to integrate Russia into the world economy

We can agree with the assessments of the well-known American economist Turow that “today Russia is halfway between a market and a planned economy, and neither of them works Brzezhinsky Z. Grand chessboard. America's dominance and its geostrategic imperatives. M.: International relations, 1999. S. 85.».

The economic result of the reform is a drop in Russia's share in world GDP to 2.4% and a transition from 3rd place, which was occupied by Russia in the USSR (after the USA and Japan and shared it with Germany) to 15th. Up to 1.3% , i.e. almost halved specific gravity Russia and in world exports compared to the pre-perestroika period.

As a result, the share of Russian products in the world markets for science-intensive civilian products is 1%. For comparison, the US accounts for 36% , Japan - 30% of these markets. Especially dangerous is the lag in such industries as computer science, electronics, communications, which has developed in the past decades, including because of the existing gap between the civilian and military-industrial sectors of the economy.

Many Western experts explain the general economic weakening of Russia by the ineffectiveness of economic reforms and the excessive opening of the economy to foreign competition. Others emphasize that it is not "liberalism, but the economy of plunder that has been established in the country" that is to blame. Ibid. P. 86. The assessments of French economists are distinguished by a particularly critical approach. Professor Brandet (Paris University Dauphine) writes: “Everything that could be sold was sold in Russia, and as a result, in the absence of funds for investment, huge amounts of money ended up in individual accounts of Swiss and Cypriot banks. The industrial potential of the country was practically destroyed, and the volume industrial production decreased by 10% per year Bzezhinsky Z. Grand chess board. America's dominance and its geostrategic imperatives. M.: International relations, 1999. S. 85.».

The Russian economy currently remains largely reformed, transitional, and has not completed its transformation into any particular state. It combines elements of the old and new systems. If in terms of the share of non-state economic entities the Russian economy can be considered a fully market economy, then in terms of the efficiency of their activities and the level of competitiveness, it is not. In addition, more than half of Russian firms are generally fictitious and are often associated with illegal activities.

In Russia, an inefficient structure of social production is preserved - the predominance of the fuel and energy and raw materials industries and the low share of engineering products and modern high-tech, science-intensive industries. Weak is the financial and credit in general and the banking system, in particular, which limits the investment of production. Internal parameters largely determine external ones: Russia remains a supplier of raw materials and an importer of finished products on world markets, including various types of modern equipment and foodstuffs.

Russia's participation in international economic relations is still insignificant. The share of Russia in the world population is 2.5%, in world natural resources - 30%, in world exports - 1.74% (moreover, in world exports of high-tech goods - 0.7%), in world imports - 0.73%. Consequently, Russia is weakly involved in global processes, which is connected both with the legacy of the past and with the weaknesses of its present position.

At the same time, the importance of the world market for the Russian economy is enormous. So, in 2002, exports amounted to 133.7 billion dollars, and imports - 57.4 billion dollars.

Table 1.1 Ismailov R. The economic security of Russia characterizes the current state of Russia's economic security. // Business and security. 2004-№2.:

Table 1.1

Current indicators of economic security of the Russian Federation

No. p / p



Actual state

The actual ratioaboutth and threshold valueenia



domestic product:

overall from average

by "seven"

per capita

from average

by "seven"

per capita

from the world average

Share in industrial




Share in machine


mechanical engineering

Investment volume in %

Scientific expenses

research in % of GDP

The share of new types of products in the volume

manufactured products

Share in the population

people with income

below subsistence

minimum (2004)


life of the population

Income Gap

high income groups


and 10% of the most

low-income groups

Crime level

(number of crimes

per 100 thousand population)

Unemployment rate

according to ILO methodology

Inflation rate for the year

Volume of domestic debt in %

to GDP for comparable

time period

Current need for

service and


internal debt in %

to tax

budget receipts

Volume of external debt

Share of external

borrowings in

covering the deficit

budget (2004)

Budget deficit

in % of GDP (2004)

The volume of foreign

currencies in cash

to the amount of cash rubles

The volume of foreign

currencies against

ruble mass

in national currency

Money supply (M2)

as a percentage of GDP

Share of imports in

total domestic consumption





Living Wage Federation

Nevertheless, it should be noted that in the past few years, positive trends have emerged in the development of the Russian economy, outpacing some global processes. For example, the growth rate of the world gross product in 2002 they were 2.8%, in 2003. - 2.5%, and the growth rates of Russian GDP amounted to 4.1% and 7.3%, respectively.

The growth of production and GDP that has emerged in the past two years and is forecasted in Russia can be regarded as a sustainable trend only if it is possible to make maximum use of favorable conditions for the growth of domestic production (devaluation of the ruble, growth in world oil prices) and other market factors that Unfortunately, they may be reversible.

However, for all the shortcomings of the country's economic policy, one cannot fail to see that the free access of Russian producers to foreign markets is limited by far from liberal measures: the practice of double standards is widely used in relation to Russia, as well as special concessions and demands in domestic and foreign markets. economic policy, the pressure of external debt.

As a result, Russia, with a weakened and unbalanced economy, must fit into an international situation characterized by at least three main intractable problems:

The split of civilization

· the growing unpredictability of global economic processes, especially in the field of financial movement;

· opposition of the national management of many countries to the methods and forms of globalization.

Russia has both competitive advantages and weaknesses in the world markets. Competitive advantages include:

a) high availability of mineral resources - 13% of the world's proven oil reserves, 36% of natural gas, 12% of coal are concentrated in Russia;

b) a significant amount of accumulated fixed production assets and funds of universal equipment, which makes it possible to reduce the capital intensity of the technological modernization of a number of industries (although a significant part of them has a long service life and wear and tear);

c) cheap labor combined with a sufficiently high level of its qualifications;

d) the presence of unique advanced technologies in a number of industries, especially in the military-industrial complex, etc.

It should be noted that these advantages lose their nature over time - natural resources are exhausted, equipment and new technologies become obsolete, skilled labor is aging and emigrating.

At the same time, many Russian competitive advantages are limited by Russia's strategic weaknesses, which include:

a) weakness of the system for supporting the competitiveness of Russian exports;

b) a sharp reorientation of foreign economic relations to the West and an increase in deformations in this area (increasing the raw material orientation of Russian exports, the loss of traditional sales markets);

c) blocking entry to markets where Russia has competitive advantages;

d) competitive technologies used in the military-industrial complex are focused on the production of small series of products with a weak level of control of material costs;

e) a rapid decline in domestic demand for science-intensive products, which destroys an already weak competitive environment for "running in" goods and technologies prior to their promotion to the foreign market.

However, for modern Russia increasingly expanding interaction with the world market. Russia's share in world GDP after the 1998 crisis has a constant upward trend. This also leads to increased threats associated with the foreign economic sphere.

2 . 2 Types of threats to the economic security of Russia

In the specialized literature, there is no consensus among scientists on the list of threats to national economic security. Different researchers define the composition of internal and external threats in different ways. Note that this composition often varies without taking into account the changed political, socio-economic and other conditions. Sometimes there is a combination of internal and external threats to economic security, current and strategic.

The main threats to Russia's economic security are manifested in those sectors in which economic relations with international actors are carried out. Let's consider the most important of them.

1. Commodity market.

According to specialists' forecasts, exports of finished products will grow faster in international trade in the future, the market share of raw materials and income from it will decrease due to the introduction of resource-saving technologies.

In this area, the main threats to Russia are:

· irrational structure of exports and imports and the possibility of its conservation, the share of engineering products in Russian exports is less than 5%, (high-tech - about 1%), and in imports - more than a third;

· discriminatory measures and, above all, anti-dumping sanctions of other countries and blocs, in relation to Russia in 2001. there were 99 anti-dumping and other procedures in 24 countries of the world (in relation to ferrous metals, rolled metal, nitrogen fertilizers, textiles), which annually cause damage in the amount of 3.5 billion dollars;

· illegal export of natural resources from Russia;

· illegal (smuggling) import of goods into Russia;

· chronic large non-payments for fuel and energy resources supplied to the CIS countries;

· the dependence of the state of the Russian economy (GDP, inflation, budget revenues, trade balance, etc.) on world oil prices;

· sharp liberalization of foreign trade, which can lead to an increase in the export of non-renewable natural resources and the ruin of most domestic producers, increase unemployment.

2. Financial and credit sphere.

Threats include the following:

· weakness banking sector(its total capital is only 4% of GDP) threatens the disappearance of domestic and the emergence of foreign entities and regulators (both private companies and international organizations) of this sphere and the economy as a whole in their own interests. In 2001, the capital and assets of the Russian banking system amounted to 10 and 80 billion dollars, while these figures for any Western bank were 30-40 and 700-800 billion dollars, respectively;

· the growing influence of global financial processes, fluctuations in the market, including negative ones, on the financial sector and the economy as a whole, which was demonstrated by the 1998 crisis;

· Capital flight, which bled the economy, depriving it of investments, and the budget lost 100 billion dollars. Russia, which is in great need for investments, is, paradoxically, a major exporter of capital (especially illegal) in the world capital market.

An increase in the inflow of foreign investment has a number of negative consequences. First, it actually contributes to the consolidation of the raw-material export-oriented model of the Russian economy, since half of the total investment in industry is investment in the fuel, energy and raw materials sectors. Secondly, at present there is not so much a threat of an outflow of capital from Russia as a threat of its significant inflow to the market, which, due to its narrowness, can create serious problems both for the stability of the market itself and for the stability of the ruble.

· inflexible and irrational debt policy. Russia's external debt payments reach $17 billion annually. Russia's entry into the Paris Club cost it a loss of $110 billion, owed to other countries out of a total debt of $160 billion. Today, this figure is $10 billion. Russia has received significant revenues from high oil prices on world markets and increased gold reserves. The Russian leadership announced the full and timely (and even early) payment of external debt, although it was possible to negotiate its restructuring and use these funds for investment.

3. Foreign exchange market.

Main threats:

binding Russian ruble to the US dollar. Russia actually credits the USA with the fact that there are about 100 billion dollars in cash in Russia. Moreover, Russia is actually strengthening the dollar, since gold and foreign exchange reserves are kept mainly in dollars. In the event of a fall in the dollar, Russia expects financial crisis;

· a policy of underestimating the value of the ruble against the dollar by several times is being pursued, which provides current, short-term benefits, but a strategic loss. A weak ruble is generating cost-push inflation, excessive exports of raw materials, and capital outflows. Current export earnings, which are high due to the undervalued ruble, bring short-term benefits that do not lead to an increase in investment in the economy. The cheap national currency makes it easier for foreign companies to buy Russian assets.

4. Labor market.

While the developed countries are restricting the process of immigration, Russia is already experiencing a real expansion from Asia, primarily from China. Moreover, illegal immigration is many times greater than legal. This threat leads to an aggravation in the Russian labor market, increasing the demand for jobs and reducing the price of labor ( wages). In addition, immigrants are cheaper for employers, because do not have any social guarantees.

The threats to the economic security of Russia can also be attributed Ismailov R. Business and security. 2004-№2. S. 19.:

Table 1.2

Threats to the economic security of Russia

Russia's relations with international subjects of economic relations are ambiguous and can both open up new opportunities for Russia and carry certain threats to its security. Let's consider these relations, firstly, with international economic organizations and countries, and, secondly, with the subjects of international business.

Russia's accession to the World trade organization(WTO). Tasks, the solution of which can ensure Russia's participation in the WTO:

for the sake of being present as an equal member,

support for Russian exporters,

stimulating the development of new sectors,

Limitation of domestic monopolies.

However, the WTO requires a sharp liberalization of the Russian economy, including its opening to foreign entities. Among the requirements:

liberalization of access for foreign labor to Russian market labor;

· liberalization of access for foreign firms (first of all, financial, trade, construction, tourism, etc.) to the service market;

· reduction of import duty rates to a level lower than in the US and the EU;

· complete liberalization of exports and the abolition of measures of non-tariff regulation;

· alignment of domestic and world energy prices, liberalization of the current regime of currency regulation;

providing non-residents with national tax regime;

· rejection of subsidies to producers at the federal and regional levels, etc.

Reckless compliance with WTO requirements can lead to an increase in energy prices in Russia (and, therefore, to everything), an uncontrolled increase in the export of raw materials and a decrease in income from it due to lower world prices, a sharp increase in imports and the ruin of domestic producers of most goods and services, and , hence - the growth of unemployment, the massive influx of foreign labor (Asian), not spoiled by social guarantees and therefore cheaper. The abolition of export duties will lead to higher prices for energy carriers and then for all goods and services.

Russian legislation does not comply with WTO rules in the area of ​​government-approved forms of support for the economy. In the event of accession to the WTO and the transition to international rules (since the Constitution establishes the priority of international norms), the manufacturing industry, the service sector and agriculture in Russia will practically disappear.

In addition, joining this organization does not in itself guarantee economic growth. For example, although Kyrgyzstan, Moldova and Georgia have joined the WTO, but GDP indicators per capita they have remained the lowest among the 14 countries adopted in the last 5 years.

A special area is the activities of large international business entities in Russia, primarily transnational corporations (TNCs).

International business (represented by large corporations) poses an increased danger to the Russian economy, because:

Differs in activity and aggressiveness;

· its activities are hidden in contrast to state institutions or international organizations;

is guided solely by considerations of profit;

· carries out industrial espionage, from which our firms have not learned to defend themselves.

TNCs seek to subordinate to their interests the sectors of the national economy that have competitive advantages.

TNCs seek to consolidate the raw material orientation of the Russian economy, and in promising industries - to ensure their leadership. They benefit from the economic crisis in the country - they buy cheaper unprofitable competing enterprises. Despite the well-known information of all international rating agencies about the risk of investing in the Russian economy, the share foreign persons in the capitals of leading Russian companies is constantly growing.

The penetration of international business entities into Russia is through investments in the capital of Russian economic entities (companies, banks), loans to Russian firms, imported goods, the provision of various services (banking, insurance, financial), etc.

A number of large TNCs are already operating in real sector Russian economy - General Motors, Ford, Fiat, Renault, Shell, McDonald's, Canon, Nestle, Procter & Gamble, Coca Cola, Siemens , Erickson, etc.

A special type of threat is associated with the activities of the oligarchs in Russia and the possible oligarchic modernization of Russia.

It should be taken into account that the oligarchic groups have made a significant contribution to the integration of our country into the world economy; they provide today the bulk of domestic investment. Oil companies ensured a significant reduction in the cost of oil produced, thereby reducing the dependence of the country's economy on the world market. Today, oligarchic groups are in many ways the initiators of further liberalization of the domestic economy.

At the same time, the role of oligarchic groups, according to some authors, is anti-national. As subjects of the Russian economy, the oligarchs act mainly as foreign investors. Oligarchic property on the territory of Russia is registered in foreign legal entities, mostly offshore companies. The families of the majority of oligarchs permanently live outside of Russia, and the majority of oligarchs do not associate their personal and family strategic interests with Russia as a geopolitical and ethno-cultural entity, which gives rise, among other things, to the continued large-scale export of capital outside of Russia.

A serious danger is the high degree of criminalization of the economy. The "shadow" component of the Russian economy has reached critical levels - if the share of the illegal sector in the GDP of Western countries is officially estimated at 5-10%, then in Russia it is almost 25%.

Among the general trends of Russian organized crime, the following Belozerov I.P. Economic security of Russia // Proceedings of the conference "Reforms in Russia, history and modernity".:

Domestic crime has gone far beyond the Russian territory, establishing contacts both with criminal structures and quite legally operating subjects of the economy various states;

· the scale of illegal export operations with energy carriers, especially with oil, other strategic raw materials and materials, is constantly increasing, and not only domestic organizations, but also their foreign partners are involved in actions that damage Russian interests;

The activity and influence of “ethnic” criminal groups that have ties with the diaspora in the near and far abroad are increasing throughout Russia (their areas of activity are export-import operations with raw materials and scarce everyday goods, counterfeiting, crimes in the Russian gold and diamond complex Using the "shuttle" method of committing crimes, hiding behind a language barrier, differences in culture, they are hardly vulnerable to the law enforcement forces of any country);

· positions of criminal formations in the field of drug business are consistently strengthening, their organization and interaction with similar structures abroad is growing;

· Smuggling of weapons and ammunition, explosives and devices, their leakage from military facilities and manufacturing plants, from areas of military conflicts is looming large (at the same time, modern Western-made weapons are smuggled into conflict areas in Russia);

· there is a further strengthening of the material, technical and financial base of criminal structures, the growth of the professionalism of their participants due to the expansion of international relations.

Russia is also increasingly involved in the process of transnationalization of crime. One notable example is the Russian mafia's money-laundering scandal and its transfer through the Banc of New York to firms controlled by criminal leaders. From October 1998 to March 1999 alone, $4.2 billion passed through this bank.

Consequently, Russia participates in international economic relations in the context of globalization, having a weak economy with an inefficient structure, a sharp discrepancy between the domestic and foreign markets, with an aggressive policy of strong international actors.

3 . Ways to improve economic securityRF

The situation in the sphere of Russia's economic security is difficult, but not hopeless.

Rashid Ismailov, a legal expert who has written a number of works on economic security issues, believes that in order to mitigate external threats to the country's economic security, it is necessary to strengthen state control over the movement and use of natural resources, restore the volume of geological exploration and outstrip the growth of proven reserves of fuel and raw materials compared to production; implementation of a broad modernization of production and primary processing of fuel and raw materials, the transition to resource-saving technologies. This will make it possible in the future to achieve a relative and absolute reduction in the internal needs of natural resources, to increase the share of export foreign exchange earnings directed to investment goals Ismailov R. Economic security of Russia: theory and practice. St. Petersburg, 1999..

In order to weaken import dependence, it is necessary to provide financial support from the state to domestic producers capable of producing goods that are in demand by the West today. It is also necessary to apply a more flexible system of customs duties, identify sectors of the economy that need customs protection, introduce a state monopoly on the import of medicines, tobacco products, alcohol, grain and on the export of oil and oil products, non-ferrous metals, etc.

Lykshin S. and Svinarenko A. note that market economy(especially in a country like Russia) is unthinkable without elements of centralized leadership. Where prudent, public planning methods and leadership should be actively implemented. economic life countries Lykshin S., Svinarenko A. Development of the Russian economy and its restructuring as a guarantee of economic security// Questions of Economics. 2004. No. 12. S. 117-118.

In this regard, it is possible to single out the main directions of state and legal regulation of the economy as a whole and entrepreneurial activity in particular. These are, in particular: state ownership and entrepreneurship, the use of forms and methods of state planning and regulation (norms, regulations, quotas, a system of state, regional and municipal orders); state regulation of the national market of Russia, state regulation of international economic relations

In the economic program of Russia, the main emphasis should be placed on the development (with elements of powerful state support and protectionism) of the backbone sectors of the national economy, such as mechanical engineering, the metallurgical industry, fuel and energy, chemical and forestry complexes, and light industry. It is in these areas of the economy that investments and capital injections should be purposefully and systematically carried out.

From the standpoint of ensuring national economic security, an important problem is Russia's rental income. The redistribution of rental income will, on the one hand, eliminate (or at least reduce) the gap in the property status of Russian citizens - between the poor and the very rich. On the other hand, this redistribution will make it possible to somewhat reduce the number of domestic billionaires who appropriate a significant part of the rental income.

In order to ensure national economic security, the country's leadership needs to pursue a more balanced and consistent foreign policy.

Borisova V.D. notes that it is impossible for any country to achieve the state of the national and incl. economic security, if the needs of the population for food as one of the foundations of the life of society are not satisfied Borisova V.D. Actual problems of Russia's economic security at the present stage.// Questions of Economics. 2002.-№2..

It is necessary to methodologically clearly distinguish between the concepts of "food security of society" and "food security". Food security - the ability of the state to provide all members of society with food in sufficient, rational, environmentally friendly and safe nutrition in order to improve the health of the nation and preserve its gene pool, increase life expectancy, improve the quality of life, increase the labor activity of the population not only through self-sufficiency, but also with active use of the advantages of the international division of labor. Food security implies the ability of a country to provide food for its current and emergency needs of the country's population as a whole, and each individual person in food in accordance with scientifically based standards at the expense of its own resources.

As a criterion of the country's food security, the level of imported food supplies from the total volume of its consumption in the country is used. In the Russian Federation, the threshold value should not exceed 25%. Exceeding this level gives rise to strategic dependence on food-importing countries.

It is noteworthy that in developed countries For example, in the USA back in the 70s. A law on the country's food security was adopted, aimed at ensuring a stable food supply by supporting domestic agriculture and preserving its natural resources, as well as ensuring the high quality of food products, maintaining their high competitiveness in the domestic and foreign markets.

The priority tasks in the field of ensuring food security in Russia should be recognized as:

Formation of a single food complex in the country and its achievement of an optimal level of food production in the volume, assortment and quality sufficient to meet the population's need for nutrition in accordance with scientifically based standards.

Development of optimal options for the structure of food imports (tropical and subtropical crops).

Determining the needs of the country's population in nutrition and providing the population with environmentally friendly food, which determines the health and life expectancy of the population, the gene pool of the nation.

Ensuring economic access to a basic set of food products, which means ensuring the solvency of demand among the main social groups of the population and the elimination of hunger and malnutrition. A state policy is needed to redistribute incomes, expand employment and increase the consumption of quality food products, regulate prices for agricultural products and food.

Creation and maintenance of food reserves that can be used in extreme situations.

Timely identification, forecasting and elimination of threats to food security, determination of threshold values.

Strengthening state regulation of interregional supplies of food and raw materials for a more complete provision of regions with food. For example, 23 regions of Russia grow grain in excess, and 50 regions feel a lack of it, while the state does not have effective levers for regulating the Russian grain market, which allows some regions to set a monopoly price, while others import grain, because. taking into account transportation costs, domestic grain becomes uncompetitive.

Active support for the development of integration and cooperation, which will reduce transaction costs, optimize commodity and financial flows, and increase the competitiveness of enterprises.

Development of market infrastructure: organization of regional wholesale markets and credit institutions, which will allow efficient intra- and inter-regional exchange.


1. Economic security is the state of protection of the economy from internal and external threats. The goal of economic security is to ensure the sustainable economic development of the country in the interests of meeting the social and economic needs of citizens with optimal labor costs and reasonable use of natural resources.

2. Threats in the economic sphere are complex. This means that economic security is affected by various factors; and not only in pure economic form. It is significantly influenced by geopolitical, social, environmental and other factors.

3. Among the main threats to the economic security of the Russian Federation are considered: an increase in the property differentiation of the population and an increase in the level of poverty, the deformity of the structure of the Russian economy, an increase in the uneven socio-economic development of regions, the criminalization and oligarchization of society and economic activity.

4. To combat the threat to the economic security of Russia, an economic security strategy must be developed, it is necessary to monitor and evaluate both internal and external threats that can have a destabilizing effect on the economy.

5. Russia's national idea should be Russia's attempts to regain the status of a world power. We used to build developed socialism, then communism. Now, for the revival of the nation, the awakening of its spiritual, moral principles, a new ideal is needed: Russia is a strong and prosperous state.


1. Bzezhinsky Z. Great chessboard. America's dominance and its geostrategic imperatives. Moscow: International relations, 1999.

2. Belozerov I.P. Economic security of Russia // Proceedings of the conference "Reforms in Russia, history and modernity."

3. Borisova V.D. Actual problems of Russia's economic security at the present stage.// Questions of Economics. 2002-№2.

4. Zotova N. Gusakov N. Modern problems of national security. // National security. 2001-#8-9.

5. Ilyin M. S., Tikhonov A. G. Financial and industrial integration and corporate structures: world experience and realities of Russia. M., 2002.

6. Ismailov R. Economic security of Russia: theory and practice. St. Petersburg, 1999.

7. Ismailov R. Economic security of Russia. // Business and security. 2004-№2.

8. Kolosov A.V. Economic security. - M.: CJSC Finstatinform, 1999.

9. Lykshin S., Svinarenko A. Development of the Russian economy and its restructuring as a guarantee of economic security// Questions of Economics. 2004.-No. 12. S. 117-118.

10. Milyukov P. I. Memories. Volume two (1859-1917). M., 1990.

11. Pechenev V. Vladimir Putin - Russia's last chance? M., 2001.

12. Pomorov A.A. Yeltsin is the tragedy of Russia. M., 1999.

13. Management of the socio-economic development of Russia: concepts, goals, mechanisms / Ruk. ed. count D. S. Lvov, A. G. Porshnev. M .: CJSC "Publishing House" Economics ", 2002.

14. Tsyganov S.I., Manina A.Ya. Foreign investments in Russia: problems of national economic security: Monograph. Yekaterinburg: Publishing house of UrGUA, 2000.

15. Yarochkin V.I. Securitology - The science of life safety. M, 1999.

We can agree with the assessments of the well-known American economist Turow that "today Russia is halfway between a market economy and a planned economy, and neither of them works."

The economic result of the reform is a drop in Russia's share in world GDP to 2.4% and a transition from the 3rd place occupied by Russia in the USSR (after the USA and Japan and sharing it with Germany) to the 15th. Up to 1.3%, i.e. Russia's share in world exports has also roughly halved compared to the pre-perestroika period.

As a result, the share of Russian products in the world markets for science-intensive civilian products is 1%. For comparison: the US accounts for 36%, Japan - 30% of these markets. Especially dangerous is the lag in such industries as computer science, electronics, communications, which has developed in the past decades, including because of the existing gap between the civilian and military-industrial sectors of the economy.

Many Western experts explain the general economic weakening of Russia by the ineffectiveness of economic reforms and the excessive opening of the economy to foreign competition. Others emphasize that it is not "liberalism, but the economy of plunder that has been established in the country" that is to blame. The assessments of French economists are distinguished by a particularly critical approach. Professor Brandet (Paris University Dauphine) writes: “Everything that could be sold was sold in Russia, and as a result, in the absence of funds for investment, huge amounts of money ended up in individual accounts of Swiss and Cypriot banks. The industrial potential of the country was practically destroyed, and the volume of industrial production was declining by 10% per year.

The Russian economy currently remains largely reformed, transitional, and has not completed its transformation into any particular state. It combines elements of the old and new systems. If in terms of the share of non-state economic entities the Russian economy can be considered a fully market economy, then in terms of the efficiency of their activities and the level of competitiveness, it is not. In addition, more than half of Russian firms are generally fictitious and are often associated with illegal activities.

In Russia, an inefficient structure of social production is preserved - the predominance of the fuel and energy and raw materials industries and the low share of engineering products and modern high-tech, science-intensive industries. Weak is the financial and credit in general and the banking system, in particular, which limits the investment of production. Internal parameters largely determine external ones: Russia remains a supplier of raw materials and an importer of finished products on world markets, including various types of modern equipment and foodstuffs.

Russia's participation in international economic relations is still insignificant. The share of Russia in the world population is 2.5%, in world natural resources - 30%, in world exports - 1.74% (moreover, in world exports of high-tech goods - 0.7%), in world imports - 0.73%. Consequently, Russia is weakly involved in global processes, which is connected both with the legacy of the past and with the weaknesses of its present position.

At the same time, the importance of the world market for the Russian economy is enormous. So, in 2002, exports amounted to 133.7 billion dollars, and imports - 57.4 billion dollars.

Nevertheless, it should be noted that in the past few years, positive trends have emerged in the development of the Russian economy, outpacing some global processes. For example, the growth rate of the world gross domestic product in 2002 was 2.8%; - 2.5%, and the growth rates of Russian GDP amounted to 4.1% and 7.3%, respectively.

The growth of production and GDP that has emerged in the past two years and is forecasted in Russia can be regarded as a sustainable trend only if it is possible to make maximum use of favorable conditions for the growth of domestic production (devaluation of the ruble, growth in world oil prices) and other market factors that Unfortunately, they may be reversible.

However, for all the shortcomings of the country's economic policy, one cannot fail to see that the free access of Russian producers to foreign markets is limited by far from liberal measures: the practice of double standards is widely used in relation to Russia, as well as special concessions and demands in domestic and foreign economic policy, the pressure of external debt .

As a result, Russia, with a weakened and unbalanced economy, must fit into an international situation characterized by at least three main intractable problems:

  • The split of civilization
  • · the growing unpredictability of global economic processes, especially in the field of financial movement;
  • · opposition of the national management of many countries to the methods and forms of globalization.

Russia has both competitive advantages and weaknesses in the world markets. Competitive advantages include:

  • a) high availability of mineral resources - 13% of the world's proven oil reserves, 36% of natural gas, 12% of coal are concentrated in Russia;
  • b) a significant amount of accumulated fixed production assets and funds of universal equipment, which makes it possible to reduce the capital intensity of the technological modernization of a number of industries (although a significant part of them has a long service life and wear and tear);
  • c) cheap labor combined with a sufficiently high level of its qualifications;
  • d) the presence of unique advanced technologies in a number of industries, especially in the military-industrial complex, etc.

It should be noted that these advantages lose their nature over time - natural resources are exhausted, equipment and new technologies become obsolete, skilled labor is aging and emigrating.

At the same time, many Russian competitive advantages are limited by Russia's strategic weaknesses, which include:

  • a) weakness of the system for supporting the competitiveness of Russian exports;
  • b) a sharp reorientation of foreign economic relations to the West and an increase in deformations in this area (increasing the raw material orientation of Russian exports, the loss of traditional sales markets);
  • c) blocking entry to markets where Russia has competitive advantages;
  • d) competitive technologies used in the military-industrial complex are focused on the production of small series of products with a weak level of control of material costs;
  • e) a rapid decline in domestic demand for science-intensive products, which destroys the already weak competitive environment for the "running in" of goods and technologies prior to their promotion to the foreign market.

Nevertheless, modern Russia is characterized by ever-expanding interaction with the world market. Russia's share in world GDP after the 1998 crisis has a constant upward trend. This also leads to increased threats associated with the foreign economic sphere.

Yurga Technological Institute of Tomsk Polytechnic University

Student, Department of Economics and automated systems management

Politsinskaya Ekaterina Viktorovna, candidate economic sciences, Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics and Automated Control Systems, Yurga Technological Institute, Tomsk Polytechnic University


Modern society is at risk from all sides: the development of new technologies, the huge impact of scientific and technological progress on a person, climate change, an increase in the number of new diseases, the emergence of geopolitical centers of economic development, man-made disasters, energy shortages - all this makes it necessary to transform the role of the state in the field of economic development. security.

Modern society with all parties at risk: the development of new technologies, the huge impact of technological progress on human rights, climate change, the proliferation of new diseases, the emergence of geopolitical centers of economic development, technological disasters, lack of energy – all this makes it necessary to transform the role of the state in the field of economic security.


economy; security of the Russian economy; economic security issues

economy; security of the Russian economy; problems of economic security

UDC 338.2

The stable and active formation of the state economy, its performance and competitiveness in domestic and world markets are directly related to the economic security of the country.

Economic security is usually seen as an important high-quality assessment economic system the country, which establishes its ability to support the habitual requirements of the life of the population, endowment with sustainable resources for the formation of the national economy, as well as the methodical implementation of national-state interests.

The purpose of writing the article is to identify the main issues and difficulties in ensuring the economic security of Russia.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks should be identified:

  • define the concept of economic security;
  • note the main indicators of economic security;
  • consider the problems of ensuring the economic security of the national economy of Russia.

Ensuring the economic security of the country is one of the most pressing issues in this period of time. As world practice demonstrates, the protection of economic security is the guarantor of the independence of the country, the main sign of stability and successful life of society. The difficulties of establishing economic security in Russia, as a necessary condition for its formation, attract the very close attention of many politicians, various scientists, and other broad sections of the population. Such interest is not caused by chance. The scale of the threats, as well as the possible real damage brought to the financial security of the state, expose the mentioned difficulties to the attention of public life.

Now, the category of economic security is variously explained in the scientific literature. For example, according to the judgment of L.I. Abalkin, "economic security is the state of the economic system, which allows it to develop dynamically, efficiently and solve social problems, and in which the state has the opportunity to develop and implement an independent economic policy."

To ensure state security, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 12, 2009, decree No. 537 “On the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020” was issued, which approved the concept of state security of the Russian Federation. It reflects the main, alleged threats to national security, as well as the main tasks, directions, principles for ensuring the state economic security of the Russian Federation. and domestic policy, as well as proposals to meet all the economic needs of the population and reliable protection from internal and external threats.

The goal of the concept of providing economic security is considered to be: ensuring commensurate and constant financial growth, curbing the growth of inflation and unemployment, developing an efficient structure of the economy and the market valuable papers, reducing the budget deficit and public debt, providing social protection, maintaining stability national currency etc.

Considering the problems of economic security, it is important to assess the current state of the Russian economy, which has developed in previous years. Surpassing the territory, gas and oil production, resources, in comparison with the United States, China and Japan, Russia produces a much smaller amount of GDP, as well as GDP per capita. Also, product exports remain low and Russia remains dependent on imported services. We can safely say that, despite the vast territory, the Russian economy gives a much lower financial return than it could, given the amount of financial reserves accumulated in recent years.

The problems of world economic security are closely related to one of the main tasks of the economy - the harmonization of its spheres.

Harmonization is finding a balance between the main areas and sectors of the economy. It can be based on a large-scale increase in domestic production volumes. A sufficiently high growth rate in industry should also be ensured, for example: in the fuel and energy complex. The problem of introducing competitive advanced technologies is acute. In Russia, by independent evaluation, the resource-extracting industries have the greatest potential, while the processing and processing industries are lagging behind. In the last two years, there has been a slight revival in these sectors as well. Transport and communication contribute most to the increase in production, while the most important industry that requires innovation - mechanical engineering - remains at an insufficiently high level.

The technological level of the economy depends primarily on two factors - innovation and investment. The state of affairs in terms of investment is slowly but improving, and the state of innovation in them barely reaches 12%. Accordingly, the competitiveness of technologies for the production of machinery and equipment has a significant position in the technological base of the state.

The problem of industrial safety in Russia is one of the main problems. Having approximately 15% of the world's agricultural land reserves, the state uses this wealth inefficiently: Russia's share in world agricultural production is no more than 2%. The reason lies in the fact that about 40% of land suitable for agricultural land is ownerless and not used. A country that has 17 million km 2 of territory can produce only 58% of the food the country needs. Every year Russia's dependence on food imports increases and approaches 45%, and in some megacities it is about 82-88%. However, as a result of the introduction by the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin's decree on the food embargo in August 2014, local producers have a real chance to reduce the statistics on the use of imported products.

To preserve Russia in the status of a major agrarian-industrial power, to save the country from economic decline, it is worth moving on to developing a strategy for the country's real economy and reviving the agricultural complex. This approach will require an immediate strengthening of the role state participation in economics.

Another notable economic security problem is the reduction in the quantity and quality of labor resources. It is believed that by 2025 the number of able-bodied citizens in the country will decrease by 14-15 million people, while the number of pensioners, on the contrary, will increase by 5-7 million people. According to forecasts, by 2050 Russia will experience a sharp demographic decline, as a result of which the number of able-bodied citizens will decrease by 40-42%, which is approximately 39 million people.

Under such conditions, it is very important to clearly identify the main directions of economic development, where a breakthrough and an increase in labor productivity and ensuring the competitiveness of domestic products are possible. To do this, it is necessary to develop and implement state program projects on innovation. They must be provided with real resources, specialists, professionals in their field. If you choose the right principles for the country's innovative development, they will be able to ensure the progress of the entire national economy as a whole.

Economic threats are complex. Economic security is subject to risks from a variety of factors; however, they are not only economic. Social, environmental, informational, political and many other factors also have a great influence.

The state must implement a complete system of measures, first of all, to ensure sustainable economic growth, this will be the guarantor of national economic security.

Such measures should cover all sectors of the economy. These measures include such factors as: the implementation of a dynamically developing social policy, strengthening the role of the state in various financial areas.

Bibliographic list:

1. Beketov N.V. Problems of ensuring the economic security of the state in the sphere of foreign economic activity / N.V. Beketov, M.E. Tarasov // National interests: priorities and security. - 2009. - 124 p.
2. Dukart S.A., Politsinskaya E.V. Economic theory. Macroeconomics: textbook. allowance, 2013.
3. International Journal of Management Theory and Practice [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:, open access.
4. Russian newspaper[Electronic resource]. – Access mode:, open access.
5. Electronic journal "Fundamental Research" No. 9 - 2012. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:, open access.


07/15/2015, 02:53 PM Kuzmenko Igor Nikolaevich
Review: Alice, what is your personal contribution to the development of the topic of economic security? I personally from what I read did not see anything original and new. You repeat the words that have already set the teeth on edge to everyone: "the state should." But for some reason it, this very state does not do this. It is precisely with this that you, as a researcher, were obliged to connect the topic of national security, and not shift the words of textbooks and the same Abalkin, who at one time caused colossal damage to this same national security. Due to the fact that the article is raw and does not introduce anything new in the field of national and economic security in science, I do not recommend it for publication! Only through deep processing and understanding of this topic can an article be recommended! Evaluation not only as a PhD, but also as an applicant for a doctorate in economics in the direction of national and economic security!

Tsvetkova A.Yu.
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor
GOU VPO St. Petersburg State Mining Institute. G.V. Plekhanova (TU)

Problems of ensuring the economic security of Russia during the economic crisis

The problems of ensuring the country's economic security, stable economic development of the state and society are faced by many countries of the world, especially in times of crisis. The current socio-economic situation in Russia determines the extreme relevance of the purposeful activities of the state in the field of ensuring the economic security of the country and Russian society.

The realization of Russia's national interests in most cases is possible only if there are sufficient economic opportunities and sustainable economic development. Thus, we can say that economic security has a decisive place in common system national security.

As world experience shows, ensuring economic security is a guarantee of a country's independence, a condition for the stability and efficiency of society's life, and success. Therefore, ensuring economic security is one of the most important national priorities.

Economic security is a set of internal and external conditions conducive to the effective dynamic growth of the national economy, its ability to meet the needs of society, the state, the individual, to ensure competitiveness in external and domestic markets insuring against various kinds of threats and losses.

The economic security of the country must be ensured, first of all, by the efficiency of the economy itself, that is, along with the protective measures taken by the state, it must protect itself on the basis of high labor productivity, product quality, etc. Ensuring the country's economic security is not the prerogative of any one state department or service. It must be supported by the entire system of state bodies, by all links and structures of the economy.

In 2000, the National Security Concept of the Russian Federation was adopted - a system of views on ensuring the security of the individual, society and state in the Russian Federation from external and internal threats in all spheres of life. The Concept formulates the most important directions public policy Russian Federation.

The concept defines the fundamental initial provisions for the national security of the country, which should become the basis for the formation of the domestic and foreign policy of the state. It analyzes Russia's place in the world community, defines its national interests, processes and phenomena that threaten them.

The protection of the country's national interests in the economic sphere plays a paramount role in ensuring Russia's national security. Ultimately, the provision of all elements of national security: defense, environmental, informational, foreign policy and others - depends on the country's economic capabilities. At the same time, the development of a program of priority and long-term measures to ensure Russia's economic security and practical steps in this direction should be based on a clear understanding of contemporary threats.

In accordance with the National Security Concept, “threats in the sphere of the economy are complex in nature and are caused, first of all, by a significant reduction in the gross domestic product, a decrease in investment, innovation activity and scientific and technical potential, stagnation of the agricultural sector, an imbalance in the banking system, an increase in external and internal public debt, a trend towards the predominance of fuel and raw materials and energy components in export deliveries, and food and consumer goods, including basic necessities, in import deliveries. The state of the domestic economy, the imperfection of the system of organization of state power and civil society, the socio-political polarization of Russian society and the criminalization of public relations, the growth of organized crime and the increase in the scale of terrorism, the aggravation of interethnic and complication of international relations create a wide range of internal and external threats to the national security of the country. The weakening of the scientific, technical and technological potential of the country, the reduction of research in strategically important areas of scientific and technological development, the outflow of specialists and intellectual property abroad threaten Russia with the loss of leading positions in the world, the degradation of high-tech industries, increased external technological dependence and undermining the defense capability of Russia.

Negative processes in the economy underlie the separatist aspirations of a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. This leads to increased political instability, weakening the single economic space of Russia and its most important components - production, technology and transport links, financial, banking, credit and tax systems.

Economic disintegration, social differentiation of society, devaluation of spiritual values ​​contribute to increased tension in relations between regions and the center, posing a threat to the federal structure and the socio-economic structure of the Russian Federation.

Even a brief analysis of modern threats allows us to conclude that there is a need for a radical change in approaches to ensuring the country's economic security. The growth of these threats is largely due to miscalculations in the choice of strategy and tactics of Russian reforms.

In the course of reforms, any transformations in society and the economy, during a crisis, the economy is especially vulnerable to threats to economic security. As world experience shows, during such periods, the instability of the economy increases, its normal functioning is disrupted.

The economic logic of development implies the diversification of sales markets, and in this case, a prudent long-term policy of Russia should link the energy strategy and modernization of the country, since energy exports are the main financial source of development, as follows from the structure of Russian foreign trade. In the long term, Russia, like any country with sufficient human and natural resources, will try to modernize its manufacturing industry, especially engineering, while the task of finding export niches will be increasingly relevant in the context of economic crisis.

At present, it is necessary to develop the domestic Russian market, increase the solvency of the population, and by all means increase the well-being of the population.

It is necessary to improve the efficiency of property management - both in private and in public sectors.

It is necessary to reduce the existing bias of the national economy in favor of the export-oriented sector of the economy by placing large-scale state orders in the military-industrial complex, nuclear, engineering, aviation and aerospace, chemical and pharmaceutical, electronic industries, which ensure the creation of goods with high added value.


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3. Kuzyk B. Development strategy: tasks of transition to a geo-economic model // Russian Economic Journal. No. 3. 2008.
4. Mironova T.A. Economic development Russia in 2008 // Analytical Bulletin of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. 2007. No. 23 (154).