Bank deposits Opening for individuals - types, interest and conditions. Otkritie Bank: interest on deposits for individuals


Otkritie Bank in 2020 offers profitable deposits for individuals, including pensioners. Consider how high interest can be obtained by opening a deposit today.

In 2020, Otkritie Bank offers its clients, including pensioners, a wide range of retail deposits under favorable interest. It contains offers in rubles and foreign currency for a wide variety of money management strategies.

For ease of perception, we have divided the savings offers of Otkritie Bank into 4 large groups:

In this review, we will analyze in detail the features, pros and cons of each of the deposits of Otkritie Bank for individuals, including pensioners. In addition, we will find out which of the savings offers is the most profitable.

Bank deposits Opening in 2020: interest and conditions

Recently, banks in Russia, including Otkritie, have been reducing interest rates deposits. This is associated with a decrease key rate Central Bank. And yet, so far, the return on deposits in Otkritie is quite attractive compared to competing banks from the Top 10. Let's start with the deposits that can bring the most income.

Deposits with maximum interest

You should pay attention to such deposits if you have a large amount. By putting it in the bank, it will be possible not to worry that inflation will eat the money. There is also the option to “live on interest”.

Bank deposit Otkritie "Reliable Promo"

As the name implies, this is a promotional deposit. And accordingly, it must be something better than others in order to attract the attention of potential customers. Its main advantage is an increased rate of up to 6.1% in rubles, taking into account interest capitalization. But to get it, you need to invest a fairly large amount - at least 750 thousand rubles. Replenishment or partial withdrawal of money without loss of interest is not provided. But interest can be withdrawn or capitalized, depending on your desire.

(+) Plus: high interest rate.

(-) Minus: no deposits and withdrawals without loss of profitability, large minimum amount.


  • Term: 367 days;
  • Amount: from 750,000 rubles;
  • Replenishment: no;
  • Partial withdrawal: no;
  • Capitalization: yes;
  • Interest payment: monthly;

Interest rates

5.9% per annum with capitalization;

5.75% per annum without capitalization.

Deposit calculator

Bank deposit Otkritie "Reliable"

This is the basic version of the previous deposit. More flexible. You can invest as little as 50,000 rubles and for various periods from 91 to 730 days. Distinctive features of the deposit are high profitability, the lack of the possibility of replenishment and partial withdrawal. Without sanctions from the bank, only interest accrued monthly can be withdrawn from the account. And you can capitalize them.

(-) Minus: the inability to replenish and withdraw funds without loss of profitability.


  • Term: 91, 181, 367, 730 days;
  • Amount: from 50,000 rubles;
  • Replenishment: no;
  • Partial withdrawal: no;
  • Capitalization: yes;
  • Interest payment: monthly with capitalization or to a separate account;
  • Early termination: at the rate "On Demand".

Interest rates

5,70 / 5,56


0.2% per annum in rubles if the client has a valid Premium status.

Calculate the possible income on the deposit

Bank deposit Otkritie "Basic Income"

This is a classic term deposit of individuals with a high yield and limited opportunities for managing funds. The terms provide for monthly capitalization or payment of interest in a way convenient for you: to a current account, to a “demand” account or to bank card. Its main difference is the possibility of registration in US dollars with a favorable rate for today - up to 1.2% per annum.

(+) Plus: high interest rate.

(-) Minus: there is no possibility to deposit and withdraw funds without loss of profitability.


  • Term: 91, 181, 367, 730 days;
  • Replenishment: no;
  • Partial withdrawal: no;
  • Capitalization: yes;
  • Interest payment: monthly or at the end of the term.

Interest rates

(with capitalization / without capitalization)

In Russian rubles

See also the terms of deposits in Sberbank:

Deposits with replenishment

Such deposits will be especially beneficial if you plan to save money, from time to time putting aside part of the income in the bank.

Bank deposit Otkritie "Active replenishment"

This is a deposit of individuals, the terms of which provide for the possibility of replenishing the account. But the interest rate will be correspondingly lower. Interest accrued monthly can be capitalized or withdrawn.

(+) Plus: there is a possibility of replenishment.

(-) Minus: there is no possibility to withdraw money without loss of profitability.


  • Term: 91, 181, 367, 730 days;
  • Amount: from 50,000 rubles / 1,000 dollars or euros;
  • Replenishment: yes;
  • Partial withdrawal: no;
  • Capitalization: yes;

Interest rates

in Russian rubles

See what deposit rates Gazprombank offers today:

Deposits with replenishment and partial withdrawal

These deposits do not have the highest rates, but their benefit lies in the convenience of managing the money lying in the bank. You can replenish your account, as well as withdraw part of the money, without fear of losing interest.

Bank deposit Otkritie "Free Control"

This is a deposit of individuals with maximum freedom of management: the possibility of replenishment and partial withdrawal of funds without loss of interest. It can be opened both at any branch of the bank, and independently, via the Internet.

(+) Plus : you can deposit and withdraw funds without losing income.

(-) Minus: low interest rate.


  • Term: 91, 181, 367, 730 days;
  • Amount: from 50,000 rubles / 1,000 dollars;
  • Replenishment: yes;
  • Partial withdrawal: yes;
  • Capitalization: yes;
  • Interest payment: monthly.

Interest rates

(with capitalization / without capitalization)

in Russian rubles

See the interest and terms of deposits at VTB Bank:

Income account "My piggy bank"

This is a savings account with replenishment and withdrawal of money without any restrictions on the amount and term. Its main feature and difference from a regular deposit is that interest is charged on the amount of the average monthly balance/minimum account balance during the month. The terms also provide for a surcharge to the interest rate of up to 1% when purchasing an investment insurance product.

You can open an account at a bank branch, as well as via the Internet or in a mobile application, and not only in rubles, but also in dollars or euros.


  • Currency: rubles, dollars, euros;
  • Term: unlimited;
  • Min. amount: not established;
  • Replenishment: yes;
  • Partial withdrawal: yes;
  • Capitalization: yes;
  • Interest payment: monthly.

Interest rates

In rubles


0.2% per annum in rubles if the client has a valid Premium status;
up to + 1% per annum in rubles when purchasing an investment insurance product

In US dollars
0.5% per annum

In Euro
0.01% per annum.

Check "Cumulative"

This is an income account in which the interest rate increases depending on the length of your savings in the bank. But in his conditions there are a number pitfalls:

  1. Interest is calculated separately on the amount of each replenishment.

Let's say you put 100,000 rubles into your account. In the first 2 months, this investment will be subject to a rate of 4% per annum. And then it will grow, depending on the period of storage of money in the account.

After some time, you deposited another 100,000 rubles into the account. And again, for this replenishment in the first 2 months there will be a minimum rate of 4% per annum with the possibility of further increase.

Thus, for each new replenishment, the rate will be calculated anew - starting from 4% per annum.

  1. When withdrawing money from the account, the amount of the last replenishment decreases.

You can deposit or withdraw money from your account at any time and without restrictions. But when withdrawing money from the account, the amount of the last installment decreases, on which the minimum interest is charged.

Thus, your savings, which are placed the longest and bring the most income, will remain unchanged.


  • Deadline: not set;
  • Amount: not established;
  • Replenishment: no restrictions;
  • Partial withdrawal: no restrictions;
  • Interest payment: monthly and at the end of the term.

Interest rates

See what interest on deposits Rosselkhozbank gives today:

Deposit with registration of an investment product

This deposit has high interest rates. But we must remember that only the deposit itself with interest is insured. The money you use to buy investment products is not subject to government insurance!

Deposit "Open"

This is a deposit for clients who have concluded insurance contracts for investment products. Endowment insurance life" (NSZH), "Investment life insurance" (ISZH), " Trust management» (DU), as well as Trust management for maintaining an Individual Investment Account (DU IIS).

(+) Plus: there is an opportunity to increase the already favorable interest rate.

(-) Minuses:

There is no possibility to replenish and withdraw funds without loss of profitability;
cannot be issued without purchasing an investment product.


  • Term: 91, 181, 367, 730 days;
  • Amount: from 50,000 rubles;
  • Replenishment: no;
  • Partial withdrawal: no;
  • Capitalization: yes;
  • Interest payment: monthly.

Interest rates



from 0.25% to 2.0% when concluding an investment product agreement.

How to make deposits

There are several ways to open deposits for individuals at Otkritie Bank.

  1. In the department. This path is for those who apply to the bank for the first time. To make a deposit, you need to contact the nearest bank office with an identity document. The bank officer will help you Required documents All you have to do is deposit money into your account. Also, you will have to contact the bank branch when making a deposit for third parties.
  2. In the Internet bank. Those who are already a client of Otkritie and have access to the Internet Bank can make a deposit online. It's comfortable.
  3. On the mobile app. This method will be convenient for those clients of Otkritie who use mobile applications jar.

What is the most profitable deposit of Otkritie Bank today - conclusions

Let's try to figure out which of the deposits in Otkritie is the most profitable today. The question, frankly, is not an easy one.

Judging by the interest rate, these are “Reliable” deposits in rubles or “Basic Income” in dollars. They have the highest yield to date.

But there are also disadvantages: they cannot be replenished, there is also no possibility to withdraw money without losing interest.

And therefore, for those who need not only to save, but to spend money, if they are required, you can pay attention to the income accounts “My piggy bank” and “Cumulative”. They make it possible to manage the funds lying in the bank, and the interest rate is very good.

About bank

"Opening" works on financial market since 1993, included in the list of systemically important credit organizations approved by the Central Bank. The key shareholder of Otkritie Bank is the Bank of Russia with a 99.99% share.

On January 1, 2019, the accession of Binbank to Otkritie Bank was completed. As a result, a new major player has appeared on the market, offering customers a full line of modern financial products.

The bank's regional network includes 745 offices in 258 cities in 69 regions of the country.

A significant part of the business is concentrated not only in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but also in Yekaterinburg, the Tyumen and Novosibirsk regions, the Khabarovsk and Krasnodar regions.

The deposits of Otkritie Bank are insured by the state. The maximum amount of compensation for insured event will amount to 1.4 million rubles, taking into account accrued interest.

Contacts for information and consultations

Learn more about interest rates and terms of deposits for individuals from the Bank's employees.

Phones: 8 800 700-78-77 (free call within Russia), +7 495 787-78-77 (in Moscow).

The address: 115114, Moscow, st. Letnikovskaya, 2, building 4.

General license of the Bank of Russia No. 2209. Information is not a public offer.

Otkritie Bank (official name - Otkritie Financial Corporation) is the largest private bank in Russia. Of the banks that work with individuals, it ranks 4th in Russia in terms of assets, second only to banks with state participation: , And .
In this rating, we will consider the most profitable deposits of Otkritie Bank for individuals at the beginning of 2016.

7th place. Contribution "Pension income". This deposit can be opened by individuals who are pensioners. The minimum amount is 3 thousand rubles / 100 dollars / 100 euros. Deposit term - from 6 months to 5 years. With a minimum amount in rubles, the maximum rate is 9.4% per annum with capitalization (accruing interest on the deposit) for a period of 1 to 5 years, with an amount of 300 thousand rubles, the rate increases to 9.5%. The maximum rate in dollars is 2.20% (with an amount of 10 thousand and a period of 1 to 5 years with capitalization), in euros - 1.75% (with an amount of 8 thousand and a period of 1 to 5 years with capitalization ). There is a possibility of replenishment and partial withdrawal.

6th place. Growing contribution. The minimum amount is 30 thousand rubles. Deposit term - 380 days. In each of the 4 periods of the deposit, the interest rate increases. From 1 to 95 days - 7% per annum, from 96 to 190 - 8%, from 191 to 285 - 10%, from 286 to 380 - 14%. The average rate for the entire period of placement of the tab is 9.75%. There is a possibility of early closing of the deposit with the receipt of all interest for each interest period.

5th place. Contribution "Free management". The minimum amount is 20 thousand rubles / 700 dollars / 500 euros. Deposit term - from 3 months to 5 years. The maximum rate when opening a deposit in a bank office with a minimum amount in rubles is 9.2% per annum with a capitalization for a period of 1 to 5 years and 9.49% when opening in an Internet bank (for a period of 5 years). When opening in the office, the maximum rate - with an amount of 3 million with capitalization and a period of 1 to 5 years - 9.50%, when opening in the Internet bank - 9.80% (for a period of 5 years with the same amount with capitalization).
The maximum rate in dollars when opening a deposit at a bank office is 2% (with an amount of 100 thousand and a period of 1 to 5 years with capitalization), in Internet banking - 2.17% (with an amount of 100 thousand and a period of 4- 5 years with capitalization).
The maximum rate in euros when opening a deposit at a bank office is 1.5 percent (with an amount of 75 thousand and a period of 1 to 5 years with capitalization), in Internet banking - 1.66% (with an amount of 75 thousand and a term from 2 to 5 years with capitalization).
There is a possibility of replenishment and partial withdrawal.

4th place. Contribution "Easy conversion". Opens simultaneously in 3 currencies: rubles, dollars and euros. Currency conversion within the deposit occurs at the rate of the bank without commission and loss of interest. There is a possibility of replenishment. The minimum deposit amount is the equivalent of 20 thousand rubles. Deposit term - from 3 months to a year. With this amount, the maximum rate when opening a deposit in a bank office is 9.40% per annum, in dollars - 1.90%, in euros - 1.50%. In all three cases, the rate is indicated for 1 year with capitalization. When opening in the Internet bank, the rate in rubles increases to 9.62%, in dollars - up to 2.05%, in euros - 1.55%.
With an amount equivalent to 3 million rubles, the rate in rubles reaches 10.11%, in dollars - 2.36%, in euros - 1.86%. In all three cases, the rate is indicated for 1 year with capitalization upon opening in the Internet bank.

3rd place. Deposit "Active replenishment". The minimum amount is 20 thousand rubles / 500 dollars / 500 euros. Deposit term - from 3 months to 5 years. There is a possibility of replenishment. The maximum rate when opening a deposit in a bank office with a minimum amount in rubles is 9.70% with a capitalization for a period of 1 to 5 years and 9.99% when opening in an Internet bank (for a period of 5 years). When opening in the office, the maximum rate - with an amount of 3 million with capitalization and a period of 1 to 5 years - 10%, when opening in an Internet bank - 10.30% (for a period of 5 years with the same amount with capitalization) .
The maximum rate in dollars when opening a deposit at a bank office is 2.40% (with an amount of 100 thousand and a period of 1 to 5 years with capitalization), in an Internet bank - 2.57% (with an amount of 100 thousand and a term 5 years with capitalization).
The maximum rate in euros when opening a deposit at a bank office is 1.90% (with an amount of 75 thousand and a period of 1 to 5 years with capitalization), in Internet banking - 2.07% (with an amount of 75 thousand and a term 5 years with capitalization).

2nd place. Deposit "Comfortable-Online". On the official website of Otkritie Bank, you can get a promotional code for presentation at the bank office, according to which the deposit rate will be 10.5% with a minimum amount of 30 thousand rubles for a period of 1 year. For a period of 3 months, the rate is 9.30%, for a period of six months - 10.2%. In dollars, the rate reaches 2.5% with an amount of 20 thousand and a period of 1 year, in euros - 2% on the same conditions. Replenishment and partial withdrawal are not provided.

1st place. Deposit "Basic Income". The minimum amount is 20 thousand rubles / 500 dollars / 500 euros. Deposit term - from 3 months to 3 years. The maximum rate when opening a deposit in a bank office with a minimum amount in rubles is 10.20% with a capitalization for a period of 1 to 3 years and 10.46% when opening in an Internet bank (for a period of 3 years). When opening in the office, the maximum rate - with an amount of 3 million with capitalization and a period of 1 to 3 years - 10.5%, when opening in the Internet bank - 10.76% (for a period of 3 years with the same amount with capitalization).
The maximum rate in dollars when opening a deposit at a bank office is 2.50% (with an amount of 100 thousand and a period of 1 to 3 years with capitalization), in an Internet bank - 2.66% (with an amount of 100 thousand and a term from 546 days to 3 years with capitalization).
The maximum rate in euros when opening a deposit at the bank office is 2 percent (with an amount of 75 thousand and a period of 1 to 3 years with capitalization), in Internet banking - 2.15% (with an amount of 75 thousand and a term of 1 up to 3 years with capitalization).

Otkritie Bank offers a wide range of updated deposits and savings accounts for customers. We will find out what offers are relevant today and on what conditions it is possible to place money for an individual. We will also figure out which deposit is the most profitable and whether the funds of depositors are insured state program.

Types of deposits in the Opening

The Bank accepts deposits in RUR and foreign currency. Interest rates for ruble deposits Otkritie vary from 4.74% to 8.25% per annum. For foreign exchange (currently it is US dollars or euros) - from 0.01% to 1.25% per annum. Terms of acceptance of deposits - from 30 days to several years.

Important! The conditions for placing money in FC Otkritie may depend on the amount, term and other factors. The status of the client is also taken into account. Depositors with Premium status can count on additional preferences.

To make a deposit, you will need debit card Opening, which can be issued on the official website by clicking on the button below.

The following is information on current deposits. Full terms of deposits are presented on the official website of the bank

Deposit "Open"

The deposit is intended for depositors who have previously purchased investment products from Otkritie Bank.

The deposit is opened only when visiting FC Otkritie bank in person. It will not work to conclude an agreement and deposit money online.

Attention! It is impossible to replenish the account, partially withdraw money. In case of early closure, interest is charged at the “On Demand” rate, which is valid at the time of termination of the contract.

Accumulative account

From the point of view of the rate at the bank Opening among ruble deposits, the most profitable is Accumulative, among foreign currency deposits - Basic income. But also consider other conditions: replenishment, withdrawal of interest, etc.

Work with deposits is carried out according to the same rules for all individuals. Special products or conditions for certain categories clients (for example, pensioners) are not provided.

Deposit calculator Opening

Great attention is paid to this kind banking services, how " ". Otkritie Bank currently has several interesting programs that allow customers to save and significantly increase their savings.

Main deposits available to individuals in Otkritie Bank

The banking product "Deposits to Individuals" is an ideal solution for clients who dream of placing their savings on the most favorable conditions with a return guarantee. All deposit accounts of bank depositors in the amount of up to 1.4 million rubles are subject to insurance in accordance with the state program for the protection of personal savings (the organization is included in the Register of Participating Banks under number 498).

In 2016, the clients of Otkritie FC Bank PJSC have access to several programs that allow them to place their savings on deposit accounts at a decent percentage.

Time deposits of Otkritie Bank

Name of the deposit program

Basic conditions

Deposit currency

Minimum amount in selected currency

Annual interest rate

Contract duration, days

Minimum deposit amount

at bank offices

through the Internet

"Free Control"

no limits

U.S. dollars

"Basic Income"

U.S. dollars

"Retirement Income"

no limits

U.S. dollars

"Comfortable - Online"

U.S. dollars

"Active replenishment"

no limits

U.S. dollars

Should be considered: registration of the deposit in the "online" mode is possible only after the conclusion of the Remote banking service and opening an individual account in a bank branch (“on demand”, current or card).

Terms of deposit "Free management"

A manageable deposit is designed for prudent depositors who are accustomed to freely dispose of their savings at any time. The conditions of the deposit provide for the performance of various operations (not only credit, but also expenditure) during the entire term of the deposit account agreement.

Replenishment of the deposit account is carried out in accordance with the minimum allowable values, according to the terms of the current program. You can deposit money to your account via the Internet without restrictions, however, it should be borne in mind that the final amount of the deposit, taking into account the systematic increase, cannot exceed the initial amount reflected on the account at the time of the conclusion of the agreement, by 10 times.

When making debit transactions, customers should focus on the amount of the minimum balance on the deposit. This value is set by the depositor independently at the time of the conclusion of the deposit agreement, and remains unchanged during the entire period of capital placement in the bank account.

Payment of interest under the deposit agreement is carried out monthly, taking into account the chosen accrual option. Interest income can:

  • be included in the principal amount of the deposit (capitalized);
  • transferred to a separate client account for later use.

Terms of the "Basic income" deposit

Interest income on this type of deposits is paid monthly, on a certain day, corresponding to the date of conclusion of the deposit agreement. Accrued interest can be:

Transferred to the client's deposit account for subsequent capitalization;

Transferred to one of the depositor's accounts opened with the bank.

This term deposit is not designed for making incoming and outgoing transactions. In case of early termination of the deposit account agreement, interest for the actual time will be calculated according to the following scheme:

  • for deposits placed for a period of more than 546 days, when capital is kept on the account for 367 days or more - at the rates in force at the time of the transaction, using a coefficient of 0.5;
  • for deposits made for a period of more than 546 days, if the funds are on the account for less than 367 days - at the rate of the deposit "On Demand";
  • for deposits with a duration of less than 367 days - at the lowest rate.

When the interest on the "Basic Income" deposit will be accrued in accordance with the conditions in force for this program at the moment.

Conditions of the "Pension income" deposit

The deposit program for clients of retirement age provides for replenishment of the account. It should be borne in mind that the deposit of funds ends according to the established deadlines:

  • within 30 calendar days - for deposits issued for a period of up to 181 days;
  • for 90 calendar days - for deposits with a duration of 367 and 546 days;
  • for 180 calendar days - for accounts opened for 730 days;
  • for 271 calendar days - for deposits placed for 1095 days;
  • for 365 calendar days - for deposits made for 1460 days;
  • for 730 calendar days - for bank accounts opened for 1825 days.

Clients have the opportunity to independently choose the method of accruing interest income (with monthly capitalization or crediting to a separate account).

It is allowed to spend personal savings, provided that the initially deposited amount is retained in the deposit. The deposit program provides for a partial withdrawal of savings in an amount not exceeding 30% of the deposit amount in the account on the first business day of the current month. If these conditions are not met, the deposit account agreement is considered terminated. In this case, interest will be charged at the “On Demand” rate for the actually elapsed time.

Terms of deposit «Comfortable-Online»

The accrual of interest income on the deposit is carried out at the end of the term. The amount of interest is transferred to the client's deposit account. This deposit account is not designed to carry out income and expenditure transactions.

In case of termination of the agreement earlier than the established date, interest on the deposit will be calculated at the minimum rate - "On Demand", for the actually past period.

Important information: to open an account, the client must present the promo code received on the website A deposit transaction can be made only in the Bank's subdivision, making a deposit in favor of a third party is not provided.

The "Comfortable-Online" deposit can be extended for a new period if the depositor does not close the deposit account in a timely manner.

Terms of the deposit "Active replenishment"

This banking product is designed for customers who want to collect the required amount by a certain date (the deposit can be systematically replenished). However, when opening an account, keep in mind that the amount of savings is limited: the maximum amount should not exceed 10 times the initial deposit amount. Debit transactions on the deposit are not allowed.