NPF Sberbank personal account entrance agreement. Non-state pension fund "Sberbank": customer reviews, rating, benefits. Hotline of NPF Sberbank


Two years ago, the structure of the state pension system in Russia was reformed. Basically, the procedure for calculating monthly payments to citizens has changed, now the amount of the benefit directly depends on the amount of regular contributions from the employer and the future pensioner. Previously, this factor was directly influenced by work experience.

The structure of the pension has remained habitual, it is still consists of insurance and funded part (16% and 6%). By default, you can transfer your money to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, there will be no profit, but there are strong guarantees for the safety of the amounts deposited and stable indexation in accordance with inflation. Any citizen can, then he is guaranteed a profit, but there remains the risk of insecurity or confiscation of the license.

However, in any case, each financial institution engaged in the provision of social guarantees to citizens is obliged at any time upon request to provide the client with information about the funds available on his account.

General Methods for Obtaining Information

Exists several ways obtaining data on the formed pension capital:

Information from non-state funds

Non-state pension funds also create similar electronic resources for the convenience of informing clients and unloading their employees. This service reflects all the information about the personal account.

For example, the largest Russian NPF Sberbank one of the first to provide services for the preservation and increase of pension savings along with the PFR. To register in the system, it is enough to come to any bank branch with a passport and a pension insurance certificate.

Clients prefer to keep their pension in Sberbank due to the presence of obvious benefits:

  1. High class of reliability, which is confirmed by leading rating agencies.
  2. Leading position in the pension market.
  3. Obligations to pay out funds to citizens are guaranteed by the company, so that under any circumstances the client is insured against surprises, and he is guaranteed a return of accumulated savings.
  4. Documents are processed quickly and very simply.
  5. There is an option to track the movement of capital through the electronic service Sberbank-online in the Personal Account of the depositor.

At the same time, negative trends are also observed in terms of attitudes towards Sberbank as an NPF. Based on the reviews, we can distinguish three main disadvantages this financial institution:

  1. A report on investment results is usually prepared within 1–2 months. This is quite a long time, given that by the time the information is provided, it may already be out of date.
  2. Periodically, online services freeze, do not display the necessary information, thereby making it difficult to carry out the control function.
  3. For some reason, unfortunately, not specifically and exhaustively substantiated, customers have a negative attitude towards Sberbank. This is strange, because the statistics show a rather impressive customer base.

So to find out the amount of capital accumulated in your pension account, Sberbank customers need to resort to one of the possible operations:

  1. A personal visit to a branch of Sberbank - you can use one of the public computers located in the branch hall. The consultant will help the client to understand the personal account, answer all questions of interest, and clarify all the controversial nuances. If the hall employee is absent for some reason or is busy with other clients, you can take a ticket in the electronic queue to the specialist in the window. The cashier-operator is quite capable, perhaps even more quickly, of issuing all the necessary information to the owner of the savings account who applied. In addition, you can ask any exciting and additional questions, if something is not clear, get comprehensive answers, resolve disputes. Interacting with devices or a site on the Internet, you still can’t answer all the questions.
  2. Through an ATM or terminal with a bank plastic card - these devices are located in each bank office and in some places on the streets of the city (at bus stops, in shopping centers, etc.). There are special sections where, using the client's card and the data attached to it, the device finds the number of the personal savings account for the pension and provides information about its status.
  3. Through the use of an electronic resource, Sberbank-online is a very convenient service that allows you to operate personal accounts, bank cards, make money transfers and control the balance of all your savings.

Provision of similar information services to clients provide other NPFs: Gazfond, Future, Trust.

Main founder NPF "Welfare" is Russian Railways JSC. To obtain information of interest about the state of their personalized pension account, clients can access the Personal Account service.

Check customer account status NPB "Future" you can also visit one of the offices of the organization on your own, taking your passport and SNILS with you, or you can use a more progressive way - visit the company's website.

NPF "Gazfond" has one of the largest founders in the country - the Gazprom company with all its subsidiaries. On the official website with a user-friendly interface, a registered client can easily find everything he needs.

Fund Trust has been operating for 20 years, branches are located throughout the country, in 40 regions. NPF has branches in every federal district of Russia. The founders are a number of enterprises of various types (Rostelecom, Nizhpharm, Nizhegorodpromstroybank). The terms of customer service are generally similar to other NPFs; account tracking is carried out in a similar way.

The use of the services of the non-state pension fund of Sberbank is described in the following video:

The non-state pension fund of Sberbank in Russia became the first institution in this area, and today it is among the leading organizations in this field. The total fund of assets exceeds 474 billion rubles, while the number of those who have chosen NPF Sberbank for themselves is steadily growing, reaching almost eight million people at the end of last year, which indicates a fairly high degree of trust in the fund.

What is "Personal Account"

Information on the status of contracts in force at the end of 2017 is contained on the official website of the NPF of Sberbank - This is the subject of a section called "Personal Account", where everyone can check the status of their contract online.

In order for the special service to become available, you must first register on the site. The registration procedure is simple and makes it possible to see information about the previous insurance fund, the services of which the client used earlier, about the amount accumulated on the personal account and all ongoing operations.

In addition, the site provides the opportunity to renew the contract and complete all the required documentation without leaving home.

What gives the client access to the "Personal Account"

Registration on the site and the ability to have your own personal account allows you to be aware of all ongoing operations in the current time mode, if you use the SMS notification service. All accruals made, replenishment of your own account will become available for viewing and analysis. More than one million people who are not indifferent to their own future receive up-to-date information about the status of their account.

Five years ago, the personal account had a different interface, since that time the view of the personal account page has been modernized, changes are regularly made to it to increase the convenience of customers working with the Sberbank non-state pension fund website.

The electronic version of your own contract, if necessary, is stored in the "Personal Account" and can be used at any time. It is also possible to make payments automatically, which will allow you to meet the required deadlines and save you from accidental delays, guaranteeing the timeliness of payments.

In addition to the "Personal Account" on the website, up-to-date information is also contained in the corporate programs of non-state pension provision and compulsory pension insurance.

Results of work in 2017

The steadily growing number of depositors who have chosen Sberbank as a non-state pension fund testifies to the successful work of this fund. A significant part of the clients easily went through a simple registration procedure on the site and uses the capabilities of the "Personal Account".

The organization of the fund sees the key task of providing the most convenient format of services, and the constant growth of their quality. The desire to meet high international standards of service is the core task of Sberbank in many areas of its activities, including the activities of NPFs.

Statistical information indicates that more than two million people transferred their savings deposits to the non-state pension fund of Sberbank from other funds.

The quality of customer service is a priority task, the solution of which occurs as the information service develops. A whole staff of professionals is engaged in the development, implementation and improvement of an information service that allows customers to resolve their issues without visiting Sberbank representative offices for 24 hours a day.

The NPF is actively stimulating the development of digital technologies that make it possible to carry out all the necessary banking procedures interactively, through an advanced specialized service. The degree of reliability according to the rating of the agency Expert RA - ru is defined as AAA - "stable" level.

Customer notices

Each client has the opportunity to study the complete set of information about the concluded agreements on the Sberbank NPF website in the "Personal Account", which allows you to collect the documents required for concluding an agreement online. Information on the amount of the accumulated amount transferred from the non-state pension fund when concluding a contract for compulsory pension insurance is sent to each of the insured persons automatically when applying to the NPF before the beginning of May 2018.

A short registration, which allows access to all services, will make it possible to obtain information on the total amount of savings transferred by the previous pension fund after the termination of the contract. This information is sent electronically by mail until April 10, 2018. Having received such a letter, you must enter the "Personal Account" and perform the actions indicated in the text of the email in order to familiarize yourself with the comprehensive information.

Planned innovations

The use of progressive IT-technologies in the non-state pension insurance sector made it possible to solve urgent problems that existed before. The possibility of self-registration was a big step towards creating a user-friendly environment, as well as the introduction of the feedback function. The service operates on the platform of advanced artificial intelligence technology, which is used for the first time on the pages of the "Personal Account".

Technical support of the site is carried out by qualified professional specialists, as well as moderators. In addition, the service is being modernized taking into account the specifics of use by older customers, as well as citizens with disabilities.

Interface Features

A special resource has been created for users of NPF Sberbank, where access to their personal account is located. The service offers all the necessary features for comfortable use of the service:

  • payment of contributions (for example, using a card);
  • obtaining full information about the current state of the account;
  • tracking the amount of savings;
  • creation of an individual plan for the formation of a pension;
  • calculation on a specialized calculator, with which you can find out the amount of future payments.

The site has not only a convenient personal account, it is worth noting the overall pleasant design. It will not be difficult to navigate the interface to find the necessary information, everything is simply and logically sorted into directories. Users will like the presence of a service that allows you to instantly get advice on all emerging issues. The site constantly publishes the latest news and relevant information for customers.

Pension Calculator

The most interesting is the section with a calculator, where you can find out what amounts of pension payments you can count on in the future. Here you will be clearly demonstrated why the use of this fund is so beneficial. You will need to enter the following information:

  1. Age;
  2. Average income per month.

After clicking on the line "Calculate pension" you will receive comprehensive data on the amount of the future pension. Options will also be offered, the use of which will help increase the amount of payments. The principle of using operations is described in detail, you are required to agree to manipulations with the account, including changing the amount of contributions.

The personal account of the non-state pension fund of Sberbank is convenient, here you can get information about the account, as well as perform various operations without going to the bank for this.

Calculator for calculating pensions from NPF Sberbank – .

An official prestigious job and deductions to a bank account ensure a comfortable old age. Sberbank is a leading bank, and its NPF is reliable and stable. Each client can monitor their profits via the Internet.

The personal account of the NPF allows you to manage pension accruals and easily calculate your future pension. Each client can independently choose a pension program, and later change it. That is why customers are interested in how to register with the NPF of Sberbank.

A non-state pension contribution can be made in several ways. The first way is to be personally present at the bank branch, and the second option is to invest funds online. The second method is absolutely safe.

In order to be able to credit funds, you will need to register on the website of the NPF Sberbank. The registration procedure is extremely simple and will not take too much time.

To register, go online to the NPF of Sberbank. - the official website of NPF Sberbank. Registration goes like this:

  1. In the upper right corner, click on "My Account".
  2. The resource will offer to go to your personal page or register with the NPF of Sberbank online. Select the second option accordingly.

  1. On a new page, indicate to fill in all empty columns. Specify virtual mail, password, re-password for confirmation, full name, date of birth, cell number, this passport, SNILS. Mail in the future will serve as a login to enter. If the question arises of how to start mail for NPF Sberbank, then you should choose reliable sites.
  2. Confirm the specified information by entering the captcha at the bottom of the page.
  3. Check the box to agree to the processing of personal data.
  4. Check the box to agree to receive SMS from the bank.
  5. Review the information provided and click "Next".

When registering with NPF Sberbank online, a security question is selected, the answer to which is an access code to the system.

Login to the NPF Sberbank website

The login and password for entering the NPF website are personal data that cannot be disclosed to third parties. Bank employees never require this information from customers. If such a request was followed, then these are fraudulent actions.

The last step that allows you to enter the office is to enter the last name. It is indicated in Russian letters. Then click on "Next".

Registration of the client in the system ends with the user having to follow the link sent to the mailbox. If there is no letter yet, then wait three minutes. By clicking on the link inside the letter, the client finally confirms his registration. From this moment, the entrance to the NPF Sberbank program becomes available.

Possibilities of a personal account

The functionality of the personal page is quite extensive. Here, users can track their personal account information and manage savings. Available:

  • choose the pension program you are interested in;
  • conclude an agreement on a pension non-state agreement;
  • pay the fee for the selected plan;
  • receive a full account statement, which will reflect all the movements of funds;
  • calculate the approximate profit, that is, the future pension;
  • view employer enrollments.

That is, absolutely every citizen has the full right to register in the system. Sberbank cares about each of its clients, so every day it improves and tries to meet the needs of each client. The service is designed reliably and allows you to simplify the relationship between the bank and the client as much as possible.

NPF Sberbank acts as a reliable non-state fund that allows you to increase the funded part of the pension. Let's consider how to make a transfer to the NPF of Sberbank, the features of the proposed individual plans, the level of profitability of the fund and other aspects necessary for interaction.

Why transfer the funded part of the pension to NPF Sberbank

To date, more than 7.8 million citizens have already made a transfer to the NPF of Sberbank, which confirms its attractiveness for the population. NPF Sberbank in 2016 and 2015 recognized as the market leader among NPFs, and also confirmed the AAA reliability rating (maximum). PJSC Sberbank is a shareholder of the company.

Reliability is also evidenced by the investment policy of NPF Sberbank, which provides for deposits only in reliable securities. This is confirmed by the profitability, which is steadily growing, exceeding the inflation rate.

Only the funded part formed for 2014 can be transferred to NPF Sberbank. Recall that until that time, each employer sent contributions to the Pension Fund for each employee - 22%.

They were divided into the insurance part - 16%, and funded - 6%. The first is obligatory for the formation of a future pension, and the second could be disposed of in order to increase it - to invest in NPFs. At the same time, the first was converted into points, and the second remained in monetary terms. In 2014, such distribution was suspended, and today all 22% are directed to the insurance part.

Citizens who have resources in the funded part can decide whether to leave them in storage in the Pension Fund or transfer them to a structure where it will be increased through investment.

You can find out how much a citizen has on the PF website in the Personal Account.

How to switch to NPF Sberbank

When applying for a transfer to the NPF of Sberbank, you need to understand that the procedure has certain features. In particular, it is not required to visit the PF, everything happens at Sberbank. The order is pretty simple:

  1. Visit a branch of Sberbank or an office of NPF Sberbank. You need to have a passport and SNILS with you.
  2. Apply for a transfer.
  3. Signing an agreement.
  4. The transfer takes place next year until March 31.

If the money is saved in another NPF, the transfer procedure is similar.

There are situations when a person does not know exactly where his money is. in this case? You can check this directly with Sberbank. Once a year such information is provided free of charge. You can also order an extract from the PF or on the State Services portal.

The profitability of NPFs in 2017 amounted to 9.4%. Looking at the charts posted on the Sberbank website, you can see a constantly growing trend:

So, in 2018, they predict an increase in profitability by 0.5%.

Features of savings

The NPF website has a calculator that allows you to calculate the profitability of Sberbank NPF according to its own indicators.

Based on the given conditions, the calculator will show what the funded and non-state pension will be.

For the latter, you will need to draw up an individual plan by choosing one of the proposed directions.

Profitability depends mainly on the amount of salary and on the part of it that the client is willing to transfer. You also need to understand that the sooner the transition is made, the greater the amount the pensioner will receive in the future.

Tax deduction

The second opportunity for profit is the right to issue a tax deduction. It is 13% of the total investment. The maximum amount to which the deduction is applicable is 120 thousand rubles.

To receive it, you need to prepare the following documents:

  • Passport, SNILS;
  • personal income tax-2;
  • personal income tax-3 (in the presence of additional declared income);
  • Agreement with NPF Sberbank;
  • Copies of checks or payment papers confirming the deposit of funds.

An application is also made. You can submit papers to the tax office or directly to the employer. In the first case, the deduction will be paid in a single payment for the year, in the second case, it will be provided along with wages on a monthly basis.

Regardless of the total amount of the calculated deduction, a citizen cannot receive more than 13% of his salary per month (or in terms of a year). Therefore, the return can take several years if it is a significant amount.

Individual pension plans

To form pension savings and improve the standard of living in the future will help

These funds cannot be collected and divided upon divorce, which is noted in the NPF Sberbank agreement, but they can be inherited.


For the Universal program, the following conditions apply:

  • First investment: from 1.5 thousand rubles;
  • Contributions: from 500 rubles;
  • Periodicity: arbitrary;
  • Duration: from 5 years.

After the end of the agreed period, the client receives his contributions, as well as the income generated during this time.


When choosing this option, the citizen chooses the amount of pension contributions he needs. Based on this parameter, indicators are assigned: initial and subsequent deposits, regularity of replenishment.

The repayment term is at least 10 years.


It implies the transfer of the funded part of the pension to the NPF Sberbank with the right to replenish it in any order. Upon completion, both funded and non-state contributions are paid. Minimum program limits:

  • Initial investment: from 1000 rubles.
  • Replenishment: from 500 rubles.
  • Regularity of replenishment: at your discretion.
  • Receipt of payments: from 5 years.

IPP registration is provided online. To do this, you need to define the program and click Apply, after which you will need to fill out an application. To do this, you must have a passport and an international card. A simplified procedure is provided for users who have a verified account for the State Services.

How to register in NPF

Registration instructions

You can do it yourself by following these steps:

  1. Go to the site, click on Register.
  2. Enter your email address and create a password to log in.
  3. Write down personal data, date of birth.
  4. Specify a mobile phone.
  5. Enter your passport information.
  6. Check all the data, confirm (enter the numbers from the picture).
  7. Read the user agreement, tick the consent box.
  8. Check the box if you want to receive messages from Sberbank with various kinds of information.
  9. Write down the last name.

After registering on the site, you should wait for an email from Sberbank. You need to follow the link contained in it to confirm your identity. After that, the registration procedure is considered completed, and the client can use the Personal Account.

Features of the Personal Account

Everyone is offered to register in order to receive all the details about the state of their resources. Also, the Personal Account of the NPF of Sberbank allows you to:

  • View details of pension account transactions.
  • Control the order of accruals, monitor profitability.
  • Pay fees remotely.
  • Issue IPP, change them.
  • Print applications of the successor, to change personal data, etc.
  • Consult with a specialist.

To find out how much has accumulated, just go to your Personal Account and see information on a specific account.

Features of receiving payments

After retirement or at the end of the agreed period, according to the IPP, you need to contact Sberbank and submit an application.

Application for payments to a client of NPF Sberbank

It is previously recommended to find out the amount of savings in the office or online. The first money transfer occurs within 30 days after the application is submitted, subsequent - monthly in the prescribed manner. Receipt takes place on the account in Sberbank.

If the total amount (account balance) does not allow paying the monthly minimum amount prescribed by law, payment is due quarterly.

After the appointment of non-state contributions, Sberbank issues the so-called pension book, which looks like a plastic card.

Application for payment to the successor

If a citizen who forms savings in NPF Sberbank dies before reaching retirement age or before the end of the IPP contract, the assignee applies for them.

He will need to submit an application for the successor to NPF Sberbank, where to indicate:

  • information about the deceased;
  • the degree of kinship and the reason for recognition as a successor (by law, by contract, etc.);
  • personal and passport data of the assignee;
  • contacts;
  • method of receiving savings and details (if necessary);
  • information about the relatives of the deceased.

The successor must bring with him identification documents confirming kinship (marriage certificate, birth certificate), death certificate, as well as a document indicating the insurance number of the deceased.

Terminate the contract

If at some stage there is a need to terminate the contract with NPF Sberbank, an appropriate application should be written. By law, you can change the NPF once a year (not more often).

To terminate the contract, you will need to indicate to which NPF you want to transfer funds, and its details are full. When changing the NPF, a person incurs some losses. In particular, profit is not accrued for a full year, and a commission is paid for making a money transfer.

The client also has the right to request the transfer of savings to a bank account. At the same time, tax is withheld from it.

If the IPP contract is prematurely terminated, the procedure for issuing money is:

  • After 2 years: own funds are returned in full, and income in the amount of 50%.
  • After 5 years: both the profit and your investments are issued in full.


To transfer your savings to NPF Sberbank, you just need to go through a simple procedure at the office of a bank or fund. Sberbank invests them for the purpose of growth, which can be controlled by registering in the Personal Account. NPF Sberbank also offers to choose a program for the formation of a non-state pension in order to ensure a familiar lifestyle in the future.

Currently, several large non-state funds operate in the country, one of which is the NPF of Sberbank. In addition, Sberbank divisions are located in almost every locality in Russia, which allows citizens to contact the bank at any time to sign a pension agreement. But what is the specifics of the fund's work? What is the profitability of NPF Sberbank in recent years? We will answer these and other questions in our article.

NPF Sberbank: general data

Non-state pension fund of Sberbank (hereinafter NPF) established in 1995 by Presidential Decree No. 1077 of 09/16/1992. The fund is managed by a specially created Advice- he regulates not only strategic issues, but also deals with the general management of the company.

The NPF has one founder, namely OJSC Sberbank of Russia.

Let's highlight the main data on NPF:

  • Retirement assets- 367 billion rubles.
  • Authorized capital- 150 million.
  • Reserve- 14 billion.
  • Clients– 4.6 million people.
  • Website–
  • Hotline – 88005550041.
  • Reorganization in 2014. The result is a new status for CJSC APF Sberbank.
  • License– No 41/2 dated 06/16/2009.


These indicators indicate such advantages of NPFs as:

  • high level of customer confidence;
  • leading positions in the MPI market (compulsory pension insurance);
  • high customer acquisition results;
  • long history of work;
  • stable positions in the field of non-government pensions (non-state pension provision);
  • balanced investment strategy.

Profitability by years

The profitability of NPFs is one of the primary criteria when choosing a particular fund. Let's single out the profitability of NPFs in recent years in the form of a table:

Year Profitability, %
2009 32,2
2010 9,2
2011 0
2012 7,3
2013 6,7
2014 2,6
2015 10,7
2016 11,7

The average annual yield is 7.3%.

In the current 2017, it is planned to increase the yield by at least 0.5% compared to the previous year.

Personal Area

Before registering in your personal account (hereinafter referred to as the LC), you need to fulfill a number of conditions, namely:

  • the presence of a valid OPS agreement;
  • opening an account under the Pension Rules;
  • consent of the client to the processing of personal information.

To register in the LC, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Click on the link
  2. In the window that appears, specify such information, How:
    • E-mail address;
    • Name Patronymic name;
    • passport data;
    • SNILS number;
    • contact number;
    • invented password (entered twice);
    • security question and answer.
  3. Confirm the entered information using the typed code from the picture.
  4. Check the box to agree to the processing of personal data.
  5. Last name is required on the second page.
  6. Enter the e-mail box, which will contain a link to go to the personal account.
  7. Complete registration and login.

Access to the personal account may be closed in the following cases:

  • Implementation of pension payments upon reaching the appropriate age.
  • Termination of the OPS agreement.
  • Violation of privacy rules.

Each client of the fund can receive SMS-mailing about important news and promotions of NPFs. To do this, check the "Client Profile" page.

If you have any questions, the client can contact the contact center by phone 88005550041.

How to switch to NPF Sberbank?

To sign the GPT agreement, the client must do the following:

  1. Visit one of the bank branches. You need to have a passport and SNILS with you.
  2. Fill out an application established pattern.
  3. Sign an OPS agreement, in which it is necessary to indicate the heirs.
  4. Fill out an application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the transition to the NPF until December 31 of the current year. Most often, NPF employees independently transfer the completed form to the FIU. Savings are transferred to NPFs by March 31 of the next year.

In order to find out signed contract status, you need to study the updated information in the personal account, which may be one of the following:

  • Reflection of the number of the contract and the date of its conclusion - the document has already been accepted by the FIU, but has not yet entered into force.
  • The inscription "There are no agreements yet" - not accepted by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
  • Reflection of the contract number, date of conclusion and the message “Valid” - the document has entered into force and now you can monitor the movement of savings online.

Individual pension plan

Unfortunately, not always the size of the pension can ensure the comfortable existence of a citizen. Each potential pensioner can independently increase pension savings at the expense of individual pension program (hereinafter referred to as IPP).

To implement the IPP, a citizen must apply to the NPF, where employees will develop an individual program with any level of income of a particular citizen.

The IPP is suitable for those persons who receive wages “in an envelope” in the amount of more than 50,000 rubles per month.

The essence of the IIP is as follows:

  1. Sign the relevant agreement.
  2. Open an account where the deductions will be received.
  3. Transfer funds to the NPF within the specified time frame.
  4. Receive savings as an addition to your pension when you reach retirement age. Payments can be made in a lump sum, monthly or once every three months.

The main advantages of the PPI:

  • reliability from the NPF;
  • funds are managed by professionals;
  • pension increase;
  • choosing the right program;
  • profitability;
  • the ability to dispose of savings, for example, you can pick up ahead of schedule;
  • inheritance:
  • return of 13% of the investment amount;
  • convenient payment method.

Thus, the PPI allows for a decent life in retirement.