Sberbank deposits on deposits. Deposits of the Savings Bank of Russia. Profitable deposits of Sberbank


Sberbank of Russia over the 150 years of its existence has won the unshakable trust of the population. Today, a financial institution is a leader among competitors in many respects. One of them is a package of services for deposits. Let's figure out what exactly the bank offers to depositors, how profitable interest rates and what you need to make a deposit.

Current interest rates on deposits with Sberbank for 2018

Name of depositMax. % bidDeposit termMin. sumReplenishmentPart. withdrawal
Deposit "Give Life" 5,00 % 1 year from 10000 rub.
Deposit "Top up" 4,50 % from 3 months up to 3 years. from 1000 rub. +
Deposit "Top Up Online" 5,00 % from 3 months up to 3 years. from 1000 rub. +
Contribution "Save" 5,00 % from 1 month up to 3 years. from 1000 rub.
Deposit "Save Online" 5,50 % from 1 month up to 3 years. from 1000 rub.
Deposit "Manage" 4,20 % from 3 months up to 3 years. from 30000 rub. + +
Deposit "Manage Online" 4,70 % from 3 months up to 3 years. from 30000 rub. + +
savings account 2,30 % Indefinitely -

You can see more detailed and most accurate information on deposits on the official website of Sberbank at the link:

"Term deposits" of Sberbank: names and conditions

For depositors, Sberbank has developed a simplified program that includes three basic products: "Save", "Manage" and "Replenish", which, in turn, for different categories population provide additional solutions and special offers. Interest on the deposit is calculated based on the amount invested, the currency and the term chosen by the client. The "Term deposits" package is available to both large businessmen and average pensioners.


Deposit conditions:

Interest rate at the bank office 3,65%-4,50% for ruble deposits, 0,05%-0,95% - for dollar deposits;
Interest rate when opening online - 3,9%-4,75% for ruble deposits, 0,1%-1,35% for dollar deposits.

Deposit currency:Russian ruble, dollar USA;
Minimum deposit amount: 1000 rubles, 100 dollars.
Deposit term:1 month - 3 years inclusive.

Replenishment:not provided
Partial withdrawal:not provided.

The term of the deposit for each specific case is calculated individually up to a day.


Deposit conditions:

Interest rate at the bank office 3,6%-4,05% for ruble deposits, 0,05%-0,95% - for dollar deposits;
Interest rate when opening online - 3,85%-4,3% for ruble deposits, 0,25%-1,15% for dollar deposits.

Deposit currency:Russian ruble, dollar USA;
Minimum deposit amount: 1000 rubles, 100 dollars.
Deposit term:3 months - 3 years inclusive.

- cash:

- non-cash:not limited.
Partial withdrawal:not provided.

You can also open a "Top up" deposit in the name of a child who will be able to access it only upon reaching the age of majority: from the age of 14, he can replenish the account himself, and from the age of 18, he can fully manage it.

Did you know? In recent years, Sberbank has increased lending to 70%, while its competitors have this figure at the level of 21%.


Deposit conditions:

Interest rate at the bank office 2,9%-3,75% for ruble deposits, 0,01%-0,6% - for dollar deposits;
Interest rate when opening online - 3,15%-4,0% for ruble deposits, 0,15%-0,8% for dollar deposits.

Deposit currency:Russian ruble, dollar USA;
Minimum deposit amount: 30,000 rubles, 1,000 dollars.
Deposit term:3 months - 3 years inclusive.

- cash:
from 1,000 rubles or 100 dollars;
- non-cash:not limited.
Partial withdrawal:dabout

"Gift a life"

Deposit conditions:

Interest rate -4,55% .

Deposit currency:Russian ruble;
Minimum deposit amount: 10,000 rubles.
Deposit term -1 year.

Replenishment:not provided
Partial withdrawal:not provided

The contribution was created to help children with oncological, hematological and other serious diseases.

Every 3 months, Sberbank transfers 0.3% per annum of the deposit amount to the Podari Zhizn charitable foundation.


Deposit conditions:

Interest rate:
- 6,5% - for 1 year;
- 6,7% - for 2 years.

Deposit currency:Russian ruble
Minimum deposit amount: 10,000 rubles;
Deposit term: 1-2 years

Replenishment: not provided
Partial withdrawal:not provided

"Major Benefit"

Deposit conditions:

Interest rate:1.5% -3.0% per annum

Deposit currency:U.S. dollar
Minimum deposit amount: $10,000;
Deposit term: 6 months, 1,2,3 years

Replenishment: not provided
Partial withdrawal:not provided


Deposit conditions:

Interest rate -3.75% per annum.

Deposit currency:Russian ruble;
Minimum deposit amount: 1 ruble.
Deposit term -3 years.

Replenishment:not limited
Partial withdrawal:daboutminimum balance level without loss of accrued interest

The contribution is a special offer for children without parental care and veterans/disabled of the Great patriotic war. It can only be opened at a branch of Sberbank in the name of an orphan child by his legal representative upon presentation of an act of the guardianship and guardianship authority on the establishment of guardianship / guardianship / placement of the child in a specialized social institution, as well as by a veteran or disabled person of the Great Patriotic War upon presentation of a certificate of a veteran of the Great Patriotic War /certificates of the invalid of the Great Patriotic War.

"Pension-plus of Sberbank of Russia"

Deposit conditions:

Interest rate -3,5% .

Deposit currency:Russian ruble;
Minimum deposit amount: 1 ruble.
Deposit term -3 years.

Replenishment:not limited
Partial withdrawal:daboutminimum balance level without loss of accrued interest

This deposit was created for crediting pensions, social benefits and other payments.

Conditions for registration of termless deposits, category "deposits for settlements"

For daily use and making regular payments, Sberbank of Russia offers its customers special offers: deposits for settlements.

"On demand of Sberbank of Russia"

Deposit conditions:

Interest rate -0.01% for all currencies

Deposit currency: Ruble / US dollar / Euro / Pound sterling / Swiss franc / Swedish krona / Singapore dollar / Norwegian krone / Danish krone / Canadian dollar / Australian dollar / Japanese yen ;
Minimum deposit amount:.
Deposit term:indefinitely.

Replenishment:not limited
Partial withdrawal:daboutminimum balance level without loss of accrued interest

In force majeure circumstances, when it becomes necessary to withdraw all the money invested, you have the right to terminate the agreement with the bank ahead of schedule and withdraw your deposit. In this case, the income will be accrued taking into account the actual period of storage of money in the account and the established interest rate. If it has changed since the opening of the deposit, each of its values ​​will be taken into account. For long-term storage, you can draw up a power of attorney or make a will on your savings.

"Savings account"

Deposit conditions:

Interest rate:
- 1,0%-1,8% - ruble deposits;
- 0,01% - for deposits in foreign currencies.

Deposit currency:Russian ruble, dollar USA, Euro;
Minimum deposit amount: not limited.
Deposit term:indefinitely.

Replenishment:not limited
Partial withdrawal:not limited.

Deposit "Universal Sberbank of Russia"

Deposit conditions:

Interest rate -0.01% for all currencies

Deposit currency: Rubles / US dollars / Euros / Pounds sterling / Swiss francs / Swedish krona / Singapore dollars / Norwegian krone / Danish krone / Canadian dollars / Australian dollars / Japanese yens;
Minimum deposit amount:10 rubles / 5 US dollars / the equivalent of 5 US dollars in other currencies

Replenishment:not limited
Partial withdrawal:daboutminimum balance level without loss of accrued interest

This deposit can not be opened in all branches of Sberbank. The list of branches where it is available can be found here.

Important! To make a deposit, you need to come to Sberbank with a passport or pension certificate, sign an agreement and put money on a deposit.

"Nominal account for crediting social payments"

Deposit conditions:

Interest rate -3,67% .

Deposit currency:Russian ruble;
Minimum deposit amount: 0 ruble.
Deposit term -perpetual.

Replenishment:alimony, pensions, allowances
Partial withdrawal:daboutminimum balance level without loss of accrued interest

A nominal account for crediting social benefits is opened at Sberbank branches for parents/guardians/custodians to credit social funds specified in Article 37 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation: amounts of alimony, pensions, benefits, compensation for harm to health and harm suffered in the event of the death of the breadwinner, as well as other funds paid to them for the maintenance of minors / incapacitated / partially capable citizens who are beneficiaries of a nominal account. To open it, it is enough for the Parent to present his identity document and the birth certificate of a child under the age of 14 or the birth certificate and passport of a child aged 14 to 18, while no permission from the guardianship and guardianship authorities is required to be provided to the Bank . In order to open a Nominal Account, the guardian/custodian presents his/her identity document, the birth certificate of a child under the age of 14 or the passport of a child aged 14 to 18 or an incapacitated/limitedly capable citizen, an act of the guardianship and guardianship authority on the appointment of a guardian (custodian ), confirming the powers of the owner of the Nominal account to manage the funds of the ward

This project covers the needs of parents, guardians, incapacitated or partially incapacitated people, as well as trustees to whom the state pays funds for the maintenance of minor children. Deposits in banks are possible only in Russian rubles to a nominal account intended for social payments. How much money to put on the deposit, the depositor decides. To withdraw funds, you do not need prior permission from the guardianship and guardianship authorities.

The account may not exist. limited time with the possibility of partial use. Moreover, the bank does not put forward any conditions regarding the minimum balance. Replenishment of a nominal account excludes incoming transactions, except for the transfer of social payments and transfers from another similar account, the beneficiary of which is the same person.

Interest is calculated every 3 months. If you want to close the account and terminate the agreement with the bank, interest will be accrued on the actual storage of money, taking into account the rate agreed upon when opening the deposit. All changes in interest rates will also be taken into account.

General terms of deposits

All deposits differ in interest rate, term, minimum amount and various conditions for replenishment and withdrawal. But they also have the same items in the provision:

Terms of interest

  1. Interest is calculated monthly;
  2. Accrued interest is added to the deposit amount, thereby increasing income in the next month;
  3. Accrued interest can be withdrawn or transferred to the card account.

An increase in the interest rate occurs when the amount of the deposit of the next amount gradation is reached. For example, if you opened a "Replenish" deposit in the amount of 100,000 rubles, and subsequently its amount reached 400,000 rubles, then the interest rate will increase from 3.8% to 3.94%.

Conditions for early termination

  1. If you need money before the end of the deposit, you can always get it, regardless of the reason for this;
  2. If the deposit was opened for a period of less than 6 months inclusive, then the deposit amount will be recalculated and returned based on the interest rate of 0.01% per annum;
  3. If the deposit was opened for a period of more than 6 months:
    - when claiming a deposit within the first six months - recalculation according to the rate of 0.01%;
    - when claiming a deposit after the sixth month - based on 2/3 of the interest rate set by Sberbank at the time of opening the deposit.

In case of early repayment of the deposit, the interest is recalculated without taking into account the monthly capitalization.

Prolongation conditions

  • The number of extensions is not limited;
  • Automatic renewal is subject to the same terms and at the same interest rate as on the date of renewal.

Conditions for pensioners

Sberbank has developed special conditions for pensioners who open "Replenish" or "Save" deposits:

  1. Opening of deposits on special conditions for pensioners is carried out for women over 55 years old and for men over 60 years old;
  2. Deposits for pensioners are opened with the maximum interest rate for the selected period, regardless of the amount of the deposit;
  3. If the deposit was opened before reaching retirement age, then upon reaching it, the rates automatically become maximum;
  4. There is no limit on the maximum amount;
  5. When deposits are demanded after 6 months of the main/extended term, in which the balance exceeds the Maximum amount, a reduction coefficient - ½ is applied to the difference between the actual balance and the Maximum amount in addition to the coefficient 2/3. These coefficients are applied to the rate in effect on the deposit on the date of opening/prolongation.

Did you know? The rights of the main shareholder and founder of Sberbank are assigned to central bank Russian Federation, which owns 50% + 1 voting share.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with detailed instructions how to open a deposit in the Sberbank Online system, in the document attached below.

What is the most profitable and profitable deposit in Sberbank in 2020: read how to choose and open a deposit with a higher interest rate today.

Sberbank, perhaps, primarily attracts depositors with its stability. It is no secret that the registration of deposits individuals in Sberbank - this is one of the most reliable ways to invest money today. Sber is largest bank Russia in terms of the volume of deposits of individuals and ranks first in the ratings in terms of assets, the presence equity and many others.

You can open a Sberbank deposit not only in Moscow, St. Petersburg or another large city, but even in small towns, since there are a lot of branches.

Of course, many banks in Russia offer depositors higher interest rates. But even in the updated line of Sberbank today you can find savings programs with high interest rates. So let's consider what is the most profitable deposit in Sberbank in 2020.

What is the most profitable deposit of Sberbank today

Like many banks, Sberbank today has savings programs for ordinary individuals and premium customers. Of course, the latter are a little more profitable, but due to the large initial contribution and a number of other requirements, not everyone can make premium deposits. We will return to them below, but for now we will consider the most profitable products from the basic line that anyone can arrange.

1. Most profitable deposits from the base line

More recently, in order to issue any of the basic deposits in Sberbank at the highest interest rates, you needed a computer or phone with an Internet connection, or at least an ATM. This was important because when opening a deposit in the Sberbank-Online Internet bank, an ATM or a self-service device, the interest rate was higher. But today this rule does not work!

Now the profitability of basic deposits does not depend on the method of registration, but varies only on the amount and term.

Accordingly, the rates for online deposits and those opened at a bank branch are the same.

Seasonal deposit of Sberbank "Catch the Spring"

This is a new promotional deposit that can be issued only from February 19 to March 14, 2020. And only remotely: via the Internet or at an ATM. The deposit has an increased rate of 5%, the investment period is 5 months.

(-) Minus: Without replenishment and partial withdrawal.


  • Term: 5 months;
  • Amount: from 50,000 rubles;
  • Refill: no
  • Partial withdrawal: no.
  • Interest accrual: at the end of the term

Interest rate

5% per annum

Sberbank deposit with a high interest rate

This savings program will be useful for safe keeping of your money and getting a guaranteed income.

(+) Plus: high profitability.

(-) Minus: there is no possibility of replenishing the account and partial spending of money without losing interest.


  • Term: 1 month. - 3 years;
  • Replenishment: not provided
  • Partial withdrawal: not allowed, except for accrued interest.
  • Interest accrual: monthly. Accrued interest can be withdrawn, as well as transferred to the card account.
  • The accrued interest is added to the amount, increasing income in the following periods.

Interest rate

from 1000

from 100000

from 400000

In dollars

from 100

from 3000

from 10000

from 200000

Doesn't fit? See the percentage of deposits in VTB Bank -

Deposit calculator

Sberbank deposit

A replenishable deposit for those who prefer to save and regularly save their funds using the convenient and reliable Sberbank Internet Bank.

(+) Plus: it is possible to replenish the account.

(-) Minus: there is no possibility of partial spending of money without losing interest.


  • Term: from 3 months to 3 years;
  • Amount: from 1000 rubles / 100 US dollars;
  • Replenishment: provided;
  • Minimum deposit: in cash - from 1,000 rubles / 100 US dollars, non-cash - unlimited;
  • Partial withdrawal: not allowed;
  • Capitalization: provided.

Interest rate

In dollars

from 100

from 3000

from 10000

from 200000

See also: 50 most profitable deposits today -

Sberbank deposit

This is a savings program for free money management with the ability to use part of the funds without losing interest.

(+) Plus: it is possible to replenish the account and partially spend money without losing interest.

(-) Minus: low profitability.


  • Term: from 3 months to 3 years;
  • Amount: from 30,000 rubles. / $1,000;
  • Replenishment: provided. Cash - from 1000 rubles. / $100; Cashless - unlimited;
  • Partial withdrawal: allowed up to the level of the minimum minimum balance without loss of accrued interest.

Interest rate

from 30000

from 100000
capitalization 0.01%

from 10000

from 200000

Not enough? See the conditions for storing money in the Russian Agricultural Bank -

Sberbank's contribution "Give life"

This deposit for individuals is charitable. Part of the funds is directed to help children with oncological, hematological and other serious diseases. Every 3 months, Sberbank transfers an amount of 0.3% per annum of the deposit amount to the Podari Zhizn charitable foundation.


  • Term: 1 year
  • Currency: Ruble
  • Amount: from 10,000 rubles
  • Replenishment: not provided
  • Partial withdrawal: not provided
  • Capitalization: provided.

Interest rate

4.50% per annum (4.58% per annum with capitalization).

The most profitable deposit of Sberbank in 2020: which one to issue

Let's try to find out which of the basic deposits of Sberbank is the most profitable today. The easiest way is to compare percentages. But since the deposit rates change depending on the duration of the investment, we will compare the profitability for specific periods.

Let's say you need to invest 500 thousand rubles up to 1 year. Which contribution do you prefer? For clarity, the site compiled a comparative table, where they indicated the best offer for a specific investment period.

Income after 1 year and the amount of 500,000 rubles.

gift a life

22 946

As you can see, with a period of 1 year, the “Give Life” charitable deposit can be considered the most profitable today.

When investing for 5 months, the most profitable today will be the seasonal promotional deposit “Catch the Spring”.

But when investing money for other periods, the deposit "" gives the maximum income.

And if you intend to save money, then pay attention to the “Replenish” deposit. If you need to be able to withdraw part of the money from the bank at any time, then the “Manage” deposit will be the most profitable for you.

And finally, the most important thing. If you want to invest more than 700,000 rubles, then it may be most preferable for you to open a deposit with a higher rate for premium clients.

A bank deposit is a simple and convenient way for the population to receive passive income without effort or risk. All deposits for individuals in Sberbank are insured, and the image and reliability according to international ratings are beyond doubt. Leading in 2019 Russian bank offers an optimal product line that allows you to realize any investment goals.

Everyone has it term deposit Sberbank has its own characteristics in terms of conditions. To choose the best option for yourself, you need to pay attention not only to the interest accrued on the balance, but also to other parameters of the banking product.

For some deposits, Sberbank makes special investment conditions for pensioners. In addition, it is possible to open an account in the name of the child, to transfer state payments from the budget.

When choosing a new deposit, you need to pay attention to:

  • The amount of the minimum deposit to open an account.
  • The ability to withdraw part of the money (accruals or a share of the principal amount).
  • The possibility of replenishment to increase the amount on which income is accrued.
  • Currency. In this matter, priorities depend on the wishes of the client.

Other parameters of the contract are also important - prolongation, capitalization. Sberbank implemented these opportunities for any contribution, the agreement is extended at the end of the term, and accrued interest will increase the principal amount.

Overview of Sberbank deposits

Today, Sberbank has several updated options for investing money at interest. The line of banking products includes:

  • Classic cash deposits.
  • Special conditions for pensioners.
  • Perpetual deposits are special accounts, on the balance of funds on which the bank charges interest.

When making a deposit through the Sberbank personal account Online client receives a higher rate than when opened at the operating office of the bank. Other conditions remain unchanged.

With the exception of termless deposits, in case of early termination of the agreement, the accrued interest declining. Capitalization is canceled, and the yield is recalculated at 0.01% if the money was kept for less than six months, or up to 2/3 of the rate. Moreover, the rules are the same for both the first contract and the extended one.

Conditions for pensioners may be more favorable - regardless of the amount, the bank will set the maximum rate. If the depositor has reached retirement age after making a deposit, then the new conditions will come into force after the prolongation.

When renewing the contract, the conditions in force at the date of renewal apply. That is, the interest rate on the deposit can be changed. The number of extensions is not limited.

For each deposit, there is now a condition for the maximum amount, it is equal to the amount of the investment at the end of the opening day, increased by 10 times. This investment is subject to general terms and Conditions, but if the deposit exceeds the limit, not the full percentage is charged on the difference, but 2/3. For example, if a depositor contributed 100 thousand rubles at 6%, then the limit amount will be 1 million. If the balance is increased to 1.5 million rubles, then 6% per annum will be credited for 1 million, and 4% per 500 thousand (2 /3 from 6%).

Tariff "Save"

It is profitable to open a banking product to save money, that is, to replenish a certain amount that the owner does not want to spend for some time. Replenishment or partial withdrawal of money during the period of the contract is not provided, the income is accrued on the funds deposited during registration.

Basic conditions:

  1. The minimum deposit to be put into the account is 1,000 rubles, for dollar deposits - 100 US dollars.
  2. The term of the contract is from 1 month to 3 years.
  3. The rate per year is up to 5.75% if you open an account with Sberbank Online, up to 5.6% if you register at a bank branch.
  4. Currency - Russian rubles, US dollars.
Amount (from, rub.)

/term (month)

1-2 2-3 3-6 6-12 12-24 24-36 36
1 thousand 4,2/4,2 4,5/4,51 5,05/5,07 5,35/5,41 5,45/5,59 5,45/5,74 5,45/5,91
100 thousand 4,35/4,35 4,65/4,66 5,2/5,22 5,5/5,56 5,6/5,75 5,6/5,91 5,6/6,08
400 thousand 4,5/4,5 4,8/4,81 5,35/5,37 5,65/5,72 5,75/5,9 5,75/6,08 5,75/6,26
700 thousand 4,5/4,5 4,8/4,81 5,35/5,37 5,65/5,72 5,75/5,9 5,75/6,08 5,75/6,26
2 million 4,5/4,5 4,8/4,81 5,35/5,37 5,65/5,72 5,75/5,9 5,75/6,08 5,75/6,26
Amount (from, USD)

/term (month)

1-2 2-3 3-6 6-12 12-24 24-36 36
100 0,15/0,15 0,35/0,35 0,65/0,65 1,35/1,35 1,7/1,71 1,7/1,73 1,7/1,74
3 thousand 0,2/0,2 0,4/0,4 0,7/0,7 1,4/1,4 1,75/1,76 1,75/1,78 1,75/1,8
10 thousand 0,2/0,2 0,4/0,4 0,7/0,7 1,4/1,4 1,75/1,76 1,75/1,78 1,75/1,8
20 thousand 0,3/0,3 0,5/0,5 0,8/0,8 1,5/1,5 1,85/1,87 1,85/1,88 1,85/1,9
100 thousand 0,3/0,3 0,5/0,5 0,8/0,8 1,5/1,5 1,85/1,87 1,85/1,88 1,85/1,9

The rate will decrease by 0.15% if you open a deposit at a bank office.

Persons of retirement age receive the maximum interest rate within the time period, regardless of the investment amount. That is, if you open an account for 3 years, you can deposit any amount, the income will be maximum - 5.75 for rubles, 1.85 for dollars.

Deposit "Top up"

A deposit account is best suited for saving money and extracting additional profit in the form of accrued interest. Main product parameters:

  • The minimum deposit is from 1 thousand rubles. or from 100 US dollars.
  • Replenishment: in cash from 1 thousand rubles. or from 100 dollars, by bank transfer - without restrictions.
  • Withdrawal of part of the deposit is not provided, but it is permissible to withdraw accrued interest to map.
  • Calculation of profitability - once a month.
  • Investment term 3 months. - 3 years.

Rate range (base/cap):

Conditions for a deposit in dollars (base / with capitalization):

Amount (from, thousand dollars)

/term (month)

3-6 6-12 12-24 24-36 36
0,1 0,35/0,35 0,95/0,95 1,3/1,31 1,3/1,32 1,3/1,32
3 0,4/1,0 1,0/1,0 1,35/1,36 1,35/1,37 1,35/1,38
10 0,4/0,4 1,0/1,0 1,35/1,36 1,35/1,37 1,35/1,38
20 0,5/0,5 1,1/1,1 1,45/1,46 1,45/1,47 1,45/1,48
100 0,5/0,5 1,1/1,1 1,45/1,46 1,45/1,47 1,45/1,48

When drawing up an agreement at the operating office of Sberbank, the rates are lower by 0.15%.

Retirees receive the maximum rate set for the selected term, regardless of the investment amount. You can withdraw the income received from the investment to a Sberbank card or to a deposit, capitalizing interest.

A separate product is "Replenish", issued in the name of the child. The rates are fixed, regardless of the opening method.

Basic/with capitalization:

Interest on the deposit in dollars (base/with capitalization):

Amount (from, thousand dollars)

/term (month)

3-6 6-12 12-24 24-36 36
0,1 0,01/0,01 0,6/0,6 0,95/0,95 0,95/0,96 0,95/0,96
3 0,1/0,1 0,7/0,7 1,05/1,06 1,05/1,06 1,05/1,07
10 0,15/0,15 0,75/0,75 1,1/1,11 1,1/1,11 1,1/1,12
20 0,2/0,2 0,8/0,8 1,15/1,16 1,15/1,16 1,15/1,17
100 0,2/0,2 0,8/0,8 1,15/1,16 1,15/1,16 1,15/1,17

Any third party will be able to replenish the account. From the age of 14, the child will have the opportunity to independently deposit money and withdraw accrued interest, and from the age of 18 - full access to investments.

Tariff "Manage"

"Manage" - a deposit with flexible conditions that allow you to fully manage investments: replenish, withdraw part of the money. It is enough to have the necessary minimum on the account during the term of the contract.

Basic conditions:

  • Currency - rubles or dollars.
  • The minimum deposit is 30 thousand rubles. or 1 thousand dollars.
  • Term from 3 to 36 months.

Below are the rates for ruble deposits, basic / with capitalization, when drawing up an agreement in personal account Sberbank Online:

Conditions for dollar deposits: basic/with capitalization, when signing an agreement in your Sberbank Online personal account:

Amount (from, thousand dollars) / term (months) 3-6 6-12 12-24 24-36 36
1 0,25/0,25 0,75/0,75 1,2/1,21 1,2/1,21 1,2/1,22
3 0,3/0,3 0,85/0,85 1,25/1,26 1,25/1,27 1,25/1,27
10 0,3/0,3 0,85/0,85 1,25/1,26 1,25/1,27 1,25/1,27
20 0,4/0,4 0,9/0,9 1,35/1,36 1,35/1,37 1,35/1,38
100 0,4/0,4 0,9/0,9 1,35/1,36 1,35/1,37 1,35/1,38

If you sign an agreement at a bank branch, then the rates will decrease by 0.15 - 0.13%.

The bank accrues interest once a month, they can be withdrawn to the card or sent for capitalization to the main deposit account. Cash replenishment is carried out from the amount of 30 thousand rubles. or from 1 thousand dollars, cashless way without restrictions.

Partial withdrawal provides for the withdrawal of the amount of accrued interest, as well as part of the deposit up to the minimum balance (30 thousand rubles or 1 thousand dollars).

Social deposit

The banking product has its own target audience- orphans, left without parents, veterans or invalids of the Great Patriotic War. Conditions are simplified as much as possible:

  • Term 36 months.
  • The minimum balance amount is 1 p.
  • The rate is fixed - 4.75% per year, regardless of the method of opening, the amount of investment. If the contract is drawn up for a child, upon reaching the age of majority, the rate changes and complies with the terms of the On Demand product.
  • Currency - rubles.
  • Replenishment - without restrictions.
  • Withdrawal - without loss of interest up to the amount of the minimum balance (up to 1 p.).

Investment income is accrued once a quarter and capitalized. Terms of the deposit account are flexible - money can be freely managed and received high percent from any amount.

Charitable deposit "Give Life"

The contribution will allow Sberbank clients to participate in charity - once a quarter, 0.3% of the investment amount is transferred to the Give Life fund. Tariff conditions:

  • Investment - from 10 thousand rubles.
  • Term - 1 year.
  • Interest - 5.65% per annum basic, 5.77% in capitalization.
  • Replenishment is not provided, withdrawal is not provided (only with loss of interest).
  • Currency - Russian rubles.

Deposit for pensioners "Pension Plus"

Tariff conditions:

  • The rate is fixed - 3.5% per annum basic, 3.55% with capitalization.
  • Replenishment - without restrictions.
  • Early withdrawal of money - any amount, up to the minimum balance.
  • The minimum minimum balance is 1 ruble.
  • Receipt of income in the form of interest - once a quarter.

The banking product is more accessible to all persons of retirement age who receive contributions from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

"Poste restante"

This is the easiest option for a cash deposit at Sberbank. The investor is not limited in time, can freely replenish the account or withdraw money in any way. The choice of currency is quite wide - rubles, American, Canadian, Australian and Singaporean dollars, euros, pounds sterling, Swiss francs, Swedish, Danish and Norwegian kroner, Japanese yen.

The interest rate is 0.01% per annum, the minimum deposit for ruble deposits is 10 rubles, for foreign currency deposits - 5 units. Calculation of income - quarterly.

Deposits with higher rates in Sberbank Premier and Sberbank First

As part of the connected Sberbank Premier service package, the depositor receives more than profitable terms by profitability. The bank increases interest by 1 point for all products:

  1. Save. Rate up to 6.2% in rubles, up to 2.35% for investments in US dollars. The minimum deposit is 700 thousand rubles / 50 thousand dollars. The term is 1-36 months, without replenishment and withdrawal.
  2. Replenish. For ruble deposits, the bank will charge up to 5.65%, for foreign currency - 1.95%. Investment from 700 thousand rubles. or from 50 thousand US dollars, for a period of 3 to 36 months. Withdrawal is not provided, replenishment is unlimited.
  3. Manage. The tariff allows free replenishment and withdrawal of money. The rate for ruble accounts is up to 5.35%, for foreign currency accounts - up to 1.75. Investment term from 3 months to 3 years.

Registration of the Sberbank First package will allow you to make investments in rubles, US dollars or Euro, the last currency is not available for other clients. The product line remains the same, but the rates are higher (ruble accounts - investment from 5 million rubles, dollar accounts - investment from 150 thousand, in euros - investment from 150 thousand):

  1. Save: ruble accounts - rate up to 6.85%; dollar - rate up to 3%; in euro – the rate is up to 0.2%.
  2. Replenish: ruble accounts - rate up to 6.3%; dollar - rate up to 2.6%; in euro – the rate is up to 0.1%.
  3. Manage: ruble accounts - rate up to 6.2%; dollar - rate up to 2.4%; in euro – the rate is up to 0.05%.

How to open an account: documents and methods

Of the documents, an individual will only need a valid Russian passport. There are two ways to open a deposit account:

  • In the branch of Sberbank. This is a simple, but not the most profitable option.
  • In the personal account of Sberbank Online. This method will allow you to get a higher rate, but requires plastic card bank, current personal data provided to the service office (if you change your passport or full name, you must notify the bank).

An account is opened instantly with any of the two options. You can deposit money in cash or by bank transfer by transferring from a card. Also, in the personal account, the user will be able to quickly monitor the accumulation process, withdraw interest, replenish the balance and even terminate the contract.

Using the online calculator on the deposit description page on the Sberbank website, you can find out how much money the investment will bring. The calculation is simple: just enter the amount, term and check the boxes next to the additional conditions.

Pros and cons of Sberbank products

The key advantage of Sberbank of Russia today is flexible conditions and an optimal line of banking products. Investors can choose between saving, saving and managing finances - tariffs are optimized for specific needs. There is also a standard product "On Demand", which is the base for most banks.

The rates are quite competitive, especially when connecting Sberbank First or Sberbank Premier. Also, the pluses include free account management through online banking. To replenish or withdraw money, you do not need to visit a branch, all operations can be done from home or office.

Activating the Green Street service will allow you to manage your deposit through any Sberbank operating office. The depositor will be able to replenish the account or close it, being in any locality of the country where there is a bank branch.

The disadvantages include a restriction on the type of currency - standard conditions involve investments in rubles or US dollars. You can invest in euros only when you connect a premium package of services or on special accounts. The latter seriously reduces the annual rate and, accordingly, the final yield.

Rosbank deposits law of the Russian Federation taxes reviews

Sberbank deposits for individuals in 2017

As in all previous years, in 2017 deposits of Sberbank of Russia continue to lead by a large margin from deposits placed by individuals in other banks of the Russian Federation. So, if we consider how the rating of Russian banks has changed over the past five years, we can state that Sberbank of Russia continues to occupy the first position in terms of the volume of deposits of individuals, and by a huge margin, which in figures for the five leading banks in the country looks like this:

№№ Name of banksDeposits of individuals as of December 2016, (million rubles)Physical contributions. persons as of December 2011, (million rubles)Growth of deposits by 2011
suma placesuma place
1. Sberbank of Russia10 448 166 1 5 119 744 1 2,04
2. VTB 242 097 565 2 781 842 2 2,68
3. ALFA BANK637 325 3 209 231 4 3,05
4. Gazprombank630 158 4 233 707 3 2,70
5. ROSSELHOZBANK578 341 5 138 865 7 4,16

The table shows that deposits in Sberbank continue to grow, but the rate of this growth is generally inferior to that of other leading banks. Why do depositors, despite the lower interest rates offered on Sberbank deposits, continue to place their savings in this bank? This is simply because nothing has changed dramatically so far and the reasons remain the same:

  • Sberbank of Russia has practically no competitors among banks in small towns, towns and regional centers, and in many regional centers too. Sberbank has about 20 thousand branches throughout the country, and none of the Russian banks has such a number of branches in the country. He is still a monopolist who plays by his own rules.

  • The belief of many people that the state will not let this bank go bankrupt, because its main founder is the Bank of Russia. True, the share of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in the authorized capital of Sberbank has already decreased to 50% of the authorized capital plus one voting share.

  • The presence of a well-established and long-established niche for transferring pensions to "passbooks" and "debit pension cards" by Sberbank. Some of these listings pension fund settles in the deposit accounts of bank depositors.

  • Force of habit. No matter how much we scold Sberbank, but because of their habit and affection, older people will definitely open a deposit in Sberbank. Sometimes even to their own detriment. And deposit insurance of other Russian banks (up to 1,400 tr) does not yet tip the scales in their favor.

  • Registration of a savings book for simple deposits, which is stipulated in the contract bank deposit, and what other banks cannot boast of. The presence of passbooks has always had a positive effect on the image of Sberbank among depositors. True, in recent times, Sberbank has been hurting itself greatly due to the titanic efforts to replace passbooks with debit cards, literally forcibly imposing bank cards, and this annoys and repels many, because the client should have the right to free choice, not imposed by anyone.

Interest rates and conditions on Sberbank deposits at the beginning of 2017

At the beginning of 2017, Sberbank's interest rates on deposits of individuals changed slightly against 2016. Today, Sberbank of Russia offers the population the following deposits, interest rates and the main conditions for which are as follows:
Name of depositDeposit rates for all (in % per annum)Investment termsMinimum deposit amountInterest termPeculiarities
In rublesin US dollarsIn Euro
Contribution "Save"4,60 - 6,40 0,01 - 1,05 0,01 - 0,01 from 1-2 months up to 3 yearsmonthlyContribution with sum ranges; not replenished; without partial removal.
Deposit "Top up"5.20 - 6,15 0,01 - 0,90 0,01 - 0,01 3 months - 3 yearsmonthlyWith sum ranges; refillable; without removal.
Deposit "Manage"4.85 - 5,70 0,01 - 0,60 0,01 - 0,01 3 months - 3 yearsmonthlyWith sum ranges; with replenishment and partial withdrawal
Deposit "Give Life"6.30 - - 1 year once every 3 monthsWithout replenishment and partial withdrawal
Savings account1,50 - 2,30 0,01 - 0,01 0,01 - 0,01 perpetualNot limitedmonthlydeposits and withdrawals are unlimited
Contribution "Save Online"4,85 - 6,85 0,1 - 1,25 0,01 - 0,01 Individual up to the day: 1 month. - 3 yearsRUB 1,000 / USD 100 / EUR 100monthlyAmount ranges, non-replenishable, no partial withdrawal
Deposit "Replenish OnL@yn"5,45 - 6,60 0,01 - 1,10 0,01 - 0,01 3 months - 3 yearsRUB 1,000 / USD 100 / EUR 100monthlysum ranges; refillable, without withdrawal
Deposit "Manage Online @ yn"5,10 - 6,15 0,01 - 0,80 0,01 - 0,01 3 months - 3 yearsRUB 30,000 / USD 1,000 / EUR 1,000monthlyTotal range
Social deposit5,20 - - 3 years1 rublequarterlyissued in the name of an orphan; refillable, with partial withdrawals
Pension-plus of Sberbank of Russia3,5 - - 3 years1 rublequarterlyTo pay pensions; refillable, with partial withdrawals
Demand deposit of Sberbank of Russia (in 12 currencies)0,01 0,01 0,01 perpetualNoquarterlyfor settlements, non-reducible balance of 10 rubles / 5 US dollars / 5 euros / others - the equivalent of 5 US dollars
Contribution " Universal Sberbank Russia" (in any currency)0,01 0,01 0,01 5 years10 rubles / 5 US dollars / 5 euros / others - the equivalent of 5 US dollarsquarterlyfor calculations
Nominal account for crediting social payments3,67 - - Indefinitely (valid until the account is closed)from 0quarterlyfor calculations

Interest rates on Sberbank deposits traditionally remain significantly lower than in other banks and significantly below the key rate of the Bank of Russia ( key rate until February 3, 2017 - 10.00%).
In addition, the interest on ruble deposits of Sberbank has a peculiarity: - rates for a period of 3 months to 1 year are significantly higher than rates for a period of 2 to 3 years.

I would like to believe that Sberbank has begun to depart from the long-term conservative tradition of deposits of individuals, and its innovations will be assessed by depositors according to their merits?! But the rates on deposits, which is of fundamental importance, have not changed significantly. So, for the deposits of Sberbank of Russia, the following has changed:

  • In most of the names of Sberbank deposits, the “standard” and the boring prefix in the form of “Sberbank of Russia” disappeared, and only for 3 deposits did the prefix remain in the name (for example, “Pension-plus of Sberbank of Russia”).

  • For certain types of deposits, Sberbank offers "Individual deposit term, which is exactly what you need, up to a day." Interest rates on such deposits are set in sum and time ranges.

  • For individual deposits, the monthly accrual of interest returned with the possible addition of profit to the deposit after each month from the date of opening, although at low rates this income does not give depositors anything

  • For 3 types of deposits, depositors are offered to make deposits through Sberbank ATMs, these are deposits “Save Online @ yn”, “Replenish Online @ yn”, “Manage Online @ yn”.

  • The Sberbank website now lists not only simple deposit rates, but also interest rates, taking into account interest capitalization. This, as it were, should encourage the depositor not to withdraw interest until the end of the investment period under the agreement.

Since 2015, Sberbank has offered depositors a special deposit for children left without parental care with a fairly high rate, which is called - Social deposit and has good conditions, namely:
  • refillable
  • With partial withdrawal
  • With a minimum deposit amount of 1 ruble
  • Account replenishment - both cash and non-cash (unlimited)
  • It is issued only by a legal representative upon presentation of an act of the guardianship and guardianship authority on the establishment of guardianship / guardianship / placement of the child in a specialized social institution