What does savings account mean. Savings account in Sberbank: conditions and reviews. Conditions for the deposit of Sberbank of Russia


Sberbank is the largest and oldest popular bank in Russia. Many clients trust him and use his services. The Bank offers many options for increasing and preserving its funds, among which the Savings Account with Sberbank stands out in particular. What it is and what benefits it gives customers, read in the framework of this article.

What is a Savings Account?

A savings deposit is a termless deposit that has practically no restrictions on income and expenditure transactions within the amount stored on the account. In addition to guaranteeing the safety of savings, the bank offers a small accumulative income in the form of interest on the amount, with subsequent capitalization of interest every month.

Opening and using the service will not cause you any difficulties, but before using it, pay attention to the following points:

  1. The savings account has a minimum rate. If you need to invest at interest, use deposits.
  2. Interest accrued on the deposit cannot be transferred to another current account.
  3. Monthly interest cannot be transferred to a plastic card.
  4. The interest rate directly depends on the deposited amount. The maximum income can be obtained from amounts of 2 million rubles or 100,000 dollars.

Deposit features

A savings account with Sberbank has the following differences from other similar services:

  1. It can be opened in rubles, dollars or euros - to store funds and generate income.
  2. With a ruble deposit, the interest rate varies, depending on the balance - from 1.5 to 2.5% per annum.
  3. For foreign currency, the interest payment will be 0.01%.
  4. This is a perpetual deposit that has no time limits.
  5. You can replenish your account or withdraw cash at any time.
  6. There is no minimum amount to hold.

What is it for

This deposit is not among the deposits with a high interest rate, so it makes little sense to open it to generate income (Sberbank has better offers for this, for example, “Replenish”, “Manage” or a savings certificate).

But it has many other suitable applications, for example, the lack of restrictions on the amount of replenishment makes it convenient for storing savings.

There are no limits on withdrawing money either (for comparison, with a Momentum debit card, you can withdraw up to 50,000 rubles per day and up to 150,000 rubles per month). The full withdrawal of the amount from the deposit nullifies the deposit, but does not lead to the closing of the deposit: put any amount on it, and it will begin to accrue interest with a monthly capitalization.

Such a deposit will also come in handy for money transfers to accounts and cards of Sberbank or to another credit institution.

Terms of registration

To use the "Savings Account" service, it is enough to have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and any amount of money. Funds can be invested both in rubles and in dollars and euros. There are no restrictions on the minimum and maximum limit of deposited funds.


  1. The account holder can use his funds as he wishes. Replenish, withdraw part or full amount, pay bills if there is a positive balance.
  2. With a zero balance, the account does not close and continues to operate, and after replenishment it brings a small profit. You can determine the term of the account immediately after opening.
  3. You can top up with any amount, from 1 ruble, euro or dollar.
  4. Interest is charged on the amount of the balance that is on the savings deposit.
  5. At any convenient time, you can withdraw funds on demand. If the term is determined and it is required to terminate the agreement ahead of schedule, interest is charged on the difference between the minimum balance and actual funds at the rate of 0.01%.

Required documents

To open a current account in Sberbank branches, the depositor must be over 14 years old and have an identity document with him.

It can be:

  • passport of a Russian citizen with a mark of permanent or temporary registration on the territory of the Russian Federation; international passport;
  • driver license;
  • military ID;
  • service certificate;
  • for foreign citizens, a foreign passport and confirmation of the right to reside in the territory of the Russian Federation (residence permit, etc.) are required.

General requirements for a private person

To begin with, I would like to note the basic requirements for a person who wants to open an account with Sberbank.

For citizens of the Russian Federation:

  1. Availability of an identity document (passport of the Russian Federation, foreign passport, etc.).
  2. The presence of permanent or temporary registration on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  3. Age at least 14 years old. If the age of the depositor has not yet reached 14 years, then the deposit is opened on behalf of the depositor (parent, guardian).

For foreign citizens:

  1. Identity document (national foreign passport).
  2. Confirmation of the right to reside in Russia (Residence permit, temporary residence permit).
  3. Age restrictions are the same as for a citizen of the Russian Federation.

You can draw up a contract for servicing a bank account in 2 ways:

  1. In the branch of Sberbank.
  2. Remotely, that is, through remote service channels (ATM, Sberbank Online).
Please note that the latter option is only possible for bank card holders.

Interest rates

The calculation of the interest rate depends on the amount of funds on the deposit. Interest is calculated based on data for the previous month. More details in the table.



Remainder Interest rate Remainder Interest rate
0 — 30000 1,5% 0 — 1000 0,01%
30000 — 100000 1,6% 1000 — 3000 0,05%
100000 — 300000 1,7% 3000 — 10000 0,05%
300000 — 700000 1,8% 10000 — 20000 0,1%
700000 — 2000000 2% 20000 — 100000 0,1%
from 2000000 2,3% from 1000000 0,1%

Account opening

Opening a deposit is not difficult. Contact an employee at the branch with a request to open a savings account, present a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Also, this can be done using Sberbank Online: https://online.sberbank.ru

After receiving the "Executed" status, you can work with your newly opened account.

How to withdraw money from a savings account?

You can withdraw funds from your account at any time. To do this, it is possible to visit an institution, transfer finances to a plastic card, or resort to Sberbank Online.

A savings account with Sberbank is a convenient way not only to save your finances, but also to increase them. The client can perform any banking operations without leaving home. The absence of time restrictions on the withdrawal of funds from the account makes a savings deposit a convenient tool for quick and free management of your funds.

Early withdrawal

A savings account with Sberbank does not have a strictly defined validity period and, in accordance with the Terms, allows withdrawals at any time.

This compares favorably with other banking offers that have strict chronological boundaries - for example, the "Save Online" deposit with an interest rate of 5.63% can be opened for a period of 1 month to 3 years.

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Contribution Disadvantages

Speaking about shortcomings, you need to understand that they are conditional. Such a deposit does not provide an opportunity to receive a high interest on the money stored, but it is not intended for this.

But it is free from restrictions (no limit on cash withdrawals and validity), which makes it a convenient tool for everyday personal accounting. You just need to know that interest income cannot be withdrawn to a separate account here, but with a small amount of accruals, this is not a serious problem.

Closing an account

Important! To close a savings book, two conditions must be met: the closing takes place during working hours, the account does not serve as a source of loan repayment.

As well as opening, you can make it in Sberbank Online:

Elena Pazina

Updated: 2019.06.13

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The list of Sberbank services includes a savings account. We will tell you what this concept includes, what its advantages, disadvantages and conditions of use are, as well as how to open a savings account with Sberbank.

A savings account is a type of bank deposit opened by individuals. Such an account can be compared with the current account of the organization. Its main function is not to receive income in the form of interest, but to store savings in a bank. Interest is charged on the deposit, but they are minimal. Also, the account can be used to transfer money to other accounts or bank cards.

The account comes to the aid of those who have savings and want to deposit them in a credit institution. In this case, the amount of possible income is a secondary criterion. The main thing is the ability to freely dispose of funds: withdraw money and replenish the account at any time without limiting the amount. This money placement option is more secure than keeping cash at home.

It is convenient to carry out various banking operations with a savings account. If you often have to transfer money to accounts and cards of organizations or individuals, both in Sberbank and in other banks, then a savings account will be the best solution.

Savings account and deposit: comparison

At first glance, it seems that a savings account is identical to a bank deposit. In fact, there are several criteria that distinguish an account from a deposit. Differences can be attributed to both advantages and disadvantages of the account.

Savings account benefits:

  • there are no limits on the minimum and maximum placement amount;
  • it is possible to open not only in rubles, but also in dollars and euros;
  • the account is valid without time limits, that is, it is unlimited;
  • can be replenished at any time without limits on the amount;
  • different methods of replenishment are used: from a card, from a deposit, from another account, in cash through a bank cash desk;
  • there are no restrictions on the amount and frequency of withdrawal of money from the account;
  • when withdrawing money, accrued interest is not lost.

The downside of a savings account is the low interest rate. It ranges from 1% to 1.8%. This is several times lower than the rates on deposits. Therefore, a savings account is not a suitable tool for generating income.

Terms of a savings account in Sberbank

When opening a savings account, Sberbank offers the following conditions:

  • unlimited use of the account;
  • unlimited withdrawal and replenishment;
  • no minimum balance limit;
  • you can close the savings account at any time at the request of the client;
  • interest rate from 1% to 1.8%;
  • for clients of Sberbank Premier, the interest rate is from 1% to 2%.

The annual rate depends on the size of the minimum amount on the account.

Interest is calculated monthly, taking into account the minimum balance for the past month. The interest rate changes automatically.

Step-by-step procedure for opening a savings account with Sberbank

There are two ways to open a savings account: by contacting any branch of Sberbank of Russia or through Sberbank Online. Regardless of where the account is issued, transactions on it can be made both at the bank's offices and via the Internet.

At the branch of Sberbank

To open an account at a branch of Sberbank, you need to visit any office of the organization. You must have a passport or other identification document with you.

A bank employee will draw up an agreement in the name of the client with the introduction of his personal and passport data. The agreement specifies the type of account, the date of its opening, the amount of the deposited amount, as well as the rights and obligations of the depositor and the bank.

The contract is sealed by the signatures of the client and the employee, as well as the seal of the organization. One copy of the agreement is given to the client, the second remains in the bank.

The next step is to deposit money into the account through the bank's cash desk on the basis of a credit order. After that, the account is considered open.

In the future, in order to make transactions on the account, it will be necessary to present an agreement at the bank. If the client has a personal account in Sberbank Online, then he will be able to manage the account via the Internet. In your personal account, you can monitor the status of the account and see the amount of interest and the balance of funds.

To Sberbank Online

To open a savings account with Sberbank Online, go to your personal account, select the "Deposits and accounts" page, then the "Open a deposit" item.

The window will display all available deposit options. At the end of the list is the item "Savings account". Check the circle next to this item and click on the "Continue" button.

A page with account details will open: name, opening date, amount and currency. By default, the account is opened in rubles, but the currency can be changed. Next, click on the "Open" button.

The text of the contract opens on the next page. You need to read it and put a tick to confirm your agreement with the terms of the deposit. Then click the "Confirm by SMS" button.

A five-digit code will be received on the phone, which must be entered in the appropriate box and click the "Confirm" button.

Savings account opened. Now you can print the contract and replenish your account from a card or other account.

A savings account with Sberbank is easy to open, it attracts with its convenience and flexibility in use. But it should be borne in mind that it is impossible to get a large income from it. The account is suitable only for storing money and making transactions.

For customers who often need to perform non-cash money transfer transactions, a savings account is perfect.

Such deposits are perpetual, the conditions for withdrawal and replenishment of the account are always as loyal as possible. Let's learn more about what a savings account is and what its features are.

What it is?

Every person who wants to freely manage their finances and profit from their storage on deposit will be able to use the option of opening a savings account.

Interest rates under the agreement are usually small, but the owner will still receive the minimum regular income.

A clear advantage of the deposit is the fact that it can even be opened and closed remotely, which will definitely appeal to people who value their time.

Due to the simplicity of opening a deposit, it is also necessary to take into account its following features:

  1. from the point of view of profitability, the instrument is extremely unprofitable, and for this purpose it is better to consider other offers of banks, of which there are many today;
  2. interest that will be accrued on the balance cannot be transferred to another bank account;
  3. real income is possible only in a situation where a really large amount is deposited on the balance sheet. For example, 100 thousand dollars / euros, or at least a million or two rubles.

There are other features of a savings account, for example, the minimum rate on it. However, there are some advantages of such contracts:

  • there are no limits and restrictions on the initial deposit and each further replenishment or withdrawal;
  • you can freely replenish your account at any time, for any amount and in any currency;
  • convenient use of the account for bank cashless and cash transfers. This is the main goal what is it for;
  • there is no need to close the account even if the balance is zero;
  • there is a guaranteed opportunity to save your capital.

Conditions for making a deposit

You must have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with you, as well as the estimated amount that you want to deposit into the account. As for the policy of most banks in this regard and the terms of the contract, they are usually standard:

  1. the owner gets the opportunity to determine its term after opening the deposit;
  2. You can replenish your account from 1 ruble, euro, dollar or any other currency;
  3. at the request of the client, you can cash out funds from the balance at any time. In this case, interest will accrue without capitalization.

The key terms of a savings account and what distinguishes it from the mass of similar accounts is perpetuity.

The period of storage of funds is not limited, while both parties have the right to terminate the transaction at any time: the client, if the need to use it has disappeared, or unilaterally the bank, in accordance with existing financial legislation, if there is a violation on the part of the client.

Where to go to open an account?

In the first place is a large and reliable Sberbank, a savings account in which is a great chance to quickly and freely manage your finances. The client gets rid of the need to keep a large amount of money at home, and to perform any operation there is no need to visit a bank branch.

The depositor can count on a full refund in case of unforeseen circumstances, and if necessary, he can easily withdraw money from the savings account.

To do this, it is enough to come to the bank branch where the contract was concluded, bring your passport with you and inform the bank employee about your intention to withdraw a certain amount. Even if the balance is reset as a result of the operation, the account will not be closed and it can be used again in the future.


Users of the Sberbank.Online system get a unique opportunity to open and close their savings account remotely. To do this, after authorization in the system, you need to find the “Accumulate and save” tab, then go to the desired menu.

The peculiarity of the method is that there is no need to have cash to open a deposit, it is easy to replenish the deposit online without cash or go to the branch a little later and deposit cash into the account.

As for interest rates, here clients are offered from 1.50% per annum to 2.3% in rubles and only 0.01% in euros/dollars. The interest rate is calculated individually, depending on the account balance and the currency in which the account was opened.

You can find more detailed information about the deposit rate here http://www.sberbank.ru/ru/person/contributions/deposits/sb_schet.

Bank Tinkoff

Another good option where you can open a savings account is Tinkoff Bank. Clients of this bank get the opportunity to use the money in the account for various kinds of money transfers, and interest is charged on the remaining unused balance.

Of the benefits of contacting Tinkoff Bank, there are:

  1. the possibility of replenishment for any amount from 1 ruble. To do this, a non-cash transfer is available, bank, from a debit card or in cash in one of more than 300 branches of partner banks throughout Russia;
  2. the right to withdraw the necessary amount of money from the account at any convenient time, without restrictions and without losing your profit in the form of interest;
  3. it will be easy and simple to track all changes in the account by using the capabilities of a mobile application or Internet banking;
  4. accrual of interest on the minimum account balance and monthly capitalization of interest.

Interest rates under such agreements are significantly reduced when compared with other existing offers, which, however, does not affect the ease of use of this tool.

Today, interest rates of 6% per annum in rubles are available to clients, no additional commissions need to be paid, with the exception of the fee for opening an account in the office - 1000 rubles. Remote opening is free. For a savings account in foreign currency, the rate is set at 3% per annum.

Check out the offers of banks

Card with cashback in Rosbank Issue a card

More about the map

  • Cashback up to 7% - for selected categories;
  • Cashback 1% - for all purchases;
  • Bonuses, discounts on goods and services from VISA;;
  • Internet banking - free of charge;
  • Mobile banking - free of charge;
  • Up to 4 different currencies on 1 card.
Card from Unicredit Bank Issue a card

More about the map

  • Up to 5% cashback;
  • Cash withdrawal without commission at partner ATMs;
  • Internet banking - free of charge;
  • Mobile banking is free.
Card from Vostochny Bank Issue a card

More about the map

  • Up to 7% cashback;
  • Cash withdrawal without commission at partner ATMs;
  • Card service - free of charge;
  • Internet banking - free of charge;
  • Mobile banking is free.
Card from Home Credit Bank Issue a card

More about the map

  • Up to 10% cashback from partners;
  • Up to 7% per annum on the account balance;
  • Withdrawing funds from ATMs without commission (up to 5 times a month);
  • Apple Pay, Google Pay and Samsung Pay technology;
  • Free internet banking;
  • Free mobile banking.

Debit card from Alfa Bank

Deposit offers from Sberbank have a good level of reliability, allowing you to have additional income. Most of the deposits are term, that is, they are invested for a certain period of time.

A savings deposit is characterized by lower profits and more free disposal of finances. Customers naturally have a question about how to open a savings account with Sberbank Online.

A savings account is a type of deposit when there are no restrictions for the client in the amount of funds received and invested, as well as in the account management period. A banking organization does not set any framework and boundaries for a savings account regarding financial transactions.

The benefits of a savings deposit are:

  • no restrictions on financial actions on the account;
  • increase in the residual balance of the account - the institution adds interest to the residual balance every month;
  • cashback - when purchasing in partner stores, a certain amount is deducted to his account;
  • comfortable use of the account for non-cash payments and banking transactions;
  • the ability to manage your money using a personal page in Sberbank Online at any time.

The disadvantages of this account include low interest rates. This deposit belongs to the perpetual category.

How to quickly open a savings account in Sberbank?

Formation of an account is possible only for individuals. You can become a deposit holder both at the office of the organization and on the official resource. In order to sign an agreement on a deposit through the network, you must use your personal page and follow the instructions:

It should be noted that all deposits that are marked "Online" can only be opened via the Internet. The annual interest rate on such deposits will be slightly higher. The percentage varies depending on the amount of savings and the term of the agreement. You can also create a classic savings account, which is useful, for example, when paying for electricity.

For any deposit, the minimum deposited amount and the currency in which it can be made are calculated. For more detailed information on the deposit, click on "Details".

After choosing the appropriate option, you need to open a deposit. To do this, check the box next to the deposit and click on "Continue". A form will appear in front of the user to fill out an application for a deposit.

If there is a desire to make a deposit without transferring the first amount, then all the columns will not be empty, and the information is indicated automatically, except for the “Currency” column. At this stage, specify the deposit currency of interest.

When forming a deposit through a personal page with an initial transfer in the application form, enter the following information:

After filling out the form and all columns, click on "Open". The service will transfer to the page of certification of the ongoing manipulations, on which you need to check the correctness of all the information.

Next, you need to confirm the application and check the data again. Check the box "Agree to the terms of the bank." After certifying the application, the client gets behind the page with a document confirming the opening of the deposit. If the manipulation was successfully carried out, then the inscription "Completed" will be displayed. The status of the request will be "Completed".

On this page there will be details of an open deposit.

How to withdraw money from a savings account?

You can withdraw funds from your account at any time. To do this, it is possible to visit an institution, transfer finances to a plastic card, or resort to Sberbank Online.

A savings account with Sberbank is a convenient way not only to save your finances, but also to increase them. The client can perform any banking operations without leaving home. The absence of time restrictions on the withdrawal of funds from the account makes a savings deposit a convenient tool for quick and free management of your funds.

Those who want to become bank customers often encounter a lot of new terms and definitions, for example, what is a savings account, what conditions must be met to open it, what documents are needed? It is worth studying the information in detail so that later you do not have to open another account for the needs of the client.

What it is?

First you need to know the definition of this account, and only then open it. Depending on the purpose of registration, the bank is ready to offer various banking products: for receiving increased interest or for settlements. So, this is an opportunity not only to save your own money, but also to receive a small dividend from a financial institution. It is suitable for those who want to be able to freely dispose of their funds, since the terms of its service allow you to make income and expenditure transactions at any convenient time.

In most cases, it is used as a transit account, where you can transfer a large amount of money (for example, a loan). It replaced the well-known "universal" account, which had certain restrictions and an interest rate of 0.01 per annum.

Conditions for registration by citizens

Any individual over the age of 14 can open it (a passport is required to conduct a banking operation). If you need to open an account in the name of a minor child who has not yet reached this age, then this can be done by his parent or guardian. Another important condition is the presence of permanent or temporary registration on the territory of Russia.

If an account is opened by a foreign citizen, then he must have a passport of a foreign state, as well as a temporary residence permit or residence permit. Age restrictions are equivalent to those that are put forward to Russian citizens. Being a client of Sberbank, namely the holder of a plastic card (which provides access to the Sberbank Online personal account), you can open an account remotely. In other cases, you will need to contact the nearest branch of the bank.

Interest rates, currency, terms

According to the terms, the savings account is unlimited, the current interest rates are quite symbolic. This is due to the fact that it is not a deposit and is not intended to receive maximum income in the form of accrued interest. To do this, the bank offers to open a certain deposit, which will allow you to receive much more additional income in the form of accrued interest. In this case, interest on a savings account should be considered as one of the pluses, which allows you to make payments, make transfers and at the same time receive a small additional income from the bank.

Sberbank offers to open an account in several currencies: rubles, euros, pounds sterling, as well as Canadian, American, Singaporean and Hong Kong dollars, Chinese yuan. The highest interest rate is provided for the ruble account (from 1% to 1.8%, depending on the balance on the date of interest calculation), in foreign currency the rates look less attractive (0.01% regardless of the amount).

Terms of interest

Interest is calculated monthly. The interest rate is annual, i.e. if 1% is provided, then the amount of interest will still have to be divided by 12. According to the tariff, capitalization is provided for on the account, which means that if there is a balance, the bank will charge interest, while maintaining a positive balance , next month, interest will be accrued on the entire amount (including interest that the bank has already accrued in the previous month).

It is noteworthy that according to the tariffs of the savings account, the minimum balance can be zero. This is convenient if you need to withdraw or transfer the entire amount. Previously, the bank opened only a "universal" account, which provided for the need to leave 10 rubles in the balance. This was inconvenient in cases where it was written off to repay the loan. Some clients turned out to be debtors and the amount was often rendered "delayed".

Reason for closing an account

Benefits of opening an account

The undoubted advantage of a savings account is its versatility and accessibility. There is no need to leave a certain amount so that the account does not close, you can receive a small but significant percentage from the bank. If you have a bank card, all operations (including closing an account) are available through remote service channels. According to the savings account, there is no need to carry an agreement or any other documents confirming that the client is its owner. This condition is applicable in cases where the client applies to the bank office of the region in which it was opened or if the Green Street conditions apply.

Large selection of currencies in which opening and subsequent banking operations are available. This will be appreciated by those who often face the need to travel abroad or make purchases in online stores, transfer money to relatives living in other countries.

Cons of a savings account

If we touch on the disadvantages of a savings account, this is a small percentage of the balance. It would seem that it belongs to the pros, but every client wants to receive increased income, even on a simple account. There is another point that confuses many "experienced" customers of Sberbank - the lack of an issued passbook. Most believe that if there is no documentary evidence that the bank has an account, then it is easy to lose it or others can use it. But, these experiences are in vain. To contact the branch in order to obtain information on the account, conduct debit transactions, you need a passport. Consequently, another person cannot use the account, even if he knows his number. All that is available to third parties who do not have a power of attorney in their hands is the deposit of funds.