How many years is the credit history kept in the bureau. How long are credit records kept? Why do you need a credit history subject code and how to find it


How many are stored credit histories Hello! My client Dmitry is a young man, recently married, a daughter was born. And together with his wife, they decided to take out a mortgage.

But the trouble is that Dmitry was not always a decent family man and a law-abiding citizen, in his youth he often took loans and did not pay them back.

Since then, 8 years have passed, and he had a hope that his credit history was already clean.

How long are credit records kept? With such a question Dmitry turned to me. However, I had to upset the guy - this period is not enough to “whitewash” the credit history.

Credit history retention period

Since July 1, 2005, the federal law “On Credit Histories” No. 218-FZ of December 30, 2004 has been in force.


According to article 7 "Storage and protection of information", the credit history bureau (BKI) ensures the storage of credit history for 15 years from the date of last change the information contained in it. After the expiration of the specified period, it is canceled (excluded from the number of credit histories stored in the relevant credit history bureau).

Early credit history can be deleted from the BCI only if the information was transferred without the consent of the borrower or as a result of illegal actions of third parties. For example, a scammer issued a loan using someone else's passport.

The central catalog of credit histories stores information about the BCI, in which the borrower's credit history is formed, until a message is received from the bureau about its cancellation.

source: http://website/

Credit histories: legends and fairy tales

Alas, the crisis prevented the active entry of loans into the daily life of an ordinary citizen, however, after some time, banks regain their lost positions, not at all embarrassed.

True, now there is one “but”: until 2008, no special attention was paid to the so-called “credit history”, but now this is almost one of mandatory conditions lending - a good credit history.


1. I have never used bank loans, but bought in installments - does this mean that I have a credit history?

This is possible, because with such a purchase, the “buyer-shop-bank” chain is formed, i.e., the store that gives the buyer an installment plan draws it up at the bank as a loan - thus, a credit history is formed.

Moreover, even in the case when a “loyal customer card” is issued in a store or pharmacy, “ discount card”, the store makes a request to the BKI - a credit history bureau, and thus, a history of applying for a loan may arise.

But, not everything is so sad, you can control your credit history yourself and be aware, for this, it is enough to make a request to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories (CCCH). The request is free and how it can be done, all this is explained in detail and in an accessible way on the website of the Bank of Russia - http://website/

2. If it's so easy to find out a credit history, then anyone can find out someone else's credit history?

A credit history is formed only in banks that lend to you, and is transferred to the BCI with your consent. For the period from 2005 to the present moment, since the law “On Credit Histories” (No. 218-FZ) came into force, there have been no cases of unauthorized access to this information, as well as cases of leakage.


Typically, a lending institution offers its potential borrower standard package documents, for processing a loan, there is also a consent for the signature to provide information to the BKI. In addition, a credit institution that has entered into an agreement with a credit bureau can request your credit history only with your own consent.

In addition, of course, you, your notarized trustee, can also obtain your credit history. This sharing of this information is governed by the aforementioned federal law. However: do not forget to exercise caution and care.

If you fill in the consent columns in which you must indicate your personal data, then read carefully - how exactly you allow them to be processed. It may happen that you give permission for your credit report to be requested by another credit institution and without your consent in the future.

3. And how many years is a credit history kept, is it really a lifetime?

Of course not. Nevertheless, according to the law, credit history must be kept for fifteen years, a period, you see, is considerable. However, at the end of the period, the data may not be available.

4. Is a credit history a cross that cannot be corrected?

Credit history can and should be corrected, however, only if there is an error in it. By proving this, you can fix your credit history. BKI, in essence, is a repository of information that is formed and given by banks.

There are cases when there are delays in payments due to the fault of the bank (the bank did not warn that a certain time passes between you depositing money and direct crediting) or some financial parameters of the loan were incorrectly reflected (for example, the loan rate was calculated incorrectly).

In this case, you should:

  • contact the bank that made the mistake;
  • find out whose fault the error occurred;
  • present receipts of payment to the bank, thereby proving the innocence of the delay in payment, provide statements.

If problems arose through your fault, i.e., you really had late payments or made incomplete repayment of the debt, then correct the current state of affairs, and with it improve information about yourself, it is possible only by paying off the current debt, as well as by paying off new or emerging loans in a timely manner.

In any case, you need to contact the bank to resolve this issue, or the Ideal Financial Solution Company.

5. And if I change my surname and place of residence, will my credit history be reset to zero? Banks will not have access to information about me?

If you change your passport, surname, registration, even gender, then due to the flexible search algorithm, all your previous credit history will join and be built into the current one. All personal data will be taken into account, because your passport contains the data of a previously issued passport.


It is in your interests to again show care and foresight, to report this information about the changes to the bank with which you work. The bank itself will transfer all the information to the BCI.

6. If I have a bad credit history, then no bank will give me a loan?

In fact, when considering applying for a loan, many factors are considered, including credit history, but it may not always be in the first place in importance. Of course, the better the credit history, the faster and more painlessly you can get a loan, the probability of approval is high.

But there is always a chance to get a loan, even with a negative credit history. Some banks, for example, initially build their business and their policies on the fact that they work with those potential borrowers who, due to their credit history, were denied by other banks.

7. So, only the bank can have information about my loans and loans?

No, as we said above, any commercial organization that has entered into an agreement with the credit bureau can apply to the bureau for this information (most often these are banks), but again, as noted above, only with your consent this information is subject to transfer to the credit organizations.

8. What if I can’t find out my credit history, because our city does not have its own BKI branch and it’s expensive to go to another one?

If you turn to the website of the Central Catalog of Credit Histories (http://website/, you can find out the exact information for free.

According to the law "On Credit Histories", every citizen has the right to free information about his credit history once a year by contacting the BKI, which stores this information for 15 years.

All this takes a certain time (CCCH works with this for more than a day), therefore, the best way out here is to speed up the process, namely, contact the Ideal Financial Solution Company.

9. Can I, based on the law on personal data, send a request to the credit bureau and delete my credit history?

According to the same law "On Credit Histories" - the storage period for all credit histories is 15 years. Removal from the BCI is possible only if:

  1. the information was provided in violation of consent, in case of illegal actions of third parties (a loan was issued according to your passe-partout, but not by you);
  2. the bank itself, which submits data to the CBI, can delete this information;

10. How easy can a third party ruin your credit history?

  • history may be corrupted through the fault of the bank;
  • in case of conspiracy of third parties and their illegal actions, i.e. - fraud.

In the first case, you just need to contact the bank that made a mistake and formed an erroneous credit history, asking for a correction. As a rule, if the claims are justified, corrections are made fairly quickly.

In the second case, you should contact the BKI to delete the credit history, but as noted above, first you have to prove that the information contained in the credit history is incorrect.

11. So, in order to have a good credit history, it is important to pay on the same day?

Not certainly in that way. Of course, this is the right policy and the ideal solution to prevent possible problems, however, the exact rules are determined by the policy of the credit institution.

As a rule, many banks "forgive" small, short-lived and rarely occurring delays, the policy of banks is pragmatic and also aimed at the comfort of the client.


If your delay occurs less than once every six months, then most likely the bank will “close its eyes” and consider your credit history to be quite good in order to approve a loan application next time.

The conclusion is obvious: now that you have this knowledge, you do not need to be afraid of a credit history, the bank also understands that each case is individual and will seek a compromise with a potential borrower, offering him certain products.

source: http://website/ideal-financial-solution.rf/

Bad credit history: when is it canceled and how to get a loan

Refusal to issue a loan may not always be due to insufficient income. Sometimes bank employees say "no" because of bad credit history in the past.

What should a borrower do if a few years ago he had delinquencies in banks, even if for a “good” reason? Can a credit history be cancelled? And, most importantly, how to get a loan with an imperfect credit history?

How many years is information on issued loans kept?

Some borrowers claim that former arrears- not so critical, since the credit history is stored for 3-5 years. And then all data is cancelled. In fact, the credit reports kept by the Credit Bureau have been there for at least 15 years. And often more long term. At least some borrowers who order a credit report for reconciliation find there information about loans issued in 1997.


Any action of the borrower, whether it is obtaining a new loan, early repayment or, conversely, the presence of delays, does not remain unmarked in the credit history. Banks send information to the document: earlier with the consent of customers, and after changes in legislation - without fail.

Where did the data come from at 3 or 5 years? This time criterion could appear due to the policy of the banks. After all, the presence of delays in loans is with many customers. And if at least 3 years have passed since the repayment of the problem loan, and then new loans were issued and paid in a timely manner, then the bank may agree to lend money.

In other words, this is the period during which you can try to win the trust of banks again. But this does not mean at all that information about delinquencies will disappear from the credit history.

All ways to get a loan with bad credit history

Every person has been in trouble at some point. financial situation. But this does not mean that all financial institutions will close their doors to them. There are several ways to get a loan with a poor credit history:

1. Fix your credit history, getting loans for small amounts and repay them on time. In fact, this is the only way to prove to banks that the borrower has recovered and is now ready to make monthly loan payments. Moreover, in the bank, an unscrupulous borrower in the past may be refused.

Therefore, there are several other ways:

  • apply for a targeted loan for household or digital appliances in a shopping center - such loans are issued, in most cases, without checking a credit history. Even without proof of income. You only need to have a passport with you, and sometimes the amount for the down payment;
  • issue a credit card for active use. Many banks issue credit cards to clients who cannot boast of high earnings and an impeccable credit history. The limit on such a card may be small, and it may not be enough for a large purchase.

But you can pay with such a credit card every day - in grocery stores, at gas stations, in any outlets equipped with terminals. If you pay off credit card withdrawals within grace period, then you can constantly use borrowed funds without paying interest.

2. Take loans from microfinance companies. The main disadvantage of such institutions is high percent for the use of loans. Therefore, you should not delude yourself with the simplicity of registration and the almost complete absence of documents (with the exception of a passport and one more document).

3. Contact loan brokers. The services of such a specialist in the lending market cost money - not a fixed amount, but a percentage of the required loan amount. But it is the broker who will help you get a large amount on credit for the purchase of a car, for example.

No microloan and credit card will save in such cases. But the broker will really help. True, he will take 5-10 percent of the loan amount for such work.

  1. The ideal option is to avoid delays. If, nevertheless, they happened, then you need to try to earn a good reputation with banks. And a few timely repaid loans the best option compared to one larger loan.
  2. You should not take loans, the overpayment of which will be too detrimental to your own budget. It is enough to spend a little more time to find the optimal conditions - a credit institution that issues loans with a bad credit history and at normal interest rates.
  3. Correction of bad credit history must take place within the framework of the law. Attempts to obtain a passport for a new surname are usually disclosed. And then the confidence of banks will be undermined completely.

source: http://website/

How long is a credit history stored in the BKI database?

The credit history of the borrower reflects his credit reputation. Banks are increasingly paying attention to assessing its purity before approving loan application and provide loans.

A clean credit history increases the chances not only for a positive decision of the bank, but also for more profitable ones. credit terms. If the check reveals problems in the history of the borrower, then this significantly reduces the chances of obtaining a loan.

In view of the importance of the data that is collected in the borrower's credit history, Article 7 federal law"On credit histories" dated December 30, 2004 determines how long a credit history is kept. In accordance with the Law, the data retention period is 15 years after the last change or entry of the borrower's data into it. This ensures the storage of only those materials that are created legally.

After the expiration of the retention period, all materials are canceled and the credit history is restored to purity. If it was the credit history that created problems for the borrower with obtaining a loan, then after the data storage period expires, access to loans becomes open.

In some cases, it is possible to cancel a credit history even before a fifteen-year period, but such measures apply only to credit histories, the occurrence of which was the result of fraud. If loans were identified that were illegally issued or based on forged documents, then the data on them are subject to destruction without waiting for the expiration of the statute of limitations.

It is also required to delete the history in cases where the borrower did not give his written consent to the bank to transfer information to the CBI. A clause on the permission to enter credit history materials into a common database is now included in most loan agreements.

Therefore, if the borrower is interested in obtaining a loan, then it is in his own interests to agree to the terms of the loan, including the clause regarding the transfer of credit history materials to the BKI for preservation.

source: http://website/

Terms of storage of information on overdue loans in the Bureau of Credit History

According to the legislation "On credit bureaus and the formation of credit histories" dated 06.07.2004 No. No. 573-II, credit bureaus are required to store information about borrowers for ten years. But there are a number of nuances. The Bureau starts counting the period from the moment of the last receipt of information about a citizen or a commercial structure.

It is worth recalling here that the credit bureau is a commercial organization. Naturally, it can be closed, go bankrupt, or be sold at auction. But you should not hope that then all information about the client will simply be destroyed.


All information about loans to individuals and organizations enters the central catalog of credit histories organized by the Bank of Russia. The legislation stipulates that the bureau must send information about the credit history to the central directory.

And when the Bureau is liquidated, send all your information base within three days to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories of the Russian Federation. So, it’s not worth hoping that with the closure of the bureau, or after ten years, the story of non-repayment of the loan, delays in payments will simply disappear.

But, nevertheless, there are cases when credit bureaus do not always turn to the central catalog of the Bank of the Russian Federation. This is what allows some unscrupulous customers to receive loans. But such cases are quite rare. Not uncommon, it all depends on the conditions on which the loan is issued.

For example, microcredits are practically not checked in the Central catalog of credit histories. But the interest on it is simply astronomical. Financial structures already invest in these percentages the risk of not repaying the loan.

But when obtaining a mortgage, large funds in commercial bank, if there were cases of non-payments and delays in payments, it is worth contacting the client himself with a request to the Credit History Bureau in order to know what his credit history is. Please note that this service is chargeable.

source: http://site/

What is the Credit Bureau?

Credit Bureau - a commercial organization registered in accordance with the law Russian Federation. The Bureau provides services for the creation, processing and storage of credit histories, as well as provides credit reports.


The Bureau checks credit history at the request of credit organizations (users of credit histories), when the borrower is going to take out a loan or apply for a credit card, and at the request of borrowers (obtaining information on their own).

What is a credit history?

Credit history - a document-characteristic of the borrower for credit institutions. This document displays the number of loans issued, their maturity dates, information about the delay in payments and the regularity of payments.

The data of this document is requested by the bank to make a decision on issuing a loan to the client. A credit history begins its countdown from the moment a person purchases goods by installments, makes a purchase on credit, takes out a loan or opens a credit card.

Where to get a credit history?

Credit history is created at the time of the first purchase of goods on credit, receiving a cash loan or opening a credit card. To get a credit report, you need to know in which bureau your data is stored. To do this, a request is made to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories.

After receiving a list of credit bureaus, it is required to send inquiries to each of these bureaus. Once a year, a credit report from the bureau can be obtained free of charge and an unlimited number of times you can receive data for an additional fee.

How to find out the code of the subject of credit history?

The credit history subject code is an identifier that is created by the borrower when applying for a loan to the bank. This code allows a citizen to find out in which bureau his credit history is located using the service of the Central Catalog of Credit Histories. To change the code, you must fill out an application and have your signature certified by a notary.

Then pay for the service and, together with a copy of the payment receipt, send it by mail to the credit bureau. Within 1-3 days, specialists will process the received data and send a report on the operation performed to assign, change or delete the subject code. An application for changing the code of the subject of credit history can be submitted in person at the office of the bureau.

How to make a request to the Credit Bureau?

To make a request to the bureau using postal services, you must fill out an application for a credit report and have the signature certified by a notary. The request form can be downloaded from the credit bureau website.


To request by telegraph, you must send a telegram to the bureau with the following information: full name, date and place of birth, passport data (series, number, time and place of issue), telephone and address.

The signature in this case is certified by a telegraph employee upon presentation of an identity document. You can apply for a credit report in person at the bureau's office.

How to improve credit history?

Bad credit can only be improved over time. If you repay the newly issued loan in a timely manner, then gradually the credit history will level out.

The positives on recent loans will outweigh the negatives on previous ones, so banks will be able to assess your liability when they check.

If your credit history is damaged for any reason, then it must be corrected. This can be done by taking 2-3 loans, even if the loans are not at the highest favorable conditions. If you pay off your loans early, it will have an even better effect on your credit history. You can also get a credit card and avoid late payments on it.

How to fix credit history?

To do this, you will need to make a request to all the bureaus where your credit history is located. If the credit report data is found to be inaccurate, you will need to write a statement listing the false data that got into the credit history.

We will check for errors and correctness of the submitted information. We will also contact the bank that submitted the disputed data and ask them to verify the correctness of the information submitted.

If errors were indeed identified, the bank will make changes to the credit history, and our bureau, in turn, will prepare a written response and send you the credit history with the amendments made to it.


It is worth remembering that only false information contained in the credit history can be corrected, if you really made delays in payments, then this information cannot be corrected, and it remains in the credit history for 10 years from the date of the last entry.

How to find out the reason for the refusal of a loan?

Usually, banks do not provide information about the reasons for refusing a loan. There are many reasons for refusal, among them the most important is the state of your credit history. If your credit history is in order, you should look for reasons for refusal in a level mismatch wages and the inability to verify additional income.

Also, the reason for refusal may be deliberately false information about the borrower, discovered by the security service. Social status is also considered by banks: frequent moves, administrative and criminal violations - all this can serve as a reason for refusal.

Thus, it is very difficult to find out the exact reason for the refusal, but keeping your credit history in good condition is a matter of first importance!

How to dispute credit history?

It happens that the formation of a bad credit history occurs through the fault of a bank employee. This can be caused, for example, by mixing your story with the story of a namesake, or, more often, a complete namesake. To fix it you need:

  • Submit an application to the CBI to challenge the information indicated in your credit history.
  • On the completed application, notarize the signature
  • Send an application to the bureau.

BKI will verify the accuracy of the information in the credit history within a month from the date of application. An application for changing a credit history can be submitted in person at the office of the bureau.

How to get a credit report for free?

You can find out your credit history for free at any credit bureau where your history is stored, once a year. You can get the necessary information either by personally contacting the bureau, or by using the mail or telegraph services. In the second case, a request is sent with a notarized letter.

Bad credit history, what to do?

If you have a bad credit history, there are two main ways to deal with this problem:

  1. Correcting your credit history with the help of timely repayment of new loans, thus, your reputation in the eyes of the bank will improve.
  2. Contact credit organizations that are initially disposed to cooperate with problem customers. In this case, your bad credit history is offset by an increased interest rate set for you by the bank.

What is credit scoring and scoring score?

Credit scoring is the process of assessing a borrower by a credit institution. Scoring is performed using the so-called "scoring model", which "weighs" the mathematical characteristics of a potential borrower that affect its ability to pay off the loan.

If during this process the borrower does not gain a certain score, he is denied a loan or offered less loyal terms.

source: http://website/

Credit history - storage period in the BKI

Everyone has it individual, who at least once took out a loan from a bank, has its own credit history. And if the loan for some reason was not repaid on time, this fact is displayed as a dark spot on the reputation of a potential borrower for quite a long time.

Some citizens mistakenly believe that each credit institution forms a separate credit history for each of its borrowers, which is stored in the bank. However, it is not. To store the credit history of an individual, a special credit history bureau (BKI) was created.

Credit Bureau - what is it?

BKI is an organization that provides services for the formation, processing and subsequent storage of credit histories of individuals. This organization also provides credit reports to banks (upon request). The activities of the BKI are regulated by the current legislation of the country.


Today, there are only 32 credit bureaus operating in our country, which are included in the Central Catalogue. However, the credit history of the majority of potential borrowers (approximately 95%) is stored in the five largest of these bureaus.

In accordance with the current legislation of our country, the credit history of an individual, which is stored in the relevant bureau, may be available for review not only to bank employees, but also to the potential borrower himself.

The storage period for a loan history in the BKI

Most individuals with bad credit history are interested in one question - how long is it kept in the credit bureau? Indeed, the credit history in this bureau is stored for a certain period of time, namely 15 years from the date of each change made to it.

Thus, the number of times an individual will issue a loan in his name in financial institutions, the number of times the period of storage of a credit history will be extended for a period of 15 years.

The period of storage of bad credit history is also 15 years from the date of the last entry in it. After the expiration of this period, bad credit history is deleted from the database of credit bureaus.

Clients with a negative credit history have little chance of applying for new loan in the bank. However, if you need it very urgently financial resources, you should not wait for the update of your damaged credit history. Here you can go two different ways:

  • Look for credit institutions that issue consumer loans to customers with bad credit history. Truth, interest rate for loans of this type is significantly higher (this is how the bank tries to protect itself from possible risks associated with the unreliability of the borrower).
  • Try to fix your credit history.

Bad credit history - how to fix it?

One of the main reasons for refusing to provide a loan to a potential borrower is his bad credit history. But it does not always become bad through the fault of the borrower.

There are also situations when the borrower regularly repaid his loans, and the employees of the credit organization mistakenly transmitted incorrect information to the CBI, thereby unwittingly damaging the credit history of their client. In such a situation, you should not wait until the expiration date of the damaged credit history.


The borrower, after checking all the data (you can check your credit history via the Internet quite quickly) must contact the bank whose employees made a mistake and ask them to send a request to the BKI to update data on a specific credit history.

But if the credit history is damaged through no fault of the bank employees, it will have to be corrected by the borrower on their own. As one of the options for improving credit history is the registration of new loans and their payment in accordance with all the rules. Exactly how many new loans will be required to smooth over the past, no one can say.

A good credit history is of particular importance if a potential borrower plans to take out a large and long-term loan, such as a mortgage, in one of the country's leading banks (Sberbank, VTB, etc.).

And if the period for keeping a bad credit history has not expired at the time of application for issuance mortgage loan in these banks, a potential borrower will most likely be denied loan funds.

Despite the generally accepted opinion, the shelf life of all credit histories without exception is the same (15 years) and they are all stored under exactly the same conditions.


Seven myths about credit history

Almost half of Russians who have applied for a bank loan at least once have a distorted idea of ​​what a credit history is. Experts from the National Bureau of Credit Histories and representatives of banks have refuted the most common misconceptions that they have to deal with almost every day.

Myth one. BKI illegally collect and disclose personal data

According to representatives of banks, some borrowers, having learned that the credit bureau keeps a record of how conscientiously they repaid the loan, fall into “righteous” anger: the bank “leaked” confidential information without their knowledge!

Violated, so to speak, banking secrecy. And then they write a complaint to the BKI, demanding to immediately close access to their personal data, threaten to “sort it out” and insist that they never gave consent to the transfer of information about their payment discipline.

In reality, ignorance may be due to the fact that the borrower simply inattentively read the loan agreement and did not notice that when signing it, he ticked the box “consent to transfer data to the CBI”. Or he did not realize that this information would henceforth be available upon request to all banks to which he applied with an application for a new loan.

“Many clients are afraid to agree to the transfer of data about their loan to the credit history bureau, as they believe that the BKI will become aware of information that the borrower would not like to advertise. However, by refusing to transfer data, the borrower thereby increases the likelihood of being denied a loan.

For the bank, this means that for some reason the borrower is afraid of overdue debt or plans not to repay the loan at all, which means that issuing a loan to him is at least risky.

Myth two. BKI keeps black lists of debtors

According to the results of a sociological survey commissioned by the Bank of Russia, ARB, NBKI and SME Bank in April this year, about half (49%) of borrowers are aware that their credit history contains information about overdue loan payments. However, the fact that it contains information about all loans, including paid and existing ones, is known only to 32% of respondents.


A fairly common misconception is that only those who forgot to make the next loan installment on time have credit histories. And those who regularly repay the loan are sometimes sincerely surprised that their dossier is also stored in the BKI, and they try to challenge this fact.

There were also cases when citizens turned to the BKI with an urgent request to blacklist their disadvantaged relatives who take loans and are not going to repay them. So, pensioners frightened by collectors are afraid that their apartment will be taken away from them because credit debts their children.

In fact, the BCI stores information about all loans issued by banks with which the relevant data transfer agreements have been concluded. And it is banks that form credit histories. It doesn't matter if it's a good story or a bad one.

This is simply information that CBIs accumulate and issue upon request to banks, microfinance organizations or the citizens themselves, in whose name it is entered.

Credit bureaus receive and store complete information about customer loans, the start and end dates of the loan agreement, the client's payment discipline, and information that the loan is closed.

Some clients hope that after repayment of overdue debts, only positive information will remain in the credit history. But this is not so: all payments are displayed in the credit history - both those made on time and those that were not paid on schedule.

The BCI contains information about all current and already repaid loans of the client. In addition, you can see how many requests were made for this client to check the history of other credit institutions.

Myth three. Credit history can be deleted at the CBI upon request

According to the same survey, 35% of Russians believe that as soon as they eliminate the delay on the loan, the record of it is removed from the credit history. Only 38% of respondents know that a credit history remains with a person for almost a lifetime.

Many are convinced that the BKI is a commercial organization like credit brokers, which means that for a fee, you can “agree” on the removal of an unwanted entry. Often, unlucky borrowers who, due to a damaged credit history, can no longer get a loan from any bank, call the BKI and try to pity employees by telling the story of their misadventures and persuade them to meet them halfway and "clear" credit history.


BKI does not make entries in the credit history and does not delete them, but only stores and transmits information upon request.

Many borrowers believe that their credit history can be "corrected" if they are in arrears. They are sure that there is such a service that is provided for a fee.

Unfortunately, this misconception is caused by the fact that scammers operate on the market, promising citizens to make changes in their credit history for money. These are outright scammers who simply take money by reporting fake credit reports.

There is only one legal way to remove entries from a credit history - if the data is not true. You can file a claim with the bank if you are sure that this particular bank made a mistake in your credit history.

As practice shows, in most cases this is enough for the errors to be corrected. You can also dispute your credit history by contacting the bureau where the credit history is kept, or, for example, the Agency credit information.

Myth four. Credit history - a secret behind seven seals

According to the survey results, only a third of Russians are aware of their right to review their credit history at any time. The rest are convinced that access to information is open only to banks.

In fact, a printed report can be obtained once a year at any BCI free of charge for ten days, and an electronic one can be obtained only for a fee. On average, in different bureaus, it will be about a thousand rubles. But the electronic report can be downloaded as many times as you like.


Each citizen has the right to independently apply to a credit bureau to receive a report on his credit history - it is necessary to fill out a request, certify it with a notary and send it to the BKI - the answer will come by mail. Information can be obtained free of charge once a year.

If the report is needed urgently, then borrowers most often apply for such a service to banks. To obtain a credit history, an identity document is sufficient, and the place of registration and residence does not matter.

At the bank's office, clients receive an extended report on their credit history within an hour, indicating all the banks in which they received loans and gave permission to transfer information. Credit specialist helps to understand the data and advises on the possibilities of obtaining a loan.

Myth five. What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an ax

Another common misconception is that if a mistake has crept into the credit history, then there is no way to correct it and regain your good name. In fact, there is a legal procedure for challenging the information submitted to the BKI.

Banks, in case of detection of an error made through the fault of their employee who loaded the data array, make adjustments quite easily. Just in case, experts recommend keeping checks and other documents confirming timely payments on loans.

If the BKI report contains incorrect data, a mistake was made, and you have receipts for timely payment, you can contact the bank with receipts and write an application to correct your credit history. The bank will send the data to the NBKI, and the credit history will be corrected.

If there really was a delay, then it is impossible to correct the credit history. But during a credit interview, the borrower has the opportunity to talk about the situation that affected solvency at that moment (reduced at work, unhappiness in the family, illness).


In this case, it is advisable to provide the bank with supporting documents (copy of work book, sick leave).

A bad credit history may not be the fault of the client - the data during automatic unloading at the bank, and then automatically uploading at the credit bureau may be incorrect.

Yes, for last year 65 credit histories were corrected, the error was the same - the merging of data on loans from namesakes, that is, the last name, first name and patronymic matched. Unlucky Petrov, Ivanov, Kuznetsov, Borisov, Yakushev, Orlov, Patrushev and other owners of common surnames.

Myth six. No credit history is the best recommendation

People who have previously avoided going to a bank for a loan often wonder why they are denied a loan. It is worth noting that the bank may make a refusal precisely because of the lack of a credit history.

What is worse - a bad credit history or its absence - depends on the specific situation. When evaluating borrowers, banks actively use the information stored in the BCI.

If a client comes to apply for his first loan, while a bank employee has doubts about his risk profile, the lack of a credit history may affect credit decision and the borrower will be denied.

Of course, a bad credit history (with delays or, moreover, non-repayments) negatively affects the decision to issue a loan. Lack of credit history is a neutral circumstance that does not affect the approval of the loan.

The presence of a positive history, respectively, increases the chances of obtaining funds, and if the loan was taken and repaid in the same bank, then you can also count on certain special conditions.


The absence of a credit history does not mean that the client is unreliable, so this is not an obstacle to obtaining a loan. But late payments do not always speak of a poor-quality borrower, since in life there are people different situations: loss of job, business, changes in personal life when there are difficulties with paying loans.

Still, a bad credit history reduces the chance of obtaining a loan.

Myth seven. You can't get a loan with a bad credit history

Many borrowers are convinced that if the credit history is bad, then the loan will never be received again. It is not always so. Basically, a negative role is played by the fact that a person had a long delay (more than 90 days) or if, when applying for a loan, there is an overdue outstanding debt in another bank.

But with careful repayment of subsequent loans, the borrower's credit history can be corrected. At the same time, it is not worth counting on the “mistakes of youth” to be buried in the archive. By law, the CBI guarantees the storage of information for 15 years from the date of the last change in the information contained in the credit history.

Of course, most banks have temporary criteria for the reliability of the borrower. For example, if one of the loans was delinquent, but payments on other loans have been carefully made in the last three years, the bank may well arrange this.

As such, there is no statute of limitations on a credit history. If the client made a delay on the loan ten years ago, and this information is stored in the credit bureaus, they have the same significance as "fresh" delays.

But in any case, we first talk with the client, find out why he did not pay the loan, because there are good reasons.

For example, during the crisis, many people were forced to temporarily delay payments on loans due to the loss of their jobs. If the reason for the delay is assessed as valid, then the client can count on receiving a loan. In general, the "statute of limitations" of delays is not a criterion when making a decision on issuing a loan, "correction" of payment discipline will positively affect the decision of the loan manager.


The limitation period for overdue loans, reflected in the credit history, after which it ceases to be of particular importance, each bank sets independently. Also, it depends on the type of loan.

It's one thing if it was a ten-year mortgage, and quite another if it was a short-term one. consumer credit for a small amount. At the same time, more recent information is always given priority over historical information.

Many borrowers worry that one day of delay will ruin their credit history and will never allow them to take out a loan again. In fact, information about the delay is transmitted to the credit bureaus only after a certain time has passed, before that the bank does its best to remind the client about the delay.

How long a credit history is stored in the BCI, and most importantly - the data from it, is important not only to you, but also to creditors. After all, a good rating gives:

  • the ability to request a reduction in the percentage of the loan,
  • limit yourself to a smaller number of documents,
  • ask for a reduction in requirements for the payment of credit funds and more.

What if your credit history is bad? In any case, credit history in the BKI (Credit Bureau) stored for at least 15 years from the date of the last update financial data in the credit history, and then destroy it.

That is, the credit history is updated after as many years as you need to decide to re-borrow money from the bank, so each time the specified 15 years start anew. This will be the statute of limitations for your credit history.

Access to credit history information is blocked, and only you, the lender or law enforcement agencies engaged in financial fraud are allowed. All have their own procedures and permits.

When you take out your first loan and become a borrower, you have a credit history:

  • In the title part your personal data is stored- surname with first name and patronymic, date with place of birth, passport data. This may include the number of the certificate of compulsory pension insurance and TIN.
  • The main part is the most voluminous, because here lies credit data archive with results judgments and credit disputes. Your borrower rating depends on the main part.
  • The extra part is blocked because stores secret data about who needed it and who supplemented your story.

Storage and demand

What is a credit bureau? This is a commercial organization that was given the opportunity to legally work with the credit histories of the population. There are several bureaus in the public register.

In order for any data from your credit history to be available to a credit history bureau or lender, the CBI must obtain your consent within a period of no more than 10 days from the date of taking out the loan. And also in the Central catalog of credit histories of the Bank of Russia you have every right to find out which bureau has decided to become the custodian of your credit history.

If a person has successfully repaid the loan, it is in his interests that the data about this be in his personal credit history. And at his first request, the bank must provide this information to the credit bureau.

How can I remove credit history? No way. One can only wait for the expiration of 15 years from the moment the last entry was made in it, so that it would be destroyed in the prescribed manner (if no one claimed or supplemented the information from the history). That is, if you want your history to be destroyed in 2019, the last update must be no later than 2001.

Introduction to credit history information

To find out your credit history, you need to contact the Central Credit History Directory to find out where your information is stored. The request can be sent independently through the Bank of Russia on the website with or without a code through the post office, bureau or organization of the creditor. The code is generated when concluding a loan agreement, which banks may be silent about.

No one has the right to require any additional information for compiling and receiving a report from you.

Change of data in credit history

If you are firmly convinced and have evidence that erroneous data has been entered into your credit history, report this to the credit bureau. An investigation will be appointed, the results of which will be ready no later than 30 days later. The Bureau will independently make inquiries with the lender with a problem loan.

After verification, the credit history will be updated or left as is. But in any case, you will be given a written answer with the rationale for the bureau's decision.

Is it possible to change the situation when clearing/correcting the credit history is not possible? There are several options:

  • you can take a new loan for another person (husband/wife, working children, relatives, etc.);
  • you can wait for the expiration of 15 years;
  • you can file a lawsuit.

It is up to you to decide what to do, but leave the last option as a last resort, since quarreling with the bank in our time is unprofitable and fraught with consequences.

History access control

Only you decide whether to allow access to your credit information or deny it. If you have a credit history subject code, you control access to it.

The code is a set of numbers and letters, which is drawn up at the time of signing the loan agreement.

Additional code is requested very rarely. But it is needed, for example, before drawing up the next loan agreement, when the bank wants to get acquainted with your personal financial information. At the same time, do not forget that this code will be valid during the entire term of the loan agreement with the bank. In another case, the additional code is threatened with destruction one month after its registration.

Important! You can delete or update the code, create an additional one on the website or at the credit bureau.

Video: How to clean your credit history

For those who need a short answer to the question: “What is the storage period for a credit history?”, We answer: 10 years from the date of the last change in the information contained in it. For those wishing to receive a detailed answer, we suggest reading the article to the end.

Where is credit history kept?

Credit history (hereinafter - CI) is stored in the BCI (credit history bureau) - commercial organizations included in State Register BKI. These organizations, in pursuance of Federal Law No. 218-FZ “On Credit Histories”, collect, process and store information on the fulfillment by borrowers of their obligations under a loan agreement, and a number of other obligations, for example, to make timely payment of alimony, payment for housing and communal services, communications etc., for which there is a court decision that has entered into force and has not been executed within 10 days on the recovery of the resulting debt. Information is collected from the sources of CI formation - these are the very creditors (banks, MFIs, etc.) or organizations to which the debtor did not pay the above payments in a timely manner (ZHKO, the State Department, etc.). Well, the subjects of CI are borrowers: individuals or legal entities.

CHBs not only collect information, but are also obliged to provide it to the CI subjects themselves (you and me) and the CI users who requested it (any organization that has received consent from citizens to receive their credit history, for example, banks or employers).

The credit file is provided in the form of a credit report, which "presents" the information in a way that is easy to read and analyze. If you are not aware, then, according to the law, a report can be requested once a year for free at each BKI where your history is stored. But before you can do this, you need to find out which bureau holds your file. And the CCCH (central catalog of credit histories) will help us with this, which has complete information about all the places where your CI is stored (and it can be stored in several CCIs at once). He will tell you in detail and in an accessible language about how to get help from the CCCH in a paid and free way. And you can learn how to read the received report correctly.

And now let's talk in more detail about the shelf life of a credit history.

The retention period of the credit history. When is CI cancelled?

Let's turn directly to the original source - Law No. 218-FZ, and more specifically to Article 7 "Storage and protection of information". From it (clause 1) you can find out that the limitation period for a credit history is 10 years from the date of the last change of information in it. Thus, if a person does not live a “credit life” and is a law-abiding citizen, then his CI will disappear from the BKI servers after 10 years from the date of repayment of the last loan, that is, it will be completely canceled.

A CI can also be canceled in other cases:

  • On the basis of a court decision that has entered into force;
  • As a result of a complete contestation of the information contained in the CI (in the event of a partial challenge, only part of the entries in the CI can be canceled). If the subject of the CI doubts the correctness of the data in his file, then he can apply to a specific CI (in some cases, to a bank) to make changes or additions to his CI. How to do it by legal methods, and why it is useless to do it illegally, we wrote in the article:

Until the borrower's IC is canceled, the CCCH will store information about it in its database. Moreover, according to the law, if the BCI ceases to exist (the reasons for liquidation or reorganization may be different), then the CCCH undertakes to store the entire CI of the borrower in full for 5 years, until the latter is legally transferred to a new bureau - successor (as a result of the procedure bargaining). Thus, if everything is not all right with your CI, then you may be in big trouble if the BKI takes over and falls apart, but it would be foolish to count on this.

Before finishing the article, let me ask why you are interested in the expiration date of the CI? Just out of curiosity, or do you still have sins (delays) that have already ruined your reputation as a borrower (and how can it be ruined and corrected?). In any case, we categorically do not recommend that you look for workarounds to cancel your history. At best, you will not succeed, and at worst, you will run into scammers and lose your hard-earned money. Look for legal ways to resolve the issue, and extinguish them regularly, or use specialized online services, like. Or pay off all your obligations and wait 10 years, after which you can apply to the bank, in this case it will not know anything about your credit history.

What is a credit history? How many years is the financial statement kept? In which organizations can it be checked?

Interest in credit history (CI) is shown not only by banks - every year borrowers are more and more interested in improving their CI, periodically checking, maintaining good rating. Like any document, a credit history has an expiration date or a statute of limitations from a legal point of view. And the question of how long a bad credit history persists is even more interesting. Let's look specifically at the retention period of the dossier, as well as expose the myths associated with this issue.

Let's start with the fact that it doesn't matter what CI the borrower has: good or bad. Shelf life is the same. For some reason, on the Internet, when asked how long a negative credit history is kept, answers often come across that it is deleted as soon as the borrower improves his dossier.

Further: the retention period does not depend on banks, credit bureaus and categories of borrowers. A lot of articles on the Internet are written that the credit history for individuals is saved much less than for legal ones.

Remember! It doesn't matter which bank you borrowed from and are taking loans from, which bureau your CI is located in, and what information is contained there - the retention period is always the same.

It has been noticed that some websites mislead borrowers, indicating that the dossier is stored in the Central Catalog of Credit Histories for only five years, and then it is canceled. Wherein it is indicated that CI is stored in the BKI for all 15 years.

Important! Firstly, the Central Catalog independently stores the histories of only those bureaus whose license was revoked for various reasons. Such storage is temporary until the dossiers of the borrowers are transferred to another bureau at the auction. Yes, temporary storage can be up to 5 years, but no more.

Secondly, the period of 15 years is no longer relevant. Legislation has since changed and with it the retention period has been reduced.

So, how long is a credit history kept in a credit bureau?

How long does a credit history actually last?

The law provides for a period of storage of any credit histories of 10 years. Time starts counting from the last change made to the dossier.

Fact! When asked how many years a bad credit history is kept, the answer is obvious: the data is stored (and remains the same bad) for 10 years.

If the borrower has a bad CI, in order to completely cancel it after the statute of limitations has expired, you don’t need to interact with creditors at all: take loans, pay off old ones, sue.

As for the question of how long a borrower's credit report is kept, the law does not define the report's validity period. The borrower can receive it on the 10th, and repay the debt on the 11th and the CI will change. Therefore, it is considered here that the more recent the extract from the BCI, the more relevant the information in it.

How many years is the credit history kept in the BKI? This is a credit history bureau that collects and stores data on all borrowers in the Russian Federation. Thus, organizations are the primary sources of CI: this is where borrowers, lenders and other organizations submit a request to check credit histories. The 10-year shelf life applies specifically to BKI.

Thus, the credit history is stored in the BKI throughout the entire loan period and for another 10 years after the loan is repaid, provided that the borrower does not take any more loans and borrowings.

Bad credit history lasts the same period of time. But there is one caveat: if it is spoiled due to non-payment of the debt, the creditor will most likely resell the debt to collectors, then go to court, a decision will be made on recovery and the recovery itself will be applied. 10 years in this case is counted from the full repayment of the debt through collection. And only after 10 years CI is canceled.

Where is credit history kept?

Information about borrowers is stored in credit bureaus. After the borrower draws up his first loan agreement, his dossier begins to be formed in at least one bureau. And throughout the legal period, the organization is obliged to maintain credit histories.

To check his dossier, the borrower needs to know specifically which bureau (or which ones) he needs to apply to. Therefore, simply by pointing a finger or going to the office of the nearest BKI, you may be faced with the fact that there will be no information about you there. Reason: Your creditors do not cooperate with this bureau, and therefore do not transfer data to it.

To find out in which BCIs information about you is stored, you need a request to the Central Catalog, which was mentioned at the beginning of the article. Go to the site and select the "Subject" button, and also confirm that you remember the subject's code (you cannot receive a request on the Internet without it). Further actions will not cause labor, and the results will come to email. It is possible to request a certificate without a code at any bank, CBI or MFI.

You can check your credit history in the BKI in one of the following ways:

  • mail, telegraph
  • personal visit at the office;
  • online method.

Despite the fact that every citizen has the right to check a credit history for the first time for free, one cannot do without the cost of sending a request to a credit bureau and identifying an individual, and the offices of most credit bureaus are located in Moscow. In total, you will have to spend from 500 rubles on the first check, and for repeated requests you will still have to pay for the report itself. The online method will be cheaper.

What does CI consist of, how to make changes

For an individual, the dossier consists of 4 sections, while, despite obtaining permission to transfer data to creditors, one of the parts is closed. But to an individual, his full CI is revealed.

The information contained in the dossier consists of:

  • identification of the borrower: full name, passport, registration address, date of birth;
  • data on current and closed obligations;
  • information about the executed guarantee, transferred debt;
  • sources of CI formation (this applies to the closed part).

Changes to the history are made with any change in the client's credit life: obtaining a loan, repaying a monthly loan payment or completely closing a loan, allowing late payments or registering as a guarantor.

The borrower has the right to change the CI on his own only if it contains erroneous information (for example, the amount of balances that does not match the actual one). In this case, the part of the CI that does not correspond to reality is removed. It is only possible to remove a dossier completely if it is generally not reliable. To do this, an application is submitted to contest the data in the bureau, according to which the error is found. The application must be made in writing, it is also desirable to certify it in a notary's office. It will take no more than 1 calendar month to review the data. Based on the decision received, the borrower will understand what to do next. If the data is changed, after 10 days you can order a clinical trial to make sure of this, if not, prepare an appeal to the court or look for evidence of your innocence.

Not many people are interested in how long a credit history is kept, out of simple curiosity. As a rule, this is of interest to borrowers with a bad record. These people are trying possible ways change or clean CI.

It is only important to remember that there are no legal ways to clean up the history in nature, except for those where a bad CI arose through no fault of the borrower. In this regard, we advise you:

  1. Do not seek the services of companies that guarantee the cleaning of CI. It will be good if they just take the money, worse if the creditor blacklists you when he finds out about an attempt to clean up the CI, or even worse if you are also charged with fraud.
  2. There are 13 BKIs in Russia, but a borrower will need two or three, no more, to receive a credit report. Therefore, you should not trust credit brokers or companies that, for 10-15 thousand rubles. offer to check history from all bureaus.
  3. You don't have to wait 10 years to get a new loan, there are many legitimate ways to improve it. Read more.

But even after waiting for the cancellation, no one guarantees that the loan will be approved - borrowers with a zero dossier are often treated with even more suspicion than with a spoiled one. Remember that the decision to grant a loan is made not only on the basis of income, the CI is decisive.

Financial literacy for you!

Video: credit history myths

Each citizen who applied for a loan has his own credit file. And if the loan was not repaid on time, the borrower's rating is reduced. Any violation of the contract is reflected in the history of the client. We will tell you in detail below how long a bad credit history lasts.

What is BKI?

The Bureau of Credit History is an organization that provides services for the collection, processing and storage of credit files of citizens. The activities of the BCI are regulated by law.

In 2016, there are 25 bureaus in Russia, but most of the stories are stored in the five largest companies. BKI not only stores data, but also provides reporting to credit structures.

A citizen can familiarize himself with his dossier: once a year, the service is provided free of charge. For a fee, you can use the services of the bureau an unlimited number of times.

In order to access your file, you need to find out which bureau it is in. This can be done at the bank where the loan was issued.

Information from the BKI is easy to obtain by mail or via the Internet: the bureau's websites have all the information about the procedure for requesting data.

Data retention periods

Various information about the terms of storage of credit files is distributed among borrowers. We recommend using trusted sources of information: official websites of the BCI, information departments banks.

Any bank specialist will tell you that the data storage period in the CBI is 15 years. This is determined by the article "Storage and protection of information" of Federal Law No. 218. Moreover, the storage periods are calculated from the date of the last change in information.

In other words, if the borrower actively uses credit products bank, and arranges loans or credit cards, its history can be stored for a very long period: with each new agreement, the period of storage of credit history is extended for another 15 years. The credit report is then cancelled.

What if a bad rating?

A positive history matters if the borrower plans to receive loans from banks in the future. The validity period of a bad CI leaves practically no chance of obtaining a loan on attractive terms.

In some cases, access to bank loans will be completely closed. What to do in such a situation?

First of all, you need to understand the reason for the negative rating. If this happened by mistake of the bank or as a result of fraud, then the situation can be corrected. It is necessary to write applications to the bank and to the BCI.

Accompanying documents: bank certificates, statements from the police will speed up the process of restoring reputation and corrections will be made to the credit histories registry.

Each contract closed on time improves your reputation. Some are wondering if microloans can fix their history?

Large MFIs cooperate with the Credit Bureau and enter data on repaid loans, the borrower only needs to periodically check his dossier. If there is no mark, then you should contact the MFI and ask for information.

Do not contact dubious organizations offering help in correcting your credit history. These are scammers, and at best, the borrower will part with the money. And at worst, it can become a defendant in a criminal case.

The process of correcting a credit history is lengthy. No one can say how many loans it will take to improve your rating. Banks will evaluate each borrower individually, taking into account financial position and availability of guarantees.

The financial literacy of the Russian population is gradually growing. This is also reflected in the attitude towards loans: borrowers began to choose terms more carefully and assess their position.

The use of BKI data will help each client of the bank build their own credit strategy, track any changes in the rating in time and make the right decisions