Why is the ATM not accepting money? Which ATMs do not accept five thousandth bills and why? Reception suspended due to a large number of fakes


Representatives of credit and financial institutions explain this step by the appearance of a large batch of high-quality fakes of five thousandth banknotes, which the existing equipment is not able to recognize. Thus, the devices stopped serving banknotes of the 1997 model (issued into circulation in 2006), and do not accept five thousandth banknotes through terminals manufactured by NCR.

Experts promise that after the completion of ATMs (replacement of sensors and software updates), closer to mid-November, the acceptance of such banknotes will resume. Today, customers can repay a loan or make another payment for a large amount at the nearest bank branch or using Internet services.

Presumably, counterfeit banknotes were made in the Middle East using professional printing equipment. The 1997 banknotes and their updated versions from 2006 were counterfeited. On such banknotes (which are visually very high quality), machine-readable security elements were reproduced at a fairly high level. Counterfeit banknotes have a metal band, watermarks and other security features, only a micro-print is missing, which can only be seen through a magnifying glass. Counterfeits cannot be recognized not only by self-service devices, but also by cash registers available in bank branches (in particular, currency detectors).

Law enforcement agencies are already looking for counterfeiters. According to representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so far the most popular counterfeit banknote in our country has been a banknote in denominations of 1000 rubles (it accounted for 90% of the seized counterfeits).

As it became known, the first counterfeit banknotes began to appear in ATMs in early September. However, for more than a month, financial institutions and professional software developers have not been able to cope with this problem. Thus, the refusal of banks to accept five thousandth banknotes has become the best way to protect yourself in this situation.

In turn, the Central Bank denies the massive release of counterfeit five thousandth banknotes on the market. The Central Bank said that a batch of fakes was made solely to identify vulnerabilities in modern self-service terminals.

In addition, today the press center of Sberbank reported that the police, with the support of the security service of the financial institution at Pulkovo Airport (St. Petersburg), detained a criminal group that was trying to sell counterfeit five thousandth banknotes through self-service devices of various credit organizations. It also became known that the acceptance of banknotes in denominations of 5,000 rubles at Sberbank ATMs is planned to be restored by October 21.

Bank cards have simplified our lives, now almost everyone has them, so sooner or later we all run the risk of encountering certain problems. What to do if the ATM chewed up the card or you yourself forgot it? Why the terminal does not accept banknotes and what to do in this case. We answer popular questions.

What to do if the ATM does not give the card?

There may be several reasons:

- The owner of the bank card did not have time to pick it up from the ATM within 30-40 seconds.

- The cardholder did not have time to withdraw the money and the ATM moved the card to a separate compartment, the withdrawn funds are returned to the account.

– Entered PIN three times. Usually the card is returned and it can be used within a day, but in rare cases, the ATM detains it in a special vault.

– If you try to use a blocked card, the ATM will take it away. The bank may suspend service in case of delays in payments on loans.

– The ATM may hold the card when the connection is interrupted.

How to proceed?

– Wait at the ATM for 15 minutes. Usually, one is enough for him to return the card, but there are cases (telecommunication failure, etc.) when the time increases to 5-15 minutes.

– Call customer service. The phone number must be indicated on the ATM. You will be advised and your card will be blocked. To block, an employee can request:

* Last name, first name, patronymic

* Year of birth

* Answer to security question

* Passport data

* A codeword

No one, not even a bank employee, is allowed to give the PIN code of the card.

To return map, contact the branch of the issuing bank with a written application. The issue will be resolved faster if the ATM is located in the branch itself. Otherwise, your card will only be in the bank after maintenance and refilling of the ATM, which can take up to two weeks.

What to do if you forget your card at an ATM?

- The card must be blocked as soon as possible so that outsiders cannot use it. You can do this by calling the hotline, or by yourself via the Internet. The call is free, but it is better to make a call from the phone to which the mobile bank is attached. The operator will clarify the data about the owner and instantly block the card. it will cease to operate, but the account will remain open. To block a card via the Internet, enter your personal account on the bank's website, select the lost card and click on the "block" button. The same can be done in the mobile app. After blocking the card, the money will remain in the account, but it will be possible to withdraw it only at the bank by presenting a passport.

– Contact the bank branch and explain the situation to the employee. If no one took the card, it will be taken away during collection and returned to the owner, notifying him by phone. If someone managed to pick up the card, it can no longer be restored. The solvency of such a card will be considered lost forever, even if it is later returned.

- If the card has got to third parties, the bank will reissue it with new details to protect you from fraudsters. As a rule, any card is reissued within two weeks. The account will remain the same.

What should I do if the ATM does not accept banknotes?

To begin with, it is worth understanding why this is happening.

– The ATM does not accept heavily soiled, too new or vice versa old banknotes. Damaged and wrinkled banknotes will also not work. Smooth out the bill, turn it over and try to insert it into the machine again. If there is nothing to replace an unsuitable banknote, contact the teller for help.

– Double-check the correctness of the entered data: the name of the service, phone number, loan agreement, etc.

- Make sure that the inscription "deposit money (amount)" appears. The device is ready to receive funds only when it is displayed on the screen.

– The recess for receiving money is clogged with a foreign object or a crumpled bill. The ATM itself may be faulty. In such cases, you should not wait for the terminal to accept money. Report the breakdown to the facility technician or supervising manager.

The other day I wanted to go to Sberbank in the morning and put money on the card, but I could not do this through an ATM. He refused to accept any 5000 bills.

I decided to find out why the terminal does not want to accept money. To which he received only a vague reply:

Collection has not yet arrived, so five thousandth bills are not accepted.

After a little familiarization with the issue, everything fell into place.

It's all about counterfeit bills

As it turned out, many bank branches have old-generation terminals that read not 4 “originality” identification marks, but only 2.

Recently, news about the issuance of counterfeit banknotes by ATMs has become more frequent on the Web. So, in July 2017, representatives of Sberbank announced the presence of a large number of fakes in ATMs.

There were so-called gluings, where, conditionally, out of ten banknotes, cutting them into ten parts, gluing them together, one additional banknote appears, which is entered into the card account, and then issued in cash. - Deputy Chairman of the Board of Sberbank Stanislav Kuznetsov in an interview with Interfax

As a rule, the fault lay with the ATM manufacturer. It is alleged that there are no more problems with Russian banknotes.

However, not all ATMs are now updated, too little time has passed. Foreign counterfeit banknotes have become increasingly popular.

How does an ATM tell a real bill from a fake?

As mentioned above, there are 4 main signs of originality. In fact, there are more of them, but for many ATMs, these are enough.

Let's analyze the most famous.

Visible to the human eye

Watermark. Images created by sections of paper of different density are visible through the light.

Security thread. A metal or polymer tape embedded in the thickness of the paper. Can be simple or diving.

microprinting. A banknote design may contain tiny symbols, usually the denomination or bank designation, or simply small elements that are distinguishable only under magnification.

Protective fibers. Scraps of multi-colored threads located in the paper pulp.

microperforation. Laser-pierced, even, identical small holes that make up an image or an inscription. Like watermarks, they show up against the light. The relief of the holes should not be felt by the fingers, the paper around them should not be charred.

Relief printing. Inscriptions and drawings, distinguishable by touch. They perform both a utilitarian function (labels for the blind) and an anti-counterfeiting function.

Kipp effect. A corrugated area of ​​the surface, on the side faces of the corrugations there is an image that is visible only when viewed from an acute angle.

Overlapping images. A drawing whose different elements are located on different sides of the sheet. When viewed against the light, the parts must fit exactly to each other and give a solid image.

Oryol seal. Thin lines, the color of which changes along the line without visible interruptions and creeping colors. Ordinary multi-color printing will inevitably give a color registration error in this case.

Foil stamping. A pattern made with metal foil pressed onto the surface of paper.

MVC. Moiré stripes of different colors that are visible when the banknote is tilted.

OVI. Optically variable paint. An element that changes its color depending on the angle at which it is viewed.

Hologram. An element that gives a three-dimensional holographic image that rotates when the banknote is tilted.

What does an ATM learn?

Most detectors check the size of banknotes first, although this is not the primary sign of authenticity. Dimensions are checked optically, by scanning in transmitted light.

The image of a banknote in visible light is obtained by scanning, or in transmitted light. The device can check not the entire surface, but several zones. In such a situation, separate optocoupler sensors are sufficient: an LED and a photodiode.

Scanning can be done in one color (usually red) or full color. In the second case, the scanner contains several color channels. And it's not always an RGB palette.

infrared image

This is one of the main machine-readable features. When creating a banknote, special metameric inks are used. They perfectly convey dark and light areas on banknotes under IR irradiation.

UV labels

The second sign is marks applied by phosphors. They are very visible under ultraviolet light.

Magnetic tags

Also, in some areas, paint with magnetic properties is used.

To recognize them, ATMs use special reading heads that look like ordinary tape recorders.

Special elements "I" and "M"

The protective element "I" consists of substances called anti-Stokes phosphors. They light up green when illuminated by intense infrared light.

As for the element "M", then the scheme of work is slightly different. If the banknote is illuminated alternately with 940 nm and 850 nm light, the element will appear to flash.

Of course, the Central Bank will not publish all the secrets in the public domain. Much is hidden from counterfeiters.

These measures do not always save

Unfortunately, scammers are constantly finding ways to scam ATMs. Therefore, bank employees are required to double-check all "cash" several times a day, and then transfer it to collectors.

Now banknotes with a face value of 5000 rubles are especially popular among counterfeiters, so they are given special attention. And it is for this reason that the same Sberbank will not let you put these bills in an ATM before the arrival of collectors.

We carefully check each banknote at the ATM before the arrival of the collection machine. If it contains at least a fake, the terminal will temporarily become unavailable to customers.

A technician is called in to check each element of the ATM. And after troubleshooting, the ATM is filled with money again and continues its work.

The most common problems with cards

The cardholder should know: the bank is obliged to reimburse him the funds if the debit from the account was not initiated by the client. True, the procedure for recovering funds can be lengthy and, in some cases, with litigation.

To protect yourself from possible troubles, you must not only sign, but also read the contract for servicing the card and read the memo to the client (a copy is given to the card holder). And in the contract (under which you put your signature, respectively, in court to challenge

you will no longer be able to do it), in particular, it is written that you cannot disclose the PIN code to third parties, that it is necessary to notify the bank in due time about changes in the details of your documents, about changing your place of residence and contact numbers, etc.

The most unpleasant emergency situations with the card, of course, are associated with its loss or outright fraud. Let's start with them.

Situation one.

Card lost (stolen)

If a card is lost, it is necessary to immediately inform the issuing bank so that it blocks the account. This is the first and most important step. If the bank finds out that the fraudulent charge to your card occurred after you discovered it was lost, but before you reported it to the bank, the money will not be refunded to you. This is an important point. Sometimes minutes count. And here, more than ever, the clarity of the work of the bank's "hot line" is important. When the author of this article, disguised as an injured client, tried to call the card user support service of one of the banks, it took him almost 20 minutes to connect with the "first free operator", during which he listened to full information about the bank's new services and a couple of classical pieces of music.

Situation two.

You have the card, but the money was debited from it without your knowledge

This situation has many variations. For example, the operation was carried out in one place, and at that time you were in another (pure fraud). Or, say, funds for paying for the same purchase were debited twice (not only fraud is possible here, but also some kind of technical failure). Or the cashier, after hesitating, reported that the operation on the card was not successful, but in fact the transaction was still carried out. Etc.

In all these cases, it is necessary to write an application to the issuing bank, that is, the bank that issued the card (the period during which it is possible to challenge the illegal write-off from the card account must be specified in "your" bank).

After receiving the application, the issuing bank and the acquiring bank will begin to figure out whose fault the unauthorized write-off occurred (or they will try to shift the blame to the point of sale and levy collection on it after reimbursement to you). In addition, I will also find out whether the affected client himself is a fraudster or his accomplice.

Banks may require a package of additional documents from the victim. For example, if a card transaction is detected somewhere in Indonesia (while the cardholder did not leave his country), such additional documents will be a copy of the passport and a certificate from the place of work stating that the employee was not on vacation.

If the banks themselves cannot figure out who is to blame, the payment system (Visa, MasterCard or another) comes into play. The bank, which considers itself the injured party, applies to the payment system with a request to write off the necessary amount of money from the allegedly guilty bank. This amount is written off without trial. If the bank from whose account the specified amount was debited does not agree, it will protest the debit. And then the payment system conducts arbitration and determines the "culprit" bank. There are nuances here.

Guilty, according to the rules of the transfer of responsibility, will be the party that did not switch to chip technologies (we wrote more about this last year). However, since Russian banks generally do not yet use the chip, guilt will be determined by the payment system according to other parameters. In general, the process of recovering illegally debited money can take from several days (if the case is obvious) to three or more months. At the same time, you may be refused a refund at all (for example, it is quite difficult to challenge ATM transactions, especially within the same city). But if it turns out that the client is deliberately trying to deceive the bank, this will entail criminal liability for him.

Situation three.

You are trying to dispute a card purchase transaction made online or over the phone

By and large, this situation is just a variation of the above. But its peculiarity lies in the fact that it is quite difficult to challenge transactions via the Internet and by phone. Some banks generally block Internet transactions (that is, they simply do not carry out authorization on the Internet), others carry out authorization, but prescribe in their rules that they are not responsible for fraudulent transactions on the Web and when paying for purchases by phone.

Above we discussed, if I may say so, "general" situations. Now let's talk in more detail about "abnormal" situations associated with ATMs.

Situation four.

ATM "ate" the card

This can happen due to entering the wrong PIN code three times, a malfunction of the ATM, the expiration of the time limit allotted for picking up the card, and for other reasons.

Find on the ATM the phone number of the bank (branch) that is responsible for its service support, and call there, preferably without leaving the ATM (be prepared to provide the address where the ATM is located).

It is also advisable to call your issuing bank (if the card was "eaten" by an ATM of another bank) so that your card is blocked.

If the phones on the ATM are hard to read (for example, at night) or you cannot determine which bank the ATM serves, call the customer support call center of your bank. It is better to write down the phone numbers of your bank / branch and call center and carry them with you (they are usually listed on the card, but if the ATM "ate" the card, it will be impossible to recognize them).

After you inform the bank about the problem with the ATM, the card will be returned to you in a few days. To obtain it, you may have to write an application. The money that you would like to withdraw from the card can be received at the bank branch, but for this you need to know its number and have an identity document with you.

Moreover, blocking the card itself is not an obstacle to withdrawing money.

If the card is "eaten" abroad, call the service center of your issuing bank (as noted above, write down and always have the necessary telephone numbers with you). After your call, the service center will send a fax to a foreign bank with a request to return the card to its holder. Or you can apply directly to a foreign bank if the level of foreign language proficiency allows you to explain the situation. In any case, the card will not be returned to you immediately, so it is advisable to block it as well.

If you do not remember the telephone number of "your" bank, you can contact the international service center of the payment system: in Visa it is Global Customer Assistance Service (GCAS), in MasterCard - MasterCard Global Service (MCGS). Their number can be found in any bank (each country has its own GCAS and MCGS number, and holders of cards of the Gold category and above, together with the issued card, receive special GCAS and MCGS phone numbers that you need to call if necessary, and for such customers on the line must be a Russian-speaking operator). The service center operator will contact your bank and the bank will block the card.

If you urgently need money abroad, almost all major banks have such a service as emergency cash withdrawal abroad in their card options package. But this pleasure is not cheap.

Situation five.

The ATM "spits out" the card and does not accept it for service

This happens if your card belongs to a payment system that is not served by this ATM (for example, a local pension card of a bank is not served by ATMs of other banks). Read the inscriptions on the ATM - there are logos of all the systems that it serves. If you do not find "your", go to another ATM. If everything is in order with the payment system, but the ATM still does not accept the card, try it in another machine. If another ATM did not accept the card, it is most likely damaged, and the ATM "does not see" it. Then the card will have to be reissued.

By the way, the magnetic strip on a plastic card can be damaged by an electromagnetic field. Therefore, it is not recommended to keep cards near radiation sources - car alarms. mobile phones, computers, TVs, etc.

Severe frosts can also interfere with the operation of ATMs - at temperatures below 35C degrees, the operation of an ATM may be disrupted.

Situation six.

The ATM did not dispense money or dispensed less, while the requested amount is printed on the check

This happens, but rarely. The procedure here is as follows: save the check issued by the ATM, record all the circumstances of what happened (including the denominations of which banknotes were issued, their numbers) and try to find witnesses who can confirm the fact that the entire amount was not given to you. Rewrite their coordinates (full name, phone number and preferably address) so that bank employees can interview them during the internal investigation. After that, immediately call your issuing bank (and not the ATM bank if you withdraw money from someone else's ATM) and report the incident. Next, go to the nearest branch of the bank and write a statement about the fact that you have received an incomplete amount of the requested funds and with a request to return the lost amount.

The application must be written in two copies, one is transferred to the bank, and the second remains with you, and make sure that the bank employee makes a note on your copy that the application has been received. If you are unable to take the application to the bank, you must send it by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt. Next, the bank will have to conduct an internal investigation (initiate an investigation in the bank servicing the ATM if you withdraw funds from an ATM of a “foreign” bank), check the ATM for excess funds, software failures, interview eyewitnesses, etc.

Based on the results of the investigation (it can take from 15 to 90 days, depending on the bank and the situation), you will be informed in writing about the results of the verification and the decision made - consent or refusal to return the amount you specified in the application.

Situation seven.

You did not have time to withdraw the money, and the ATM "pulled" it back

This happens if you hesitate and do not take the money within 30-60 seconds. The procedure is generally similar to that described above: keep the check, rewrite the witnesses, apply to the bank with a statement. After checking the surplus at the ATM, the money will be returned to you.

Situation eight.

Abroad, the ATM requires you to enter a six-digit PIN code

This is possible in some countries. In this case, simply add two zeros to your PIN (that is, instead of, for example, 1234, dial 123400).

Paper money is gradually disappearing from everyday use. Now you can pay for a communal apartment, order goods through an online store only using bank transfer. But what about those citizens who receive a salary in cash? To manage the funds, they have to put money into the card account through an ATM. And here another problem arises. Some aggregates turn out to accept paper money. Why don't working ATMs of Sberbank always accept completely whole cash banknotes?

Since Sberbank ATMs can perform a number of functions (payment of utility bills, card-to-card transfers, cash withdrawals, etc.), some of them do not accept paper money.

Sberbank has two types of machines that accept cash. For the safety of customers, they are most often located in the buildings of the bank itself. Simple machines that dispense funds are located at shopping centers, near the metro - wherever cash is required.

How to distinguish an ordinary ATM from the one that accepts cash? Pay attention to whether the device has receiver of money, additional cash slot.

Reception suspended due to a large number of fakes

But why does the working unit throw out the cash? For example, you put a pack into the receiving device, and the machine returns them back. Most often, 5000th bills are not accepted.

The problem appeared due to the fact that some terminals give an error when recognizing a fake. Even by a thousandth bill, it is easier to determine whether it is genuine or fake. The 5000th does not have a sufficient degree of protection.

Therefore, acceptance of banknotes of paper money in some ATMs is suspended. Sberbank, interested in the comfort of its customers, is conducting a scheduled software update to solve the problem. The work is aimed at improving the recognition of counterfeit banknotes with a face value of 5000 by terminals. But the update has not been completed yet, so not all devices credit new five-thousandth banknotes.

Technical difficulites

Have you chosen a unit with a bill acceptor, is there a corresponding function, do you submit thousands of banknotes, and the terminal “returns” them? Problems with a Sberbank ATM may arise if a client submits substandard cash or the machine is faulty.


  • Sticky banknotes;
  • Dirty money, covered in crumbs, sticky;
  • Torn banknotes;
  • With curled edges, wrinkled.

ATM malfunction:

  • Power outages;
  • Software failure;
  • The network equipment has failed.

In addition, the machine that accepts cash may simply be full. In this case, it is better to contact the Sberbank branch and send funds to the card account using a cashier.

There are many reasons why Sberbank terminals do not accept money: the lack of a cash acceptance function, protection against fakes, and a breakdown of the device.