Will they give me a loan if I have a loan? Will they give a loan if there is a debt in another bank? Where can I get a loan if I have debts?


When taking out a loan for a long time, the existing borrower may be faced with the need to conclude another loan agreement.

We will tell you further how many simultaneously opened loans one person can have.

When can a new loan be approved?

There is no clear answer to this question, since before providing a loan, the bank will check the potential client. The absence of delays on existing loans will increase the level of confidence in him and increase the chances of approval of the application. If there are open loans with overdue payments and fines, banks will refuse, since large financial companies do not cooperate with obviously problematic clients. You can find out where they can give you a loan to pay off another debt.

If you have a loan from the same bank?

Same treatment credit institution, with whom a valid agreement has been concluded, will not produce results. This rule is not written down anywhere, and it is considered unspoken. By default, it will not be possible to obtain two loans from one bank. All sorts of VIP clients to whom separate offers are made are not taken into account.

Having a credit card does not equate to credit obligations, and if correct use“credit cards” can be applied to the same bank to receive consumer loan.

Loan from another bank

The answer is contained in the amount of the potential borrower's official income. Having an income of 50,000 rubles, of which 20,000 rubles are spent on paying off obligations, there is no point in applying for a second loan. The application will be approved if there are no serious violations of third-party obligations, and if the income level allows you to pay under two agreements at the same time.

If there is a mortgage, will they provide a consumer loan?

The bank's decision will be influenced by the following circumstances:

  • balance of debt under the primary contract;
  • the applicant's current income;
  • the size of the requested loan;
  • credit history;
  • remaining term under the current contract.

These features together should allow the borrower to fulfill obligations under two agreements simultaneously.

IN third party bank If you have a mortgage, you can get a relatively small loan if the applicant’s income meets the requirements of the credit institution.

With debts from bailiffs?

Excluded. No institution will issue funds to a known unreliable borrower. The risks of non-return here are high, and even on the most unfavorable terms it will not be possible to conclude an agreement. This applies not only bank loans, but also loans provided by microfinance organizations, since despite the condition of issuing urgent loans without checks, they do not concern legal proceedings. You can get a loan online from an MFO with a bad credit history, but not an open debt from bailiffs.

Have a criminal record

A criminal record does not in any way affect the decision of a credit institution. There is no such requirement in the program descriptions of the largest banks. If the convicted applicant has a regular income, and if his credit history is satisfactory to the bank, then there will be no obstacles to concluding an agreement.

When you have bad credit history

Theoretically possible, but difficult. The bank may agree to conclude an agreement, but only on the most unfavorable terms for the borrower. At the same time, the history must be closed - that is, there should be no current delays. If at the time of application there are existing arrears, then the MFO will refuse to provide a loan.

No credit history

Lack of credit history is not the most positive quality of a conditional applicant, but the bank is loyal to this. Provided that, according to other requirements, the borrower is fully suitable to enter into an agreement with him. This shouldn't be about large sums, since the bank will not trust a lot of money to an entity that has never entered into contracts of this type.


Official employment is required if you intend to enter into a mortgage agreement. “Classic” consumer loans require a regular income. It is theoretically possible to get a loan without a certificate of income, and most Russian banks have such a product. But the conditions here will be somewhat worse than in the case of providing supporting data. If you don’t have a job or any income, you can get a small loan from a microfinance organization.

The main percentage of problem loans comes from unemployed borrowers. Taking funds without confidence that they will be returned on time is an extremely unwise step.

Today, every second citizen of our country pays off a loan. People with a mortgage want to go on vacation. The car loan payer's TV broke down. There are a lot of life situations that arise. What to do? Will they give me a loan, if any? outstanding loans and how much should I expect?

It is worth noting that outstanding loans will not serve as an obstacle. On p The lender's decision is influenced by the prevailing circumstances and the borrower's finances.

How will your existing loan affect the lender's decision?

When requesting another loan, the bank first of all checks the borrower’s credit history. Let us immediately make a reservation that its absence is generally regarded negatively by creditors. Such clients, of course, are unlikely to be refused. But increasing the interest rate and extending the loan term is sacred.

So, the lender pays attention to the presence of closed and open loans and overdue loans in your credit history.

There are cases out of competition when:

  • the borrower's income covers current and future payments;
  • The loan is secured by expensive collateral;
  • The guarantor is a large legal entity.

Other cases are considered in individually. When assessing solvency, the bank evaluates credit load. It is calculated as a percentage of the borrower's total income. That is, the larger the share of income taken up by payments, the stricter the conditions for issuance will be and the higher the likelihood of refusal.

The number of dependent family members, the presence of real estate, and current obligations are also taken into account.

Also influences type of loan requested. If the borrower has a mortgage, then, of course, they will not give him another one. They will also not give you a large loan or a loan for business development. But getting a credit card, a small loan, or buying goods in a store on credit is quite possible. That is, it is necessary to request a different loan, different from the current one.

Another parameter - number of active loans. Of course, the bank will think about the advisability of issuing a new loan if the client has several existing loans. There is a high probability of getting confused in scheduled payments. In this regard, many banks offer a refinancing service by combining them into a single loan. A longer lending period will reduce monthly payments and interest rate.

Remember In order to receive loans without hindrance, it is necessary to make all payments on schedule without delay, and to keep your credit history “clean and in order.”

Finding out the chances of approval of a new loan

In order for your credit history to become, if not ideal, then at least good, it is necessary to constantly monitor it. Then the borrower will not have problems obtaining loans. Online credit history checking services are now widespread. The best way to find out if they will give you a loan if you have outstanding loans is at BKI24 ↪.

According to user reviews, this is the best service that provides fresh and reliable information. User-friendly interface, minimal amount of requested data. By transferring your personal data to the official BKI24.INFO service, you can be absolutely calm about their confidentiality.

After submitting the application, the result will be sent to email specified in the request, already after 15 minutes. For a relatively small fee, borrowers will receive a very detailed and informative 5-page report. And for those looking for additional credit, this is simply a treasure trove of information. Because, in addition to your credit history and all related information, the report also provides assessing the likelihood of approval of a new loan. Regarding this issue, the report shows:

🔷 probability of failure;

🔷 probability of approval of a new loan by the bank in percentage;

🔷 credit scoring and the reasons that influenced the scoring score;

🔷 types and amounts of loans that will be approved for you.

An example of a credit history report looks like this: *.

Overdue and new loan. What to count on?

The most important part credit report is information about the presence of overdue payments. It is of decisive importance when the bank’s credit committee makes a decision on issuing the next loan.

Borrowers with loan debt are divided into two types: without delays and with them. For the former, all roads are open. For the latter, the picture looks much sadder. Banks are not afraid of short-term delays. But if they are systematic, then the credit committee will think deeply. Long delays will make obtaining a new loan almost impossible. The only way out is to contact a microfinance organization.

Don't get carried away! Having more than two loans drives a person into a deep hole of debt.

Scheduled payments must be made on time. If you have current loans without arrears, contact your bank. You will be considered a conscientious client and will be treated loyally. Track your credit history on the service ↪ BKI24.INFO to know what to expect.

Will they give a loan if there are outstanding loans - where to find out? was last modified: August 30, 2017 by Alexander Nevskiy

Loans up to 100,000 rubles

  • up to 100,000 rubles
  • 1 year.

Consumer loans

  • 50,000 - 3,000,000 rubles
  • up to 7 years
  • 1–25 million rub.
  • 6–30 years

Lending is a popular service among the population. However, not every payer turns out to be moderately disciplined; some citizens sometimes cannot pay the amounts specified in the agreement on time or simply forget to do it on time. This is how an overdue loan debt arises. What should such borrowers do if they urgently need money again? Is it possible to get new loan, having a previous delay on target loans, car loans or mortgages? These are the questions that need to be sorted out.

What can be considered an overdue debt?

If the payment is not made on time or is not received on the required date to the creditor’s account, then the borrower becomes a debtor. It is customary to distinguish two types of such debt: technical and long-term.

  1. Technically expired(short-term debt). There are cases when the payer promptly paid the prescribed loan agreement amount, but for technical reasons it was not reflected in receipts on time. Technical debt can reach one to two weeks, and for such a delay the borrower will not be classified as a willful defaulter with a bad credit history. Most often, information about such a fact is not stored anywhere.
  2. Long-term debt. We can talk about it when the payment deadline is missed, the payment debt accumulates, and the borrower is in no hurry to pay it off. However, such a loan that is currently overdue can still be repaid by paying penalties to the bank. If the borrower stops making payments to repay the loan completely, then information about him ends up in the general database of the Credit History Bureau (BKI), and in the future it will be difficult for him to obtain new loans, especially in large banks.

Refinancing service

Many banks are ready to enter into the position of the borrower and reconsider the terms of the loan and the terms of its repayment, offering loan refinancing. Thus, the bank can decide to refinance based on the client’s application.

Some responsible citizens, seeing that they are unable to pay on time, make similar applications before the delay occurs and the “final” occurs with a bad credit history. For such borrowers it is enough to confirm the deterioration of their financial situation, and banks refinance an already issued loan so that the client can fully fulfill his loan obligations.

The refinancing procedure usually follows two schemes:

  • Revision of the terms of an already issued loan (reducing the amount monthly amount payments, increase in return periods);
  • Applying for a new loan to repay a previously taken loan.

How to get a new loan with outstanding

Banking experts advise using the following methods:

  1. In the presence of short-term debt contact the creditor bank that provided the cash, or another organization with a request for a new loan. If the overdue period is no more than 2 weeks, then information about it can hardly be found in the general database, and there will be no obstacles to issuing a loan.
  2. If the debt has already grown into a long-term one (more than a month), then there is still a chance to receive cash in the form of a credit card. Most banks accept an application for its registration via the Internet, and present minimum requirements to borrowers. Almost all major banks in the country provide this service.
  3. If banks refuse to issue new loans, then an overdue loan will not become an obstacle to applying to microfinance organizations. These are private companies that work practically without refusal and are very likely to give a loan, despite the presence of other debt obligations. They do not impose serious requirements for documents confirming solvency, and the application is processed in a very short time. However, it should be borne in mind that money here is given for a short time and at a low price. high interest rates.

Amounts and terms of credit

If a citizen has overdue debts, then from banks he can count on receiving a new loan for a period of no more than 5-7 years. The loan amount in this case is unlikely to be large and will most likely be no more than 300-500 thousand rubles; interest rates may also be higher.

In addition, the bank may request the provision of documents confirming the borrower’s solvency, including securing the loan with existing property, and also offer to conclude an agreement personal insurance, protecting yourself in case the borrower loses his ability to work.

The processing time for a client’s application with an overdue payment can range from 3 days to 1 month.

Which banks provide loans with open arrears?

Where can people with existing debt get a loan? Many financial institutions, wanting to retain existing clients, as well as attract new ones, are ready to lend to borrowers with a bad credit history or outstanding debt and give them a second chance. Among them we can distinguish not only small organizations, but also quite large structures.

Banks that provide loans even in case of overdue payments:

Vostochny Bank - receiving cash without refusal

This credit institution is widely known among borrowers for its low refusal rate, so getting a loan with overdue debt is quite possible here.

The minimum interest rate is 12%, and you can start processing your application by providing only your passport details. The amount you can count on will most likely not exceed 200 thousand. However, if the client has property that he is ready to provide as collateral, the amount and term of the loan can be revised upward.

Consumer loan or refinancing at VTB 24

Another financial structure that is ready to assist clients in obtaining loans with open arrears. In this case, you can choose whether it will be a targeted loan or a desire to refinance an existing one.

The last option, in turn, is best solution to eliminate the consequences of previous unsuccessful lending. So, you can get from 100 thousand to 3 million rubles at 12.9% per annum. Categories of citizens related to government officials, doctors, teachers, as well as clients salary projects may have additional benefits.

In addition, it is possible, if necessary, to delay making the next payment by using the “Credit Holidays” service.

Consolidation of all other loans into one at Alfa-Bank

A reliable credit institution, ready to provide both new loans and refinance debts of other banks. It is enough to place an application on the Alfa-Bank website and receive a decision within 15 minutes.

This is also one of those organizations that does not impose registration additional services to your clients and ready.

The minimum percentage is 11.99%, and the amount you can count on can vary up to 3 million rubles.

Advantageous offer from Touch Bank

European company providing loans in the form of a credit card. Its activities are carried out exclusively via the Internet, so you can apply for a card directly on the organization’s website.

Credit limit can be different, up to 1 million rubles, for a period of up to 5 years. At the same time, no additional fees are charged for cash withdrawal; to do this, you just need to switch the card to consumer loan mode, which is very convenient. In addition, part Money can be used to make cashless purchases.

There are other undeniable advantages of registering a card with this bank, one of them is receiving cashback for purchases, the ability to store funds in different currencies, fast Money transfers And so on.

Pay off your loan with a Tinkoff card and don’t pay interest for 4 months

Tinkoff Bank is also ready to provide significant assistance with overdue loans, providing funds at 0% interest for 120 days. This program was specially designed so that the borrower could easily fulfill loan obligations assumed at another bank, and also have a deferment of several months on new payments.

Immediately after the card is issued, funds can be transferred to the bank where the client has a bank account. unclosed loan, for performing this operation additional interest will not be charged.

In the future, after the credit limit is renewed, the card can be used as a regular credit card, make purchases with it and receive bonuses from partner stores.

Who has the greatest chance of getting a loan with open arrears?

When opening a new line of credit, the bank carefully examines the client’s identity and information about his financial solvency. Bank services are especially attentive to those borrowers who already have a loan with current arrears. Thus, young people can count on receiving cash upon reaching the age of 21–23. In addition, for males under the age of 27, the issue of military service must be resolved and documented.

As for older people, it is quite difficult for them to get even a first loan. However, due to Soviet upbringing, in most cases they are disciplined payers, which can be a strong argument in favor.

In people involved entrepreneurial activity, the chances of getting a large loan are much less than those who are employed.

When issuing finance to people with a bad credit history, the bank takes into account many aspects. The following conditions may be arguments in favor of an unscrupulous borrower:

  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • presence of registration in the region where the credit institution operates;
  • permanent employment;
  • the existing delay is no more than 2-3 months.

Besides, financial institution gladly gives cash to debtors who are willing to provide solvent guarantors. Of course, the more reliable and wealthy the person vouching for the client, the greater the chances of approval of such a loan. An impeccable credit history and a high level of income are an ideal option.

What documents need to be provided

When applying to a bank for a loan, you should not conceal information about existing debt. Any concealment of information by the client will be interpreted not in his favor, and the consequences of such an act can be very disastrous, up to and including adding the citizen to the “black list”.

To receive funds, you must provide at least two documents as a citizen of the Russian Federation: a passport, as well as an INN or SNILS.

Additional information of interest to the bank can be confirmed by the following provided by the borrower:

  • a copy of the work book;
  • salary certificate;
  • driver's license;
  • international passport with border crossing marks, etc.

If a citizen is counting on collateral for a loan, then among the mandatory list of documents there will be certificates of ownership of items and objects owned by the borrower.

Obtaining a loan if you have existing debt can be a solution to financial difficulties that have arisen. Its registration does not take much time, although it requires the provision of a complete package of documents. But don't forget that new loan will increase the financial burden of the debtor, and is also issued at higher interest rates. Therefore, before applying for a second loan, you need to thoroughly assess your financial capabilities, and it is best to avoid delays so that the situation with a bad credit history does not arise in the first place.

Banks not only accumulate significant monetary resources, but also give them movement, directing them to those who this moment needs them. However, banks are interested not only in issuing resources at interest, but also in their unconditional return in accordance with the schedule specified in the agreement.

The schedule provides monthly payments interest and repayment of part of the principal debt. The borrower directs funds for this from his income, reducing them accordingly.

The second loan taken out entails a new repayment schedule, new monthly payments and another decrease in total income. Therefore, banks quite rightly treat a client who comes for a second or even third loan with some distrust.

At the same time, a shadow of mistrust also falls on a whole group of completely reliable and solvent potential borrowers who, while continuing to feel the need for additional financial resources, are looking for and successfully finding options for obtaining them.

The least troublesome process in terms of providing documents is to contact a private person who provides a loan under a loan agreement. To sign the contract, only one document is required - general passport.

The agreement specifies the amount, interest, and terms for the return of funds received. For the basis of calculus interest rate it takes a day or a week, so these types of loans are usually taken out for a short period and for small amounts.

Microloans for a short period

MFOs manage more significant resources compared to private owners ( microfinance organizations), which means the loan amount may be significantly larger. Microloans are issued for a period of up to a month. The interest rate on such loans is also calculated based on payments per day or week.

Name, organization Min borrower age Min. rate, per day Max. amount, ₽ Max. loan term MFO website
18 1% 15 000 30 days
21 0,9% 15 000 21 day
18 1,5% 20 000 30 days
18 1,9% 25 000 16 days
18 0% 10 000 25 days
18 1,7% 15 000 21 day
18 2,2% 10 000 20 days
21 0,4% 80 000 30 days

Second credit card loan

If money is needed for a period of several months, then the final overpayment when repaying the debt to a private individual or microfinance organization may be a significant amount. In this case, the best option is to apply for a credit card. To obtain it, proof of income is not required, which means the question of what type of loan it is, second or third, is not relevant.

Credit card interest rates are calculated on an annual basis. The final overpayment can be reduced if you choose the most suitable product ( for example, from the line offered Bank Tinkoff ) and use it rationally Grace period cards.

Delivered by courier the next day after ordering. Clients with damaged credit history can apply for a card. The credit limit is set individually!

Having a loan on hand will not create obstacles when contacting a bank Renaissance Credit And Eastern Express bank. The retail they offer is designed to cover the widest possible segments of the solvent population. Including those groups that cannot ( or don't want to) document your income.

Credit limit up to 500,000 ₽

Loan rate 15,99–30,99%

Term from 24 to 60 months

Income proof

Not required

The loan is provided on the basis of 2 documents - a passport and any other of the following: driver's license, diploma of education, Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), pension certificate, military ID, international passport.

Loan for any purpose without a 2NDFL certificate. To receive a reduced interest rate, the client can provide documents confirming the amount monthly income including the bank form.

The life of the majority of the population is such that making any purchases in cash is quite problematic. Therefore, meeting a person who does not repay a loan is rare today. Sometimes the need to use bank services arises for existing payers for credit debt. The question naturally arises: will a person be given a loan if he already has outstanding loans?

What is the probability of getting a second loan?

Even those who are already paying existing loan, it is possible to get a new loan from the bank. However, before approving the received application, bank employees evaluate their potential client from the point of view of solvency.

The first thing people pay attention to is the level of his income, including salary, pension and other benefits. Expenses associated with loan repayments should not exceed 40% of income. When considering an application, the number of existing loans, the timeliness of making payments on them, and the total amount of debt to credit institutions are analyzed. The age of the borrower and the presence or absence of dependents are not ignored. The client is assessed, and based on the data received, a decision is made to approve or reject the loan application.

The chances of getting a re-loan increase significantly in the following cases:

  • the client provides expensive collateral as a guarantee of debt repayment;
  • the borrower has a guarantor, which is a legal entity;
  • high income of the loan recipient, allowing you to easily pay off the financial institution.

Different types of lending

Whether it will be possible to take out a loan if there are other outstanding loans depends on what type of lending the borrower wants to resort to. , as a rule, requires significant financial costs. Therefore, those wishing to apply for a second mortgage loan will most likely receive a refusal from the bank. Taking out a consumer loan while simultaneously paying off a mortgage is theoretically possible. In this case, the bank's response depends on the borrower's solvency.

If borrowing funds is required to make large purchases, for example, equipment or electronics, it is best to use the services of a bank directly in the store. This will increase your chances of getting your loan approved.

If, when considering an application for a consumer loan, financial institutions carefully approach the decision, then in the case of credit cards, everything is much simpler. Get a credit card at a small amount It’s possible even if you have unpaid loans. A reasonable question arises: will the bank issue a loan if the client has credit card? In most cases the answer is yes. The card does not impose a large financial burden on its holder, so its presence has minimal impact on the chances of obtaining a new loan.

Where to apply for a new loan?

Competition among credit institutions promotes the regular appearance of new offers in order to expand the customer audience. Therefore, having decided to take out a new loan in parallel with existing debts, it is worth considering the offers of several banks at once and sending applications to them. Rejection of an application by one bank does not mean that a similar response will follow from another potential lender.

Particular attention should be paid to financial organizations with which we already have experience of cooperation. For example, being a holder debit card issued by a certain bank, the chances of getting a loan from it increase significantly.

A loan refusal obliges the failed client to wait a certain period before applying again. The average waiting time is usually between one and three months.

What will prevent the approval of a new loan?

The main problem that attracts attention financial organizations when considering a loan application, this is the presence of delays in repayment of previous loans. Clients who made loan payments on time have a positive credit history.

As a rule, this is their undoubted advantage, which will allow you to repeatedly use the services of lenders. Even the presence of such an episode, which happened once, will not hinder the borrower. However, if, the chances of getting a new loan will be significantly reduced.

Is it worth contacting microfinance organizations?

Along with financial giants, microfinance organizations are engaged in lending to the population. The requirements that they provide to their clients are usually more loyal. However, the overpayment on the loan will be several times higher compared to large banks. Contacting such companies may be the only way out for those who need borrowed funds, and banks refuse to issue them.

Consolidation of loans

Excessive enthusiasm for processing loans for running costs may lead to serious financial problems. When parallel repayment of several loans becomes an excessive burden, loan refinancing can come to the rescue of the unfortunate borrower.

This service is provided by many banks. Its essence is to combine several loans into one. The benefit may be a reduction in monthly premiums, which in some cases is a necessity. In addition, if the client’s solvency allows, the restructuring service may include the issuance of additional funds.