How to get a loan on Beeline. Beeline: how to get a loan on your phone. How to find out your credit limit and debt


Beeline subscribers have access to various lending methods that allow them to always stay in touch if they are unable to replenish their account on time. To do this, just connect one of the available options.

Service "Trust payment"

The option is intended for all subscribers of the operator, regardless of the tariff used and the region of its connection. If it is necessary to obtain a loan, the client must send a corresponding request, after which the company will transfer a certain amount to the balance. Moreover, the available loan size depends on how much a person spends on mobile communication services. Unlike other providers, Beeline provides loans not only for conversations, but also for Internet use.

Terms of service:

"Autopayment" service

Thanks to this option, the subscriber himself can determine the amount that will be automatically transferred to his mobile account from his bank card without commission. No money is charged for connecting to the service, even if you are in a roaming zone.

  • Activation of the option is carried out in your Personal Account, you just need to check that another card is not linked to the SIM card;
    - How to log into your Personal Account using your phone number?
  • Use the combination *114*3*[special code]#, after dialing which click on the call.
  • To disable "Autopayment" use the combination *114*0*[special code]#, which you can dial and press the call key.

How to get a loan on a modem

To receive a loan on a modem device, you need to:

  • There was no more than 60 rubles in the account and no less than 30 rubles;
  • Spending on services cellular communication for the previous few months were more than 50 rubles.

The maximum available loan amount is 300 rubles. It is formed depending on the amount of expenses in recent months. The money can be used for three days, during which the balance must be topped up. After this period, the debt will be written off automatically.

To activate the service, use the combination *141#, after dialing which you need to click on the call.

The useful services that the Beeline network operator provides to its customers will help you always stay in touch. If you use one of them, your mobile account, which is approaching zero, will be temporarily replenished. How to get a loan on Beeline? There are three options.

Trust payment

The option can be provided by command *141# in cases where the balance approaches the shutdown threshold, or is already “at zero” (BUT not below the zero mark).

  • This service can be used by Beeline subscribers who have been its customers for more than two months and spent at least 50 rubles on cellular communications over the last 3 months.
  • The term of the promised payment is 5 days, during which the subscriber is obliged to cover the payment. If funds are not received within the specified period, mobile communications are interrupted until the debt is repaid.
  • The loan amount depends on the amount spent by the client on mobile communications within two last months. So with the amount of expenses< 100 рублей обещанный платеж будет равен 30 рублям. Если же на связь потрачено более 100 рублей, кредит будет доступен в размере от 100 до 500 рублей, НО услуга станет платной и составит 20 рублей.

To find out the exact amount possible loan, you should dial the command *141*7# and listen to the operator’s automatic message.

Customers who use tariffs that require a monthly subscription fee are provided with a credit in the amount of the cost of the tariff plan as part of this service.

The “Trust payment” service is not available to subscribers of the postpaid payment system, regardless of the tariff plan.

Auto-trust payment

This service is provided by the Beeline operator at the moment when the amount on the balance crosses the threshold of 50 rubles.

To activate the service, dial *141*11#

Disabling “Auto-trust payment” is carried out using the command *141*10#

  • The loan is available only to subscribers of the prepaid payment system who connected to the operator more than 2 months ago and spent at least 150 rubles on cellular communications over the last 3 months.
  • Funds are credited by Beeline for a period of three days, after which the provided amount is debited from the account automatically.
  • Re-activation of “Auto-Trust Payment” may not be available within 24 hours after the previous debt is repaid.
  • The loan amount depends on the amount of money spent on communications over the last 3 months. You can recognize her by command *141*9#
  • The “Autopayment” service is activated free of charge, including when you are in roaming.
  • The balance is topped up from a bank card linked to your mobile account automatically and without any commission charged.

To plug this service possible in . If a card has already been linked to the account, you should enter the command *114*3*[secret code]# or also configure the option in your personal account.

You can disable AutoPay using the command *114*0*[secret code]#

» » Ways to get a loan from Beeline

Many of our compatriots own numbers of the Beeline mobile operator. The operator offers interesting conditions for communication services. At the same time, situations when your phone account runs out of funds and there is no way to top it up can still occur. This is due to completely different reasons. You can solve the problem that has arisen by borrowing from the operator. Let's try to figure out how to get a loan on Beeline on your phone and what conditions exist.

Please note that before taking out a loan, It is recommended to take the most responsible approach to studying the conditions. Otherwise, a situation may arise where you owe money to the operator.

Features of providing lending services

If the balance of your phone number in the Beeline network tends to zero and you do not have the opportunity to replenish your account, then you can borrow money. To do this, you should use a service called trust payment. It should be noted that the service is quite convenient if you are on a business trip or a long trip and accidentally find out that you have run out of funds in your account. In order to take out a loan for a Beeline phone, you must own the phone number for at least two months. Some tariff plans offer the possibility of borrowing if you own the number for three months. Please note that the amount that can be borrowed from the bank depends on the amount Money consumed from a phone number for a certain period. Most often, the operator determines the amount for three months.

Now let’s try to figure out how to get a loan from Beeline on your phone, and also find out the cost of the service and the nuances of its deactivation. In order to activate this service, you must enter the command * (141) #. Next, you should confirm your action in the menu that opens. Please note that the price for connecting this service is 15 Russian rubles. If in the future you want to deactivate this service, the cost of this action will be 45 Russian rubles.

In addition, to activate or deactivate the service you must call technical support. In this case, the contact center specialist will need to provide the requested data, including information from his civil passport, on which the number was issued mobile phone.

Under what conditions is a Beeline loan provided to a phone number?

So, depending on the tariff plan used, A Beeline telephone loan can be issued after two or three months of using the service. In this case, a person also needs to spend an amount exceeding 50 Russian rubles over the last 90 days. For individual tariffs, given period is 180 days and the amount doubles - up to 180 rubles.

After the service is activated, funds in a certain amount will be credited to the phone number. It should be noted that after connecting the service, its validity period will be three days. During this period of time, you can repay the debt without fees. If payment is not made within three days, interest on the debt will be charged to the phone number.

Please note that a loan for a Beeline phone can be provided in different sizes. The following conditions apply:

  1. If a person spends from 50 to 70 rubles per month on communications, then 30 rubles will be provided as a trust payment.
  2. If more than 70 Russian rubles are spent, then a person can count on receiving 300 rubles. In this case, the cost of using the service will be 20 rubles.

When borrowing money to a phone number, you need to make sure that you can repay the amount of debt within the specified period. Otherwise, all this may end with the number being blocked, and financial claims will be made by the Beeline cellular operator.


In general, the question of how to get a Beeline loan for a phone is not particularly difficult. However, a person who has never completed these steps before may still have certain questions or concerns when applying. If a similar situation arises, you can always seek help from the consultants of the mobile operator’s contact center or personally visit the Beeline office, where specialists will be able to provide qualified assistance.

Money is “evil”. You walk into a store and there’s not enough “evil”! As you know, money always runs out at the most inopportune moment. Before you had time to make a call or open a page on the Internet, you failed. The Beeline operator helps its clients deal with failures. In exchange for difficulties, he offers an option such as taking out a loan on Beeline. This article will look at how to borrow money on Beeline and how to return payments correctly.

How to take a Beeline trust payment

What kind of interesting “trust payment” service is this, with the help of which you can take a small credit of trust and save the situation? The mobile phone account will receive a saving amount if subscribers pay at least 50 rubles in advance for communication services per month. How the “payment assistant” service is used and activated is discussed below.

To phone

How to get a trust loan on Beeline for telephone conversations? By following simple instructions, you can easily activate this service:

  1. We dial the mobile command *141#. If your expenses for a three-month period of using mobile communications reach an amount above 3 thousand rubles, your account will be replenished with 300 rubles. The condition for receiving this amount is a balance not exceeding 90 rubles.
  2. If your expenses fluctuated between 1,500 and 3,000 rubles during the month, then the amount of the trust payment will be set at 150 rubles with an account balance of no more than 60 rubles.
  3. When mobile communications expenses per month reach 100 - 1500 rubles, the client will receive 90 rubles with a balance not exceeding 60 rubles.
  4. When spending less than 100 rubles, the subscriber's account will be replenished with 30 rubles, provided it does not exceed the same amount.
  5. The service is valid for three days. After this period has expired, the amount will be written off.
  6. If the subscriber is in international roaming, the service will last up to seven days.
  7. Hi-Light Club members receive additional privileges, valid at a certain moment, about which he can find out through the official website of the company or from representatives.
  8. It will be possible to re-borrow a day after the amount received was written off earlier.

On the Internet

Your subscription fee is about to be charged, but you can’t pay? The Internet trust payment service is also active and the use of communication services will continue. The service fee upon connection will be fully covered by the accrual on the day of debiting. Additional service is to add the missing amount to change the tariff. How to borrow money for the Internet? Submit an application in your Personal Account. You will do this if:

  • Your internet plan is unlimited.
  • The amount on the balance is not enough to pay the amount monthly payment.
  • No more than a week until the end of the calculation period.
  • No more than 30 days have passed since the end of the estimated time.

How to find out your credit limit and debt

In order to find out how much Beeline will give you after connecting the trust payment, dial the combination *141*7#. Then, from the options offered, select the “Internet Assistant” item, send a service request and receive a message about the amount of money received. Remember that the connection service is provided for a fee and costs 15 rubles.

How to disable trust payment

The service from Beeline is your initiative, so there is no need to disable the service. If you don't want it, don't order it. There is an option to ban the service - call 0611 and set the ban. Reverse connection is only possible with a passport from the operator. Monitor all movements of your services through the website - this will simplify the process of obtaining the necessary information.

How to apply for a Beeline credit card

Many residents of our vast country need to receive credit funds. How to take favorable loan on Beeline? It is more convenient to get a loan without overpayment for bank card online. The loan terms will explain how to get needed loan. Beeline credit limit on the card is issued by Alfa Bank from 11 to 150 thousand rubles. Credit sources are decreasing interest rate, amounting to 27.99% per annum, if the client provides a certificate of wages. Grace period lasts 2 months.

Very often we do not have enough money to mobile account for communication, but there is no way to top up the phone. Therefore, Beeline with a minus gives interest-free loan trust by your mobile phone number. The installment plan is given for a certain period of time, after which the account must be topped up in cash, otherwise the loan will not allow you to use services from Beeline. We will discuss how to get a loan on Beeline below, taking into account the terms of the loan, those who can borrow money, and how quickly the loan is repaid.

Features and description

Trust payment is one of the most popular services from Beeline, because it allows you to instantly replenish your balance on credit for calls, messages and the Internet, but with the return of the amount with interest within up to a week. Typically, a trust loan is issued for five days; the loan amount will depend on how much you have spent on communications over the past three months and how long you have been using the services.

In order to find out possible variant loan, dial *141*7#, and to order the service - *141#. A loan is available for those whose balance is less than 60 rubles, but at such rates as guest, maximum amount will not be more than 80 rubles.

Remember that for each activation of the service you will have to pay from 15 rubles, and installments will be issued only to those who have spent at least 60 rubles on communications over the past two months.

Terms of service

The main conditions for issuance include:

  • The user must use the SIM card for at least three months;
  • Installment plans are issued only with activated prepayment on the account;
  • The account minimum should be about 60 rubles;
  • The loan size differs and is assigned on an individual basis;
  • The loan is valid for up to five days;
  • For roaming users, the period will be up to a week;
  • You can take out a second loan only one day after the previous debt has been fully repaid.

It will be useful to view:

The amount is calculated as follows:

Phone credit

In the first case it is done like this:

  1. Dial *141# and the call button, having previously clarified the conditions with the operator;
  2. After confirmation, you will receive an activation message;
  3. About 15 rubles will be charged for the service;
  4. You can also call 064012, when the replenishment will occur via voice notification;
  5. The loan will be written off with interest after five days, after which you need to top up your account.

If you borrow money online, follow these recommendations:

  • Go to Personal Area on the official Beeline website;
  • Go to the finance section;
  • Find the button for replenishing your account and trust credit;
  • Enter the number in the box and confirm the request;
  • The amount will be displayed automatically after analyzing your spending;
  • After five days of use, top up your balance, otherwise your account will be blocked.

Go to the Services section - Mobile communications Select from the list of offers - Trust payment
Enter your number and click on the Get code button

Automatic credit payment

When automatic credit payment is activated, additional funds will be ordered automatically when the phone balance is low.

For this, 15 rubles are charged each time and you cannot control the process. This option is convenient for business people who constantly need to be in touch.

To activate, you need to call the operator at 0611 or go to your personal account in the service management section.

Internet loan

A loan for the Internet is no different from an operator topping up an account for client calls, but it is not minutes or money that are issued, but traffic.

Main features along with this:

  1. Unlimited package;
  2. The account must have a minimum amount;
  3. There must be at least a week before the tariff is activated;
  4. The loan is valid for a week;
  5. For new clients, the service is valid for no more than a day.

To activate a traffic loan you need:

  • Go to the Beeline website via Wi-Fi;
  • Go to your personal account and the “Internet” section;
  • Go to the section “Using a trust loan”;
  • Confirm selection;
  • After replenishing your account, a notification will appear in your personal account;
  • The amount will be calculated automatically, taking into account monthly fees.

Credit on Beeline modem

To extend the use of the modem, you need to take into account the following lending features:

  1. The balance must be at least 30 rubles;
  2. Expenses for three months are at least 50 rubles;
  3. The loan amount will not exceed 300.;
  4. You can use the service for no more than three days.

To order, just dial *141# and call through the device management program, after which you will receive a notification in your personal account or on your phone.

How to disable the service?

After replenishing the account and returning the debt, the service is deactivated itself, but it can be completely blocked so as not to go into debt again.

This can be done only after five days after the amount has been provided and the entire loan has been returned. Next, you need to call 0611, contact the operator, give the information on the number and confirm freezing the option.

Call number 0611

To start using the trust payment again, you will have to fill out an application and come to the company’s office with your passport, so make an informed decision.


A similar service with a trust payment is considered convenient if you urgently need to top up your account once or twice, but there is not enough cash. Then you can continue sending messages, calling and communicating even abroad.

The main thing is to repay the debt on time and monitor the balance. Regarding automatic payment or completely freezing the option, it is better to think several times, because reversing the situation will be much more difficult, and you may lose extra money.